Starbucks: Expanding Into India, Case Study

Starbucks Coffee Company Expanding into India BRENDAN CRONIN INSIDE: This document contains an environmental analysis of Starbucks Coffee Company, strategic decision options, an action plan to implement those strategic decisions and a


This is a case study conducted for a Strategic Management course. This plan follows Starbucks Coffee Company's decision to expand into India. Examples of Environmental Scanning, Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation, and Evaluation & Control are included in this document, along with an ultimate recommendation to Starbucks.

Transcript of Starbucks: Expanding Into India, Case Study

Page 1: Starbucks: Expanding Into India, Case Study

Starbucks Coffee CompanyExpanding into India

INSIDE: This document contains an environmental analysis of Starbucks Coffee Company, strategic decision options, an action plan to implement those strategic decisions and a recommendation on Starbucks expanding into India.

Page 2: Starbucks: Expanding Into India, Case Study

Current Situation:

Starbucks is a provider of high-end coffee products and more importantly, a

relaxed experience. Starbucks as it is known today was purchased in 1987 and has

seen tremendous amounts of growth over the years. The company is known globally

and does business internationally, although it’s headquartered in the United States.

Starbucks has historically had a differentiation strategy, with prices comparably

high and uniquely high-quality products, service and environment for the consumer.

This differentiation strategy is used with a horizontal growth strategy

internationally. Starbucks currently has a market expansion strategy focused

around Asia, and has recently seen both problems and great sales figures arise from

this market in China and Japan. The objective of this strategic campaign is to

capitalize on the highly dense Asian market, with its high population and growing

wealth. In 2002, Starbucks announced that it intended on breaking into the Indian

market, however has failed to do so four years later. The problem facing Starbucks

right now is whether or not to expand into India and if the company were to expand,

how it would go about doing so. If Starbucks does decide to expand into India with a

promising strategy, there is still the problem of finding a suitable partner currently

in India to form a partnership with.

Environmental Scanning

The external factor analysis summary (Table 1) shows the external

opportunities and threats that face Starbucks. These will later be addressed in terms

of how they can be taken advantage of, or avoided. The opportunities that Starbucks


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may take advantage of are the Indian interest in Western brands, the geographic

popularity of coffee, the characteristics of the Indian population, and the market for

the product. Threats to Starbucks include the obesity and obesity related disease

rate in India, the beverage habits in India, barriers to entry, the conflict seen within

global policies, and established competition.

The internal factor analysis summary (Table 2) shows the internal strengths

and weaknesses that Starbucks has and will either use to an advantage or try to

minimize. Starbucks’ strengths include its strong company mission, vision and

values, the company’s brand awareness, the experience Starbucks has in expanding

into global markets, high buying power and high quality products. Weaknesses of

Starbucks include the lack of a presence in India, which is a highly populated

country, Starbucks’ premium priced products, small product breadth and the

company’s corporate structure.

These external and internal factors are then combined in the strategic factor

analysis summary (Table 3) to show the most influential factors of a company’s

environment. The internal factors chosen by a weighted score include the

experience in expanding into global markets, the strong company mission, vision

and values, the small product breadth and the premium priced products. The

external factors chosen based on a weighted score include the Indian population,

the geographic popularity of coffee, established competition and beverage habits in

India. These factors are also given a time range in regard to when they effect the

company, such as Starbucks’ experience in expanding into global markets will help

them in the long run rather than immediately in the short run.


Page 4: Starbucks: Expanding Into India, Case Study

These important factors of the environment are then used in a TOWS Matrix

(Table 4) to show different business strategies that can be used based on these

factors. One SO strategy that can be used is to examine past successful global

expansions in Starbucks’ history and imitate the methods used there and the lessons

learned in these countries. An example of a ST strategy is to acquire the best Indian

ingredients for local Indian tea for use in Indian Starbucks. One WO strategy within

the TOWS Matrix is to increase product breadth by adding more varieties of coffee

beverages, snacks, etc. This is more likely to appeal to a broader range of the

population and will make it easier for Starbucks to penetrate into the Indian market.

A WT strategy that Starbucks may wish to use is to set a price penetration strategy

when first expanding into India. It has been stated that Starbucks will adjust its

prices for India, but these prices should be lower than the competitors’ in order to

gain immediate customers.


It is recommended that Starbucks expand into India immediately, as to avoid

letting its current competition expand. Starbucks cannot carry over its same

business operations as it had in other countries however, and must instead adapt

and change as it did in Japan. Recommendations for the expansion of Starbucks into

India include:

Contact Pantaloon Retail in regards to forming a partnership in India. This

possible partner has over 100 stores in Indian cities, where the target market

of Starbucks lives. The partner also owns Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, and


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Pantaloon, which have comparably high sales and would be good start-off

locations for Starbucks outlets. The group has revenues of $10.73 billion, as

of 2005.

Advertise heavily in urban areas. This is where Starbucks’ target market

lives, so this should be where the Starbucks’ brand is recognized the most.

Use the challenges faced when expanding into China and Japan as examples

to adapt quickly to the customer need. Certain needs can be met to satisfy the

new customer base while still maintaining the same vision, mission and


Adjust Starbucks positioning’ to reflect its differentiation strategy. The local

competition already has a dominating amount of market share and provides

the service in India that Starbucks is known for in the U.S., only better than

Starbucks does. Instead of being known as the place to get gourmet coffee in

India, position Starbucks to be the place to relax in style with a coffee.

Continuously analyze the competition’s expansion methods. Starbucks has

vast experience expanding and can capitalize on any mistakes made by the


Consider expanding product breadth in the future to include a larger variety

of tea-based products, primarily iced teas, and preferably using Indian-grown

ingredients. This larger product line should also include spices that may mix

well with tea, coffee, or other Starbucks products.


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It is believed that if Starbucks uses this strategy with these guidelines, then it will be

able to effectively expand into India.

Strategy Implementation Plan:

Starbucks must contact Pantaloon Retail to form a partnership with this

company. In doing so, Starbucks will have its foot in the door in India. Pantaloon

Retail also operates several chains of retail stores, which Starbucks could set up

small outlets inside of, or in cooperation with. It is also likely that the experience

this partner has with the food industry (Food Bazaar) in India will be beneficial to

the initial Starbucks development team. It can only be assumed through the

company’s current fiscal situation and its projected sales that Pantaloon Retail has

high brand name recognition and a good reputation in its field, which is essential in

a partnership with Starbucks. Starbucks will be implementing a market expansion

strategy, focused around horizontal growth through differentiation.

Action Plan:

CEO, Howard Schultz, must contact CEO of Pantaloon Retail about forming a

partnership in India. This is the first step in forming a partnership with the

firm, so this action must be taken immediately. In three months, plans for the

installation of Starbucks outlets in Pantaloon Retail owned centers must be

underway. If partnership is agreed upon, nine months is the cut off date in

which one Starbucks outlet is to begin construction within a Pantaloon Retail


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store. As a precaution, Howard Schultz should remain in contact with

another possible partner, the K Raheja Group.

Operations managers should inquire with third party manufactures in India

about the local supply of raw materials, and focusing on acquiring locally

grown ingredients for spices and teas. This action must start immediately, at

least six months prior to the first opening of a Starbucks branch in Mumbai,

India. The CEO will be directly responsible for overseeing the timeliness and

effectiveness of this action. This is expected to lower variable costs due to

non-international shipping, with a contingency plan of shipping raw

materials from Starbucks’ prior roasting facility in Kent.

An international advertising team will be sent to Mumbai, India, two months

prior to the installation of the new Starbucks branch to ensure proper

advertisements are in place for the incoming store. This team will stay

abroad for one year until a localized advertising team can be trained in India.

The CMO will be responsible for overseeing the timeliness and effectiveness

of this team. This action is in an attempt to increase sales, but requires a high

rate of fixed costs in terms of advertising expenses and salaries. The

contingency plan for this action is to hire a local advertising consultant firm

located in India. This may drastically modify the general message of the

marketing mix of Starbucks in India, and may be more expensive, but may be

more effective in reaching the target audience due to cultural familiarity.

Evaluation and Control:


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Starbucks encountered several problems when expanding into China and Japan, as

seen below, which need to be avoided when expanding into India.


Starbucks locations too close in proximity

Lacked enough food options for Japanese culture

No-smoking policy conflicts with Japanese societal habits

High rent, High cost of labor

Starbucks didn’t have a roasting facility in Japan


Many opposed a Western coffee chain in China- traditionally a tea country

Dominance of instant coffee

Intense competition

These concerns will be assessed and adjusted if needed, every quarter, using the

balanced scorecard approach as follows:


How are Starbucks sales figures progressing compared to the projected sales

for the year in India?

Are any locations of Starbucks gaining/losing profitability? Is this due to

close proximity to another Starbucks?

Is Starbucks in India keeping up with the growing market trends towards

coffee in India? If not, compare to competition and instant coffee



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How does the contribution margin of Starbucks in India compare to other

international markets? Is there a higher fixed cost/variable cost rate that

needs to be allocated for and if need be, used to readjust pricing?


Conduct in-store surveys bi-annually to get customer feedback and

suggestions. This will give insight into any problems like lack of variety in

food or problems with Starbucks policy like the no-smoking policy.

Conduct geographical surveys to see if any region is less likely to have

Starbucks consumers in it. This may be due to cultural opinions towards

Western business expansion.

Internal Business Perspective:

Examine weak points within the new Starbucks outlets in India on an

individual basis. Are there any outlets that do not reflect the differentiation

strategy used by Starbucks? How can this be adjusted?

Innovation and Learning:

Are sales and brand awareness increasing at a rate in India that would

warrant further expansion?

Are there opportunities that are not being taken advantage of?

After these evaluations are assessed, control can be implemented on an

organizational level. After every financial quarter, these factors must be recognized

and adjusted to maximize Starbucks’ market expansion growth strategy and ensure

a solid future for Starbucks in India.


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Table 1.)

External Factor Analysis Summary       

External Factors Weight


Weighted Score



Indian Interest in Western Brands

0.08 3.1 0.25There is a growing

curiosity and interest in Western Brands in India

Geographic Popularity of Coffee

0.14 3.7 0.52Coffee is popular in urban areas, where Starbucks

usually targets first

Indian Population 0.11 5.0 0.55Immense, rapidly growing, highly condensed, young


Market for Product 0.11 3.2 0.35 Well-defined in India and growing


Obesity and Obesity Related Diseases in

India0.09 3.4 0.31

Increasing rate, and which Starbucks is already a

critic of aiding the growth of in other cultures

Beverage Habits in India

0.13 4.1 0.53 Coffee is a secondary drink next to tea

Barriers to Entry 0.07 2.7 0.19High in India, Starbucks

must acquire joint ventures

Global Policy Conflicts 0.11 2.9 0.32

Starbucks has strong policies that often do not work in other areas (non-smoking, lack of enough

food products)

Established Competition

0.16 3.6 0.58Large competition already

established in same market in India

   Total 1.00   3.59  


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Table 2.)

Internal Factor Analysis Summary       

Internal Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score



   Strong Company Mission, Vision,

Values0.13 5.0 0.65

Starbucks has a consistent global policy in terms of

how it operatesBrand Awareness 0.11 4.3 0.47 High globally

Experience Expanding into Global Markets

0.14 4.7 0.66

Starbucks has already expanded into several

global markets including China and Japan

High Buying Power 0.09 3.4 0.31Starbucks can afford to be specific about who it does

joint ventures with

High quality products

0.07 3.0 0.21

Starbucks products are considered of higher quality than other big brand coffee houses



Zero Presence in India

0.08 5.0 0.40

Starbucks currently has no presence in one of the biggest markets in the


Premium Priced Products

0.12 3.5 0.42 Starbucks is recognized for its high prices

Small Product Breadth

0.17 2.9 0.49 Starbucks offers few things of interests besides coffee

Corporate Structure

0.09 4.2 0.38Large, has hindered the expansion into India for several years already

   Total 1.00   3.99  


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Table 3.)

Strategic Factor Analysis Summary             

Strategic Factors


Rating Weighted Score

Short Intermediate Long Comments


Experience Expanding into Global


0.13 4.7 0.61 X

Starbucks has already expanded into several global markets including China and Japan

Strong Company Mission, Vision, Values

0.13 5.0 0.65 X

Starbucks has a consistent global policy in terms of how it operates

Small Product Breadth

0.12 2.9 0.35 XStarbucks offers few things of interests

besides coffee

Premium Priced

Products0.08 3.5 0.28 X

Starbucks is recognized for its

high prices

Indian Population

0.14 5.0 0.70 X

Immense, rapidly growing, highly

condensed, young population

Geographic Popularity of

Coffee0.11 3.7 0.41 X

Coffee is popular in urban areas, where Starbucks usually

targets first

Established Competition

0.17 3.6 0.61 X

Large competition already established in same market in

IndiaBeverage Habits in

India0.12 4.1 0.49 X

Coffee is a secondary drink

next to tea   

Total 1.00   4.1        

Table 4.)


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  TOWS Matrix Internal



Strengths- Experience Expanding into Global Markets, Strong Company Vision, Mission, Values

Weaknesses- Small Product Breadth, Premium Priced Products

Opportunities- Indian Population, Geographic Popularity of Coffee

1.) Examine past successful global expansions in Starbucks' history (China, Japan) and imitate the methods used there and the lessons learned in these countries. India is a country similar to China in population size and to Japan in population density, so these two experiences should be imitated in order to grow in India's population. 2.) Advertise Starbucks' vision, mission, and values heavily in urban areas of India. This will help to reach the dense population that Starbucks is trying to market to and will also build brand awareness in India alongside a friendly rapport.

1.) Increase product breadth by adding more varieties of coffee beverages, snacks, etc. This is more likely to appeal to a broader range of the population, and will make it easier for Starbucks to penetrate into the Indian market. 2.) Adjust prices of products based on geographic location. Areas of high-traffic like the urban areas, which are interested in companies like Starbucks, can pay marginally less for products than rural communities. This will encourage the majority of users to perceive Starbucks as a lower priced company while allowing rural areas to still see this as an exclusive brand, which should warrant their business.

Threats- Established Competition, Beverage Habits in India

1.) Use Starbucks' experience expanding into global markets to analyze the competition and find any faults with their expansion methods. This strategy is focused on capitalizing on the successful aspects of expansion that the less experienced companies may be missing. 2.) Starbucks is dedicated to serving the highest quality products to its customers, so acquire the best Indian ingredients for local Indian tea for use in Indian Starbucks. This reflects the company's vision and satisfies the population's need for tea along with coffee.

1.) Set a price penetration strategy when first expanding into India. It has been stated that Starbucks will adjust its prices for India, but they should be lower than the competitors in order to gain immediate customers. Coffee is a instinct purchase, which means the price is elastic. People will be willing to buy Starbucks coffee over the competitions' if the premium prices are reduced. 2.) Increase product breadth to include different types of tea and cold tea beverages. These beverages may not work in other markets, but India is concerned with tea, so Starbucks should meet that need.