Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin.

Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC- ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin

Transcript of Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin.

Page 1: Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin.

Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC

Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin

Page 2: Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin.


• Background– Mandate– Purpose

• Scoping paper overview

• Things we need for Stage 3

• Next Steps

• Discussion

Page 3: Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin.

Background: Mandate

• Mandate for Review: – The EMEP Steering Body & Executive Body– ‘methods and procedures’ document (EB.AIR/GE.1/2005/7,

annex 3)

• Stage 3 Review Scoping paper mandate– “The Task Force will propose methods and timing for

in-depth reviews to the Steering Body”– …purpose, scope, procedures, management and

required resources for carrying out Stage 3 in-depth reviews…

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Background: Review Purpose

• Assist Parties in improving the quality of their inventories.

• Ensure that EMEP has adequate and reliable information;

• Advise Parties and the Centres on gaps & revision needed in country data;

• Inform modelling assessment centres on the use/application of inventory data vs other data.

• Provide the Implementation Committee with assessment of the annual quantitative and qualitative inventory information submitted by Parties;

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Scoping paper Proposals

• Objectives• Scope• Responsibilities• Procedures• Timetable• Resources

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Scoping Report: Stage 3 Objectives

• Check the Quality of emissions reporting– Check application of Good Practice

• Improve the Quality of emissions– Identify good practice– Capacity Building (involvement in review)

• Establish a common approach for Review (Harmonisation)– Consistency with UNFCCC – Applicability for NEC

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Scoping Report: Scope & Frequency

• Priority Pollutants – CO, NOx, NMVOC, NH3, and SO2; Cd, Hg, Pb; Particulate matter (PM2.5 and

PM10); dioxins and furans, the PAH compounds and HCB

• Annual centralised reviews (Like UNFCCC)– National Sectoral (Historic Timeseries)– Activity Data– IIR– 10-15 Parties per year (2-3 Central Reviews)

− Rolling Programme

− Or Parties chosen by the Implementation Committee

• 5-yearly review – gridded data, – projections – large point source data

• Focus on Key Sources– Quality (TCCCA)– identification of missing sources

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Scoping Report: Timing of Review (Options)

• September + 0 year.. ?– Competes with UNFCCC reviews – A Rush to include feedback.. – Findings available for Inventory update.. Just..

• June…..• January + 1 year.. ?

– Build on UNFCCC Review – Reviewing an “Old” Inventory – Time to incorporate recommendations in next

inventory – Competes with inventory submissions

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Scoping Report: Responsibilities

• Collection and storage of reported emissions and wider data for review – UNECE Secretariat & The EMEP emission centre , EEA

• Stage 1 & 2 Review

– The EMEP emission centre

• Stage 3 review– Establishing and maintaining the roster of experts

− The Executive Body of the Convention

– Identifying Parties for review− executive Body of the Convention supported by EMEP Steering Body ,

EMEP centres

– Provision of Review Experts− Parties (EPs) & EMEP Centres

– Organisation of the review. (Assigning expert reviewers & Managing the review activities and deliverables)

− The EMEP emission centre

– Performing the Review and Production of Review Findings− The review team and lead reviewer

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Scoping Report: Procedures & Outputs

• Expert Review Team & Lead Reviewers– Detailed procedures for checks and review

− Recalculations, TCCC, Improvements

– 6 – 8 experts per Centralised review (1-2 Lead Reviewers)

– Lead Reviewers responsible and the Review teams findings

– Expert Review Team Responsible for the Quality of the Review Reports

• Expert Review Teams Composition– Balance between experts from Parties with different inventories and

national circumstances

– Expertise: − Energy and transport, Industrial Processes, Solvents and Other Products

Use and Waste and Agriculture

• Individual Review Report <10 pages. (Review Team)– Part 1: Summary of findings (TCCCA)

– Part 2: Specific Recommendations (Quality & Sectoral)

• Stage 3 Overview Report– The EMEP emission centre , EEA

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Scoping Report: Timetable

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Scoping Report: Resource Estimates

• EMEP emission centre • technical secretariat support 2 person-months (5 Countries/yr only) and would

include:– Stage 1&2 tests draft reports & communications;– Preparing for Stage 3 organisation & data;– Managing the review weeks;– Finalising the review reports &communication with the Parties.

• Expert resources per centralised review – 15 days per lead reviewer;– 7-10 days per expert;– Resources for travelling and accommodation.

• Country being reviewed– To answer questions and to comment on the individual review reports 3 days per country.

• Review venue resources– Meeting room & IT- facilities (computers, internet connections etc).

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Scoping Report Summary: “What’s Needed for Effective Stage 3”• Clear requirements for Inventories e.g.

– Informative Inventory Report (IIR) – Use of templates– Clear Reporting Instructions/Guidelines

• Use of EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook (or equivalent)– Use of methods (Minimum methods)– Good Practice requirements

• The Stage 1 & 2 to identify which country submissions are possible to review and inform and focus the Stage 3 review.

• Effective Review Teams & Co-ordination– Resources: Parties, Centres

• Maintain links to other inventory reviews.. (UNFCCC, EUMM, E-PRTR, EC funded activities, Ad-Hoc)

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Next Steps

• Discuss & Agree Review Priorities (Dessau)

• Integration into ‘methods and procedures’ document (EB.AIR/GE.1/2005/7, annex III) (June)

• Presentation at the EMEP SB (September) endorsement from EMEP SB

• Present to TFEIP (Ireland) (October) including Whole Review workplan for 2008

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Stage 3: Discussion (Dessau)

• Scope & Frequency– Pollutants?– Rolling Programme & Number of reviews/yr..?

• Timing – Sep, Jan or other?

• Responsibilities– Emissions Data Centre, Parties, EMEP

• Choosing and Using National Experts– Roster of Experts?– Selection of teams?

• Distribution of Review Reports– Who, what and when?

• Trial Review– Process for nomination of reviewers? – Test other steps necessary to be taken?

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Thank you