stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until...


Transcript of stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until...

Page 1: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••






~ SPELTHORNE.......,

Page 2: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••





v.£. Conduit. DEN:..c.&v:..MJ,e&, hUJ.t.t ..MJ,w.&.M..

Dlreetor of ·rechnlcal Services. Spelthorne Borough CouncO. Council Offices. Kno\vle Crecn. Sta.Jnes. 'TW18 l.XB. January, 1992

Page 3: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••






l. !I

D .tmr'f:U.

SP9lthorne Borough OOu.ncil ha• a duty •• the local pla.n.nio.9

Authority to prepare propoaala for the preaervation and

enhatl(:eew11nt Of it• con••rvation a a (Section 71, Pla.nnln9

(Liated Buildinoa and conaervatlon Area•) Aet 1990).

A cottaultatlo&'\ draft ot th••• propoea.le wae pu.bliehed ln Hay 1991.

A tour week period ot plbllc c:onau.ltat1on VA• held from 2od

September to 30tb 1991, 1nclud.1D9 • pu.bUo eieetlng on

The O;Nncll'a Pl~lng

De~l.opment Comalitt.. carefully conaidered a ll r.pre..ntation.e at

ita m&eting on 11th December, 1991. Certain ...endrnanta were

rec0ctmended, inoludin9 the extenaion of the conaervatlon Area

bounda.riee1 to the eaat to include Lord Knyvett• e School, and to

the weat to lnclude th9 Wheateheaf Public Hou.ea. Th••• al98.ndmenta

were agreed by Pull COuncil at its meeting on 9th J anua.ry 1992 .

The boundary of tbe now •xt.ended cowrvat.1.oft area l a ahowft on

Plan incl1ilded at the end of doculllent •

• conservation «•• i • defined •• an •acea of epecial

which it le• to prea&rv• or enhance " . (lection 69 of the

Planning (Llet.ed Buildln<J• an.d OOnaervation Ar•••> Act 1990) .

Contri.but.o.ry fa.ctore t.O ccina.arvation area character may lnc:lude

buildin9a of epeclal u-chiteetu.ral or bietorlc intere•t ( •tle"t.;ed

buildinqa •J, qood 9rouJ)9 of other bu.l.ld.1.Dge , open •P"'C••· trees,

An old street, f •orlacee and ot.M.r fe.at1ilt- of

•peclfic hl•torlc intereet (Department of the ln•~nt

8/87) .

Deeiqnated eon••tvation •r••• and lieted buildino1 1.r• protected

by a range of • xtt• le9iel1tion in addition to the norca l planning

controls on develOPM•nt found 11.r9ely in th9 Town and Country

Pl&nning Act 1990 and Town and COUJ'ltry Planning Gener•l

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Page 4: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••




De-vel~nt Orde_r 1988. tt abould be not-4 that all pl•nntnv

appLication• affectlno a con•arvation a.r9a or lL•~ buildin9 vi.l-1

be treated v it.h apec1al l"9Qard a.nd 111U•t be advertla.ct , v ith any

r epraae:tttationa ..da conaidered . A awaat&.ry of lagialation

apecific to conaervatlon area• &nd listed b\&ildi..ngl a.n.d relevant

exiatln9 council pollol•• a,ce fou rid in Append lC•• A a.nd B of tbie


Succeaa in lmpl...ntl-"Q th• • nhaneement obj9Ctiv•• ••t Ol.1t in th.le

docw!tettt ia reeoqn.iHd by the COUftcll u beiag: Mpatlda.nt on action

by iteeU, loca.l group11, prl•ate ti..raa a.od indi•id\l• l•. Th•

propoaa.le ala to encourage and eet a tr~k for auch joint

action t o i.mprOYe the poor faatlilr• • in the couecva tlon and the good.


Stanvell conae.rvatJ.on Area was <u>lq1Aal1y daalgnated in OC'tober

1972 and, •• daecribed abcrve, en.eoded lft Janu&ry 1992. It

l.neorporatee -.any •ttz~i•• feature• vbicb contrlbute co ~

ch&r~•r of the u... ~re a nmrbe.r ot ti.M -.-.plea of

Georgi.a.n and e.a£ly Victorian architecture 1.n thia t he

olde st part of Stanvell . Li.ated Building• include a.rook COtt•g•,

Dunmore Houaa, the Pariah Churoh of St Kary, Wlndaor Cottaqe, Lord

~nyvetts Sohool and the Wheateheaf Public Hou••· (Appendi x C

9ivea a compr•h•na1ve llat>. The 9re•n provld•• •n attractive

ope;n IJPOlCe and la centr•l to the village , w1th m.any of the listed

building• cluatered Around it• perimetere .

J.1 Lying on the eo1.1theC'n • lde of Londot1 Keatl\row Airport the

irr~l.a.r layout of Stanwa11•a hi storic core ha• retained i te

village attl'IO•Ph•r• with aeveral l:>uildlnga of part icular interest

fl:'onting onto the or..n. xoat o f the older bulldinva date fro~

the 18th and earl y 19th c•ntury.

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Page 5: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

3.2 At the 111outhern ond of tho vill.aqo green i• the Parish Church ot

St Mary, a bulldLnq who111• •p ir• form• • prominent local la.rtd.a'lark

in this eelilent f l .at area. Tho lJth century tover

• upports thi e 14t h century, oetaqonal shingled apire. A

noteworthy foeture of t he i nterior le a meiaorial to ThotDae, Lord

Knyvett and h i• wi f • ~lizabeth, both of whom died in 1622 . Both

hu.aba.od and wife are ahOwn aa life aize kneeling figures below a

columned and pedimented canopy.

3.3 Kost of t he land south o f Stanwell remained open until late in tho

18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra••• in

procnLnonca. tn 1919 a •mall houain9 eetat• was built at Stanwell

and ainco tho mid 20th century thoro baa boon considerable

residential dovalopmont in tho a.rea •• a whol•. Rowov• r, wha t ie

known a.a the Town LaAe Recre.atiOn Ground provide& over S acres of

undeveloped l and on t .he southern boundary of the conservation

Area .

3.4 To th• oaat of tho Conaarvati on Ar•• ia t he recant dovalopnont of

Dutch Barn Cloae and beyond t hat Lord Knyvett• Sch.Ool whlch ia a

lieted bui lding and a Soheduled Anoient Monument .

4 .1 The followi.n9 •u.b-eeetiona out line the character and ecope for

• nh• ncenwnt i n the St a.n1o1ell conservation Area. Append.ix D seta

out in Gchadule fonn detailed propoeal e tor eaoh of the i .seues.

4.2 Ret ail and Coc:cmorcial Activity

Stan~ell Villago ia eaeonti~lly residential, however, it does havo

an important local rotail function. It ie illlportant for tho

character of the con•erv•tion a.rea and the wider cocznunity that

tbia function conti nue• and that pramiaee auch a a No. 18-20 High

Street can be brought back into u•e. Thi• enhancement plan eeeke

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to address iaauea r89ardi~ th9 • ot t .he .uea and traffic


vacant Sites/Unoccupied Buildings

There are curr•ntly two import.ant aitee in the conservation area

which hav• bfte-n vaca.nt fo.r eo.r.e while a.nd their incre~sin9 poor

appe.aran« detracts fr<:c the cha.raoter of the area.

Thie was built in t .he 18th century and i• a r••idential

properey which baa been subject to v&riouo propoaale in

r~ent yoara. Tho COuncil will continue to resist

inappropriat.e development on thle site and seek to encou.r•ge

the owners to brinq t .he building back into residential

Thia aite haa been vacant for aeveral youa. The buildi.nq

CQCllpriaoa offioea at qround f loor level , f lata on the upper

f loor end unus~ 1.a.nd to the which h•• bcon eubjeot to

u.n.authorieed dueiping of rubbioh. Notic~o served in

Dec~ unde.r Section 21.S of tho Town and OOuntry Planning

Act 1990 to require re~val of rubbiah, and under Section 76

of the Building Act 1984 to require remedial works to avoid to an adjoining property by damp caused. by a detective

area of roof. These have been complied with. The Council

will encou.ra9e the new owners to bring the preml aee and land

back i nto 9oc:>d order.

4. 4 shoefronte and Advert l e-eme11t.11

Wit hLn tho Conoarvation Area eome eleven retail/eervioe

preG1laea along the line of tha High Street, and tor most there l .e

a naad to improve poor el.evationa and odvertiaement aiqne. A

nwnbe.r of upper elevations could be groatly improved by co­

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o.rd.iJated p;a.lntlniJ of the "°°""°rk on • group of bulldJ.119•. Shop

faca.dea would be 9r..tly ~ed by thl uM of aon tr& and by tMlr de•lgn en.auri.D9 t.My nl•t.a vel-1 to

adjoitling p~em.UI•• and r••peet the •c•l• and charaoter of

buildings of which they ar• part. Where •v•r poa•lble traditional

feature• in shop front• •hould be retained.

4.5 A leaflet on abopfront d••i9n i• available froca tbe co~ncil to

give guidAnce on t.h!• le•u• and ha.ti a •ect!on on con..rv•tion

a.reu. !'hi• provid•• detail• of good 1n ahop f-ront

de•'9ft•· Thi.• will be eiow;ht by Nt90tiation wltb reapectlve

owner• whe.ta pla.nn1ng appllca.tioaa for n9W •hopf-ronta

•ubm!.tt.0. Should it prow• n.cea•.ary. die.continuance action cou.ld

be taken to 84CUre the r.ov•l of unel9h"tly u.nauthorl•ed •i9na,

however, such a lll8aaure would only be u.ed •• a laat retort.

4.6 Tr•• Pl.nting and Open Bp•c••

'tree• c.n grea.tly Lapre.. the appearance of open uea.• a.nd the

aettir19 of bu.ilcUnge, thu1 -.aklng a.n 1-portant conulbutioo "tO

cona•rvation area etl.ha~nt. i.9 c::onalCS.r&ble ecope wit.bin

the con•ervation area, on tb9 road.a approac:hinci it and in open

area.a immediately ad,01nin9 to enhance trut a.-ttlnt of the area ••

a whole. Aeeordingly the Council will seek additional planting !.n

various a lt.ea. 'l'hi• will be achieved by encoura9in9 landowners,

by ne9otiatlon with d•v•lopere •nd by direct action on ite own

la.n.d. A ma'or plantl09 i• planned for th• &prl.cq of


4.1 Ope.o •-p&ee• auch u the •lllage '9'1'..n and St Kuy'• eburchya.rd

vill be carefu.lly ..1t1ulned to pr-•..rv• and enb&nce

important and attrae1:lve area• and var-i.oua apeclf.Lc pt"Opo••l•

identified in Appe.ndlx •o•. Th1-a include• lnve1ti9Atin9 the moat

app.roprlaee •••n• of r••torin9 aome ot the more JJriportant tomb

etonea a nd cheat tomb• ln the churchyard.


Page 8: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

4. 8 Stroot ru_rnituro and Ploora-pa.ce

E•eontial road eigna-, other tn;reet furniture such ae lamp poeto,

tolegraph poles etc., a..nd inappropriate flooreoape treatment can

the character of an individual buildin9 or area, eo

opportUAitiee to improve these el9111ont• will be taken through the

COuncil•e own maintenance or replacement programmes, liaioon with

statutory \l.Odert.&kere and developer• a..nd new tr&ffic •chomea as

they u:ieo.

4.9 Suitable etr-e-et furniture will be retained or introduced vhero

appropriate. In pa.rticulu: the exi•ting street lamps will be

retained. Where opportunities ariee to rationaliee road eigne

thi• will be u.ndertak.e.t'l by the council.

4.10 Ploorocape il:!;provomente will be sought where paivinq baa been

poorly patch~, for e.xatttple ill the vicinity of tho Lych Gate at St

Kary• Church. Any new floorecape treat1r1ent .c::herne will be

carefully e»camined to aee­ lt l e in keepin9 with the coneervation

area, for exa.tnple by uaing narrower yellow line• for parking


4 .11 Road Traffic and Parking

Tho appearance of tho centra.l part or the village l e marred by a

ai9nific11.11t amount or on-street car parking. In addition th• High

Street hae a s teady tlow of through traffic.

o ne public car park which l e to the veet of

Thie car park ie li~tle ueed caueod Ln

The villa90 ha• only

the villa.9e hall.

part by it• laok of

vieibility. Scope dO•• e x ist, e ubject to a land exchange with

Surrey County COunoil, to utilise l and adjoining the car park.

Thie was once reserved for a road to link Town Lane with the

Airport perlmeter road. The ear park would be repositioned closer

to Town lAn• with aom. reoidential development to the rear to fund

the proposal. Thio could provide a car park which ie more viaiblo

and eeeure a.nd which peoplo might more readily use~ thus eaa ln.g

the dema.nd for parkin9 in the village.

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Page 9: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

4.12 The council ie concerned about tho a.dve.ree impact o! car parking

a.round the Village Green on tho •otti.nq of Dunmore Bouee a.nd The

Vicarage. To help reduce this problem, in pa.rt. caused by

mountlnq th• low kerb and parking part:ly on the iM'vamont, the

OOUACil will ra.iee the kerb to the atandard height of 5 1.1'1.ches.

4.13 There already exieta through the v-illage • 7. 5 tonnes lorry ban

however, addition•! benofit• m.ay be ga..ined frOCD more generol

traffic colllli119 meoaurea. The objeot of traffic eta.ming, by the

ueo of • combination of llMl&na auch as roundabouts, carriageway

narrowing and aPMt(J t&bl•• i• to contain vehicle apeede, J.mprovo

opace and oonditiono for pedestrians and improve safety. Such

echemee can, howe:ver, require additional s igning, and certain

features auch ae e~ tables can cause increaeed noise whon

vehicle• pass over them.

traffic in stanwell ia

village. The public

It l e ialportant that eucb an · to

compatible with t.he character of t .he

conaultation oxorci•• showed oon.s iderable

aupport for the principle of traffic calming and the Council will

prepare a draft sc heme and consult local pOOple on it.


S. l Implementation of the proposals vill in moat ca•oa i nvol ve the

Borough Counail, howovor action and • upport by private landownere

and tenants will be 1.tnportant.

S.2 Pinance for

of eourco•r­

the varioua propoaala i s to be derived froai a number

a) For highwAy work• including traffic calnUn91 both cou.nty

OOuncil and Borough Council Highway• Collllllittee resource& will

be required.

l>) For improvements to street furn.iture1 Borough Co1..1ncil

ffighwaya .nd Planning environmental improvement budgete would

be u•od.

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Page 10: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

c, Por tree and l.a.tldecape vorke, Borough Couricll

Planning, and Lel •ur• and ~nltiea bu~• will be u•ed.

The ext•nt of worke can be inc~••••d by voluntary aaaiata.t1.ce1

both fln.a.nclal and p,ractic&l.

d, Grant• for repair• to liet•d buildin91 will be mada •

•• appropri•t• from the Borough Council Planning budget, with

ecope for COW'.l.t:y councll and aurrey 8.iatoric BuildlnQ• T.ruat

aupport .

5.l Give11 the oonatr&.ln"t• on local authority e:apendit,, the council

will be pa.nlcvlarly Meo ~ wo.rJt 'ointly vitb 't' vroupe

and to aeek privat• eponaor1hip. It will be the objective to

aubata.ntially Unplement t he propoaala withln f i vo yeare of the

publication of thl• docu-.nt.

5.4 In aumm.ry, given the above fitla.ncial coneideratione the COuno11

will ...x to i.mpl810ent the aDov• propo••l• •• a whole by th•

following 1119aaurea: ­

l. The tirm application of exi• tin9 Council policiea lilted in

Appendix 8.

2. Direct. Council action on planting, atr•et furniture and

flooraeape worke, and preparing poaalble traffic calming


3. Kakl.Dg available liated building grant• atld apending on

environ.ant.t.1 1.taprew...nt worka .

4. Liaison b•tween the Council, land owner• and vol untazy qroupe

to impl.•Mnt the propoaal• in thi• plan.

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Page 11: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

5. I nvol ving the uee of volunteer• where appropriate in carrying

out detailed enhancement idoa•.

6. Liaieon with atatutory uruSertakere on thoi r maintenance

reeponeibilitioo •

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All PL•.nnlt14 application• affeeclnq a conee.rvation area or lleted building mu•t b9 advertised and treated vitb. r~&r4, with any repreaentationa made conaidered. A euama.ry of leq1alat1on on specific topic• follows (it. ehould be noted that 199iel.ation ie updat-K fron'I time to time and advice ahould be eou9ht from the C.Ounoil b9tore prooeeding with any •pecitic propo•al).


Plannlng penll••ion for an illualnat.ed .adv•rti..Mlment Oft buelneea• l e requlced in ~n-rvation aniu. bu..ild..Lnog coneent l e needed for any adve.rt-1.--.nt on and affectlfti the c:b&rac:te.r of a liated build.1.ftg.

CTown &tld COunt.ry Pl&Aftinq control Of Mv"erti-8:e98.nt Reiqulatione 1989 l.aticn 7, Planning (Li• t•d auLldinqa and conaervatlon Are••) Act 1990)


Propoeala to demolish t h• whole or part of a li•t•d buLldin9 require listed building con.sent. COn••rv•tlon ar•• c:oneent ie na•ded for d.9mollehlncJ the w'hOle or part of a.n unlia~ building in a c:onsa.rvatlOn area.

(S.atiot1a 1 and 74, Pla.nnln9 (Lleted 8uildi.ngs a.nd COnMnltlon >.reu) Act 1990)

Th• --...uru. permitct.ed davalopMnt tor an enenaion to a ncn-llated dwelllnq in • con..rvat.ion a.rea , for which no planning application need be iaade, le 50 cu~lc 11'18tr•• or a 10' Lncr•••• from the original •1~•· Thi• 1• •m&.l.ler then that a llowed for non·t•rraced dwellinghOu•e• eleewh•r• (70 cubic metre• or JS\).

(O•n•~al Development Order 1988)


8oth lurr.y county a.nd .Spelthorne 8orou9h Oouncil• 9lv• di.ecrstionary grant• towarde tbe repair or ..lntena.nce of• ot arcbLtectu.ral or hiatoric ifttereet. The Hletorlc Bu.lld.1.Dg.a 8.tld Hon~nte Oommi••.lOn (S:nqlle h;•> ..y 91.. a sect.loo 11 qrant toward• worb utttng a •l9nlficant contribution to conMrvat.lon• enhanc...nt. To qu.alify tor • Section 11 qr.ant t .b.e tOtll coat of •li9ibl• work• to ~ildinq• and other enviroMienta.l improvement work• .Ult be at lea•t £10,000 with a ainimwrl of tl,000 per eligible it.. o f work1 rCXJtin• maintenance work i• not oormally ell9lble. 25\ 'buildln9• at riak• Qrant• may be available fr09 Snqlieb Htrlt•9• for listed building• in con•ervation areal in of urgent r•palr and eu.bject to • Section 4B or 54

(Section• 57 and 77 Plannlng (Lilted Building• and Ccnaarvation Are••) Act

- 10 ­


Page 13: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

Proteotion of the Character of Building•

The Depart111ent of the Bnvironm.ent i• re•pon•ibl e for produciQ9 a atatutory 1iat of bulldinga and structures of apecia1 architectural or hiatoric (grade I, II• or II) and auch brings extra protection. Any alteracione or exten.aione a_ffecting the character of • li"-ed Puilding (which could include painting) listed buildin9 con• ont in addition to &ny n.8Cfillaeary planning permi.eeion. Listed bui.ldift.9 and conaervation area control apply to a.ny objeot f .ixed to a building or any objeot within the curtil-•9e ainco Juno 1948 , e.g. walls or other mean& of e.tu:1loeure. It 1111 an offence to domoli.9h or alter a Liated Building without prior consent; pro•eoution and an en.forceaient notice requiring reetoration to t .he torme.r atate may follow. Demolition of an unlisted building ln a conservation area withOut prlor conservation area con.aent ie alee an offence a.nd prosecution and an enforcement notice requiring r~dial action may follow.

(sectione 7, 38 and 74, Pl&J'U'Ling (Listed Buildin90 a.nd conservation Are-aa) Act 1990)

Necessary Repairs

A Secti on 54 notice speci fyi ng requ i red vorke may be eerved where an unoccupi ed liated build i ng i • not being properly proaerved in a weath•rproof and a9C"Ur• eondition, baeked up by powers to recover ooets. 'tho Socretary of State may direct that these provi.• ione apply to an unoccupied unl isted building in a conservation area. ror any L.1.eted Bu i lding not being properly preserved, the Secretary of State may authoriee a Sootion 48 repairs notice, b.aoked up by compulsory purc haao powers.

Buildings and conee.rvation Areae) Act 1990) (Seotions 54, SS, 76, 48 and 47' Planning

Tree Protection

In addition t.o protection • to apecific tceee through Tree Preservation Ordera, work on other tree• in con•~rvation areaa ie subject to aix weeka noti ce of i ntention to the looa1 planning authority, to g i ve opportunity for a T. P.O to be made whece appropriate. Any work carried out without perm.ieelon la liable to a iaa.ximtwt fine of £1000, or £2000 {or twice the value of the tree i t C10re) if the tree i a doatrQYed. P• rm.i.aeion is not required to work o n t..reee l eea than 7.S c=a i n d l amotoc (meaeured l.S metre.a above the ground), or 10 ccne i f thi s i e to hol p th• growth of other treee. {Section 211, Town and country Pl -anni n9 Act 1990 and Trees 1tl Cons erva.t.ion Area.a (hecnpted Caaea) R$9Ul-ati on• 1975.)

Purthar Reference

Puller details of l 99i al at lon foe con•orvat ion areae and lietod buildings are iui n l y to be found l n three IDtSO publi.cati.Onl!l1

Planning (Llst ed Build i ngs and conservation Are••} ~t 1990

Circular 8/87; Hi s t oric euildings and COnoorvatLon Areas Policy and Procedu.rea.

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?ova and Cou.ntry Pl.&tu't.1.nq (Li•"4 l\llldin9e a.nd Bu..lldi.ftge in COnHcYatlon Arau) Requlat.ione 1987 •

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a.pPSlft)IX B

The council po1101ee relevant to the preservation and enhanoemont of stanwell conservation Area listed below (Local Plan•• except where et.ated) :

Con.oorvation ~reaa

Policy ~23

Policy EV24

Policy l!V2S

Policy E7 (Structure Plan)

Policy E8 (Structure Plan)


The Borough will aoek to protect and enhance the c haracter of conservation by applying the relevant pol icieo of t hi 11 and by1 ­

l. Retainin.g bu.ildi.nge, trees and other featur•o which are !ll'l:porta.nt to tb.e of tho ar••r

2. Requiring high s t andards of redevelopment eo that new bu ildings make a contrlbution t o tho improvement of the c haracter of tho a rear

3 - Publi shi ng euppllilCllVntary pl anning guidance on policies to bo applied to e.x and proposed developDent with.i.n conoorvat ion area1111

4 . I n exeept ional circumat.a.ncee ma.king directions unde.r Article 4 of the Ge.ner&l Development Order «> re.strict development rights perrtlitted by the Order, subject t o the approval o f the Secretary of St ate.

Applications for COnee.rvation Are& consent to demolish a structure in a conservation area in order to redevelop a site, eve.n Where the e1i eting s tructure is not of sufficient 1t1erit to ju.stify r etention, will not normally be granted unl ess accompao.ied by an acceptable detailed planning application for the proposed replacement which is ava ilable for determination at t .he time.

The Borough Council will , i n eeekin9 to enhance the setting or character of conooz;vation aroa•, attompt to limit t he !=pact o f care on thu onvironm41nt by the careful Biting, layout end l.andGC:apin9 of car pa.rk• and the exclueLon Of care frocn parti.c'ularly •enaitive areae.

The local planning auth.Oritiea wi ll continue to protect. designat ed conservation Areas through the control of devel opoent, and to enh&nee them by euch poaitiv• meaeuree ae may be appropriat e. The local p l.anning authorities will deslgnat .e further conservation Area• where th• overa ll char acter or architectural or hi s t oric lntereet i• of •ufficiently high quality.

The local planning &uthoriti• • will eeek to one~ro that the visual impact of tranomi••ion lines, aerials, diahee and other development aeeociated with telecommunications

- 13 ­

Page 16: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••

HL•toric Building•

Policy &V26

Poliey IV27

PolLcy EV28

Policy IV29

Policy BV30

Policy B3 (Structure Plan)

or th• dletribution of energy i• m.1.nimlaed. Jn pa.rticulu th•y will •eek to aecure the placing u.ndezvround of llne• tran-.ittlng enerqy or telec:• 1Aication• ln Con•e.n'ation Areas and ln ueae where thi• i• conelde.t"ed nec•••.a.ry in the int.ere•t of vi eual a.Mtnity.

Vben con•ide.ri.ftg propo•&.l• for deMlopment the aorouigh council will ...k to nt.aln, where •wropriat•, building• of local intereat or i.rlportanee and, wh•r• poeelble, will uae it• power• to protect their ch.a.racter and ••tt1.n9.

OonHnt tor U. &m:.littoo of a liet-4 bu.1-lclln9 v lll only be ;-ra:oted where it ha• b9e:n corw:luaive ly demOnatrated to t.h• ••tiafaction of the' Borough OOuncil that th•r• 1• no alternative.

Tbe Borough COW>cil vlll •neoura9e the pre•ervati.on of ancient .on....nte and lleted bulldi.Dge and vill noa.a.lly only alt.erat lon• or e.atenelon that vill llOt. detract from the character or aettinq of the buildinq. special attention will be 91ven to the de•ign and use of materiala. Development propoaala for eitee adjoini.nq an ancient 90n\aal9Dt or llated buildlft9 .aet have te9a.rd to the QMld t.o protect it• cba.c:a.eter or •et.ting.

Th• Borough Council will eneu.t"e that list.eel buildinqa are ue•d for the purpoee tor which they w•re designed and built and will not normally pel:'lllit • change of ua.e. However, where the covncil i• aati.afied that • cbancJe of uee i..a required to achl.e•• the reat.oretion or preaerv•tion of • bulldi.ftg, u..• vhicb vill not from the character or appearance of the building. or t .he amenitie• and character of th• area, m•y b• pe.cmitted. If rehabilitation of a lieted building i• undertaken the Borough Council will expect 81Jch internal detail• deemed to be of p&rtl.cvl&c hietorlo or architectural • i 9"if1cance c.o be. ret.dned, tOQether vlth •• mueh of th• external a~ructure aa i• practlc:-al.

The Borough Council will, by negotiation, advice a.nd uee of available statutory power• and grant• •eelt to eocou.ra9• the owner• of liated buildings to keep the:n in a reaaonabl• •tate of repa.1r.

The local planning authoritlea will protect and the viaual character of urban areas and other aettla.ant a and will a..k to eneure that new development aake.a • po•iti•e contribution to that Cha.ract•r. ~hey vill require oev d..,•lopnent to ba•• rega.rd to the ecale. character and material• of exi•ti.ft9 de..lopment

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Policy E6 (Structure Plan)

in the locality and t o be worthy of or enhance i t• setting.

The local pl&nnl ng auth.Oriti ea will, wherever poaalbl e, by control or pos.itive intervention conserve buildi ngs, garden• and othar of a.rchitectur•l or h i atoric i ntorost i n t he county. They will conoidc.r in ox<:eptional oaeea the relaxation of planning otandarde or other planning policies and ••ok tho sympathetic application of building regulation• where t.heae would otherwiae prejudice the preserv&tion of buildings of arohiteotura..l or historic•value.

Shopping cent.res and Advertieemente

Policy EV21

Policy EV22

Policy EVJS

Polley EV36

Policy tV37

The Borough council will ...k to malntain and, who~ appropriate, illprove ahoppin.g centres to create • a.ate and attracti ve environment thrOugh t he careful choice and aiting of furnit ure and the daaiqn of l a.ndocaping and surfacing deta ils. I.mprovolD4ilnto wi ll be undertaken i n co-operation with local buainooaco, firm.a and other appropriate bodies. Redundant and unsightly street furniture will be re100ved aa opportuni ties arise.

The Borough council will expect propooal• to alter shop fronts to respect the buildin9a of whic.h they are part in the proportions of f&•c~• boards, windows and etallrieera, and in tho uso of ~ate.rials. Special attention to d•aiqn will be required on or near to listed bulld i 09a •nd withi n conservation areae.

Tho 8orou9h OOuneil will aeek to prevent the ptollferatiOn of adve.rtie.ement s and will exerci se strict control over the design and siting of advertisement• and adve.rti.aecne.nt l\oardi.n9e to ensure that the character of i.n.dividu.a l buildinga, groups of buildings and open are•• is not damaged and that highway eatety ie not illlpaired. There will be a general presumption against any advertisement withi n or adj acent to a reaidential ar•• or open space. Where th.e Borough Council ia • •t i afied tb&t the locat ion of a ai qn i n •uch aroa• i• e.ssential it muat not normally be illumLnat•d and speci al attention must be to its a i &e, dfilai9n •nd oolou.r.

In &ddition to the control of now advertieementa t ha Borough Council will1 by tho use of atatutory powere, •ook to remove oxi• t ing aigne which are identified as being ••riou•ly dOtrinlental to the amoniti•• of an a.roe and/or highway o•f• ty.

All advortiaomento &ffixed to a liat.d building will De expected to bo of a m.odoot naturo a.nd complomontary to the character of tho bu ild i ng. Thor• will be a general preeWl!.ption against illuminatod advorti aomonto .

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Policy SV18

Policy 1v19

Policy SV39

'!be Borou9h Cou.nell will. ~ a.v bu.lldlng•, a lteration• an4 e.xt:ea.•iot1.11, to C01\tribut• ~ an improv..,.nt of th• t0W11Aeape1 to be related lA acale to adjolnlnq bu lldlttg• atld epace•1 and to be ot a high ttandard i n t•na• ot design &nd ut•rlala.

Wh•r• it 11 con•idered neeesaary for 1trlcter control on future d•velopment in the intere•t• of the envlrornent e.1 qu_e.lity of a ecb... , plaJ'U\ll\9 permle•ion for n9'W ree1de.ntlal developaient v1ll have conditions Ul!poa..t co reat.rlC't pe.raltted development rl~hta.

TM lor0t.l9b Cou.ncll in conaldolrlftog proponl• fOr ~loi-ent, vUl eeek U> ensure that the •l•ual iapaet of ••••ntl&l public ut.llitie• la aiAiaieed, e•pecl ally la conaenat.lon &r•••· uea• of epecial land-.cape cha.raeter and the Colne Valley Park. Wber• 4...-.lopment include• t he provla.1.oo of aenice1 1.n..Ol• lng the permanent a iting of pla.nt and ..chin•ry above ground, h i gh • tandarda of latldscape pl anti09 will be required where noce11ary.

Tr•••· and Open Spaces

Policy SV14

Policy SV16

Polley EV31

Tb• Borou9h council will continue it• own proQ:raaae of nev and replace.ent t.r:ee plantln9 and wi ll e:ncou.rage other public bodi•• private owner• to carry out tree plantl119 on appropriate a 1tea.

TM lorou9h council wUl promot.• trff pra1enatlon ord•r• vb.e~v•r appropriate to eafe;uard and the retent ion of •i9nificant tr•••• eapecially thoee known to ba under threat. Permieeion will not noraally be granted to fell protected tr••• but any tr••• protected by an order or located within a cone•rvation area whi ch felled be replaced.

The Borou9h area• of f;'Ont.ri!Nt.• loca lity. development•.

tor: any roaaon will. norully be requ1.c4KI t.o

council wlll seek to protect and enh&nce open •paee withift th• urban are.. which to the cba.ra.eter or e nvlrorment of the Pendeeloa vUl 1'l0t normally be 9ruit.ed for vMcb vou.ld re.eult in t ·he lO•• of such

- 16 ..

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Kile.atone (north

No.25 {Brook cottage)

The Swan Public Kouae

No.38 and coachtnan•a Ootta9e

Boundary wall between No40B and entrance to Coaottman•a Cottage






No.40 «Dunmore House)

No.42 (Th• Vicarage)

Noa 46 " 48

Pcaal.bly c lB reeut. Opposite The Swan PU.blic Bouse.

Hid to lat.e brick with boundary wall

No.29 (Windsor Cottage} Built early

18th century front . Two atoroya, red parapet front. Mid 19th co.ntury

and out i.ron railings t .o street.

to mid 19th century. Two • toreya buff brick; hipped, tiled roof.

Included tor group value on Stanwell Green.

Built .round 1800. Two etoreya with rendered front and brick block eavea cour••·

18th century convortod coach hou•o.

7ft high 18th century brick wall. 25 yards long.

B.a.rly 19th century addition to Dunmore Hou.ea.

The 13th century weat tower aupporte 14th• century octagonal shingled eplre.

Henry Bullock'• tomb (1762} ln St Kary's Chur~hyard.

Praneea Paater•on• • tomb (1838) i n St Mary•a Churchyard.

Anonymous vault in St Mary•a Churchyard. Early 19th century.

John Hodges Vault (1799) in St Kary' a Churchyard.

Charles Rowlee t ·omb {1868) in St H.ary•o Churchyard.

Circa 1720. 2 storey red brick.

Bu.ilt a.round 1800.

No 48 bu.ilt around 1800 with the l eft hand groutld floor window a 20th century ahopfront.

No.46 ia a 2 etorey lowor extension included tor group value.

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No. 56 (Old , • . na O~••t......., "o. 110 and ll2 Lord knyvet.t • • School

Tha•he•f :rnn and N"•beaf COtt•v••

19th century det•ched farm ho~•• presently u•~ for bed Mid bre.alt:f'••t •

Circa 1624. ori9lnally • two at.orey pactern acbool with ••p.arate entrances for boya «nd 9lrle. Left h4nd portion now one high room. (Aleo •n Art.elent MonUMnt). 19t.b cent.ury . TWo noreye, painted brick.

One to road. S&rly 19tb ce-nc-v..ry.

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HIOH S1'U'.1'1' To con•id•r •ultable location• for tlOO eac.h COu:ncll - IA.ST &ND &ddition.J litter bin•

S4 HIOH &TR.Irr lamp poet - repaint in neutral colour Low coat CcKlncil

48-46 HIOH 8~RBET Repaint bollard• white council. Diecourage parking on pavemont.

S'T KARY'S CHURCH Retle.w no cycling • •t •it.her end cou.neil At. to looJt at cycling A!>.J. LYNCH GATZ. of pa.aeage. facilltlee generally.

coacret.e bollard• - ,...,..,. and replace COW>c:U. with appropriate o.k poet•

Litter Bin• - replace with woode.t'l £100 ••ch COWIC'll. clad.dee! d••ivn•·

LaJllPPO&t• - ~lnt to prolong lite. council.

OPPOSJTI THI SWAM Strai9hten leaning bua •top poet, Council PUBLIC HOUSI


31 RICH ITRDT Place tel9graph vir•• underg-round and High coat councll/Prl••t• re.:rve po•"t-• • sponeorah.lp

GA1'2S TO CHURCH Palnt .etal 9ate1 at ..ater:n entr•nc• 00Ut1ell In ll&l•on with the Church-Y- to C:hu.rc.h-yard.

ADJAC!NT ST MAJtYS Place tel~raph vlre1 underground and High coat Oouncll/Privat•CHURCH r9n'IOVO poeta . Sponeorehip

Page 22: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••






I I sign. Repaint windows and door .

Private with council encouragement.

(A l•aflot on abopfront deoi9na l in conaerv•tion a.reae has boon

sTANWELL 0.1.r. I I Ropaint wlndowa and door. Private with

!published by tho council and lglvea guidance on thia leeue

SUPPLIES. I Council encouragement. I I I

STMWKLL MOTOR I Remove advorti•ln9 board on pavement. Privat• with I SUPPLIES. I Council encoura9em11nt I


20­ 22 HIGH STRBBT I At preaent vacant and for ••le. Private with I DATIL.INE. I Replace mod•rn inappropriat e wi ndow• Council encoura9ecnent. I

I Replace poor faocia of inappropri ate I I I

style. Tidy up land at r••r of proporty and Private with

I lnforcement Action lmplomented

I renew bou.ndary f•nceo to d• t•r Council enCO\lra9ement. in December 1991 I unautboriaed du~ing of rubbi• h. I

Jl-3? HIGH S'I'REE'I' Replace poqr fa.acia• of inappropri ate Private with atyle. Ali9'" with adjoining council encouragement. propertiea.

4? HIG.H STREET Remove blind which ia out of Private with character with setting. council encouragement.

4?,49,51,53 Repl ace poor fascias ot inappropriate Private with HIGH STREET atyle. Align with adjoining

propertiea. council encouragement.

Page 23: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••










Replace poorly repaired paving atones.


Plant 2- 3 ata.nda.rda

Thin elm auokera to encourage growth of aeleetctd treea.

Plant 2·3 standard•

Plant one etandard ln aouth east corner of 'garden

Plant 2 atandarda on verge baok from Park Road.

Plant 2 etandarda on verge back from Park Road.

Plant betwe9n C&r Park and pavement. Improve fencing adjacent to 6 Hlg~

St.reet by reducing height adjacent to road - or build wall in appropriate etyle. P1ant atandards along southern bOundary of car park.

£30 each

EJO each











Private with Council eneouragemont

Page 24: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••


I 1.1 TRE&S(Pt.AlC'!'JNG.(Cont •d)

I WAR QMOR.JAL I ..aeonal plMltlng of tC0Q9.h•.

I •·O· Spring - d.affodlle, . I "-r - Gera.a!:wu. I I I Plant PlaDe ( s hiepa.n.ica)tr..

I I INO'S 4 AND 6 one •t•tl.d•.rd ln each of

Oll ROAD front garden•.

HO 56 HIGH STR.llT Plant 2 atandard, one in ••ch corn•r ot front 9ar<1• n.

ADJACENT TO 56 Plant one eta.ndard. HIGH STREET, !AST SIDE

HIGH STREET/ Pla.nt 2 sta.nd..arde on east aide ot DOOGLAS ROAD Dougl a.a Road.

Pla.nt S-6 ata.odarde on south aide of H.19b Street, weat of Dougla.• llOad.

DOTCB BAM CLOS• Mpl• ce dead tr.... Plant new ata.ftdarda wheC9 appropriate.

DD'l"CH DJUC Cl.OSI I Mpl•ce chain llnk f9.nee with b'9dge. IASffRll """ I SOUTHZR!I """"'"'JI'I

I SOUTH or DUNMORS I Replace s dead trees. HOUS! IN TOWN I Plant new eta.nda.rde where appropri•t•. LANB RECREATION I GROUND. I






uo tlO each


1150 f150


Private with Council encou.ra.991Dent.

Pri vate with Council encouragement.


Private vitb council encouragement.


Page 25: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••


.nnlCTJOirf OP fOlnl S..ll round•h<"MJ:te •• part of LAJm ~ PAAA ROAD t.ra!tlc echecl:i9. C. HIGH BTUIT. MD DOUGLAS~ Nm RtGR ITJll:ft.

HIGH STUI'!' Traffic measure• through street. •·9· Speed tablee .

VILLAO! ORBBN Ra.iae kerbe to normal height (5 incbee) outside Dunmore House and Th• Vicarage

PUBLIC CAR PAR.JC. In conjunction with adjoining land or., PA.RX ROAD owned by Su.rrey county councU.

hpo.ition cu park to front of the lite with housing ~o the re&.r.

1-.pect of •l9ft potting to be con•ldet.o.




Page 26: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••


I I 1.1 TREES/P~INC .(COnt'd) f


I SOUTHltRH 90UNDARY I Repl• ca 4 dead treo• .


NORTHERN BOUff.DARr Plant one at•nd•rd o n west side ot path to ba.L•nco wit.b other aide ,









Plant 6-8 •t•ndarde in verge to fill in gape.

£30 each Cou_neil




Small round~bouta as part o! traffic calml ng ecbE!l'l'le.

Council Impact of aign poeting to bo

HICH STREET Traffic calming meaaurea t hrough High Str..t. o.g. Speed tables.


VILLAGE GR!IN A& kerbs to normal height (S inches} out•ide Dunmore Houee a.nd The Vicarage



In conjunction with adjoining la.nd owned by Surrey county COudeil . Ropoeition car park to f ront of the eite with housing to t.ho ro.r.


Page 27: stanwell cons area full - Spelthorne · Kost of t he land south of Stanwell remained open until late in tho 18th century when orchards and market 9ardena began to l ncra•••





NO 20-22 HIGH




Eneou.rage euitable use of vacant building.

Various item• of repair and maintenance r equired plue appropriate re-uee of the premises.

Encourage repair and mainton•nc:-e of bui ldl nga

Renovate .nd maintain old tocnb atones /cho11t tombs

Private with Council encouragement

Private with Council encoura9emont

Private wi th council erteOUragement

COUJ'lCil I n liaiso n with Church