EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 Irou ------r oslHi Coroner’s Jury, Unable lo De- tcrmine True Cause of Death ol William Benning, Conies- ses Failure In Conclusions: [S _____ i«i r JEnOMC, Jtine ZS (Spedsl to rnrii r.||tii f^ilU coonly chemist, repori that ■■ the death or H'lUiiun Denninr. 72; V Jrmmf »lock bujtr wbo died «ud-' 'deblf at hll home here Ust Thun- . . dar momlRT. returned iU verdict BhlpD thli eKuInr. declMtnt lhat Ben- Jun nine came to hit. dcalh thronth The coroner’* Jury v,-na Impaneled ^AS Aliortl}' ader Bcnnlng's dratli on re- inadtm quest of Dr. C. P. ZtUer, attending 'ph>-ilcian, who relu«d to sign the p., __ '_(lMm.«rtlflcatc, . In. lU (Irsl swalon , ,r -------- H-recommendtd thc.-chemlcul-analyJU 0,7- 1^ of Jhe viscera of Benning. Tlie Jury cnUed IU work this evening ntter hear- --^"InB-tciUmony.'oI fc-dOMn-.wluaoc* and 'Tno 'receiving the chemlaf# report during Mlici the d»y. In order to.fnclllUkte pro- crease Rttss. 11 was announced, sessions loday week 1 were cJoscd to spectators. less tli IninUntloD Centlnon crease Inveallgttllon In the caw on Uie part ol IB.'; ot tlie prosecuting fttlomcy's offlcc has 3 8 ^ . only Jut-begun. E. - D.-Reynolds,-Je* •- rome county atlomey. slated this eve* ning. New developments, he stated, A-p,, that were not brought oul In the coro- -fiH I n tr’s Inquest are likely to come to n light In litigation (or poisculon of JfO] Bcnnlng's eslale. Bcnnlng is reputed (0 have been wealthy. A consldertble - portlott ot U ia.aute. It U reported. It u .,.,. Ill propcHy ot Bennlng-i deceutd lin t NCWS, wife, who be<iueathed It t« a Holland eocltty. but ^provided Uut. Benning W it . should have the use of It during his lifetime. SCfl Denning had been n resident o( Je- rome (er a num berrfm n. uti about gyp Mr*. MaiT Pry, > • widow u d the mother ot five -diU dm . U n.: AUce took place ftt SSalTotah. »rNo' Btt lJ<B»r Factor -----------Dn-z«uerrTcnen*i»w<i^mir’VenL concerning hls refusal to sign the ^ death cerUflcate. stated lhat the cause ot d » th was obscure, lie said that the symptoms al the time of Ben- nlng's dealli were similar lo those of «fce 0 poisonlnn. “ “ ll*', -----------^Ihe.chemlsl' ____ analytls rei-eoled traces of arsenic In ptaittt -------- tnn>5ay, luia iiiui um n nas uu» n '*' ddubledly csiii^'by arsenic'poisoning. McKen Members of the Jury called by Coro- P u of ner Jolm P. Sthmershall to Investigate Jithoul -------- Bennlng's-death-were-Jeny-Oormw; Ollie Hurt. Front Hurt. Emle OtK Qeorge Hogshlre ond Stephen Thorp, y®** etatements of member* of the Jury «>«• ^ Indicated belief on Uielr part that ex- ca cesslve use of Intoxicating liquor moy themsel ------ ^havrbeen-a-nctorln-DennlngTdealh: the-pre ______________ um Ull EVANGELIST DEFENDANT IN SUIT *l<lcntl: CHICAOO. June 28 (/p)-Almee 8em- Mr. I pie McPherson., the evongelbt. was flcen 1 made defendant today In 0 IIOOMO < damage suit filed by Bert Kelly, osmer of Bert Kelly's stables, n north side , _____ -------------------------------------- ------------ L % ', -JiSlTlStiS-S , DEIiTy,!E[[l8l ................... yf ^ . ......................... Uon»"l •' Trallic Orer Denver and Rio . _Gramle__Railroad.. .R esum es;[ li,“ ScliedulDs Following Troubles S S "? _______________________________________the edl SALT LAKE CITY, June M W l- vS^“o*l Traffic; over the Denv^ ' ond Rio Inlertsl '* 'Uils city w tr rmmcd Isle Uil* otter- noon wlUi the relnse of one of five Irolns Utd up by ■ wuhoul and slides n 1 ’ - In Prlee rircr canyon. Other tnUns r A J are expected to be moved during Uie nlghl. Train No. 9, (Int oae to be released, w u cxpecled to arrive here ------- olmost 34-hourt-UU.---------- ------------------------ m AalM n e u Up bOlB In od-llUon to the trolni approzl* coused I maiely »)0 aulomoblles carrying tour* Joints, i - - IsU and othen ore marooned In nrlous correcU< porta of Uie canyon 130 mllea cost of recUon here, Reporu from lhe state hlghwoy Auslond eommlsslon'i office Ute UiU attemoon Uiopedli _»Id-lt would Uke several Dostoa. repair' some oflh e damage ttf'hlgh- surgical u-ay*. but that oil motorlsu would be<weit M releosed' wlUiln a couple of days. In sessl CuUe Gate Saffen Uie doc Damage lo U)e CuUe Gate, Prlee and ond Jolt ____ Hclper.wiler supply which woi monlpul whW a pipe line wo* carried away will DUci not be rfpalred for at- Iwnt a »wlr. Tn hii _ MeanwhUe. reildenU of the city have cf furgi 'been-ttiked'to cooiiave'-Uie wpply de J. Pi which mutt come from itorage re«r- clinic. 1 voln, ■ edge Uu • ------------------------ of goltr DB0WN8 IN LAKE percenti 6ALT LAKE OITy, June 2« (Jf)- per cem Henry Wright. 19, of thU dly, wa* percenti drowned Monday afternoon when the further -------beafm'W liia iiB'iiur'IM ’eomponldni (ormed' were, roving, MpdxM on Uu lake at a high Ugooo, a local pleaiure resort. u pre-< PTW I wiiir-: ^ kmmku oi■sKxoctATirti i-iii:.s.s___________ ^ JOCIETY BUYS.SNOW.TO . Bir' CARRY ON EXPERIMENTS lllL -nw-Dnic^psimi'sk-^ooBcrailve.. X I toclciy. "Slepovlk." has undertaken' Ul a frullIcAS experiment In rcfrlcer- ailon by meons ot snov. ^ ]| It offered (0 pay three rubles (S1.S0) for every 40 pounds ot tnow I brought to ll» premises. The prop- , osltlon was alluring and nien, wo- en and Uoys from' near and far p.«, stormed Al-Pclrl, the only snon- clad mountain In Crimea. Many cortloade were delivered. • piled in (he courtyards of the to- q clcty and paid for In ca.nli. 'But lempemlures of 100 degree* mellnl . It before It could be pul to any use-' tCI ful punxjse. i i m i i l i L M SHOWS lfflS[S _____ today Ihlpmcntfi In United StatoB for “1 ^^, Junc Boriod Fall Bolow 102G terlor Fijrures by Several Thousand ii .1 -------- idgc 1 WASHINGTON. June 28 (flV-PrelghL os dl lading for the week ended June 18 any c }Uled 1.010J51 less Uun suUr lie preceding week, an'd. 30,20} less.thon (han i-Uie eorrespondln^ e t k oMmI. year. 1C American Hallway OMOclSiion 'an- ard'A' ounced today. t< Tho claBltlcttUoiu ttcre:~-=~~^^-- Miscellaneous 3nj54 cars, nn In- reaie of 10207 over llie corresponding eek ot last yeor: merchandise and la than carload loU. 298.439. a do- rcoM of n il; conl 180,045. a decreaiP I 18.707: groin and [train prodiKi.i 9.MC. an Increase of 440. American People Look F For Well-Being andJS lewspaper Readers Through Jf® ' Wllh BunkolTfesterday, As- serls. Edward.: MoKernon; t S i Sunerlntendent ol A o e n o v . b* ; . rcpc “ TT > ‘tlo June llw I—Newspaper reade^ sre done wlUi 0 le bunk of yesterday *jid they look P*IJ MKlence.-itct 'toTnBgig.-for'Uietr max- at« m well-being and enjojment of life'. lU; Iword McKemon. superintendent ot age ip eastem dlvUlon of the Assoclnied of rest, today lold the annual confer- cam ice of Health Officers and Publie si ealUi Nunes, - nain r king_onjhe_iuWccl.of-lioai-Uie -hign officer con use the nentptper grrr r,>». J ^ cKemon "tald'the masses "look to /in ill IU ot medicine for tliot public hcalUi flf] Ithoul which no nation can long en- lUtill "Vou cannot overtake disease but I IU can head off Uial which Uireal- \ a. You can't treot the-mllllons, but iji eon teach Uie millions to treat lemselves. Here are the people. In Form ■e-press-we-offer-you'the-only-medl* “ Prc n Uirough wlilch Uiey can be con- p„i iienUy rrachcd," Mr. McKemon urged Uie hcalUi of- Krs to approach Uie press In Uic „ ime of New*.- P” ™ Only CWm lo Space ■That Is your only claim lo ipnce | Uie ttrlclly new column." he con- ! T,. lufd.— Honeil-i«w»"waIkninHe , ont door of the ne«paper shop ond ^ -welcomed-by-Uie-odltor.-SubUa J?J°' opoganda climbs up Uie tire escape Id • Is Uirown' out Uie window. It fZi^, "When you boord a train you cx- <t to travel In Uie dlrwllon Uial e.tni.lnJ»!!;wJMt..ctmJptelllrenily rvlce. When you board Uie news- !!?“ “ iper iraln, dont (ty to take charge Irlw , ll but have folUi In Uie experience those who have struggled wiUt the Igencle of publication. At Uie tame ne I am sure Uwl you will find e editon will gratefully aceepl any ® ggcsUon ”Uiat oppeon constructive, jur object is lhe same: to reodi and 1 ^ ,,, lertsl Uie public. You.can leam (Continued on Page SU) lion. ’AMOUS BOSTON ADDRESSES DOCT DOIBE. June 28 (yD-DeformlUes Groi used by anhriUt. or tUffehlng of the checke inU. muit bo conecied tint tn Uul bone g rrecUon of Uie deformlUes It a cor- and m :Uon of Uie disease. Dr. W. R. Mc- gate T ulond, *urgeon-ln-chlef ot the or- em R< opedlc department. Convey hospital, sold li islon.lannounced. today - before— the U con rglcal-McUon of tho Paclfle-North- known s t Medical assocloUon convcnUon lures tesslon here. Trtolmenl died by Convci e doctor, one of the foremost bone delerm d Joint speclalUU consUU of surgical Inlte b mlpulaUon.and m t - _ ___________________ DUesi*e> rrttenl Day Problems rn “prwnt pmhW* .qnff, furgerr of toxic goitre.'! Dr..John no Ion ■J. Pemberton, surgeon of Uie Mayo leisly 1 nlc. Rocheitcr. declared Uie knowl- profess ge U ut operaUont In Uie early stages Mlchlg goitre ore necettory has reduced the declorc reentige of foUlltla tQ In* than two regordi r cent In recent year*. Ho cold the rolher rtentage of foloUUei eould be much whleh rther reduced In opmUons vere per- ment I med'lB the 'etrly stages. Rest and Uieuti high calory diet were reconmnided tracb pre-operoUon treatmenl. ot pari }N ll’-ASSOCIATED--PRl TWIN f a l l s , IDAHO, A iiilE p wppiisims I cake ------- whal esidenl Coolldge Favors Vest- g ," ng ol Control Over Insular “ fssesslons In Bureau o f In- Si°, :erlor DeparlmenI al Capitol. '” i™ rulhi (By Tlie Aijoclaled Prr.«) ‘ tUri LAPID c m * . 8. P., Jiinr 3B-3l>f- I c recomniendations to the next befo; grru for adminislmtlon cf Amerl- tainc I Insular poijcsslons Is uen In tlie :losure at Uie summer While House i i i j i r ay Uut Prpjlilrnt Coolldge fnvon fl||/ll vesting'of nintrol over (hcsc Icr- HIUM rlcs In a civil bureau ot lhe In- or departmenu "r ;.-»‘'“ ..J>0'nt^U>ul,;!liat^ Mr. Cool- ___ I : prtviously Imd expr'ea»ed7iimsclt |' disposed lo look favorably upon change whlcli would place Uie ln> ir possessions under a dvll rather . n 0 mlliury aulliorlt)''and liU rc- lOmiT 1-vUa.wlUi Covemor-Ocneral-Uon.--------- “Wood'ofUieThlllppinei has-tend-* “ and to sirengUien Uie opinion that -Interior department would be' Uie phf ear exKtillve bmhch to govern' the lesslona. N^.Cridelsm In(ended ,i ecalling llial a government com- ito slon once- recommended thot-ln- —June ir control be iilaced In Uie statu* a( J: (Condnued cn Piig'c Rvo) ' • • Ihr I = = = « = « by ,, Forward to Science ’’cl‘ Jnjpyment of Life m^nl 5WReservoir IsFilling 1 st at American Faiis > • tliere BOISE, June 28 (;p)-Amerlcon alls re*er\'olr *-as 8a(urday wiUi- I less than 400.000 ocre feci of :lniLllllnLtn.ramrliy,,lhrttTrkly r, rport of Uic United SUlc reelom- Hon tcrvlce lo tha slate dcpa^* • S lent of reclamallon dlscioeed to- &y. V 'On^tuHlrfysTofogcln Arflericon tl]s reservoir totalled l.«4J«K) ““ t st :fe lecl. a gain Jurmg Ike week oi' TlEnm JM acre feet. This weekly stor- t'"' [C was reduced by heavy diversion water Inlo irrlgntlon system ^ malt. »tearncr Slorage In Jackson lake reservoir MuUiea lined 90,070 acre feet to a-new tog. rail :^n-tota^ror■^li^yca^o^784i«o' I'W'«cr rrc feet, cutwan iFlSlllir PflSSBfllilGIS^ ■mal Approval of Forest Firo __ Totcctidn in'Stato Qivon b'y R'AI ublio Land Oommissionors. lU I 3ISE, June 28 (/p)-Fcrmnl op- ■ttl-wos-Rlven todny-by lhe sUle •d of forestry (o (oresl fire prolec- ifighn contracts between northern Idaho ler prolccUve assoclaUons, the -nKir s-foresl«'rand-Uie*stale-board-cf —Upin I commlsslonen. ContncU opprov- . Ior the. 1927 s«aton ore wllh the IWII jr-d'Alene,-Tcsmlnlr Clearwater;---------- 1 Oreille. Priest Uke and PoUotch • ler protective ossocUtions. noiSl inlracU call for Uie fumlslilng, op- mlsslom ing ond maintaining of a prolec- the Idal _iyslem for lhe delation, preven- ,cannpt_, lUons are to be 'net cosu pro- slon of d In proportion to the amount of court In >er land owned wlUioul regard to to quiet quality or quanUty-of Uie timber from U: he nature of Uie Und OA-ned, Non- system, ibcr ownen of cut-over, burned- Stronj *or reforesUng forest lands are to rim roc while non-member ownen of for- gaUon i Unds .be.charged at Uie stream -of-lO-cenU-per-ocro-for prolec- lands.,-. nol enl -------- • ■ equity accident SPECULIST a,.“, TORS IN BOISE rowUi ot children can now be NflTIll ked through the known facton of mp>| >growUi along wlUi helghUi. weight LI muscuUr development. Dr. T. Win- uUl Todd, professor of anatomy, West- Reserve unlvenlty medical school, _ _ In announdng Uut bone jrowUi H, onsUnt-4uid-del<rmlnablei-ft-now --FirsI TO-facl-estabilshed-by X-roy ple- - of — 1 ot Uie growing ends of bones, ircrtely. Uie age of a penon can be ZION rmlned on the known (actor of def- 28 OT- r bone growth. tonlghl ---------- N oflnm aM e-^-------------- iferea-lrom-pcnilclout-anemU-ean yestenU onger regord Uidr cates oi hope- reach tl' ir incurable. Dr. Aldred a Worthln. Throne Bsor of paUioJogy. Onlvenlty of dieuUr ■ ilgon medical school reported. He effort U utd' pernicious onohU Is no longer Smu rded as a tpeclfle dUenUly but in Zion cr M a consUtuUonal veokneat ^ uid h develops into Uie disease. TreoU t K purely a dletorr cueaioa.irilh uage cf a diet of beefliver and ex- J cf oUier antool tissue reported amculorly benefldoL (O 'RESSMWSPAPER-lN-'l ), WEDNESDAY MORNINI 'oison in Cake Causes nijr| leatli of Salt Lal(e Man UHtl -A-oeadiy-'pouon u»e<j'^il5ieflaTjr- “ M r baking powder in making a cake UU todoy caused Die death -lif Seth ' Leaviti, m. while on visit to his fin ount, M n. Mark LeavlK. ot Blue rl Creek. Volunleerlng to bake a I I cake, he tccuretl'o can containing what he believed to eantain baking powder and ollerinlxing the baUer. i^Un j tasted IL NoUns a queer taste, he ' again xompltd the mlxiure. He f then called a frltnd, J, E. McArdle. ^ who also tatted the baiter. Imme- • _ dlately detccUng the taste of Leavitt. admllUng Uiai hc had QUfii eaten some 0( the bailer, was milled inio't%aiiiomol;lle which tUrtcd.a20-mllc drive to.Uie near- i £s!_haspltal.'4t.aorUnd.-bui.-ditd—,—POCV brfore medical -Md could be ob- falling talned. ocl. Jo) ' I .......... conflnc Bllifls s MlMGtl ' AuUrnis momini )mmander .Richard E. Byrd and Crcwto-Depart-in Glant Plane lor Paris Alter Delays. ^ 3 , ------- monUc lUy T^e A*soeUf«d Prct,) UnOSEVEtT HELD. N. Yh lune 29 iWcdnnday moininxl- . Kl 1:30 o'eloek tIUi morning Com- : * iian<lrr Dyrd-ordered (he iie ifu f (( ihr monopUoe America to kUiid ___ by for a 4 o'clock liop-off for ' clmmandec“ Bytd'i dKltloii (o' B flfl lUrt this momlog wa.i rraclied iflcr bcUled report* fruoi ship* x t a u a (old of 0 ffnerol ImproTe- ______ Ticnl in weather condlUons over ihe AUjjjUc. I' Film Ther. appeon fo-be no general V" ires of bod- ‘ittsU>er oKUongb lerrT :bcre are local ctadlUon* of on- tavoroble we#tber, iDr. Jom n A. LOf KIraball. m^roU|Ut al the p)ve r realhcr bnrtoB rep#rt»4 tncmb r t t « j y t t u . iiiiiH «!•(>»')—’n ie mon- u , X ”( lane ‘'Americ*" wot tUll weather- conne und on lu m n i^ at RooKvelt field (i])!, ijBht. , _________ ______/Jril. Eariier In Uie day lt had been hoped Jud tt storms olf Newfoundland might provkl Hr kulllCIiui(l>~l(r~ttlMIl 0 loke.oIC ' Uidr' ' Prancc In lomonxiw't dawn, bul (heV i It hope died In mld<aft«moon. lo ten V report was received from lhe n,o amer TransylvanU. rounding the vidow iUieas(em tip o( Newfoundland, (hot Bums ;. rain ond winds unfovoroble to fly- _ j l-wero' present from' the grn'nd bonSr| 'unell" iword. turo. rhe wenlhcr bureau reported that ffT riP ; stomi area wot moving eastward. Ul’fllJ ■ iH iri. isrrmi^“ WASI .. -rTTrr:----------------------toning- aho Silpreme Courl Approves “ ,S ,; Dplnlon-Alllrmlng-Oecisionol Fwln Falls District Court. J £ .S ............................. ............ - ............. — treaty.- -------- ■ • High . iOISB. Junc 28 (/P>-Under a com- Uiey un islonen' opinion, today approved by thot Ja ' Idaho supreme court, Orton SUong wllllngm mot evode.:.Uie_payment_oLjk-itet flM.Pf.. iy. The opThI6n"a(nnhs Ufe J e ^ after' Iti 1 ot the Twin PalU county dUtrict had bee: rt In Uie action brought by strong wat hei quiet UUe lo certain Oondt Irrigable Inimical n Uie .TwIn FUls Canol company extent c tern. - - OfflclJ trong's Unds are located below Uie pan wo I rock of the Snake river canyon wlUi thi I "Since* th e ' eompleUon *of - Uic lirl** *umplloi Ion tytlem cf Uie project a Urge tain got »im of water now-flows to the ence, m ds. ..The. oplnlona-holdt.Strong It value cf enUUed to relief, In a court of senUmct ilty In "laklng advonlage of Uie IdenUl condlUon and In aitempt- . Co -avoid maintenance charges T P T Ile reUlnlng Uie beneliU enjoyed hU predecessoro.” iTIOM llilCEfiS-T .; SHIC iefWLIM lKr en or ei H. W. Evans of Pasadena, HijJJ \ firsV-Uan-to Beach- Bsmmit nrengui )f -Great W all,- la LoBt. Britain.. _____ moy bln ION NA-nONAL PARK. Utah. June “HiU | (/P)-Park rangers, and oUien are Uie hort ighl UATchlng th e ' walU ci- Zion onese lr tlnd W.-H. W. Tokyon nt. ot Pos^ena, CollfomU. who tlon Uu :h the (ummit of Uu Great While baling -one whose 3000 .feet of petpen* r re>exi lUr woUi hovff 10 lor defied every treaty, i irt lo tcale them. u e cone Tons left Uie public auto camp ' Ucn NoUonol park ye«terday mom- in Am and dlmbed out of tight oround unx, li angle of Uu diff. Re na.not oeen la tat>U^;^ Inti lhe siarliijky-flo-the top mott u m r it e of thB' gre«t rock u etldenee | (ConUnued on P t ( e - n n ) quUltyoi ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, ING, JUNE 29,1927. m im K ILLS"Tt IW iiiFis IBiBLfiEill H _____ day "hie ce(lliouji hn Auliiman, Conlined lo iail In Gale City Following Shoot- ' “I Ing ol Homesteader: Tells Queer Story About His Mine. _____ neariy U iBy Tlip Astociated Pre.u) nil IPni ;OCATK4A5r-Jun»-38-Appamitly hfl h ling to rcallic (he seriousntM of liLi ;. John Auihman. a nheriilierdcr, in iTTr iflned lonlHht In (he elty Jail here fl }■ anted willi Uie fatal &lioo(ing of HI arJes Boston, dt, a tiomc-s(«der S’/ia ided near Inkom. and Uir wounding n ie h n n i Al Sioat, deputy slierlff of Bannock « o .nty, N?n.S —r-^lt-«|ia-Mln«r-fliorj-------— Jellevcd to lie rtenlaily deranged, hdnoli Uunan onived ot Inkom ol 9:30 (liU omco Ca ming. armed wi(h a knife and re- ^ere Pridi ver. Meeting Dmer Terry, ot thai ^ r..Aul}imRnjQld.!UWlIdjtQry_oLa thlcal-mlne whlch-he-flimed-and-of yojiriim t n who were trying lo steal ll from uhtrc-an 8,-.-ftnd-ln*lslcd.Uuia'arry-heip-hlm:' b « i S i tuaded by a knife whlcli Uie ollcged jands- n« nUc flourUhed .T m y drove AuUi- n In hU cor unill liU gasoline sup. became exluusled. mVonMn^ Sheiltr* Office NoUfled_____ •hf sherilf's office was noilfied and (Continued on Page Two) niglii. arrage of Demurrers Will Prominent Financiers am im PiayersMustServe i :rms in -Penitentiary , ers. In LOa ANOELES. June 38 ive men ond women, four of them tlOfl 0 lembert cf the movie colony here, xBUoday—denlod-Hwlwlion-on------- bfiUnCl lielr convlcUon of manslaughler In onnecUon «IUi Uie deaUi of Uie Um cowboy. Tom. Kertick, last isy (iiril.^ .— , ■ LOS AN Judge Oarlot Hardy, despite ap- of -deniun roYtl by (he tUite** altcmey o f_ than a»c tielr'plea'for probaUon. decided broken, fl tiey m utl serve Uielr terms of one tg»insl lr 9 ten yean In San QuenUn. them by U 'niQse senienccd were Kcnlck's two monU ;ldow. Mn, Sarah Kerriek. Iris 000,000 Jul lums. Anita DovU. Henry Isabell stock over nd Joe llunl. All bul Hunl were Unglc*. moll parts plaTen'nn’motnnnDe'- *•=— nro. Dotent i I __ ________ Indicted m fllillSllPfPSESTl =? Df BilSH IT G[N™ s =; ' tanglemen f^enlny of OppoBUionJo Enj-. , t!l? and’B Actfon al Oonference U 8 Noticeable nt Oapital. ranging fi /ASHINQTON. June 28 M>>-ailf- u!i*Pciro" lng-of-oppo»lUon-to Uie BrIlUh in New Yo V) ol the Geneva conference wot ness men Iceable today ol Uie' state deport- Previous' i^o5‘-Sgii7f-u.!L" *!!!? now oencnnai— jopairnnlirnot j^ji offici; t BngUild'. desire to reopen eon- » „ot^on Washington arms ^ :igh tU le department offlcUl* tald y undentood from private reportt t Jopan merely had Indicated a Ingness lo dUcusj reduction In Uie . . Pf. .boldealilpa. .19M : been dUpowsl of. S u d i ocUon. 11 «'*<>«>■ ; held, could nol be contlroed os nlcol to Uie American pUn to Uie :nt of endangering Uie conference, *'*“ “ fflelals bottd (liclr belief Uut Jo- further oc I would not •whole-heartedly tide action otU 1 the BriUsh proposal on Uie u - to Uie cll iptlon-Uut-Jopanfhavlng-t«t-c«r-> i 1 goal* for heraeU at Uie confer- looted In U e. m utl reeognlK Uie dlplomoUc cd for Uie le cf noLuouilng Amerlcau public ommended Ument agolntl her, prosecuUot RI-PARTITE NAVAL Gii FACES GRAVE POLH lENEVA. June 28 (fl>)-Whal eonsU- SUtea ha» a the present danger of lhe tri- status quo Ute naval conference In the mlodt Guam oiv Jose obserren. It Uiot 11 may owoX- Jopoh hav or e^-en create pollUcal onlmotlUei tleshlp* ca to much danger Is atUched to IU United 8t< Ing lo reach on agreement on Uie iigUI-or-ftuxllUry ■wareraftrOreil ' iln.-Uie.Unlled SUtea.and.Japon ..Jl.U.pol t bind themtdves nol lo exceed, sutei .hu hU political peril hat appeared on cnlng Uu horUon because ot Uie tudden Jop- worships li te InlUoUre. which Indicate* U ui supported yo may be forced elUier-by cenvIe* for the ere 1that real economy may be achlev* pact. In *u: ■or-Bnrain££r-*jri5eaiQScyrTOio s H s n n i king the BriUsh In their demand for board. e>ezamlxuUon of the Washington The Ami ty, at least to'for at UtUeshlpj to reopenlr concerned. any fom ,: Mere Tbos Agreement tuch a itn I American drdes. Uie Woohlngton hnprocUeat ty U looked upon as toipething bave aome e Uun a mere agreement to curtail provoke a oonstrucUonot caplUJ(hlp*.-Ina o(-Uie-p^ er knse It is regard^ a* having even the lied Uie teed* of a ne* era of iron- KreagUi. ol Ity on the Padfle oeeaa-Uie United Guam aod ^ ---------------- Y —l ^ E MnSiiinii (IV iniliTj.ATIll.S SONER CLIMBS SHAFT nO- BUT FAILS TO ESCAPE D U. itcwj oniicTrcedwir frojirtbb" ~ S r giate pcnKcntiao'which he Ul I iglit, Clyde W. O arett, 35-year- i pri:oner from Wichita, climbed T nine shaf( (o o Job breaking rock. ) 3arreti was captured after a two > y "hldcoul" In a vcntiUtor in his lliouse; 0 nlghl spenl somewhere (hc prison mine, and a climb ot ejy. i I feel up 0 vertical, slippery ' nc shaft at midnlshl, something i' kcr occomplUlicd before. 3orrett was caught os he emcrg- • .ipi from (he aliof(. officials having « Ul homed his plan fotre hc played ic-anO-teek about the prison IIHQ irly three days, ' jfoiillil 10 ....7™ iraPIllFli: FLIGHT B Wut lard Oroco wm Attempt K ,' 3n-Ston .Trip From Hawaii Thi JlDiUd.8tat«s-hI»<HopefQlr P«cifi INOLULU, June 28 M')-Rlchard e, CollfomU oviolor who came p®l-Ju Friday to otlempt a flight from ail to lhe mainland stoned from P™ c.' l-harbcT-near-here-ar-StM-Poclflc tonight -llmcTforUi-B'Uland-or'Kaauni: »«>' e-an-cjpedally.long, runway lias “PP«»l prepared tor him on the "barking ' near Moiu. A nu saline lutflclenl to load hU plane ^ he'mainland tllihl awaited him jauol, ond Grace jn'os still dierlsh- I Hope Uior“ ie‘mighi be "nble to — ' ~ ‘i oft tor (he long eastward flight lo- , me wollan when E i^iUBe Hurled by » and Civic Leaders ^ one COI Angeles Bankers arid Brok- u m n s. Indicted Alter Investlga- Tb. i the am in ol Stock Tangle, Begin 'uncl'lnO-o(-t«ga|-Attatkrs£ ------- , otked fi IBy -nie AiiocUted Pn*t» • . rn, flnoniblcn ond civic 'leaden - Fuel ist Indletmenu relumed ogolnti , by Uie county grand Jury afier lu nonUu InvesUgotlon o t Uie $100,- » Julian Petroleum corporation over Itsue ond raulUng flnonclol --.A ttonien Retained ten* ot atiomeys retamed b y W ted men made It known th*l ihrw . . jmenu, io be presented vhen their IS nre arraigned Thursday, will at- ^'^l^^c*lnd!c^^”'*we« ant of -Uie Intention* or motive* ^ A, lose responsible for Uie slock cn- ™° ement. 1 ‘cn more names were added today e-i,i le m t-M Uiose ^Ilidleted'stld-lo Si in oil and containing durge* q. ng from usury to embealcmenl. n were A. Swanson, on oHIdol of ■cuoleum corporaUon wlUi offices rw York, and six broken and busU rvlouily seven bonk offlcUU, mil- SIS!*?! lrc_ie«I^tait.amLlnsunmcejncn,--------- offlclali of (he Julian corporation. ' < ' lUon picture producer, Uieairieol and domis of oUien were obJecU Iin I flleunenu. -------------- H ras undentood Uul tome demur- MULL vould seek quashing of Uie Indict- . s because of Uie fact Uul Uiey nif returned before Superior Ju^e ""^^^ttbrhrnuidipeeittor^ d. It U atserted that UiU violated open court " requlremenU, npniif »l Uie tUxk scandal Investigation be conUnucd wlUi posalbllily of — j i n l er acUon was lndica(ed by (he 1 ot Uie grand Jury In (umlng over ' it,,, i le city prosecutor, a lUt of 100 a- nf mrn BlIrged-tO-have-iM nid-______ In Uie stock pool oeUvltles blam* r Uie JulUn crash, Tlic-Juiy rec- “ UW-. ended lhat Uie proteciitoicany on Kemp. cuUon In the case "vigorously." ' iummiti I DoroUij GATHERING.... LinCAL PERILS s r . . ' He. r s having agreed to maintain Uie K I quo of American fortlficaUons at of man I and In Uie Philippines and “ >d Dr i having accepted a raUo In bat- »cu pt considerably under Uiat of the *''' d States. -WUI-Not-Chance T rtaly ------ p-i ------ It . pointed -oul Uul-the-United I .hu not only slopped tUrogUi- " Uu b ota sheltering American lips in Uie far east, bul ordenUy Tted Uie tucccMtuI negolUUon* * creaUon ot a four power Pacific In fubiUtution of lhe *nj[lo-Jap» alliance, whlcii went by the ^ . 11. ' ... . • ^ --------• ot ' Americans (herefore are averse 'pening the Washlngtoi treaty la . - Qin, not only because they deem ..K£tnp a (tep Juridically tmpoolble and letr UU cUeable. but alao because Uuy Intermp ■ome apprehenslco ^ t 11 might nooa m (e a new and undeslnble itudy wUh'ao e-poUtlealrilttaUanr-tiKtiBllnr pnJudJe Uw wttdom 'o f adding to tlw -<nie ’{ th o! thB*^ American caies-at (ha Juq . aod tn tfie Phuippuut. row, m m PRICE 5 CENTS; MiPLli:' Pfflfflll- IDlHiy Ton Army Fokker Cralt javes Oakland at 7:09 Clock In Morning on GrII;.. ig Trans-Pacillij ,|llg h t. (Ity Tlie AawcUtrd Pren) .. ■ ■0aTLANIh-Jime-»-T1»e-Pe«h------- i Tctciraph company here re' - rted at 10:45 p. m. Uul it had ercepled an amaienr radio me*- ■•• X from rearl Harbor,. RUtlng It (bp army Fokker pUne wot. •orttd »00.mlln northeast of nolulu and that all was wtlL rhe menage was timed ILp..m.------ tlfle coailMlme. JNICIPAL AIRPORT. Ookland. June 28-Cleovlng (he cloud bonk* (he west. Uie tlx ton army Fokker VOS apetding. toward Honolulu htr-IUefl-thisalrport-at-TiOQ-iL— Dday-and-was-loat-reported-seen— jxlmatejy 790 mlle^ off Uie Coll. 0-coost;-— radio report received by the Fed- • Telegraph company hero a t 2:44 Uie tleamer Sonoma had slg h M ' lUne."' ■‘lUce FalI*‘(o'MaieHalite‘ e expected air race to the lU i n Islands tailed to moteriollw I Emesl Smltii.''plloUng a clvUUn !, was fonred to return to Uie air* after hovlng Uken off more Uian houn Uler Uun Uie Fokker nu- - !. The olr deflector 6n SmIUi’t ! was damaged and before a neir could be fixed,.Uie,.navigator,... le* Carter, decided It wo# too U te - art 0* the army had olmoet (Ive I lead. . ' •<- e dock like precUlon with whldi krmy plane was prepared , and de> d cn lu attempt^ non-itop night molulu wa* Uie topic fw com m m t, . ased Uie lake oK.-: Army cftidaU 1 for 0 dear field at 7 a. m, 'Iftejr ' td' ot tbe fleljl vlUi LieutcnanU seled and O U a Daring Night; ■ e ahip had been tuded and oiled igUienlghU BveryUilng wa* pro- ced ■ ready 'oT' Uie''*tarUng-hour.“ r* were unwrapped from U)e three 1 molon and.Uiey.vere started. *.. . er brief exchange ot greetings be* I Uie ovloton and Major General trK gcii.~chierof-aiw'»y tgy- !. waved good-bye to Iriends and unny. It look Uie alr,wlUi tase . quickly attained on alUtude ot - ' feet and flew oul over the sea. -' Breaks Bown and Weeps X m>ri> ftnurn ■»?! Ulr^ B___ 11 was announced Uw flight potiponed. He'hod argued hard ' Corier. trying to moke the Utter n t 10 onoUier hop off. two hours Uie pUne was relumed to the Bul Carter stood firm on the ntlon Uul It was loo Ute to staK he would not be-able to moKT (ConUnued on Poge Two) .Liiiisr uty District Attorney Sums ) Proceedings'Agains t Doro- y Mackaye, Noted Film Star. 3-;WGELES.-3un(r28-(;^s^e^“ 9, depulyT'dl»lrict'-aU«B^,'.-ta-- iitig up Uie suie's cater ogalnit Ihy Mackaye, actrett. charged conspiring to conceal facU aar- Kj ling Uie'dHUrcf her actof'bus^''~''BI . Roy Raymond, U tt AprU. de> fci i she had wrecked Uie liTea.ot^ ^ I names these at ber husband! T Kelly, screen Juvenile, convicted' ansUughter (or Raymond!* deaUt ' k Dr. W. J. Sullivan, who attoded cior after a fUt flghl wlUi EHy,. ' 1/ >ho U charged wlUi M in Mb^< In Uie alleged conspiracy. jV ___ Buds.&Ulcsme&t_____ !. -L —j-,' ! proseeui^>^.frpnutL«W^.._lj MUs Mackaye made to a deputy 1;^ ct altomey soon after ber but^ . * deaUi in wblch ahe'la daotcd [/ ylng: .*'] wonder'h(>W'tbe poIM ' , Y \ out about It-X mnder ir tbit A ■ 1-■dmible.6w*ed-nnet-i'" of hb effort to prow tbo^dK^,- -K Oi U w .alttcrt-Jo^lrW r-K '-'-^fe . ,'A p p ^ io jafr'x np wai''.(oUoii(td .b7> J e m r l Q a l i ^ i M Us* Mackaye^'counut,'.wbo.>«aa' opted toon « (ta be by .thd' rettta.,'Be opnad b U .vgiK rn an- acoMl • itu t .the be^y u y : nnta'^M«FtoatKi-*i” ^

Transcript of ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt...

Page 1: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

E z p H Em . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g!

m & m im "s

JiilN'Sli! 3• ‘ Irou

‘ ------r oslHi

C oroner’s J u ry , U nable lo D e-

tc rm in e T ru e C a u se of D ea th

o l W illiam B e n n in g , C o n ies-

s e s F a ilu re In C onc lu sions : [ S _____ i«i r

JEnOMC, Jtine ZS (Spedsl to r n r i ir . | | t i i

f^ilU coonly chemist, repori that ■■

the death or H'lUiiun Denninr. 72; VJrm m f »lock bu jtr wbo died «ud-''deblf a t hll home here Ust Thun-

. . dar momlRT. returned iU verdict BhlpD th li eKuInr. declMtnt lhat Ben- Ju n nine came to h it. dcalh thronth

The coroner’* Jury v,-na Impaneled ^AS Aliortl}' ader Bcnnlng's dratli on re- inadtm quest of Dr. C. P. ZtUer, attending

'ph>-ilcian, who relu«d to sign the p.,__ '_(lM m .«rtlflcatc, . In. lU (Irsl swalon , , r

-------- H-recommendtd thc.-chemlcul-analyJU 0,7- 1of Jhe viscera of Benning. Tlie Jury cnUed IU work this evening ntter hear-

--^"InB-tciUmony.'oI fc-dOMn-.wluaoc* and 'T no 'receiving the chemlaf# report during Mlici the d»y. In order to.fnclllUkte pro- crease Rttss. 11 was announced, sessions loday week 1 were cJoscd to spectators. less tli

IninU ntloD Centlnon creaseInveallgttllon In the caw on Uie part ol IB.';

ot tlie prosecuting fttlomcy's offlcc has 3 8 ^ . only Jut-begun. E. - D.-Reynolds,-Je* • - rome county atlomey. slated this eve* ning. New developments, he stated, A -p ,, that were not brought oul In the coro- - f iH I n tr’s Inquest are likely to come to n light In litigation (or poisculon of J fO ] Bcnnlng's eslale. Bcnnlng is reputed (0 have been wealthy. A consldertble

- portlott ot U ia .au te . It U reported. It u . , . , . Ill propcHy ot Bennlng-i deceutd l in t NCWS, wife, who be<iueathed It t« a Holland eocltty. but ^provided U ut. Benning W it

. should have the use of It during his lifetime. SCfl

Denning had been n resident o( Je­rome (er a n u m b e r r f m n . u t i about gyp

Mr*. MaiT Pry, > • widow u d the mother ot five -d iU d m . U n .: AUce

took place ftt S S a lT o tah . » rN o 'Btt lJ<B»r Factor

-----------D n-z«uerrT cnen*i»w <i^m ir’VenLconcerning hls refusal to sign the ^ death cerUflcate. stated lhat the cause ot d » th was obscure, lie said that the symptoms a l the time of Ben- nlng's dealli were similar lo those of «fce 0 poisonlnn. “ “ ll*',

-----------^Ihe.chemlsl' analytls rei-eoled traces of arsenic In ptaittt-------- tnn>5ay, luia iiiui um n nas uu» n '*'

ddubledly c s iii^ 'by arsenic'poisoning. McKen Members of the Jury called by Coro- P u of

ner Jolm P. Sthmershall to Investigate Jithoul-------- Bennlng's-death-were-Jeny-Oormw;

Ollie Hurt. Front Hurt. Emle OtK Qeorge Hogshlre ond Stephen Thorp, y®**

etatements of member* of the Jury «>«• ^ Indicated belief on Uielr part that ex- ca cesslve use of Intoxicating liquor moy themsel

------^havrbeen-a-nctorln-D ennlngTdealh: the-pre______________ um Ull

EVANGELIST DEFENDANT IN SUIT *l<lcntl: CHICAOO. June 28 (/p)-Almee 8em- Mr. I

pie McPherson., the evongelbt. was flcen 1■ made defendant today In 0 IIOOMO <

damage suit filed by Bert Kelly, osmer of Bert Kelly's stables, n north side ,

_____ -------------------------------------- ------------ L % ' ,

-JiSlTlStiS-S , DEIiTy,!E[[l8l

...................y f ^ . ■ ......................... Uon»"l•' T r a l l ic O re r D en v e r a n d Rio

. _ G ram le__R a ilroad .. .R e s u m e s ; [ li,“

ScliedulDs F o llow ing T ro u b le s S S " ?_______________________________________the edl

SALT LAKE CITY, June M W l- vS^“ o*l Traffic; over the Denv^ ' ond Rio Inlertsl

'* 'Uils city w tr rm m cd Isle Uil* otter- “ noon wlUi the relnse of one of five Irolns Utd up by ■ w uhoul and slides n 1 ’ - In Prlee rircr canyon. Other tnUns r A J are expected to be moved during Uie nlghl. Train No. 9, (In t oae to be released, w u cxpecled to arrive here

-------olmost 34-hourt-UU.---------- ------------------------m AalM n e u Up bOlB

In od-llUon to the trolni approzl* coused I maiely »)0 aulomoblles carrying tour* Joints, i

- - IsU and othen ore marooned In nrlous correcU< porta of Uie canyon 130 mllea cost of recUon here, Reporu from lhe state hlghwoy Auslond eommlsslon'i office Ute UiU attemoon Uiopedli

_ » Id -l t would Uke several Dostoa. repair' some o f lh e damage ttf'h lgh- surgical u-ay*. but that oil motorlsu would be<weit M releosed' wlUiln a couple of days. In sessl

CuUe Gate Saffen Uie doc Damage lo U)e CuUe Gate, Prlee and ond Jolt

____ Hclper.wiler supply which woi monlpul• whW a pipe line wo* carried away will DUci

not be rfpalred for at- Iwnt a »wlr. Tn hii_ MeanwhUe. reildenU of the city have cf furgi

'b een -ttiked 'to cooiiave'-Uie wpply de J. Pi which mutt come from itorage re« r- clinic. 1 voln, ■ edge Uu

• ------------------------ of goltrDB0WN8 IN LAKE percenti

6ALT LAKE OITy, June 2« ( J f ) - per cem Henry Wright. 19, of thU dly , wa* percenti drowned Monday afternoon when the further

-------beafm 'W liia iiB 'iiu r'IM ’eomponldni (ormed'were, roving, MpdxM on Uu lake a t a high Ugooo, a local pleaiure resort. u pre-<

P T W Iwiiir-: ^ kmmku oi‘

■sKxoctATirti i-iii:.s.s___________ ^

JO C IET Y B U Y S .S N O W .T O . B ir ' C A R R Y ON E X P E R IM E N T S l l l L

-nw -D n ic^psim i'sk -^ooB cra ilve .. X I toclciy. "Slepovlk." has undertaken' U l a frullIcAS experiment In rcfrlcer- ailon by meons ot snov. ] |

It offered (0 pay three rubles (S1.S0) for every 40 pounds ot tnow I brought to ll» premises. The prop- , osltlon was alluring and nien, wo- en and Uoys from' near and far p .« , stormed Al-Pclrl, the only snon- clad mountain In Crimea.

Many cortloade were delivered. • piled in (he courtyards of the to- q clcty and paid for In ca.nli. 'B ut lempemlures of 100 degree* mellnl .It before It could be pul to any use-' tCI ful punxjse.

i i m i i l i — L

M SHOWS lfflS [S_____ • today

Ihlpmcntfi In U n ite d S tatoB fo r “1 ^ , Ju n c B oriod F a ll B olow 102G terlor F ijru re s by S e v e ra l T h o u sa n d ii .1

— -------- idgc 1WASHINGTON. June 28 (flV-PrelghL os dl lading for the week ended June 18 any c }Uled 1.010J51 less Uun suUr lie preceding week, an'd. 30,20} less.thon (han i-Uie eorrespondln^ e t k oMm I. year.1C American Hallway OMOclSiion 'an- ard'A' ounced today. t<Tho claBltlcttUoiu ttcre:~ -= ~ ~ ^^ -- Miscellaneous 3n j54 cars, nn In-

reaie of 10207 over llie corresponding eek ot last yeor: merchandise and la than carload loU. 298.439. a do- rcoM of n i l ; conl 180,045. a decreaiP I 18.707: groin and [train prodiKi.i 9.MC. an Increase of 440.

American People Look F For Well-Being andJSlewspaper Readers Through Jf® ' Wllh BunkolTfesterday, As- s e rls. Edward.: MoKernon; tSi Sunerlntendent ol A o e n o v . b *

; . rcpc“ T T >‘tlo

June llwI—Newspaper reade^ s re done wlUi 0le bunk of yesterday *jid they look P*IJMKlence.-itct 'toTnBgig.-for'Uietr max- a t«m well-being and enjojment of life'. lU ;Iword McKemon. superintendent ot ageip eastem dlvUlon of the Assoclnied ofrest, today lold the annual confer- camice of Health Officers and Publie s iealUi Nunes, - nain

r king_onjhe_iuWccl.of-lioai-Uie -hignofficer con use the nentptper grrr

r,>». J ^ cKemon "tald 'the masses "look to / i n i l l IU ot medicine for tliot public hcalUi flf] Ithoul which no nation can long en- lUtill

"Vou cannot overtake disease but I IU can head off Uial which Uireal- \ a. You can't treot the-mllllons, but iji eon teach Uie millions to treat lemselves. Here are the people. In Form ■e-press-we-offer-you'the-only-medl* “ Prc n Uirough wlilch Uiey can be con- p „ i iienUy rrachcd,"Mr. McKemon urged Uie hcalUi of- Krs to approach Uie press In Uic „ ime of New*.- P” ™

Only CWm lo Space •■That Is your only claim lo ipnce |

Uie ttrlclly new column." he con- ! T ,. lufd.— H oneil-i«w »"w aIkn inH e , ont door of the ne«paper shop ond ^ -welcom ed-by-Uie-odltor.-SubU a J ? J ° ' opoganda climbs up Uie tire escape Id • Is Uirown' out Uie window. It f Z i^ ,

"When you boord a train you cx- ‘ <t to travel In Uie dlrwllon Uial e.tni.lnJ»!!;wJM t..ctm Jptelllrenily

rvlce. When you board Uie news- !!?“ “ iper iraln, dont (ty to take charge I r lw , ll but have folUi In Uie experience those who have struggled wiUt the

Igencle of publication. At Uie tame ne I am sure Uwl you will find e editon will gratefully aceepl any ® ggcsUon ”Uiat oppeon constructive, ’ jur object is lhe same: to reodi and 1 ^ , , , lertsl Uie public. Y ou.can leam

(Continued on Page SU) lion.


DOIBE. June 28 (yD-DeformlUes Groi used by anhriUt. or tUffehlng of the checke inU. m uit bo conecied t in t tn U ul bone g rrecUon of Uie deformlUes It a cor- and m :Uon of Uie disease. Dr. W. R. Mc- gate T ulond, *urgeon-ln-chlef ot the or- em R< opedlc department. Convey hospital, sold li islon.lannounced. today - before—the U con rglcal-McUon of tho Paclfle-North- known s t Medical assocloUon convcnUon lures tesslon here. Trtolmenl died by Convci

e doctor, one of the foremost bone delerm d Joint speclalUU consUU of surgical Inlte bmlpulaUon.and m t - _ ___________________DUesi*e> rrt te n l Day Problems

rn “p rw n t pm hW * .qnff,furgerr of toxic goitre.'! D r..John no Ion

■J. Pemberton, surgeon of Uie Mayo leisly 1 nlc. Rocheitcr. declared Uie knowl- profess ge U u t operaUont In Uie early stages Mlchlg goitre ore necettory has reduced the declorc reentige of foU lltla tQ In* than two regordi r cent In recent year*. Ho cold the rolher rtentage of foloUUei eould be much whleh rther reduced In opmUons vere per- ment I med'lB the 'etrly stages. Rest and Uieuti high calory diet were reconmnided tracb pre-operoUon treatmenl. ot pari


TWIN f a l l s , IDAHO, A

i i i l E p

wppiisims Icake

------- whalesidenl Coolldge Favors Vest- g ," ng ol Control Over Insular“ fssesslons In Bureau o f In- Si°,:erlor DeparlmenI al Capitol. '” i™

rulhi(By Tlie Aijoclaled Prr.«) ‘ tU ri

LAPID c m * . 8. P., Jiinr 3B-3l>f- I c recomniendations to the next befo; g rru for adminislmtlon cf Amerl- tainc I Insular poijcsslons Is uen In tlie :losure a t Uie summer While House i i i j i r ay U ut Prpjlilrnt Coolldge fnvon f l | | / l l vesting'of nintrol over (hcsc Icr- HIUM

rlcs In a civil bureau ot lhe In- or departmenu "r;.-»‘'“ ..J>0'nt^U>ul,;!liat^ Mr. Cool- ___ I: prtviously Imd expr'ea»ed7iimsclt | ' disposed lo look favorably upon change whlcli would place Uie ln>

ir possessions under a dvll rather . n 0 mlliury aulliorlt)''and liU rc- lOmiT1-vUa.wlUi Covemor-Ocneral-Uon.---------“Wood'ofUieThlllppinei has-tend-* “ a n d to sirengUien Uie opinion that

-Interior department would be' Uie p h f ear exKtillve bmhch to govern' the lesslona. —

N^.Cridelsm In(ended ,iecalling llial a government com- ito slon once- recommended th o t- ln - —June ir control be iilaced In Uie statu* a ( J:

(Condnued cn Piig'c Rvo) '• • Ihr I= = — = « = « by ,,

Forward to Science ’’cl‘ Jnjpyment of Life


5WReservoir IsFilling 1st a t American Faiis

> • tliereBOISE, June 28 (;p)-Amerlcon alls re*er\'olr *-as 8a(urday wiUi- I less than 400.000 ocre feci of :lniL llllnLtn.ramrliy,,lhrttTrkly r, rport of Uic United SUlc reelom- Hon tcrvlce lo tha slate dcpa^* • S lent of reclamallon dlscioeed to- &y. V'On^tuHlrfysTofogcln Arflericon tl]s reservoir totalled l.«4J«K) ““ t st :fe lecl. a gain Jurmg Ike week oi' TlEnm JM acre feet. This weekly stor- t'"'[C was reduced by heavy diversion

water Inlo irrlgntlon system ^ malt. »tearncrSlorage In Jackson lake reservoir MuUiea lined 90,070 acre feet to a-new tog. rail :^n-tota^ror■ ^li^yca^o^784i«o' I'W'«cr rrc feet, cutwan


■mal A p p ro v a l o f F o r e s t F i r o __T o tc ctid n i n 'S t a to Q ivon b'y R'AI ublio L a n d O om m issiono rs . lU I

3ISE, June 28 (/p)-Fcrmnl op- ■ttl-wos-Rlven todny-by lhe sUle •d of forestry (o (oresl fire prolec- ifighn contracts between northern Idaho

ler prolccUve assoclaUons, the -n K ir s-foresl«'rand-Uie*stale-board-cf — Upin I commlsslonen. ContncU opprov- . Ior the. 1927 s«aton ore wllh the IWIIjr-d 'A lene ,-T csm lnlr Clearwater;----------1 Oreille. Priest Uke and PoUotch • ler protective ossocUtions. noiSlinlracU call for Uie fumlslilng, op- mlsslom ing ond maintaining of a prolec- the Idal _iyslem for lhe delation, preven- ,cannpt_,

lUons are to be 'net cosu pro- slon ofd In proportion to the amount of court In>er land owned wlUioul regard to to quietquality or quanUty-of Uie timber from U:he nature of Uie Und OA-ned, Non- system,ibcr ownen of cut-over, burned- Stronj*or reforesUng forest lands are to rim roc

while non-member ownen of for- gaUon i Unds o rc .to .be.charged a t Uie stream -of-lO-cenU-per-ocro-for prolec- lands.,-.

nol enl-------- • ■ equity


SPECULIST a ,.“, TORS IN BOISErowUi ot children can now be N flTIll ked through the known facton of mp>| > growUi along wlUi helghUi. weight L I muscuUr development. Dr. T. Win- u U l Todd, professor of anatomy, West- Reserve unlvenlty medical school, _ _ In announdng U ut bone jrowUi H,

onsUnt-4uid-del<rmlnablei-ft-now --F irsI TO-facl-estabilshed-by X-roy ple- - o f — 1 ot Uie growing ends of bones, ircrtely. Uie age of a penon can be ZION rmlned on the known (actor of def- 28 OT- r bone growth. tonlghl---------- N oflnm aM e-^--------------

iferea-lrom-pcnilclout-anemU-ean yestenU onger regord Uidr cates oi hope- reach tl' ir incurable. Dr. Aldred a Worthln. Throne Bsor of paUioJogy. Onlvenlty of dieuUr ■ ilgon medical school reported. He effort U u td ' pernicious onohU Is no longer S m u rded as a tpeclfle dUenUly but in Zion cr M a consUtuUonal veokneat ^ u id h develops into Uie disease. TreoU t K purely a dletorr cueaioa.irilh uage cf a diet of beefliver and ex- J cf oUier antool tissue reported “ amculorly benefldoL (O



'oison in Cake Causes nijr| leatli of Salt Lal(e Man UHtl

-A-oeadiy-'pouon u»e<j'^il5ieflaTjr- “ M r baking powder in making a cake UU todoy caused Die death -lif Seth 'Leaviti, m. while on visit to his f i n ount, M n. Mark LeavlK. ot Blue r l Creek. Volunleerlng to bake a I I cake, he tccuretl'o can containing what he believed to eantain baking powder and ollerinlxing the baUer. i^Un j tasted IL NoUns a queer taste, he 'again xompltd the mlxiure. He fthen called a frltnd, J, E. McArdle. ^who also tatted the baiter. Imme- • _ dlately detccUng the taste of

Leavitt. admllUng Uiai hc had QUfii eaten some 0( the bailer, was milled inio't%aiiiomol;lle whichtU rtcd.a20-mllc drive to.Uie near- i £s!_haspltal.'4t.aorUnd.-bui.-ditd— ,— POCVbrfore medical -Md could be ob- fallingtalned. ocl. Jo)

■ ' I .......... conflnc

B llifls sM lM G tl

' AuUrnismomini

) m m a n d e r .R ich a rd E . B yrd

a n d C r c w to -D e p a r t - i n G la n t

P lan e l o r P a r is A l te r D elay s. ^ 3, ------- monUc

lUy T^e A*soeUf«d Prct,)UnOSEVEtT HELD. N. Yh

lune 29 iWcdnnday m oin inx l- — . Kl 1:30 o'eloek tIUi morning Com- : * iian<lrr Dyrd-ordered (he i ie if u f ((ihr monopUoe America to kUiid _ _ _ by for a 4 o'clock liop-off for

' clmmandec“ Bytd'i dKltloii (o ' B f l f llUrt this momlog wa.i rracliediflcr bcUled report* fruoi ship* x ta u a (old of 0 ffnerol ImproTe- ______Ticnl in weather condlUons overihe AUjjjUc. I' F i l m

Ther. appeon fo-be no general V "ires of bod- ‘ittsU>er oKUongb l e r r T :bcre are local ctadlUon* of on-tavoroble we#tber, iDr. Jom n A. LOfKIraball. m ^ ro U |U t a l the p)ve rrealhcr bnrtoB rep#rt»4 • tncmb

r t t« j y t t u . iiiiiH «!•(>»')—’n ie mon- u ,X ”(lane ‘'Americ*" wot tUll weather- conneund on lu m n i ^ a t RooKvelt field (i])!,ijBht. , _________ ______/J r il .Eariier In Uie day lt had been hoped Judt t storms olf Newfoundland might provklHr kulllCIiui(l>~l(r~ttlMIl 0 loke.oIC ' U idr'' Prancc In lomonxiw't dawn, bul (heV iIt hope died In mld<aft«moon. lo tenV report was received from lhe n ,oamer TransylvanU. rounding the vidowiUieas(em tip o( Newfoundland, (hot Bums;. rain ond winds unfovoroble to fly- _ jl-wero' present from' the grn'nd bonSr| 'unell"iword. tu ro .

rhe wenlhcr bureau reported that f f T r iP ; stomi area wot moving eastward. Ul’f l lJ

■ i H i r i .is r rm i^ “

WASI.. -rTTrr:----------------------toning-

aho S ilp rem e C o u r l A pproves “ , S , ;

D p ln lo n -A lllrm ln g -O ec is io n o l

Fw ln F a lls D is tr ic t C o u r t. J £ . S............................. ............ - ............. — trea ty .-

-------- ■ • High .iOISB. Junc 28 (/P>-Under a com- Uiey un islonen' opinion, today approved by thot Ja ' Idaho supreme court, Orton SUong wllllngm mot evode.:.Uie_payment_oLjk-itet flM .Pf..

iy. The opThI6n"a(nnhs Ufe J e ^ after' Iti 1 ot the Twin PalU county dUtrict had bee: rt In Uie action brought by strong wat hei quiet UUe lo certain Oondt Irrigable Inimical n Uie .TwIn FUls Canol company extent c tern. - - OfflclJtrong's Unds are located below Uie pan wo I rock of the Snake river canyon wlUi thi I "Since* the' eompleUon * of - Uic lirl** *umplloi Ion tytlem cf Uie project a Urge tain got »im of water now-flows to the ence, m ds. ..The. oplnlona-holdt.Strong It value cf

enUUed to relief, In a court of senUmct ilty In "laklng advonlage of Uie IdenUl condlUon and In aitempt- .

Co -avoid maintenance charges T P T Ile reUlnlng Uie beneliU enjoyed hU predecessoro.”


en or ei

H . W . E v a n s o f P a s a d e n a , H i j J J \ f i r s V -U a n - to B e ach - B sm m it nrengui )f - G r e a t W a ll,- la LoBt. Britain..

_____ moy blnION NA-nONAL PARK. Utah. June “HiU | (/P)-Park rangers, and oUien are Uie hort ighl UATchlng th e ' walU ci- Zion onese lr tlnd W.-H. W. Tokyon n t. ot P o s ^ ena, CollfomU. who tlon Uu

:h the (ummit of Uu Great While b a lin g -one whose 3000 .feet of petpen* r re>exi lU r woUi hovff 10 lo r defied every treaty, i irt lo tcale them. u e coneTons left Uie public auto camp 'Ucn NoUonol park ye«terday mom- in Am and dlmbed out of tight oround u n x , li

angle of Uu diff. Re n a .n o t oeen l a t a t > U ^ ; n l g h t . . a . l l r e . b l ^Inti lhe siarliijky-flo-the top mott u m r it e of thB' gre«t rock u etldenee |

(ConUnued on P t ( e - n n ) quUltyoi


ING, JUNE 29,1927.

m im KILLS "TtIW ii iF is IBiBLfiEill H

_____ day "hiece(lliouji

hn Auliiman, Conlined lo iail In Gale City Following Shoot- “ ' “I Ing ol Homesteader: Tells Queer Story About His Mine.

_____ neariy U

iBy Tlip Astociated Pre.u) n i l IPn i ;OCATK4A5r-Jun»-38-Appamitly h fl h ling to rcallic (he seriousntM of liLi ;. John Auihman. a nheriilierdcr, in iT T r iflned lonlHht In (he elty Jail here fl }■ anted willi Uie fatal &lioo(ing of HI arJes Boston, dt, a tiomc-s(«der S’/ia ided near Inkom. and Uir wounding n ie h n n i Al Sioat, deputy slierlff of Bannock « o .nty, N ? n .S—r-^ lt-« |ia -M ln« r-flio rj-------—Jellevcd to lie rtenlaily deranged, h d n o l i Uunan onived ot Inkom ol 9:30 (liU om co Ca ming. armed wi(h a knife and re- ^ere Pridi ver. Meeting Dmer Terry, ot thai ^r..Aul}imRnjQld.!UWlIdjtQry_oLa thlcal-mlne whlch-he-flimed-and-of y o jir iim t n who were trying lo steal ll from uh trc-an 8,-.-ftnd-ln*lslcd.Uuia'arry-heip-hlm:' b « i S i tuaded by a knife whlcli Uie ollcged jands- n« nUc flourUhed .T m y drove AuUi- n In hU cor unill liU gasoline sup. became exluusled. m VonMn^

Sheiltr* Office NoUfled_____•hf sherilf's office was noilfied and

(Continued on Page Two) niglii.

arrage of Demurrers Will Prominent Financiers amim PiayersMustServe i :rms in -Penitentiary ,

— ers. InLOa ANOELES. June 38

ive men ond women, four of them tlOfl 0 lembert cf the movie colony here,xBUoday—denlod-Hwlwlion-on------- bfiUnCllielr convlcUon of manslaughler In onnecUon «IUi Uie deaUi of Uie Um cowboy. Tom. Kertick, last isy (iiril.^ . — , ■ LOS AN Judge Oarlot Hardy, despite ap- of -deniun

roYtl by (he tUite** altcmey o f _ than a» c tielr'plea'for probaUon. decided broken, fl tiey mutl serve Uielr terms of one tg»insl lr 9 ten yean In San QuenUn. them by U 'niQse senienccd were Kcnlck's two monU

;ldow. Mn, Sarah Kerriek. Iris 000,000 Jul lums. Anita DovU. Henry Isabell stock over nd Joe l lunl. All bul Hunl were Unglc*. moll parts plaTen'nn’m o tnnnD e '- *•=— nro. Dotent i

I__________ Indicted m

fllillSllPfPSESTl = ? Df BilSH IT G[N™s= ;

' tanglemenf^en lny o f O ppoBU ionJo E n j- . , t!l? a n d ’B A ctfon a l O onference U 8 N o tic ea b le n t O ap ital. ranging fi

/ASHINQTON. June 28 M>>-ailf- u!i*Pciro" lng-of-oppo»lUon-to Uie BrIlUh in New Yo V) ol the Geneva conference wot ness men Iceable today ol Uie' state deport- Previous'

i^o5‘-Sgii7f-u.!L" *!!!?now o e n c n n a i—jo p a irn n lirn o t j ^ j i offici; t BngUild'. desire to reopen eon- » „ot^on

Washington arms ^

:igh tU le department offlcUl* tald y undentood from private reportt t Jopan merely had Indicated a Ingness lo dUcusj reduction In Uie .. Pf. .boldealilpa. .19M

: been dUpowsl of. Sudi ocUon. 11 «'*<>«>■; held, could nol be contlroed os nlcol to Uie American pUn to Uie :nt of endangering Uie conference, *'*“ “ fflelals bottd (liclr belief U ut Jo- further oc I would not •whole-heartedly tide action otU 1 the BriUsh proposal on Uie u - to Uie cll iptlon-Uut-Jopanfhavlng-t«t-c«r-> i1 goal* for heraeU a t Uie confer- looted In U e. m utl reeognlK Uie dlplomoUc cd for Uie le cf noLuouilng Amerlcau public ommended Ument agolntl her, prosecuUot


lENEVA. June 28 (fl>)-Whal eonsU- SUtea ha» a the present danger of lhe tri- status quo Ute naval conference In the mlodt Guam oiv Jose obserren. It Uiot 11 may owoX- Jopoh hav or e -en create pollUcal onlmotlUei tleshlp* ca to much danger Is atUched to IU United 8t<

Ing lo reach on agreement on Uie iigUI-or-ftuxllUry ■wareraftrOreil ' iln.-Uie.Unlled SUtea.and.Japon ..J l.U .p o l t bind themtdves nol lo exceed, s u te i .h u hU political peril hat appeared on cnlng Uu horUon because ot Uie tudden Jop- worships li te InlUoUre. which Indicate* U ui supported yo may be forced elUier-by cenvIe* for the ere 1 tha t real economy may be achlev* pact. In *u:■or-Bnrain££r-*jri5eaiQScyrTOio s H s n n iking the BriUsh In their demand for board. e>ezamlxuUon of the Washington The Ami ty, a t least to 'fo r a t UtUeshlpj to reopenlr concerned. any f o m , :

Mere Tbos Agreement tuch a itnI American drdes. Uie Woohlngton hnprocUeat ty U looked upon as toipething bave aome e Uun a mere agreement to curtail provoke a oonstrucUonot caplU J(hlp*.-Ina o (-U ie -p^ er k n se It is regard^ a* having even the lied Uie teed* of a ne* era of iron- KreagUi. ol Ity on the Padfle oeeaa-Uie United Guam aod


Y —l^ EMnSiiinii

(IV iniliTj.ATIll.S


itcwj on iicT rcedw ir frojirtbb" ~ S r giate pcnKcntiao'which he U l I

iglit, Clyde W. O arett, 35-year- i pri:oner from Wichita, climbed • T nine shaf( (o o Job breaking rock. )3arreti was captured after a two > y "hldcoul" In a vcntiUtor in his lliouse; 0 nlghl spenl somewhere (hc prison mine, and a climb ot e jy . i I feel up 0 vertical, slippery 'nc shaft a t midnlshl, something i' kcr occomplUlicd before.3orrett was caught os he emcrg- • . ip i from (he aliof(. officials having « Ul homed his plan fotre hc played • ic-anO-teek about the prison IIHQ irly three days, '

j f o i i l l i l 10....7™iraPIllFli: FLIGHT B

Wutla rd O roco w m A tte m p t K , ' 3 n -S to n .T rip F ro m H aw a ii Thi J lD iU d .8 ta t« s -h I» < H o p e fQ lr P«cifi

INOLULU, June 28 M')-Rlchard e, CollfomU oviolor who came p®l-Ju Friday to otlempt a flight from

ail to lhe mainland stoned from P ™ c.' l-harbcT-near-here-ar-StM-Poclflc tonight -llmcTforUi-B'U land-or'Kaauni: »«>' e-an-cjpedally.long, runway lias “PP«»l prepared tor him on the "barking '

near Moiu. A nusaline lutflclenl to load hU plane ^ he'm ainland tllih l awaited him jauol, ond Grace jn'os still dierlsh- I Hope Uior“ ie‘mighi be "nble to — ' ~ ‘i oft tor (he long eastward flight lo-, me

wollan when E

i iU Be Hurled by » and Civic Leaders

— ^ one COI

A ngeles B a n k e rs a rid B rok- u m n

s . In d ic te d A l te r In v es t lg a - T b . ithe am

in o l S to ck T an g le , B egin

' u n c l ' l n O - o ( - t « g a | - A t t a t k r s £------- , otked fi

IBy -nie AiiocUted Pn*t» • .

rn, flnoniblcn ond civic 'leaden - Fuel ist Indletmenu relumed ogolnti , by Uie county grand Jury afier lu

nonUu InvesUgotlon o t Uie $100,- » Julian Petroleum corporation over Itsue ond raulUng flnonclol

- - .A t t o n ie n Retainedten* ot atiomeys retamed b y Wted men made It known th*l ihrw . .jmenu, io be presented vhen theirIS nre arraigned Thursday, will at-

'^l^^c*lnd!c^^”'*we« ant of -Uie Intention* or motive* ^ A, lose responsible for Uie slock cn- ™ ° ement. 1‘cn more names were added today e - i , i le m t-M Uiose ^Ilidleted'stld-lo Si in oil and containing durge* q. ng from usury to embealcmenl. n were A. Swanson, on oHIdol of

■cuoleum corporaUon wlUi offices „ rw York, and six broken and busU

rvlouily seven bonk offlcUU, mil- SIS!*?!lrc_ie«I^ Llnsunm cejncn,---------offlclali of (he Julian corporation. ' <' lUon picture producer, Uieairieoland dom is of oUien were obJecU I i n Iflleunenu. -------------- Hras undentood U ul tome demur- MULLvould seek quashing of Uie Indict- . s because of Uie fact U ul Uiey n i f returned before Superior Ju ^ e

" " ^ ^ ^ t tb r h r n u id ip e e i t t o r ^ d. I t U atserted that UiU violated open court " requlremenU, npn iif»l Uie tUxk scandal Investigation be conUnucd wlUi posalbllily of — j i n l er acUon was lndica(ed by (he ’ 1 ot Uie grand Jury In (umlng over ' it,,, i le city prosecutor, a lUt of 100a- nf mrn BlIrged-tO-have-iM nid-______In Uie stock pool oeUvltles blam*

r Uie JulUn crash, Tlic-Juiy rec- “ UW-. ended lh a t Uie proteciitoicany on Kemp. cuUon In the case "vigorously." ' iummiti

I DoroUij


. ' He. rs having agreed to maintain Uie K I quo of American fortlficaUons a t of man I and In Uie Philippines and “ >d Dr i having accepted a raUo In bat- »cu pt considerably under Uiat of the *''' d States.-WUI-Not-Chance T r t a ly ------p - i ------It . pointed -oul U ul-the-U nited I .h u not only slopped tUrogUi- "

Uu b o ta sheltering American lips in Uie far east, bul ordenUy Tted Uie tucccMtuI negolUUon** creaUon ot a four power Pacific In fubiUtution of lhe *nj[lo-Jap»

alliance, whlcii went by the ^

■ . 11. ' ... .■ • -------- • ot' Americans (herefore are averse 'pening the Washlngtoi treaty la . - Qin, not only because they deem ..K£tnp a (tep Juridically tmpoolble and letr UU cUeable. but alao because Uuy Intermp ■ome apprehenslco ^ t 11 might nooa m (e a new and undeslnble itudy wUh'ao e-poU tlealrilttaUanr-tiKtiBllnr pnJudJe Uw wttdom 'o f adding to tlw -<nie ’{

th o! thB* American caies-at (ha Juq . aod tn tfie Phuippuut. row,


MiPLli:' Pfflfflll- IDlHiy ■

Ton A rm y F o k k e r C r a l t

ja v e s O ak land a t 7 :0 9

Clock In M orning on G r I I ; . .

ig T ran s-P a c i llij , | l l g h t .

(Ity Tlie AawcUtrd Pren) .. ■■0aTLANIh-Jime-»-T1»e-Pe«h-------i Tctciraph company here r e ' - rted at 10:45 p. m. U ul it had ercepled an amaienr radio me*- ■ ••X from rearl Harbor,. RUtlng It (bp army Fokker pUne wot.•orttd »00.m lln northeast of nolulu and that all was wtlLrhe menage was timed IL p..m .------tlfle coailMlme.

JNICIPAL AIRPORT. Ookland.June 28-Cleovlng (he cloud bonk*(he west. Uie tlx ton army Fokker

VOS apetding. toward Honolulu htr-IUefl-thisalrport-at-TiOQ-iL— Dday-and-was-loat-reported-seen— jxlmatejy 790 mlle off Uie Coll. ‘0-coost;-— — report received by the Fed- • Telegraph company hero a t 2:44 Uie tleamer Sonoma had s lg h M ' lUne."'■‘lUce FalI*‘(o'MaieHalite‘ e expected air race to the lU i n Islands tailed to moteriollw I Emesl Smltii.''plloUng a clvUUn !, was fonred to return to Uie air* after hovlng Uken off more Uian houn Uler Uun Uie Fokker n u - - !. The olr deflector 6n SmIUi’t ! was damaged and before a neir could be fixed,.U ie,.navigator,. . . le* Carter, decided It wo# too Ute - a rt 0* the army had olmoet (Ive I lead. . ' •<-e dock like precUlon with whldi krmy plane was prepared , and de> d cn lu attem pt^ non-itop night molulu wa* Uie topic fw com m m t, .

ased Uie lake oK.-: Army cftidaU 1 for 0 dear field a t 7 a. m, 'Iftejr ' td ' ot tbe fleljl vlUi LieutcnanU

seled and O U a Daring N ight; ■ e ahip had been tuded and oiled • igUienlghU BveryUilng wa* pro- ced ■ ready 'o T ' Uie''*tarUng-hour.“ r* were unwrapped from U)e three 1 molon and.Uiey.vere started. * . . . e r brief exchange ot greetings be*I Uie ovloton and Major Generaltr K g c i i.~chie ro f -a iw '» y tg y -

!. waved good-bye to Iriends and

u n n y . I t look Uie alr,wlUi tase . quickly attained on alUtude ot - ' feet and flew oul over the sea. -'

Breaks Bown and Weeps

Xm>ri> ftnurn ■»?! Ulr B___11 was announced Uw flight

potiponed. H e'hod argued hard ' Corier. trying to moke the Utter n t 10 onoUier hop off. two hours

Uie pUne was relumed to the Bul Carter stood firm on the

ntlon Uul It was loo Ute to staK he would not be-able to moKT (ConUnued on Poge Two)

.L iiiis r

u ty D is tr ic t A tto rn e y S u m s

) P ro c ee d in g s 'A g a in s t D o ro -

y M ackaye, N o ted F ilm S t a r .

3 -;W G E L E S.-3un(r28-(;^s^e^“9, depulyT 'dl»lrict'-aU «B ^,'.-ta-- iitig up Uie su ie 's cater ogalnit Ihy Mackaye, actrett. charged conspiring to conceal facU aar- Kj

ling U ie'dH Urcf her actof'bus^''~''BI . Roy Raymond, U tt AprU. de> fci i she had wrecked Uie liT ea.o t^ ^

I names these a t ber husband! T Kelly, screen Juvenile, convicted'

ansUughter (or Raymond!* deaUt ' k Dr. W. J. Sullivan, who a tto d ed cior after a fUt flghl wlUi E H y,. ' 1 / >ho U charged wlUi M in Mb^<In Uie alleged conspiracy. • jV ___ Buds.&Ulcsme&t_____ ! . - L —j- , '! p r o s e e u i^ > ^ .f r p n u tL « W ^ .._ l j MUs Mackaye made to a deputy 1;^

ct altomey soon after ber but^ .* deaUi in wblch ahe'la dao tcd [ / ylng: .*'] wonder'h(>W'tbe poIM ' , Y \ out about It-X m nder ir t b i t A ■1-■ d m i b l e . 6 w * e d - n n e t - i ' "

of hb effort to prow tbo^dK ^,- -KOi U w .a l t t c r t - J o ^ l r W r - K '- '- ^ f e

. , 'A p p ^ io ja fr 'x np wai''.(oUoii(td .b7> J e m r lQ a l i ^ iM Us* Mackaye^'counut,'.wbo.>«aa' opted toon « ( t a be by .thd ' rettta.,'Be opnad b U . v g i K r n an- acoMl • i t u t .the be^y

u y : nnta '^M «FtoatK i-*i” ^

Page 2: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

_ L : ______________ _ • ______________ :

■4—“ Page-Tvro----------—

I L en a B lao k b u rn e, Fam ous 1 2 .

I Y e a rs A go, Com es B ack to „ ,a „

P l l c h - C l e v c l a f i d J o - - V l c l o r y . S

c in c A a o . June M i.n -L tn . 'm s H - burnc, who 13 years o«o tu rrfd m r White Sox inlirldcr. lUayrd ihe liero lo* liay In defcatlna Clevelwid 8 to 7 by b ihriaing nlnUi limlns tlnlJl).

Wllh me lyli'B fmi on wcnml awe, and one oul. Ulftckburiie liwcrird Jilin- - Mlf M a l>li«>’ Cole. Ii>obswicc of Mai««er Bcli&lK «'lia liail been pul off tlie Held by Umpire Owtm

' lor protMllng a decision. I^na craekcd a single vrtilcli nenl Peel: home Irons fccondlylnftlieKore. Hudlln rtplaeed . Shaule and Sheely g r« l« l tilm wllh a */neIc utiteJ» »ent DJAckburnc lo third,

i Kamin followed wllh a long Hy lo Jaeobwn which «orcd BJackbii^e ullh'tn r winnlni; rw----------' - --------

' Ttie K o re - « « ^1 Cleveland................... . o -

CliiCBSO............................1 D atlcrlei-ahauie, Hudlln and L. •! Sewell: Connally. Jacobs. Cote and

Crouse. McCurdy.

-----------nETv’ YOKIC 3: PIiyLADETrHr.* B.............t NEW YOnK. June 38 (/Ti-Tlie Van-

Vees delealed llie Alhtellcs In llie last I came of ihclr six same «rle# here to*

day by D lo B. Blvlnit Wew York an even brrak and «iat)llng itie Yanks to it -

■ [;ntn Uie len ga 'ie lead wtili wlitch

-7— sprunra' -ni rprf i l nt r--------::f^i#U y;Jn-lin>-nlnlh. KOring el«hl-rlln». --------. r wllli# ll look almait ilie er)tire-rr«uUr

York piichlng-ataff^lo rellrc Itie

I* pm iBw iphia'............................i 11 3• N er Y ork .................................. B 13 2T " BiircH«:-WaIbcr^.-JiJhn5(m.- Horn-----------I . melt. Pate and ^ ira n e ia ijo c k c r, Pen- ,

,1 nock. Ttiomas and L. Collin*..

I WASHINGTON <! nORTON 0i BOSTON. June M M>)-Al¥ln Crow,

d rr w ttie hero u Washington atiul* out Boston, * to' 0 today, eleantnj up .1 a five same Arles. Crowder held, the

: . . . . ne«1.8ox to two tiiui. bolh slnjlcs .and liU douMc lo left center In the third !

I inning scored tiio Setiiiot'a flrjt two 1 run*. II was Uw tenth iiralghfflcfeat

for Uie Boslon elub,

w S t S - ................. •i Bo»lon-A.................................. . ^ , .3 1’ " ’ m i u n &—Ciutfttc rund-RuelhW tng— --------’i field. LimdBTcn. Hussell. W el»r. and

Hofmann.' • ‘ .


J E r n o i t j u n i U ( / n - p e ^ M ; f ^ tured bolh ends, of a'douWe.TitMw ■I from Ujc Sl, Loota Browni>her* toddy, i u k ln s the Tlrsl (ramc 9 to 3 Mid ttio

# w n d C 10 3. The Tlgen wpn Uie-------openlng-cotilo»l-by-lilU lB8_U 'o4ett.--------

I lianders, Zncliu}- ahd F&lk, freely and Ihey annexed tlic'wcond wllh I'U iretj

! tun rally In Ihc eUtiUi at Uie expense , cf anoUier lefl hander.. I'

■ 1...... Plmt game— - - ■ R , H .E

' Detroll ...................................... 913 0- I - BaUcrlee—Zacharjf,-Pull: and Bchimg:--------

Carroll nnd Woodall.' Second same— R H E, Bl. L o u is ........... ........................3 1 2

DelroU ............ ...........................« W 0I Ballerlcs-Wlnaard and O'Neill: Col-



' Al Portland - . H H EI Sftcrunento .......... ...........3 3 I! Portland .......... -....................... 3 8 0 _____

f ' t e a and Ycllc,

! Al Los Angelejv- H U E•4 “ -Mlsslon*T:T^-.'----------— — T 4 U 3 ----------

I Holly»-ood......... ........................5 9 i

-I At ScilUf— - ' a II E ■ ^

I .............. ...........1113 (L

Al San P ra n c ljc o -- ' R H E t Los Angeles ......... ............ 11 13 2I' San Francltco .... : . .......... 12 10 a

; ' i ' 8Y US

1 ■ :



— ^ . ^ T W - m - E A L L S J A

B I G - A R M Y - A I R P U N E ------------------- S P E E D S O V E R -O C EA N - T t

____ betw___ iComliiueiL-ErcjuJ’‘i£o pne)___________ ______ ____________ - - - ' lowsproiier navlcullun obcrvatloni and Pact tl|([ llic army plane tiad loo ureal aila rl on ihcni. fliRh

------- lie I. WILULV UNTIIUKIAKTIC field HONOLULU.- Ju n e .3B W>J-WIUly oncti!

riiiJiuilajllc ovcr tlir news lhal the mile imiy* ■ slant Fokker plane bearing iKfo Lleiiienanla-Maltlancl Wd ltcsmtxmer

roflflntr lls waj' o w Ihe PaW/ic d BIMl UicnimnrTnilttarT-«m»^IVii-i— *.*jopulallon of Uils Utand cf Oaliu pre- tcnilatcd to ' in m ' oul early tomorrow poln


N e -

L o '

_________________ — JMe:

N e i

H e p j____ 3 1 9 M b

sm in j In n irnr.cndou: welcome lo I I I Tc filers, • T - ‘ NflTh-etlmc-set-for Hie;celebrBll(Hi.was-------tween 2 a. iii. and t d, m.. Wed- n n iMlay inomlni;, Honolulu Ume fol- HH A’n « r[n n ia~ roc-tnU -houT 5—« fler iclfic coual time,Nol doublinz Ute tucecss of the Khl. Uie anny loday Invilcd Uic pub-

lo wllneu lli fliiUli a t Wlitcler («’) -!ld. Eichotlelrt barracks, and ihous- crewiiclii were cxpcclcd to drive tho 2S lo'thiIlcs (rom Ihls city to Uie barracks morrt:forc dawn, cm o

forml_ ■ all tl

n i; '• jnllc ca.<il of Bank. Phone ap- kies 1 Inimenis. S3 Kimberly.—Adv. Pougl


i H f

%e; w B o d y D e s

> w e F B o d y L

5 w - R a d . i a t o r

^ e a t e a ^ S t n o o

w A l l o y S t e e

N e i


— y o u t

i l e r N j

ia ih^A ve. I V e s tL l

L L S : _ I D A H Q , J ^ E M g S D A

n n i i i r n r n h n i n n n iiT rp T .^ * * ® ^ ' I 'n t M r l l MIH K ill L l N I r S i '* U in d t I lM ll im l u l l UIU u u n I L l l l 111 rim

’ ■ jfomittjvanlij

P0U0HICEEP3IE. N. Y„ Juno 23 and f /?>j-Tlie pick of Ihe coiinlry’* eoUccc »«n'er :rewi. primed for a ti^ u c u lo r climax o 'thc rowing icason of 1D37, me«t to-j norrow on Uie Hudton wlUi Uib c u t- ' rrn oanmeii again orraycd tgalnst a I 001 ormldable challenge from Uic vest in F1> t ill three cliampionjhlp niecs. for &a-:T4:irHihiYiaall3M<^flalitmilon » -H i»»4Ju l^ :les have provided Ihe Ihrllla of.Uie of Idi ’oughkcfpJle resAlla by winning Uirce mond


n t i i

e i i e

; s i g n s ____________

L i n e s _____

►r D e s i g n —

o t h n e s s ; r -

l e l S p r i n g s


. o w e

f i n s p e c t i o r

E s E E

3AY MORNING, JUNE 29,1f Uio past four vuslty j-acea. Tbsy SHEEI rc 'back thU year to defend their tlo «lUi_B crow still ra t^ _ h l|li . ^ loush somewfial 'below prcvloui landinlj, and iho.far western Uireac i j o n i i M j a - U i u i p i i i t L s L j a t ____! 2jm la’j Oolden Bean, /[lanU of ths ----------anliy race, conqueror* of Washlneion. deputy nd fovorilo among many dote ob- joined i

•_________ _ AuUimaunder £

W IU SEIL WOOL -m r,.n. . . ccmpanBOISE. June '28 (;P)-CllenU of Ihe on Uie'

’in l National bAnk-of-IdahoJi'lU-offer a .cuh.- or aalc, undvr waled bliis, al Portland, ajjcT h

, , - , j .- - - .- i . .^ in fW fw i ^ r t i / l u n V f i f 'ld aho wo«l In orJgin.M bags.-Rayi-iTolTO^ :ond Mosre. catliler, annoiinccd today. Its and


r e l y

N e w y « ^ n g

N e w / y a r ] ^ e :

^ S m M l e r - . ^ ' W

s N e w I n t e r i eM y

C o l o r 1

I Easer««// ^

e r P i

> n i s i n v i t e e

i .E a l ls , Id a t^ d --------. . .


H E E P H E R D E R K I L L S --------- KP O C A T E L L O P A P M E R w------------------ ------ ------------------- --

• ■ . " four(ConUnued From Page One) [ r ^ t

puiy Sheriff'Bloat who w later Ined by Boaton. set out tolcapturs lUiman. \Vhen notified tha t h# was gj ider arrest, Aulhman w w d to ae- j mpany ^U captors to loan , and for 1 Uie wajf'aakcd the deputy tf he had dler cuii— The deputy produced hU gun Ami i(T Immedialcty AuUiman made « »ltl n'gr'for ft, fn {hc'itnu[gte~the~K~ JBgf

I and Aulhman, calntng complele pile:


W e

F c a i■V.v'."/ - - • • f

g C o m f o r t

[ e i* M o t o r _

i S ^ h e e l s _ _ _ ^

L e £ ! i i i a i i t e

r H a r m o n i e s

r i c e

e d ^ '■" " ■i"-""" "

3 b t ^ i_ P h o n e ll

of the weapon -atiol and ,lkd Bostoa -When-DDtlfled of Uie tragedy. Deputy ■ tm a-M arieyi- ftfler-.»-.t>rW-*«*rcli,— — mnd Aulhman ntio fubmlttcd to or*M Without a’ Blrucgle. He t ^ o( ' DllilhlTHirmrTalustitnnlnc.'*— ;---------------

LEAVES F b h TIENTSIN ' SHANOHAI. Jane 2a M>)-Thc Unlt- 1 SUtes tranipon H ehdem n will ssll ir Tientsin tomorrow carrying Briga- ler Oenera] Bulitr. commander of Uie meriean marine forces In China, who . lU establlah hla-headquarters Uiere.[gftt gfrplMw whtch haw Jia t wriyed

:lea will bc taken to Tlentiln. •

7 T :


r s

S :

| S

i n y1 6 4 ~ ______________ L j

■ v j ; - ' - ' - , ■; ...........

Page 3: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

-■-t T H E I p


— i-

N ew bill p i tc h c s P c r fc c t G am e;

. ' R o b s 'S c ll o l A d d itiona l G lory

~ W h c T H r D r o i i s 'R d s c i ib c r g 's '

, L in e r ; H u rs t W o rk s W ell.

■ The Idaho Falla Spuds won the opcnJntf Rame of iJic wrlcs here Jrom the Dnilm yesterday afternoon 4 to 0, In n Uirllllnir contest featured by Ncwblll's &telUr 'twlrllnc. Hc pitched what li believed to be the Ilrst no JiJt. no nm game to bf recorded Jn Uie onnnli o! tlie UtaIi>Idaho league, and Oniln batters loccd him In rett- ular order. Eolne dovtn one. In-o. thrre

■ u'lth'U ie sinKtc exrcption o f 'thc ond Inning when RosenberK llne<l to Kewblll who dro]i|)cd tlie ball, delay* «

.......... Inc Uie |ilay- euotish to -make-Rosy 7Riife ftt first. Tlie next three men U|i r«cn l dosn In rcKUIar order and Rosen- jben,', died a t Jlrst. y

H u n t. Works Well }t Hurst pitched good ball tor the Io- ■' cttU keeplns Uiclr lilts well scattered

except III the sccond Inning when n— — •ingle by Coleman, a Uirce base- h it -•

by Thompson and n double by Tode- ivlch rtelted the visitors two runs. Tliey •] scored Rgjiln In the Iltlh wlien New- bill sInRled, Iluttcn doubled, and Col-

--------— llns scorrd-Nertlll-tm-hL’! lonff sac- irlJiec Iiy to right Held, Tlie fourth nr ^ r e w u Uie result ol a slnele by r.

------------ Hutlon wlio-waa. prompUy_aacrlIle«l I3’ ta second by Collins and scorcd wlien c

Coleman JUt satcly for two base* In jf'mnipi • . ■ I:Snappy Oiiae — j,

Bolh clubs,pbye(kS««pi>/'b9ll and u Ute Kame wus over In one hour and 20 mlnutfj, a record- for the local

•park, Tlie Bruins were particularly on Uiclr toei, nnd Rtiedy nRaln distltiB.iiLihed himself by robbing Callftlian of a two-bdsc hit with a Mii.rallonal catch alter a loii^ run deep Into leftccnlcr Held. *

The Bruins' double-pltf)- comblna- “ tlon waa worklnK well again yestcr- day ond retired tlic side wiUi a doubleplay In the lixtli Innlnt; ntter Cronin \liad h it safely to Icll field. Tlicy had Jnnotlier opj»rtunlty In the nliilli when *Newbill llil lo p/nhler with Callahan Jon first. Tlie liil went deep back of ^lirsl ba-w and Ncwblll proved too fust. ^bolnK s.ifc a t first on Uie Uirow from ^Rosenberg to Oardlner. J

Fans Imprcucd Local fans were Impressed wltli Uie

------------- irnTffOTnnnirtliir-gnu m ' Uiuant mid; -nllhough Uiey didn't win the. gome,fans were pleascdr9 (QiLUi«-,mT.'’ lD , which Uiey lumdl^jULiSiWr^afmBat*. ,

J J Wlien Uie Brulas le f f S a r t a k a t t v , iwere ImpitsKcd a t’. Ui(' Vr-Drkman like .manner with whlcli O'Neill turned r

-them back from the plate., but New- j bill seemed to have It on the SaltLake ace. leaving Uie Bruiiu wilh a ^profound respect for hU ability. •

Today's gume Is callcd. for 5 o’clock ^and Farrell will probably •jillch for ‘ the Bruins. Hts control was bad wlien ho faced the Spud-f nl Idahnbut Uiey were unable tO' buncb Uielr c

_________hlb< agnlnut lilm. Wllh fnlr. mtclnnn, rthe Bralai pUylnn like Uicy arc now.will Hive nny club a run for Uielr %

. money and the Spuds hove bul one nNcwblll. T

Idnho Palls AB R ! t PO A S ,Hutton. 2b ................ 5 1 2 3 2 0 cCollins, ss ................ 2 0 0 0 1 0 „llurkc. If ................ 4 0 0 5 0 0 i

------------- cuuiitaiTn-f . : ." .’. . . 4~ i~ z ~ i ~ o ~ o t1Cronin. 3b ................ 3 0 2 1 2 0 ,.■mom[»on.t...-.....i 1 1 7 0 0 -Tadevicli. ef .............4 0 I 2 0 0 1,

■ Callahan, lb ............. 3 0 1 8 0 0 .,Newbill. p - ............. < 1 1 0 2 1 ;

T o ia a ~ . . . r r r : .z '3 3 “ r io '2 7 “ 7“ i I

IM-ln Palls AB R I! PO A B rHooB. If ........ .........4 0 0 4 0 0Apperson. ^ ........ 3 0 0 3 0 0

-------------O ardlM r.lb_________3_0_0.13_0_0 _' Ro.scnbers^s*_,...- ..-.— 3 J ) _ 0 1 3 0

■hf:-. •. - -----

I il— J\-Founded

n — o f rocic-faown s tu r d...........................I l l B tru c m o B o f m a g h itu d

I I I T hoy B l p l f y proffTCSsrI n p laccd in t h o i r n b i l i t y t iy p lacod in th is b a n k b y

l y com m un ity a to s t lm i• I I th is t r u s t , find t h a t foo

I II Iio b o n c a th g r e a t f titu i

i-Tlie Twin fall8-fi

C ap ita l dnd 'Sur,


,e; }D)®K]B“! p ! l I L § iK /A 3U m usU i/M /.\-r n rcff j

ry -p-------------- — j f l I

Tfiiinc-r,-2b— 3 - 0- 0- r - t r - t rU|> Rucdy, If ................ 3 0 0 2 0 0'n- Kroiovlcli. 3b .....'...... 3 0 0 0 1 0

Allowiiy. c .............. 3 0 0 2 0 0Hurst, p ................ 2 0 0 0 4 0

Io- X Flynn .................. l 0 0 0 0 0red ----------------------

a Totnll .............. ...2H 0 0 37 14 gnit ■■Bcofc'byiinnnKs:le- Idalio Fnlls ............. 020 010 010-4

Tttln Falls ............. 000 000 000-05 IJaui-d for Hurst in nlntli.

ol* Siimmarj-; Tivo bn.'ie MIU1, Tmicvicli. 1C- Ilullon. Coleiiiftii: llirw bn-w lilU, flh Tliumiuon; Ili-st on b;ilLi. off Hun.1 1; by struck oul by Ncwblll 5. by Hurst 2! »<Ilsto!en ba.^w.-Cronin: uerlflce lilta. >en Colliit-i-2. Callalian: led on ba.w. Ill Idaho'Folls 0; Twin,rolls 1; double

__ j)l;iy» RgsenbcrB 'ta PJalilcp lo-Oard-

I'd imiplrcs Kerguion nnd-Prlcc. nd _____C.'ll-n SALT L.\KE H: OCOEK f — .

OOUEN, June 23 (,1>)-Tlie Salt U ke oj Bcc.'i'won the opcninj fame of the

1,-1 iiTltM from 0 ([den iiere toflay by a icoro of 11 to 7. The Bn-.i collected I 2d lilts off Awcrk.imp nnd McCue.'

,n . 6 macl:cr for Salt Lake and Muriihy . . . for 0 <dcn hit home runs, hi- Sail U ke AB R H PO A E

Gardner, rf ............ 5 3 -3 0 0 0,,(i Molle, 2b ...............4 1 I I 1 2,,,, Jr/ioc. .ss ................ 4 2 3 4 4 0

Cnffcy, If ................ 6- 0 2 - 2 0 1„f NIcLwn, 3b -................B 2 2 0 3 0

Crowley. Ib .............. 4 2 4 10 I . 0; Snincker, ef .............. 3 1 1 2 0 0

Hall, c .....................5 2' 2 7 0 . 0HnllciTon,, p ........ . 8 1 2 1 4 1< . .. 40 14 W ?> n ^

Ogden AB R H PO A EJ ” Coatca, ir J 1 I o. IJ " ' DdW; M *:................ iP o 0 3 - 0 0?y- MeC8iil*h-.cX.............5 0 3 2 0 0

Murpliy. lb ............ .. 4 I 1 13 0 0” Cox. rf ................... 3 0 0 0 0 1

Dush, 2b .............. , , 5 1 1 4 2 1Verges. 3b .............. ’. 4 1 1 2 1 0

‘ “ WiLion, c ................ 4 2 3 1 0 D. Attcrkdmp. p ............ 3 1 1 0 5 0

McCuc, II ....... . I 0 0 0 I 0

ToUls .................. 35 7 ll 27 1 1' • Scorc by Inninss:“ Sail Loke ............... lOl 0C3 202-M

’J - Summar>-; Home runs, Smoekcr, Murpliy. Tlirre base hlu, Crowley.'

>ne jc iifc 3, Molle. Caffey,_ Hollerson, Coates, Verces. WllMn. S«c-

' rlfiec hlu. Molle, Oardncr. Crowley,' Smacker! Stolen bases. Molle. Double ° play. Bu3li to Murphy. Balk, Holler-

•iill. BfnirV niiL lijr Tl»tlm n n_7; hy° Awerkamp I. Uaws on balls, off

HollerMin 3, olf Awerkamp I. Tliirty- ° one ot bat, 12 runs. 10 lilta off Awer- 2 kamp In 0 2-3 Innings. Nine a t bat.^ 2 runs. 4 hits off McCue In 2 1.3 In- * niJUfi. WJnnlns pJlcher, JloJlerwn.

-T* losing-,pitcl«ir,-A w«kam p.-Lefi-on‘ ba.ies. Salt Lake 2: Ofiden 8. Time

_ 1 hour 50 mlijulcs. Umpires, Ware nnd “ Davla.

0 -------_0 ____ I.OnANJ;_r0CATELI,0_3_____

LOOAN, June 28 (,T)-Logan nnd Po-

Pcr.tonn! Sc rv icc j

itions— UturdlnOBQ lie be n ea th iltudo a n d im portanco . c s s r a n d p ro to c t - fa i tli .- ity to B crvo., Tho fa itli ; b y th o people o f ih is ilim o n y t h a t i t - m e r i t s ^ , i fo u n d a tio n s o f th r ir t~ ; “ tu tu re s .

rfiatioiial Bank

| S r r ”~ ' ■ '


iF f r W p'catello bnttlfd for more tlian-l3 In- ’nihgs to n 3-3 Ue in cne of t!;!- iW ''!

!'si)cctacular fames c u r pUycd here. .■ Portnian,-Pocntrliii pltclici-. nml Hnn-Xj

- reu and Cirren, of L'>,:;;ii., <-:ii:r.*fd in:I a rtal exhibliicn ulilli- fii.-liht'K.| jwhlch made for llu- li^li: piny iw.vhome n inj rmoslii-d tj;n In ihc ti-nih,

{made the pnme kII tin- inure oxri'l:'.';i '(.Ild Intirfstinc. Ttic iramc v.-as cnilrul

lounc of mln, |b'Pocatcllo AB R II po ' A e |« i

Benjamin. 2 ti ... .'> 0 i- 2 3;lIo. CI S O ' l 1 0 OltlOljcii. lb .........5 -J 1 ll 1 o|lcBerner. If 4 0 2 5 0 Ojii

• Schcrf, Si . . . . 5. I. 1 3 5 O n Dwyrr. 3b . • .... 5 0 2 3 3 0 uO'Connell, c ......5 0 0 B I O nErich, rf ... 4 0 0 4 0, O nPortnnn. p .. 5 0 0 2 2 0 U

T o ta ls......... -13 3 8 39 14 olL0i:nn AB R H PO A E . . . 4 1 1 4- O-.-OO’Slk-n, Ui .... 5 1 3 2 5 1

. Schliuki, If . . . . 5 0 0 3 0 0 I

Q Klnc. rf ...........5 0 1 2 1 00 Woori.toa. c ... . 4 0 0 10 I 00 Oljun. lb . . . 4 0 1 12 0 00 Slinver. 2b . . . . 5 0 0 3 4 0 ,,0 Hnnarn. p ........ 2 0 0 1 1 0 i,- Orei-n, p ........... 2 I I 0 f 0 c1

T o U ls............42 3 9 3D 15 1 n4 Score by liinings—0 Pocatello ' ............. 000 100 010 100 0-.T c

Logan ...................200 000 000 100 0 -3 c.*• Suinm.iry: Two ba.ic lilu, Olymi.

Ol-VnmaT rr-J rUirtT li?ie hitrBchiTfr R• lioine run.% Bcmer. Orn-n: saerlflcc,! Hehlnskl. OShea, Scherf, llentcr: ba.-1-n _ '• on balls. otriIfln.wn 5. O mii-1.-Pori-

man 2; struck out, by Hawen 8: Orc«'n ri “ 2. Portnian 7 ;.double play.?,.Shaver to 7.

OlJ-nn: Hajwcn to Olyiili: ScJierf to]tl ■ b b 5 ii: -w K ^ i^ i iM J m o c :l ia M a r t : rh l

Pnrtmnn 3: Ume-of ffnmc: 2:20. Um'lffi pircs, Ocnshln nnd McQuillan. jci

J — .... -----------, . ' r r r r ^

! ; [ 7 . ' .

} I < I

f l I0 I) : I : l l % TB 1 ' J W j k i S h1 t S a f f l B K S

L ': ; ; i i « f |B U | |p « g fe i lB H M H W B W

> 1 M f f l f f l M h e V a■ i l g t t P f t — W W f

w n r I

f 'T '

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E S i i i ij i i l i - i i H l

U-OIii.'-Glcr. W rijht, Siioristop W ith ];:; c | Pennsylvania Team, Hit inj ii’ j Head l ) y j a ! [ ; carricd .0 |f.!S !■■'■I ' * , ;Chru ------- jKtg4~- ST..LC g l» a^ n f.- : »MTr.

[burch Plr.ilc;. kiinchrl McOra'vjlloEjvut ul liic box tn Uu' MUh limlnt; toda^'Pii 0:an[l Koii Irom the .si. l/jui:, CivrUs, 9 Cii ojtn n, tlicrt'jy UicrT-:'inT tn n r league' • o|ieaderfliip (0 IS tiich tcipiiOjiiM-d Iimr pitchcrt. Olmii Wru:lit. Pl- Ne 0 rale ilioilslop. wr.i li!'. on I'lic Ik'ud i’h 0 with a pilclied ball ;n lUr vcvrnlli in- Cli o'nlm; und v.r.s cirrlc-.t orr llie ndd un- olcomcluus. Itepltnl iJiplcmn-. i.tild hla De0 Injiirj- w.1.1 .'llgiil.aiil h r woulii be b.’.ck ^li

— Ifl tlir { Ih a tiqf vr iiio. '01 ’The tc(ir(>- ]; n H EE Pitl.^bun;h ....... . 9 10 4

.O S t. Louli , ; B,ll 2 .J li;itn-:li:—Mi'jduvj. II1II. Cvi-nnro:/^'^ n .Illd Ooocli; M cO m . Hciiiti;iri nmlI, Echulte. a n y d c r . ________________0 po0 CINCISN’ATI X; CllirAfJO 1 U; 0 CINCINNATI, Junr :'U (,Pi-Tlie tlwh U ' 0 [in-.wiitnl n nev,- fron'. to lliu enemy Hu t> today iiiid -.vlth sum- 7lir Chicago „ 0 Cubs fell U'fore till•.lm^Inll;!lIl 8 to I, :

~~ ;!rnnythf~R fdrtw tn :3mrt:~flut*crtlif*'*, three plnyi-d.

The :c o re - R H E--■I Chlc.ii:o ................. . . 1 0 1* ' “■3 Cinclniuvll..................................B 12 1n. Balterii'i-Root. Uii'ti ttiid Hartnett:

ra PHH,AI)KI.I’HIA 7; Ni:W YOUK 3 i- l>HHiADELPHIArJHnp-29-«j?)-Obf- •n rncc Mitehfll pltchetl the Plilllle.? lo 11 to 7. to .3 vlcior>- orer llic Olanta lixlay. toltlmely lilitliig by h ti tenmmatps Rising • 3 : r h in r j : to i r .n im w l-ln-{hB.first- Uirca _ i'l«Tnli»:f. Henry. Soniii-r, Fa>^iCiinS5 ~ J

cnd'Henry Boney oceupli-d ttie mounil daj

l A p m i f


M m

-Tme^naiuf there's no

<"pHlS one \ X set Chcstci

other brands*,, In no othci

------------------------- _ 8 i i c h . p u r c - n a t

I d o t h e r w o :

^ p u r e


; HP. d E i n : A R

^Al l s .'id a h o , w e d n e s d


---------UTAif-in.^Hn LEAntrn---------*—‘ Club . won iD t iK-t. ,I I(l;ilip R-lli : 22 ll ..c nI S..II L a i ;V " :— T — r , — i(r-"n ia —

0,;den . ' 21 hi .5C'l|Lokail • IU 18 -iOOl

, Pwalcliu . 12 21 -M4f■nvm l-'Hll.- • U 27 JUJ

1 s .m o x .M , t.i;Ar.i'EiPliuburcli . . 3:i 23 .M7 ^

• ’SI. i.-uiiii- :----------------38— :a .CTtj!Chii-.iKO . . • -17 .31 . iH | .jKcv,- YorK .. ' - : . : a : - 3 2 - JiW:

V i liojion". 32 ^ m Sripiiiladelphlii . ' 25 30 .-tlO] yCliicmniiti.... . 'iS 42 J7 I '

li AMKItU'AN I.KA«l'E. New Vork . . .47 20 .701ij I'hlladelpiiln . .. 37 30 J02. ChleuKo, . . 30 31 .531. Wn.'.hltli:tnii . . 35 29 .547J Detroit .. . ... 3-.‘' 30 JIOV Cleveland .. • 30 30 • '.4r>i

81- L o u is .......................27 3U .4ap. Boston . J 5 41) .a t

P.U’U'IC ('(JAST I.EAOtlK■ Oaklanii . M 37 .593

San Frnndwo .. . 49 ' 43 .5X1“ Seattle ....................47 42 -'.211

Is-'rniiTirnlo 47 45 ,511P ortland ....................... 15 41 -'lOtiILvilDlu"....... .43 49 .ICT

Ui.i| AliKelcs..................41 49 .IMy Hullywood ..................... 30 S4 .400

f fajvNtw -Yorlc-. Ucm :y.-a-t4sruii-ttvm------till- University ot Florldn, mnde Ills

- Initial flart In the majors. Rogers j' Honisby llil lit ' fourteenth liome run , with Rou.ih on banc In the elKhtii,\ -nie fcu rc- R H E’ Ni-w York .... ........... -.......... 3 12 2' I’liila'delpIirnT .” i. ... .L .:. t h i

iSalterles—Hi iiry, Songer, P. Tlionms,. Pyney-iind.Tnyiori.MiicIiclLiiiiaiWlI-------, !,on.

j No otlicr Ranie rcheduled.

t ~Tfeir iJninWlfirRcedrfl! brrry-TIiurs- ' , I dny at'U mbaugh’s.—Adv. ^

iral-t^haecoi lothing half s3C th in g U e n o u g h to w h e rd thi :s tc rlic ld a p a r t f ro m a ll A n d scd s . , , ............................. y o u ta s teth e r c ig a rc ttc is th e re ness, n a d n a tu ra l- to b a c c o - ta s te .. . . m ild n ess; w o rd s , h e re 's a b r a n d th e re 's nc

re natuml tobacco

s s ®

C - I G A R E T T

R ~ l T ~ T ~ i r ~ M ~ U ^ S ~ T ^

s p y MORNING, .TUNE 25),

:_ T h e C o m m a n di l s h e e l s t o t h i n t h e m a t t e r i ' e f ^ ^ a S L s t i l L o i i

TliifitH lhoSliidclM i j r8 tab lin li( 'd 10 woI ditiiii; 501)0 iiiiicH inI jiiiiuilcH — lljii cnrI tc r i i ic i i “ ih o g rc ai . . cngiiiL-cring aeh lc i

au lon id tiv i! {iidiiHli

THE com

I ta iU tS/.iy .h .fac tory.I DiiW l-:rthine modclt Ji

■T. A . R A R R E T lFlionc 5 0 —726

T Z Z t Q l Z is t u » i

) t d U e - ^ ~ Y

' so good!c th e tobacco.? c o u n t d so h e re , a n d h e re a lo n e , a s te n a tu ra l .to b a c c o sweet* ■ n a tu r a l s m o o th n e ss , n a tu ra l ie s s = ;a n d .i i i .n H .th e w o rld 's n o th in g else l ik e it!

CO ta § t e ^ t h a t ’s ii


T B- E - D ;-E S -E

29,1927. • -• ■ p n g o T h r e ^ ,

i S w f v w w w w w ; j ,1

ii e r h a s s h o ^ m >

h e w o r l d b u t r o f p r i c e i t s n _ lh e .g ro im d -.__ —

tu ik c rB ig S ix i h n t IH irld rccan lH b y jil l IcHS ll ta i i 5000 'r I lm t is r ig h t lyc a t c » tp « B i - w n ricT cm cn t i a Iho • 'ar>-.” '

aiANDER4S— —from $9tS Co | J « 5 - .

[TAUTO CO.550 M ain No. • ' ;

B A K E R r» K P A K E a YEAR


- - I ’

r t

Page 4: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

II T W IN F A L L S D f t l l ./ N E V I S7^ — — SUD#CRirf|Mi|-BATB# Qtl

One Y«nr ....... --------------------- II.M thi'_____ BIX ^

Ono Monili ---------------------------V - wa

Entrmi n« If-rtftil'claM mnll nulln'. lh<'! ts:. ■ ■ )i ' !■=' • ______ _________« '


: - g ' i M 5 » s g ' K g S m

ollirrwl»p crvJltfil III llil* ivtiicr. uml ‘

. ... .. -im tliti iotcin #1*0 rcMfved.................... inumfaM^Muclnlr,! ITrx. I»n

■ i i i g j g j


vT^J^Vork, CMIruB'i. Han j'fiuv;i Clueo. 1.01 Ali|rl('». Jii'alllr.


■jl------T A rumor'wlilcli'H iafcf (0 Imve ga(n«f , ^I ' " rather wide altenUon over » « State Is " definitely and finally pul to iK t jl IhrouBli llie payment on'Monday of llie |l tum of tlilrty-four tliouuiia dollars by

tlic Ttt'ln Falls IIlBliway District, said „_____ti'ifiy-Tmir .dollnn. l>cliig_ll'e,r ' trm l-annual Intrreat u[)on the inlUloii P mid'n“ iiuarter of 'outJstandlnR highTOy j|. .>01111*. • . - ' l j »

,ii • " .The njnior wai to the effM) Umt tee

t) to pay thi* InterMU- - • . ■ of p; Oround Ior the minor appear* to Jie

— In B dedJlon nandKl fl<iwn'ln-Ftdenfl n 't ' -1{ 'court last January In an action

'broufiht by the orecon Short Line j) "against Ihc Clark County Highway ;j . , District and In whlcli tlie contcnUon \

, • ■ ' of tl« plaintiff company wm iustaln«I. ' ' .:T1)e Oregon Short Lino set up an un- ~ "usual f f t of facta. Throushout tho Dls- ''trlct It pa}-i a total ot more lhan hall

i "of tlie annual highway tax, addnl (o L . ;;whlch the money rccelred from tho M: -bonds sought to be told, and the sale " P' ;;'of which the plaintiff company sue-

.. ••ceeded In prevcnUng, wa* to be used day lo build a highway parallel' to the

-tracks of ^h^^Lilroftl T»«Uon with- 'cu t repretentatlon. and confisaUm jove: "wercamon* thepoln tasetup .. wltJi

;;mltted lhat the whole brood «iriie{iir# joon''of.Idaho highway dlslilcta w arU lenL on.

• "and that. lurlher, the laws enacted Mn. “during the last Legislative session

|t "Which were dedgned to c o ^ t certain ner. n !:faults brought to light-through the suit, iwn.f " w re Impniper law* In tlial they fallwi ^ :> ' (« c h an ^ the original tlalu* of the ^I ' matter and therefore corrected notli*

“ ‘'ih g :------------------- --------------------------------Oi( , Al ft resull of Ulll w it and lU out- K- ..come the Impmskm b u grown that « jn f)

- number of highway dlitrlcla mlghl de* of J , I ’fault on Ihelr In tero t on.bend Itsuea gff I 2 ; ratlier th^ri rUk the possibility of pay. l_ ! ------ jn g ju i! tC ti l> .L ^ W - « ! t lM jr o m _ a folicI . '.num ber ot sources, however.. makes U o)I 5 'iclear the eotlre’propriety of the course I .. adopted. t4Py-1 ----------Twin-PalU-Klghway D ls lf lc f 'h u pom

j| never a t any lime been unwlilln* 'to j ' , pay lU Interest, the only question being F "ft* lo the risk invol\*cd In such payment waiII . as a result-of the points sel up in the >lat( } * suit of the Oregon Short Line. A* >

- j ------ soon f tr th r l tp i j ' i t a n u 'o r u is in a iu rI i'n-as clearcd up paymeni was mode. ^

i = = = = = J- I . - :■ J.NEW..TilQUnLB J N . _ 1

R c S U r r i ^ in- Uifi' ^ ■ counlry. Iiml Dc Valera waa lio longer

1 a force to be reckoned with In Ireland,J proved to have been wrong. His party

Mn’ 'lh e 'r t« n i‘hatl'otidJ''cJceilon'a^ line. ! enough pullamentary districts to the ;.,thrtaicn Ui'e present Irlsli government. ^ |

*1 ; ttud «vwi Uie wuiciicc ul aielrbirT te-• . public aa nOw constituted._____ _____• »il i

“ The FJanna Pall, headed by Dc ^‘ VelK».‘is'silll'a 'm fnorily parly.' Uut

.Ttherc Is na clear majority In ihc par- '* llamenl. so n new ministry Is e;t»cclcd. jjrjj

■ " '" ^ W h a t part De Valera and ills uiicom- KTO' i , [Cpromltlng'followen. demanding com- I p l e l e I p d e ^ o n e e for Ireland, will fjuU ; , _ :\U ke In lhe new go^mmenl 1* nol yet . Lt ' . '. ecrtalh. "nicy may continue lo bar

■j " themselves from public office by refus- . -‘. ing io lakQ the oatli of allrslance lo m h

|;.ihe Irish ijepubllc. In tlial ease,'— ;Tnftlnln8‘:q u ^d e« -T O ld :b rp ^ i»

■( il jjillly of ft pew til'vll war.— Thelw*(4lilne-r<)r-lre!j;nd.-Bpparentr —

; .;; ty, would bf lhe enltance d the Valera I '• . gnu'p itilo 'the Irlrh' pullamenl as a j .v 'm lnorily ffverreadytocrlllc lsoandu- •

jl'tif rt ^*~n prjyy^plf’.U — fc lh . 'lh r .ffn tii l ''w iL cL c m m im i!n U _ ‘ . •ill‘ ^ lt .U .’lh^^-w•^-we-d«-llUnp^n Ul# _

/ - l U n l t « i 8 t»ta.-WhereOeValeTaiBt.hls ’*-Iwl!tl !'1 * - - ' '~' .1

y - r pltOQSWO A SAME

■ Mr. B « tt

i f l# ■

- ..ll y g g e ^ o n r .

0 of hU songs, Upon offering such a •1 w n f 16 » publlslier s t cn f tlnje. he v u- 6sV ed-for-lh»-na^c-ot-lhtjm tlifii_ot!|0 the words. 'M r. Sco:t promptly replied,

t was u.«d and bccame the pen i'ame__ol I* lhe conu^oser whenever he turned poel.H ,■ m entis were suqirlsed at the choice ' of sucli an elegant name. .The com- O

r pMrr explnirwl tliat hc liad_alway« found his o-^n nam^ dlstrcislngly plain

- cinU had Joni: clierLilinl a secrei Ions-

\ The i^ory'gives an enlertalning ^ ) Blimpse Into tiie human ooul. Many a yj, ’ mun given the iiwiic fURinaW or-Viv- by' lan would yearn for a^iiame Ilke John ^ ' ond v/lUi any such oiiportunliy as Uiej composer’s io u:e the name of,h la uj

; hearfB dealre wculd cli»se liie plain iia

I Maybe, alter all. parcnls ouRhl lo call jp. • thclr childfcn. "Flni Cliild." '’Sfcoiid cn t Child," and w on, unlil the Infaiita are Tr I old enough to select names lo suit■ ll|em jclvei.___ . - - mi

trl------- ■■ - rlv

r — YOU.Sa-HWIMMHtS----------- 1-

Tv,'o llilrleen-year-old n'lrls. tivliis, »ui have l)een swlninilng the Hudson'niver j '’|

; fiwTT-AlianySo-New-Yoffc apd-maklniT {|r a good record. -Tliclr athletic ability th(

' and nerve "challenge public admiration. There Is lew admlmtloh for the iutic* [(°(

mcnl of their parents and lackera. koi Tlicre 1.1 very serious (juestloii wheth- I

er ony thirtent^-car-old children, “ jj

'8lrls.-oufihl lo.cngacc.ln Mrenunus and wil exhaiiiiilhg conicsislfany kind. Tliat Is tlic age for growth, nealtliful devel- {|j“ opment m a^lj^c j^^k 'ed _ and_ li^J liig (to

of physical endurance. ’ . ^ ^n g ^ lsU n ce ’swims are for adults, y,,

not children. ■

j ■■ ■ . Jlo

som e MS IEdited by Pf'

U n . E B. WilUamJ Phono KO

' Mra. L. W. Urisee entertained wl'Ji the ft pretty children’s party Monday af- Ji>c temoon a t her 'home on FlfHi ave- inj nue east In honor pf- the sIxUi birth­day of her daughter. Marilyn. Tlic lltUe folks wero amused wltli many I c len r games after which they wer.' Ind wfttxi a t ft table centered with a art lovely white birthday cake IHmmNT Tini with sU red candlcs. other decora* of Uons were'In red aad white, ftnd Uic « lt menu featured Uie same colon.-Sal* Ui< loons and whlsUei were given as. fav-: 6 p on. Mre. Brizee was assUted by sta M n. K. A. Drlnte ftiid Uioso present in addition lo Uie small hostess were Helen May* and Emnu Jeon Skln> , ner. Vivian Andcrsoii. Edna May Wll- N/ iwn. Jack Kovorka, Rulh Qurkliolder, LeallB Burkholder, Juno Thompson and Dick Brizee.

.. — — cluOn Monday evening the members of efii

the Business and Professional Women'r oy club molored to Berger where Ihey ' enf)yed-a pfcnio supper ot tho homo «d ot Mrs. Ada Walklngton Powell. Sup- «ta per was served tadoon Uie weather ni> being too cold for ‘comfort outside, ate ElecUon of offlcen w u held wlUi the > {9llW lh«JM U lU ;.^*lden},M L«J.tyt n 't Uo Anderson; f ln t vice president. MLss i>Ai Jessis Fraser: second vice president, Miss Uctta MeOoy; recording secre- tary, MUs. EllrabeUl. DrlskeU; corrcs. , ponding secretary,-Miss Averlll Ilealvi- lln; treiisurer. Miss Mabel Lopcr. He- ports of Uie stale convention were ' given by Mrs. KaUierlne Provost, who w it elected recording secretary of the !"

o rg an u o n ^ ________ ■


ORPHEUM VAUHEV’ILLE prt Tlie three Royal Dilcrtalners arc ji,(

purveyors cf,ewyU)lnc In Uie musical _ j line, ahd are a splendid aijdllfi;n 'to not the Hen Levey five acl vnudevllle unll art a t the Oniheum Ujesirc today only, avi Thev Dlav_vlallM. saxoDhone;. corBet.i, a j. banjos and steel’ gullnrs. Introduclni! det all the Ifttesl and popular music wlUi i a m«Jlfcy of tuneful scngs. ” ' “ ■ cat -PcTOl and 'O rey-In a cbssy-dancr csl r c ^ e arc teen in -a wries of dimec.i lov last and unitjuc. A wealth of preity Iln (jnperles form nn"ela l»ra tc ^ c k - to_ ground for thlToflenng. The Oanccs cai include a \-aflety of dances of ^-arlous brt nations such as Spanish. Russian, slsi hulA. etc.. also the best modem dances. -I . Lotus-Lee. who Is blessed wlUi f. Uii charming pcnonallly presents a sing* pn

FOR 26 YEA.------- T h o -K o rth w ra tc rn -M T i1 o a l- I■ d iv id e n d s to T o l l c y H o ldo ro o f

c la ssca o [ 'In 'B urancc. O ar po . f ro m ABScB^moD^. O ur r a l i s f r fi . lo s s pQTjnff.’tc c o r d ; I — Bxcolft

rating~ a c c o fd e d 'a r i? Instiraiib 'o ' _ £ a i L J c r r j i . y o t t - a n l w l l l


A..G.PRAGEH,7 2 6 S o : M a in .- , / ‘T w in F aU i:

' t ' ;—

t w in V a l l s d '.

_____ • bull■ -------- can

370,000 Fish Hatched by Local S G a m r Association Reported f “ Gaining in Size Rapidly. . ‘ m— ------ .._K— --------- j- Avc

” TTll! JTO,000In the loc. l lialcherj: under Uio super- vision tif the •stale game depariment. Of < by the Sc.ilhem Idaho I iiii and Oamr\ f**" tuisociiitlon have reaciicil nearly two S*’® inche.i in length in the rearlnK ponds, ftcconlliiR lo.W.' R. Pricbtf. who Is ac- Ai lively'in charjic of Uu-lr e.we.' The ilatchcry Is now empty, all crr* hav- “ an ing been lialchcil nnd the trouglis will soen be pul In dry sloraKe iinlll the ID2S leuson when ll Li hoped to in- OH creesc the capacliy of the pl.iiiL Mr. |rH Prlebe iircdic'cs tiiat the truul will h w readied Uirt-e to four inches by B-jitrmber 15, when tlie f ln t Install- niciiu will be hberaied in the small Irlbtilary slreams enteritis the Snake rlvcr near Twin Fait:.

The o.-joelatlon’has had remarkab’e ~ tuccl■. 3 with lu f ln i atleiii|ii at liaUh- r Ing In Uie local planl. ond reports only 5 per cenf toaex since <fte cKfej were Cj llrtl received. Tlie wolcrs in wliieh (!(i\r :he e«BS were hatched and In which new .lie young Iroul have been reared seem a ci 0 be particularly well adapted to johi heir culture, nnd local sportsmen arM qi|ik :rtitlJied a t Uie'iresulU obtained. n m

If the presrni plans arc carried oul oilli I. pond about cneOialf acre In extent ViU be excaviited on the property, inlo i<,. nndnilic-w tw le waters of the i.laiit f?, , vlll be lum'eil. ond in whicir It bi leped’ to develop enoiigh-spawnen lo nake the plant telf-suiiporllnR. Ejcs latched here Uils year wero obtained ’roin.,Uic suit.dcpanm eni..from -lhe fr*® :edar 'C fecm ialchcry." wIilcirH'iihof DccTi le depended upon to fumlsli eRgs rcg- A jlatly. owlnjj lo the varying condl- IronJons of Uic .w aters.------------------ .. ray.

Bring IletulU ^Tlic first evidence of lhe effect of « =

itocking the Spake rlvcr by Uie local iion iMoclallon u-oA reporleil recently to by r Mr. Prlebe by local sport.raen. who , liavc been calclilns rainbow trout n-elglilng one to one ond one-half , »unds In the Snake river ot tlio ‘ nouth of Uie m ioua jinall ttlbiilarj- ilreainj. Tliese troul are npparentlv he resull nf stocking lhe small ' „ , itrcams In 1024 and 1925. and wllh , he ndded faellltlei for Mocking, , " 'jwrlimen ore promise<l Improved flili- _ ng a* Ume goes on.

Fi*h Suffer' ‘I'®Reports coming from Cedar creek

ndlcatp'Uiat Uie rainbow trout there tre siifferliiR from seme di.vase. Spec-

if tlie locnl fish and Bpe;ossodatlon slllj peculiar spo#.-cfotrirtrllMV’ipo''M a , which Mm«7havP\ealM oncer. Jpeclmcna will be lubmltled to Uic , itate dcpirtmcnl /o r invcstlgallon.

, , . ______________ n

NASH A N N O U N Q E S T H R E E ® N E W S E R tE S O F S IX ES »«d

^ peelTliree entirely new series of ears In-

:ludliu at modeLi on four diffw nt

5y lhe Nasli Molon.fomnany. ‘Tlie new series will be known as the

tdvsnccd six. Uie rneelsJ six end the itandahi six ant] desplto o vide nr*■ay of costly Improwments these can f * , itc also TeatKring new lower prices.

A new radiator tieilgn. lower and r P nore sweeping body lines and a bril- inn n rra jn m c irco to r'eo m b ln atio n j nake tliese new modcLi wlUiout Ques-

ng tpecia iira iiil'v lolin 'tclfctloiniinl Wdj ire up to the minute. . As

CaUilecn Worford studied seven f®”' ,-eani a l the MelropollUn opera liouw ’• ' n New York under Uie famous Maes- ;ro Oulllo Setil. She is well known “ d' n the east, having tfung In oil the AiKcr metropolitan theatres ond olw vRii M'vcral“6pera companies. "O*

Alsace ond Lorraine. Imc lo Uiclr 3lll.,"pre*enl o brlillant muilcai spe- ilalty." Tliey oppear In o repertoire 'PfJ' )f gems from grand opem to Jajs. ^

Dt a— ■■■■.......

' "IrWi Hearw." n W’anicr.Drotticrj’ i uroductiiin. opens a two-day run al he Idaho theatre .tnla^n _Herc ftt last,Is.ft.fomedy fflilch-docs lot carlcaturc. init'CharacterlscJ.'Here Y ire lhe Irish as Uicy are .v llny Me- I Wey lias n e « r appeared so altogether | irt-ralilp fltui that l-,_Mv1ng n tTcal leal._Iler pcrtrayals are always ’ like i •aincoj. uu i as M tv i',y iunnon= tinr — rjllccn who leaver Irclnnd-lo find lier over Eminelt In Anirrlea. ond Instead Inils linrd wrrk, Nirrnw, struKSle. anil _ . .0 counteract all Uic'bad luck (whlcli V

jrcechi—■nmmie O'Slny—she Is ine* ilsllblc. - Bt•Tlie comedy. “Ice Cold Cocon," and Jie pict-O-aram s coniplote Uio pro- ircm.

-Pirr'Association-haTDTJsid - — if so t loss than 3 5 '/v on ull policies oro 'positlvoly f r e e 'A -I , m c a h in j .A — E jc e llo n t

K ent ta a o a g c m c n l. E ig iio a l | 0 c o m p a n y ib A m ortca . 'V a ^

■rn Mutual / ociation ^,, Local Agent “ •.li T e lep h o n e N o . l7 4 .W r

............................. ...... . ■ . u


R E M O D E L B U IL D IN G F O R r il ' .T IR E A N D R A D IA T O R S H O P [11BUHL. Jtmo M (Special to Tho R I

Ne w s ) - I ^ k Huston hM let the con- H

building now occuplcd for ft Ute vul* canlzlng and rudlator shop. The front will be replaced wllh brick and glass n . , constnjctlon and the rear wlll be glas^ 031 and concrete. Afr. Htuton purchased ,. lhe building .ha now occupies aboul II ilx monUis ago. .

Miss Ma,rlan Fletcher, sister of M n. n Avery O. Constant, and FMUher Spl* cer, ft nephew of-Mto Fletcher,-arrlvod -----

Fletcher la o tcocher In tho ichooU of Omaha. Nebraska. She taught Uie eighth grade In Buhl sc\-eral )Tars ago.Sho Is 0 guest a t the A. 0 : Constant home In this city.

Announcement was received today in Duhl that Uie new postmaster, Ray. L , Danbury, will take up his duUiis on ,h . ,Jxly 1- _______________ • i f l

CIlSTLraDMGEIB "1M cotin(^ N am es O om m ittoo o f“ T h rc o ^ o -M ttk c 'N c c c 88a ry - A r r ^sbr-

ran g cm cn tB .

CABTLEFORD, Jimc M-CsslJc/o.-d (Sfftntie incl-Wpdnoiltiy-ovciilng, the new mn-iter, O. P.-'i'iiomas. presiding. c = A eomiiilltco cf Uiti-c. J. M. Tliomas.John A. Broifn and Hay J’clllJolin. was aiiiwinted lo nuke urrangcments for nn exlilblt n t iho cnunty fftlr. R. L. aftei Oilk’tt wna apiMlnU'd as a trustee In ofnj, tlie graitfc In plocc of ,O..F.,Tlioma3. Alter..tlic. builinm. meeting there wtui loa-g an.ucellen l musical jirogram, i’unch ond wafers were si-rvcd by the liw l- ij jy CiH-S. 0 . 'C

Mrs. Walter Laehannen 1ms relumed liter from-Aurora, UUools, where ali^Jm* FYld

tJceTmiltinB for'Dcvcml months. ' publ A nillo nf graveled road Is being built Cooir

from liie Hesscllioll i^uich to the high- whlcrfty,.onc.mlle.«.ast.. . .. ...........Ing.

D-erj-woman's club met Bfllie audl- i M« = = = = = . = = = . P"*' i!on the mail bcaiiilful ever produced one, by Nasli. . pc

Inincrlant mechanical refinements cnui and Improvements are also announced for i ftt Uib lime, keeiiing pace wlUi the n pregref.s which hns been mado In In- cfcasini: Uic beauty pf tho cars’ ap- „,ea; ])rtirancc. OvlaHiidlnii omong Uiese are the InlrcducUcn (it new r.prings nf a secret olloy stfifl which Is said to jj,py increa.'^ riding iK m fcrl In amaiJng _ decree. V'

Tlie new body ,lmes arc lower and the whceUsmallcr. irlving an addiUon- « f ol opptarance ot: lowness to lhe can ** alUiouRh Inlerlo^ roominess has not been sacrificed ia Uie smallest degree, a

In jiddltlon toUncnaisIng Uie s la of grca' m e iiiuujr. Uic i i k ,uf' Uie-o o nkshaf*- has also been t ^ te tje r to aclileve kno? greater motor sn a^ io eas ,. TOe crank- week tha it will, of c o i i ^ conUnue to be of of U the 7-bearlng t j ^ .which haa made Publ Nttih smoothness-fomoui.. • - 8chi

Tlie new sprthg* of secrei • alloy slccI will be used on Uie tiandartl o* 0« w^ll OS on Uie'kpeclol.ond the od- cam| vanced for •incrcosed riding comfort, p e r ' And anoUicr eonfrlbuUon In Uils res­pect Is the use',U|]ahocle Bbsorben n t 0 . the front as siaillsM'e(]Ulpmi;nl. Sliai

Tlie standard *h moUir U now In- thli(Hiieietf-ff om-UttUraaw ■ >t -all- polnls-------cf conUct wiuHrubber. proi,’ldlng a (jiilckeropcmilon*nd-uvlBg41io4aolot |— frcm road shock*.

Olher Important retlncmenb are Uie carburetor heat control' value on the Instrument board.- a new type of head lamp. 4-btode'fftn. d new slop Kglil switch, a heavier oil pump coverplaif, ney-narklng,llghLi,.nBffJnMnii __ ,ment panel IndlrecUy lighted, new re- | mole' control door Iccks. a new light ' control on the stecrlhK wheel and new i Wdyharflwnrc'of-ipcdal-Nftsh-dcslgn. — |

As far as the odvaneed tl* series U ccncenicd, the most Jmportonl change |3. of course, tho adoption ot new lowrr body lines, new,body colon ond ' a deeper radiator. A* number of Im* "C portant refinements' Ift Uie Interior and under the hood liave also been made, however.— Tlie-eluleh.—flywheel-and — crankshaft are now balanced os a unll on 0 hiRlily sehslilTe mschlnc tor Increased tmooUuiess. In operation.Body quletnesi Is Incrrascd by Uie use Bt 0 fender well conslsUng of ft con- inn ro d :iu w ^ t= h i« T 7^fatiTlo*covtV«d. — td t= w tw « ii-ih e= b « ^ H a= U ie ^n « F : — ers of lhe_ car.

„ .',„ w « ->.^rJL-=STB8=saa

Tlirilpliiiii BSHOWINC! TODAY...:___ ONE DAY. ONLY....... ........

m At iNXC and EVENtNO Mi

-Vaudeville_Fiyp Act^THE ItOl'AL TRIO

Belioraiors of M ule and.Comedy.. __

FEilOU, AND OREY A CUuy Dancing Benie

LOTUS LEE Violin Prlmadonna

ALSACK ANI) WRAINE ^: '_ a : BrHUant.MnslnLNQrtlly___ . _

AMADOR AND-I.UCttJ-B --------Cemedy-NoTtl^r’ F n tn re—T*-


7 - A-Ttn t - y i t i e ^ - M tw t t to i r ~ - jBl

N nT 8-..W£EKLVrAire' COSlEOV U

USUAL V A U O m iitB -W C M : P


H S E ii i i :i i i p W -Barrv Dibble and E . M . Tom - ‘ , linson See Pqtcntial Develop­

ment of 2000 Horsepower. . j

^ b H b r ^ i in e .r ia H H p w to l - to - 'n iV News)—Barry Dibble and E M-'Tom* • llnsqn. engineers, have completed Uielr survey of lhe Banbury power site near m il ; the river 13 miles northwest ot Buhl, u-oim and they . estimate Uiat 2000 horse- power of electricity may be developed . ot Ihis site. This it a greater amount . R ,. . than wos a t first Uiought posslWe, and i f Is said Uiat It would supply Uie *' 1’“ ' needs of Buhl and Uie surrounding pl“>' country. . Ft);

There Is a fall of 310 feel a t Uils tlio'. -The englneen roporl tha t 200 Th feel may be utllixod to develop elec- yown irlclty. "The

Mr. Dibble l iu gone to San Fran* . did I cisco cn other business m atten. bul Wl Willie there will obtain cost of mater- towa:

- labr-and-m aehlnery-for-lnstolllng-a — - u power planu Mr, Tomlinson expecta j-ig,- to be In Denver during Uie first ot next month and while Uiere will ob*Ujn estiinatc of eostt to build a plant.

toriUTi Tliurday afternoon for Uie gentlielection of offlcen for the ensuing year. . "AtTliere was a short business meeting jtnUi after whleh reports of Uie oulgobgofflcen were read. The election fol- Arm’lowed and the new. officers arc os fol- iinivelpws:-frpldcnL Mrs. John M. Tliomas: yourVico prcsldcnl, Mr*. E crD 'avisrseere- • -“Tltary. Mrs. W. J . Burke; Ucasiirer. Mrs. h(>ro0 . C, Davis. The elub will prcscnl a repllr literary program at the auditorium on Friday,evening, J u ly J , lo.-whlch-thepubllc is cordMly'invited. 'M ni Mel c,,.Cook Is Uic Chairman of the affolr. : whlcli promises to be highly enlertoln*

1 Mbs' V ® nla“ Long'luiraccepted' a position a t violinist In the orchestra atUie Orpheum In Twin Falls, for Uiree •'> 'oftemoons ond evenings per week. *•''<’■• Poul Neumann has gone to Uie vet* licr 11enuvt' hospital In Boise, for treatment of tliifor rheumatism. . In lie

Tlic Tliomp.v3n children and Leroy crockGager have, been quite sick wllh "O,,niea.-Jej l«Jt Hicy arc InjproyJ/iff how. 77,^ ,

Mr. and Mrs. John French will leave ,|,ir,|..ncxl week for Payette Inka, whire your'they will spend Uic summer. pnrlai

Tho Castletord'bascball team played . q., „tiie Moose lodge learn of Twin F^llii ' Ti.ra t CasUetord Sunday. The score wa? . . / . I38 to 6 in favor of Caslleford. , ^

A Chautauqua seoMn Uckel Is the grcatesl Invertmenl In good entertain-

knowledge >-et Invented. The whole f‘>i»'>-week coiU le a Uian a good seat for one “Wof the plays onyw-here else. On sale a l noon.Public Library. Majcsllc Pharmacy tmd snitl.Schramm Johnsons,—Adv. ' " \\’i

O fl a Rrvnsnlek Portable for your 'camp, Bl Umbaugh's. 41.50 down, $1.S0 -_____per week.—Adv.

0 . K. Beaniy Bhop Special. FTee Shampoo or reset wlUi every marcel this week. Phone t)49-W.-Adv.

D a iryS to re s

,221'Shoshone St. N;"O il ‘your icay home from


-------- Phone-178--------

In Your Home ■Be Sure You Serve the -^ea t-D airy*pducts-

• W c o f fe r you fre ah - '------. .........P a s te u r iz e d ! _______ .Milk . ' Bullennllk

•Coffee Cream-------- — - I(»-CrcamWlilpnlns Ctcam Cream S l ie ^ ts Collage” Cheese KmirClwcto

-YesUWe-Deliyer.—We Hurry

Be With t t e > Crpwd in T ^ n '

_______. J U L Y . : „ L ^ . _

2 - 3 - 4

3DAY-M0ItNING. JUNB29,29.1927.' ‘ - .' ■................ ■

• ■ t

— Men-r^" Marooned:'


. By George Marsh II1 ----------------------- -------------- -x

(livr lifiiil 111 pmirVt. ••I'mf "

rail mt' 11 ttolillc't-, and tn-.if ini' ns .1 « woimin." f

■•You oro 0 woman to m t^tfw , prceloun to Uko tiul, nn it- nislil Uko thlii ond drive Into o liiie eriirl;.'' li« replied, watelilug tlie IIkIiI <>f U'O fire ploy on her lirooiIlO]: eyi'». ^

For an*wer site eallrcl: "Como hen', j .Sliftt—III me. I wont to kiM you."

The' ulriilnlo rose. Klr»'irlie<l. yowned, iitid wagReil Ms wiiy to her. . "There." I’ll never forget -wlmt you ditl ionlght. Vou (Icner 'u llie V. C.“ ,

\Yllli 0 grtmt. .Shot thrust lil* no»<> toward her liuod. .—“l;oo)rtmt7+e>«-lryltiB-in-r«liim-tlini.-klss." wanieti the mnn who envied hls tJog. y

Her n-Wtc M th n n M In nrouw- mnnt.. . ‘'ytfu inay,_ SliottXi ..oti.' the clieck, for yoo'ro 0’brave ami'giillnnt , gentleman.". "And the olher brare nnd gallnot " genUemen—are they lo bo IgnoredJ -

Aren’t (.'nMor omi Pullux, nnd -tlie ir tliinive nnd sallaiil miikU>r, t».i>liar« In li'your snlute. nli. nw>n Et-(iernir ■'■ -“Thi* -sriierrtl-d>'!'-'‘rnlKi..Liil..-on'*_ _£j hero ttmlglit tmd-tlml I.i -KIkiI." Kho repfled orelily. "Ills devollnti hos w been provcii"’ tl -■“A nd'm tOin . ' 'ni

She would not meet hit oyr«. "Oh. n; ray friend.’; she jmrrleil. "we Imve work before ut—a hilter light for tiie ci llfi'.nf -ft-bravu'iiiun; "W’liy 'th itilfo f 'iTi ourselvMj" —

III lhe Ira of Ihe sled, lliipod on Its side. Itx conviii cover iitn-lcliiil nliov» her Ilke a shed tent 10 reiU-ct,lhc heat pf the lire, Josn Qunrrler sli'i^t, ^rurm In her roiicK, until wakeil l>y the crnckhigoftheftrentilnw ii. •

"Good momlng. Healer of Wounds, n ic Irn Ilf flimost renily: (fie linnm hini-; Iho bread cut. Will you n*a«h )‘i>ur fiiee nnd liaiult In Ihe Mioiv.'nnd [inrlokii of thu NiuntlcH i>ct before rou on tliew beanilfiil plate* ot U n r

Through 'sleepy eyes the girl mulled lip nt the wnn who, hail luhorcd fnr licr cnmfort. "You nre v<-ry gttorl to inur passenger. Mr Ihllc.- I shnll reeonimeird-thla line lo nil who con-

roam.”“Wp ought to make Wkwnn i»y

noon. I w-r>iuler whnt we'll flnil." he «nhl. pouring the hot len.

"Whatever wc find. MaJ. Onrth’ 3uUirle, ynu have jHjuared your deht.

Joe K says:-

every morning with a clear head. El

r m . T M . i u I a- ^ y b e T f tjrh o .B Jg Plctnrtft n»y"


"Sure, Love; It’s a

■ W M £H6«0S.«~t

klSH“w i t h

“MAWAVOJ A S O N R b M l i D S


A . J . E b o rh n r t

. E B E m i l T H l

;-----------------T -r^ — — T w jn-FnJlH f

H ot- W ftt« nnd 8t«mt HeaU nj''i pll-O-UiUc' and B ar 'O ll C u n u n {T . ~ r ..........■ . • ' • -.. Bake Oi

' ; - ••In B to lln lio n s 'n iiti'■ ' • • A u to m a tii; I

< ■ U n tii w a fic^urp c u r ito rm a n cn t■ P h o n o 18D 1

TSoTnrnT'wuiriiiivfl'don'irTiiore-fo'rTili-------Wciid.’fl• "JIul I alreoit-Ioit you—^

■’Tlmt would have been tho fortuac of wjar.*'

“And tho Irooy cf fale, wlUi Etienno-and-poor-Calbralth-.walUQg-up-thcra-------

a l Elkwan for tw3 who never catac."


At noon, that day, 0 lono flguro stood In the n'oow oa tho clearing a t . ICIkwcn aod tearclicd thu riverlce below ihe post. ,, With a jluhlou*-

- »hako-of tho -hoad.-F.Ucnne.rcturned-------

Uuthrie’ii.fitmrlpri'...,.'.. ............................"Ver* black night; hnrd to follnw do

shcrre. flometblng hnjipen In M'i>Ieu’ Ruihrle. Melbe de wuman nol cnmc wld liecni-

"She coiw,"latls(ed Old Anne."She come Wen lie ask. She come."

“Dal McDonar, he ver* seek man.She hreeng do med-ceeno’eof sho comc.I go an' have 0 look a t do trail."

Again Ktlennc slood on the ellft nhuvo Ihu white Elkwan and watched f"r the tiiQvlng spot on the lee. which wiiuiti tiinrk- the npjiroaehlng leam. I'lsoppolnted. lie wu* about to return

'tu lhe women In the houxc.when hit kcim eyes suddenly, lit with 'txelle-

'Inent. l-'ar-on tiio wiiiie mieTrorfiro-------river seemed to tiiovo n black spot.Fnr a spncc |he hnlf-breed studied tho hnrely disllngulshnfilo chjeet. Then Jip trntied-toUhfti^BnrWrfc ----------------- '■ •'Pey cornel" ho cried lo the {vaitloc women. "Dey turn do heeg islaii’.".. When Ihe huskli-s that had traveled fnrty miles since diiyllght drew In Jo till' ellff irnll nt a olow walk. OuthrlQ hurried. 10 the wultlns .Ullcnno with lhe demiiml: "Yoo got hln»here? He's a llv e r . . ■

Tlw-hnIf-brw^Hde<1,-thon-wiUi.ji^“ wide-grin turned lo ibu> girl oii tho sleil. "'Aliol to'u weleouie to Elkvrnn,

•mcL‘m 'scllern.*'hD Tn*tU tejl'ti« '-«iJC ;‘” • of Ihe nilM'S. •

"I’m tnlKhly glad to see you. Eti­enne. liiiw nre Murle and Ihc chicks, ’

'iTh'il de'iir Old'A nrior " " ' ' ' ' ' icontlnued in next tamo)

San '^ f a e l.Military Academy

A rcMooi. I'on Rort rnoM 6 TO 18

Ouldmir itjdcltr train, ine ro-onllnjled with Unim>ily-arrrr>lilrd

, .. Kl«iUnh!i., Dtli;luJul U ,' vliiiuif.Oeelujurffom. p San Kfinci>eo. el i-'»U I Q ' term o;>ent 3t]it. 6th.

' SANIIAFAEL I p f f l MIUTARY ac adem y l i l l !Mii./«i.o:/cttai

A m m h rre itw ra iJ .ii , f t n m

Ell whal?

. -ADMISSIONS—U AdolU...-._.... .................... J 8«| S Children [under 1!).........ilOc7 HOURS:-^ liM . 7:M. 9iM



/ i ' A r S ^

;/ n m / ’

I lia tal« or ft cotUen k % /~ -^ -* fco .w » t "* •« fof-out'.'________'T ^ W m w lf- lB N ew

MY Comedy - News

’ W . H . I te l lo r ■

iKATINGCp.iH r-Idaho---------------; ——

pU ala-'for liny t lu ' building..■ far KeaUng plants, IU ns(i O tea t.''. ' ■ . , ■'-i' '■ '■

[i R e p a ir W o rk - ' - ~ 1s - S t o k m . . .. ■•. ' • ,,

I t bu ild itig cal) W u jlc r lio i lc r ; • .) o r 1 ^ 3 ' '

Page 5: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

f • • ' ' ' ■

• ■ S i i f l- j i l i n D c :i I W M i S

—i - ~ n;

• Idaho Senator More Interested " In., E ffo rt5_ [ n J n i t i l S t a t c s j

■ fliaii~in~fiid^'lo-Nall6ns=Sf a .............. Europe at tlie Present Time, j

(By n ie AiMclftUxI Presi) 'f . . . DENVEB.-JUDe .3»-:A CaU .to tilfi *f

Bovemment and the lutlon to turn >- Unlr Btte^tlo^ and effort to reeon- “

itrueUon a t home, rather than In Eu- I'' rope w u nude here toiusht by S u u - *

tor Borah,, republican, Idaho.speaklns a t the twenty-third annual P<

convention of the IntemaUonal ad\-er- ol tUlng association, the chairman ot a

. the senate foreign relatlooi committee pi u ld he wai .more Interested in plac*

- Ins - the • Mississippi flood sufferers gi ■ • back in 'their'hom ts, in the eonitnjc* c

-----------—-thm -of-U »-O re«V -U lc*4-lo4hf-*ea mM terway and the hamessjnj of the pi Colondo rtver than he was ‘In the ol delusive effort to aid Europe." oi

1 V ■ IteftB to J o o d and O lt_____ ^Referrisff ipcclflcally to. recent orer u

production of oil ahd to the Missis- I* sippi flood, Senator Borali said 11 w u clear tha t Uie nation stiould turn Its #tl«ntlon to workin* out an "InUUl- Bent and pennanent national policy _ n> conserve.-for the-use of all. the y, manelous notunJ wealth, with whlcli „ Uib country had been endou'cd.

— Btnal«:BdraH 7dkloria:thiLtiknccP JJI— r - ------laUon-of part-flf-the_debt..o^pdJjy

the European countrlM and the loan- „ ........... Ins-of..A m erican bilUons to .Europe u.

— - r-served biit UttJo In reconstruction here, f,(Not Hflplnj Eofope . a

I "We arc not helplnj Ihe people ofEurope bu l the wa? maken of Eu- bl

I.................rope" hc warned- "The-hlslory of Eu- ©Jrope during the past 90 days has in ci i t every clement of strife which pre­ceded the war. .

•The premier of ita ly In a publle gpeecli declares that he Is on Uie way «i to creating an a ^ y of 5^ 0,000 men. At to the bulldlns of a great navy and ]j to the reconstruction of an air force b1 f«ond to none In the world. br

■The break between Orcal Britain « and Russia. U»e assassination of the m nusslari minister in Poland, tiie ;xe- « cutions in Russia have made Eur.)pe, mentally and spiritually an armed camp.' U s t Sunday Uie premier of France a t LuncTllle, delivered a. public address steeped in bitterness Iv

• » p T Tm m p t r m :I I ■ .

■ i . ■' - ^ ................■

. 1 Sd______________L I _______________

— ■ j

■ w ■

■ •

---------------- rt— I______ irii(Li)nly_tea.■ : w h o s e f la v o r

“ i s e o m p le U ly

m '_________ _ * — a ii e x c ltisiv

• k n o w n o n ly ii

■ f l n l y l r a y t o i

• T h e n t h e I

----------- I — . - - ■■■ ■ v r . b u t ^ e i

/ a j ' ' a r o m a t i c m o o

i l ; . - ' M............ - ................

■--------------------- - ^ ---------------------------- ---------------

_ j _________ ■ • ____f o t . t e a wi. . J___ y o u p p c i

• M o « , o i j y t

” w i t h P e lc o e it

• ____ : r - y o U “ r r r ^ h e ‘

____ _________ _____________ d o n ' t b e l i c v■ ’ ' c o t e r e d ^ ^ I

J Y o u k e e p t h (

— -----------!— ~ ■ t p ^ r . - - m o n

[ — - r - i

r — -— i l - —

i .. ; ' l :

V ......

(md lotoleianee..-T^artpg open oldji wounds, wmmonlns Uie spirits of feat tmd suspicion and 'hate, .call lor a |

'.The leocqe i;onvenes In an atmos-_ pJ«tp_eU l««M lon_Bal»iriffw_______

,"1 SCO neither the ad\-ancci:}ent of■ rcconsinictlsn nor aid lor peace nor■ tcnrlce to humanity In Uie cancdla*, tlon of debts under sach eircumstanccs.

' or in loaning'millions of Americanmcnej- lo Europe. 1 sec tlie vciy oppo-

, file of Uicse thlnjs.Bd "I em more imcfejted In working out I

a policy of'conscn’atlon wlUch'will CS dedicate our .g rrtt'n a tu ra l wtallh lo ^ the iiappmau o f o u rp g j i pcopie- anii 5 r aiiuiiftfimfng'tKcHcciigattu ii' ot '

our own Instltutlans lhan I.nm In ir>-- [6 , Ing to buUd up European markets, un-

- (ler Uie policies nan obtaliiln;.‘Tliere is eiiough. more Umn enough,

lo do at home. Tlicrc Is honest work he lor eicry dollnr In tho Unlled Sutca. j TO Thcrc'are markets to bc built ,

of lar more value to Uie American y . larmer-Uian the fuglllve markets which , « . wc are huntlnsiftir abroad. - i

- ‘Thero is room for a conslrucUve lal program here which will scn'e the cause j !T- of peace and serve humanity. There is , of a home Job to do and prudcnce ond ( M patrloUsm alike ur^c us to Uie task."

Senator Borah aswrlfd Uiat Uic :rs greatest donieallc problem since Uic IC- civil war wos what should tho gtn'cni- , ca m«nL-rtn-«nri hn» li »ll01llll Mrfcke IU he purpose In putUng an end to the wasU« he of natural resourccs-oll, ccal. timber'

and water power. ^



jy (ConUnued Prom I*age Oiiei |

Uiat Uic lone climber liad rcachcd hla t el» goal V

—When Evans failed lo appear and [ no furUier signals werc-obscrwxlfpark r

P* has had .no .food-fot_U ie_pa8l.-30 , hours, hU only equipment liavlnB been a rope and small canteen of water. . <]

of th e lost man-'U a Canadian by . u- blrUi and his faUier U said lo be on 3 u* oflleer wlUi -Uw-BrlUsh fortcs. la , in China. (<• .. J

.MARRIAGE PERFORMED | lie Verne MUton and Irene Laughlln . sy were united in manlage last ei'cnlng { :n. at- the home of Uie groom's parenU. c Id 13M Kimberly Rond by Uie Rev. J. E. oe silmp. uMng the ring ceremony. Hie

bride was attended by Miss Ella Carl­in (on. and Victor E. Milton was bckt tie man. About M guests attended th« ' «• ccremony.X, .

5 A N N O U N C E M E N T S 1a Star Social .club picnic meeting «

as has been poslponed Indefinitely. 3

'k M eQ j

rqeed frz

'— s e a l g d - ^ --------- —

ror -tely protected - • • kept fresh ai g ^ e n to tea table. Fire Unds o lusively Schilling—>for the true iIjri^thTOricntJ"jl)~T««M oa» to unmask n d l l u o t^ flavors ol the leaves sealed m vacuum (1 ; p e a le d ... . \y ^

moment .

■ with a Snug Cover«»«-to pro p p e n jt (4):.0f t ^ m a n y g a d « ly the ^oicestf most fragrant^'i >e in Scliilling’s* (5). Your gnk he~retum s your^money tnsS i lieve i t the finest tea th a t

Pekpco n e y - b a c k ~ i f — y o t t ^ d

S c h il l in g ’s b es t

.71-■ ' - ■ D

jB li i lT l l !;jasLiBiineilCILaiE”

. . . N

. Uncle Sapi Insists Tliat Vision j Enhances Crcduiity; OlJIce of _ ===railtiM5=;l:cavfs=Notliliig g

to Farmers’ Imanination. S_____ ■ &

WASUINQTOW. June 26 (/Tl-Uncle ih■ Sam Insists t lu t vision enliances ered- be ' ullty. ■ wc ‘ His olllec of exhlblli, pinuUng acrl-‘ cullure's progress, -leaves nothing to wl

inia{lnc. . fci’ If Mudvllle has a fair, and Mudvil- on ' llans want to know how science balU PO

a n il trap, or cuts o wheat aop, or «>i builds a silo. "ExhlbtU" will send a « model. ' ’0

More than M exhibitions of Dgrlcul- tural fiilerprise are to be,held In the United SUtes Uils jrear, - ^-tita rttnc-hW 7-*l»H lK w tlrtt-Iai4«- ph national Congress oJ Soil Sclencc. gov­ernment "Allows" will be Uken from coast lo coasl and border to Bulf.

Uneously.Tlie first circuit will bcsln nt Pres- jj,

cott. Arizona, on July 1. and move on as fairs a rc held a t Spokane. Wasli- u,, Ington. September 5 lo 13: a t Ynklma, Seplember 13 to 17. and nt Puj-allup, q , 25...Exlilblts will deal |,a wlUi d.ilrj’lng. poultry, ramte catUe, Icrctlry^roads.-predalory.uutaBla.and - rodent*control.--O ne-or iwo-more llem.1 may be added and Uie circuit li^Mtendca tT onier 'iw ln tar'’*-------- — M---In UiB-long wofkshflpj on-Uie Mall, displays are being prepared lor Uie Trpns-Contincntal IllRhwj-a Exposi­tion a l Reno. 'Jfcwda. June 25, U> July 31. Paint Is still wef on cUbonite models - for - the - lliird-World - Poultry Congre.u a t Oltav,-a. Canada. July 37 lo August 4. and arti.iu are studying Intricate displays for Uie eleventh Ex­position of Chemical IiiduUrirs. Sep­tember 20 to October I. a l Madison

■ Square aardcn. New Yptk.World-Wide raw mntrrials. macliin-

ery. products and-corrrlnied Aubjects will be demonstrated at the ChemLitry

: show with (irtbllc conception of pos­sible development.

In addition to outiiandlng Intema- tionil exlilblts, department of agricul­ture dlsplap win be conducted wher»

; ever Uiey lave been seen In former yeara, noUbly ot Uie llvcstock'esposl-

r y - i

agrance— ; ^m


and fragrant *of pro'tectioa ,te tea .flavors -i5ted'*'*'-‘the----------- ----------o f a tea leaf. «syourcoflee) >


ew oiid 'sonly. LidTacmmrtin------------j* ------wtect it even , *ts of'O raoge-* a « bldidel ’ ■ "*^ e r protects . aa n l l ^ i f '^ l i - - ............ r TTT-it has ever •

“ f

d o t t ’t ^ l i k e ^ _______• _____

S -._________

J u P a r i l - — — —

DAILY NEWS;TWIN:FAI^ A lj i IDAHO,'WEDNESD' Ucn la' clitcsga'snH ' ot varlo'os lUtTe i5I. fa in ond F w l t l o p .........................Uii

Ther (ovcmmnt< proposes to bring eni succcM to.tecUonftJ development out-

“ lined" Iv " o g rleu H U iM ln lc ris ls r"^ ' Jot hlbiU are made'iip to comply with >o- fro cal actlTlty.' _An'example Is 'th e « - Wl hifttt In aivcrslfie'd 'Jarmliig pwJccU cfti

» to ’ bo offered thU 5ear to 'th e south nO' . and southeatt. i . ' Oc

. N E X T CO N G R ESS . W IL L _ n 1|EA R IS LA N D P L A N S jgf • -fConunyed FrDin page One)' •“!,

9’ Joi no crtUclsm was intciicled of Uio pres- ele ent odmlnlstnUoit of insular-posses- bcl slons by the Army and navy. Charles tlu Evans Hughes, while »ereUry of sUle, un< n-as not iDcllncd to favor control by Mr

e the su te drpartmeni snd Mr. Coolldge nvl 1- believes that the tnicrior department J

would be more' adapUble.' ' ' . ’ tnE 1- In discussing Philippine condlUonj thi0 with Oovcmor Wood, tho president to. fccelved a'h InUmatc .picture of life fro |. on tho islands to supplement Uie r t- to 4 port last spring of CarmI A. Thomp- So' «■ son. who went lo tiie Par East pos- d sessions ns Mr, CooIMge's spcclal en­

voy., When Uie Thompson report wns Al sent to congress. Iim president dl-

. reeled parUctilar attention to Uiat portion which recoimiiended a- cIvU ’ bureau government for the Philip- _

n "No Comment on ronferenee1 For fenr lluit Uie president’s views J mlclit be niLieonstnicO abroad, there

««^•"br^l6^/o^^B^^5^lT^ehf^^^Ptfl(' Qeneva naval armament confereneo

' since, ll was pointed out. Mr. Coolldg? Dy'* does not wish lo be piwed lii Uic posl- clc‘ Uon of differing wlUi Uie vle«.-s asex- Im

prcjAcd by the American dclCKaUp a t l>li’■ Ocneva. inasmuch as llie;« dcItgaUw nr‘‘ have ^ n fully empowercd to-act-for nit

't !.<■ . . j >i..; ■ >:.i-'.ii

1_ ------:----------- :----------/

n ;.

II ^ OmI i . s ;

- Blsil ■■ - K e C T lf f i l B N o w ,. ,

_ f f B Regul ' iiwll'? Now..'

5 M B Regul ; v iS ® Now..

- f e d r - l i

_ : ___M|B|j ^ o . interest sliffl n iaw a ni - comiiiff s£' IH niatch, nei 8 H | ed modes

" i H H I H Pattcri' h H m presented i calc and


' i

: UUs"goVerniaSr‘i&7t l 3o o l i a g r " r ^ n t j l UiH any developmcnU of Uw confcr- h r

; ence ahould be made pubUo by thetn.• Thfl president sees so r tu o n a t Ulls -n : jttneiah’ “iirh i« n se ee a i ta t« r-« -v u tr — H r from plUier BccrelMie# . Keljogg or .L• Wilbur whose departmenta aro most ,1 dteoly-aiiwlaled with-Iho'UroblemsI novr under an attempted soluUoQ ot g g

O '" '! . . . o lrilghU Get AtienUon p„

' The firft uilng lo command Mr, Coolldje's attention - today ■wu Uic

) fUgbt of Ueultnant ‘ MaiUand and Uegenbcrger from Oakland to Ifono- Neni. lulu Which, ha viewed eonfidenUy. groct

.The fact Uisi liie late commander

. den t disunce lo span Uie water lying

. between California and llatt-ali. even J though forced to land becauMj of pita- I, undentood radio signals, seemed to f Mr. Coolldge to Indicate U ul Uie army P avialora might be successful. '> After sei'erol houn a t his desk Uils• tnSnilng. Ui«' president' motored to *" I Uie game lodge, stopping a t Kermosa ""Vf { to rei’iew the fourth caValry en -route5 from Port D. A. Russell. Wyoming, ". to IU new sUtlon o t Port Meade. “. Bourn Dl^OtA,

------------------- ^ betn

; A M E R IC A N A VIA TOR S ; T O S A IL F.O R . F R A N C E a1 ■— ■' ------- Ihe I■ (ConUnued Prom Page One)______Th

bul so slowly Uiat Uie air paUi to Purls n could not be ex|>ctled to be cleared by ,, tomorrow alternoon. when the America

; Byrd ngainst flying tomorrow." Meteor- vice. oloi;i(l Kimball announced nftcr study-: Pnlls. liiR the wrMher charts. ‘T lie o lm u- HamI iihcre may clear by Thursday incriilnR. Tli1 nr it msy nol. but condition.^ are d tll- builtr nitcly bad'for tomorrow."’ basci

w lIT G reatest5HIRT

p s c ia l'"'■■2"fE'$2.29

irular$2.45, Q 5 ■ ■

ffular?1.25, 9 5 ^.

. ' ■2'for"$1.79

i'hnrr^Fri.-&rSatrOnl]resting, are Jhese_values_ttia 1 man will' stoelc up for thi

season.' Here are collar-to neck-band and collar-attaoh es in plain colors, convention ;erns and novelty d esig n s :ed in broadcloth, madras, per id other' weaves a t this lo\

SDAY .MORNING; JUNE 29:2 9 : m : : : v : 7

ciBifflmiri-BtliHWHli-s . s . Ourvoasoitp Oporaco One

o f T hreo Now Homo Oil Ooni- p a n r IcstftU atlonB.

BuilL. June 28 (/l>)-fip«lal to Tlie Nen'!.)-a. S. Carvouo will moVc Ills grocery slock lomorrow into U;e room In amneeUun wlUi Uie scrvice suUon ]usrcompi«ed” t>irT;ta!rMrcef acrasi “ irom the Clly hotel by llie Homf Oii company. Mr. Car^'oiso lias leased the sen'lce station ancf will conduct it In connection witli his grocery buslnes.1.Ills' store has been operated the paai several yeara In the Clinton building.

Tho Home-OU company lias Just completed two service sutlons in Duhl and n third wll! be ready for operation In about 10 da>'s. Tho second sUUon U 'located ? t Uie Burley comer east of Buhl and was 'leascd^otid opcped . for business by Mr. Roop. who has been living on a farm north of Pller. . Tlie third station has not been leaaed. but sevcml parties are being consid­ered according to Asher B. Wilson of T«'ln Falls, who wa? In Bulil today In the interest of the stations.

The Home Oil wmpany is composed 01 AWicr u. wiBoiirt.iKii*viO Smith- nnd P, H. SUwell, aU ol T*'ln 'Palls. Tliey buy olt from the Wyoming fields and rcUil to service aUtlons and In Uirt{U0CT_stalt o i , ^ J ^ . » 0mg _

vice Blallons in Pller, two In Twin Palls .and eije eacli In Kimberly ond Hansen,. “ ,

Ttie Uirec stations In Buhl were built by Mels f t Fait, contractors, A basement u u excavated for eacli build-

t M P

l i i

•nly— ^that_____

r-to- | / 3 'V \ W : r . / v /

- 1 ° " - h : K \ ' O K ' p i

per- M;:..... 'v V t;

* 'v-''’; - - ------

- ........... : " :

iiitT M M ^triw m ' g ai 'i' prcy —enoegh to c a r^ a B ood -tlsM 'ft^ 'o f > goods. •- ...

‘ .'Wcws'WnntAdl r m ir iK e ’pw W Vou ' ' ffbli to attract.

reirigeratQis....... -When tlieiliclvcsiintcrior w alls, and drainpipe are ' washed w ith aCfotox 10- luiion, y o u r refrigerator is Icepc swecc anu dean , w i th l i t t le w orlc. T h ii househo ld d is in fe c ta n t • a n d c le a n se r ,d c icro y s , j . odors and bicccria, and m akes enam eled p a r t s

— — ( jw d c ts J l in s c ^ u u a c c s — __ivithclcarw ater afterward- M anyothcruw ofC lorox,/ i t moJm laitf. irfw . arc

_ _ g iY caJti.l?bcj.o f bo ttle.

A t A l l ^ ^ ^ " 's ^ n c c r a t ;

L . ,

N G f r/ n

W ^ m \

l i . W -p ' I






Page 6: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

■ i Page S ix . _


’ ’ Tj^ "Expected Failure of.Kessinger ! I ' Bill Causes Upward i\1ove;I J ' Closing Quotations Hicilier. ■ -

CinCAGO, Juntf 28 (;j')-craln .. prices took' a lale upward nwliiK lo­

day, Iiiflucnnd by IncrcoAcil IlkctilKiod cf black n u t and btcause of i'xi>fcicil iBlluro of lhe X calnstr bill. Clo-.tnit quolallons bolli oii utical unii lorn , were slroiiit, whesl -ic to I '.c ncl

......— higher, corn lo IS c tii),'oati'un-chatiged to ®ic odvancc. and provl- '

• «loris w y lng Irom 10c decllnt to n rlw of 7e.

High temperaiures reported In ilie northwest became o decided bull fac­tor u lo wheal durlns the final liour of business, Tlte hlgti teiniwrnHJri'i taken . In-oonnccllon u’llli Kallercdi ahowen were resardtd as ominous rrl-

I ] ntive to black rm t. iiolwliliibndlnK ' Hist cooler wcaiJier by lotnorrow ua? • I predicted. In addition lo black nu l

' , chances, moreover.^ talk wm rife lhat

I I drastic manner the doings of IllinoisI I train excliange traders would fall.ofI pusage. the measure belHj; apparenlJ)'

. without anj- good prospecl of rcacliliiB *; , /'-vo tfl before, i(ie IfRlilaHvc tcislon

I liapld ProjrcH }"I Rapid progress of han ’csl oiwrnllon.'i

I toulhwest, wltli Dusplcloa^ wcatlivr' there and In Nebraska had milcli' lb "do t!i

wllh wheat prlee downlurns whlcli »5• • • formed the rule today excepl lownnl — t - t h e T m W f . - ' Aside from-iirofll-iftk'liiK in

I Kales tliere was no great pressure on w(I ■ thi- n1ifnt-ttml.Uui.matkal-^iilrkl<r»tr.. —'____ (ponded to aty-. HOO«J buylhg. Counlry ■

•’ ------- olffrtncs of-neic-whenl ‘■wtn ' w port^I I ta be llghl a t .-practically all points,■ . despite the fact Uiat the crop move* ce I ■ mmt rnplrflv iMirrfinIng lr\ KanimL- *|i

MeanwhUc, cxport'dcmand was slack, so, ' On a ware of latt; buyinj;. corn went to. I up about * cenu a bushel from early bu

' low figures thac^were due to prod: kii' taking and to assertions that yeiier-,| I day's, ad«nce had been over-swltuI I Bett«r vcaltier (or corn Rrowth count* ,-fI ‘ cd temporarily, too, as a bear Inflii- Jj,I I cnce. Oali followed corn. hr'* I Most dellwrlei of provisions showed■f ' some sctback. ^; -------- st(’ W hea l- Open liifh Low Close sUI July .........-.14311 143^; HO i H2<. y(,| Sept. ....- .....UOH lO K 138*; 143>i $i:] Com— ji;'! July - ........-lOQ'i 103 OB'; lOJS to.I ' ■ ■ Sept.’ ........._IOO'.i :004 103% 108'i- « ,• J . - .. .O a l» - -------........... ............................ he

: | j _____ J uly ...... . 47|1 40% 4fl‘t 47U |

-------- anPORTUND GRAIN tiv

• • PORTLAND, June 36 M>)-Whent- $s.SOB hard white, Blur Stem Baan sin tl.73; PedtimUon, soft while, western Ini while 11.41; hard winter, northern

. sprlns tuo ,- wejiem red tlJ7 .

■ CHICAGO GRAIN ,1 1 cmOAOO, June 28 M W W heal-II , Na 3 red 11.43: No. I hard |l,43i; toII ' 11.48. ,

Com->No.. a mixed 00'.';C lo tl.OOS. i, I ' Oau—No, a Whltf 4HUp tn r-nf- Vn, J

3 white 48e to 4Sc. ■•| Ryfr-N o.3tI.13. c.1 Barley—77e to Uc. »

•aover seed—tM -lo t35„ tI ' U rd -ll lO S . ' li' Rlbl-411.87. _ i 1 DelUes-«l3,M,

I OMAtIA GRAINI I OMAHA. June 38 (/r)-W heal-N o, ■:! 1 hard I1J3 lo 11.43: No. 3 hard wt

, . SI.43; NO. S mixed tf ja . —I , Com -No. a white Ode; No. 3 ycl- Hn. l ow wc' to 97c; No. 4 mixed eSc. {*|°U ______ Oal*-No.,a..whlle_40'it___________

■ --------- Co-: , TOLEDO SEED . He

i TOLEDO, June 28 M>)t-^Vhcat-No, si<' ' 3 red 11,44 to tl,4S. VeiI Com -No. 3 yellow tl.04>i to t U ^ i . Yei

---------- OaU^No.-3 whlle'50»jc lo 'S l'ic . ' spi' I R ye-N a 3 tl.lS.‘ Clortr-Casli Imported tl34» bid;! ' • October 114.75; December domestic ‘‘1■ i U8.70. .; ' . AUikfr-Aufust ti4 a j, ' ^

DRIED FRUIT: j . • ' ' - - i ^ - v o R K .~ j u n f^a8.=TiTy='BwnKir^--^

I j other dried frult’unchansted, ^

• SAN rOANCISCO-rRODUCE ............I I SAN FRANCISCO. June 38 (/!>)-«« No, ! ' wholeule prices: No.I Butter-fl3 score 43c; M score 3BSc. Na;■ ----------Egg*=U.-S;*N(rrtxlras-24c:Tr.-;S. DUiI ' N a 1' medium 20c; U. S, No, I small Oti

16c. '■ ^ --------- Cheeso-Califomla-fancy flnti

j [ CHICAOO PRODUCK 2**'! ; CHIOAOO, June 28 (;T^-Diiller-' " ■ ■ ■ Onchanjcd; rfcelpta 23,Ml tubs, ^-------------- Qrj*=LownT'iTa:ipu 2S.103 «.«•*; -____ l„ f i n U,2lc

to 23e; storage packed extras 2k :-I iteaje.packed Iln la 24'ic.

; Potatoe*-Ne« 73 cars, old 20: on Cm) track, new 233; -cld 10; lolal Unlled D”

SUlcs shipments 741; trading Rood, if .'t . nuuket stroncer; Oklahoma. Arkansas Wh

tacked Irish Cobblers I3i3 to t3, ac- Bni 1 ; cordlnt to'condlUon; sacked BlUi Tfl- Bra 'I ‘ umphi 13 to t iS i : few tii(H NorUt SIO'tt._------- Can)Uofc-baritl..Jrlsh.;Col!l)lcrs-.tS_to 8toL .:-------♦ jjj ;-v in fln l* -b a rr« l" lrw i CobWmJ ts a s to |3 i0 .1 ;.., , . . LOS.ANOELES,PRODUCE Leo i • . L 06 ANGELES. June 28 (/P)-Pro- Or*

i I - ' ............- a "-Butiei-^Jtt^OO-poimds. ■ ■ Pot

> . Cheeao-lIOO pounds. Pot" r 'Butter^-ISc In b u l t Cjufe)-— r- ggg»-TertrM ? t c ; . i r a h - J l n t a ^ c . C ll

’ ctae count'3DHc; mediums 20c: sinatls Lel ; i - 16H0. . Caiil.i PoultiT—Unchanccd. " ' CeliM . ■ - — - ®P

TgAN^nWHClBCO LIVESTOCK— Afp y ; - H A i r r P R A N O I S C O ,- ? ! ! ™ R « £ 3 -■ ;H op-R *eelp tj 400. direct lOd; three Ber 3 . ,. cm .^taekr& am lnall; rteady; choice Oal . J „ e w U tn iq u o ^ d tU .’« • 8h«i>-R«etlpU 300; tteady; cholM Bul j . tbMnt! deck P M t t pound Iambi 113: But

m eiU m eves S r

n ™ f a l l s -i




• .......y 'CREDIT AQAIM ANO- - A B m - c u - ^ A a t ------



CONSULT 'TV>e''>^06T ^ ' e » .P E R T C0 UN6 BL

ME CAW f IN O .Ilf ■

' v ,

J .IK ----- -----------------------------


, C'-lpu 304, InclnUIni; 21 niurkvl. 187 yj San.Francisco market, 08 L ti Angeln ]„ iiiarkul and 68 Oakland: few drive'tn',!^ 20c tu SOc higher;, bulk 136 lo 103 >* pound welithh 10,30 Xo'|0.25: few 210'_ tn '-Mn piiiiriri_liiili-tiiinL ■ lDi._tinonUi.|

IwckhiK r,ows 18; live- londn ot Idaho hcH3 diip to nrrivr,

IT Ciiitlc-Rccolpu 33c for markcl: III.IJ t!(rdoinK; two part load-s wpiBhiycBw.1;;1, J5.M lo 18; frw vealcn JO,ril fihrpi^NOTe;_'fcjirJaie_BrrlvBl drlvp^IK in 'tO iiound hm ln 'lo fredrra $10; few m wethers IB. ^__

3 • OMAUA 'LIVRSTOCK — ~'Jl. OMAHA. June S8 |/]>i-Hoss-R('- e- celpU-l4.W0i-»l<'4Mly-lo 3Sc lower; de-

«line-«n-welchtrt)utchtrx-nn'J-|i.ickInBk, i-o'«‘s:/IC0 to iwund avcroRcs }8.r.o ' n lo «.75;,|O.EO bid; 330 to 300 poiind ly butclicrs 16.40 lo 18.75: stronger wejxhtl‘> butchers doun to 1U.I0: packliu: rows cr- 'mratly t7.50 to »7,6.V 1^ Cattle-lteceli-.t.'. 7500: led steers nnd ‘

yearllnBS slow: nia-.tly tleady: with I' ' shipping grades .of nil weli;ht.i In *, broad demand:. slVonK lo ISc higher; '

'I she-stock slow.Vteady; bulls weak lo *2ic lower: icnls Me to t l lower; *stocker* and leedrrs scarce, steady; *

ke slaughter steers t0.7S to tl3 : m ind '''• yMrllnns tI3.lO; 1046 pound averages ^!i tl2.4i); 1158 and 1313 .pound averages .

t l2 :‘helfers 19.50 lo tlO.50; beef cows ■’■y ta.i3 to t 8: bulk of all culler* t4 to “ !i' U.33; medium biilL-i tSJ5 lo t5.7S;'('

heavy, beef bulb tO to tfl.60. "Sh»p-Recelpi.i 14.000: lambs and ||

and lop fat miigc lambs t.I3i5; n a ^ ^ lives t l 2.2J: ranfte yearlings medium !

- tSJO; sheep and leedlng lambs steady; / ' rl ajjiijsjiler ewes hjj lo M; m n jr /re d - ' n ing lambs up to tl2.75.


° TliM» Drie<-» nro nlii.lnM d»IIy at f< < o’cluck rn llm nClrrtioun a:»I are ti

1. liilfndoa l» fovff only Ilia »Yrntse ofX -odaci ^ -----

iiuulrd iirli'i'f iin rffprl !■ minis lo In- I cliiile siidi qiialulluna. OuslnMani nr« l otfrtT.i nifidy a Kiii'l* i<> Pfo>luc- t-ni iina.«lioii1.l iinl l>. nrcppit.1 a ; re- ' n^fllhl^ rxiromr* Of »iiher,ti1»h or j] low prler*. u'

"— ';dPaid to ProdBcem

3, Tho Twin FttUj markcla yesterday d wtro Bl follows: - |" LlT«*t«k si

HOBS ............................................ W-M IcLight Heavy H og*.......................17.00 *:

- Htftvy-Hos»--------------------_ _ _ J8 .S 1 U JCows_____________ ___ t4.00 to I5 i0 UHeifer*______ v - ______«-50 ^

>. Steer*______ M ---------tO.OO to t7 i0 'Veal Calves____ ______ I5W to l7J)o'di

I. .Yearllnj.Liunbs----------- lBW -to410M dlSpring L am b i------- --- -------- ---tl2.0p

Fowls: HcaiT hen-1, 4 'i pounds and up ..., 14c

Llghl hens, under 4H pounds .— lie _. Leghorn hens -------------------------- On •,

Cocks -------------------------- — 5cBroilers (colored, IW Ib. to 2 lb.) 14c J"

- Bajllcrs..(LealjQm-.iil lb._WJib.). 13bl“'

' Spring* iLcgliom*)'........... ........... D c.-Stags ............................................... 10c, 1,°

.................... - Lire Tancey*.................. •jp<1 No. I turkcj-*------------------------- 20c.te

Na 2 turk»>-s--------------------------- I5c ctNa 1 bid tom *_____ ______ —. 15c cl

I. D ueks'-rr-T-— r rr r n -r :— : , - r r r - 8c ‘ii.II Oeeic .......... ..... — ........... ......... 8c tl

' Dairy _Butlcrfat, sweet -------------------- 4Qe'Ouderfat, M u r ........ ......................1 ^Tcijj,Erks (cash) ....................- .........—- 14c IEK5 Oocal store). —...—................15o.-*

. ---------Beani-«Bd'P«Uloc*----------------r New slock potatoes, lb ,-------------- Sc. Beam (Ortat N arthem )..«.00 to I3J0 fd

Sntar—Wboleula, Cane ____ i:_____ --------------------it-TJ toJ D e e l----------------------?-------------- Vim II

Wheat and MW Feed. cr 5 Wheat, No. a or b e lte r -------------1153 at- Btnn, CTU.....................--------------11.65 ar- Bran, M(J lb. lo la ------------ ------- 11.60 illi Slock food. 100 lb*. _.JL------------t m sti1 8t«k,tocd,.5011bJ,ota...-,^ .^,._„.fW . _ 1 ' ■

BctaU T rlca Leoions, d o t .___________30c and 35c ,

- Oranges, d o t ---------- 30c and 60c wtOrttpef ru i t ---------------------- ;-3 fcr 25o ke

■: Eljiwberrles ......... "-.'■.“ l O n o ^ J ^ m- Petalee9.-eId-*loelirlb .= rr::=r=:=^6c nc

Potatoes, new itock, lb ._________ 10c *aCArrot*. bunch ------------------------ 10c Rl

I Cabbflge -------- -------------- ----— 70J U ltuce, head (C a liton la )______ lOo eo

Caulinower (CalUomla) I b ._____20c loiCelcir. h u a c h --------------------------I5e fuiSpinach. S poundi - — 3Se JuAfpanifui, 3 Ibt------------------------- 35c poRadlihet,- btmch---------- — — l i - 8c delBertaoda Onions, pound________ lOo anOalons bunch. — :------------- Sq coi

• Pittlaee . meBuUer <railcb)------------------ - 35e sixButler (ereamei7) — ---------- 45e 'S R 9 - _ ----------------------------- 1 S « Ch

-DAILY y^::WS, TWIN v'A\


--------- / ^ s . '-j u o u r —/ MOLOER, SKeeZI>5 X COPN


! j A O eC REB WA<5 SURE 1&SUS0 , 1 AM • A vs H l6 FA T H E R AfiD POSS



■J, ,

• ' 4 1

- ^ a B K E T -S -A -T -A -G L -A N C E - -NE\V YORK-Slo:k-.-Irn-|!ular;

' I C M iKii I‘i;k 11(1 9 (KlnlA o:i; U|) runiob.................... . .. ill

Dond.i—Mixed: New Uijlon I’.-i- lc ''cifte^Trrrnnipr-niBiir-^'^ ''^**’'’— ‘Till

Fort-lKn cxchanccs—* tj; fy> ytn rbc 10 jialnU |lu

__C'ltHin—IIli;hcr;..lriulc_^biiyS!ii;, ^ | iv(Kmrar-Slc.idy; r.iiiiimrl. " "I CoIIi-c—Eiusy: lo'A-tr llio niarkcl. 'iii

________________ ____ _______ f.iLCHlCAOO-Whc.n-i-'irmr-tjTOrr :Jt

nilHlnti demand. nn• ^ C o rrr—Higher; .-uiirovCPiil>!«-i£allu_ w

.cr .soutimni. , . '.v ;!:;-: '--- «rCfitilp—Irn-gtibr, ' HoHV-lllBhi-r. • —

______ ________ ■____ iC:


ceiiH* OOOO; !«■;.: ted si<-i p. nnil yinr- ;ci llncii modi-nldy uelivc; fUlly .-itcjdy; .kh lop H78 prund :tpcra IH.25; ynir- i,» llnss 113.15; lop medium \U'li:hl:i wc

,I13J5; other Rrade.i stn-ra r.nd year-, lings weak to 2';c. lovicr: shc-.'tock steady to wi-»k; best cows 18.53 lo.. ; t0.50: bulk ollien 15.50 to S7; bulh nu sleady: medium grade 16.25 W J0.50: iji( veiilen mostly SOc hlKlicr; i;ood lo (-• cliclce J12 lo 113, ti‘,

HoKS-Itecelpls 20,000; mwlly 10c nii higher on better grade hoiis; clKilngi active a t advancc; pnckliu; souj sle.idy I

•lo 10c hlglier; pigs sliaring llghi lini: ; ndvance: lop i9.40; bulk d(-.'lrab|p ICO bci to 200 pound averagcs |9 to $9.30: 210 3 '; to 230 pound welRhts I 8tui lo 19.23: Pii

~2W) to 31U pound wflgliii IB.M lo Pii 18.00; pigs upward lo 10.15: .\lilppera Sci

.look 7000; oMImated holdover ,J3.000, tI i ( Shcep-HecciiiU 7000; better Kmdc ro I range lambs about Mwdy; tisilvc.i u . w-eak to 23c lower tlinn yi'jlmlay; u . choice Idalio tambj to clly biiiclicri u and shipi>ers 114.33; bull: tl4 lo 114.25 lo packers; lond lots i;ood Inmb.-. down to 813.50; bulk KOOd nnllvcs 113.50 to i 113.75: best a t 114; culls 18.75 10 S9.2J; rcl few a t 10.50; Interior Iaml?s dov.n to thi 10,7} and bflow; ,ilnfii sie.idy; fat inn ewr. i^5ft tn

* POItTLAND LJVPSTOCK i ' PORTLAND. June 26 ( /P i-C n ltle -Rcceipu CO; mnr,t c law s opening nbout sleady at Monday's close, liulU

[dull. 25c to Me lower for .week. Pew.I loads packing sleen held .‘it $ft to, |t8.50: odd head butcher cows ts.2!i to lOiOi medium bulls 10J5 don-n: veal- nii era quotable to t i l . . pei

I Hcw»—Recclpls I75,_ 'w early 'steadv~~ai Monday's” besrprlccsr«iiinll er.ilots 150 to 180 pound ftvemiies tiO lo hei *10.2. ; asking 810J5 tor best llchLi; he: lew 2t 0 10 2flO twiind biilelim tfiM Inc to 19!^; packing son-s mostly IC.50 nld to 17.50. loc:

I' Sheep^None; practically nolhlnc ten 'done: strictly pood lambs 113; few me- nei dlum-ycarllng»-17-lo-tfl,------------------- ;fpr


LOS ANQFXES. June 28 <>P>-THor' Ihr —Reci-ipls 100; holdos-crs 100; active ths 'to 10c higl«r;.two loads 153 to 157 nar pound eaitem butchers t I 2; packUif; Iv.t sows stcfldy. era=r.OattlfaJ/!fflpt.‘i--fH'lT-hoWaTfrT.-m^ pet imark«t--»eUwr»tcadcto^Unin«=j>rieo;^ toad medium grade .Meer* t8.25: otiier t)V 632 pound nveragr.s S7.C0; loa^ BC2 the pound ArUoiu C0«-n SS25;' plain cut* llie ters $3.50 to t3.73; bulls t5J0 to |0 ; noi calves, receipts IDO: holdovers 100: wh choice vealcru strong; gnw v calves Hei

I6dd ' 185'pound^ftverttges'lri' 112J5; early bid barely «leady on fuswelght.lOnds^,_______________ phi-Sliccp-N onc: -nomhiaUy.-atcady-nt-caii 11125 .114 on la m b s .a n d -lisa -lo jn f- M.50 on phom ewe.' [wil _______ :_____■" "■ I«>r

— — ^^O ST O N -W O O i;--------- ' 1” ^BOSTON, June 28 (,7^-Choiec Ohio j-ou

fine Delaine wool commands 45c In the' ful. grease for lola esllmnled to shrink 50 pre: to co per cen t - This means tl.lO to of 1 11.12 scoured boAli. Tlie bulk of av-.offl erase Delaine wool ha* been selling a s a t 44c In the grease.. A few offerings Uie: are *1111 available at 43c, but Uie qual* me: Ily or the condlllon li'below- the unial froi standard. thli ---------- ----------------- ------ -------------1 tlie:

SUGAR all'J< n v YORK, Junc '28 (-P>—There the:

was no change In Uie raw sugw m w — ket loday. T7ie undertone wns a little'offctiL«CT—tm arr-lncrco.w l-offtT m cr-of'B ui nearby-duty tree sugar*.-T he only, inu sale reported was 26.000 bogs of Porio hav Rican due about July 7. a l 4i8. inrhi

Early calM of.on t to two points.on'pub

lowed by reaction* In the raw sugar 'S m tutuna market T he-tauance-of-100 odP July notices led to corerins of Uuil cau poslUon.vhlch bcld .ilc iil^ . Ttie later, sub: dellTcrle*-wtrB-t)If-«ndrr-lJqttWattomt I uid selling by . bouses wllh Europeaji thlr Huaiectlon*. which ^ a s probably pro* ! e; moled by Iscrrued otferinff* In the Uon spot market. Sale* 8U50 tons. jln 1

The refined s a n r tnarket was un*,Uie :haofed » l tS f tor tlse granulated. [Uia

i g r r : -



|-W 1L X ~ 0E T -A ~ ~ * ^ ~ ~ 7 '^ ^ P E K I O PY O F TH E o e c R e e \ / i y o o b j JJD THE TEOTIMOMV H IS FAT

T H E - C A ^ e . I AW| - n IC IM? ■URE V^E CAM FfMD T H A T I >. WAV T O G ST H M .’OS&eSSlOW O F THE WIULIWC MILD BU T y o u THROUDHNDEftSTANO IT MAV / ANVTHi• AN ey.PE M SlV E y - . V H A V E H J K } D e R T A 'K f W d = = ^ ^ ^ ^ \ ^ M V -<

W f J

■ S H IF T S O F S E N T IM E N T I’I'■| c H A f t T O 2 n s M K E r f e ;

_____ iia,ve;v yo iiK , Ji;df :a LP>-rTf/}urni /

ilillla.of ;,pccuLill,i' icntimen: clmrac-’^ Icrla-d iryiiiy's sitx-i. iimrkft, with fliml[~'‘

cpfniim. ba:;«t n i ' t h c iinKppcU'dly*"^, lliugf drtrenw in lirnfcrrs' loan? la.'^'.liy Iwrek. follow.-tl !>', n ulnkin!; si)rll

■ ivhcn'thi' cull inhiii-; niir“win miitked i,l> Ul 5 prr cent, ilic hl':liwi reiitwsl fli;-.^u_Jnce !.^l_J;.:awry and anotlier ‘'I r jn rp b rn l: took filhcr in the amii.if^ , nii'iit sliaifi, but liu a bujlim .-.upiiort „ wa-. provided und lhe markrl worked p

. upB()r<J.-aKwn-dui.iiK-ihc.iilii'.iiL'QU.„. J ';.scunc .i.f (!omnirnl ' -------

—Cmtll -ditHlilloii .-roiillniinl- lo -bo-i;^"'' . aiurcu-of-wliK'kiH-t-i-rommcncrnlth a t" !' movernciU umler v.ny to Indure the ' tediTHl reserve nml sfjrk MchanKu ou-

ihurlilc.': to maV." 11 ilt',Unction Ix-- ■•:i\vrfn loniii on .-lock callatcral nnd• Icuit.-; Cll bond cuUairml, Imlcsrl of rnc I'liiiuptnK them a- ^t pre.wnt. Time nn• mom-.v und coiiinf;-d:ii p.iixr r . n . " , ' ' '- wcrr u:ichiin:;cil, rep

t ' sioNKV 11,J0 - NEW YORK, .lune 23 W j-C sl! . •’ money i.trcni:cr:, aU loam 5; clcr.his „; bid 5: llnip lonrtr ;irni: mixed collat-j 0 cral liO to 90 day. 4'.- t:i V -: four tn

ilx montlw 4 'i ti)4">; jirlnie nitrcan- 1 ^ f llic paiKT 4 to v ; .a I -------- I'd)' I I.IIJKRTV ItONIlS I ■1: NEW YORK. June 20 M ^L Iberly i''''’ 0 bond.i clo:j:tl: - .0 3 '-> ' ............. J . .................. ...... sioi,; FirM 4 ;--------------- _________ m isa lJ ia0 P in t 4 '.» .......1........................... 10'J30|‘’|’‘• Sccond 4’..a ................... 100,9 jthc). Tlilrd 4 ' ; c .......................... 100.29 atff Pourth 4".r: .. " ..................... los.isjwa:s U. 8 . lrca. UI■y 3 ? ,s ............. .... in.vo 'a tu: u . 8 . tn -^ 'jry 4' . ...................... ins.G Jlii-n U. S. lrea.iurj- 4’. s ............... m e |ilie5 -------- icll» Di;NVEIi SHEKP aivi5 DENVLTl, Jiitii! 28 (/l')-Shecp-Re- wic ; relpU'i tlx- la’.di owes nnd hmbr per throuKh to cBunlry;,no[hlriE done on i>ei.

t Inmb.i: indlreilrtu orounil 23c lower: - i t -tainbr!are-:.TcnnftyTiCr lower nt tl2'75 . •'

/•0 1I3, ' a l l


Wll\ fConlhuied Proin Pogo Onei

- nu rli frcm ll!o,v whow* llvtllhood de- J” pend* upon Ja«-Uint thing.

‘-There nre a few practical ccm:ld-1 crallons tliai .'iiiigcjifllii-mselves. En'-rj'1 heoltli olflcer should have a liewt-io- ; heart talk wiili the local editor look-1 Ing to clov rfx-.peratinii, KnllM llie I ^ 1 nld ol the exi-cutlvc *ccrclary of your

local liibercuU\lj and health commil- -I'o: tcft A:k llic--.e volunteers lo prep.ire ■i''t• news siorles to be subinill'-d 10^-511 ele.' -{pr-npproval“ b6furo |iulillc.iiion, I Ticv

nm ^ure you wlli Iind lh;m eager to niidjhelp. clvlI "Do iiui exploit youwlt. Exploit ecK

I the ncttr.. Do not laiw! every ston- rd I! that crlglnatc.1 wii;i you with yoiir on r name. Occasional official slnlement;! -f: lv.ued by you will be good, but gen- ___

rmlly spcakintt make your stories Im- ^“ ueraoiiai.----- --.-m rr— ---------------------- i-,;:i.::.iactUIw5rep3rt«;;wtJnit=<cc;:ycu -J.■ by glvini: lilm -tip,':'' on ttcrlcs. Tell B

the n-porlcr lhat Uiere Is a riory In \• lhe henllii •mennclnjr dump in tiie; norih end ot the clly. Tell lilm _; why then' i news In. thal .illuition,1 Hein Ihnii ip_be-leclinlfflllv_mra;el — I Iri their ftorles, but do nol be loo 1 fusjy nbout having them aw Jw t the

phnucolosy lliat you would uw. You Oi i.caiinpt -UTltc .news. ln..lhc::XaUnrtit un ijnfdlcnL.prrK rinllim 5, ,You must linlte. la..Uie-lanRuage that the hews- IKiper renders will underetand,

I _See_nrl£lilcr.Sl(lC-jOtl!lk_____ “2l^ n 'r y to .w the brighter side of tn

I j-our work. Make .your stories cheer- ni, ' ful. Bnphaslre not death with de- i presslns stallsllc.^, bul' Uie Joy I of llte. Let sunshine radiaie from Ute .office of the health commls.ilon. Throw ch a scare Inlo the community now and Uien If Ll newssary. bul re- Cn member thal nesv.paper readers shrink thi from Uie unplrawnt. AccomplWi Uie ^1 thing you liave In mind by-telling Uiem how Uiey eMi livc lonf-nnd'Cet 'Ar maxlmuitn5.ipplnr«-oul cf'llfe.-TVhcn u|-, all Is tald nnd done, Uiat Li whal they wish to know. . 'j -T hcsc-arr praeucil •coMitlrratlon.t offered for_wliat they_may bc_wortu

*Bui r i o in «l.-.h to go a Illllc deeper- Into the e»wnilftl.vof-niedle«il publicity. " having in mind the profession na a

{whole. If you hop e 'to r succcssful wo publlclVv you m u« lln.l wll youneU'ta

ion the Idea bl publicity. The'prore*- iion ot medicine Is the most poorly nes odrcrtiscd of profession*, and thU be- lUr cause ll never has. been told on the

.subject f»L.puhllcUy^Oa.the-e<mtran-. „ n t has“iB*nraNrairftiiUuac"brsdrti6- “ Uilng like aloofne** toward Uie press. Pri ! expro* no'opinlon a* to Uie reac- Uoiv ot Uie press to Uils itUtude, but Co

;in a coldly pivfculonal dlsgncels ot Uie case I gel the Impreulon • U ut

[U3CM U s feellas U u t In Uib past4he


H E N ^ S J n i L m S Z ^



.IWQ TO a o ADOPTION BY UDH ’ ■ ANVONB. FRAUDTHiM G T O / MAV HAVE - ........i HIM FO R / ENTBREO INTO TMe y - 0 W N ? i~ A ( ^ R A N S A C T 10N ^

I ;

(lirufi'filcn of niedlclni' hi? raUier be f)i|'..fl Ihl- pmfi-L-.i.wi ..f 1n-irr.3t- H .,l

I l:ni. and you know hotv p'.'iiulur hlch lund ha’j. an ' ni Ne-«pa|)fr How. ijxm

, Trie iiii’dleal proIcfLiInn nevfr ha.* t)]|< 6«.':i whi'lly (rank wiili the pre.w. «;ir„

i.O ne inli:lit think Uml llliic!.'! wn.< re-’?J'''cd4 - ^

.lior .roinetlilng of,whlcli’ to be iiiliaind* W*t: ItWhen the President of the United j 8 i.ite:i Mwaks we hniiR on hi-, every ol pr . wcrd. If he iraveli w<--wWi-lo know SocJi , all oboiii' where lie goes and whal nnd

he SC1-.S. Is he on varaiign? Wc mu.« it b< - learn U iii.sla.of lhe trout ho hud Ior iilclv [ lire.ikhM, All f]Ultc rli;li( iinu proper. Itln■ He 1-1 uur prenldenl nnd wc nre In- exce]

Icn.'ti'd i:i nil Ihnt concerns hlril.*'T3ul to c'. JeCMilR]-f^I. lll. niid'AUddcidy hc U fd :^ j^inrf.nipn.'.wi wllh a profej--iicnal silvni.'c liie | ,|in-uiipcj)etnble-n.T tlie'Tr.Tsoh-for-lt. such . Till' phyricLins puwyfoul. TJie nurses ti tni , I'.u-kjfwit. Tlie scrvanl.i pa'jy^pol and Derm , even .the rep«rtcrj irc-l to puwyfooitiiK I In the hlKhly charm'd iirolci.iloiinl nt- ; mc.<pluTi'. ;V-p .-I resull Ihf public which . may fcc wrouRht up to a high pilch of ; I'cltcnif.-il. recelvr.i sui'h lllumlnnllnc .

rri« ru n.? ^Al 2;91 ;i. m. Dr. Blank camc oul of nails:

the flck room looking rmvc. n tsI At 2.02 p. m. Dr. Blank rclUfiii-d lo uf hi: ’ the i.lck ronni still looklnr nrave. the r 'I '-A recem concc.'sion la In- thal

terer.t In Ihi: cimdiilon of nn oulsland- prcht ing |Kr:Mnu^o who has been i|uamiuln- pupu id from till' pres*. Is Uie pnicUce of Ls- to ll, suinc oflldal bullcUm a t lixtd inter- .,jj

,'vnls ot the day nnd nlghl, Tlii-.ic nrc 1,-ocd M ^^r ns tlicy go. bul they do nal '

'KO very fr.r. rHiincilnics ttii’ names jaqq i\«lini?ti to the bulletin lake un moroII iicwnpaiwr rpr.ce than the builellns p ' „

IhcmM'lvM. Tlic bulleliiu tell us Iha'.■ a t a certain hour the jiallent's pulse ' ;)wtt! 80: re.ii>irniinn 32: and temper- 'nturcloo. All uf which :iieims much to , ^ihi- profi-aslon Iim hltlc nr nothing tohlie grnerTil public. Now If Ihey would 'icll u.-. l l a l nt midnlRlit th;- tick man — aivakeiied nnd naccu Ior a ham s.iit:l- wich, we wlio have been 111 nnd ex­perienced Ihe seiuc of rcturnim: up- l>eUte. wnuld know t'-.i: the imlleni

• "How tlinrc Is n rr.-'o'.u side 101 ali Ihls, Tlie mllllo.:; u ih counlry) wanl to know wli.ifs i-..;3l and k! have a right to kiow. The iicw.i- papers do lhe btr.i they ran lo lell Uicin. bu! In my oplnlcn llic poorest rrponlnn ihni 1* d-j:;: i i th il deallnit with sickness,

•’In recent year-, lnr,tfver; Ui:re h-.-. betn a.dt'.tlticl improvement, Todi".; I I think, tiic proIcMlon Is to'in/: lo co- I «l)«rate wllh the pre-j nnd lhe nem - *

lion lo mjtllcal mnltfrs. |l"It alt goes back lo Uiis: Wc of llic . V

press nnd you cf medicine must arcufe ' 0 ■EtliWlTrs~toTr” rersr-ot-profoiintf re- — «l :pori> to .the publie. We are f i natural nlllei nnd sliould work hi ihf -f; ele.' esl cooix-ratinn, fnr_I_soici1Ult3'_l>fcL - licvo Uiat the dejtlnlcs of the nation nnd the irlumiih or collapse of modem y clvlllinUon will rest more on the clinr- A ectcr ot Ihc l'*o profe.Mion.'i represent- ^ rd iicre lotlay itian on any other hum­an ujeney.

"Sanity :md sAnllallon; In these will

l i f fg f f i P I t O F T T V E B B

One of llic world's greatest andmbslTdLlUlWiajCdZIireZniilldUi. ____luul-AdvlMf*,- U .-asalD-ln.-Twln Falls, lo renew old actiuaintancer.

tnithfully nbout .lhe affairs of llte, " nbout trlend.s. enemies or rivals, concerning love, courtship and mar­riage, Investments, spcculoltoiu, and clianges of nil kinds.

Calls you by name, and telLs you the object of your call without asking a f.ingle question.

•Art~you''dls!aUsflciir*dlsconkntrt,' unlmppy,'" U” *6irie'”orie"elsc''enjoyi Ing Uie' rlgliUi Uial sliould be vnurs7,,.See_hlm t^ a y ^ He willhclp^you.____ ____

Develops Your Personal Magnellsra the 'm agic wand Uiat iKiles" the' world. • ' - '

Private quiet-Quartets, oil- busi­ness slrlcUy,confidenUal. For short ... lime only regular 15.00 readlns for f l I3.M. You pay It sAUstird. Office, BsTxer-^roomi," - over— Standard- — — PrlnUng Co.'"

Comer Shoshone Street and 2nd Ave. North. Twin Pall*, Idaho., .10 a. Bl. t o -8 p. m. diily

i29,.1927. •.

r ■■ ■

\ - T''^T^WA6 - I N - T H r - ^ ^\ / INTERIOR OF AFRICA \ I



lO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW /..............OF. H IS . E W ST E N C e . / Iwe UNTIL APTER-TWE / ?

be found Uie promise fur Uie future. |u Um ihu ' iinii hcallhy_l»dicj.»ro n lundnrncntoli ol Democracy. The rc- i<INmlbltlty Is shared nbout eaually by Ii the profcsslon’of Jouniafljm and Uie ll science of medicine. fi

"Tlic sanity of the world depends up- “ DnMhir-Hinlipaol-Uirf^prc4j.=.-lf.jiSBi:. “ paper edllon geni-rally lose iheir sense ol proiwrtlon. their readers will go nind, ‘ SocJciy .4W3 .lt«U .in. Uie. iic-,va. coluuui. nnd Uie tcrious Uilng about it Ls that . it belicvc-1 wh.1t U ices. II Uie.dally "

' picture U conslsienllrfabllled-trivlal- " itln-made-l'i-npiM-ar Imporlantrihe ^ exci-pUoiinl, Oii iliu rule; credence jflvcn , to every elusive rumor nml -fact con- !* fayul'.wljh tp5jylatlcn;7 lKc.vlslon ot

I liie public'is bound-t'n'be'il!3torlftl,--Ili ^ |sueh-cirrjnirtan:c5-lhcmirvCT-can-l>c n tnnc public opinfon and witfioul thi.s ' Democracy eitinol sunlve,

Mu«l Know Life'FicLi invl

"We must iJiow lhe fiuru of life, n The woods arc full cf those who a n tvcrlnstlnRiy iclllnB 11.1 what ;ve ought ^ lo be. Tlie supreme mission of Jour- c, nallsm Ll to tell us what wc are. Fur It Is only Uirough cn undersUmdlng of hlinsclt and of human nature and ot ^ the nrce$.slile.i of community existence, thal Illd Individual may hope lo com­prehend the adv-anlages to .h im ot popul'jr’BOvernmenl nnd iidii# himself to It.

"II b llie fonvlcllon that Uie sanity ut k fleiy deptnds upon the sanity ol I the p r r j llml Impeb tlie more Uian 1,200 dally new-spaiiers rngagtd In Uie , Jospt.-aUi:ft-<itfnrt nf Ttie JPrcs.1 to inatnlcin In the;c days of so much yellow publicity a news retwrt lhat is non-pariiun, iwneat nnd drecnt and io JHVlic the coepfmlloii. to this end, of every proles.ilon lhal recognizes ^

_______ ^oundtrify fares to Pai world-famous playsrin

N ow p la n vaca tton tr ip i----------------- in g r e to r t c e n te r s a lo n s 1

- - _ i i- . ;c I u d e S f ln F « n c J « o —a t yo u r Journey to sou the rn

_________ ooBim re tu m \'ia th l ic o lo ioils i f you w ilh . "

T nrel wticward over the dire Tihoe Uoe. F ron Tniclctc, vl fajgh IntheS ittm T hen San F from there to Loi Annies. Ren of the roott* covejtd by follow:

' F ro m W c

L e t A n g e lM■ ' boihwiTivU "*T


^ — $ 4 0 . 0 0 — ^S a a F r a n d s c o

-• - .............. ...... dlnxtvjj .. .Reno ............

n r r S M . O O . _____ 1

T k le titn u U a n y d a..M sylSjJooJM ntili

S o n ^ ^


V" ■ ^

-!------------' “WOTHINC UAmL I \ i HAVE eXAMINECS THE PA PERS INt h e ' c a s e , v o uSEE ME IN A FEW . .1 . ' 4 D A y S . m e a n w h i le I


:W iCM ES—A RE.;:^-- —h ■ -. CARR.IEO . OUT* / •

i 't; t M 01, Cwtmh i». •

S S t .: ' ' .H 111 ftmt»

I that no profession can live lo iUclf(iloiie. ______ ____________ ___ _

"Here Is where nifdlelne lakes up the lead. Tlie mas&e.i luve. been made lo lliink and they are 10 be rcckond wllh - 1 from now on. Tliey stopiied UirowinB ' salt over Uielr slioulden. Tliey aro wl:o to the nuacka. Tliey wont lo bo

Tliey look lo science, not lo magic, tor their well-being, m e "bill of rigtiU" • ha.i'lnst-f-Tappn!.—What the areragc American wunls is nol more rights but more comfort. Their concepllon ot Ownocracy Is a govtraacnLwlUi which oil wil! b f so concerned tlml each will give to the group according to Uie • tnlcnt.s wlUi wlilch he Ls endowed. Toy » v _ c r medicine- Uiey -loQk;..(:ot -.Uiat___p.ijbiiVhraiiinn.tireiit-CTfm can loiii! endure,'

".May We of the'profcs:lon.ot-Jouri ntll.'ni and you of the profession ot medicine prove l;lg enough to catch Uie vlr.lon uf s'.'rvlcc In wlilcli Is the hope lhat tlircuRh the'Influence of public sanity nnd public he.tlih man may naturally and happily come inlo Uic capacity lo nile hlm.iclt n n d 's o 'b e inily free."


'■ F O R S A L E

C o m e e a r l y w h i l e t h e

a s s o i ' t m c n t i s c o m p l e t e ,

5 f i* M i le E a s t

I V d s K i 'h f f t o n 'S c h o b l ’'’-A

P f ; ’ ’

} W : .

*esWest.acific C oast cities and (tunds greatly reduced,

p ito th ec o o I,re iT C 3 V >- - - - - - -

a t n o a d d e d fe re —in n California. Y ou can o tfa lv v e iK n im ctn ip . — ___

IrectO m ltnd Rouce,lAV« viilc Jeweled Lak« Ttho«

I FranclKo; 10 tralai dsUy etum um e wty er ris any jwlog rcduccd UrctiM lfl

L o a A n g d e tStiewsyvUSsaFnocltctii

ten im T isL uV ep s. ................................

- $ 4 7 . 5 0 --------------------------------

S a n F r i t t d t e oclrcultyUPottUna . .

~ b a c k 'W O gdtn - -

_ S 6 Z . I S __________ _______

d a y en a n Ja fu r '•JlO ciobrrJl.---------------------- --------- — _

iPadfic i-■■•PTBANCBOrr, :< l e a .-A x w » - ----- J

SouUiem Pacitld<^

. « So. Mala s u ' . :____Salt Lake City; Utah

Page 7: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

-PISBrai GiP- ■\

In d ic a tio n s P o in t to in c re a s e d

A tte n d a iic e a t Com ing Con-

_____f c r e i i c e .a t B e iievue...............................

IncrMsed'tittcndnncc nl the Bcllcvuc guinuier ccn(ercncc Is IndlcaiMl by Uic preliminary reporU comln* in rrom • liie Pi-ubyterlan ctiurchM of wuthem Idaho. One church In Uie eul«m part of Ihe na ic expccu lo send 20 or 15

. o( lU youn; people, wUh nil cxpcn:ci pild.

The camp [rreundi have b « n vbitca.......■ br Ilcv. A. o . Pearson of Ts'ln Polls,

vh 3 La in clu^rso «f U ul p liue of lurnngcuienu. ontl lie reports thal Uicy will be tn good shape wlien the first delcsfttM arrive on Thursday,July -H. The conference lasls teven dnys. durlntt which Ihe attenduiu cjm p In Ihe sliady srcve along the banks of Uio beaiiilful Wood river, which nl Dcllevue divides Into several

. channels. —Rev. U. J. Dingle. Uic Dellcvue pas-

___ lor. hM rclurnfd from his vncatfon, rUIVCwlllch Jic looJe rarJy l» ofiJer to slJoV ii; plenty of Ume for tlic openlne ot Uie

) dining room, which Is h is . c*pcclnl chunic. Tlic conference a few years ARO bought two adjoining buildings on Thursd the main tireel of Dellevue which are U’e Dl

___used /or kllclien iind dinliis r&om. *One of UicmT* UiVfftDious IXL ralbotr -wlrtdw- bulldlng of old mining day*, and ll Is who dl( nodceablc that foculty members from “ »nly Uie east alwaj-s like to bc photo* traplied standing under the old sign, husban Acrodj^lthe^strcel Is n pioneer store «ol'u,t« building «1Ui lls Iron awning, bulk to be let. down across the store front bs widely protection ognlnsl any wild and woolly district

. visitors wlio might slart to slioot up , ‘’*■0 «ir^ th e iMmr.:The flsviee-nM^TiM-beciLaa— use-slnce-ihe- Prc»bykrtans-iiuirted-lo - of-Vw ■ hold a summer young people’s confer- Angele;

cncc in Dcllevue. J 'Recrealloiial ncllvlUes aro being well

am nged. A Joint lleU meet vin .be held ivllli the Meiliodlsl and Dapllil i r | 7 r groupj, who also liave summer camps in Ihe Wood river valley. A trophy Is I I I ilL provided lor Ui« group winning Uits meet. Tlic lennls courts, usmI for the LL flrsl lime lost jvar. have been put In (JL good shape.

An ordieiuxL of IB plcces wUl fur* nliii music fof tlie assembly periods P rom ; dally, and ft ^irofcsjlonfll song leader Hof has been engnjed. r i i r

Rev. M. 0 . Atonlgomery of Pnrtiw. nppolnted by the synod of Idaho aa director of ilie conference, announces .i-Moi.t th a t llio following faculty members

- hav6 been lecurcd:Dr. J. 8 , Armentroul of Plilladel*

pills, dean nnd Sunday sciiool meth* .

PranclKo Tlieologlcal seminary. Dlblc:, Dr. E. T. Allen of Whiunan college.

'tW b lJa WaJa. WMJilngwn. lon lsn-n li- ••^slons: D^ Walter M. Irwin of Den- ^,,,.,1"

ver, stcwardthip; Dr. A. D, McCormick ^ . i , I of. New York, cliurch organlzaUon; w . Mis* IliiUi Dcmlcc Mead of Poealello. children's work: Ml« Frances DavU of Salt U ke City, home missions. 'j .

Dr. Oxtoby b to give a stereoptlcon “ IJ Iccitirc ^ n King Tut's lomb. which he 1, ‘ vlsllcd during a reccnl trip lo Egypt.

------- Th»-wtmn>ef.^if<»rwic«-U-rapldly- ■ ,7 .^becoming-one of the chief means of w lc,'ide.'shii> training fcr young people, and Mi

' ilEmlDIS 1 liBlfflliS

and Ed— ^ . cf picii

P o p u ia r i ly l iT lV o r l f f a r r S h ^ ^ ^

In c re a se s W ith G row ing Fa*: Son^M,

______ m iliarity_V V ith I ts Me ri t .— -- -------VIEN

____________________ '___________ da.CrtiiWoTiham SliowB. here lliU week un- In Aus

der auiplCM of Ihe T»lu Palls base- CarinU bnll cliib. attract crcwds lhal grow he: dl( larger each evening to the tent city board I with carnival almoephert on the circus

- .. grounds near the Short Line dcpol: .. popularity of the sliowi Ihcrcftsn os - u u >.

word of lla dran. wholesome enler- W " lalnmcnl and worth whiit;educatloail ' =i^NimraUiqpCT7-ffll?gd-.tbr>w^-«n<ljd:= — . =T?;> -{H6ifkm '=»nithm w m tlU «B^tteT»art

two evenings have been unfavorable, lolronsge (s meeting lire cxpectaUons •“

------of Iho management.ol ihe.ahQTa.and . . .^ K 3the baseball club. B K

The sliow offer a crcat variety ot E S I cnlertnlnmciit including oppnriumiy lo B U n'In a blanket, n doll, a liam or whal H D hnve you by test of skcll or chance with H t ? ivhrrl of fortune, wunpus cat or oUier -IM il

-------(Icvlcrfl or BKn«rfthd ranging lo Uirill*' ' J f l S- ing -rtd ta -wlUi Bccompanlmenl--of - ID * '

Intigliier nnd shrieking cn any of eight u K - ~ - different contrivances, (^H j------- Tlie'nquatic tmhlbltlon-with its bath* b R

. big girls snd high diver; dioy, daring motor c}-cle riding, and boxlnj and H H

• wresUIng challengers ore outstanding M B ! . chowi. and educational fea lu tu In* ■ D l

dudt) cahlblilons o( itrange people, anl- ' | ^ 9 mols. a live dcni.flsh, and llfellkt TM show of figures of notorious oiitltwi nnd Tamous pcace cftlcen.

T in meehsnla} bttllttM d m irhleti maneuvers aro ciecuted by MO moving ■ ■ Ilg iira nnd machinery ot n r fa re ts ■ ■

------(,ne-of-Ui»-prlnfilp#l-lnKre8t-c e n lm — ^ 9and one Uial many declare Is alone ^ H l wortii the price of adml-ston to all of B B tho ntlraetlons on the show snunds. H I


' ‘ OXFORD, Eng.. June.38-b(>><-Ox> ford Unlrertlty has promulgated a tu tuu) sdmliung women to all pro* - MtHl

... . f e u o r s h lp a . , rc ^ ^ p s and Vnlveriity N l l |

j , This principle h is hlUierto been rec* ' r, oenUed by tho imlverally. bul tbe ita - DAO‘<r ‘• " “ tu tti>uD f'rM -7[oina»rr(>birng7iH ‘ "O T 'd i....... future-Utt-tdmlnJttTaUvezporerrnmr. . also fall (0 vomehl A woman chan* crftn:

celior nnd vjec-chancellor now are poi- U>4 ' > ■' UblUlIca. •••• • • ftoTli

............................ •

( C J f <V'DlP m suouit)tak e a PfEK AT


W h i t t o o o w m_ r u E OlO C R un iH £


— g g O B b fM - =

D q WT be SORPRiSfO '(/■ IP 'fOU S o o n h e a r fi'/;

■ OF ruE A n d y g u m p j L MAMFOUD COf^&NWlO'J W)ouSTABl.E CRUTC.M

C o m p a n y . | N t • (jl


U H E R A L A R R A N G ED FO R I pT R O J E r a r o r yFuneral »er%-fcca wll(,l»c licid nexttiursday alternoon a l 2:30 o'dock In pciIC Dlue mortuary diapel liere for Newk;rs. Minnie Percboom, of Hollister, wife, lrtdw-cf-th<H*t« Wllliam-Perebooia, o « g jHo died early Tue.sday momlng ot Uie sakeilunly general liospital. Mrs. Perc- Mrs.wm was to years old. With lier Ncnrltsband and family she came to Aliceollbter Irom Sioux City. Iowa. In a .. Atfrchn913.''ftnd Uie family btcamo nichnIdely and well known Uiroughout the sactnatrlct Mn. Pcrebooni Is survived by ctilcara sons and U -o 'dnugh t^ .'C ln r* WoIm ice-P«o)boom ,awlJ»ln£iYank Harris ::V6UlsUa:.-.ADdrri# - P e r t L ^ j i r ^ f l l iT ji sngeles, and Mrs. James Wlbon of „ .*” ■ - I k

_______________ Flynr


_ _ _ fiunll,

r o m p t T r e a tm e n t B r in g s R c- poi'^d Hof to L ilt lo D a u g h te r o f Mrs. E lH s B o d e n . ' 'c r . f

_ _ _ cbeo.IIAZELTON. June 5 8 -n ie small .iiig liur ot Mr. and Mr*. Ellb Doden, PAIho live easl of town, swallowed scv- »iid ■al heart tablets during the abjcnce: her moUier Saturday momlni!. Tlie Wr. a Illd-w-as Immediately, nislinl lo r.

•eatment and rdlcf. t’Colcn.Tlie Lehd*a*Hanil.dub o r Dixon d b - 'C a lh let held an annual plenlc nt Arlesian uiiday, moat of Uie members ond < ock. id r families attcnaing. MIdgIM. A. Sumner was a Jerome visitor “"tl I Ilurday. . H. JMr, and Mrs, Prank Munihy, Mr. H«Id. id Mra. Gordon. Murtiliy. Mr. nnd Lan’“ rs. Peterwn were slslilaeerj nt Sho* wns. lone Falls Sunday. ScattlMrs. W. Kwfer was n Twin Falls Me lc

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ncwall nnd Mr. wife, id Mrs. Oorden Perkins and.children ’ ere among the vbllors to Uie new We ■Idge Sunday. to ou:Tlie Uiree dilldren of Mr. and Mn. and s iiarles Freeman underncnl operalioiu Ing T the removal of tonslti Saturday. , moOii Mr, and Mrs. Dave Roblnctl, Mr.Id Mrs. J. D,- Dickinson nnd chll- en, Mias Marian Ualiy and Walter Id Edgar Roblnett composed n parly

picnickers to Minidoka dam Sun- —Adv

Robert RJcore of Jerome b visiting MCU Uie home of lib cousin, Mrs. Oor-

in Murphy.— ------------------Cus

VIENNArJune-38 M^FraiilcUi-Uiliu I Crarolll is the_flr«l woman nrclilieci

Austria. She lives In .KlBgcniurt, , jrinlhln. but wns examined and given ,:r diploma by the official cxamlng aM h m . g,

----------------------- eft.'Jc5News Wont Ads reach Uie people you i Mai sh to a t t r a c t . nbsorlr = ^ = * s r * = s a a = a = ^ = s s

I- - The

mclor outer

- TreJii? Tlie


The lensic

- e w e -


T«lU-i sull t never cylind yoml I

Tlic ed foi

-• lu llfo f ro n t ' feld f! dr>-dl Ing Cf lo*-px molcr

iriUleNoll■ III ■■a !■.> , I •

lO‘>nX T ,'« iu ] 'ho f etM Ud'lanUls. Ada 1 w dH B ln fT lir w t i t a tlon of WalUr a ^ 8 rolth.~b*t“ ot~Anieriei*f-town claims » l*«T ;ro f7e> « hc harbetn-erylftr hlbll I ih^ la t a l liews-ln Uie slrteU of wlUiln l^0Tlace(0ini.'A fam etiaielU .' . ' cation

-■ J . . . . i ...


-T-H -E -i

l l T u l BfE /t : V BV E

I . P ] \ b l a o T -

^ ihe'^oiel^ iERRINE-K- A. Stolberg. Prank vkam. Jarblilge; W. E. Zelley and — ~f, Salt Xake; N. H. Oiigall, Mrs. I jalU)cnvcri-=Mr..and-Mj5~Davld. - -O f ' ler. Meeker. Colorado; Mr, und», c , R.- Wnllin. .Tacoma; B. N. irUey and family, Dallas, Texas;re N. McArtor, VesUi HunUey. A. A , ------Akron. Ohio; Mrs. E. Mllb. Mr. ,,

liai-d :M11Lv ' Miss Maxlnc'Sclunltt; rmmento; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dcck, icago; W. S. Clinpman ond family, lienburg. Colorado. '

igaERflnw^ir..-.j.-::.p{gg,-: 9ii««: ______L. Hnyers, San Prancbco; Mr. arid FO R 'J. J. M. Read, Salt Lake; J. J. pavenn. San Prancl.v:Q;'>tr. ahd M n. cTveIH. JohawH, SeatClei-C. U. Caltln, taucR. Cnffln, Charles A. McLain, Mr. - _ j7 i 1 Mn. H, H. Elder. Kobe; Mr. and s. II. S. Philips. Mrs. Mary E.Ight. Mn. Hdcn A. Slnitloion, Den- ®!* \ ; T . R. SmIUi. Salt Lake; H. L.t. Nampa; Charlca JI. Lenny ond P o tl Illy. Spokane: Blllle Shaw, Carlin, mov:,-ada; Ellb Pcarcc. Pocatcllo; II. H. home,ndcxter. Carlin, Nevada; Mr.vond quick.I R. E. Hawes. Dolsc; P. L. Cru- xilE~l, Seattle; Les C. Dolan, San Pran- |,n j

• nnd 11!

^ARK-O. II. HoUnes, Dobc; Mr, o}^ n .i Mra. J. W. \Vp!Bcn, Denver; A. tJoari-rdner and wife. Alamo,ia. Colorado; -J , and Mrs. 8 . SmlUi. Perrj-, Newrk; D. O. Oodman, Standard Oil JJ

eman, Lolt. Ncublll, Durkc. Collliu'Ih lia n .. Iluiuia. .Tadcvlch, Sclva, ‘ ' son. iTronln. OXeat}-; c . A. Brad- b = s k. L. L. Farnsworlh. Denve.r; A. P. ,lirai« Iglcy. H. A. Cerf, Sail Lakc; Mrs.1 Lucy Belle Tlironu, iCansas City; rmmti J. Ebcn, Pocatcllo;. William U.

Id. Helena, MonUinn; Eugene P. “ na. Detroit. Michigan; J. M. For- “ n i i ,g, Dol«; E. D. Shcrwln and wife.■ttle; E. M. Kalber«. Trechada. New ,«lco; P. S. Oalney. SaU U ke; L. " iioffmnn:'D i'iimr. n .»g . Kii.H' mije. Mb* King. DoUc. ------- ]

................. ■ Estate^e wish to MjircM our npprcclatlon notlc our many Irlentb who i;nvc _ua help [gnedI syiiipathy and floral otterlnga dur- ji. o .

Uic slduicA'i nnd death ot ou of onther nnd grandmoUier, agalnsi

Nfr. and Mrs, H, £. Walkllng, themMrs. Emib Williams, wltlilnMr. nnd Mjn. Tommy Williams. llcaUotMr. and Mrs. S. E. Williams. mlnUti

dv. noil. 1

W F E A T U R E A D D E D TO S T A R CAR E Q U i P H p T t!.«

usliloncd motor suspension U the It about ivlilcli nn Interesting de- ip m c n t-h a rtc cm ro iig iin n u rB B r - n rr v ,•- in—s ta r—cars:— PracUcally—all N O IKlcn(^ of motor vibration Is sold to In Ui:e iKcn dlminnted through Uili Stat<ovation which b declared to make SoutiSUir four one of Uic and In thelesl riding cars on the road, , O. Dlany forms, of snubbcn and shock In porbcra Imvc been invented and used reeledabsorb road sliocka before Uiey Inaftrr;h the automobile body ond dUiurb Uoncd

tio ^ a lar has allopted-thir^shoclt orbcr. principle lo abscrb vlbraUoa Block ' hc cFii’,tnictlc:i consists of a rear Eden 1 IS mMiilx-r directly bolted to the all the ,or cronk ca.« and supported a t its appurl< ;r cnd:i In bncketa riveted lo the Raidu6- . ---------------------- -— ttn-fl'ehea; brntkeU contain a special July, I Ix-r filler block which entirely sur* *oid foi nds lhe_«id of.the roar crav» mcot- esmtiro ar.3 iircvehis nicial-to-mctol con* The

hc irojil’cnd ot the molor has ex- bankniilcnt on either side of llie .d iiln pniu n~w hlcit-(ii-lnio-braekel»^boll«} t m n r ft crois member oiid is similarlyg.ln,,rut:bcr.., ______ _____^ _he. rubber cushions .aU:orb.every },.h rrU'c.'cf molor vibration. Tlic re- . , b an even, quiet flow of power

cr before cxperlcnctd in ;a 'lo u r *•nder roo io r-a -m o lo r-sm w th -b^ — ^*0II cpmparlwa. . Noticelie S tar car waa Uie fln t Iqw M e* -four-eyllndir aulomobllc'to us»-^ Nolle foree*tffd-mo(or lubrlc*iloni sUenl a. in.-o: I end clialn drUn; hoi spot mini* Twin P rscrol-clllptlc rprings; sltfgle plate o t Idali disc diilch; seml-lrreVpaUjlo sUir*’ U ry Pi grnr, Tlie fltnr car U first In the the a[ prlce<l Held to adopt cushioned Three i cr suspension to silence vlbroUon. m e r s < ] i i '.................... •_ lll_Mll\ w e

EG A U A DVER TIS'EM 'ENT'S S T i o______________ ------------------Uie Bio

,M)TICK,TO COEniTOIUJ : TllO 1 ite nf Ada M. Oslnnder, Deceased, the per jtlco Is hereby given by Iho iindex* permit ed adm lnbtntor of Uie estate of IdaliD.

M. Ostrander, deceased, to tho 'T i e v iitwr-of and.all-i>er»on»^havlng oppUed T5S ajalnstrUteeald-decetsfdi-lo-e*- —T h f i I Uietn wiUi Ute neceuary vouehets, la-'pue iln six monUu after the flrst'puUi* ' Tho 1 aicftlilifw tfce.toU w sniJoitttim * ( tf /o r l

ILY NEWS, TWIN: FALL!LLS- I D . 4 H 0 , WEDNESDAY--------------- --------------------------- -----------------

° ' r o -

^ / w ^ o V

ilRO ' H

m i m--o n e - g e n t - p e r - w o r d -

P E R IN S ER TIO N -—----------------------------------------- ---- --DEllRYAU.WanlAdi.allTejinaacUMand-

Uiey brflflf Uie buyer. - N E \ 0Phone M ■ , Mla j

FOR S A j - E - j E f l L E S T A T EOR SALE-«-ROOM-HOU8B -^ N ^ ^atrec t._P hon^ 3J3 -R -2^;_ ” !!W ] IVE-ACilE tltA 0 t-/> L b-8 ." .MlJn'

O R ' S A l^ ^ R b O M ” RtSIDfeNCE « on paved s tr^ l, MSOO; terms. Twin *" «« alia TWr nnd Ahstnct Ca d t l SALE-U V iy A -H ^ 'W U b -a ‘ moving to counlT}', good modem orac. fine location. Prlccd right fcr iick r.alc. Tenns. Pliona 730. i iE ~ u o isE ~ m O T ijT i jiru jm CO. _ has tor sale a t very reasonsble priccs MXTOi id liberal terms, very cholcc acreage, ty property nnd farms located from p g g r r lenni Fcrrj' norUi lo Hailcj'. south to ogcrsoii, easl to Rupert, Idaho. If .3U arc making a move you may imvc imdhing wc can exdunge wiUi you.' interiiinl. wc our iiean'st agent or *««i«* n n rD B m c rr .taiiugi!i. o . g . w eitnrc . 0 . Box 107T. Twin Falb. wiUi


Iralor a t the otilcc of E. L. Ashton, „ , I'rsl National Bank Dldg., City and Winty of Twin Polb. State ol Idaho, lls being-life plilce fixed for the tron* KALiO ,cilon of the buslnms ot said esUtc. P'*’ ^ Doled June II, 1B27.

AR'niUR R. OSTRANDER, STEIUl :lminlst-ator of liie estate of Adn M. purlfj a%trandtr..dccfn.mi:______________Dnjrow

• ---------- -- Fulls.NOTICE TO CBEDITOItS FT T T t

lUle of R. 0 . Hall. Deceased.Nollcc b liersby given by Uie under*{ned admlnl.ilrairlx of Uie estate of ‘ „ , t “ . 0 . Hall, dweased. to Uie crcdilora

ond nl! i«rsoi« having clalnu AM Ul alnsl the said deceased, lo exhibit J w 1 cm with the neccssary vouchers, turn lie itliln six msnUis after the flrsl pub- or four ;aUon nf thU notice, lo Uie said nd* Reason:Inlstratrix a t the offlco of Harry B e - ---------lit. Tviin Palb Bank and Trust Co„ dg,-^in~-thc:Clty.ctawln Pails,Countjr.Twin I'alls, State of Idaho, th b be- P^llM :

t the jilftce fixed for Uie transaction PAilM Uie bu.ilness ot said estate. Palis

Dated June OUi, 1B27. iNSl'A iIDA M. HALL. ,

.............. ....................AdmlnlstnU rtx..u ir t tT o p sA U O E Ju :A t j;s 'rATE a o t t k I Uu DbUlct Court of Uie United ‘States for th r Distrlcl ot Id;«ho, ' SouUi-JTl Dlvblwi. 'tu w H rI the MaUer of the Bankruptcy of B.O. Baniea. a B.MikrupUIn pursuance of an order to 1119 dl*cted I will tell at the premlM-s here- M O ^after dcscrtbcd the following men- niodci)ncd and described real estate*.tf ip - , ----------------------- S o N ^L ott,SC T ciutm !*nd.'I»dV tiriJa i^ ock ■nilrtecn (I3> of Uic Townsllc W in sums len in Jerome County. Idahp. wilJi hand. , I the Improvemenla Uiereon and the lel Perr ipurlcnances belonging tliercto; t AM 1 Raid sale will bc held ftl Uic hour of tind d i-fl'doek-A.-M.-on-lhe Jnd-day-of Uie brtt ly, ID37, and said property will be fered or Id for cash, the um e to be paid ui)on pay younftrmatlenof-ealrf-saie:---------------- loan.—0The rale so made will bc by me re* rtcd-to-Ouy-L. Kinney, n«fcrcc. la FUH. nknipicy at hb office In the Tnln ’—,11s Bank Trust Ccmpany Bulldlnir PO R .ai T I lf '^ ty " o n ^ r ln “Falls;-MaJin,—for “ house; J action a t an adjourned mecilai; of e.crcdltars.D(_Hl4 bankrupt to beId on Uie 2nd day ot' July.'lOiT------

J. W. DAVIS. LOST-;________ ___________ Trtisiec. Ttt-in;

: NOTICE, FOK PiraLlCATION U )S T - itlce of Proof AppllcaUon of Wnler very ' M Bcncfldal Use. canal 1llotlco’ls iicrtby given that a t 10 please n in.-ou,tho l 6Ui.dar.ol.July. 1037. a l nubUc r ,m Fait*. Counly ot Twin Palb, Stole offered Idalio, before ArUiur J . Peavoy, No- y Public, pSwf will bo nibmltlM of• appUeaUon lo.benefldal u.w of dc«ripU :ree (3) cubic f n t per second of the r.-ist lla ters at CoUonnod Cttek. In accord* BWli) : ;e wiU) U16 tcm u 'wid-eondmon»-ol Quartor- rmit-Na-lMIO htrctofonr Issued by tour (M } Commbiloncr ot IleclaiiiaUon of Range E• BUte of Idaliu. ridlati. nio name uu i postntlleraddress-ot - T t e rt pei»on or corpor»Uon holding aald works U

rmlt at^ ft.' \Y. Pill,' Twin FaUs. The u llio. ■ . "■ such »» m e use to vhlch a id valcr lu s been Creek. pUe4-b-lrrlg<tlon 'ond <lamesUo uke. - I t u di rhe-stmouflv^ppued-lobetiefltial-use U-prepo P r o (3)-CubiaPtetpereieond,— tod.Ufi3: rho place where s^d water la ustdla r IfrtgaUon, gir» full «cd aecttrate . C



— ON-e-RV-T-C-H-ErS—

m m)R S A L E - M IS C E LLANEOUS F O R j i

[ r i i i u K FOR f o r d s , e tc . . S9JJ5 x. E. O, Havens Battery Co, r o iP s A i

aiRV CRATES AND BOXES. ED. Reds. J ^«»CC. public MMkct.' ' ' ~ ilA U ycii iW.AND SISJOND HAND PU'B t'o f t —AaUfi Pi 4le a t Idaho Junk H o i^ w io i jE ':lit SALE—SVRUP.BARHELS Ai<D ciierrles lugar t acks. Bailey Candy Kitchen. yo ir-oX i

Of* CAA.aWR; ngx,-j$^.per,ptlr.;JilUt:AutQmt>ti.lls

_ ______ slate niSilA R ss Wa t e r s t o c k in t w in next sprlf'a lb CttnaJ Ca Tirin f U b TJUo & tor tistrar;t Co. iiing inui'It H A LE ^N E OillLS' b ic y c l e , Write or |11 good condition, $15. 1S7 Washing- Ornde HaI st, north, ■pnR~Q'It BA LE-llAW LEIOira PROD- r u n O ictii, 00 I>er cenl vanilla exlracla.^ f lu io v ^ b s - - Phone C30NW. S A C ^ (

M ISCELLANEOUS_ REALBAVTERNITY NURSB-MRS, JACOB Pord wl Jorgan. Phone 837-J. . fine rubb<^IT A N iTBoTilbrpH O N ErilM W : lanantrw; 159 Second nve. norUi.

labbd. Uie tallorVnew locaUon orer ‘v “'

■R ^ i Errr-V A U UtJM . tLt:AHE n a n u ie i r ^ i-iUi attachnicnls. Sasy Waslilnj n , i ichlne Co. „ ' ■ « C 0 ;’IWtODINO COLLEGE. WESLEVAN. pricc will daho. tcnUi anniverm}- caUilog free MOBILE you. Write loday. , ,iIwKiiy<iNO, p /rum N O a nd p a - b peciai ler hanging. P. A.- Rowan. 237 DUi:. enst. Plione 383-J. ____ 1W3 BEIUUZE ' y o u r ' C lB T SliT A N b Jlurlfy your drinking water with B, K .| -‘ miw Bro^ Set4 & Supply .Co.,Twln.j

D n a a x o a i r x o E iS T 'W iA T T - | net's Arsenate of'L ead for spray igjO h teriala. ' Call phone 050-W. P. 0 . m i cx,7M. -iOi 2nd are. norUi. ___1 UlUVINa TO OMAHA ABOUT ] HEPPL tily 1 In large touring car. Will re* n Iiere August laC. Will Uke Uireefour p.'ssengert. sliaring expenses. *— __ '

isonnble. Dox 330, care Nen»

LO A N S J ? LRM^LOANS. C/«. SWIM 6t CO. Phme i m AND C iw ■ LoAW a-TW m p o r - r S ■alis Tllle nnd AbeUact Co. . ■ home. ; S ’A H M QiT L O A S S ^ I tB U C S ro R REf ate. no stock to buy. Arthur L. Switn ' or week Ot>.--------------------------------------------849;----------MTBY ax> 1.0 A N-PAit.M -Ah^lTY fo iT R E f iroperty. Potter, Beal EsUte. T ain aparUnc ^ _________________ __________Plicne 35700 TO LOAN ON c m n ^ o p i a i * r o a ’ hE: y, l in t mortgage. Plione 315. Robt. hous, (Dciwb^_______________________ 110; good)N E /> O Il STRAIQHT LOANS ON 5*room.*t5 nodcm housci in Twin Palls. Ar* P oR IttN ' ir L. Swim A> Co. rnsonalu<2£I3S I 1 6 A k _ d ’n £ AllM <5R bus i n g t U£=9roiMriy«-4 a no -'^va io mongy Jumishcd' sums of from 1500 to 15000 now on 458 OUi at Irt. irrignled t4mfs Company. Ho*Perrine. U8 Shoshone s t west........ ■ c n b " ” diM ^ m 3 il f J a ~ A ” v a iY 'c iE A F '■‘JH ^ nd deslrablo farm loait I Uilnk It brtt-farm-loairjiropMinoiRverof:

^d on the Twin Palb Iract. i t will “’ you to see me before placing yutirrr-O.-ArRoblnson:’ - — ------TTT=:----- Tr~rss=------TP! genUcmiJR . R E N T -^U N FU R N ISH E D n f j i - ^

R ^ i S ^ p o o R ^ i i o o i r M ^ ^ .

■ LO ST • to pul a- - - - - - r r ~ T - ------- — louUi and'

ST-SPOTTCD. SOW. NOR-ni OP J.L.Btec*l■win l-’alls. Phono 57B-R-1.. .ST-BIG ' BHOWN . SUIT 'CASE, n P l d icry valuable.-lost between Jerome n C L r ' al ond Hansen bridge. PInderise notify, or return lo I). K. Frbsl. • • '11c marVct.-Twln -Palb.— Reword VTANTED^

• ' , , ■irarlttoT -j. ■:i-i«-iiV •- I' l' l ' i Idaho. , U:riptlon of Uio lands Irrlgatcdr: B oxlM .8t Halt of Southwest Quarter »E',4 Oe c oHS':li) and West HaU.ot Southeast a wedi <wt«r-.iW.i;-aBU)-accUon .Twenty* B t« . muitM34>-Towiu>hlp E'icven (ID'SouUi. froeerles. tigc Seventeen <17) Cast Bobe Me- piles usedan. ' - a t 30 per cbo right (0 take water from siich lacUon' orks U baccd upon Pennll No. 15410, an t m k .he source of iupp*.y from which perteacc i1 water b diverted Is Cottonwood ehanlcj or ck. ‘ , teving mat ha.dato of-prlorlty yh lrh **H ri»nif« mii )reparcd-to-«st«blbh-4a-7«bhur; lU b le -t^ l .0033,'-__ 1—--.V,......... :_______ U partleuiaM.

■ • OBO. N, CARTER, PorUand. 1 . C(»m'ait»Jocer e l RedosuUon. Home of t

■ f iO 'W '

R S A L E - P O U L T R Y A N D T —" “ " e g g s ; " ™ ' " ~ T""bale- FRYS. ROCKS AND ds. Phone'ls#3-W.^ j; i i ic K 8 , *vm tB po R p J iic K i _UllPoiiltiyyanls,-Ogden,-Utah;— ■— )DE W U ^ in S B T ^ l V a ; AND errles. Delivered. Plione 1333-W.: SALE-iUIODE lSLAND~liED' ,— ,'s>ollYe otdreased.. Phone 381;R r l . _____

He nccr<dlled_liatchlng e«gs_loc . ' i a d ■ spring. Will pay a liberal, prem-

ta r Uiem. AppJIcaUon for aeered* .must be .signed by June 30Ui.

c or phone us a t once. Hayes HI- " • * le Haldierj-. Phone 73.- O. 0 .1

r S A i l ' - A U l T O O B T L E f ' ' ZRIPICE 8ALB-AN EXCELLHrr ®Y/Ji ipmoblle Six Sedan; might consld- ., nnll c?r

ird wlUi box on back, runs good, ______rubber nnd a bargain, 150; Over-

rl9MrScdanrand worth more Ulih ire asking; Buldc Six touring, runi A "™ good rubber and only $150: Buldc,

, Two-Passenger coupe n t a sacrl- price; Overland Touring, .runs

k Sedan, In iMther, like new— HIND •ord louring In excellent condllldn, n e t ' ; 'm 7 Blar De Luxe Scdnnj'Uie - = ^ I WlU please-you. UND AUTO-


9J3 Dodge Truck, in« '■035 Ford Coupc. ' ' Ml»^020 .Ford. Roadster.,_________ m0»l Chevrolet coach,MO-OherreteHJoupft-----------------b s r s =934 Studebaker Roadster.928 Oldsmoblle,930 Nash Sedan. WiOQ935 CheTTolet Touring. , ' ' M* '

------------- aTifi^EPPLEB NASH MOTOR C a

P t o - I H I ' P

------- - ------- SitoDEOR R E N T - F U R N I S H E D.IUafE=DEDJ100M..CL03.1UNi i ^ =

BOOM W P i u t o j i W AN

week t3M. Crow Rooms. Phone ^

= R i n < T ^ i 3 n b T > i R j r r i ^ ^ > w e irtmcnt wiUi sleeping porch, n r r r j r 10 357-J.n 2 Jrr= T O ohT T O T im H H E D g j f us, U5; small lum bhed house, = = : good unfumblied O*room, (40; ,

)m.>m.60. A. N. Long. Phono 45. I RENT-PLEASANt-ROOSTViS^ isonable, for young lady student or TOKo; less elrl:-alm inndfm. tg o m flm i ^ I

lUi are. east. Phop ........... ............................................- fof{-e

R " R E N T - A P A R T M E N T S ,‘i ' S-■ im n ^ R E & ^ R O O M - P U B ' — ^ hed apartment. -Bungalow Apart* rU I 4, 2nd ave. easL - ~ % -a iH n m = Hi^g?TNO- ltQQ~MHT lU mcn l^ c r rc 3 S 0 5 3 3rd ove

m N T E P - L L V E S T O C K ’fTED-HORSES AND CALVCS ewes put on pasture, inquire IH m lla Welch I BD d'U-mt of-cast eod-of-Main. tm r - e

■- ■dally. I

L P W A l ) T E D -i \ « A L E O R ' = = ^ . . F E M A L E _ _ _

TEO-pAPA!ICirWOMAN"POn •k in cummct* homo a t Kelclium,

S i2 T N 5 S ’itNDENT, $00 'r o T ^ i w i l l ,-eck on eomoibslon. sdling-Parka ing ri muinntccd-Moior oU a.'Breucs; for-Tigl

rics.,bliuikel8 and<iUter^IaTnnup- MUIenr uscd dVIy in every farm home. per cenl m lng . Sold tm - 8 aUs* . c r

in' or Money Back" boala., Plow- — -«! w k . uijllmlUxl poaslblUUei Ex- ice uaneceitary. PMmere.' tn#- b w , , a . or men who hare n U brushH 8 ntaehlflfs. cloU iloror bUier sjte-

malia n onty fn u a-a tart-P ra t^ - ^ . S i-t«rfltory-flp*n,-Wrttc today.lof M laa.U a ika3 rt»s,-iO n a n W . ifdOSTd md. Oregon, •••tttr'SO'yetr>-Itie J ef Oj* O esJ.' - , riUe=: -.

1927. I .—

T T ^ V . ■ ' ■ ■ .

J - ' ' i ^ d w ^ R O W • " ^

\ ■ n ' " ■' i " ■' ' '

^ _________ .................. ............... , . .1^ .., 1.4*..}

l E c i f l :


iilj. Smlth*Rlc« Building.^ . •ru 'ilO ird lN .'lloon in a n d i r s ^ ■dTrullBIdg. Phono 0. rOSliKEiP-Ovcr Barber Shoe Ca I. IIALL-Ovcr CIOS'Book BWro.N IV. UllAiiAlki-Lawyer. n«nk 41 ust Bldg. Phono 93S-W............................: E t E i ^ i - s m r a i i r = t s r a i K Salio Po_wer Budding. ■


■6 iN sU R A N C E -m .T hefi, proiH ty. Damage. Publlo Liability. 0 .& liter. Real EsUte. phonp 871 I

' ' M i i £ w m i K f l i 5 ! m . , ..

:t w-prk. fibop.''l»hoaB


IE P L U M B iN a 'i 'i im m Q c anv locaUon, 135 3rd ave. ewt. '!iANtVWB PLif.SibWQ"i i i i A f : ■ t c o . Pbr beaUng Inmblea. Ftuma i - w .____ !

— ------TRAN8FEB“ ‘ -------7 ;-------;------ r

IQEB T ^N S F E B CO. P b m m ~T Uilng,, atorago ond U bertr CokL[EBSB rtlC iH sFEit aNo f i td b - i. e CA coal and wood. Pbona 141 . * •iC iioLs T i u c m u t ya tto faA 6 it 'Oorbage hauled daUy.. Phono m .


3ER.S WOODMEN OF AftUWOA ta in I. O. 0 . P. haU t n t y ncond fourth •H'ftlnodv. ' ' (

N T E D — M IS C E L IA N E O U Sn rn -p o u L -T R V ." k " a h t o P '

Phono 0(a-W. . ('l lO P £L lro itD ~ .:C O ljg llf5< ^L<.:<J<»rJJf4!in.JWI!.wJ93UaodeL_____1ae 335-J-l. BuhL______ ' • , ■ ■

ullry; highest cash price,' .Phone M. O; Canadx ............ ■ !

F O p . S A L E — S E E D S \ s a l b ^ ^ E H y T c a b b a o e a n d ' IS plants nt Spaekman's.

i5 n n m -T v r“ ‘“ ’’ ' ’ " ■■■ •B A L ^A iidaT <0 c iv r] o o r n ,73 pcr.cwl. IL E.RoberU.-'H north. — est Hansen bridge.

O R S A L E - F U R N l f U H EWAI.V_M|.‘W PflHT t*t,»Vt. '

c 'M w iiitr m a e h lD c . 'n b a r s i in r a r " '’' 'I W b Hardware™ --------- ---------------- -

o p S A L E - L i V E S T O C K X r r : ;j

cs are big crcss-brcd type. L . P. ‘ j h. Buhl. Idaho. Phone,33g*n-L

rham cow, clving 4 giUlons'mlUc '. Mr*. A. E. Smim. Hansen; MahA ' j i

■ F O U N D / ' IN D ^ roU trfA W ^ - P H O N B - ^ *p*i3. • . :--i'

s f f l p s o p p o R T u N i T [ E r : : r i^ LEASE KITCHEN AND DIN. ;

room. Oood payU^ ptopoBiUon - i8ht-pw tyr“TUSaros’ llD tcl'-M »r"--~ n rR 08cf»cn.-rdaW>r~~*'-'r:— ; ;

SITU A TIO N S , W A N I E l t ^ ; | g i !

T ED -W 0RK '.B V ..1PE HDDiC'. - i ') e 1015... •-• T.

1 b e o k t ^ dgw tH fltm m i ^

Ip h tf b o 6 k ) ^ , . « ^ 6 m ^

...... ............ ..


Page 8: ST-WIN-FALLS-GOVNTY-, EzpHE P T W I m m mim KILLS Tt … · EzpHE m . 10. NO. 7i; '"*g! m&mim "s JiilN'Sli! 3 •

_P a g c '.E { g lir ,

' J ^ m h S h- IISIIimEET'■;• immmrn

! j • D ire c to rs . A cting on A llo rn cy 's

-^ i-^ ^ = ^ = ^ d v ic f fr= O rd G P = P a y m c n tH o fc ^

Sem i-A nnual. C h a rg e R e g ard - •

le s s o f P e n d in g L itig a lio n .

Irrcspfctlvi-. rf pomliiii; Iliiir.-.ili:ii ■ -N iMtlni: rallilUy of tin; Idijlu

•district law. Tttln ^'alls lili:lnv;iy (IL;- irlcl will iilbki-'ll;; biliil “I11U.TC1I jiaymi'ir. 111 ilir ol :in* r

________ Uroxlmalfly $35,000 iiixi July 1. ll «was um ium icca-TrrsJsr-by-H iuarijr I •Taylor, scctelory of the ilbirlri. Moru-y I to m « t lliis jiiiymcni was ir.iii'.lim-:! 1

* lo New York \vhtn M. J. Hwri-li-), al- lorjicy Jor tlir dlstrlr.t. ami aiiuriuTi

|- I for the Omtoii Bhori Miu’. iiblnii/I I In ili(! iK'nilinn.ncilun, mlviM-d Mon-

day ItiBt 111 llirlr oiniiiun the dbiiii-lVi ' dln-clors would nm be- llaljlc |irrvjii- "

eourfs ticcljlon Rliould U- mlvrr.sp lo Uif liltfhway dL'iirlci law.

T o ./W « t CrrcIH AuUiorUutlun (or maklni; IIi't Inlrr-

ts t naymcnt due July 1 win voicil liy Uie Twin FalL <lLUrlct dln-ctofii. on lasl Junp J8. actual tram frr of ilic money bcIni; made contliiKinl 'oir lli«‘ - nllonteys’ tuJvlre. mt

Tlic tlL'trlflV dlrecloni Ior nomi- „i, lime lave U'cn icniliiK N|)c<a In .d t- posliiR or Uie hlRliwny dhtrH;! 1I111.M- j,,,

------------ tlnn,- wlilcli Involves-nil of Idnlio'i. n-hlgliway dlxlrlrtrThpTTuTvo-iakciiJtir

- . poslilot) lliroiiRliDiil ,lhal tlie payninn ^ Of intfrc.1 .could Jiflt .be.dpfnulKil for .

liliycniM wlilium iircJuJIcInK {lie (lls-

•n-T T ^uiju rH irn iP"O T aii-o r;t



Tlial fWilnir in llic. Snake rlvrr 1; prodiictU’c of .'.ailsfnclury n-Milu wn-. dearly denion^lfaH'd last rvrnluK when local ft.iticmien exlillilti-d n wondi-rfiil q i catch ot ;ut>lliroal trout liookid nl Ul the mouth of trlliutao' .Mrrains i-nter- 1 Ing Uie Snake river canyon nrar Tuln PalU. One tlihcminn ctlilliliPd n calcli ot /oiA- trout tlml wctchi'd nrnr* ^

■ . Iy 15 poiinda, the InrBcit one. n mon-* iiW~lnit»Uiro«l-uclKlilm: nboul five P 't

pound*. Tliew fWi wi’rc causlit <ni n :• number 13 red ani fly nnd hiulfd

■ ft1Ui a 6>i ounce rod, Tlie'hlffli wn-ter In Uie rlvtr li backlnc im the onl- ''1 '

--------- leb ot Uie amiill trll)^la^y ulrcarn^ fitliitMt. . U;e river llsh arc taklne ndranlaee ot Ml;

Uitf clear water a.i fewllnc Rtoumli, : - >“'>

i ' fOWA W OM AN G U E S r O F

r H O LL IST E R RELA TIV ES . ._____ fl'.1

llOLLlBTEn. June 28- M m. A. T,I Morehouse of Cedar HclsliU. Iowa,il__ arrived In HolllJitcr Sunday. She will

‘upend-n-wcefc-wUh-Mr-iuid >tr*: n ,7 --------- E. Kttnglmim.'. m i l Uuil! ilic B goinr R t

to Calllomla.I ^tr. and M n. F.. L. Ilou rd of Han-' ten were In IloUbler Tliursday even. ,

I, Ing on a* busineis and pleajiurr trip,■ ) • Qeorgc Munro rtiumed lo Holllsler

Fridny. lie has been In Twin FalU MvenU week*.

I' H n . Cecil H arrii and Mts. Frank ;I Harris molored lo Twin Falls Salur-

I) a! p . Craven relumed Saturdny from ;; •Houston. T e rn . J•h_______ Mr._nnd.MrB._E._E_Lftjrrmcc-and" --------family motored to Twin Palls S;it-i, urday eveWnj.


J ; _ _ _ l S i E S ^ N I E D J X C O j M ' ' h

I' ’ nti, A broadcasUng prograni sponsoredI by Ed, OeorBe of Uie Empire Auto-

1; mobile company will be Riven between ' ,) f:JO and 10:30 o'clock this evenlnB over

'1 . Uie Jerome radio suUon wlUi a nia!: cj Quartcl composed of Ellis DJorllnn,j _ flrsl tenor; C. E. Allen, uccond'lcnor. =, h. L. Patrick, baritone and C. C. C ur-» lis. ba^^ Mrs.^J. A, Dygarl will sine

I --.. and Mti, Sturseon McCoy, pianist.

The progrwn wni be comiilclctl by - a shorl talk. - - - -

! i. ^; 'h( haadiomeI . • f l Ulcomf, il’i

)■■■ b e a u t i f u l

i ! OCcarsr, ll’t.rkb G-nid

, I ' . - a i r >3TC unimpoTt-

j ; ani deUili C6■ ...................ihc S p U ii .o f S a r k c .

i f — -

■_ a u W fA W x w c j «ftv rc

^ ----------

I ' - -

^ | ^ W i l l r e “ W illis —« I n v noiiK ttT q m ti .E V ____


: ■•'A kins Miakp ll s cociel mou»e ral-

rlirr an' 1 diJn'l linuw Mama i;ll uniililll’t llkr lc. lu v r onr III llic. ;\y punlrr." 1

(Ccpjrl^ht. 3D:7, I>;U)I14iht3 Syndicate)

s i i l i i r i !i- mmKMi,lli • 'It l - ' — ■ 'i j ; f lm a lc jam a ted s u g a r t m p l o y c s ;

F rom B u rle y . P a u l a n d T w in v

; ; F a lls G a th e r lo r A nnual F c t e . j '

ir ■ ‘ J!1' Tlilrly in'rii 'AUrt—vromni.-foniiliiK.ii

m«iiD?r;ti:ii of th r Amairaniainl ,T«-li-; f; !!• iili-il MK-ii li' ol th<- AMiuliwni:itcd Siiiinr r

'.■< iii|>aiiy, nu't l.".-JX’lll HlH'i liIcir t!u-lr lliird iinniiul ^ •. UV(• d;iy. wl'.li^l

la-Jli!Mliiv. TliP iiiemliL-n wrrp from 'f. •* liiirlcy Hnd'TCm-FniL'!,--------------------;H”■ 'nil- fmlrc.u-.:.tiiilila(^ nilcmkd Un- li

ini lh5'j ';ri’ilhi: hem a-dlnnprdsner i.i.c ihP f’ark hold, A immrani of niinlral | niiii',lji'r:i nnd rwilln!;!. v,a.i Klven by.ilii;.” Inewbcr. prior li> the tbnce. Coniin;i- "

'J t ; r on «rr:iii^rnicnt.i for the day v.n, K..M. U)W. Twin Fnlli.; I. .1. Clark, /lirrler; "«<» J- }\vil.biniii™ sc^viiui of llie Mn'iciy wiu; lidl,

--------------------- I! BU S IN ES S W O M EN E L E C T i[’,■ O FF IC E R S FO R C LU B Y E A R

KIrctlon ot* officers wa.i ilie i.uln 'j ,. crdiT of bii.slncvs nl the nie«-llnit of i{P 5I1C llll ln(‘•i.s and Pfofiv-ilonal Wo-.jj,n iiii'n'^ dull Monday cvi-nlnK. at ihc 'j);l country lion'u' of Mm Aila Wnlkliifflcn'oi. PctK'll, Ml.\.s Myrtle And>'i-;oii was ^. drcicd pri-ilclent for the cpmlnu ycar;|jj,

,( Ml;^ Iretta MrCoy, sccond Vicc prcsl-!j> di'iili MKi Ellaliciliorlncoll.rccordin/:] iccrcinr)” MKi Averll IK'nvllIn, c«ne*| rpontllnn iccnlury. und MLv Mabel t Lopcr, In-ilsurtr, '

I. M6re tharvOO mcmbcni were prpsent ) lo enjoy the picnic .Mipixr wrved, A

fMliirc of the prcsrani w.n ihe lillcr^ ; . c.sllnu report of lhe Mnte convention

Klven by th r club';i dclrralc, Mrs. . II ICalhcrlnu I’rovosL y

r R E A b - E S W ^ i i ^ F - E R s l ^

Monilay, June 17 I• ra lrn l-^ tn ip of ld;ilui to F. C, W ll-'."

l!nm.» NW NE 0. SW SE <.1|.17. ,«'■ ■ Warranty Decd-M:iry W, WlilUlni!**> Inn lo .\iarlctla U cy r l nl J l L B U 2

Senior Add, ' t 'Warraniv Deed—Oeo, II. Jnhnvm lo

*. Will. U, Nc-Atnan J50S0 NW NW 25- ■,10-n . • rl

IVarranfr !>'«}—'?, F. U anlscn lo J.W, Woodward 51 L .W. J. Vouiitfs

Siitwn-:------------------------ ----------------------

F U N ^ . \L sWIIITTINOTON - Fiineral !j!r\’lc«> la

( for Mrs, Mnry WhUllnKlon will belA- hfld-FTldi»y-Btt4>mooii.fti-3:M-«-clockUi . arniT Ti'ltlOdL'irThiirch-witlc-flev.-iO H. a , . Humphrey offlcintliiK. Inter- '

■ mcnl will be In Twhi Falls ernicterj- ir J under direction of Dluc nnd company, •■ .. w• SUDSCniDE FOR TIIE NEWS. V


t = S = ? ! ! t : 3 ? y L < o m p i t e y

J. . • ■ motor mountin

Y IB R A ITO N il- --EbliVHNMEDSilent S t

Star%No lonecr do .vc Vibration wlien y cylinder ear.

^*~7TT0nIriir£iie':..... - - e n t FOUR-of-all

. cars is 'Vibratio _________Eliminated____- — --Y o u ’ll praiseTBi

Four” once yc , smpotiiest ride y( any "four.” '

” = R e i y a a L h l = a^ PhoiiOB ■ 7 ; \


iS iliipt a s i m r i i iF il l W E I 1:


Discovery of Relative New Do* p, ^^'Eloninent-in^ol»H on:oH'iV8»;-|

tery Surrounding Dcalh ofJohn Paulson of Oregon; m

111I —f l Word of the death of John Paulson

of litiid. OrcRoii. who-.e iJody wa.i tok- Mi:!en mil cf Kork rrcck near hrri: Ixit soI Jum- III. hai readied M n ..|’. TdKcn o'

: 'Of I/;nRvlcw, WiLihUifiUn. a .‘.Uler. k Iki pa iTut-.vl.iywl;rd Cliiuf (.f Police'Ralph|E U-li:htoii 10 arraiuie for Imrla! hen 1:and stated Uiat sho wculd )uy fuiii-ml Jolr.tlic'nx'3 (rt the extent of JIOO. Fimer- fo'

, ‘111 arm:ii!ei»«iiU find ncl been ccni- iliililc;:tl IilM piunini;, by

I Moro lhan u wirk dapi.«l after Uie 'finilini! ot the body bi'lorr Idcnilflca-'lloii foiiipluU'd by T wui FulLi clly ;.p 'uml couuly ufflccra in cooiK'ration ,un

rn n iT cn is iiaT 'S iiw -;' Caiw” uniFaiirai>’ li,^ nr.t yet been.dctennlnfd and Cor- |ia 'oinT P. J. Cirov.inan b walllnK for n

' 'rhcjnlii'.? .-riw:! tx-forc ilreidlna whrih- >cr nn Inriunt i.n to bv hdd. nn: FIrNt Word of I tr la llm fo'f Unill la;.t Monday 11 uu i believed fc'. Jlial Paiilson wts% lu n ’lvcd by no rela-

rred lo dirrlffn office here, asklni: Va'III1-.Y kleniitlcMlon nt Paulson ..had l>"biTii arrived ut and whether hb; il.iier Ca

Tm-r^rnttlp-hod-brcn-nonflefl;— The El>'r.h<'rift'3 office replied. Muiliii,’ that >«'

’ lilenlUic.illon nnd that np rdallve.-. •

,xskliirfor“d-i-:v!Tlpilon-of.|li<- dead mnn I--: and dflnlled Information In rexard lo f’'’

•(ll.'^mery of the body, 'Hie police d i id Su and ecroniT drallcU Uio reply, and Ilu;

.dlrcclliiK that Uic bixlv Ik' / buried lirrc wivii recdvrd lieti' In the "I aflrnioon.

I KxleiiHlvr Invf.'llirsllnnI Inve.:"Milun. which hui bwn made *1" j by olfirers here lo thi' exlenl of dl- / " Iredlnc r. Ifllcr nt Inijiilry to Sweden, 'o'" rf ivliidi cniintry PnuU.on was a nn-

. Uve, hfui dbvcloicd thnt Paul.wn, In ' icrnipiiiy with Clu En«, ti friend, left *>’R i’orilnnd l.itc la-’.l • April. KOlnR to IClumath FnlU. Oreno.i. NnthlnR li uw

; known of liK movemenl* after that ,timc and until hls body was taken oul ,of lhe hhnllow :.trcam here. Idenllfl- ‘O' iCnllon wa". r.stabllRhed Iiy nieaas of '*■>1 >doeiiment.i and iniolOKToiitu on a pou^ ^ rpoi t~fuuiiLl III Paul'.ju '.'. iiiiii'i in b ■Pnrll,-.nJ hold. .

i --------------R OOT B E E R S T A N D IS

E N T E R E D B Y T H IE V E S■ 'file Drive-ln root beer iland oper-

nted by James L. Mee nnd Turn IlLi- lop nl Uie comer of Sliashonc nnd Fourth nvcnue north .. wm enlcrrd

' Munday niRlit. r.onieonc taklns two -gallfnn nf reot beer, Ihen deiiarUnit ir.fler wa-ihlnc the nla.*MS iifcd. 'iTiT nwiilnj .'urroundlnj the stand 'wa* cul. and entrance BOlned over the counltr.

Tlio I0S.1 wns dLwovered Tutylay momlng when preparing to oiieii the ^i^ld for buelncM.


HAKSEN. June Ja-M r.i, Herb Van- dcrpoot rcccnUy fell from some slept nnd sprained her ankle.

awl Mrs, O.scar Hadloek cnler- ' Ialned Sunday for Mr. and XJn. Jliii lAmhsrl, Mr, nnd Mrs. Cllle Nelson ifrom-Twln Falls, and Mr, nnd Mrs.Oeorgc-lUnry-and-famlly----------------- ----' ML'-s nuUi Calico is 111 with lli'> measles.

LoTtri McFarland. wTlo }ia.i tieen working a l Lost crcek. relumed home Wcdneiday.

ncs in rubberis effectively Oin-tlie-NEW------- j-

toFFour -

^C arsou have to buy .vou buy a four-

rNEW-StarSii=---------- -!li-four-cylinder--------- -ion Effectively,

Iis new "Silent--------- ~rou take tfie i'ou ever iiad in',

A u t o - G o ^ =- Twin Falls


B R E V I T F e S ^' OoMlfof Parentv-Mr,. H. W. Saw-

if l - r of /■•iilloii, N( v..(!n._l.-. a n ie st at It’ llic'lioiie of li»r parrnli, Mr, I'.ml Mrs,,I Henr>' U, Wall. 1

/ ' AUnid W cddlnc-K. Kla.s of K im -',„I ■l.'Tly and f.TiWii^i'uii.luI llte weddln: L last c v en h i8 > ^ !rn e Mllion nnd, If'.'uc Laii|(lili:i. T&

> L u iliiw VLIlor—!1. II. Tiioniprcn of * Pccatello, Ofci;bi) .Miort r.iiic m 'nenirj^,

j i-ii'ynfv. ^i»'!it Till rii^y In 'rwln Fall^: ^

I’rofurc I.lffii'.c—Man!,'.i;e .llccnici ww obt:;lnrd here 'lui’.-day by Verne Mellon cf Twin ,Falls aii-J Irene I/)Ui;h-L., Iin of lllruiln.'luiiii.. Iowa,

m On Trip to Yrlluw.lone—Mr, niid :• ,\fra. Tom Moll and Rlen Thonip- -X. It son. sister of Mr:.. Mutl, Id t lhe f lr . t! ', ;II of the week on a irtp to Ycllowslone Id park.h — ' »■ '■•. ■

lU lum From Poriljnd-M r. and Mrs. 5e ll Joe Wulselk of the Mnje.-.tlc pharmacy ' ■- foimtnin, rclume<l .Monday from a few ■ “ f I- days vLMt In Portland, niakhii: lhe trlp^

by motor. I 'It . ------------ i,- VI1.IU Kerr—Al Clerbo'.h ot Ij2cnWlo;P-i y ;.pent Tiie;<lay vl'.iiiiii: in Twin F.illijMi Uiun roule to Jen,uir. wlieri' hr wllli [T s|)eiiii n lew day:, vi.iiiini: wiili h liis i:- liaiellLs, j “ n — •— an<- Vi.llt llrolber-.Mn^ Danld Alien Wo

nnd daunhter Lob. I'f San Dicno, Cali­fornia, a rrh rd 'I'luMlay lo ^pen(l a (

J few wcek-1 v(.-.f»ni; iit the (mme of lirr Snl . brolhrr. John Sommer, Is1 — vis:

U Van Flip? of Ne»ton, Iowa, nrc Hop- < J plnn over lierc on Uielr return from Dii

Callfornln for n vWl wllh Mm. Vun Ini' Epiu- s ljlc r .-M n .-3 . E..SmlUi. aiid J.

, her nlecc. M c.,C. F. McClain,. -e ------ - ....... ■ :

Summonrd From Poealcllo-Mrs. \V. Sti _ II. ftenfro_ccluniciLTtotfl;'.Iruiu..Pn- icn : catello,. tt'nrrc-flie*TinrfimM-li>nher?rV , lllnPM -'of-Mr.. Ri'nfra-_lU».xondlUoaii;ui I, Ll favorable and H is cxi>ected lha’.i J hn will be nble lo leave the haipltal I I t sundny,____ llje,

On Sad M M on-M m . Wos Wornick a ll L. nt Mandie.Mcr. O!;l;ilioni;i. nnd Mr.i. irr

Roy f'fatidcr of Peorfa. IJHnot.i, dniiKh- Hc( ler? of the lato Mrs, Mary W. Wliil- 'Aui

. IhiKton. will arrive on Wedne;.dny un;! nui . Tliursday to iitu-ad funeral irf-rvlcetj I, I for their mother Friday nflemoon. i ii

■ - I Tal, Cam Colllile—A Dodce tedan bear* nfti t Inc Utoh license und a N:u;h tourin;; wh , car bearlnc Nevada liccnjc plates col- in , lided lo-M cvcnlnic'about 0:30 a l th;- tn r ; corner of Mnln nnd Third street wt.ii. Tat I breaking n btimiMT and dcnllng a arc . fender hlldliUy on the Dodttc. A man |>eo ( nnd iwo women ncmpled Uie N:l-,1i lo

Y I—

L i S: ' E ^

: At

O n llI! / ? ^ ^


I ; “ E \ ^ I ~ ■ dudefl

'■ A r a i c

. c s t P c

t h e o j

' ■ • lines,.'

and t v

..................- . n*.W'*>»"•«>'•..............

5 S D A Y M P l ^ > j I N G , J U N E , 2 f

jpraiiiiiyBoisJLb“ lim iP ifiiG

i . _____j Tv.'In FaDi munleipil band concertj RT

'* prcHnm fcr next T hur day twiilni:, h ii K j krepiiw with the w.v-’on, Inchidrs

■<ral icitrlolic nuinbefn and alno a nrw K; ■miirdi, 'T tie Spirli of s t, Loui.s.*' Onll- W. 'fiitrd-io Colciid Charlei A, Lindbergh, p ,

' ; Tlic band will ,l:il;ci«n In Twin Falb II, ,'':<elebra*lon ot the Fourth ct July next ^— lint Ir rn rInMMil* .£^2T y u a .j- ii r^ b 'iv eJw " retfulaf p ip R rf iiT f^

j'iTiurrday cvetiini; drneiirwecfc'■'I The.piittKini next Thurrdoy evcnliii.' ■'iwill bcfiln ul 8:15 o'clock in tl:c d'.y fcco ■■ pajk. H crcl3lliepro;:tsm :

March. "Spirit of Indi'priidrnce". . . A J( ' , Holininn Oi'iTturr; "I.u;.ijiid" Kela I3vl;i "

JlW alis. "Crmnan Pr;;il’. '. Jewel „ March, "Slar;. and Slrljies Forever'’.... ___

. .. SOU-'kI ^IntennlMlon

, Selection, "War Koiws of Uic Boys ,In niue" . . . . Lnurchdrsu

v!lJra.-j<2uartd, 'T lie Wlldflo-.ver". .I,; ................................... . Jaet'on

j (Mev'r.-.. Slay^• It, Sam;cr. Hama, j Tliouiis).

0 'Patrol, "Aniurkiin" . . I.trachain i! March, ".’’pirll ol Si, Loul-.". .. Woodi illiDi-.llcatul-t» t^ol. CIm. A. LlndbcrKlH i ja ia r Hpani;lrd Uaniier. •

nnd two men occupk-d the Sedan.:i Wo one u'w Jnjuml.

1 On lludneM VMI—Ql'-ed Miller of ' Snl; Liiki'i former Twin I'a lh tcsldent,

Is here Ior a few days on n buslneis W s ] ^ _ _ ..........................................

•I <iuf»P'Fr^^^nll^ornla—MKs DorfT 1 Diiuli-r ot Lo.1 Anitdci la hcrc.viilt- 1 Ini; a t lhe home of her uunt, Mrs. E 1 J. Oilxaiidcr.------- ‘.......... .................. ...............

Itrturn Ffom 'H llk-M r. nnd . Stua;l U. T.iylor and fani'ly nnd Mba • ICnUn;rtnc..U nicd.liavu iduviiyd'.ti'npi •• ;.'CT*ralsiay.'roMi.tig ni Pe.ll 'nkc In lhei:l^wLooUi-iuomiUilns>_______________'■\ , . ,, t| I trlunu From llllnolv-Mr.i. F, C, ‘Ueebe rdurncd Tue.iday from Chicago

•'und Evanston when’ she nnd l>r, IJcrbo : ntlejirted the wrddlnrT'of-ihelr'damih-- - Irr .Marnivret nnd vliltcd .friends. Dr ' Ilcobe will remain In aiifcaco until 1 while laklni; |>ost Kroduntc 1 work.

I Iteturiu Frnm lUnton-Mm .Kale ; Taber returned to Twin Fulls Sundav

■ nflcr ipendlni: the jJOst two yeai': whh her daughter, Mrs, J, L, Ivcry ' In liorilori. Ma.vuichUM:tU, Mrs, Ivory ' tn d little daughter accompanied Mrs.. Taber as far iti Salt Lake where they . arc vLiiUni: nl the home of Mr, Ivory's I i>eop:e nftir which they will come here “ i^lo vbll-


ly F m r il

NNTT ................................

r y P a i F o f O u F H i g l r G F a d

l e d ^ i i T t l i e ^ B i g ^ i e a r a n c e !

a r c o p p o r t u n i t y ! . A n u n u s u a l

P e a c o c k S i i o c s a t p r i c c s t h a t

o r i g i n a l m a r k i n g s . B c a u f f l

3 , _ X h c b e s t g r a d e s o f t h e s t y l

1 t w o - t o n e d c f i c c t s . A l l r c m a r l

: c d . b y - w o m e n . w h o - k n o w h

1 b c c b m i n g l y s h o d , b u t n c v c i

_ _ . M A I N , F X C

Idaho Dep— " A - f t ^ X i r a i e

i: 29,1927..,

• ~ ^ h e ^ ^ Q t j i c r - |

a r jp M K n a iM Idaho: Fair.

Today's high tem- I k/;} ' i * ' ' penilurc was rcm1n-|

p ; * ijccnl of Mnrch.wlU)£; the ir.ercury In Uiop j „ _ ^ / \ official Kovemmcntl

obsen'Ctop'thcrmom- Ilammoni’

p n d i showing onlvj i I. while' Uic' Viiini^j

Ljiisgj mum .was « . AtniccI - .',<1 of prcclpllallon witsrecorded, and gusU of wind swept Uie dly. swlrllno dust Uirough the air.A year ago yesterday the lemperalure was recorded as ■ W • tnnxlmum and 50 mlnlmuni.

G o l d e n

New‘ Lindy-~TheSpm U >f-th^>

Bound to be the r a ^ e I T h a b o ii t- to w n .w ill- jv c a r tl m ake y o u r se lcc tio n i now.

"T&eautiful Silk CF o u T ' i n - H a n d a n d 'B o u

W ith Sm all Im p rin ts ( A ir-S iiip

“ T h e S p i r i t o f S t L

T here is a ran g e of sty lish colors— the color you will

B o w T i e s F o u r - l n - i

4 9 c 9^


M o r e D i

................................... - -------------- THE C

F ade~ P eacoc ir S l io e ^ ce Sale a tT T iis Low -Pr

ual sale of thd^scason’s sma

that arc drastic reductions litiM ifiodek witlfalluri;

stylish leathers. Smart sin;

larkablc values—rto be app V how to-be always smar

:vcr extravagant!


epartment St<n irB e p T la c e ' To’T rade '

: :I SIGN-El) F p n j jq U T ,I CHICAOO, Juiie 25 (/R -^pug 'M cy-" ”

Loajia, Chilean. UO-poundcr. ■were” ; signed todny for Uio 10-round Bcml- .

- |w n d u p - o n - th e —Amerieari- Lcgfon’s — tfyicflt card at Wrigley field July 12.

i 192() Dodge Special ;| Sedan

:l . . . $775 ..d £ovf1 Two Door Sedan

' PARKS AUTO CO.: Phone 525 ‘I 128 2nd Ave. N. ,

UTION-WDE f y rm vTJON- I ’

i N m f )I R i d s

Neckwear ^

j w T i M " — ----------- —

! o f I ' I

LoUm”” I ^I) seasonal nill like.

8 c W ,



'a m

CLAIRE.............. .... ....... ...............

- J — ^

' r i c e ■ .


s bf r in g

iglc . . .



t o r e

e--------- ---------------------