stampid supervisor; Rl a LJa ass;sted assistance favora ... · Detailed information regarding he...

; -JK.-V . r _______ Page Six * Wots:.Your quaaflon wffl ba umnd "ix." la this coluaa. F«r« Phtate hmt, ad 15c lor my o»w Astboloot Ruona i Lwcrr Pat Cxaat ud nc*lr« by r*tum mall conildantlal Ultar ol fraa adrloa analyalna thraa (1) quaationa privately. Sign your full nam*, addreaa. and blrthdata to all l*M*n and pUaa* Include a li addraaaad. stamp id envelope lor your raply. Writ* To:.Abbs' Wallace, cat* ol Tkb Palmetto Leasee, 1310 Assembly St. Colombia, S. Caaouna. G. B..I am giving my tlau:^.liter a business course and I am afraid that she is studying too hard. She never gets out and enjoy the companionship of any of her friends. She studies from the time she comes in from school ^jjjjlil in 11 lllli mm sliuuld h .' "do about her? Answer.It will only be anoth- er six weeks until she'" has nnisned her course and then she will feel quite differently. Ask hei .gtH.friends.i«.t" if with you two . . . even if you do not let her know you asked them. Invite the young men in the neighborhood in also. She is studying too hard but her disappointment last sum me? was too much foi her . . . for some reason she doesn't want any more frinds. 1 predict a change for the better just as soorj as she gets employ ment. L. N. F..Will I be able to pass the test so that 1 can carry out my plans for the spring of this coming year. Answer.You will pass the phy sical examination * without any trouble as you are a healthy specimen. I cannot determine just when you will be able to enter camp but in all probability it wil be during the spring. A. W..I am brokenhearted and feel as though I want to be alone and cry to my hearts -content My husband didn't act like he wanted me and the baby anil 1 left him. He says he still cares but he tried to show everyone else a better time than he did me Tell me just what I should do to find happiness? Answer.Stop pitying yourself your husband isn't any mort to bo blamed than you are fot , you packed up ami left him. 1 feel that your greatest trouble right now is worry over another ' man and not your husband. This other fellow likes you. but he is not in love with you. He is going to marry another girl and you must give him up. It is nvyisug gestion that youl talk to yjofir hus band and see if you can't.get back together and live content etl again. j!" G. C..Will I get the ..job .that I am planning on and when do ' you think f, can get on ? Answer.Around the first or set ond week of Januarfr you will gei the job you havo in mind ... . you will like the' work fine and the job will prove a good one too J. L. E.. I have a son I brought up in church. He married and In .and-lus.wjfo-me-snptmued. IfT drinks heavy and when under tin innuense 01 orniK ne isn t nimscu and lot's anyone take his nionoy. Things.are- p 1e a s HYiT "~when he is sober but I want to know if this is natural ? Answer.It is indicated to mo that your son is very lonely sincche has been separated from his wife and drinks merely to drown his sorrow. The logical way to handle him is to encourage the friendship of some nice giirls and it will have a tendency to make him stop drinking. ^ His actions are natural . no onr i infl'irnr ing him to drink as he does, anc he really isn't responsible for his actions while drinking. hopeiVeli, baptist church Sunday school opened at the usual hour, with Supt. Mr. G. Q N'eely. The teachers were at theii posts of duty.fThe lesson was interestingly reviewed by the pastor. Praise service was conducted by Mr. John P. Neely. The service was real good, every one seemed to be in high spirit. Rev Williams preached a wonderful sernion from Matt. 2:12; subject; A Changed Road. All present enjoyed the message. This being the last Sunday before Xmas and a very pleasant one, the attendance was grand The financial report was good Quite a number of visitors Were present. We are saying to oui members and friends come .t c church, our doors are open to you you are welcome. The Sunday-school presented the pastor a gift in appreciation of his lofty service, and also in remembrance of the gift of oui dea" Savior. We also 'remembered our beloved ex-pastor Rev. J. S. Maddjx with a gift, whom serviced us so long and faithfully We shall never forget him. The church presented to all the old and shut in members gifts. Mr. Eichelberger had a misfortune; his barn was desrtoyed by fire some time ago. All his food values were destroyed. Ffe and his son Mr. Willie Eichelberger were among the many visitor? WV? donated him $5.05. Mrs. Suepearl Neely Franklin and little son Keneth James of Tampa, Fla., are visiting her fa ther Mr. John R. Neely. rrii- - T"»_ -ii « jme raimeuo i^eaaer s __IZZ_..A. 9 PERIOD FOR EXAMINATIONS ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE EXTENDED Columbia, Jan. 2.Due to a shortage of applicants, the period for applying for exaniinations for certain professional positions in the South Carolina Department of Public Welfare has been extended to January 23, according to an- ncuncement issued today by J. Mc T. Daniel, Supervisor of Examinations. t The following positions are open "hief of the division of public as iistance; chief of the division of eld service; senior casework supervisor; casework supervisor; chief of the division of the blind; enior medical worker for the lind; rehabilitation worker for he blind; chief of the division of hild welfare services, child welare consultant; child welfare worker. Detailed information regarding he duties and salaries of the postions. miniimum qualifications of applicant.*, and Lilt1 iialuioof oxuninationsa may be secured from » t ennnrvicn^o nflRpp TVin ial application blanks are also dis tributed from this office. Applications must be made on the official form and must be filed in the office of the supervisor, Room 219, Education Building, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. Mailed applications must be postmarked before midnight 01 the closing date, January 23. I ^ 2, PAU LEYS ISLAND NEWS The Christmas spirit still .n the air and every one seems aglow with the joys of this Holy event. On Sunday. December 22, the Waccamaw circuit held its first t quarter for this conference year -We are proud to have our pre <. dding elder, Dr. T. J. Miles, back with fisT He preached a nqble ser mon at Gordon hi the morning, from , Matt. and in the afternoon, 'a*" electrified the audience at St bihn A. M. E. church as he broad .'asted from the spii-itual station >f Rome 11:3:5, All financial re- C ports were paid in full, leaving the stewards with a neat little sum, A brief, but impressive Christmas program,was had at this church on Sunday night by Mrs. S. E Washington. > The pastor and congregation of A Mr. Zion Baptist church are mov- I ing upward. Despite unfavorable 1 weather, the "Million Dollar Wed- a ding," sponsored by Miss Ruthe Bessellien, December 20, was quite ( a success. < Rev. W. E. Forsythe, principal of Faith Memorial school and his co-workers had two "nights of successful Christmas plays last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Muggins ai glad to have thyrs^n home again after being away Tor several years _Among .those- home- Cor-the- holt. days were Mrs. Maria Ferguson's daughter and sister of New York the sister of Miss Thomasetia Brenuess, wh0 resides in Charles con, and a cousin of Mr. and Mrs James Brown. The Booster Club will meet Fri day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown. We are tffad to see Mrs. Brown out again. . The "Biit" was told that wed ding bells rang quietly a few day* .ago and will peal out loudly in tin month of roses. You better be careful and mind what you 'bout to d< 'cause the bat will get you if you lon't watch out. May the sunlight of health and j prosperity shine tipon* us through nut the new year. I M. F. Nesb/tt, Reporter : BETHLEHEM BAFT. (TH'RCH Rev. E. E. Gaulden, Pastor Newberry..As a Pre-Christnia? 1 message the pastor spoke from I the subject: "Christmas in Thi Heart." It \vas very searching 1 and powerful. i The following named persons < were home from the various col- < leges and schools for the holidays a Gwendolyn ,Henry Spearman, At- ' lanta, Ga., Frank Toland, Jame; j Ruff. Danhne Coleman. Ernesteen Gladden State College; Ether M ' Coleman, Cato Coleman, Jesse ^ Hunter, Jr. and Wilson Sligh ot Bettis Academy: Carrie M. Smith 1 Lucile Caldwell and Wilhelmina Scott of Voorhees. In spite of the rain the Christmas spirit went oft as usual with ,the young people meeting then | many friends and relatives ove) f the holidays. t Among those wh0 were operat t ed on over the holidays at thr < People's Hospital were Mrs. L.A ] Graham and Miss Ernepteen Glad ' den. Roth are doing well. i We are invitinr* all r.f - . " I burs and friends to worship with ( us thr first Sunday in he New [ Year. v » \ - - TH1 Ten of the All Soutl jjs i 01^^^ r.. Counibia, S/.C,.Ton players on th< he annual jneeting held at Allen uni They are leading left, to right: Toj <tate): quarterback, James .Armstron I.eft to »iprht:Centov.tackle. John Left to right: Bottom.end, Isaiah ?urtis Fudgo (Ga. State); end Grady I Earl Hollihshed (Fort Valley Stat< leven. Allen university, undefeated ly ar championship of the conference, M OF NTS'VII. IP. VIHVS a hi Services at Piedmont Presbyerian church were enjoyed by fall j j| eho witnessed the Installation ser- pa 'ices. The Rev. Claudia of Clinton (reached a.most wonderful sermon ;.s le was accompanied by his wife MOj ind several friends. Mrs. Savannah Pitts Pettaforn g >f New York City, spent several tor lays here on business. She was the njg louse truest of Mi's. Anna Simpson i Mrs. Pettatfdrd of New York a 'i'ty, Mrs. Simpson and sons, Mes- ^ ers Jerry and Tommie Simpson ] if Clinton, and Mr. P. D. Duckett, cere the dinner auests of Mr. and ST Jrs. E. W. Pitts. A delicious din* » *? * ie-r-was enjoyed. ' On Thursday ifi-c Poffof/M-l A t 1... . * v vvinvivi, Ollll^dUIl, 1U,1S»S .illie Mac Pitts, and Mr. Tommie ^ei 5jmpson visrted Mcsdames Molh j 7rand and Victoria Dorrah tof a n Voodruff, S. C. A most delicious wa [inner was enjoyed, ^ej Mrs. Paola Pitts Cregg ol Th 'hiladelphia is visttlng her fath tio r Mr. I. Y. Pitts. jva Messrs. Soldon and Ralph Line? ay ami little daughter' spent the lolidays with their mother Mrs cv< ?. P». Lindsay. They returned to the Vashin-iton Saturday. Miss Lillie It dae Pitts spent, a few- dujt» in 1 lifTerent parts of the South vis- dot ting frjends. She reports an en- da; oyable time. P«'i Madam Anna Simpson, Caro in yn Simpson, Messrs. Jerry anr i wa Tommie were the dinner guest- I'm? >f Mr. ami.Mr-r., Wnltct' Simpson )f Helona, S. C., Doc. 25. Mr tei Butler of N.Y. City visited Mis? wa Ydlie Mao Pitts Sunday. He ha? int >urchasod a '41 Buick. it Mjss Ohristene Lindsay of A1 pr Ion University is home for the kel udidays; also Misses Gwendolyn cei ind Eunice Pitts, Iva D. Floyd ms Gladys Henderson of Belle Street Th ichool, ^Jinton; Misses Sudie Mao n'fi Simpson and Lillre Joe Suber ot cia Bettis Jr. College, Trenton; Miss f0] Mjldred Suhcr, Mr. ROckefellci ne: 3uber and;Mr. Edward Taylor of to Bell Street, Clinton. be M rs. S. B. Lindsay vsited friends I n Abbeville. ho WMPFIKLO BAPTIST CHURCH III Rev. George E. Gnode. Pastor Christmas is over and ^Ie .he old year is about to come to ®* in end. Well, as you know, youi ^ eporter was one of, the representa vc ,ives from Campfteld to the Union Cli which was held with Good Hope ha Baptist church near Hodges and Rl" Ware Shoals. Due- to tha mele pr< nont weather,qujte a number ol su persons were absent. Our moderaL an >r, Rev. McGhee, seems to be ir. foi >etter spirit than ever. Rev. Ed vard Thomas led the congregation toi 2 PALMETTO LEADER leastern Confen LJa I ? All Southeas torn Conference vcrsity,j,Columbia, South Care ).fullback, Leroy Frazicr (/ g. (Morris); ha'f-baok, Penros iLawson (Ga. State); guard, Gomillion (Paino college); tai Butler, (Allen) .') not shown bn picture, was ly SouthoasteJ n Conference t Grace and Holy Spirit, in tl si-nee ol Kev. tioode. l'he next union wilt be held wit :ierty Baptist church of Hon' th, S. C. Mrs. Janie Redd of Abhevill spending a few days with hi |ihew, Mr. Joseph Marshall Mr. Odess Little, Odell, Rygc and Miss Ion Martin, were ,y is s of Miss Lois Marshall Sutjda fhtr . kVishing that all of you have ha merry Christmas and will hav prosperous New Year. So-'long Lois Marshall, Reporter . ANDREWS A.M.E. CHURC1 Rev. ('. McClarv, Pastor \ndrews, S. C..Sunday sen-it ;an at the usual hour with Suj E. Smith in charge. At 11:1 i. a very impressive scrmo s delivered by the pastor. Th :t was taken from Luke 2:1-1erne Preparation and Proelam n. Truly the spirit of the Lor s with us .while _tlic man.c d spoke. \ program was given Sunija ?ning by 'the Senior choir unde ? direction of Prof. J. E. Smitl was enjoyed by everyone. Rev. McClary answered tli arbell at the parsonage Satui y night and found h's SU1 se a group of people who bam silently and softly made thei y to the dining room. ' The ule a silent prayer and wer I- as mi, slui iously as they* er ed. The pastor and his wif tclied them go and then wer ;o the dining room to see wlu was all about. To their sui ise they found a box and a bj t of groceries. Besides the gi res, tMere were fruits, home ule cakes and a dressed chickei e pastor and his family canne d words to express thgir appr< ,tion to the people of-Andrew - their thoughtfulness and kin 3S. Packages are still conrin the parsonage from the men rs and friends. The following students wei me for the holidays from tV rioils schools: Misses Mary 1 'eenQ, Arnethia Smith, Palme ?morial institute; Misses Hja' and Margaret Wheeler, Ans Greene, Messrs Joseph an laddeus Thompson, Allen un rsity. Misses Essie M. (Grahar aflin university; Mr. James Gr m, Howard Hi and Mr. Edwai iuc, Morfis college. They ei ess themselves as having had ccessful school year thus fa d-being very glad to W -how r the Yuletide season. Miss Fannie Johnson, Washinf D. C., is spending a few daj V V s A mce Eleven Selected Rl <AV ^ jj Eleven selected by the Coaches at ilina, December 14, 1940. tllen). half-back John Myles, ((la e Parks (Paine college"). Stephen Williams. Paine college). rkle, William Brown (Allen). guard, selected center of the all conference earn, was awarded the li>40 football J. D. McGhee, reporter ip with her sister, Mrs. Ida Mouzon Your reporter wishes to thank b everyone who cooperated with hei a in making the sale of the Palmetto Leader successful this year and lc hope you will encourage others 'I along with yourself to subscribe for 1041. Through this column l she would like to, express her best wishes to you for a Merry Christ 5" mas ami a Prosperous New Year, Subscribe for the "Leader". The ACE League met at 0:00 1 p.m. The opening song was Who soever Meaneth Me. A voluntary . program arranged by Miss Hazel >1 Coachman and Mr. Robert L. Graham was successfully.carried out and enjoyed by all. Mr. R. L. j Graham volunteered as the repor* ter for the League which is com-' _ ing along nicelyo n . e ST. MATTHEWS NEWS Miss Hennie Owens was honored with a surprise birthday party at her, home given by her sister Mrs. Mahle Hartley and friend Tuesday, December 10th at 9:30 ^ p.m. Miss Owens had gone out to club meeting and on her return ' found the home all lighted and thov guests all with smiling faces seated in her bedroom. Those who witnessed the party were Misses Annie M. Spigner, ( Mary L. Rivers, Leila B. Laney, 1 ir~ Mrs. Mat tie Rivers, -Messrs L. V ^ Vance, iRobert Floyd,"' Flegler and AKi.i.1.. ** ' ^ - muipn, urea uaskm, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Sumter., Mr and Mrs. Curtis Goodwine and < Rev. J. C. RateS;^ Many interesting games were played after which everyone was > served potato salad on lettuce, saltines, boiled ham, pork sausag< hot coffee and candy. »t The Twilight club met on Tues 3- day night, Dec. 10th at the home rs of Mrs. Mary I.ue Sumter. The d meeting being social the club mem g hers and their guests had an en ir joyable time playing various games after which Mrs. Sumtei e served a delicious course of jello' ie whipped cream and cake. I ?. The following persons spent r last Tuesday, in-Columbia: Mr. t- and Mrs. Dave Spann, Mr. Georg« ia VVoodard, Mrs. Evelyn Johnson id and Miss Eueile Samuels. All re i- ported a pleasant day at the Capri, itol. _ , a Mrs. Lessie Parson spent last "d Friday in Columbia with her son \ i Mr. Jefthro Parson. ' a Mr. Hardy Mitchell spent the r week-end at home with relatives « and friends. J Mr. Eddy Felder is home from ] ? New York to the delight of his 4 ra parents and friends. i ,J~« *- ;ic*Kt A - .'A.» _* . . ST. BARNABAS NYA CAMP By W. R. Bowman Upon the invitation from Proft and Mrs. Woods Jr., we visited last Sunday after preaching St. Barnabas NYA camp near Jenkins ville in Fairfield county and its almost a miracle to see what Prof Woods and his wife are doing for those fifty boys under their administration. They came as instructors to this "mortar to make bricks", not a camp three years ago without they have seven buildinvs erect5 ed by his -boys under Mr. Woods supervision. Three years ago. the camp had only 3 acres of land, but recently because of Mr. Wood# accomplisTiments, his hoard recent 'v bought, the old Ilughoy's track "hich is located n~a>bv and eon "vtT OHb hundreds acres of land, which will compare favora" :th any camp in the 1 he agriculture work is being supervised by^ Prof. H. F. Boyd, a recent graduate of State college. We. understand they have "already^" gathered 125 bushels of sweet potatoes, 75 bushels of butter beans 35 bushel ... ...,ivc potatoes and raises a plenty of other edible things. Scores of fat hogs to kill foj* the winter, yard full of chickens and mules fat as butter. We also met Mr. P. A. Beatty, who is principal of the high school here. Mr. Beaty tells us they have recently added the 11th grade to the system and two of his graduates last year made fresh man class at Benedict college. The power behind this school is ' the Rev. M. S. Whittington, Archdeacon, who is the manager and secretary of the school. We regrot we failed to meet the Tfe^T Whittington but- he is a man of \ God, having bought a bus for the children to ride to and from the school. We hope other camps will follow the example of Mr. and Mis. Woods. .a ST. PAUL A M. E. CHURCH Rev, S. J. Johnson, Pastor In spite of the inclement weather a large group was out Sunday to witness the great message ( which was delivered by Rev. A. 1 J. Ilolmon of North Carnlinn TUn sermon will linger long in our g memory. We were delighted to have our pastor's wife and Rev. T. A. Ringer to worship with us We all enjoyed a very good Christ I mas. * . Mr. Samuel Hills and Mr. O.B Hills left Monday for Jersey City after spending the holidays with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Walter To- ( bias of Newport News are spend- 1 ing the holidays with parents. Rev. 9. J. Johnson and wife , and Rev. T. A. IRinger and wife were dinner guests Sunday of ] Mr. and Mrs. 'George Chapman. > Miss Floree Lyles and Miss Fannie Counts were dinner guests ' Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Alex 3 Harper of Jenkinsville. Mr. T. Harper, Miss Sadie Harper, Mrs ( Essie Harper, Miss. Fannie O Counts, Miss Floree Lyles motor <J,1 XT TT " ^v. V.1101 lum*, in. r riuay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Annie Mae Steward of Washington, D. C., is home visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddio Steward. Miss Naomi Koon of Columbia is home spending the holidays ivith relatives. COUNTY MASONS HOLD INSTALLATION W. H. Wilson Installed As Master < I The Suburban Lodge No. 213, p Free and Accepted Masons held their annual installation and feast ° on Christmas ^morning at tho o Masonic Temple on Meeting St. road at 5 mile. The officers in- - stalled are as follows: - I William H. Wilson, W. M.; E. Davis, S. W.. Jesse Drown, J. W.; f fames McNeil, S. D.; Parker Al-' f ston.J. I).; Prine Rivers and Robi,vt Brown, Stewards; Daniel Wil liams, tiler; L. A. Gelzer, secre \ tary. T. Canty, treasurer. PINCKNEY'S FXJ E UNDERTAKER AND LI< | ' OF SOI III CAROIJN i 1006 WASHINGTON ST. Saturday, January 4, 1941 LIBERTY HILL GIRLS GET NEW BASKETBALL OUTFIT FOR CHRISTMAS The girls basketball team of ^ the Liberty Hill school was equipped with new basketball uniforms, and warm-up suits for Christmas. The color of the suits is blue with yellow letters bearing the initials of the name of the school on the front, and.yeLlow letters on the back bearing the various numbers. The warmup suits are grey, inscribed with the initials of 'the school in yel low letters. The girls of the team played e large part in making^ the purchase of the uniforms possible by sell ing candy, and giving various ''4 forms of social activities. MV h. L. Winds of the facu'tv ass;sted the girls greatly with theit activities in raising th» monov make the purchase. The assistance of Mrs. Rachel Mti-rav and ethers were and op-" nreeiiitiwl >!<?" The uniforms flint tV»#> o.! used last year, will be us d t,-:s year as the practicing material . The members of the girlsterm are as follows: Miss Angelena Jenkins, can. ^ tain;, the Misses Ella Mae Price, Evelena Hamilton, Pearl Mitchell Margaret Murray, Mae Bell Oliver, Albertha Campbell, and Thelma Bowens. ~| The boys will use the uniforms that they used last year with the addition of a number of new suits The girls were champions in District Four last year, while the boys lost most of the majoi games. Poro Beauty school (ij Located at 2481 Mi'1*'*"'! ' BEAUTY CUT.TURF TN AM. ..uJTS BRAN-CHEF Shampooing, Pressing. Marcelling. Croquinolling, Finger Waving. Hair Dyeing. Rleaching Man. icuring, Massaging, Hand Molding. Anatomy and Electricity. PHONE 5687 Wilhelmina C. Pope. Instructor A*aie M. Pope. J*. Malone. Pre* PPnuuat?T/^v a 7 m. itvr uooiUi\>\ij CARDS DR. H. H. COOPER C, DENTIST Special Attention Given to Diseases of the Gums Gold Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty Office Phone 6429 IRes. 8204 125 Washington St., Cola., S. C. )flice Hours: Telephones: 1:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Office 6033 Residence 8873 Dr. D. K. Jenkins DENTIST L killings, Plates, Crowns, Bridges, ""j Anesthesia a Specialty 1)R. J. G. STUART Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Accurately Office Hours Telephones .0 A.M. to 2 P.M. Res. 4692 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. ' Office 3796 Office . Residence !030 Taylor St. 1317 Pine St. *EV. J. H. JOHNSON NOTARY PUBLIC . Office 2029 Marion Street lealer in Real Estate, performs damage Ceremonies, writes Wills )eeds, Mortgages, Claims, etc. (H Call to See Him )ffice Phone 8107 Res. 6799 Watch Repairing ITT Tfl/MI* cj. VV . wuiu 2307 GERVAIS STREET 4 COLUMBIA, S. C. 1, 'or Dressmaking and Alterations f all kinds, including the Relining f COATS .see. friss Lattey Kennerley l Specialty is made of School or 'rint Dresses. Work Neatly Done. 1203 PINE ST. NERAL HOME i SENSED EMBAI.MER A AND GEORGIA . « Funeral Cars and Funeral ui|u>|>mciii T AS GOOD AS THE BEST And Betterc.3#han the Rest I And Prices I,es» flb Office Phone 2.3357 4 Residence Phone 7765 \! « > COURTESY " and :: >i SERVICE. ',t. COLUMBIA 8. C. ![ fW i I

Transcript of stampid supervisor; Rl a LJa ass;sted assistance favora ... · Detailed information regarding he...

Page 1: stampid supervisor; Rl a LJa ass;sted assistance favora ... · Detailed information regarding he duties and salaries of the postions. miniimum qualifications of applicant.*, and Lilt1

; -JK.-V. r


Page Six *

Wots:.Your quaaflon wffl ba umnd"ix." la this coluaa. F«r« Phtate hmt,ad 15c lor my o»w Astboloot Ruona i

Lwcrr Pat Cxaat ud nc*lr« by r*tummall conildantlal Ultar ol fraa adrloa analyalnathraa (1) quaationa privately. Signyour full nam*, addreaa. and blrthdata toall l*M*n and pUaa* Include a li addraaaad.stampid envelope lor your raply.Writ* To:.Abbs' Wallace, cat* ol TkbPalmetto Leasee, 1310 Assembly St.Colombia, S. Caaouna.

G. B..I am giving my tlau:^.litera business course and I am afraidthat she is studying toohard. She never gets out andenjoy the companionship of anyof her friends. She studies fromthe time she comes in from school

^jjjjlil in 11 lllli mm sliuuld h.' "do about her?

Answer.It will only be anoth-er six weeks until she'" has nnisnedher course and then she willfeel quite differently. Ask hei

.gtH.friends.i«.t" if with youtwo . . . even if you do not lether know you asked them. Invitethe young men in the neighborhoodin also. She is studyingtoo hard but her disappointmentlast summe? was too much foiher . . . for some reason shedoesn't want any more frinds. 1

predict a change for the better

just as soorj as she gets employment.

L. N. F..Will I be able to passthe test so that 1 can carry out

my plans for the spring of this

coming year.Answer.You will pass the phy

sical examination * without any

trouble as you are a healthy specimen.I cannot determine justwhen you will be able to enter

camp but in all probability it wilbe during the spring.

A. W..I am brokenhearted and

feel as though I want to be aloneand cry to my hearts -contentMy husband didn't act like hewanted me and the baby anil 1left him. He says he still cares

but he tried to show everyoneelse a better time than he did me

Tell me just what I should do to

find happiness?Answer.Stop pitying yourselfyour husband isn't any mort

to bo blamed than you are fot, you packed up ami left him. 1

feel that your greatest troubleright now is worry over another

' man and not your husband. Thisother fellow likes you. but he isnot in love with you. He is goingto marry another girl and youmust give him up. It is nvyisuggestion that youl talk to yjofir husband and see if you can't.getback together and live contentetl again.

j!" G. C..Will I get the ..job .thatI am planning on and when do

' you think f, can get on ?Answer.Around the first or set

ond week of Januarfr you will geithe job you havo in mind ... .

you will like the' work fine andthe job will prove a good one too

J. L. E.. I have a son I broughtup in church. He married and In

.and-lus.wjfo-me-snptmued. IfTdrinks heavy and when under tininnuense 01 orniK ne isn t nimscuand lot's anyone take his nionoy.Things.are- p 1easHYiT"~when he issober but I want to know if thisis natural ?Answer.It is indicated to mo

that your son is very lonely sincchehas been separated from hiswife and drinks merely to drownhis sorrow. The logical way tohandle him is to encourage thefriendship of some nice giirls andit will have a tendency to makehim stop drinking. ^ His actionsare natural . no onr i infl'irnring him to drink as he does, anche really isn't responsible for hisactions while drinking.hopeiVeli, baptist church

Sunday school opened at theusual hour, with Supt. Mr. G. QN'eely. The teachers were at theiiposts of duty.fThe lesson was interestinglyreviewed by the pastor.Praise service was conductedby Mr. John P. Neely. Theservice was real good, every oneseemed to be in high spirit. RevWilliams preached a wonderfulsernion from Matt. 2:12; subject;A Changed Road. All present enjoyedthe message.

This being the last Sunday beforeXmas and a very pleasantone, the attendance was grandThe financial report was goodQuite a number of visitors Werepresent. We are saying to ouimembers and friends come .t c

church, our doors are open to youyou are welcome.The Sunday-school presented

the pastor a gift in appreciationof his lofty service, and also inremembrance of the gift of ouidea" Savior. We also 'rememberedour beloved ex-pastor Rev. J.S. Maddjx with a gift, whom servicedus so long and faithfullyWe shall never forget him.The church presented to all the

old and shut in members gifts.Mr. Eichelberger had a misfortune;his barn was desrtoyed by

fire some time ago. All his foodvalues were destroyed. Ffe andhis son Mr. Willie Eichelbergerwere among the many visitor?WV? donated him $5.05.

Mrs. Suepearl Neely Franklinand little son Keneth James ofTampa, Fla., are visiting her father Mr. John R. Neely.

rrii- - T"»_ -ii -» «

jme raimeuo i^eaaer





Columbia, Jan. 2.Due to a

shortage of applicants, the periodfor applying for exaniinations forcertain professional positions inthe South Carolina Department ofPublic Welfare has been extendedto January 23, according to an-

ncuncementissued today by J. McT. Daniel, Supervisor of Examinations.t

The following positions are open"hief of the division of public as

iistance; chief of the division ofeld service; senior casework supervisor;casework supervisor;

chief of the division of the blind;enior medical worker for thelind; rehabilitation worker forhe blind; chief of the division ofhild welfare services, child welareconsultant; child welfareworker.

Detailed information regardinghe duties and salaries of the postions.miniimum qualifications ofapplicant.*, and Lilt1 iialuioof oxuninationsamay be secured from »

t ennnrvicn^o nflRpp TVin

ial application blanks are also distributed from this office.

Applications must be made onthe official form and must be filedin the office of the supervisor,Room 219, Education Building,University of South Carolina, Columbia,S. C.

Mailed applications must bepostmarked before midnight 01

the closing date, January 23.I ^ 2,PAU LEYS ISLAND NEWS

The Christmas spirit still .n

the air and every one seems aglowwith the joys of this Holy event.On Sunday. December 22, the

Waccamaw circuit held its first tquarter for this conference year-We are proud to have our pre <.

dding elder, Dr. T. J. Miles, backwith fisT He preached a nqble ser

mon at Gordon hi the morning, from ,

Matt. and in the afternoon,'a*" electrified the audience at Stbihn A. M. E. church as he broad.'asted from the spii-itual station>f Rome 11:3:5, All financial re-


ports were paid in full, leavingthe stewards with a neat little sum,A brief, but impressive Christmasprogram,was had at this churchon Sunday night by Mrs. S. EWashington. >

The pastor and congregation of AMr. Zion Baptist church are mov- I

ing upward. Despite unfavorable 1

weather, the "Million Dollar Wed- a

ding," sponsored by Miss RutheBessellien, December 20, was quite (

a success. <

Rev. W. E. Forsythe, principalof Faith Memorial school and hisco-workers had two "nights of successfulChristmas plays last week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Muggins ai

glad to have thyrs^n home againafter being away Tor several years_Among .those- home- Cor-the- holt.days were Mrs. Maria Ferguson'sdaughter and sister of New Yorkthe sister of Miss ThomasetiaBrenuess, wh0 resides in Charlescon, and a cousin of Mr. and MrsJames Brown.The Booster Club will meet Fri

day night at the home of Mr. andMrs. J. Brown. We are tffad to see

Mrs. Brown out again. .

The "Biit" was told that wedding bells rang quietly a few day*.ago and will peal out loudly in tinmonth of roses. You better be carefuland mind what you 'bout to d<'cause the bat will get you if youlon't watch out.May the sunlight of health and j

prosperity shine tipon* us throughnut the new year. IM. F. Nesb/tt, Reporter

: BETHLEHEM BAFT. (TH'RCHRev. E. E. Gaulden, Pastor

Newberry..As a Pre-Christnia? 1

message the pastor spoke from Ithe subject: "Christmas in ThiHeart." It \vas very searching 1and powerful. iThe following named persons <

were home from the various col- <

leges and schools for the holidays a

Gwendolyn ,Henry Spearman, At- '

lanta, Ga., Frank Toland, Jame; jRuff. Danhne Coleman. ErnesteenGladden State College; Ether M '

Coleman, Cato Coleman, Jesse ^

Hunter, Jr. and Wilson Sligh otBettis Academy: Carrie M. Smith 1

Lucile Caldwell and WilhelminaScott of Voorhees.

In spite of the rain the Christmasspirit went oft as usual with,the young people meeting then |many friends and relatives ove) fthe holidays. t

Among those wh0 were operat ted on over the holidays at thr <

People's Hospital were Mrs. L.A ]Graham and Miss Ernepteen Glad '

den. Roth are doing well. iWe are invitinr* all r.f

- . " Iburs and friends to worship with (us thr first Sunday in he New [Year. v

» \



Ten of the All Soutl

jjs i 01^^^


Counibia, S/.C,.Ton players on th<he annual jneeting held at Allen uniThey are leading left, to right: Toj

<tate): quarterback, James .ArmstronI.eft to »iprht:Centov.tackle. JohnLeft to right: Bottom.end, Isaiah

?urtis Fudgo (Ga. State); end Grady IEarl Hollihshed (Fort Valley Stat<

leven.Allen university, undefeated ly ar

championship of the conference,


a hiServices at Piedmont Presbyerianchurch were enjoyed by fall j j|

eho witnessed the Installation ser- pa'ices. The Rev. Claudia of Clinton(reached a.most wonderful sermon ;.sle was accompanied by his wife MOjind several friends.Mrs. Savannah Pitts Pettaforn g>f New York City, spent several tor

lays here on business. She was the njglouse truest of Mi's. Anna Simpson iMrs. Pettatfdrd of New York a

'i'ty, Mrs. Simpson and sons, Mes-^

ers Jerry and Tommie Simpson ]if Clinton, and Mr. P. D. Duckett,cere the dinner auests of Mr. and STJrs. E. W. Pitts. A delicious din*» *? *

ie-r-was enjoyed. ' On Thursdayifi-c Poffof/M-l A t 1... .

* v vvinvivi, Ollll^dUIl, 1U,1S»S

.illie Mac Pitts, and Mr. Tommie ^ei5jmpson visrted Mcsdames Molh j7rand and Victoria Dorrah tof a nVoodruff, S. C. A most delicious wa[inner was enjoyed, ^ej

Mrs. Paola Pitts Cregg ol Th'hiladelphia is visttlng her fath tior Mr. I. Y. Pitts. jvaMessrs. Soldon and Ralph Line?

ay ami little daughter' spent thelolidayswith their mother Mrs cv<

?. P». Lindsay. They returned to theVashin-iton Saturday. Miss Lillie Itdae Pitts spent, a few- dujt» in 1lifTerent parts of the South vis- dotting frjends. She reports an en- da;oyable time. P«'iMadam Anna Simpson, Caro in

yn Simpson, Messrs. Jerry anr i waTommie were the dinner guest- I'm?>f Mr. ami.Mr-r., Wnltct' Simpson)f Helona, S. C., Doc. 25. Mr teiButler of N.Y. City visited Mis? waYdlie Mao Pitts Sunday. He ha? int>urchasod a '41 Buick. itMjss Ohristene Lindsay of A1 pr

Ion University is home for the keludidays; also Misses Gwendolyn ceiind Eunice Pitts, Iva D. Floyd msGladys Henderson of Belle Street Thichool, ^Jinton; Misses Sudie Mao n'fiSimpson and Lillre Joe Suber ot ciaBettis Jr. College, Trenton; Miss f0]Mjldred Suhcr, Mr. ROckefellci ne:3uber and;Mr. Edward Taylor of toBell Street, Clinton. beM rs. S. B. Lindsay vsited friends I

n Abbeville. ho


Christmas is over and ^Ie.he old year is about to come to ®*in end. Well, as you know, youi ^eporter was one of, the representa vc

,ives from Campfteld to the Union Cliwhich was held with Good Hope haBaptist church near Hodges and Rl"Ware Shoals. Due- to tha mele pr<nont weather,qujte a number ol su

persons were absent. Our moderaL an>r, Rev. McGhee, seems to be ir. foi>etter spirit than ever. Rev. Edvard Thomas led the congregation toi


leastern Confen



? All Southeas torn Conferencevcrsity,j,Columbia, South Care).fullback, Leroy Frazicr (/g. (Morris); ha'f-baok, PenrosiLawson (Ga. State); guard,Gomillion (Paino college); taiButler, (Allen).') not shown bn picture, was

ly SouthoasteJ n Conference t

Grace and Holy Spirit, in tlsi-nee ol Kev. tioode.l'he next union wilt be held wit:ierty Baptist church of Hon'th, S. C.Mrs. Janie Redd of Abhevillspending a few days with hi|ihew, Mr. Joseph MarshallMr. Odess Little, Odell, Rygcand Miss Ion Martin, were ,y iss of Miss Lois Marshall Sutjdafhtr .

kVishing that all of you have hamerry Christmas and will havprosperous New Year. So-'longLois Marshall, Reporter. ANDREWS A.M.E. CHURC1

Rev. ('. McClarv, Pastor

\ndrews, S. C..Sunday sen-it

;an at the usual hour with SujE. Smith in charge. At 11:1i. a very impressive scrmos delivered by the pastor. Th:t was taken from Luke 2:1-1ernePreparation and Proelamn. Truly the spirit of the Lors with us .while _tlic spoke.\ program was given Sunija?ning by 'the Senior choir unde? direction of Prof. J. E. Smitlwas enjoyed by everyone.Rev. McClary answered tliarbell at the parsonage Satuiy night and found t° h's SU1se a group of people who bamsilently and softly made theiy to the dining room.

' Theule a silent prayer and werI- as mi, slui iously as they* ered. The pastor and his wiftclied them go and then wer;o the dining room to see wluwas all about. To their suiise they found a box and a bjt of groceries. Besides the gires, tMere were fruits, homeule cakes and a dressed chickeie pastor and his family canned words to express thgir appr<,tion to the people of-Andrew- their thoughtfulness and kin3S. Packages are still conrinthe parsonage from the men

rs and friends.The following students weime for the holidays from tVrioils schools: Misses Mary 1'eenQ, Arnethia Smith, Palme?morial institute; Misses Hja'and Margaret Wheeler, AnsGreene, Messrs Joseph an

laddeus Thompson, Allen un

rsity. Misses Essie M. (Graharaflin university; Mr. James Grm, Howard Hi and Mr. Edwaiiuc, Morfis college. They eiess themselves as having hadccessful school year thus fad-being very glad to W -howr the Yuletide season.Miss Fannie Johnson, Washinf

D. C., is spending a few dajV



mce Eleven Selected


<AV ^ jj

Eleven selected by the Coaches atilina, December 14, 1940.tllen). half-back John Myles, ((lae Parks (Paine college").Stephen Williams. Paine college).rkle, William Brown (Allen). guard,

selected center of the all conference

earn, was awarded the li>40 football

J. D. McGhee, reporterip with her sister, Mrs. Ida Mouzon

Your reporter wishes to thankb everyone who cooperated with heia in making the sale of the PalmettoLeader successful this year andlc hope you will encourage others'I along with yourself to subscribe

for 1041. Through this columnl she would like to, express her best

wishes to you for a Merry Christ5" mas ami a Prosperous New Year,

Subscribefor the "Leader".The ACE League met at 0:00

1p.m. The opening song was Whosoever Meaneth Me. A voluntary

. program arranged by Miss Hazel>1 Coachman and Mr. Robert L. Grahamwas successfully.carried out

and enjoyed by all. Mr. R. L.j Graham volunteered as the repor*

ter for the League which is com-'_ ing along nicelyon


e ST. MATTHEWS NEWSMiss Hennie Owens was honoredwith a surprise birthday party

at her, home given by her sisterMrs. Mahle Hartley and friendTuesday, December 10th at 9:30^ p.m. Miss Owens had gone out toclub meeting and on her return

' found the home all lighted andthov guests all with smiling facesseated in her bedroom.

Those who witnessed the partywere Misses Annie M. Spigner, (Mary L. Rivers, Leila B. Laney, 1ir~ Mrs. Mat tie Rivers, -Messrs L. V^ Vance, iRobert Floyd,"' Flegler andAKi.i.1.. ** ' ^ -

muipn, urea uaskm,Mr, and Mrs. Peter Sumter., Mrand Mrs. Curtis Goodwine and <

Rev. J. C. RateS;^Many interesting games were

played after which everyone was> served potato salad on lettuce,

saltines, boiled ham, pork sausag<hot coffee and candy.

»t The Twilight club met on Tues3- day night, Dec. 10th at the homers of Mrs. Mary I.ue Sumter. Thed meeting being social the club memg hers and their guests had an enir joyable time playing various

games after which Mrs. Sumteie served a delicious course of jello'ie whipped cream and cake. I?. The following persons spentr last Tuesday, in-Columbia: Mr.t- and Mrs. Dave Spann, Mr. Georg«ia VVoodard, Mrs. Evelyn Johnsonid and Miss Eueile Samuels. All rei- ported a pleasant day at the Capri,itol.

_ ,

a Mrs. Lessie Parson spent last"d Friday in Columbia with her son \i Mr. Jefthro Parson. '

a Mr. Hardy Mitchell spent ther week-end at home with relatives «

and friends. J

Mr. Eddy Felder is home from ]? New York to the delight of his 4

ra parents and friends. i

,J~« *- ;ic*KtA - .'A.»

_* . .


Upon the invitation from Proftand Mrs. Woods Jr., we visitedlast Sunday after preaching St.Barnabas NYA camp near Jenkinsville in Fairfield county and itsalmost a miracle to see what ProfWoods and his wife are doing forthose fifty boys under their administration.They came as instructors to this

"mortar to make bricks", not a

camp three years ago withoutthey have seven buildinvs erect5ed by his -boys under Mr. Woodssupervision. Three years ago. thecamp had only 3 acres of land,but recently because of Mr. Wood#accomplisTiments, his hoard recent'v bought, the old Ilughoy's track"hich is located n~a>bv and eon

"vtT OHb hundreds acres ofland, which will compare favora":th any camp in the1 he agriculture work is beingsupervised by^ Prof. H. F. Boyd, a

recent graduate of State college.We. understand they have "already^"gathered 125 bushels of sweet potatoes,75 bushels of butter beans35 bushel... ...,ivc potatoes andraises a plenty of other ediblethings. Scores of fat hogs to killfoj* the winter, yard full of chickensand mules fat as butter.We also met Mr. P. A. Beatty,who is principal of the highschool here. Mr. Beaty tells usthey have recently added the 11thgrade to the system and two ofhis graduates last year made fresh

man class at Benedict college.The power behind this school is 'the Rev. M. S. Whittington, Archdeacon,who is the manager andsecretary of the school. We regrotwe failed to meet the Tfe^TWhittington but- he is a man of \God, having bought a bus for thechildren to ride to and from theschool.We hope other camps will followthe example of Mr. andMis. Woods.

.aST. PAUL A M. E. CHURCHRev, S. J. Johnson, Pastor

In spite of the inclement weathera large group was out Sundayto witness the great message (which was delivered by Rev. A. 1J. Ilolmon of North Carnlinn TUnsermon will linger long in our gmemory. We were delighted tohave our pastor's wife and Rev.T. A. Ringer to worship with usWe all enjoyed a very good Christ Imas. *


Mr. Samuel Hills and Mr. O.BHills left Monday for Jersey Cityafter spending the holidays withrelatives Mr. and Mrs. Walter To- (bias of Newport News are spend- 1ing the holidays with parents.

Rev. 9. J. Johnson and wife ,and Rev. T. A. IRinger and wifeweredinner guests Sunday of ]Mr. and Mrs. 'George Chapman.

> Miss Floree Lyles and MissFannie Counts were dinner guests 'Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Alex 3Harper of Jenkinsville. Mr. T.Harper, Miss Sadie Harper, Mrs (Essie Harper, Miss. Fannie OCounts, Miss Floree Lyles motor<J,1 XT TT "^v. V.1101 lum*, in. r riuay tovisit Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and

Mrs. Annie Mae Steward ofWashington, D. C., is home visitingparents, Mr. and Mrs. EddioSteward.Miss Naomi Koon of Columbia

is home spending the holidaysivith relatives.


W. H. WilsonInstalled As Master < I

The Suburban Lodge No. 213, pFree and Accepted Masons heldtheir annual installation and feast °on Christmas ^morning at tho oMasonic Temple on Meeting St.road at 5 mile. The officers in- -

stalled are as follows: - IWilliam H. Wilson, W. M.; E.

Davis, S. W.. Jesse Drown, J. W.; ffames McNeil, S. D.; Parker Al-' fston.J. I).; Prine Rivers and Robi,vtBrown, Stewards; Daniel Williams, tiler; L. A. Gelzer, secre \tary. T. Canty, treasurer.



Saturday, January 4, 1941


Thegirls basketball team of ^the Liberty Hill school was equippedwith new basketball uniforms,and warm-up suits forChristmas. The color of the suitsis blue with yellow letters bearingthe initials of the name ofthe school on the front, and.yeLlowletters on the back bearingthe various numbers. The warmupsuits are grey, inscribed withthe initials of 'the school in yellow letters.The girls of the team played elarge part in making^ the purchaseof the uniforms possible by selling candy, and giving various ''4forms of social activities. MV

h. L. Winds of the facu'tv ass;stedthe girls greatly with theitactivities in raising th» monovmake the purchase. The assistanceof Mrs. Rachel Mti-rav andethers were and op-"nreeiiitiwl >!<?"

The uniforms flint tV»#> o.! '«

used last year, will be us d t,-:syear as the practicing material

.The members of the girlstermare as follows:Miss Angelena Jenkins, can. ^tain;, the Misses Ella Mae Price,Evelena Hamilton, Pearl Mitchell

Margaret Murray, Mae Bell Oliver,Albertha Campbell, and ThelmaBowens. ~|The boys will use the uniformsthat they used last year with theaddition of a number of new suitsThe girls were champions in

District Four last year, while theboys lost most of the majoigames.

Poro Beauty school (ijLocated at 2481 Mi'1*'*"'! '


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Residence 8873Dr. D. K. Jenkins

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friss Lattey Kennerleyl Specialty is made of School or'rint Dresses. Work Neatly Done.

1203 PINE ST.



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