State Exchange Bank FRIDAY JULY 21 8P.M. State Exchange Bank · Mrs. Abe Winters has surely had...

FRIDAY MORNING^ TORRANCE HERALD JULY 21,1922 TORRANCE NEWS * Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Stock and Children are enjoying a weeks va cation and outing at San Diego. Mrs. Laura Moore of Long Beacli purchased a halt acre of Geo. Fres- eninus, a part of the McWilllams place on Arizona street. They pur chased at nine o'clock Wednesday evening by flashlight. Morris Moore, Mrs. Moore's son purchased a lot on 254 Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Erving and children of Pasadena were dinner guests Wednesday of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Neelands of Qramercy Ave, 'A party of friends surprised Ed na Davls, Tuesday evening at her home on Plaza Del Amo street celebrating her- thirteenth birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Springer of Redon- <lo Beach, are staying with their mother, Mrs. Dora Schmldt until her new home is finished on Car son street adjoining her sister's home, Mrs. Chas. Stock. Mrs. Amelia Peace afid son of San Francisco, and Adelade and Ruth Hutslar are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huts lar, . of Arlington avenue. AMATEUR BOXING - WRESTLING American Legion Hall, Torrance FRIDAY JULY 21 8P.M. WRESTLING JAMES SCOTT JACK RIEBER ED MORFORD BOXING 155 POUNDS ALEXANDER KASPAR HALSTEAD ED SHAFER DIETRICH PATINO vs. 138 POUNDS vs. EL SEGUND 138 POUNDS HIGGINS vs. L HERA 125 POUNDS TORRANCE ORCHESTRA J. H. KURTZ Watch Our Windows For Daily Specials BIG SPECIALS SATURDAY Orders Taken (or Canning Fruits » In Seelig's Market INDORSE RAIL ROUTE TO PORT Harbor's Prosperity Is Declared At Stake By Speakers Proving their sincerity for the development and growth of the whole harbor district, thirty-three boosters from Torrance responded to the call for a large delegation to meet with others the Council Chambers in Los Angeres last Mon day at 2, to lend aid to the Santa Fe Railroad who desire terminals at the San Pedro harbor. AJ1 Los Angelea strongly de sires that the City Council speed ily permit the Santa Fe railroad to extend its lines into the Los An geles harbor district, was the dec laration of many speakers at yes terday afternoon's hearing at the City Hall by the Public Utilities Committee" of the Council on the company's application for a fran chise, Representing the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce which is strongly behind the Santa Fe's ap plication, was a committee compos ed of former presidents Sylvester L. Weaver and Maynard McFle, Shan non Crandall and F. P. Gregson. The latter also represented the Associated Jobbers which has heart ily apporved of the Santa Fe's de sire, long ago cherished by the late President Ripley of the railroad, to extend the company's lines to the Pacific ocean at Los Angeles harbor. McFEB SPEAKS Also endorsing the extension of the railroad is the Torrance Cham ber of Commerce, which sent a large delegation o( business men to yesterday's hearing, the spokes man of which was City Attorney Brlney of Torrance. The San Pedro and Los Angeles Harbor chambers of commerce as well as the Asso ciated Chambers of Commerce of the Fourth Supervisorial District, which includes Long Beach, Her- mosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Huntington Park and other cities In the district, have slmillarly for warded resolutions of approval to the Los Angeles City Council. MINIMIZES HAZZAKDS "Thus by opposition, those who are making it are standing In the way of the progress and develop ment of the city and of»the har bor. The increased traffic of har bor bound freight trains over our right of way along Slauson ave- S HEADING GROCER. GRAPE LEMON ORANGE LOGANBERRY Lash's Syrups 5 Bottles - - $2.00 and 1 Bottle of Orange or Lemon Free Searchlight Matches ..... 6 Boxes for 30c Reg. Ball or Kerr Mason Jars ...... .... ..Pts75c;Qts91c; 1-2 Gal $1.37 Kerr Mason wide mouth—pts. $105; qts. $1.25 Parowax . . . . ................. He Good Luck Jar Rubbers . . . , . . . 3for25c Libby's Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 1-2. . ., 30c We caryy a complete line of Jar Accessories and Jelly Glasses ELIG/0 ICirtd" CALIFORNIA'S LEADING GROCER. LOMITA, CAL. 100 STORtS) NOW/ nue will not be heavy for many years to come, and the hazzards of existing grade crossings will not be materially increased. When the traffic does develop to the point where public safety demands that these grades be separated, you will not find the Santa Fe opposing the separation. In the twelve miles of our proposed extension from El Se gunda to Wilmington, our plans call for the separation of grades at twelve places, including HaVbor boulevard, and the cost of the sep aration of grades will be $600,000. Other speakers who urged the Council's Public Utilities Committee and Councilman Conaway and Sparks, to make a favorable rec ommendation on the company's ap plication included Capt, Louis Han- sen, P. C. Pinkie of the Southwest Chamber of Commerce and City Attorney Brlney of Torrance. M. E. AID The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. O| Bishop, of Andreo avenue," with a large attendance. The regular business meeting was held and plans were made to hold an experience social Monday July 31, with a pot luck dinner in connection at the Dom- inguez gales room on El Prado stree. Any one interested is wel come to attend. KEYSTONES Business is good, both the Shell and Midway oil men are with us again, land values are going up and numerous buyers are in our midst, we hope everyone will lease their ground soon so we can get a drill started. We can hardly hope for a well until all the leases are safe In the hands of the oil com panies. Mrs. Day reports some half doz en sales last week and Mr. Thomas reports business better every day It looks like Long Beach would have to move over here soon by the way her citizens are buying in Key stone. , Torrance Chamber of Commerce is preparing a Fiesta for August and Keystone folks are invited to join in and make It a big suc cess. Wm. McClaren capped land prices in Keystone last week by disposing of a part of his property at $2500 The Examiner fell down on the delivery of papers again last Sun^ day because the local agent did not show up, some bright lad in Key stone ought to grab this job and by giving the people an efficient service he would acquire a good business. You should begin now to think about the meeting of the local C. of C. that is to held the first Saturday night in August. There will be a petition there that must have the signature of every voter in Keystone. It will be presented to the County Supervisors asking that the low places in all our cross streets be tilled and oiled before the fall rains begin. Talk this mat ter over with your neighbor and get on the job, if you show a lack of interest in this matter you* can not expect much in the way of results. We notice that M. R. Gallimore is working early and late on an addition to his house, it is evident that he is expecting the wife home from hr eastern trip very soon. Go to it Marshall a little more speed will do the business. Messrs Barnes, Getz and Dodo; are contemplating moving their houses to the front of their re spective places, this will aid in se curing lights and phones, elimin ating the necessity of an extra poll others should do likewise. ' Attend Long Beach Rotary Club Banquet in Hotel Virginia LONG BEACH, July 19.—C. P. Roberts, publisher of the Torrance Herald and Lomlta News Letter, was a Long Beach visitor today, being the guest of J. B. Hines of the State Exchange Bank of Torrance, at the Rotary luncheon «t the Virginia hotel at noon. Long Beach Press. BRIGHTON APARTMENT NEWS Mr. P. C. Murdock, of Riverside Drive, New York, was a guest for two days last week of his sister- in-law. Mrs. Abe Winters. Mr. Mur dock Is returning from a four months business trip to the Orient, where he Is building a $20,000,000 railway fn "CMltts:————————:—- Mr. and Mm. W. Q. Arthur" of Auulieim have taken an apartment at the Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, moved this week to San Pedro. Mrs. Abe Winters has surely had hard luck since she has been build ing a new home on Susanna street for her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winters, one hundred dollar* worth of lumber, a five dollar roll of electric wire and fifty dollars worth of bath room fixtures have dlsuapuoared. MAD DOG .STOBY There's a dog story la thin issue that everyone shpuld read and then guard against the malady. State Exchange Bank We hope to fill a community need with a State Financial Institution. Look for definite announcement later. State Exchange Bank "The Community Bank" Torrance California ARIZONA PICNIC All who ever lived in Arizona are invited to attend the annual-picnic, of that state at Redondo Beach, August 3. __ Want Ads Per Line _._____.————_——lOe Minimum Charge __——-——E5c All Want Ads Must be Paid In Advance. FOR SALE—I am selling out the contracting supplies of J. P. Pinney consisting of 2 front doorr 1 pr French doors; 1 large work bench; 4 cabinet glue clamps; 3 pr windows; saw horses and wheel barrow and numerous other things. Mrs. J. P. Pinney, 824 Cota street. J-21-lt pd FOR SALE—Choice close in lot on Gramercy—trade for auto or small Bungalow. Herald office J-21-lt FOR SALE—Two good goats ?30 both milking, also White L. hens. Address tRocque,' Wilmington and Grace streets. Keystone.___J-21 FOR SALE—three east front, quarter acre lots; a real bar gain if sold together; $1000 cash baalnce easy payments. Mrs. Edith Carvill, 3031 W. Weston, St., Lomlta. J-21-tf FOR SALE—Oak library table, 2112 Carson. J-7-tf FOR SALE—Brahma hens, W. A. Renn, Lomlta J121-H FOR SALE, or will trade for boys wheel, a Radio Equipment, Crys tal detector, reasonable. 2524 Re dondo blvd, Lomita. J-21-lt-pd FOR SALE—Good Holstein cow, fresh; also five dozen year-aid laying hens. M. E. Phililps, 2502 East Hill St., Lomita. J-21-lt-p FOR SALE—Studebaker 6, seven- pass., good condition, $250, 216th street and Grace, Keystone acres. J-21-pd FOR SALE—4-hole wood stove; ex cellent condition; used but little; reasonable. 650 Seventh street, San Pedro. J-21-lt-pd FOR SALE6-room house with sleeping porch, and double gar age. On corner lot In very de sirable location. Bargain, $1500 cash will handle it. 50x150 lot with large garage on rear of lot. Good location and easy terms. Choice corner lot in good loca tion. Five room house on Cota Ave., terms. Seven acres In oil district, $850 per acre, easy .terms. BABCOCK & JONES Phone 104-R. 2010 Arlington. Torrance. J-7-tf FOR SALE 4 -room house, 50 ft. lot, $1350; terms, $500 cash, bal ance $25 per month. Mrs. Jose- Anar. fltflcfl 2520 Redondo Blvd., Residence 2947 Arizona St.. Lomita. J-14-tf. FOR SALU—One corner lot, 78x137 feet, one block from business cen ter; cash or terms. Mm. Edith A. Uarvtll, 3031 West Weston St., Lomita. J-14-tf FOR SALE li-room modern house, 1732 Andreo St. Terms. J14-U. FOR SALE—Frunklyn Roadster with light delivery liuily nearly now ttruB. Quick salf, »t!5. King's Now and Second-Hand Furniture Store, Harbor City. Gal. J-SO-tf. l-'OK BALE—Meat Market and Groc ery Store, flxUiroH and business lot. 1'riiVj) .riKlit. Si-i- owner, 1801 Ca- lirillu Kt., I'Yunk 11. Noll, Torrance. J-9-tf. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three room house and acre; 5 room house and acre, gar age, barn, chicken corralls. All well improved and a fine home. List your property with C. E. Houts, 2841 E. Chestnut Street, Lomita. J-21-tf FOR RENT—A little bungalow with all modern improvements, at 1812 Gramercy ave. J-21-lt-p FOR RENT—4 room modern house. Call Urma grocery Lomita. J-.l-lt FOR RENT—5 roam furnished house, 1730 Arlington, near Car son Adults. 7-19-lt FOR RENT—Front apartment at 'the Castle Apts, El Prado St., Torrance. J-21-lt pd FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, rea sonable, single beds, bath and shower. . Mrs. L. E. Dawson, Lo mita Restaurant. J-23-tf FOR RENT—Rooms, single or dou ble, with or without bath, and an apt. August 1. The Brighton, Torrance. J-14-41. FOR RENT—3-room house, partly furnished, gas, electricity, water. Mrs. A. Lindegren, 2752 E. Wes ton street. J-14-lt FOR RENT—Three modern apart ments. L. J. Hunter. J-21-tf WANTED WANTED—If you are Interested in the oil proposition at Santa Fe Springs, and want to get out to the field, will call for you in private car. Trip will not obligate you in any way, and we Will give you lunch to boot. Address X; Lomlta Newsletter._____J-21-tf WANTED—A few scattered acres In the town of Lomita. Address 814 West Olive street, Redlands, California. J-21-2t-pd WANTED—To buy for cash a resi dence lot in Torrance. Torrance 45-M. 1808 Gramercy ave. J-21-lt WANTED—to trade good auto and - part cash for lots and acre. J. W. Welte, 2841 Brethren street, Lo mita. J-21-tI WANTED—Standard market price paid or veal and pork. Lomlta Meat Market. J-21-pd, WANTED—Dressmaking.; Mrs. LUT cretla Reppert, No. 12 Park Ter race. J-14-3t. WANTED—4 unfurnished houses. Close in. See Torrance General Insurance Agency, 108 First Na tional Bank, Bldg., Torrance. tf. WANTED—To care for children while mothers work or when par ents go on vacation. F. L. Buker 2511 Weston St., Lomtla. J-14-21 WANTED—List your property with C. Houts, 2841 E. Chestnut St., Lomlta._______ J-14-4t. WANTED—To buy for cash, bargains in houses, building and aoros iu Torrance. Babcock and Jones W10 Arlington street, phone 104-R J-2S-U MILL WRIQHT—Carpenter and re- pairer. Work guaranteed. J. J. Boatman, Torrance._______J-D-tf LOST AND FOUND FOUND—A child's sweater at Schmldt Wiener Bake. Inquire* Newsletter office, Lomita. J-21-lt pd MISCELLANEOUS Mudulrlu Embroidery, Hand work from Funchul, Madeira, silk and iiuliiHuok lingerie. Infant's wear; luncheon cloths. A real bargain. IttlT Narbunne Ave., Lomlta.—Advertise ment.

Transcript of State Exchange Bank FRIDAY JULY 21 8P.M. State Exchange Bank · Mrs. Abe Winters has surely had...

Page 1: State Exchange Bank FRIDAY JULY 21 8P.M. State Exchange Bank · Mrs. Abe Winters has surely had hard luck since she has been build ing a new home on Susanna street for her son and



Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Stock and Children are enjoying a weeks va­ cation and outing at San Diego.

Mrs. Laura Moore of Long Beacli purchased a halt acre of Geo. Fres- eninus, a part of the McWilllams place on Arizona street. They pur­ chased at nine o'clock Wednesday evening by flashlight. Morris Moore, Mrs. Moore's son purchased a lot on 254 Street.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Erving and children of Pasadena were dinner

guests Wednesday of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Neelands of Qramercy Ave,

'A party of friends surprised Ed­ na Davls, Tuesday evening at her home on Plaza Del Amo street celebrating her- thirteenth birth­ day anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Springer of Redon- <lo Beach, are staying with their mother, Mrs. Dora Schmldt until her new home is finished on Car­ son street adjoining her sister's home, Mrs. Chas. Stock.

Mrs. Amelia Peace afid son of San Francisco, and Adelade and Ruth Hutslar are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huts­ lar, . of Arlington avenue.


American Legion Hall, TorranceFRIDAY JULY 21 8P.M.

















Watch Our Windows For Daily Specials

BIG SPECIALS SATURDAY Orders Taken (or Canning Fruits

» In Seelig's Market


Harbor's Prosperity IsDeclared At Stake

By SpeakersProving their sincerity for the

development and growth of the whole harbor district, thirty-three boosters from Torrance responded to the call for a large delegation to meet with others a± the Council Chambers in Los Angeres last Mon­ day at 2, to lend aid to the Santa Fe Railroad who desire terminals at the San Pedro harbor.

AJ1 Los Angelea strongly de­ sires that the City Council speed­ ily permit the Santa Fe railroad to extend its lines into the Los An­ geles harbor district, was the dec­ laration of many speakers at yes­ terday afternoon's hearing at the City Hall by the Public Utilities Committee" of the Council on the company's application for a fran­ chise,

Representing the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce which is strongly behind the Santa Fe's ap­ plication, was a committee compos­ ed of former presidents Sylvester L. Weaver and Maynard McFle, Shan­ non Crandall and F. P. Gregson. The latter also represented the Associated Jobbers which has heart­ ily apporved of the Santa Fe's de­ sire, long ago cherished by the late President Ripley of the railroad, to extend the company's lines to the Pacific ocean at Los Angeles harbor.

McFEB SPEAKSAlso endorsing the extension of

the railroad is the Torrance Cham­ ber of Commerce, which sent a large delegation o( business men to yesterday's hearing, the spokes­ man of which was City Attorney Brlney of Torrance. The San Pedro and Los Angeles Harbor chambers of commerce as well as the Asso­ ciated Chambers of Commerce of the Fourth Supervisorial District, which includes Long Beach, Her- mosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Huntington Park and other cities In the district, have slmillarly for­ warded resolutions of approval to the Los Angeles City Council.

MINIMIZES HAZZAKDS"Thus by opposition, those who

are making it are standing In the way of the progress and develop­ ment of the city and of»the har­ bor. The increased traffic of har­ bor bound freight trains over our right of way along Slauson ave-



Lash's Syrups 5 Bottles - - $2.00

and 1 Bottle of Orange or Lemon Free

Searchlight Matches ..... 6 Boxes for 30cReg. Ball or Kerr Mason Jars ......

.... ..Pts75c;Qts91c; 1-2 Gal $1.37Kerr Mason wide mouth—pts. $105; qts. $1.25 Parowax . . . . ................. HeGood Luck Jar Rubbers . . . , . . . 3for25cLibby's Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 1-2. . ., 30cWe caryy a complete line of Jar Accessories

and Jelly Glasses






nue will not be heavy for many years to come, and the hazzards of existing grade crossings will not be materially increased. When the traffic does develop to the point where public safety demands that these grades be separated, you will not find the Santa Fe opposing the separation. In the twelve miles of our proposed extension from El Se gunda to Wilmington, our plans call for the separation of grades at twelve places, including HaVbor boulevard, and the cost of the sep­ aration of grades will be $600,000.

Other speakers who urged the Council's Public Utilities Committee and Councilman Conaway and Sparks, to make a favorable rec­ ommendation on the company's ap­ plication included Capt, Louis Han- sen, P. C. Pinkie of the Southwest Chamber of Commerce and City Attorney Brlney of Torrance.

M. E. AIDThe Ladies Aid of the M. E.

Church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. O| Bishop, of Andreo avenue," with a large attendance. The regular business meeting was held and plans were made to hold an experience social Monday July 31, with a pot luck dinner in connection at the Dom- inguez gales room on El Prado stree. Any one interested is wel­ come to attend.

KEYSTONESBusiness is good, both the Shell

and Midway oil men are with us again, land values are going up and numerous buyers are in our midst, we hope everyone will lease their ground soon so we can get a drill started. We can hardly hope for a well until all the leases are safe In the hands of the oil com­ panies.

Mrs. Day reports some half doz­ en sales last week and Mr. Thomas reports business better every day It looks like Long Beach would have to move over here soon by the way her citizens are buying in Key­ stone.

, Torrance Chamber of Commerce is preparing a Fiesta for August and Keystone folks are invited to join in and make It a big suc­ cess.

Wm. McClaren capped land prices in Keystone last week by disposing of a part of his property at $2500

The Examiner fell down on the delivery of papers again last Sun^ day because the local agent did not show up, some bright lad in Key­ stone ought to grab this job and by giving the people an efficient service he would acquire a good business.

You should begin now to think about the meeting of the local C. of C. that is to held the first Saturday night in August. There will be a petition there that must have the signature of every voter in Keystone. It will be presented to the County Supervisors asking that the low places in all our cross streets be tilled and oiled before the fall rains begin. Talk this mat­ ter over with your neighbor and get on the job, if you show a lack of interest in this matter you* can not expect much in the way of results.

We notice that M. R. Gallimore is working early and late on an addition to his house, it is evident that he is expecting the wife home from hr eastern trip very soon. Go to it Marshall a little more speed will do the business.

Messrs Barnes, Getz and Dodo; are contemplating moving their houses to the front of their re­ spective places, this will aid in se­ curing lights and phones, elimin­ ating the necessity of an extra poll others should do likewise. '

Attend Long Beach Rotary Club Banquet

in Hotel VirginiaLONG BEACH, July 19.—C. P.

Roberts, publisher of the Torrance Herald and Lomlta News Letter, was a Long Beach visitor today, being the guest of J. B. Hines of the State Exchange Bank of Torrance, at the Rotary luncheon «t the Virginia hotel at noon.—Long Beach Press.

BRIGHTON APARTMENT NEWSMr. P. C. Murdock, of Riverside

Drive, New York, was a guest for two days last week of his sister- in-law. Mrs. Abe Winters. Mr. Mur­ dock Is returning from a four months business trip to the Orient, where he Is building a $20,000,000 railway fn "CMltts:————————:—-

Mr. and Mm. W. Q. Arthur" of Auulieim have taken an apartment at the Brighton.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, moved this week to San Pedro.

Mrs. Abe Winters has surely had hard luck since she has been build­ ing a new home on Susanna street for her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winters, one hundred dollar* worth of lumber, a five dollar roll of electric wire and fifty dollars worth of bath room fixtures have dlsuapuoared.

MAD DOG .STOBYThere's a dog story la thin issue

that everyone shpuld read and then guard against the malady.

State Exchange Bank

We hope to fill a community need with a State Financial Institution. Look for definite announcement later.

State Exchange Bank"The Community Bank"

Torrance California

ARIZONA PICNICAll who ever lived in Arizona are

invited to attend the annual-picnic, of that state at Redondo Beach, August 3. __

Want AdsPer Line _._____.————_——lOe Minimum Charge __——-—— E5c

All Want Ads Must be Paid In Advance.FOR SALE—I am selling out the

contracting supplies of J. P. Pinney consisting of 2 front doorr 1 pr French doors; 1 large work bench; 4 cabinet glue clamps; 3 pr windows; saw horses and wheel barrow and numerous other things. Mrs. J. P. Pinney, 824 Cota street. J-21-lt pd

FOR SALE—Choice close in lot on Gramercy—trade for auto or small Bungalow. Herald office J-21-lt

FOR SALE—Two good goats ?30 both milking, also White L. hens. Address tRocque,' Wilmington and Grace streets. Keystone.___J-21

FOR SALE—three east front, quarter acre lots; a real bar­ gain if sold together; $1000 cash baalnce easy payments. Mrs. Edith Carvill, 3031 W. Weston, St., Lomlta. J-21-tf

FOR SALE—Oak library table, 2112 Carson. J-7-tf

FOR SALE—Brahma hens, W. A. Renn, Lomlta J121-H

FOR SALE, or will trade for boys wheel, a Radio Equipment, Crys­ tal detector, reasonable. 2524 Re­ dondo blvd, Lomita. J-21-lt-pd

FOR SALE—Good Holstein cow, fresh; also five dozen year-aid laying hens. M. E. Phililps, 2502 East Hill St., Lomita. J-21-lt-p

FOR SALE—Studebaker 6, seven- pass., good condition, $250, 216th street and Grace, Keystone acres.


FOR SALE—4-hole wood stove; ex­ cellent condition; used but little; reasonable. 650 Seventh street, San Pedro. J-21-lt-pd

FOR SALE—6-room house with sleeping porch, and double gar­ age. On corner lot In very de­ sirable location. Bargain, $1500 cash will handle it.

50x150 lot with large garage on rear of lot. Good location and easy terms.

Choice corner lot in good loca­ tion. Five room house on Cota Ave., terms.

Seven acres In oil district, $850 per acre, easy .terms.

BABCOCK & JONES Phone 104-R. 2010 Arlington. Torrance. J-7-tf

FOR SALE — 4 -room house, 50 ft. lot, $1350; terms, $500 cash, bal­ ance $25 per month. Mrs. Jose-

Anar. fltflcfl 2520 RedondoBlvd., Residence 2947 Arizona St.. Lomita. J-14-tf.

FOR SALU—One corner lot, 78x137 feet, one block from business cen­ ter; cash or terms. Mm. Edith A. Uarvtll, 3031 West Weston St., Lomita. J-14-tf

FOR SALE li-room modern house, 1732 Andreo St. Terms. J14-U.

FOR SALE—Frunklyn Roadster with light delivery liuily nearly now ttruB. Quick salf, »t!5. King's Now and Second-Hand Furniture Store, Harbor City. Gal. J-SO-tf.

l-'OK BALE—Meat Market and Groc­ ery Store, flxUiroH and business lot. 1'riiVj) .riKlit. Si-i- owner, 1801 Ca- lirillu Kt., I'Yunk 11. Noll, Torrance.


FOR RENTFOR RENT—Three room house and

acre; 5 room house and acre, gar­ age, barn, chicken corralls. All well improved and a fine home. List your property with C. E. Houts, 2841 E. Chestnut Street, Lomita. J-21-tf

FOR RENT—A little bungalow with all modern improvements, at 1812 Gramercy ave. J-21-lt-p

FOR RENT—4 room modern house. Call Urma grocery Lomita.


FOR RENT—5 roam furnished house, 1730 Arlington, near Car­ son Adults. 7-19-lt

FOR RENT—Front apartment at'the Castle Apts, El Prado St.,Torrance. J-21-lt pd

FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, rea­ sonable, single beds, bath and shower. . Mrs. L. E. Dawson, Lo­ mita Restaurant. J-23-tf

FOR RENT—Rooms, single or dou­ ble, with or without bath, and an apt. August 1. The Brighton, Torrance. J-14-41.

FOR RENT—3-room house, partly furnished, gas, electricity, water. Mrs. A. Lindegren, 2752 E. Wes­ ton street. J-14-lt

FOR RENT—Three modern apart­ ments. L. J. Hunter. J-21-tf

WANTEDWANTED—If you are Interested in

the oil proposition at Santa Fe Springs, and want to get out to the field, will call for you in private car. Trip will not obligate you in any way, and we Will give you lunch to boot. Address X; Lomlta Newsletter._____J-21-tf

WANTED—A few scattered acresIn the town of Lomita. Address814 West Olive street, Redlands,

California. J-21-2t-pd

WANTED—To buy for cash a resi­ dence lot in Torrance. Torrance 45-M. 1808 Gramercy ave. J-21-lt

WANTED—to trade good auto and - part cash for lots and acre. J. W.

Welte, 2841 Brethren street, Lo­ mita. J-21-tI

WANTED—Standard market pricepaid or veal and pork. LomltaMeat Market. J-21-pd,

WANTED—Dressmaking.; Mrs. LUT cretla Reppert, No. 12 Park Ter­ race. J-14-3t.

WANTED—4 unfurnished houses. Close in. See Torrance General Insurance Agency, 108 First Na­ tional Bank, Bldg., Torrance. tf.

WANTED—To care for children while mothers work or when par­ ents go on vacation. F. L. Buker 2511 Weston St., Lomtla. J-14-21

WANTED—List your property with C. Houts, 2841 E. Chestnut St., Lomlta._______ J-14-4t.

WANTED—To buy for cash, bargains in houses, building and aoros iu Torrance. Babcock and Jones W10 Arlington street, phone 104-R


MILL WRIQHT—Carpenter and re- pairer. Work guaranteed. J. J. Boatman, Torrance._______J-D-tf

LOST AND FOUNDFOUND—A child's sweater at

Schmldt Wiener Bake. Inquire* Newsletter office, Lomita.

J-21-lt pd

MISCELLANEOUSMudulrlu Embroidery, Hand work

from Funchul, Madeira, silk and iiuliiHuok lingerie. Infant's wear; luncheon cloths. A real bargain. IttlT Narbunne Ave., Lomlta.—Advertise­ ment.