State Diagram

Session State Diagram Checklist Introduction to State diagram Explain State diagram notations Construct State diagram for our Case Study

Transcript of State Diagram



State Diagram


Introduction to State diagram

Explain State diagram notations

Construct State diagram for our Case Study


State Diagram

State Diagram also referred to as state chart diagram or state machine describes life of objects

in terms of events that change the state of the object. These events can be external or internal

events. State refers to the current condition of the object. Scope of the state is the entire life of

the object in a system. State diagram has been around for a long time around and is crucial in

embedded development.

Elements of a State Chart Diagram

Initial State

Figure 1: Initial state Notation


Initial state is the starting point in a state chart

diagram. The circled dot will be followed by a

state always.

State : State encapsulates the object instance. States

are represented by a rounded rectangle.

Super & Sub state

: State which holds other states and activities is

known as super state. States which goes inside

super state is known as sub state.


Figure 2: Super & Sub state

Final state

Figure 3: Final State Notation

: Final states denote deletion of an object. There

won’t be any triggers from the final state.

Event : Event is similar to triggers. They are responsible

for changing states in a system. These events

are denoted on the line connecting two states.

Syntax for writing events is trigger [guard –



Figure 4: Activity Notation

: States can not only listen to events and change

to other states, they can also have their own

internal functions. These internal functions are

denoted as activities.

Entry/Exit action

Entry action is performed when state is live &

Exit action is performed when live state moves

to the next state.


Split of Control : State Chart could handle the split of control by

using “Fork & Join”. A vertical line is used to

separate the flow of control as illustrated in the


Figure 5: Split of Control notation



When your system needs to perform two or

more actions simultaneously, they can also be

modeled in state chart diagram. Draw a dashed

line (----) to indicate concurrency as illustrated

in the figure.


Figure 6: Concurrency notation

History Pseudo state

Figure 7: Pseudo State

: Pseudo state can be better understood with an


Consider you are hearing a song in you media

player and battery just died. When you restart

your media player, it will start playing from

where you left off.

To denote such occurrences pseudo state

(circled H) is used.

Constructing State Chart diagram for our Case study

Problem Statement

We are going to construct state diagram for an Alarm Clock. Functionalities of our alarm clock is

given below.

1. User can switch on or switch off the alarm clock

2. It can display time

3. Users can set alarm, delete alarm and can change alarm

4. There is no snooze button but user can stop the alarm when it goes of


Step 1: Get a view of the system. I have presented a wireframe for our alarm clock


Alarm Icon

New Ok / Update


Cancel / No

Update Stop Alarm time Delete / Ok

Figure 8: Alarm clock - Wireframe


Step 2: Identify the states used by the system

Based on the functionalities listed above, I could visualize followings states. We can add or

remove states anyways.

Figure 9: Step 2 - Alarm Clock States

Step 3: Look for activities, internal and external actions

Figure 10: Step 3 - Internal Activities & actions

I could come up with three states that have internal actions associated with them.

Display Current


When our alarm clock is switched ON, it has to show current time. So

“Do” activity keeps incrementing time for our clock

Sound Alarm When users alarm time sets in, our clock should flash making sounds. To

monitor this “Blink Alarm” actions is placed under Do activity

Alarm List Menu When user presses alarm clock icon in the main screen, our clock has to

transition of list menu screen which shows the alarms previously set by


the user.

So whenever user enters this screen the list must be updated. Our

entry function is assigned to take care of this functionality.

Step 4: Assemble the parts and model the transition between states. Our final state chart

diagram looks like the figure below.

Figure 11: Alarm Clock - Timing Diagram



State chart diagram describes life of an object in terms of event

State chart diagram is also known as state machine or state diagram

Elements of state diagram – state, activity, pseudo state, event