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CMTTHE404 - Compare and apply new theological insights



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Version: 1.0

Prepared by Scott Meechan

Authorised by Scott Meechan

Date: 10/1/2019

Review Date: 10/7/2020

Unit Information


This unit applies to individuals working in Christian communities who need to compare and apply new theological insights relevant to the specific community.


Prayer shifts Heaven and Earth, spiritual and physical realities. Learn keys to Kingdom prayer and pray with boldness and authority. Release Heaven on Earth and partner with God to see His Kingdom come. With spiritual principles, practical skills and exercises, your prayer journey will be accelerated and transformed.

Instructions to Assessors

As the Assessor for this unit, you have the responsibility to ensure the following:

· Provide support and assistance to the student throughout all stages of their course

· Provide feedback to the student throughout their course, and upon submission of their assignments; this feedback needs to be detailed to inform the student of their progress towards completing, or their completion of unit requirements

· Gather quality evidence which will assist you in making an informed assessment decision

· Undertake the assessment by ensuring that the ‘Rules of Evidence’ are met, namely, valid, current, sufficient and authentic.

· Collect and assess evidence in line with the ‘Principles of Assessment’, namely, valid, reliable, flexible and fair.

· Ensure that you observed the principles of reasonable adjustment where appropriate

· Ensure that all the assessment documentation is completed correctly and thoroughly

· Provide an assessment decision to the student, and ensure that it is recorded appropriate on the documentation

Instructions to Students


CMTTHE404 - Compare and apply new theological insights

Assessment Methods

In this assessment, you will find the following tasks:

· Short Answer Questions

· Project Tasks

You are required to satisfactory complete all short answer questions and tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.

Time Frame

Complete this assessment by 31 July 2020.


To complete this unit the following resources are provided to you:

· Support from the Stairway College team

· Allocated a Trainer/Assessor


Once you have completed all the Short Answer Questions and Project tasks, please submit them via the student portal. For larger files, we suggest that you use compressed zip files. Where multiple documents are present please ensure that they are clearly labelled and referenced.

You will receive email notification once your assessment is submitted. If you do not hear from us within a business day of submitting your assignment, please contact the Stairway College support team.


Upon your assessment being received by your Assessor, you can expect to receive formal feedback within 20 business days. If you do not hear from your Assessor within 20 business days, you are encouraged to contact us. You can expect to receive in depth feedback about your assessment tasks. You will be advised if you have obtained competency in the unit, or whether further work is required at which time you will be provided with guidance and an opportunity to resubmit your assessment.

Student Rights

Please refer to the Student Handbook which outlines your rights as a student and which include your opportunity to appeal assessment decisions and reasonable adjustment processes.


At any time during your course, your trainer is available to discuss the content, and the assessment requirements with you. The Stairway College support team is also available.


Candidate Name:


Contact Number:

Email Address:

Assessment Task:

CMTTHE404 - Compare and apply new theological insights


I declare that:

· I have understood the requirements of the Assessment Task, and felt ready to undertake the assessment prior to completing them.

· I have read and understood my rights as a Student as set out in the Student Handbook.

· All information in this document and attached is true and correct and is all my own work.

· No part of this assignment has been completed for me by another person, or been plagiarised in any form.




Student Name

Unit Title

CMTTHE404 - Compare and apply new theological insights

Evidence Requirement

Meets Requirements



Yes (√)

No (x)

1. Explore significant questions, themes and issues

2. Communicate points for discussion from personal knowledge and experience of faith

3. Identify and apply new insights

Short Answer Questions

Project Tasks

Rules of Evidence compliance – The assessor is to confirm by checking the following items





Final Decision at the time of assessment (Please tick yes or no)

Assessor’s Name




Short Answer Questions

There is no specific length for short answer questions. Most questions can be answered in one or two paragraphs, and/or 5 dot points which are explained. This is a guide only, and the question can be used to gauge the length required. If you have questions please contact the Stairway College support team.

1. Name four sources of information that you might use to locate theological information.

Student answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

2. Christians and Muslims hold different views on spirituality. Describe both views. In your answer ensure that you highlight the key differences in the views and also how your view is similar and/or different.

View One:

View Two:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Overall performance

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory






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Part One

This course will be taught over a number of weeks. Keep a personal journal during the course to record what God is doing in your life. At the end of the course review your journal and provide answers to the below questions.

1. What did I learn in the course? Identify three learnings.

2. What input did I receive from my mentor/peers/friends during the course? List three.

3. What is God saying to me? List three.

4. How have I applied what I've learnt from this course? List three.

5. What else am I going to do as a result of the teaching in this course?

Suggested length: 100 – 300 words


Your Answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Part Two

You will be provided with a number of extracts/personal stories (i.e. from Mike Bickle, Roy Godwin, Jurgen Matthesius, Roger Steer, Beni Johnson, etc). Using two of the extracts provided, develop a written piece that addresses the below:

1. For each of the chosen extract/stories describe the different experiences and outcomes of prayer.

2. Compare and contrast (i.e. what is similar and what is different) their different approaches to prayer as demonstrated in these experiences.

3. Imagine you had the opportunity to meet the writers of the chosen extracts. List an important question you would ask each writer about the extract/story they have written.

4. What can you learn from these extracts and apply to your own prayer life? Also include how this will benefit your faith walk?

Note: It is important to reference the extracts/stories clearly and accurately (see the Study Skills Handbook for assistance).

Suggested length: 300 – 600 words

Resources: Extracts

Your Answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Part Three

Read the sections titled ‘Go Find Yourself’ and 'Truth Based Living' (Pages 9-14, 43-50) of the extract written by Mary Forsythe (The Amazing Exchange, Kingdom Living Ministries, 2007) or the extract from “The Image of Righteousness” by Creflo Dollar Jn, 2002. Answer the below questions:

1. Explain what Mary Forsythe/Creflo Dollar believe about ‘our righteousness in Christ’.

2. Imagine you had the opportunity to meet Mary Forsythe/Creflo Dollar. Based on what she/he has written in these sections, list four important questions you would ask regarding 'righteousness'.

3. What is your opinion on our righteousness in Christ? How is it similar or different to what Mary Forsythe/Creflo Dollar has written?

4. What can you learn from this extract and apply to your own life? Also include how this will benefit your faith walk?

5. Imagine you had an opportunity at your home church to share about ‘our righteousness in Christ’. Briefly prepare what you might say and include:

a) Your understanding of ‘our righteousness in Christ’.

b) One related scripture

c) How you believe understanding ‘our righteousness in Christ’ can benefit your life personally and also those in your church.

Note: It is important to reference the extract you use accurately.

Suggested length: 400 – 600 words

Resources: Extracts

Your Answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Part Four

Cessationism believes that the Holy Spirit ‘ceased’ giving spiritual gifts (eg. gifts of prophesy, healing, etc) when they were given to the twelve apostles.

Pentecostalism believes that the Holy Spirit continues to freely give spiritual gifts for the benefit of believers, the church and the world.

Briefly research these areas of Christianity. Then explain how your beliefs regarding the spiritual gifts compare to Cessationism and how they compare to Pentecostalism.

Suggested length: 150 – 300 words

Resources: Extracts

Your Answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Overall performance

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory





Task Two – Spontaneous Prayer, Crafted Prayer & Father Ladder

Part One

Prayer has many different expressions. One form of expression is spontaneous prayer. Another form is crafted prayer. Develop a written piece that includes each of the dot points below.

1. Explain your understanding of spontaneous and crafted prayer.

2. Compare these forms of prayer by highlighting the differences and the similarities.

3. Do you believe that Scripture supports either or both of these forms of prayer? Explain why.

4. Identify the benefits of crafted prayers being used in both personal and corporate settings.

5. Imagine you had a conversation with somebody who held the opinion that crafted prayers are not relevant in modern churches. Explain how your personal belief is different to this person and also explain why.

6. You will be provided with examples of crafted prayers through the course. Example such as: Stairway Church crafted prayers.

a. What can you learn from these examples?

b. Chose two of the examples. Compare them by highlighting the differences and the similarities.

c. What changes will you make in the way you pray as a result of studying the two prayer examples?

Suggested length: 400 - 900 words

Resources: Prayer examples

Your Answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Part Two

Imagine you had a friend in outback Australia who wanted to know about Crafted Prayer. Draft an email to this person about Crafted prayer. Read the Crafted Prayer Worksheet in the course notes (based on Graham Cooke’s devotional on Crafted Prayer) and include the following in your draft email:

1. Describe the process taught by Graham Cooke. Include one quote from the class notes.

2. Describe the benefits of writing and using a crafted prayer

3. Write a personal crafted prayer in the email

Suggested length: 200 – 400 words


Your Answer:

☒ Satisfactory

☒ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Part Three

In class you will learn about the Father Ladder. Develop a written piece that addresses all of the below points:

1. Explain this statement – “Understanding the impact our earthly relationships have had on the way we perceive the persons of the Godhead and ourselves.” Include one related scripture.

2. Reflect upon the Father Ladder teaching. Describe the step by step process of the Father Ladder and how to use it to find out the lie/s you believe, how to be set free from the effects of the lie/s and how to receive truth.

3. What lie/s have you believed? How has this impacted your view of Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and yourself?

4. What truth has helped you overcome this lie/s? How has learning the truth changed you?

Suggested length: 200 - 400 words


Your Answer:

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Part Four

Prepare a ten minute short talk for a small group of believers (e.g. a church small group) about prayer. Prepare notes for this talk that include the below points.

1. Two key points

2. A personal example

3. Two key scriptures

4. How can the audience apply what they have learned to their life?

Deliver the short talk and arrange for an observer to complete the below ‘observation form’.

Suggested length: 100 - 300 words

Resources: Observation Form

Your Answer (include the notes you prepared here):

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

Overall performance

☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Yet Satisfactory





STUDENT FEEDBACK (Student to Complete)

Did you understand the study requirements before undertaking this assessment?


Were the assessment questions easy to understand?


Did you know where you could get help if you needed any during this unit?


Did the learning resources provided help you to complete this unit?


Did you have enough time to complete this assessment?


Did you feel that you developed skills after undertaking this assessment?


Any other comments?