Stalking the Average Man- The Trilogy

Stalking the Average Man: The Trilogy Copyright © 2014 John Axelson Smashwords Edition All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the written consent of the author: Cover by Geri Nolan Hilfiker. Based on a True Story: The following events occurred within a non-linear teaching scheme designed to force me to claim lessons as my own knowledge. Presenting my results in a coherent chronology required that I provide fly-on-wall notes based on what my teacher must have known to administer a given lesson at a particular time. Phase One: The Seduction Foreword Chapter 1- The Fourth Estate Chapter 2- Contexts Chapter 3- The Nature of Events Chapter 4- Spending Energy Chapter 5- The Magic of Mankind Chapter 6- The Bridge of Reason Chapter 7- Positioning Chapter 8- Uninformed Consent Chapter 9- Beauty, and the Beast Chapter 10- The Foretime Chapter 11- The Message and the Messenger Chapter 12- Essential Acts Chapter 13- Metaphor Chapter 14- The Guardian Chapter 15- The Crafty Wraith Chapter 16- Changing History Chapter 17- Losing Reason


In this trilogy (Stalking the Average Man, Stalking the Bridge of Reason, Stalking the Fifth Intercession), a mystic examines the minutiae of the end-of-times cycle of events, and its methodology. This story is told to a reluctant apprentice who regarded her words as an outrage to reason, and a blasphemy to religion, until they weren't.

Transcript of Stalking the Average Man- The Trilogy

Stalking the Average Man: The TrilogyCopyright 2014 John AxelsonSmashwors !itionAll rights reserve" #o part o$ this p%&li'ation may &e repro%'e or transmitte &y any means(ele'troni' or me'hani'al( or &y any in$ormation storage or retrieval system witho%t the written'onsent o$ the a%thor: Cover &y )eri #olan *il$iker"Based on a True Story:The $ollowing events o''%rre within a non+linear tea'hing s'heme esigne to $or'e me to 'laim lessons as my own knowlege" ,resenting my res%lts in a 'oherent 'hronology re-%ire that . provie $ly+on+wall notes &ase on what my tea'her m%st have known to aminister a given lesson at a parti'%lar time",hase /ne: The Se%'tion0orewor Chapter 1+ The 0o%rth !stateChapter 2+ ContextsChapter 1+ The #at%re o$ !vents Chapter 4+ Spening !nergyChapter 2+ The Magi' o$ MankinChapter 3+ The 4rige o$ 5easonChapter 6+ ,ositioning Chapter 7+ 8nin$orme ConsentChapter 9+ 4ea%ty( an the 4eastChapter 10+ The 0oretimeChapter 11+ The Message an the MessengerChapter 12+ !ssential A'tsChapter 11+ MetaphorChapter 14+ The )%arianChapter 12+ The Cra$ty :raithChapter 13+ Changing *istoryChapter 16+ ;osing 5easonChapter 17+ 5emoeling 4elie$sChapter 19+ 0alse CreekChapter 20+ ;ang%age o$ ChaosChapter 21+ ,ra'ti'al Magi'Chapter 22+ #at%re o$