Staff Updating & Review Meeting Netherlands Leprosy Relief-India

Staff Staff Updating & Review Meeting Updating & Review Meeting Netherlands Leprosy Relief-India Netherlands Leprosy Relief-India R a m n a g a r R a m n a g a r 8 8 th th & 9 & 9 th th December 2010 December 2010 Presented by Presented by : Dr. S .N .M i s h r a : Dr. S .N .M i s h r a L.P.A., J L.P.A., J h a n s i Zone UP h a n s i Zone UP


Staff Updating & Review Meeting Netherlands Leprosy Relief-India. R a m n a g a r 8 th & 9 th December 2010 Presented by : Dr. S .N .M i s h r a L.P.A., J h a n s i Zone UP. Field Visits (Supervision days). New changes in NLEP Situation Summary of improvement in functioning of DN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Staff Updating & Review Meeting Netherlands Leprosy Relief-India

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Staff Staff Updating & Review MeetingUpdating & Review Meeting

Netherlands Leprosy Relief-IndiaNetherlands Leprosy Relief-India

R a m n a g a rR a m n a g a r 88thth & 9 & 9thth December 2010 December 2010

Presented by Presented by : Dr. S .N .M i s h r a: Dr. S .N .M i s h r a L.P.A., J h a n s i Zone UPL.P.A., J h a n s i Zone UP

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Field Visits (Supervision days)Field Visits (Supervision days)

QuarterQuarter PlannedPlanned PerformedPerformed

11stst 5454 5151

22ndnd 5757 5353

33rdrd 5454 5353

44th th

( Upto Nov 10 )( Upto Nov 10 )

37 +37 +

(12 in Dec.10)(12 in Dec.10)


TotalTotal 202202 194194

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New changes in NLEP New changes in NLEP SituationSituation

1.1. Summary of improvement in Summary of improvement in functioning of DNfunctioning of DN

Dist preparing ATP regularly – 5/5 100%Dist preparing ATP regularly – 5/5 100% No of Dist preparing Supervisory reports No of Dist preparing Supervisory reports

regularly – 4/5 80%regularly – 4/5 80% Dist imparting regular On Job Tr. -4/5Dist imparting regular On Job Tr. -4/5 Dist having adequate MDT supply – 5/5 Dist having adequate MDT supply – 5/5


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Dist performing healthy contacts regularly -3/5 Dist performing healthy contacts regularly -3/5

No of Dist that prepared Action Plan for 2010- 11 No of Dist that prepared Action Plan for 2010- 11 5/55/5

After ASHA sensitization changes / improvement After ASHA sensitization changes / improvement in suspecting / referring new leprosy casesin suspecting / referring new leprosy cases


In YEAR 2009-10In YEAR 2009-10 5 Cases refd5 Cases refd

In year 2010- 11In year 2010- 11 27 cases suspected & referred.27 cases suspected & referred.

In Dist HamirpurIn Dist Hamirpur

In Year 2009-10In Year 2009-10 referred - 4 casesreferred - 4 cases

In Oct & Nov 2010In Oct & Nov 2010 after sensitization by DN in Sep / Oct after sensitization by DN in Sep / Oct 1010

12 cases referred.12 cases referred.

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After training of ANM in Hamirpur After training of ANM in Hamirpur changes/ improvementchanges/ improvement

In Year 2009- 10In Year 2009- 10 cases referred – NILcases referred – NIL

In Year 2010-11In Year 2010-11 8 cases8 cases

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Dist preparing absentee retrieval 3/ 5Dist preparing absentee retrieval 3/ 5

Dist having done Cohort analysis 5/5Dist having done Cohort analysis 5/5

No of Dist prepared Gantt chart 4/5No of Dist prepared Gantt chart 4/5

Changes in DPMR services/ Activities – Changes in DPMR services/ Activities – Improvement – in Knowledge of VMT & ST, Improvement – in Knowledge of VMT & ST, EHF score, proper filling of Assessment EHF score, proper filling of Assessment forms , & in Self careforms , & in Self care

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SCG in villages 2 blocks - at Jhansi SCG in villages 2 blocks - at Jhansi Bangra – 35 PALs performing Self care & Bangra – 35 PALs performing Self care & 66 ulcers healedulcers healed completely out of 8 completely out of 8

Lalitpur Madawra- 23 PALs doing Self care Lalitpur Madawra- 23 PALs doing Self care & & 6 ulcers healed6 ulcers healed completely out of 7 completely out of 7

5 cases are ready for RCS ( 2 of 5 cases are ready for RCS ( 2 of Lagophthalmos & 3 of claw hand )Lagophthalmos & 3 of claw hand )

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Gaps/ Needs identifiedGaps/ Needs identified

Need of proper well equipped Lab facilities at Dist Need of proper well equipped Lab facilities at Dist Hospital Hospital

For referred leprosy cases from Primary Level For referred leprosy cases from Primary Level Specialists services once a week at Dist Hospital Specialists services once a week at Dist Hospital

Need of further improvement in quality of services Need of further improvement in quality of services by DN. (By effective supervision)by DN. (By effective supervision)

Need of payment of refd operated RCS casesNeed of payment of refd operated RCS cases BPL holders –Jalaun -11, Hamirpur -7, Jhansi-2BPL holders –Jalaun -11, Hamirpur -7, Jhansi-2Timely release of Budget to Dist as per approved Timely release of Budget to Dist as per approved


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Epidemiological Data of Jhansi zone for Epidemiological Data of Jhansi zone for last five years (ANCDR & PR)last five years (ANCDR & PR)









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Gantt. Chart showingGantt. Chart showing

Annual Progress Report – 2010Annual Progress Report – 2010


ActivitiesActivities 11stst QuarterQuarter

22ndnd QuarterQuarter

33rdrd QuarterQuarter

44thth QuarterQuarter

1.1. Result 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improvedResult 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improved

2.5.1 Training of 2.5.1 Training of ANM’s in ANM’s in

Dist. H a m i r p u r Dist. H a m i r p u r



2.2. Result 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHMResult 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHM

2.5.2 ½ Day 2.5.2 ½ Day sensitization of sensitization of ASHA’s in MahobaASHA’s in Mahoba

Planned Planned


2.5.2 ½ Day 2.5.2 ½ Day sensitization of sensitization of ASHA’s in ASHA’s in HamirpurHamirpur



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S.N.S.N. ActivitiesActivities 11stst QuarterQuarter

22ndnd QuarterQuarter

33rdrd QuarterQuarter

44thth QuarterQuarter

3.3. Result 3 : DPMR services improved Result 3 : DPMR services improved

2.5.3 Selfcare 2.5.3 Selfcare practices in practices in villages – 2 blocksvillages – 2 blocks

Bangra – JhansiBangra – Jhansi

Madawra - LalitpurMadawra - Lalitpur



4.4. Situational Situational AnalysisAnalysis

( 17 Districts )( 17 Districts )



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Activities Completion Report – 2010Activities Completion Report – 2010

Result Result Based Based ActivitiesActivities

Batches Batches PlannedPlanned

Batches Batches DoneDone

No. PlannedNo. Planned No. No. ParticipatedParticipated

Result 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improvedResult 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improved

Training of Training of ANM’s in ANM’s in Dist Dist HamirpurHamirpur

0909 0909 206206 192192

Result 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHMResult 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHM

2.5.2 ½ Day 2.5.2 ½ Day sensitization sensitization of ASHA’s in of ASHA’s in Mahoba Mahoba

1010 1010 645645 490490

½ Day ½ Day sensitization sensitization of ASHA’s in of ASHA’s in HamirpurHamirpur

1414 1414 866866 613613

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Activities Completion contd…Activities Completion contd…

Result Result Based Based ActivitiesActivities

Batches Batches PlannedPlanned

Batches Batches DoneDone

No. PlannedNo. Planned No. No. ParticipatedParticipated

Result 3 : DPMR services improvedResult 3 : DPMR services improved

2.5.3 2.5.3 Selfcare Selfcare practices practices in villages in villages 2 blocks 2 blocks Bangra Bangra

35 P A L35 P A L 35 PAL35 PAL Result / Result / Outcome Outcome Ulcers Ulcers healed 6 healed 6 out of 8out of 8

MadawraMadawra 23 P A L23 P A L 23PAL23PAL 6 out of 76 out of 7

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Facilitations in State TrainingsFacilitations in State TrainingsDuring 2010During 2010

DistrictsDistricts TrainingsTrainings Category Category of Staffof Staff

Dates of Dates of FacilitationFacilitation




National National Sample Sample SurveySurvey

Training of Training of staffstaff




Village Village VolunteersVolunteers

1616thth July 10 July 10

2626thth & 27 & 27thth July July 1010

2929thth & 30 & 30thth July July 1010

3. Kanpur3. Kanpur CHC supdtCHC supdt


SupdtSupdt 1212thth & 13 & 13thth Aug Aug 1010

4. Lucknow4. Lucknow DecentralizDecentralized ed PlanningPlanning

DLODLO 1111thth,12,12thth,13,13thth & & 1414thth Oct 10 Oct 10

5. Lucknow5. Lucknow CMS CMS workshopworkshop

CMS Dist CMS Dist HospitalHospital

1919thth Nov 10 Nov 10

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Other ActivitiesOther Activities1.1. District Jhansi – Participated / Supported on Leprosy District Jhansi – Participated / Supported on Leprosy

Day 30Day 30thth Jan 10 Leprosy rally with DN / CMO Jan 10 Leprosy rally with DN / CMO 2.2. District Jhansi – On 2District Jhansi – On 2ndnd Oct 10 a) participated in Oct 10 a) participated in

Leprosy rally with DN / CMO b) educational support by Leprosy rally with DN / CMO b) educational support by NLR – Foundation to school going children of PAL’sNLR – Foundation to school going children of PAL’s

3.3. Contribution in Fund raisingContribution in Fund raising - efforts made to raise - efforts made to raise funds funds

i)i) collected donation of 1100/- from Dr. K. K. Sharma collected donation of 1100/- from Dr. K. K. Sharma DLO Jhansi DLO Jhansi

ii)ii) collected donation of 1000/- from Dr. Lakhan Singh collected donation of 1000/- from Dr. Lakhan Singh CMO ( F W ) Mahoba CMO ( F W ) Mahoba

iii)iii) collected donation of 1000/- from Dr. (Mrs. ) Usha collected donation of 1000/- from Dr. (Mrs. ) Usha Singh Female Hospital MahobaSingh Female Hospital Mahoba

4.4. Contribution towards website Contribution towards website i)i) submission of story submission of story ii)ii) News Paper clip News Paper clip iii)iii) Action photograph’s Action photograph’s iv) Activities reports iv) Activities reports

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Activities not performed Activities not performed


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Budget Utilization 2010Budget Utilization 2010

Planned Planned ActivitiesActivities

BudgetBudget Budget UtilizedBudget Utilized Reason for non Reason for non utilizationutilization

Result 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improvedResult 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improved

Training of Training of ANM’s ANM’s HamirpurHamirpur

11,400/-11,400/- 11,400/-11,400/- --

Result 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHMResult 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHM

2.5.2 ½ Day 2.5.2 ½ Day sensitization of sensitization of ASHA’s ASHA’s MahobaMahoba

33,000/-33,000/- 32,325/-32,325/-

HamirpurHamirpur 33,000/-33,000/- 32,256/-32,256/-

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Planned Planned ActivitiesActivities

BudgetBudget Budget UtilizedBudget Utilized Reason for non Reason for non utilizationutilization

Result 3 : DPMR services improvedResult 3 : DPMR services improved

2.5.3 Selfcare 2.5.3 Selfcare practices in practices in villages – 2 villages – 2 blocksblocks

61,000/-61,000/- 60,978/-60,978/-

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Major ChallengesMajor Challenges1.1. Social stigma & discrimination of patients, family & Social stigma & discrimination of patients, family &


Suggestions – to DN for improving Suggestions – to DN for improving Increase of IEC activities in community Increase of IEC activities in community More involvement of ASHA’s More involvement of ASHA’s Proper counseling of LAP, families in healthy contactsProper counseling of LAP, families in healthy contacts School IEC School IEC

2.2. DPMR services – strengthening DPMR services – strengthening Timely proper management of reaction cases Timely proper management of reaction cases Motivation for selfcare practices ( in Gr. I & II)Motivation for selfcare practices ( in Gr. I & II) Screening of cases for RCS & motivation for surgeryScreening of cases for RCS & motivation for surgery Provide material support to PAL’s timely after need Provide material support to PAL’s timely after need

assessment – MCR, splints, crutches, etc.assessment – MCR, splints, crutches, etc.

3.3. Strengthening / improvement of referral services Strengthening / improvement of referral services

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GANNTT Chart for the year 2011GANNTT Chart for the year 2011

QuarterlyQuarterlyActivity as Activity as plannedplanned

11stst Quarter Quarter 22ndnd Quarter Quarter 33rdrd Quarter Quarter 44thth Quarter Quarter


Result 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improved Result 1 : GHC / DN staff performance improved

2.5.1 2.5.1 Training of Training of ANM’s ANM’s


Result 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHMResult 2 : Leprosy services established under NRHM

½ Day ½ Day sensitization sensitization of ASHA’s of ASHA’s by DNby DN

JalaunJalaun JhansiJhansi LalitpurLalitpur

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Activity as Activity as plannedplanned

11stst Quarter Quarter 22ndnd Quarter Quarter 33rdrd Quarter Quarter 44thth Quarter Quarter

Result 3 : DPMR services improvedResult 3 : DPMR services improved

2.5.3 2.5.3 Selfcare Selfcare practices practices in villagesin villages

Mauranipur Mauranipur (Jhansi)(Jhansi)


( Jalaun )( Jalaun )


( Hamirpur)( Hamirpur)


( Lalitpur )( Lalitpur )


Monthly Monthly reviewreview

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Educational Support to PAL’s School going children by NLR – F at Bangra Jhansi on 18th Nov ‘10

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SCG in villages review meeting at Bangra 21st Aug ‘10

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Distribution of supportive aid to PAL by NLR – Foundation as on 18th Oct ’10 at Jhansi

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Sensitization of ASHA’s by DN at Hamirpur on 17th Sep ‘10

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Sensitization of ASHA’s by DN at Hamirpur on 5th Oct ’10

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