Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

THE REEVE Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio

Transcript of Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

Page 1: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

THE REEVEStanley Maros

Heather Derenick

William Bochicchio

Page 2: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

OCCUPATION An official who supervises a lord’s land

Elected by other serfs, but is a serve himself

Duties include: Making sure the serfs started/stopped working

on time Ensuring that no one was cheating the lord out

of money Ensured nothing was stolen Senior officer of the borough (bailiff)

Page 3: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

OTHER JOBS To supervise and organize the fields

and crops

Act as a go between for the other serfs and feudal lord

Usually elected on an annual basis in many places

Page 4: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

TONE Satirized

“He kept his bins and garners very trim, no auditor could gain a point on him”

“And he was under contract to present the accounts, right from his master’s earliest years. No one had ever caught him in arrears”

“A better hand at bargains than his lord”

Page 5: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.


But wealthy due to the fact that he steals money from his lord

Page 6: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.


Wake up Breakfast Head to the fields to check crops and workers

Afternoon Lunch Give workers break/check for stolen goods Head to market to bargain for goods Make sure workers return to field

Evening Check workers out of lord’s estate Check inventory/check quality of work & status of crops Dinner Bed

Page 7: Stanley Maros Heather Derenick William Bochicchio.

MODERN DAY OCCUPATION(S) Store Manager Salesman CEO of a company