State Aid Weekly e-News - European...

1 State Aid Weekly e-News Nr. 35/07, 12.10.2007 05.10.2007 - 11.10.2007 Highlights The Law and Economics of State aid control – a Commission Perspective Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition Policy Joint EStALI/ESMT Conference: The Law and Economics of European State Aid Control Berlin, 8 th October 2007 To read the full speech, click here Global Europe – competing and cooperating Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition Policy "Women in European Business" (WEB) conference Frankfurt, 11 th October 2007 To read the full speech, click here Second draft of the Community guidelines on State aid for environmental protection bg cs da de et el en es fr it lt lv hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv For information on open consultation on the draft, see section I. Draft legislation and public consultations of this Newsletter Commission endorses reform of supplementary pension regime in Greek banking sector The European Commission has approved, under the EC Treaty rules on state aid, the optional transfer of the supplementary pension regime of certain banks to the general social security regime in Greece. The Commission's investigation found that the conditions for transfer would not give any economic advantage to the banks concerned by the reform. Read more Commission initiates formal investigation into how RATP's pensions are financed The European Commission adopted a decision initiating a procedure with regard to the financing of RATP's pensions. The Commission investigation concerns whether a reorganisation of that financing, launched in January 2006, is compatible with the Community rules on monitoring state aid. The decision adopted will enable stakeholders and public-transport firms to comment on the Commission's preliminary analysis. In particular, the Commission wishes to carry out a more detailed assessment of the impact which the reorganisation has had, and could have in future, on RATP's competitive position. Read more Commission gives conditional authorisation for public aid to finance La Poste pensions for civil servants Acting under the EC Treaty rules on state aid, the European Commission has authorised the aid planned by France for the reform of the arrangements for financing the retirement pensions of civil servants working for La Poste. The authorisation is subject to conditions to ensure that La Poste and its competitors are placed on an equal footing as regards social security contributions and tax. Read more

Transcript of State Aid Weekly e-News - European...

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SSttaattee AAiidd WWeeeekkllyy ee--NNeewwss Nr. 35/07, 12.10.2007 05.10.2007 - 11.10.2007 HHiigghhlliigghhttss The Law and Economics of State aid control – a Commission Perspective Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition Policy Joint EStALI/ESMT Conference: The Law and Economics of European State Aid Control Berlin, 8th October 2007 To read the full speech, click here Global Europe – competing and cooperating Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition Policy "Women in European Business" (WEB) conference Frankfurt, 11th October 2007 To read the full speech, click here Second draft of the Community guidelines on State aid for environmental protection bg cs da de et el en es fr it lt lv hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv For information on open consultation on the draft, see section I. Draft legislation and public consultations of this Newsletter Commission endorses reform of supplementary pension regime in Greek banking sector The European Commission has approved, under the EC Treaty rules on state aid, the optional transfer of the supplementary pension regime of certain banks to the general social security regime in Greece. The Commission's investigation found that the conditions for transfer would not give any economic advantage to the banks concerned by the reform. Read more Commission initiates formal investigation into how RATP's pensions are financed The European Commission adopted a decision initiating a procedure with regard to the financing of RATP's pensions. The Commission investigation concerns whether a reorganisation of that financing, launched in January 2006, is compatible with the Community rules on monitoring state aid. The decision adopted will enable stakeholders and public-transport firms to comment on the Commission's preliminary analysis. In particular, the Commission wishes to carry out a more detailed assessment of the impact which the reorganisation has had, and could have in future, on RATP's competitive position. Read more Commission gives conditional authorisation for public aid to finance La Poste pensions for civil servants Acting under the EC Treaty rules on state aid, the European Commission has authorised the aid planned by France for the reform of the arrangements for financing the retirement pensions of civil servants working for La Poste. The authorisation is subject to conditions to ensure that La Poste and its competitors are placed on an equal footing as regards social security contributions and tax. Read more

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II.. DDrraafftt lleeggiissllaattiioonn aanndd ppuubblliicc ccoonnssuullttaattiioonnss

Second draft of the Community guidelines on State aid for environmental protection bg cs da de et el en es fr it lt lv hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv Deadline for comments: 05.11.2007 Interested parties may submit their replies to the questionnaire to the following address: European Commission Directorate-General for Competition State aid Registry HT 1117 B-1049 Brussels Fax (32-2) 296 12 42 E-mail: [email protected] Revision of the Community Guidelines on State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty Questionnaire for public consultation bg cs da de el en es et fi fr hu it lt lv mt nl pl pt ro sl sk sv Deadline for comments: 30.11.2007 Interested parties may submit their replies to the questionnaire to the following address: European Commission Directorate-General for Competition State aid Registry HT 1117 B-1049 Brussels Fax (32-2) 296 12 42 E-mail: [email protected] Closed public consultations DG Competition

DG Agriculture DG Transport and Energy DG Fisheries

IIII.. NNeeww lleeggiissllaattiioonn

- none -

IIIIII.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo ooppeenn ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn 11.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttaakkeenn bbyy tthhee CCoommmmiissssiioonn Country Title Case number Objective Decision


DG Competition cases

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France Restructuring aid to FagorBrandt

Press release

C 44/2007 (ex N 460/2007)

Restructuring aid 10.10.2007

Poland Huta Stalowa Wola – Bis

Press release

C 43/2007 (ex N 64/2007)

Restructuring aid 10.10.2007

Romania Privatisation of Automobile Craiova, Romania

Press release

C 46/2007 (ex NN 59/2007)


Spain Amortization of financial goodwill for acquisitions of foreign targets

Press release

C 45/2007 (ex NN 51/2007)


DG Transport and Energy cases

France RATP - Fonds de pension

Press release

C 42/2007 (ex 428/2006)


22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ppeennddiinngg OOJJ ppuubblliiccaattiioonn Click here to see the full list 33.. DDeecciissiioonnss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee OOJJ ffrroomm 1111..0099..22000077 ttoo 1111..1100..22000077 –– FFoorrmmaall ccoommmmeennttss ppeerriioodd rruunnnniinngg * Where the last day of the public comments period falls on a public holiday in a Member State, the deadline for comments of parties residing in that Member State ends on the following working day.

Country Title/Links to documents Case

number Objective Decision date

DG Competition cases

Spain Pickman S.A. - La Cartuja de Sevilla

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 12 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release

Deadline for comments*: 12.11.2007

C 20/2007 (ex NN 31/2007)


Hungary Short term export credit guarantee to SMEs

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 18 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release

Deadline for comments*: 06.11.2007

C 29/2007 (ex N 310/2006)

SME aid 18.07.2007

Hungary MSF-2002-HU Ibiden Hungary Ltd

OJ C 224 of 25.09.2007, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release

Deadline for comments*: 25.10.2007

C 21/2007 (ex N 578/2006)

Regional development aid


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Portugal TDM aid to ENVC for seven ships

OJ C 221 of 21.09.2007, p. 8 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Deadline for comments*: 22.10.2007

C 32/2007 (ex N 389/2006)

Sectoral development aid


Germany Training aid for DHL Leipzig

OJ C 213 of 12.09.2007, p. 28 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release

Deadline for comments*: 12.10.2007

C 18/2007 (ex N 874/2006)

Training aid 27.06.2007

DG Transport and Energy cases

Ireland Subventions pour transports en bus

OJ C 217 of 15.09.2007, p. 44 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release

Deadline for comments*: 15.10.2007

C 31/2007 (ex NN 17/2007)


Germany NERES – Dortmund

OJ C 217 of 15.09.2007, p. 25 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release


Deadline for comments*: 15.10.2007

C 26/2007 (ex NN 28/2007)


Denmark Tonnage Tax - Cable Laying Vessels – prolongation NN 116/1998

OJ C 213 of 12.09.2007, p. 22 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Press release

Deadline for comments*: 12.10.2007

C 22/2007 (ex N 43/2007)


IIVV.. FFiinnaall CCoommmmiissssiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss 11.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttaakkeenn bbyy tthhee CCoommmmiissssiioonn 11..11.. NNoo oobbjjeeccttiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss

Country Title Case number Objective Decision date

DG Competition cases

Austria Garanties de l'Etat autrichien en faveur des musées nationaux

NN 50/2007 Culture aid 10.10.2007

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Belgium Flemish Audiovisual Fund extension N 498/2007 Culture aid 09.10.2007

France Soutien de l'agence de l'innovation industrielle au PMII OSIRIS

Press release

N 349/2007 R&D aid 10.10.2007

France Training aid for Club Med in Guadeloupe

N 206/2007 Training aid 10.10.2007

Germany Employment of innovation assistants and supporting the exchange of personnel

N 274/2007 Employment aid


Greece Reform of the financing regime of the pensions in the Greek banking sector

Press release

N 597/2006 No aid 10.10.2007

Ireland Research, Development and Innovation Aid Scheme

N 317/2007 R&D aid 09.10.2007

Italy Broadband connections for Alto Adige N 473/2007 Regional development aid


Poland Prolongation of the case PL 23/2004 N 5/2007 Environmental aid


Portugal Reduced excise duty to beer produced and consumed in Madeira

N 293/2007 No aid 10.10.2007

DG Agriculture cases

Ireland Scheme of Investment Aid for the Development of the Commercial Horticulture Sector 2007-2013

N 163/2007 R&D aid 10.10.2007

Italy Interventions in favour of innovation in the forestry-timber industry (Friuli-Venezia- Giulia)

N 417/2006 No aid 10.10.2007

Portugal GMO admixture compensation fund N 679/2006 10.10.2007

Spain Aid to compensate damage and losses in the farming sector caused by the wave of fires (Galicia)

N 794/2006 10.10.2007

Spain Aid for the compensation of damages caused by fire in August 2006 (Galicia)

N 634/2006 10.10.2007

United Kingdom

Agricultural and Horticultural Levy Board Market Research Scheme

Press release

N 338/2007 10.10.2007

United Kingdom

Agricultural and Horticultural Levy Board Technical Support Scheme

Press release

N 145/2007 Investment in agricultural holdings


DG Transport and Energy cases

Italy Aid to FERCAM SPA based on scheme N 192/1997

Press release

N 607/2006 Environmental aid


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Italy Start-up aid to airlines departing from Grosseto airport

Press release

N 194/2007 Sectoral development aid


Romania CN Huilei SA Petrosani N 239/2007 10.10.2007

11..22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo cclloossee ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn Country Title Case

number Objective Decision date

DG Competition cases

France Réforme du mode de financement des retraites des fonctionnaires de l’Etat rattachés à La Poste

Conditional decision

Press release

C 43/2006 (ex N 410/2006 and ex NN 42/2006)


22.. PPuubblliicc vveerrssiioonnss ooff ddeecciissiioonnss mmaaddee aavvaaiillaabbllee 22..11.. NNoo oobbjjeeccttiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss

Country Title/Links to documents* Case number Objective Decision


DG Competition cases

Denmark Scheme for the production and broadcasting of Danish TV drama and TV documentary programmes

N 360/2007 Culture aid 23.08.2007

Germany Prolongation of Future Fund Berlin N 819/2006 R&D aid 11.09.2007

Germany Promotion of patent protection for Small Enterprises, Sachsen-Anhalt

N 278/2007 R&D aid 23.08.2007

Italy Aid scheme for research and development in Val d'Aosta

N 335/2007 R&D aid 10.09.2007

Italy Subsidies to idTV N 107/2007 Innovation aid


Portugal Zona Franca Madeira N 421/2006 Regional development aid


Slovakia Aid notification - Audiovisual production N 551/2006 Culture aid 27.07.2007

DG Transport and Energy cases

France Modification du régime d'aides N 134/2005 de l'ADEME dans le domaine du transport

N 347/2007 Sectoral development aid


22..22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo cclloossee ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn

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- none - 33.. DDeecciissiioonnss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee OOJJ 33..11.. NNoo oobbjjeeccttiioonn ddeecciissiioonnss * Decisions not to raise objections are frequently grouped together in one single document for publication in the Official Journal. Since the link can only be made to the top of the first page of the document, you may have to scroll down in the document to find a particular case.

Country Title/ Links to documents* Case

number Objective Decision date

DG Competition cases

Austria Support for the production of green electricity

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 170/2007 Environmental aid


Ireland Business Expansion Scheme (BES), incorporating the Seed Capital Scheme (SCS).

OJ C 238 of 10.10.2007, p. 4 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 287/2007 Risk capital aid 23.08.2007

Lithuania Amendments to N 294/2005; Aid for the Development of the Production of Bio-Diesel

OJ C 233 of 05.10.2007, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 306/2007 Environmental aid


Sweden Prolongation of N 413/2006: Aid for Distribution of Renewable Fuel OJ C 233 of 05.10.2007, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 410/2007 Environmental aid


DG Transport and Energy cases

Belgium Régime de réduction des contributions sociales des marins employés dans le transport maritime et dans le secteur du dragage

OJ C 238 of 10.10.2007, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

NN 73/2003

Sectoral development aid


Belgium Régime d'aides en faveur de l'emploi

OJ C 238 of 10.10.2007, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

NN 132/2000

Employment aid


Germany Développement des infrastructures ferroviaires (Sachsen-Anhalt)

OJ C 238 of 10.10.2007, p. 3 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 95/2007 30.07.2007

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Greece Thessaloniki Submerged Tunnel Project

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 134/2007 Services of general economic interest


Italy Diversion of heavy vehicle traffic from the lake Maggiore trunk road (SS 33) to the A/26 motorway

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 1 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 740/2006 10.05.2007

Poland Port Infrastructure

OJ C 238 of 10.10.2007, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 510/2005 Regional development aid


Spain Ayudas a la industria del carbón basadas en el artículo 7 del Reglamento (CE) 1407/2002 para los años 2006 a 2012

OJ C 238 of 10.10.2007, p. 2 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

N 352/2006 10.07.2007

33..22.. DDeecciissiioonnss ttoo cclloossee ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn

- none -

VV.. OOtthheerr ttyyppeess ooff ddeecciissiioonnss Country Title/ Links to documents Case

number Objective Decision date

Decisions published in the OJ

DG Transport and Energy cases

Italy PIEMONTE - Déviation de circulation des poids lourds

Decision amending Commission Decision of 9 July 2003 on the State aid C 11/2002 (ex N 382/2001)

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 27 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

C 11/2002 (ex N 382/2001)


VVII.. BBlloocckk eexxeemmppttiioonnss IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn sshheeeettss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee OOJJ * Block exemption information sheets are frequently grouped together in one single document for publication in the Official Journal. Since the link can only be made to the top of the first page of the document, you may have to scroll down in the document to find a particular case.

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Country Title/Links to documents* Case number Objective

Belgium Ad hoc opleidingssteun aan de NV Volvo Europa Trucks (dossier 2006G00267)

OJ C 236 of 09.10.2007, p. 4 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 76/2007 Training aid

Belgium Ad hoc opleidingssteun aan de NV SEDAC-MECOBEL te Wevelgem (dossier 2007G00032)

OJ C 236 of 09.10.2007, p. 3 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 74/2007 Training aid

Belgium Ad hoc opleidingssteun aan de NV KATOEN NATIE te Antwerpen (dossier 2006G00258)

OJ C 236 of 09.10.2007, p. 3 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 73/2007 Training aid

Cyprus General training (Σχέδιο Καταβολής Χορηγηµάτων για Συµµετοχή στο Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραµµα του Μεσογειακού Ινστιτούτου ∆ιεύθυνσης).

OJ C 236 of 09.10.2007, p. 5 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 87/2007 Training aid

Czech Republic Operacní program Podnikání a inovace 2007 – 2013 Podprogram Ekoenergie Výzva I

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 8 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XR 111/2007 Regional aid

Estonia Eesti maaelu arengukava 2007-2013 meede 3.2 „Külade uuendamine ja arendamine”

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 13 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XS 224/2007 SME aid

Estonia Eesti maaelu arengukava 2007-2013 meede 3.1 „Majandustegevuse mitmekesistamine maapiirkonnas”

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 13 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XS 223/2007 SME aid

Germany Förderung von aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds mitfinanzierten Vorhaben der Förderperiode 2007-2013 (ESF-Richtlinie SMS/SMUL) vom 31. Juli 2007 (SächsABl. 33/2007 S. 1095)

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 7 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XE 27/2007 Employment aid

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Germany Richtlinie über die Gewährung von Zuwendungen zur Förderung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen bei der erstmaligen Initiierung innovativer FuE-Projekte (Forschungsscheck)

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 16 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XS 255/2007 SME aid

Germany Förderung von aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds mitfinanzierten Vorhaben der Förderperiode 2007-2013 (ESF-Richtlinie SMS/SMUL) vom 31. Juli 2007 (SächsABl. 33/2007 S. 1095)

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 10 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 89/2007 Training aid

Germany Regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung in Bayern 2007

OJ C 236 of 09.10.2007, p. 5 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 86/2007 Training aid

Hungary Employment aid from the Research and Technology Innovation Fund

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 6 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XE 21/2007 Employment aid

Hungary Training aid from the Research and Technology Innovation Fund

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 10 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XT 72/2007 Training aid

Italy Programmi Integrati di Innovazione

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 14 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XS 227/2007 SME aid

Latvia Nodokļu piemērošana brīvostās un speciālajās ekonomiskajās zonās

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 8 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XR 20/2007 Regional aid

Slovakia Poskytovanie statnej pomoci malým a stredným podnikom - odpustenia sankcie

OJ C 234 of 06.10.2007, p. 15 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XS 250/2007 SME aid

Spain Subvenciones a las Unidades de Apoyo a la Actividad Profesional de los Centros Especiales de Empleo en Asturias

OJ C 239 of 11.10.2007, p. 6 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

XE 25/2007 Employment aid

VVIIII.. EEuurrooppeeaann CCoouurrtt ooff JJuussttiiccee

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** IInn oorrddeerr ttoo ccoonnssuulltt tthhee aavvaaiillaabbllee llaanngguuaaggeess ooff ddooccuummeennttss uuppllooaaddeedd iinn tthhee CCuurriiaa wweebbssiittee,, pplleeaassee cclliicckk oonn tthhee eeaarrtthh ssyymmbbooll oonn tthhee lleefftt ssiiddee ttoooollbbaarr..

11.. CCoouurrtt ooff FFiirrsstt IInnssttaannccee

Court case Title Country Type of act Date Related case T-288/07

OJ C 235 of 06.10.2007, p. 17 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

Alcan France v. Commission

France Application 30.07.2007 C 78/2001 C 79/2001 C 80/2001

22.. CCoouurrtt ooff JJuussttiiccee

- none -

VVIIIIII.. EEuurrooppeeaann EEccoonnoommiicc AArreeaa Based on the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), the EFTA States participating in the EEA have entrusted the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA Court with similar decision making powers to that of the Commission and the European Court of Justice, respectively, in the field of state aid for the EFTA States.

11.. DDeecciissiioonnss ooff tthhee EEFFTTAA SSuurrvveeiillllaannccee AAuutthhoorriittyy

Country Title/Links to documents Case number Objective Decision

date Newly adopted decisions

Norway Decision 447/07/COL prolonging until December 2011 the reduced electricity tax for the regions of Finnmark and North Troms previously authorized in Decision 149/04/COL

Press release

62964 Environmental aid


Public versions of decisions made available

Norway Decision on the modification of the scheme on Centres for Research-based Innovation

Decision 376/07/COL

62756 R&D aid 12.09.2007

22.. EEFFTTAA CCoouurrtt

- none - 33.. SSttaattee AAiidd NNeeww LLeeggiissllaattiioonn

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Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 55/2007 of 8 June 2007 amending Annex XV (State aid) to the EEA Agreement (consolidated Transparency Directive) OJ L 266 of 11.10.2007, p. 15 bg es cs da de et el en fr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv

44.. OOtthheerr EEEEAA ppooiinnttss ooff iinntteerreesstt

- none -

IIXX.. AAddddiittiioonnaall ppooiinnttss ooff iinntteerreesstt EEvveennttss State Aid Policy and Practice in the European Community - An Integrative and Interactive Approach The Seminar intended for officials from central and local governments and managers from public enterprises who may be involved in the formulation and implementation of state aid schemes. The seminars are also open to managers of enterprises that may receive aid. Maastricht, 18-19 October 2007 For further information, click here Competition Day 2007: II Lisbon Conference on Competition Law and Economics Lisbon, 15-16 November 2007 For further information, click here SSttuuddiieess aanndd rreeppoorrttss Worldwide corporate investment in R&D grew by 10% last year, according to a new European Commission study The 2007 edition of the European Commission's annual scoreboard of companies' spending on research and development (R&D) shows that corporate R&D has increased by 10%, with EU-based companies increasing their R&D investment by 7.4%. This compares to 5.3% growth reported in the 2006 edition. The scoreboard also shows an upward trend in companies' profitability all over the world. The world's biggest investor in R&D in the 2007 Scoreboard is Pfizer of the US, with €5.8 billion. The top EU company is DaimlerChrysler of Germany with €5.2 billion Read more The 2007 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard Second estimates for the second quarter of 2007: Euro area GDP up by 0.3% and EU27 GDP up by 0.5% Euro area (EA13) GDP grew by 0.3% and EU271 GDP by 0.5% in the second quarter of 2007, compared with the previous quarter, according to second estimates from Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the first quarter of 2007, growth rates were +0.8% in both the euro area and the EU27. Read more Eurostat regional yearbook 2007: Facts and figures about 268 EU27 regions Where among all the 268 regions of the European Union is it most likely for a woman to be working? And where do we find the highest proportion of students? In which European city is it perceived to be easiest to find a job and a place to live? The answers to these questions and many more are found in

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the 2007 edition of the Eurostat regional yearbook, which is published by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. Read more Eurostat regional yearbook 2007: de en fr More than half of young Europeans keen to start their own business According to the latest Flash Eurobarometer on entrepreneurial mindset the EU is still lagging behind the US, but over half of the EU’s young people find it desirable to become entrepreneurs within the next five years. The aim of the survey is to have a better understanding of entrepreneurship, to identify what is fuelling entrepreneurial mindsets, what encourages people to become entrepreneurs and which obstacles exist. The results of the 2007 survey will help the Commission in the shaping of its policy-making (see end of this file: Promoting entrepreneurship at all levels). Read more Flash Eurobarometer on Entrepreneurship 2007 IInnvviittaattiioonnss ttoo tteennddeerr Study on counterfactual scenarios to restructuring State aid: observed developments when no aid is granted to a firm in difficulty (COMP/2007/E3/016) Deadline for submitting tenders: 05.11.2007 For further information, click here Contract notice: 2007/S 185-225146 published 26 September 2007 MMiisscceellllaanneeaa Starting up a new enterprise quicker and cheaper The average cost for setting up a new company in the EU 15 has fallen to € 554 in 2007 compared to € 813 in 2002 and coping with the administrative procedures to register a company was reduced from 24 days in 2002 to about 12 days today. As they are also the biggest providers of new jobs in the EU, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have become truly central to policy-making in the EU. This is the main conclusion of the European Commission’s mid-term review on SME policy, published today. It takes stock of the progress achieved since 2005 in five main areas of the Commission's SME policy: cutting red tape, improving access to markets, promoting entrepreneurship and skills, improving growth potential and strengthening dialogue with stakeholders. The SME dimension is more and more integrated in EU initiatives and legislation. The Commission also adopted today a communication on the stigma of business failures, proposing action to prevent bankruptcy and to promote a fresh start for non-fraudulent bankrupts. Furthermore an action plan has been launched to help small companies to integrate environmental concerns into their production processes and products, in particular through a better compliance with legislation. Read more Commission to help small and medium-sized companies become greener Helping small and medium-seized companies use energy and resources efficiently is the aim of a recently published Commission Communication. It does this by providing a legal framework and measures that reinforce existing policies and initiatives in line with the particular characteristics of smaller companies. To this end the Communication proposes to create a programme to help small and medium-sized companies implement European environmental legislation. The programme will channel financial resources towards support networks, simplify access to environmental management systems, and promote greater awareness of environmental issues among these companies. Read more Promoting second chances for entrepreneurs In the Commission Communication "Overcoming the stigma of business failure – for a second chance policy" the Commission proposes that second chances for entrepreneurs whose business failed in the past are promoted.

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Read more The Commission communication: de en fr Online platform Celebrating 10 years of the European Employment Strategy: common objectives for more and better jobs These days see the tenth anniversary of the EU's main policy tool for creating improved work for all. The European Employment Strategy (EES) – which establishes common EU objectives and priorities, and ensures coordination of employment policies across the EU – has helped raise the EU employment rate from 60.7% to 64.3% since 1997 and cut long term unemployment from 5% to 3.6%. The anniversary was marked by a major conference organised by the European Commission and the Portuguese EU Presidency, a follow-up to the successful event on Flexicurity last month. Read more

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