Startup/Digital Marketing 2.0: Growth Hacking Thru UX


Transcript of Startup/Digital Marketing 2.0: Growth Hacking Thru UX

Contents of this slide are solely based on

my personal learning experience and observation.

[email protected] @ChiewSA

I might be wrong!

Let’s talk!

When One Shares, Everyone Wins

Building a product is only


When it comes to the business of technology, it’s not only about product development and research, making the product available to as many (right) people matters.


It’s not up to you.

Those who care (usually a lot!) will be more than happy to steal your customers/business

What if I don’t have to care? I already have lots of customers/conversions.

Before we move on..

You should know a little about the followings:

• Internet/Digital Marketing

• UX (User Experience)

• Growth Hacking

Fear not, we’ll cover a bit..

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

The marketing 4 Ps still exist..




Place (Distribution)

The ‘exciting’ part of Digital Marketing

DIGITAL MARKETING is not only about Social Media & Search

I will focus more on Social Media & Search Marketing since most people are familiar with it (unless you don’t use social networking and search engine).

THE PROBLEM & OPPORTUNITIESDigital Marketing allows you to track (almost) everything..

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”

-- John Wanamaker

If you’re new to UX

Feel free to view this slide that I prepared earlier

A typical UX design process involves..

There are many step-by-step processes proposed by different practitioners, It typically starts with Research -> Analysis ->Design -> Test -> Iterate

So, what is Growth Hacking?

There are many different definitions out there.

Let’s not spend too much time discussing here.


Growth hacking is a marketing technique developed by technology startups which uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure

Growth hackers focus on low-cost and innovative alternatives to traditional marketing.

Startups usually struggle with limited resources (money, time, experience) to achieve growth, so they take innovative approaches using least resources to achieve massive growth. Non-technical guys need some technical loves too. So, marketers in the new age are now growth ‘hackers’

‘Hacking’? But, I have no technical skillset..

It’s good to have technical skills, but most importantly is the willingness to experiment (the entrepreneurial way)

You don’t want to bug your tech guy all the time just because you wanna tweak some minor changes on your content.

Don’t be surprised that many great developers know least about SEO stuff (e.g. 301 redirect, Canonical URL Tag)

SEO = Search Engine OptimizationIf you enjoy analytical thinking, you might be a great growth hacker!

Marissa Mayer, CEO of YAHOO!prev. VP of Search Products & UX, Google

One of my favourite advocates for‘Growth Hacking thru UX’

• Obsessed with metrics and data• Obsessed with User Experience• Make data-driven design decisions• Empathize users to deliver great experience• See YAHOO! as largest startup in the world• Startup shopping queen

Your Daily Habits. One Similarity.

They all have dedicated Data/UX/Growth Team

There are many reasons why you expose to them and still using them..

*usually very large team

Why Growth Hacking Thru UX Matters

The WEB is getting more & more

PERSONALIZEDOpportunities for marketers on target marketing

You might not aware..But you experience ‘growth hacking’, being experimented or targeted everyday!

It is less likely a coincidence that a H&M Advertisement shown beside while you’re reading Uniqlo email newsletter.



You’re targeted!

I browsed some items on e-commerce sites, and they’re now e v e r y w h e r e

Facebook:Other websites that I visit later:

I’m not hinting you that you must spend money on advertisement (or re-marketing), these are just examples that you’ve experienced

I’m hunting you!

If you’re not paying for it, you’re not the customer. You’re the product being sold.

Many people gave up on digital marketing

(included me), and blame the platforms

for being ineffective

When you don’t optimize..

Seriously this advertisement made me hungry!

But, the 7-11 in Malaysia doesn’t serve this.

Wrong target, 7-11 Taiwan!

While Jeremy Lin is HOT in Taiwan..

There are many Singaporeans and Malaysians that read Chinese too. LUCKILLY they didn’t show ‘pork’ advertisement to Muslim audience.

When you don’t optimize..

Awesome! I wanna join, but... how????

People like the idea of contest, but why stop them from joining..

Hundreds of people did the wrong way by commenting to ‘submit entries’.

Even the terms and condition on the site did not clearly state out the details.

Marketing budget spent on contest advertising. Opportunities to gain greater exposure wasted. Hopefully customer relationship is not affected.

When you don’t even care..

I saw another identical ad(with broken link) gained more than 50 likes.

Should you use Likes to measure your performance?

1,000,000 likes, so?

The same link with the same problem was there for weeks, without any action taken.




Process of.. Experimenting, analysing and iterating..

Put it simply.. Three steps:

1. Do something, Test something (Trackable)

2. Analyse test results (Measure)

3. Improve, optimize, do better.. (Iterate)

Your Growth/Conversion Goal can be: traffic, subscriptions, e-commerce etc.

what is not measured cannot be improved

Most people only track these..

How much traffic I get?

How many convert? How much

I earn?




What if we focus on these questions

Can I get more people to convertto be users? Can I increase

more revenue?




Then only you spend money/time on the previous stage!Wait.. What if.. We track beyond these three metrics?

Why spend money or efforts to push traffic to your site when conversion rate is low?

A A R R R ! Acquisition Activation Retention Referral Revenue

Product Marketing for Pirates: AARRR! (aka Startup Metrics for Internet Marketing & Product Management) by Dave Mcclure

This explains all..






Basic Requirement:Everything (that matters) must be measurable

Get People visit your sitesHow they find you?

People sign upDo they have great first onboarding experience?

People be more activeHow to ensure they return?

MonetizeHow you make money?

Another Name: Lean Marketing Funnel

People recommend more peopleHow to get them refer more people to you?

Overview: AARRR

Now.. Improve the ‘loops’

Can I get more people to convertto be users?

Can I increase more revenue conversion?

Acquisition Activation RevenueRetention

Can I improve user engagement?

Can I grab more people to visit my site?

Opportunities to improve each stage through providing the right user experience!!

Let’s see some good examples..

Best Practices

Oh Wait.. There is no silver bullet

No One-Size-Fit-It-All solutions

EVERY BUSINESS IS DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE. The examples shown are to poke your thoughts on the potential tactics that you can apply on your own


Hey you! Yeah you! Check this out!


• Contents do not resemble only blog contents, but your landing page, pictures, infographic, social media posting, email and more.

• Conduct Content Analysis to determine which one performs better and align with your business goal.

Content A

1000 Clicked on it

10 Converted

1 Paid (USD 70)

Content B

20 Clicked on it

2 Converted

1 Paid (USD 90)


You can also include money or time spent to generate content. Content Analysis (or A/B Testing) can be applied in many places. Eg. How many people received your email, clicked on the link in the email and how many convert on your site.

Follow the trend..

When everyone was discussing about this movie in the internet.

We created a recruitment post with the caption ‘Test.Earn.Repeat’ , it had significantly high CTR compared to other Ads created. Is it good?

Not really, we did not achieve our goal. We got high CTR but none converted as user (testers).

Some other ads that received lower CTR but brought in conversions.

You need to know what is your main goal, so that you can measure and learn what works best for you!

CTR* = Click Through Rate. People that saw it and clicked on it to check it out.

Test. Earn. Repeat

Quick Tips

Not only you can track the performance of contents but also the effectiveness in terms of cost and target placement.

If you’re using advertisement (sponsored posts). You are usually given options to choose your payment method.

For placement, you may gain insights like which market/demographic love your products (or content), then you can further make adjustment to target (localization).

You can ‘try’ to see which one is most effective for you (higher conversion or lower cost). Then you may invest more in a specific option.

Eg. I can choose to pay USD 3.51 per click or USD 2 per 1000 impression (fixed).

Trend. Creativity.

Ad that appeared during first day of 2015 Remember Facebook’s ‘Year In Review’ feature?

Appealing Ad!

Sometimes, you don’t have to copy, it’s okay to ‘steal’ creativity.

Find the difference

I randomly selected two ads that appeared on my FB newsfeed.

Provide useful fact and incentive to click.Direct sales statement.



SERP (Search Engine Result Page)


SEO or Adword

• SEO: ‘FREE’, but it takes time..

• Adwords: Quick, but it takes money..

Effectiveness is subject to your business objective:

SEO is good for ‘fullfillment’ (people already know what they want, they searched for it.

Adwords can be good for creating ‘demand’. (People searched for children toys, then you may sell them other children related stuff)

Of course, you don’t even have choose between these two, since there are more options available out there.

SEO is all about Keywords?

Your Argument is Invalid..

Google Says..


Google is getting smarter and smarter.. Old tricks like keyword stuffing not longer works (well)..

OH wait, Facebook is getting smarter too. Tricks that worked might not work soon.. (eg. ‘Like & Share’/ Comment or Share )

• Do not focus on building content for SEO

Changing over time. Google is getting more ‘human’, so should you..

Of course, you can optimize it..Even Google suggested that, so that they can recognize your content better!


Although Google is getting smarter to eliminate ‘SEO tricks’. Few things remained constant..

• Keyword (not stuffing)• Editorial Vote (not number of links but providing Useful Content)

Make sure your Content has good UX too.Make sure your content optimized with relevant keywords, but do not omit

Bounce rate might not hurt your SEO, but it doesn’t improve SEO either! High Bounce Rate = People don’t find it useful/helpful.. Or the title is misleading!

If you provide useful content that provides value to users, they spend more time (SEO+1), share it (SEO+1), thus increase chance of getting your site linked.

Undoubtedly.. URL domain is strong and hard to fight, find your own niche.. Don’t think SEO, think CONTENT STRATEGY..

You’re not alone, there are many people working on SEO too..

Social Media Sharing (SEO)

• TIP:

When crafting your contents (allow them to share easily).

Remember, people are likely to share ‘stuff’ (content) that make them feel greatby sharing it

“I know this cool and useful stuff first among my community!”


You’ve gotta try this out!

• You must ensure there is a smooth transition between Acquisition and Activation

Search/Impression/Direct -> Landing Page

Quick Tips

Different Landing Pages

Direct Search Redirect from Google Ad

First time visitorsRegular visitors

For different users

For different time/occasion

Different Landing Pages

Redirect from Google Ad Redirect from Google Ad


Do Nothing, but sign up and I will give you something

Hassle-free sign up

Get only the details that you need at the specific touch point

Our own mistake

We thought it was kinda cool to put the ‘play’ button across all the devices.

Visitors thought it was a picture and didn’t click on it the view the video.

We did something unccersary to lose conversion.

Don’t waste an 404 error landing page

Opps?! No problem, you can still do so many things here!


Hey you, don’t leave.. Be more active here!

Pinterest makes sure

I notice that more

of my FB friends are now


They emailed me all the time!

Newsletter Subscription (Targeted)

Greater opportunities to for target marketing.

The Secret

When you log out, we log you in..

Twitter prompt you to download their mobile apps when you logged out from their desktop site.


If your email has low CTR or HIGH UNSUBSCRIBE RATE. You should revise the way you send/write email.

CEO/Founder Email


Aren’t you good to intro us to your friend?

Social Sharing (Email)

‘Join the Club’Invitation

This can be the ‘activation’ stage for recipient too

Provide incentives!

we give you free stuff if you promote us!

You’re just TOO SMART! Don’t cha!

The ‘feel’ good way!

• You get reward

• Your friends get reward

• Dropbox gets more users!

Word of mouth..

People share things that made them they feel great when sharing with others

Work on this.. For your ‘referral’ plan.

I’m among the first to know about this (blog content), I’m gonna share it out !

If I share this, I get something and my friend get something too!



Out of stock or Add to Cart?

Our own mistake

Clients were unable to make payment because they missed our payment button!

Quick TipsConduct user testing using the right way with right tester. You will be able to see how people use/understand your product differently from you.

Sometimes, you can use guerrilla test (users in the wild) too, mainly because they usually have one common trait:

‘they don’t know you and your product’

You may still test with your friends (not encouraged though), but you must not test with someone who is familiar with what you’re doing (your team)

Don’t ignore the external force

• Sometimes, external factors (trends, events, seasons) can be the reasons why your content or your product has low conversion/adoption.

• E.g.. You can’t blame the an Airline website design to have lower conversion when it experienced air crash accident in recent time

• E.g.. Aiming for higher sales of sun lotion during winter season.

In God We Trust,

all others must bring

--William Edwards Deming

Everything (that matters) must be track-able

• You need data/metrics.

There are many free tools! P.S. You don’t have to track everything.

Twitter, Linkedin, Slideshare now provide free analytics too. More to come!

Quick Tips

If you’re new to Google Analytics (or afraid of the steep learning curve).

Start with paying attention to ‘A.B.C’.

Google Analytics is free and useful, the only problem is they don’t tell you ‘WHY’ things happened in such ways, that’s why you need to develop hypothesis and experiment it. (E.g. UX Testing, A/B Testing etc)

how (where) people visit to your site

How they behave (navigate) on your site

Do they convert? A Conversion Goal does not necessarily involve monetary value, but sign up, subscription or time spent.

Make sure you’re tracking using the right ways

Common Mistake

• We’ve seen some startups using ‘campaign tracking code’ (URL Builder) to track their site events.

Do not simply judge one/startup if they did something silly/wrong (landing page, social media post etc.). You might be just part of the experiment. After all, those who experiment shall be rewarded.

I might be wrong too!

AGAIN.. Its not only about social media and search, but many many more..

Observe how competitors/similar business/big players achieve growth.

Find your own way. HACK IT OUT!


AIRBNB -> Craiglist Next Slide

DROPBOX -> sharing incentive Slide 68

Lesson? You don’t have to VIE directly, VIA works perfectly fine too!



Utilize the strength of a bigger player to grow your position

The classic kickass case: Vie or Via

What’s your EXIT strategy?

Retain your leaving users or evenConvert a leaving customer to potential customers

Uninstalling your software/app

You may apply this trick on your website (using Exit-Intent Technology), email marketing (hey, you’ve not visited us for months, we need to talk!)

Is it time to say goodbye?Meeting you was the happiest thing in my life. I can’t promise giving you the best, but I will try my best.Please stay with me, okay?

I’m done, let’s break up

Learn More

The girl smiles when you hover over ‘Learn More’ (Understanding a little more).

Kinda CREEPY! I’m not sure if this works fine out of Asia.


Please take good care of yourself ok!

Please don’t leave me, I can change!

• Repair• Uninstall

• Repair• Uninstall

I would prefer an option to slap her and tell her “Be tough! Girl! You’ll meet a better guy!”.

So, Digital Marketing works only in the Digital Space?


Offline + Online

We use similar way to track the effectiveness of sponsorship campaign in universities. Although our main objective is not togain conversion, it is always good to know ‘what’s going on’.

Offline advertising at train station

Tracking offline campaign performance.

The LEAN way


• MEASURE (Quantitative/Qualitative Data)



Start Your Experiment Today


• Do you have a growth hacker?

• What is your growth hacking strategy?

• Does your existing plan or future planning contribute to GROWTH?

So, Growth Hacking sounds great..How do I start?

HIRE a good growth hacker.. (provided you can afford one, a real expert can be very expensive) or..

Forget about option 1, what about do it yourself?

• Nurture a guy from your team to be growth hacker, or a growth-focused guy.

• Your next growth hacker could be your existing SEO guy, Analytic guy, Marketer, etc..

• Give him/her the authority to conduct experiments..




• 1 Reading (I will attach some useful links..)


Some Learning Resources

If you only have to read THREE:• (Social Media)• (SEO / Inbound Marketing)• (Internet Marketing)

Others:• (Inbound Marketing)• (Social Media)• (B2B/SaaS focused)• (GrowthHack community)• (Quick UX Tips , A/B testing)

These few are just my personal favourites. There are plenty out there!

Does reading makes me a better growth hacker?

• NO. Reading is great, I wouldn’t know all these STUFF if I didn’t start from reading..

• But it didn’t make me a great growth hacker. It is so different when you have to do it..

• Learn by doing (Experimenting) works fine..


• What you read today, might not be valid tomorrow. This is the ‘BEAUTY’ of the digital space.

• Check the date of the article that you read! There are many great resources out there for you to learn. Make sure you check whether they are still relevant or useful.

• Many tend to follow advice from other part of the world (Asia learn from the West: expert in U.S.). They usually serve as great reference, but keep in mind that regional or cultural differences matter a lot. That’s why you need to test it out with the right people.

I used to spend long time to add Google Authorship to blog content, I followed the steps accordingly and spent time researching on remedies. Later I found out that Google no longer support that. DO NOT REPEAT MY MISTAKE. If you sense something wrong, do a quick pulse check or ask the expert/experienced. If not, always keep yourself updated with latest


• Dave Mclure -> Attended echelon 2013 by e27, fascinated by his talk, heavily influenced me to get into startup (& growth hacking)

• Neil Partel -> abt 2 years ago, read about him from socialmediaexaminer (bible for social media marketing), converted to his quicksprout blog (bible for internet marketing)

• Mattan Griffel -> Knew this guy when I was exploring RubyOnRails, his practical growth-hacking tactics are awesome (check out his slideshare!)

• Juan Martitegui -> attended his talk @Mindvalley, his talk challenged me to un/re-learn what I’ve learned about ‘growth hacking’.


Tadashi Yanai,Founder & President, Fast Retailing (Uniqlo)

• Focused on Service Experience• Data-Backed (yet Human-Centered)

Decision Making for Fashion

Now, unlearn what’ve you seen so far..

It seems like all these ‘hacking’ stuff sound pretty cool and scalable.

You may, however..

DO THINGS THAT DON’T SCALE! Hardworking, you’ll be surprised with the result (user feedback, improved experience etc.)

(the not-so-cool sometimes work just fine)


Digital Marketing / Growth Hacking:

• You’re able to measure your Marketing ROI accurately now.

• It provides incentives for you to experiment with UX and Data to achieve Growth.

• If you don’t do it, others will (still) do it.

• Focus on both quantitative (analytics) and qualitative (user) data. You need to get answer for both How & Why.

• It’s not easy to measure or test correctly (both quantitative or qualitative).


• Growth Hacking is an entrepreneurial activity.. It involves risks, but could bring massive rewards if done in the right way..

Don’t touch it if you don’t believe in Experiments..

Like UX Design, there is no ONE-SIZE-FITS-IT-ALL solutions.. You’ve to test it out to find out the best ways..

Be Startup, Don’t STUCK UP

Be data-informed,

Not data-driven.

Growth Hacking Through UX


Make hypothesis, gain insight via experiments.

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