Star image By Ochuko Ideh

{ Star Image By Ochuko Ideh

Transcript of Star image By Ochuko Ideh

Page 1: Star image By Ochuko Ideh

{Star Image

By Ochuko Ideh

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What is Star Image

A star image is a universally recognised style/look that is used buy a star in a variety of different media platforms. Stars can use the fact that their have a star image for advertising purposes.

Richard Dyers ‘Star Theory’Dyers Theory states ‘A Star is an image (and) not a real person, that is constructed out of a range of materials’ Because Stars are artificial imagery created to conform to the audience they can be parodied/copied or even used for marketing.

Stars are made to appeal to certain demographics and in turn this will help to create revenue for the record company that created the star. Companies can nurture the stars to any shape they want, they tend to manufacture the star depending on what they think the audience would want . Hence why most new up and coming boy bands like Union J and 5 seconds of summer seem like carbon copies of One Direction.

One Direction

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Star Image Motif

Star imagine motif are running images that are used and re used by stars, The aim of start motifs are to aid stars as a brand. Star image motifs could be reoccurring; images, icons , outfit styles that become widely recognised by the public.

Red Hot chilli peppers use a star shape as their star motif, the appears in many album covers and merchandise