Star Wars - Hasbro Unleashed Collection

Unleashed Collection



Snapshots of all the Unleashed (in)Action Figures brought by Hasbro between 2002 and 2007. Any comments allowed.

Transcript of Star Wars - Hasbro Unleashed Collection

  • 1. Unleashed Collection

2. Unleashed Collection2002 3. Anakin Skywalker 4. Darth Maul 5. Darth Tyranus 6. Darth Vader 7. Jango & Boba Fett 8. Mace Windu 9. Padme Amidala 10. Unleashed Collectionwww.JediTempleArchives.com2003 11. Boba Fett 12. Dath Sidious 13. Dath Sidious 14. Darth Vader (w/o helmet) 15. Han Solo 16. Luke Skywalker 17. Obi-Wan Kenobi 18. Princess Leia (Slave) 19. Yoda 20. Unleashed Collection2004 21. Aayla Secura 22. Bossk 23. Aurra Sing 24. Chewbacca 25. Clone Trooper 26. Clone Trooper (Red Variation) 27. IG-88 28. Luke Skywalker (Hoth Pilot) 29. Stormtrooper 30. Tusken Raider 31. Unleashed Collection2005 32. Young Darth Vader 33. Asajj Ventress 34. Darth Vader 35. General Grievous 36. Obi-Wan Kenobi 37. Yoda vs. Darth Sidious 38. Unleashed Collection2006 39. Chewbacca (Battle of Kashyyyk) 40. Han Solo (StormtrooperDisguise) 41. Shock Trooper 42. Unleashed Collection2007 43. Shadow Trooper 44. Arc Heavy Gunner