State Medical Marijuana Program Implementation Timeline

The Following Chart Summarizes Each Medical Marijuana Program’s Timeline for Implementa?on: State Year Enacted Date When State Began Accep?ng ID Card Applica?ons Dispensaries (or the equivalent) and Timelines for Their Implementa?on Comments Alaska Nov. 1998 Early June 1999 N/A — Law does not include state dispensary registra>ons. However, voters approved regula>ng marijuana for adults' use in Nov. 2014. Regula>ons are due by Nov. 2015. The first licenses should be issued by May 2016. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took about seven months. The first licenses for adult use businesses are an>cipated about 18 months aSer the law's enactment. Arizona Nov. 2010 April 14, 2011 The Arizona Department of Health Services published final rules on March 28, 2011. Dispensaries were granted cer>ficates on Aug. 7, 2012, and the first one opened in Dec. 2012. The Department issued addi>onal rules on Dec. 28, 2012. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took about 5 1/2 months. An unsuccessful lawsuit by Gov. Jan Brewer delayed the implementa>on of dispensaries. The first dispensaries opened 25 months aSer the passage of the state law. California Nov. 1996; voluntary ID cards enacted in Oct. 2003; funding enacted July 31, 2004 Each of 58 coun>es had to implement ID cards and some delayed. An ini>al pilot program began in Fall 2005. Two small coun>es s>ll have not implemented ID cards. N/A — Although there are hundreds of dispensaries in California, its state law does not include state dispensary registra>ons. The county^by^county implementa>on of ID cards in California has not been a successful model. Some coun>es dragged their feet, and three even sued (unsuccessfully) to claim the law was preempted by federal law. Colorado Nov. 2000: Voter amendment to cons>tu>on; June 2010: dispensary law June 1, 2001 Dispensaries already existed before the state law passed in June 2010. They had to complete state forms and pay a fee by Aug. 1, 2010. Dispensary regula>ons were finalized on June 15, 2011 and went into effect on July 30, 2011. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took just under seven months. The dispensary regula>on bill began phasing in within two months of its passage, with the ini>al state form and fees due. Dispensary regula>ons were finalized and went into effect within one year of the law’s passage. Connec?cut May 2012 Temporary registra>ons became available on Oct. 1, 2012. The state began accep>ng applica>ons in Sept. 2013, and the deadline was Nov. 15, 2013. As of July 2015, four cul>va>on centers and six dispensaries have been licensed. The first dispensaries opened in Oct. 2014. Temporary pa>ent ID cards became available within five months of the law’s passage. The first dispensaries opened about two years and five months aSer the law's passage. Delaware Passed May 2011; effec>ve July 1, 2011 July 2, 2012 Final regula>ons were approved in Jan. 2014. First pilot medical marijuana "compassion center" was approved on Aug. 11, 2014. The First State Compassion Center opened on June 26, 2015. Gov. Jack Markell significantly delayed implementa>on in light of a leher he received from Delaware's U.S. ahorney in Feb. 2012. Markell decided to re^start the program in Aug. 2013, but with only one pilot compassion center. That center was approved about three years and three months aSer the law's enactment and opened four years aSer enactment. District of Columbia Nov. 1998 ini>a>ve. Due to Congressional interven>on, the law did not go into effect un>l 2010. The D.C. Council revised it in May 2010, and it went into effect in July 2010. June 11, 2013 Regula>ons were published and went into effect on April 15, 2011 and were amended on Aug. 12, 2011. The District granted preliminary approval to several dispensary applicants on June 12, 2012, and the first dispensary opened in July 2013. Dispensary regula>ons were draSed within 10 months of the law’s effec>ve date. The applica>on process took longer, and it was just over three years between when the law went into effect and the first dispensary opened. Hawaii June 2000 Dec. 28, 2000 N/A — Law does not include state dispensary registra>ons, though a dispensary bill was approved by the state legislature in May 2015. If signed, it would allow up to 16 dispensaries as early as July 2016. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took just over six months. Illinois Signed into law Aug. 1, 2013; effec>ve Jan. 1, 2014 Qualifying pa>ents with last names beginning with A^L: Sept. 1, 2014; M^Z: Nov. 1, 2014; year^ round applica>ons: Jan. 1, 2015 The Joint Commihee on Administra>ve Rule approved medical marijuana rules on July 15, 2014. The state accepted both dispensary and cul>va>on center applica>ons from Sept. 8, 2014 un>l Sept. 22, 2014. In Feb. 2015, the state issued 18 growing licenses and 52 dispensary licenses. As of July 2015, they are not yet open. Pa>ent and caregiver ID card applica>ons were first accepted 13 months aSer enactment. Medical marijuana business licenses were issued about 18 months aSer enactment. Maine Nov. 1999 ini>a>ve; revised by voters in Nov. 2009 and by the legislature in Spring 2010 and Spring 2011 Early July 2009 Six dispensary registra>ons were issued in July 2010 and two more were issued in Aug. 2010. This was within 10 months of enactment of the law. The first dispensary opened in March 2011. Maine’s ini>al law did not have a pa>ent registry or regulated dispensaries. The 2009 law was fully implemented within a year of its passage, with regula>ons enacted and ID cards and dispensary registra>ons issued. The first dispensary opened less than 17 months aSer the law's passage. Maryland Passed April 14, 2014; effec>ve June 1, 2014 The state is not accep>ng pa>ent ID card applica>ons as of July 2015. However, pa>ents can use their doctors' wrihen recommenda>ons as ID cards un>l the state begins offering them. The Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission submihed regula>ons on Nov. 13, 2014. They are expected to be adopted in Sept. 2015, at which point applica>ons will become available for growers, processors, and dispensaries. Medical cannabis is expected to be available to pa>ents in the second half of 2016. Maryland enacted a medical marijuana law in 2013 that would have allowed academic medical centers to dispense marijuana. No center stepped forward, and the law was revised in 2014 to allow for dispensaries and growers. Regula>ons are expected to be completed a year and five months aSer the law's enactment. MassachuseNs Passed Nov. 2012; effec>ve Jan. 1, 2013 The state began accep>ng pa>ent ID card applica>ons in Oct. 2014. In addi>on, un>l early 2014, pa>ents could use their doctors' wrihen recommenda>ons as ID cards. On May 8, 2014, the health department issued regula>ons for medical marijuana. On Jan. 31, 2014, the Department of Public Health announced that it had granted preliminary approval to 20 non^profit dispensaries. However, it rejected nine of those applica>ons subsequently, approving an ini>al total of 11 on June 27, 2014. Four more were approved in Nov. 2014. Rejected applicants can reapply in 2015, as Ques>on 3 calls for up to 35 dispensaries to be located in the state. The first dispensary opened in June 2015. Six months aSer Massachusehs’ law was enacted, the state draSed rules, which followed listening sessions throughout the state. Within a year of the law's passage, the health department had completed the first of two phases of an applica>on process. Following some ques>ons about the process, the second phase was completed in June 2014. The first dispensary opened a year later — about one year and eight months aSer enactment. Michigan Nov. 2008 April 4, 2009 N/A — Law does not include state dispensary registra>ons. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took about five months. Minnesota May 29, 2014 June 1, 2015 On Sept. 5, 2014, the health department issued a request for applica>ons for manufacturers. Lehers of intent were due by Sept. 19. The department registered two manufacturers by Dec. 1, 2014. Pa>ents were allowed to apply for ID cards in June 2015, and the first dispensary opened on July 1, 2015. The health department issued a preliminary draS of rules in Aug. 2014, less than three months aSer the law's passage. A second draS was issued on Sept. 5, 2014, and a no>ce of expedited rulemaking — along with the proposed rules — was published on Oct. 6. The department approved two manufacturers on Dec. 1, about seven months aSer the law's passage. Pa>ents were able to apply for ID cards about a year aSer enactment, and the first dispensary opened a month later. Montana Nov. 2004 voter ini>a>ve Dec. 14, 2004 N/A — Law does not include state dispensary registra>ons. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took 42 days. Nevada June 2001: pa>ent registry legisla>on; June 2013: dispensary and cul>va>on law Oct. 1, 2001 Medical marijuana business rules were finalized on April 1, 2014. Nevada's Division of Public and Behavioral Health issued provisional approval to medical marijuana businesses on Nov. 3, 2014. The law allows the crea>on of 66 dispensaries and 200 produc>on facili>es. As of July 2015, dispensaries are not yet open. The implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver registry took under four months. More than a decade later, rules were craSed 10 months aSer the dispensary law was enacted. The health department issued preliminary cer>ficates in Nov. 2014, less than a year and a half aSer the dispensary bill became law. New Hampshire July 23, 2013 Pa>ent and caregiver registry rules were approved on June 25, 2014. However, pursuant to the opinion of the state Ahorney General, the health department is not yet accep>ng ID card applica>ons. In Oct. 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services issued regula>ons for the processing of applica>ons for four non^profit alterna>ve treatment centers (ATCs) to grow and sell marijuana to pa>ents. The state approved three businesses to operate four ATCs in June 2015, five months aSer the January 2015 deadline. They are expected to open in 2016. Dispensary (ATC) rules were provisionally approved about 15 months aSer the law's passage. Preliminary dispensary registra>ons were issued one year and 11 months aSer the law's passage. Pa>ents are s>ll not allowed to apply for ID cards as of July 2015. New Jersey Jan. 2010 Aug. 9, 2012 Regula>ons were issued in Nov. 2010, but were rejected by the legislature. They were revised in 2011, and six “alterna>ve treatment center” (ATC) licenses were issued in March 2011. However, the first ATC did not open un>l Dec. 6, 2012. Due to re>cence by Gov. Chris Chris>e, along with mixed signals from the federal government in 2011^2012, implementa>on was slow. It took nearly four years for the first dispensary to open. New Mexico April 2007 July 6, 2007 (ini>ally temporary ID cer>ficates were available) The first “licensed producer” registra>on was issued in March 2009, less than two years aSer passage. Four more were licensed in Nov. 2009, and 20 were licensed in 2010. Although New Mexico was the first state to license larger^ scale cul>va>on and dispensing, its rules were finalized and the first producer was licensed in less than two years. Twenty^three licensed producers are currently licensed in the state. New York July 5, 2014 Registry iden>fica>on cards will become effec>ve on the laher of: a) 18 months aSer enactment; or b) when the superintendent of state police cer>fies the >tle can be implemented in accordance with public health and safety interests. The Department of Health issued regula>ons in April 2015. Applica>ons for registered organiza>ons were due in June 2015, 11 months aSer the law's enactment. Dispensary licenses have not yet been issued, as of July 1, 2015. The department issued regula>ons within nine months of the law's enactment. It accepted dispensary applica>ons 11 months aSer enactment. However, pa>ents are not yet allowed to apply as of July 2015 — a year aSer enactment. Oregon Nov. 1998; Aug. 2013: dispensary law May 1, 1999 Dispensaries already existed upon the passage of the state law in 2013, but they were not clearly authorized by law or regulated. The first dispensary licenses were issued in March 2014, about seven months aSer the dispensary law passed. Implementa>on of pa>ent and caregiver ID cards took just under six months. More recently, the first dispensaries were licensed about seven months aSer the dispensary law passed. Rhode Island Jan. 2006; dispensaries authorized in June 2009 March 31, 2006 “Compassion center” regula>ons were finalized in March 2010. Three applicants were approved on March 15, 2011, less than two years aSer the law’s enactment, but Gov. Chafee halted implementa>on and had the law revised. The first dispensary opened on April 19, 2013. As of July 2015, there are three dispensaries open in the state. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took under three months. The health department was expected to issue compassion center registra>ons in Sept. 2010. However, it maintained that none of the applicants qualified, so it restarted the applica>on process. ASer approving three compassion centers on March 15, 2011, Gov. Lincoln Chafee reversed course on May 2, 2011, aSer receiving a leher from the U.S. ahorney. In response, the law was revised, and the first center finally opened in April 2013. Vermont Passed May 2004; effec>ve date July 1, 2004; dispensaries authorized on June 2, 2011 Oct. 26, 2004 The Department of Public Safety began accep>ng dispensary applica>ons about a year aSer the dispensary law was approved and approved two dispensaries three months later. The first dispensary opened in June 2013. As of July 2015, there are four dispensaries opera>ng in the state. Implementa>on of the pa>ent and caregiver ID card program took five months. The legislature passed a law authorizing the licensing of four dispensaries in May 2011. The Department of Public Safety began accep>ng dispensary applica>ons 13 months later — on June 4, 2012 — and approved the first two dispensaries in Sept. 2012. The first dispensary opened in June 2013, about two years aSer the law’s passage. Washington Nov. 1998. Further legisla>on clarifying rules related to medical use was passed in April 2015. N/A — ID cards are not required in the state of Washington. However, star>ng July 2016, pa>ents who sign on to the voluntary registry will be given special privileges including increased possession limits. N/A — Law does not include state dispensary registra>ons. Washington currently has no medical marijuana program to implement. However, the state has implemented an adult use marijuana law, which includes growers, processors, and retailers. The law passed in Nov. 2012, and the first stores opened in July 2014.


The following chart summarizes each medical marijuana program’s timeline for implementation

Transcript of State Medical Marijuana Program Implementation Timeline

  • The$Following$Chart$Summarizes$Each$Medical$Marijuana$Programs$Timeline$forImplementa?on:

    $State $Year$Enacted Date$When$State$Began$Accep?ng$IDCard$Applica?onsDispensaries$(or$the$equivalent)$and$Timelines

    for$Their$Implementa?on $Comments

    $Alaska Nov.%1998 Early%June%1999 N/A%%Law%does%not%include%state%dispensary%registra>ons.However,%voters%approved%regula>ng%marijuana%for%adults'use%in%Nov.%2014.%Regula>ons%are%due%by%Nov.%2015.%The%rstlicenses%should%be%issued%by%May%2016.


    $Arizona Nov.%2010 April%14,%2011 The%Arizona%Department%of%Health%Services%published%nalrules%on%March%28,%2011.%Dispensaries%were%grantedcer>cates%on%Aug.%7,%2012,%and%the%rst%one%opened%in%Dec.2012.%The%Department%issued%addi>onal%rules%on%Dec.%28,2012.


    $California Nov.%1996;%voluntary%ID%cardsenacted%in%Oct.%2003;%fundingenacted%July%31,%2004




    $Colorado Nov.%2000:%Voter%amendmentto%cons>tu>on;%June%2010:dispensary%law

    June%1,%2001 Dispensaries%already%existed%before%the%state%law%passed%inJune%2010.%They%had%to%complete%state%forms%and%pay%a%feeby%Aug.%1,%2010.%Dispensary%regula>ons%were%nalized%onJune%15,%2011%and%went%into%eect%on%July%30,%2011.


    $Connec?cut May%2012 Temporary%registra>ons%became%available%onOct.%1,%2012.



    $Delaware Passed%May%2011;%eec>ve%July1,%2011

    July%2,%2012 Final%regula>ons%were%approved%in%Jan.%2014.%First%pilotmedical%marijuana%"compassion%center"%was%approved%onAug.%11,%2014.%The%First%State%Compassion%Center%opened%onJune%26,%2015.




    June%11,%2013 Regula>ons%were%published%and%went%into%eect%on%April%15,2011%and%were%amended%on%Aug.%12,%2011.%The%Districtgranted%preliminary%approval%to%several%dispensaryapplicants%on%June%12,%2012,%and%the%rst%dispensary%openedin%July%2013.


    $Hawaii June%2000 Dec.%28,%2000 N/A%%Law%does%not%include%state%dispensary%registra>ons,though%a%dispensary%bill%was%approved%by%the%statelegislature%in%May%2015.%If%signed,%it%would%allow%up%to%16dispensaries%as%early%as%July%2016.


    $Illinois Signed%into%law%Aug.%1,%2013;eec>ve%Jan.%1,%2014




    $Maine Nov.%1999%ini>a>ve;%revised%byvoters%in%Nov.%2009%and%by%thelegislature%in%Spring%2010%andSpring%2011

    Early%July%2009 Six%dispensary%registra>ons%were%issued%in%July%2010%and%twomore%were%issued%in%Aug.%2010.%This%was%within%10%monthsof%enactment%of%the%law.%The%rst%dispensary%opened%inMarch%2011.


    $Maryland Passed%April%14,%2014;%eec>veJune%1,%2014




    $MassachuseNs Passed%Nov.%2012;%eec>veJan.%1,%2013




    $Michigan Nov.%2008 April%4,%2009 N/A%%Law%does%not%include%state%dispensary%registra>ons. Implementa>on%of%the%pa>ent%and%caregiver%ID%cardprogram%took%about%ve%months.

    $Minnesota May%29,%2014 June%1,%2015 On%Sept.%5,%2014,%the%health%department%issued%a%requestfor%applica>ons%for%manufacturers.%Lehers%of%intent%weredue%by%Sept.%19.%The%department%%registered%twomanufacturers%by%Dec.%1,%2014.%Pa>ents%were%allowed%toapply%for%ID%cards%in%June%2015,%and%the%rst%dispensaryopened%on%July%1,%2015.


    $Montana Nov.%2004%voter%ini>a>ve Dec.%14,%2004 N/A%%Law%does%not%include%state%dispensary%registra>ons. Implementa>on%of%the%pa>ent%and%caregiver%ID%cardprogram%took%42%days.

    $Nevada June%2001:%pa>ent%registrylegisla>on;%June%2013:dispensary%and%cul>va>on%law

    Oct.%1,%2001 Medical%marijuana%business%rules%were%nalized%on%April%1,2014.%Nevada's%Division%of%Public%and%Behavioral%Healthissued%provisional%approval%to%medical%marijuana%businesseson%Nov.%3,%2014.%The%law%allows%the%crea>on%of%66dispensaries%and%200%produc>on%facili>es.%As%of%July%2015,dispensaries%are%not%yet%open.


    $New$Hampshire July%23,%2013 Pa>ent%and%caregiver%registry%rules%wereapproved%on%June%25,%2014.%However,%pursuantto%the%opinion%of%the%state%Ahorney%General,the%health%department%is%not%yet%accep>ng%IDcard%applica>ons.%



    $New$Jersey Jan.%2010 Aug.%9,%2012 Regula>ons%were%issued%in%Nov.%2010,%but%were%rejected%bythe%legislature.%They%were%revised%in%2011,%and%sixalterna>ve%treatment%center%(ATC)%licenses%were%issued%inMarch%2011.%However,%the%rst%ATC%did%not%open%un>l%Dec.6,%2012.


    $New$Mexico April%2007 July%6,%2007%(ini>ally%temporary%ID%cer>cateswere%available)



    $New$York July%5,%2014 Registry%iden>ca>on%cards%will%becomeeec>ve%on%the%laher%of:%a)%18%months%aSerenactment;%or%b)%when%the%superintendent%ofstate%police%cer>es%the%>tle%can%beimplemented%in%accordance%with%public%healthand%safety%interests.



    $Oregon Nov.%1998;%Aug.%2013:dispensary%law

    May%1,%1999 Dispensaries%already%existed%upon%the%passage%of%the%statelaw%in%2013,%but%they%were%not%clearly%authorized%by%law%orregulated.%%The%rst%dispensary%licenses%were%issued%inMarch%2014,%about%seven%months%aSer%the%dispensary%lawpassed.


    $Rhode$Island Jan.%2006;%dispensariesauthorized%in%June%2009

    March%31,%2006 Compassion%center%regula>ons%were%nalized%in%March2010.%Three%applicants%were%approved%on%March%15,%2011,less%than%two%years%aSer%the%laws%enactment,%but%Gov.Chafee%halted%implementa>on%and%had%the%law%revised.%Therst%dispensary%opened%on%April%19,%2013.%As%of%July%2015,there%are%three%dispensaries%open%in%the%state.


    $Vermont$ Passed%May%2004;%eec>vedate%July%1,%2004;%dispensariesauthorized%on%June%2,%2011

    Oct.%26,%2004 The%Department%of%Public%Safety%began%accep>ng%dispensaryapplica>ons%about%a%year%aSer%the%dispensary%law%wasapproved%and%approved%two%dispensaries%three%monthslater.%The%rst%dispensary%opened%in%June%2013.%As%of%July2015,%there%are%four%dispensaries%opera>ng%in%the%state.


    $Washington Nov.%1998.%Further%legisla>onclarifying%rules%related%tomedical%use%was%passed%inApril%2015.


    N/A%%Law%does%not%include%state%dispensary%registra>ons. Washington%currently%has%no%medical%marijuana%program%toimplement.%However,%the%state%has%implemented%an%adultuse%marijuana%law,%which%includes%growers,%processors,%andretailers.%The%law%passed%in%Nov.%2012,%and%the%rst%storesopened%in%July%2014.