Stage Gate Review Process1 © 2010 ~ Mark Polczynski All rights reserved.

Stage Gate Review Process 1 Stage Gate Review Process © 2010 ~ Mark Polczynski All rights reserved

Transcript of Stage Gate Review Process1 © 2010 ~ Mark Polczynski All rights reserved.

Stage Gate Review Process 1

Stage Gate

Review Process

© 2010 ~ Mark PolczynskiAll rights reserved

Stage Gate Review Process 2

Integrating project execution and review process

• Often, project execution and project review are two separate processes.

• It is desirable to integrate these two processes, because you get: - Better project results, - Better project review decisions, - Faster decisions – projects move faster, - Happier people:

- Everyone knows the rules of the game beforehand,- Everyone follows the rules all the time,- Everyone’s expectations are kept realistic.

Stage Gate Review Process 3

What Problem We Are Trying To Solve?

Example: Eaton Corporation -

• ~ 10,000,000,000 ~ $10 billion annual sales,

• Goal: 10% increase in sales per year,

• Driven by stock market expectations,

• And stock market is “main customer” in capitalistic system.

That equates to $1B in new products per year – every year!(compounded!)

Stage Gate Review Process 4

What’s The Problem We Are Trying To Solve?

• Need new products that can “move the needle”.

• Hard to get to $1B by adding $1M at a time.

• You need 1,000 new products!

• Significant growth in many small increments is difficult to manage.

• Many low-impact products are difficult to support.

• Solution: Fewer high-impact projects.

Stage Gate Review Process 5

Possibly the biggest cause for failure of good projects:

• Under-funding Lack of adequate resources.

• Inability to ruthlessly focus on only the best opportunities.

• Inability to identify best opportunities early in life.

Stage Gate Development


Stage Gate

Review Process

Stage Gate Review Process 6

What’s the MAIN Problem We Are Trying To Solve?

Many Small Projects In Many Low-Impact Products Out

New Product Pipeline

Before: Difficult to manage many small projects.

After: Difficult to support many small products.

Stage Gate Review Process 7

What’s do we want to have?

New Product Pipeline

Many Small Projects In Few High-Impact

Products Out

Stage Gate Review Process 8


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Overall Goal: Maximize Bang-For-The-Buck.




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Early Project Life Late

Kill losers before you

spend lots of money on them

Feed the winners


Stage Gate Review Process 9

We must kill many of these projects…

…but how do we discover which are the best?

Many Small Projects In Few High-Impact

Products Out

Stage Gate Review Process 10


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Overall Goal: Weed out projects that have low impact.







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Early Project Life Late

Problem:We don’t know the winners at the start of their life.

Goal:Survival of the best.

Stage Gate Review Process 11

What about small businesses?

•It doesn’t matter if you are one of10,000 engineers trying to add$1B in sales for Eaton Corporation.

•Or Joe of Joe’s Garage Shoptrying to add $1,000 in sales.

•Trying to grow by $1,000 in$10 increments is hard to manageand hard to support when you are done.

Stage Gate Review Process 12

Product Development Stage Gate Process

Stage gate


Stage Gate Review Process 13

Technology Development Stage Gate Process

Stage gate reviews

Where projectsget killed!

Stage Gate Review Process 14

G1S1 S2 S3G2

Stage Gate Development Process

Stage Gate Review Process

Stage Gate Concept is Quite Simple…

Put “Stage Gate Review” decision blocks in the process flow…

So, how does a Gate work?

Our topic

Stage Gate Review Process 15

ContinueS S




All the Gates work the same way…

At the end of each development stage, you hold a stage gate

review to determine if you should:

- Continue: Go to the next stage,

- Redirect: Go back to the previous stage,

- Hold: Put the project on hold,

- Kill: Kill the project.

Stage Gate Review Process 16

Purpose of ALL Gates is to create BOTH of these curves:









This is very simple! So what’s the Big Deal?!

Stage Gate Review Process 17

Stage Gate Review Execution:

Review is usually a meeting. So -

• How do you make decisions?

• Who should attend the meeting?

• How do you organize the meeting?

Stage Gate Review Process 18






How do we decide what the decision will be?- Continue?- Redirect?- Hold?- Kill?

Let’s look

inside of a gate

Stage Gate Review Process 19

Is thisa “good”project?

All information




Kill Hold



Whatis its


Yes High

No Low

Three-Step Decision Process: Ask questions in this order.

Does this project makebusiness sense:

~ Strategically?~ Financially?~ Technically?

Has the teamcompleted alloutputs in aquality fashion?

What is the impact relative to other projects?

Are people and money available?

Stage Gate Review Process 20

Purpose of Stage Gate Review Meeting:

Stage gate reviews…

• Are business decision meetings

• Are not project reviews

• Are not design reviews

• Are not performance reviews

A key advantage of a well-deigned and well-executed stagegate process is that it makes the engineer/technologists anintegral contributor to business decisions.

This is absolutely essential in technology-driven businesses.

About picking the projects that

will have the biggest impact

on your business

Stage Gate Review Process 21

Purpose of Gate Review Meeting:

• Picking “winner” projects and killing “losers”.

• For “winners”, this is about:

• Making an investment decision (where to put money),

• Allocating and committing resources (where to put people),

• Assessing potential of project (all info needed to make good decision), not quality of project or product,

• Assessing risk of project (but “winner” may be high or low).


Stage Gate Review Process 22



Executors (R):Running thecurrent project

Experts (R):Validating project deliverables

Customers (V):Receiving next project outputs

Suppliers (V):Asking for next project

Investors (V):Paying* for next project

Who Should Attend the Review?

R = RecommendV = Vote* = “Paying” means providing money and/or people

Note: a particular individual may play more than one role.

Stage Gate Review Process 23

Typical Stage Gate Review Agenda:

• 20 min. Executor presentation and recommendation –All participants – Silent listening to presentationNo discussion, but clarifying questions allowed.

• 15 min. General discussion –All participants – Led by non-voting facilitator.

• 15 min. Voter deliberation –Typically voters only – Led by facilitator.

• 10 min. Tem briefing on decision and action items –All participants – Led by facilitator.

• 1 hour Yes, this can, and must, be met!

Stage Gate Review Process 24

Gatekeeper Rules of Order

• “Gatekeepers” are the voters at the stage gatereview meeting.

• If gate review meetings degenerate tovicious attacks by gatekeepers onproject teams…

• …then before long you won’t have any new projects!

• To avoid having this happen, gatekeeper rules of order need to be established and enforced (by review meeting facilitator).

Here are some rules…

Stage Gate Review Process 25

Gatekeeper Rules of Order – Page 1

• Gatekeepers must attend review meeting in-person or virtually, or your vote defaults to “Continue”. A substitute may be sent.

• Gatekeepers must review team presentation before* the meeting.

• Serious concerns must be communicated to teams before the meeting. No “surprise attacks” allowed in the meeting.

• No “cross-examination” allowed during team presentations. You are not trying to “break down the witness” in a courtroom.

* Typically the project team sends the gatekeepers a stage gateproject report one week before the stage gate review meeting.

Stage Gate Review Process 26

Gatekeeper Rules of Order – Page 2

• Gatekeepers cannot require information outside of the scope of the stage being reviewed (e.g., can’t require Stage B information at Stage A review).

• Decisions must be made in accordance with the criteria for the gate, not a gatekeeper’s opinion of the project - no “pet projects”.

• Final vote must be unanimous. Gatekeepers must be willing to negotiate with other gatekeepers to make a decision.

Stage Gate Review Process 27

Gatekeeper Rules of Order – Page 2

• You can “Hold” a project, but you can’t “Hold” a decision. The decision must be given at the stage gate review meeting. “We will get back to you later” is not allowed.

• “Continue” decision means that money and resources are committed! This is a promise that the team can actually execute the project!

Stage Gate Review Process 28

Stage Gate

Cultural Issues

Stage Gate Review Process 29

Impact on Morale

• So, Stage Gate review is about killing off projects.

• You start with many small projects and end up with few big projects.

• This means that you kill off many projects.

• This can lower the morale of the engineers.

• You are killing off their great ideas!

Stage Gate Review Process 30

Hey! Wait a minute!

I didn’t come here to have some guy tell me how to kill off my projects!


You are much better off helping kill off your own bad projectsbefore they get out of control…

Than to have someone else kill off your good projectsbecause they ran out of money.

It’s your choice!

Stage Gate Review Process 31

The Six Realities of Stage Gate Reviews:

• Even when you try to do everything correctly,some things will go wrong.

• Here are six different things to worry about.

• These tend to be related to:

• Organizational culture,

• Human behavior.

Stage Gate Review Process 32

The Six Realities of Stage Gate Reviews:1. You allow resources migrate to last-stage projects,

So you can’t start new projects.

2. You don’t kill as many projects as you need to, So you can’t start new projects.

3. You put too many projects on hold due to lack of resources, So your new product pipeline clogs.

4. Stage gate processes slow individual projects down, So people abandon the system.

5. Project teams overwhelm system with info to support project continuation, So excess resources are consumed needlessly.

6. Culture can’t tolerate “failure-driven system”, So project teams refuse to participate.

Final note: There are no magic solutions to these problems!

Stage Gate Review Process 33

Example: Three-Stage Technology Development ProjectN









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Early Project Life Late

Stage Number Cost Per Project ($K)

Total Cost ($K)

A 60 50 3,000

B 15 200 3,000

C 4 1000 4,000


< 4:1 Attrition

< 4:1 Attrition

How to spend a $10M budget



Stage Gate Review Process 34

• Your boss thinks he is spending all his money on Stage C.

• But actually, you must balance spending across all three stages.

• Even though most of the projects will be killed!

This takes significant managerial courage.

Stage Projects Killed Cost Per Total Cost Cost of Killed

A 60 45 $50K $3M $2.25M

B 15 11 $200K $3M $2.20M

C 4 1 $1M $4M $1M

$10M ~$5M

Stage Gate Review Process 35








Kill projects at ~ 4:1 attrition rate.

From the preceding example…

Early Project Life Late




Stage Gate Review Process 36

• You never kill as many as you intend, so…



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Early Project Life Late


• You always have more Stage B and C projects than you can support, so…

• You never have enough money or people to start as many Stage A projects as you intend.


Stage Gate Review Process 37


• You never kill as many as you intend,

• So you never start as many as you intend.

Management Perception:

• Poor Stage Gate Review Process, and/or

• Incompetent reviewers.

But Also:

• Educational system trains us to never raise our hand unless we have the right answer.

• There is significant unconscious pre-process screening by project initiators.

• Many of the small projects at the front end are really pretty good.

Bottom Line:

• You will have to discipline yourself to kill relatively good projects.

Stage Gate Review Process 38

• You want to have a good balance among the various Stage Gate Review decisions.

• You do not want the system clogged up with projects on Hold.

• Here’s a possible example of stage gate targets…

Disposition Target

Continue 25%

Kill 65%

Redirect 5%

Hold 5%

< 4:1 attrition target

Stage Gate Review Process 39

• Excessive number of projects put on hold due to lack of resources.

• This clogs up system with things that you will probably never get around to anyway!

• This is “lottery ticket management”.

Disposition Target Reality

Continue 25% 10%

Kill 65% 65%

Redirect 5% 5%

Hold 5% 20%

At some point,you must kill these!

Stage Gate Review Process 40

Lottery Ticket Management:

Hey! You never know!

This this lottery ticket (or project) might be worth $100,000,000!

But it probably isn’t,

So kill it already!

If you want to play lottery ticket project management,

Then use your product development funds to buy lottery tickets,

The odds are better!

Stage Gate Review Process 41

G1A1 A2 A3G2I1




Stage Gate Development Process

Stage Gate Review Process

Always use the Stage Gate processfor every project..

Stage Gate Review Process 42

Stage Gate Reviews will slow projects down!

• Reviews are sequential events scheduled at specific times and attended by particular individuals, usually very busy individuals.

• Reviews usually grouped in bunches to accommodate reviewers.

• There may be significant project delays while waiting for the project’s next gate review.

• This does slow things down.

• But killing bad projects earlier in the project ultimately frees up resources that would have been wasted on weak projects.

• So, projects slow down, but overall throughput increases.

• If you don’t believe this, read The Goal, by Eli. Goldratt.

Stage Gate Review Process 43

Long-Term Impact…

• If you are going to do Stage Gate,

• Then everyone has to play by the rules.

• If people start going around the system for personal advantage,

• The system will collapse.

• Some projects will suffer,

• But in the long run everyone benefits.

Stage Gate Review Process 44

• In Stage Gate, you provide exactly the information that you needexactly when you need it.

• Whole idea is to spend as little money and time as possible to make a good (not perfect) decision.

• Goal:

• Never spend one penny more than what you need to get through the gate.

• Never spend one second more than you need.

• This is the “survive and advance” mentality.

• You only need one more goal than your opponent to win.

Stage Gate Review Process 45

Big mental shift:

• This goes against human nature,

• Especially for engineers, who are taught to be highly risk-adverse.

• Tendency on part of engineers is to overwhelm decision-makers with too much information to justify continuing with the project.

• But here, you provide exactly the information that you needexactly when you need it.

This takes courage on the part of the project team!

Stage Gate Review Process 46

Goal: Most projects are killed – best are preservedN









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Early Project Life Late

Stage Number Cost Per Project ($K)

Total Cost ($K)

A 60 50 3,000

B 15 200 3,000

C 4 1000 4,000

< 4:1 Attrition

< 4:1 Attrition



Stage Gate Review Process 47

• The vast majority of projects will be killed.

• People will see this as:

• Personal failure – My project was killed, I must be a bad engineer,

• Disruptive and unsatisfying - Constantly starting new projects – never “finishing” anything.

• Threat at performance review time – - What am I being judged on? - What is “success”? What is “failure”? - What is “excellence”?

• Threat to job security – Constantly killing projects implies an insecure position.

This is the ultimate cultural challenge of Stage Gate!