Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon Dumas dry combustion method

Transcript of Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Page 1: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Dumas dry combustion method

Page 2: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 1 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method


N° Date Description of the modification Type of modification

01 30 July 2019 Finalization of the draft version Compilation of all inputs received


02 28 October 2019 Final review of the SOP at the 3rd

GLOSOLAN meeting

Revision of SOP steps, final

discussion and agreement




Page 3: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 2 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

Contents 1. Brief introduction to total carbon..................................................................................................... 3 2. Scope and field of application ........................................................................................................... 3 3. Principle .............................................................................................................................................. 3 4. Apparatus ........................................................................................................................................... 4 5. Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 4 6. Health and safety ............................................................................................................................... 4 7. Sample preparation ........................................................................................................................... 4 8. Procedure ........................................................................................................................................... 5

8.1. Calibration of the apparatus ...................................................................................................... 5

8.2. Determination of the total carbon (TC) content ....................................................................... 5

9. Calculation .......................................................................................................................................... 5 10. Quality assurance/Quality control ................................................................................................. 5

10.1. Precision test ............................................................................................................................. 5

10.2. Trueness test ............................................................................................................................. 6

10.3. Control chart ............................................................................................................................. 7

11. Reference documents ...................................................................................................................... 7 12. Appendix I.—Acknowledgments .................................................................................................... 8 13. Appendix II.—List of authors .......................................................................................................... 8 14. Appendix III.—Contributing laboratories ..................................................................................... 8

Page 4: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 3 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

1. Brief introduction to total carbon

Analysis and quantification of total soil carbon (TC) is necessary to estimate soil organic matter

content, which is a useful parameter when evaluating the productivity of a natural system.

Quantification of TC can be used to monitor soil carbon (C) stocks and to evaluate the role and

effectiveness of C sequestration to mitigate climate change.

Several methods are used to quantify soil C. The Dumas dry combustion method determines total

carbon, representing all chemical forms of C in the soil. Other methods may be used to quantify the

various forms of carbon. For example, the Walkley & Black method measures oxidizable organic


For analysis of TC by dry combustion, an automatic chemical analyser, commonly known as an

autoanalyzer, is used. Advantages of using an autoanalyzer are increased accuracy and versatility. An

autoanalyzer can be used to quantify carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. Disadvantages of using an

autoanalyzer are equipment initial cost, operating and maintenance costs, and the lower number of

labs using an autoanalyzer worldwide.

Additional care must be taken during sample preparation if quantifying TC by the Dumas dry

combustion method. A very small sample is used, which requires the samples to be well


2. Scope and field of application

This standard operating procedure (SOP) describes, in general terms, quantification of TC content in

soil samples by an autoanalyzer. The procedure measures both organic C and inorganic C together.

To quantify the organic C fraction only, the inorganic C fraction must be removed or quantified prior to

autoanalyzer analysis. Alternatively, the inorganic C can be quantified separately and then subtracted

from the TC.

3. Principle

This method is based on the Dumas dry combustion principle. The sample is burned at high

temperature (between 900 and 1000 °C or 1400 and 1600 °C) in an atmosphere of pure oxygen.

Under these conditions, all C-containing compounds are completely decomposed and converted into

carbon oxides (mainly carbon dioxide). The autoanalyzer measures and reports the TC value based

on the concentration of carbon oxides present using various procedures (for example, a C gas

detector and thermal differences between gas columns).

Page 5: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 4 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

4. Apparatus

1. Autoanalyzer for C, with all specific accessories and consumables, including appropriate

detection system.

The equipment might also analyse N and S, depending on the manufacturer and model.

2. Analytical balance, ±0.0001 g, to weigh samples and reference materials.

3. Milling system that meets the requirements of the autoanalyzer manufacturer.

4. Crucible set (if needed), depending on the sample size used by the autoanalyzer.

5. Materials

1. Certified Reference Material (CRM) with known C content to calibrate the autoanalyzer.

The CRM may vary depending on autoanalyzer manufacturer. Aspartic acid, EDTA,

acetanilide, or soil samples with certified total C content may be used.

2. Oxygen gas (O2), along with reference or carrier gases (He, for example), of very high

purity (greater than 99.99%).

3. Consumables specific to the autoanalyzer.

6. Health and safety

This SOP does not imply the direct use of dangerous chemical reagents, but appropriate safety

precautions are necessary. Catalyser residues are toxic and must be disposed of properly. Gloves, lab

coats, and eye protection must be worn when handling reagents and samples. When a special

reagent is used (for example, a reference material for equipment control), consult the material safety

data sheet (MSDS) and conduct a risk assessment. Take necessary precautions when handling

compressed gasses and high-temperature equipment. Follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines

when operating the autoanalyzer.

7. Sample preparation

Follow the sample preparation instructions provided by the manufacturer for use of the autoanalyzer.

Probably, a representative portion of the soil sample that was previously treated (dried and sieved to

2 mm) must be porfirised (grind fine and homogeneously) until the entire fraction passes through a

sieve of inferior size. Typically, a representative subsample is taken from the bulk sample and milled to

a sufficiently fine mesh size. Ensure that milling equipment and sieves do not introduce contamination

to the samples.

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Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 5 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

8. Procedure

8.1. Calibration of the apparatus

Calibrate the equipment as described in the autoanalyzer instruction manual. Use a CRM provided or

recommended by the manufacturer (soil, acetanilide, calcium carbonate, EDTA, glucose anhydrous,

etc). The CRM should cover the range of TC typically found in test samples. Store all CRM as

indicated by the manufacturer label.

Replicated blanks must also be analysed to determine the baseline according the specific equipment


8.2. Determination of the total carbon (TC) content

Because the analysis procedure varies between manufacturer’s, analyse samples according to the

manufacturer’s guidelines for soil analysis.

The mass of sample weighed is dependent on the TC of the sample and the linear range of the


To check autoanalyzer performance, CRM, control samples, and blanks should be incorporated at

regular intervals in each test batch. The number and frequency of control and check samples depends

on the method used and the calibration stability of the autoanalyzer.

9. Calculation

Report TC using the International Units System as: grams of C (g) per kilogram (kg) of soil, g/kg.

Results must be reported on an ovendry soil basis.

The number of decimals reported must conform to the conventional rules of maintaining 3 numbers:

values greater than 100, no decimal reported;

values between 10 and 100, 1 decimal (0.1) reported; and

values less than 10, 2 decimals (0.01) reported.

10. Quality assurance/Quality control

10.1. Precision test

- 5 percent of the samples in a test batch must be replicates to guarantee at least one duplicate

sample if the batch is small.

Page 7: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 6 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

- Calculate the percent relative standard deviation (% RSD) to determine precision.

Where: s = standard deviation of the replicate result x̄ = mean - Compare the result with the previously specified precision.

The acceptance requirements for precision testing must be defined by the equipment used,

environmental conditions, and other testing factors and by the specifications or requirements for the

information use and agronomic criteria.

If the precision test fails, the cause of the failure must be identified and corrective or preventive actions

must be developed.

10.2. Trueness test

10.2.1. Recovery test

- Perform triplicate analysis of Certified Reference Material of the analysed matrix (soil) (CRMs)

or an Internal Reference Material (IRM), in accordance with the present SOP.

Note: To assess instrument performance, this procedure should be replicated with different levels of

TC. Different levels can be selected by using CRM with different concentrations of TC or by simply

weighing different masses of the same CRM.

- Calculate the percent recovery based on the equation below.

- Compare the result with the recovery target (%), which is predefined for the usual range of work.

The recovery target must be defined for the usual range of work. The definition should consider the

working conditions (for example the characteristics of the equipment used and the environmental

conditions). It should also consider the specifications or requirements for the given use of the

information and for any agronomic criteria. The recovery can also be considered acceptable if it is

within the 95% confidence interval reported for the target value of the CRMs.

If the recovery test fails, the cause of the failure must be identified and corrective or preventive actions

must be developed.

Page 8: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 7 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

10.2.2. Interlaboratory comparison

The laboratory must participate, at least once a year, in interlaboratory proficiency tests.

If the obtained result is questionable or unsatisfactory, it is necessary to carry out an evaluation,

identify the root cause of the problem, and develop corrective and preventive actions.

10.3. Control chart

- Perform the replicate analysis of a control sample or an IRM in a test batch of samples.

- Plot the result in a control chart.

- Monitor the results.

If results are out of specified limits (or tend to be so), an evaluation must be made. The cause of the

noncompliance must be identified, and corrective and preventive actions must be developed.

11. Reference documents

Eurachem. 2014. The fitness for purpose of analytical methods. A laboratory guide to method

validation and related topics. Second Edition

Karla, Y.P. 1998. Handbook of reference methods for plant analysis. CRC Press.

Leco Corporation. 2004. Leco Truspec CN Determinator instruction manual

Nelson, D.W. & Sommers, L.E. 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In D.L.

Sparks (Ed.), Soil Science Society of America, book series 5. Methods of soil analysis, Part 3,

Chemical methods. Madison, Wisconsin: Soil Science Society of America, Inc.

Page 9: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 8 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

12. Appendix I.—Acknowledgments

GLOSOLAN thanks the Latin American Soil Laboratory Network (LATSOLAN); Ms. Floria Bertsch,

LATSOLAN Chair; and Ms. Miriam Ostinelli for preparing the first draft of this SOP. GLOSOLAN also

thanks the participants in the 3rd GLOSOLAN meeting (28-30 October 2019) for reviewing this SOP.

13. Appendix II.—List of authors

Main authors (in alphabetical order):

Mr. Rob De Hayr, Department of Environment and Science, Science Division, Chemistry

Centre, Australia

Mr. Chris Lee, Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory, United States of America

Ms. Floria Bertsch, CIA-UCR, Costa Rica

Ms. Miriam Ostinelli, Laboratorio de Suelos CIRN-CNIA-INTA, Argentina

Ms. Nopmanee Suvannang, GLOSOLAN Chair, Thailand

14. Appendix III.—Contributing laboratories

GLOSOLAN thanks the following laboratories for completing the GLOSOLAN form on the method and

providing information on their standard operating procedure for the Dumas dry combustion method.

This information was used as a baseline for the global harmonization.

From the Asian region:

Bureau of Soils and Water Management Laboratory Services Division, Philippines

Charles Renard Analytical Laboratory, India

DA Regional Field Office 3-ILD-Regional Soils Laboratory, Philippines

DOA, Malaysia

Fauji Fertilizer Company’s Soil Testing Labs, Pakistan

Horticultural Crops Research and Development Institute, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka

ICAR-IISS, Bhopal, India


Office of Science for Land Development, Land Development Department, Thailand

Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory, Myanmar

Soil Lab, ISRI, Indonesia

SRDI, Bangladesh

From the Pacific region:

Office of Environment and Heritage, Soil Health & Archive, Australia

The University of the South Pacific, Alafua Campus, Samoa

Page 10: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon

Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN


SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

Version number : 1 Page 9 of 10

Effective date : October 28, 2019

Modify by Revision Approved Date Validated Date


Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

From the Near East and North African region:


From the African region:

Department of Agricultural Research, Lesotho

Farming & Engineering Services (FES), Malawi

IRD, Senegal

Laboratoire d’Analyse des Sols et des Végétaux – LSV, Togo

Laboratoire des Radioisotopes, Madagascar

Laboratorio regional de analise de solos e plantas, Mozambique


LASPEE of IRAD, Cameroon

National laboratory for diagnosis and quality control of agricultural products and inputs,


Soil Research Institute Analytical Services Laboratory, Ghana

TARI Mlingano LAB, Tanzania

Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station, Zimbabwe

From the European region:

Aarhus University, AGRO University laboratory, Denmark

AGES - Institute for Sustainable Plant Production, Department for Soil Health and Plant

Nutrition, Austria

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Slovenia

Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Croatia

BRGM, France

Chemisch Biologisch Laboratorium Bodem, Netherlands

Environmental Research Laboratory, United Kingdom

Federal agency for water management (BAW), Institute for land and water management

research (IKT), Austria

Institute of Soil Research, Austria

Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco/Escola Superior Agrária, Portugal

Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA_PT), Portugal

IRD, France

Laboratory of Biogeochemistry and Environmental Protection, University of Warsaw, Biological

and Chemical Research Centre, Poland

LSFRI Silava, Latvia

Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom

UKZUZ, Czech Republic

Universidade de Évora, Portugal

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SOIL TOTAL CARBON Dumas dry combustion method

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Effective date : October 28, 2019

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Leaders: F. Bertsch, Costa Rica, and M. Ostinelli, Argentina





27 October 2019

University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Croatia

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of General Agronomy, Croatia

VITO, Belgium

From the Eurasian region:

Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch, Russian Federation

Soil Science Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation

From Latin America:

Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico

ECOSUR, Mexico

Embrapa, Brazil

INTA - Inst. de Suelos. Laboratory – LabIS, Argentina

Laboratorio de Suelos UCTB Camagüey, Cuba

Laboratorio de Suelos y Aguas de la Dirección General de Recursos Naturales - Ministerio de

Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca (DGRN-MGAP), Uruguay

Soil Health, Plant Tissue and Water Laboratory, Jamaica

Universidad de Concepción Facultad de Agronomía departamento de Suelos, Laboratorio

Químico de Suelos y Plantas, Chile

From North America:

KSSL, United States

Page 12: Standard operating procedure for soil total carbon


The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a globally recognized mechanism established in 2012. Our mission is to position soils in the Global Agenda through collective action. Our key objectives are to promote Sustainable Soil Management (SSM) and improve soil govern-ance to guarantee healthy and productive soils, and support the provision of essential ecosystem services towards food security and improved nutrition, climate change adapta-tion and mitigation, and sustainable develop-ment.

GLOSOLAN is a Global Soil Laboratory Network which aims to harmonize soil analysis methods and data so that soil informa-tion is comparable and interpretable across laboratories, countries and regions. Established in 2017, it facilitates networking and capacity development through coopera-tion and information sharing between soil laboratories with di �erent levels of experience. Joining GLOSOLAN is a unique opportunity to invest in quality soil laboratory data for a sustainable and food secure world.

Thanks to the financial support of

Global Soil Laboratory A

ssessment:2018 O




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