Stag Lane Junior School “h chidn com fit” 2019/2020 Issue 2 · full time education. It is...

Dear Parents & Carers, Thank you to all of you who were able to aend parent-teachers Meengs this week. We had a fantas- c turnout with 95% of parents in aendance. As you are well aware, the strong and posive relaon- ships between home and school are vital in ensuring the success of our pupils. It is great that we have so many supporve parents at Stag Lane who are keen to reinforce the messages from school, who sup- port their child's home learning and who reiterate the high expectaons that we have. As we draw a close to this half term and our work around Black History, I will leave you all with a thought to discuss as a family "Where slavery is there, liberty cannot be; where liberty is there slavery cannot be." Charles Sumner. Enjoy the half term break. Mrs Will & Staff Stag Lane Junior School Newsleer “where children come first” Arcle 3 of the UNCRC Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child. Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child. Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child. Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child. 2019/2020 Issue 2 VALUES FOR THE MONTH OF October; Respect Mutual respect and tolerance of others Every Saturday (term me only) from 10 a.m. – 12.15pm Stag Lane Schools offer a Saturday School in Partnership with Paiwand Associaon offering pupils extra support to improve their learning in Maths and Literacy. Lessons are taught by qualified teachers and the school runs from 10.00 a.m.- 12.15pm term me only at Stag Lane school. The cost of lessons for the autumn term is now £35.00 as lessons have started a couple of weeks ago and payment should be made directly to the Saturday School on enrolment. If you would like your child to benefit from some extra tuion, please enrol your child at the main school recepon on Saturday. Please only register your child if they are able to aend regularly and punctually. If you would like further informaon, please contact the School Office. On Monday 28 th October 2019 there will be no hot dinners as the kitchen staff will be absent for Diwali. However, if your child receives a free school meal, we can provide them with a packed lunch. This will consist of sandwiches, a yoghurt, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. OUR SCHOOL TARGET IS 97% Week 4: 97.4% Week 5: 95.9% A message to all our Hindu families.. A message to all our Hindu families.. A message to all our Hindu families.. A message to all our Hindu families..

Transcript of Stag Lane Junior School “h chidn com fit” 2019/2020 Issue 2 · full time education. It is...

Page 1: Stag Lane Junior School “h chidn com fit” 2019/2020 Issue 2 · full time education. It is advised that you visit the dentist be-fore the child is 1 year old and to visit regularly

Dear Parents & Carers,

Thank you to all of you who were able to a�end parent-teachers Mee�ngs this week. We had a fantas-

�c turnout with 95% of parents in a�endance. As you are well aware, the strong and posi�ve rela�on-

ships between home and school are vital in ensuring the success of our pupils. It is great that we have

so many suppor�ve parents at Stag Lane who are keen to reinforce the messages from school, who sup-

port their child's home learning and who reiterate the high expecta�ons that we have.

As we draw a close to this half term and our work around Black History, I will leave you all with a

thought to discuss as a family "Where slavery is there, liberty cannot be; where liberty is there slavery

cannot be." Charles Sumner.

Enjoy the half term break.

Mrs Will & Staff

Stag Lane Junior School Newsle�er

“where children come first”

Ar�cle 3 of


Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.

2019/2020 Issue 2

VALUES FOR THE MONTH OF October; Respect � Mutual respect and tolerance of others

Every Saturday (term

�me only) from 10 a.m. –


Stag Lane Schools offer a

Saturday School in

Partnership with Paiwand

Associa�on offering pupils extra support to improve their

learning in Maths and Literacy. Lessons are taught by

qualified teachers and the school runs from 10.00 a.m.-

12.15pm term �me only at Stag Lane school. The cost of

lessons for the autumn term is now £35.00 as lessons

have started a couple of weeks ago and payment should

be made directly to the Saturday School on enrolment.

If you would like your child to benefit from some extra

tui�on, please enrol your child at the main school

recep�on on Saturday.

Please only register your child if they are able to a�end

regularly and punctually. If you would like further

informa�on, please contact the School Office.

On Monday 28th October 2019 there will be no hot dinners as the kitchen staff will be absent for Diwali. However, if your child receives a free school meal, we can provide them with a packed lunch. This will consist of sandwiches, a yoghurt, a piece of fruit and a bottle of water.



Week 4: 97.4%

Week 5: 95.9%

A message to all our Hindu families..A message to all our Hindu families..A message to all our Hindu families..A message to all our Hindu families..

Page 2: Stag Lane Junior School “h chidn com fit” 2019/2020 Issue 2 · full time education. It is advised that you visit the dentist be-fore the child is 1 year old and to visit regularly

Please ensure all pupils have a full PE kit in

school. They need the correct clothing for

both indoor and outside PE.

This includes:

• Red or black jogging bottoms

• A red school jumper

• Black shorts

• A white T-shirt

• Trainers/ plimsolls.

Please remember to label

all items of


Also please remember to

ensure no earrings are

worn on PE days.

Please remember, Please remember, Please remember, Please remember, ONLY black, white ONLY black, white ONLY black, white ONLY black, white or navy hijabs should or navy hijabs should or navy hijabs should or navy hijabs should be worn for school. be worn for school. be worn for school. be worn for school. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

A few friendly reminders……..

Health and Safety

Please can you make sure that, if

your child has long hair, it is tied

up. This is to avoid hair getting

caught up in doors and

equipment. This is

especially important if your child

has a PE lesson.

Also, this is advisable so as to

reduce the chance of your child

picking up head lice in school. Thank you for your

cooperation in this







Please make sure all

your school uniform

and PE kit has your

name on it.

Hello girls, please remember ,

we can wear black or grey skirts

or trousers. We can wear white white white white

or grey grey grey grey socks or tights but NO NO NO NO


wear boots to and from school

but you must change into shoes

once you are at school. It is

really more comfortable,

especially when we have to sit

on the floor.

I love wearing bright pretty

bows in my hair but I wear them

at the weekend and keep it

simple for school.

Let’s look smart for school


Hey guys! Looking

smart and cool for

school makes me feel

good. I like to make

sure my shirt is

always tucked in and my

hair is neat and tidy.

Remember you are not

allowed to wear trainers

at school. You should

wear smart polished

shoes like mine.

We have children in

the school who have a

nut allergy and can

become very sick if

they come into contact

with any type of nut,

so please make sure

you do not send any

products containing

nuts. Thank you.

Page 3: Stag Lane Junior School “h chidn com fit” 2019/2020 Issue 2 · full time education. It is advised that you visit the dentist be-fore the child is 1 year old and to visit regularly

Hi I’m

Andreea, the

new Deputy

Head Girl! I’m Nicolae,

your new

Head Boy!

Hey, Isla


Your new



Hello! I’m

Trinay, your

new Deputy

Head Boy!

School Prefects Abdullah 6L, Angelina 6KV, Avni 6KV, Betuel 6L, Bisma 6N,

David 6N, Dian 6L, Esha 6KV, Eliza 6KV, Hamdha 6KV, Harlene

6KV, Huda 6KV, Ibraheem 6KV, Iqbal 6L, Lily 6KV, Mahi 6L,

Muhamed 6L, Niraj 6N, Niyam 6N, Siham 6L, Shaalini 6N, Tareem

6L, Usman 6KV, Zain 6N,

School Librarians Alyce 6L, Arian 6KV, Ayianna 6N, David 6L, Jadon

6N, Mahnoor 6KV, Naomi 6N, Noor 6KV, Patrick

6KV, Suha 6L, Teodora 6L, Vanessa 6KV

Sports Captains Aida 6N, Ana 6KV, Ansh 6N,

Darshan 6L, Eduard 6N ,Elyas 6N,

Reading Buddies David 6KV, Dima 6N, Estera 6L, Imaan 6KV,

Michael 6KV, Mohamed 6L, Mohamed 6KV, Muad

6KV, Naomi 6N, Priyal 6N, Priyanshi 6KV, Tamara 6N,

Tianna 6L, Yusuf 6L,

Page 4: Stag Lane Junior School “h chidn com fit” 2019/2020 Issue 2 · full time education. It is advised that you visit the dentist be-fore the child is 1 year old and to visit regularly

Children’s oral health know the facts

Keeping a child’s smile happy and healthy begins early! Good care of your child’s gums and teeth from birth helps them grow up healthy and ready to

learn. Too many children are going to the hospital for teeth extractions having anaesthetic, experiencing pain and missing school. This

is all preventable!

Did you know:

1. Dental care and treatment is FREE for all children up to 19 in

full time education. It is advised that you visit the dentist be-

fore the child is 1 year old and to visit regularly for check ups

– remember it is FREE!

2. Free dental check ups and treatment is also available for all

pregnant mothers up until the child is one year

3. A child’s baby teeth are very important. If they are decayed

or unhealthy this can lead to problems with the adult teeth

making them weaker and more prone to decay

4. Brushing twice a day, one in the morning and once before

bed can help to remove sugar and bacteria that cause decay

5. Reducing sugary food and drink helps to prevent tooth decay