St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

II AUend t:he II April 29t:h miatnriatt Monogram Dan'ce VOL. XLIX FINAL QUARTER BRINGS CAMPUS POLITICS INTO PROMINENCE Hoover, Laffey, and Riley Are Mentioned As Candidates For College The campus political cst.mpaign swings into ac tion with the clos e, singularl y enough, of the Illinois gu- bernatorial contest. Aspirants for the office of College President are numerous and the contest promi ses to be one of the most closely con- t ested in r ecen t history. Ralph Hoover Favored. For the office of president there are seve ral as piring men. Of these Ralph Edson Hoo ver is quite prom- inent and is certa in to poll close to the major portion of the College vote. (See Mr. Hoover for info rmation on thi s s ubject. ) Mr. Hoover is from the large and p opu- lous town of Hoopeston, not far from Kankakee. During his thre e years in thi s institution he bas made a r ecord which will certainly influence the studen ts to cons ider him as poss ibly the strongest candidate for I the position. Director of Publicity Friday, April 15, 1982 NO, 12 I STATE-WIDE SCHOLASTIC CONTEST '----------- WILL BEGIN FRIDAY, APRIL 22 Superior General C, S, V, WILL VISIT SAINT VIATOR COLLEGE The Very Rev, F, M, Ro- berge To Make Can- onical Visit Major Number Of Illinois Highschools Entered In Vari- ous Divisions; Reports Forecast Close Rivalry, Debate Manager I Next Friday, April 22nd, will mark the opening of th e first of the An- nual Illinois Catholic H igb School Essay and Oratorical Contests. At :ha t time the prize essays from t he compe ting schoo ls will be sent to St. Viator College to be placed before a commi tt ee of judges for final deci- soon. Th e Oratorical Contes ts wi ll lik e- \\- ; se get under wayan Friday eve· 'l .1ing , for on that ni ght the indivi- dual schoo ls throughout the state wi ll be holding their elimination con - I tes ts to determine their representa- ti ves on the platform of meet. A corps of prominent men I has' been secured by St. Viator to l)e present at the various school3 on ! that evening to sel ect the r epresen- tatives and offer their ci"itical ]utl g- ment of the work accomplished 11l the first of the meets. Sponsored by St. Viator. Has Filled Important Offices. 'Ralph Edson Hoover , captain of Mr. Hoover has filled various im- I the Vi ator affirmatIve team, has fin- It was announ ced during portant posts. In hi s Frosh year, he The Contests are being s po n30rcct Thomas Gill Middleton, Manager of by St. Viator Coll ege in an effurt to t'1 E D e bate, who has alternated with J. oHer an intellectual l'onlp(:t: lllm t:> the Burke Monohan as captain of the stimulat e interes t in the affairs of was selected to edit the Fres hman lshed a most successful season In iSE ue of The Viatorian. In his So ph- forensics. With Mr. l\oliddle ton, he body of the institute, that the Very omore year he was apPOinted to he will uphold the n egative of a debate Rev. F. M. Roberge, C. S. V. , Su- th e Editor-in-Chi ef of thi s publi ca- with De Paul University wblch will perior Gene ral of the Community tiOD. Thi s is a remarkable tribut e be broadcast over station WLS at wou ld arrive at St. Viator Co llegE to the great ability of the man in view of the fact that, perhaps, ne v- er b efore in th e history of St. Via- thr ee o'clock on April SO. l\olr. Hoo- early in June for his canoncial visit. ver is the De mocratic nominee for Since t he saintly death of FatheI tor Coll ege was a second year man Pr esident of the College Club. Querbes on Sep t ember 1, 1859 t here have been five successors 1:.') thE founder, the present Superior Gen- eral being the Very Rev. F. M. Ro- berg a, C. S. V. Father Roberge !s considered capable of filling this po- sition of respons ibility. Following this Mr. Hoover has m os t creditably handled the duties of Director of Publi city for St. Viator College. In short, intelligent judgment gives thi s candidate a l arge vote in the coming EMMA HI GUNTHER ADDRESSES CLUB an extreme ly capab le man to govern the destinies of the Clerics of St. Viator. He was a brilli ant student Viator ne gative t ea m throughout the the mind as it is s timul ated in the current seaso n . .. This is Mr. Mlddle- physical development. The Contests ton's seco nd season in forensic activ- are expected to put interest in iti es and he has achieved an en\-iable scholastic pursu i ts on a par with the record through his ability to d es troy interest in a thletics and to give long- the opponents' case \\ith most devas- overdue recognition to th e s tu df':1t tating logi c. l\lr. Middl e ton, with who excel1s in some parti c ular Mr. Hoover, will de bat e De Paul over branch of educat ion. In addition, th e Station \VLS, April 30. contests wi ll awaken an inter es t in VIATOR MEN TO DEBATE ON AIR a most pr actical, yet most n eglec t ed form of high school educat ion-publi c speech. The interest and enthusiasm wi th which the sc hool s of th e state have responded to th e proposal, has mo re than justifi ed the attempt of the elections. We understand that Mr.) in the seminary at Joliette, Canada DI 'SCUSSes Sl'no Japanese and after his ordination he took hi ' Meet DePaul APl'I" 30 Ovel' College to offer a n ew service to the Hoover is running on the Democrati c I - hi gh schoo ls of the st ate, and the t, 'cket, PI'oblem, degrees in literatUre at the Univer WLS I ' success of the cont ests seems well Other Candidates. s ity of Paris. Father Robe r ge h8£ assured. Ens uing issues of The Viatorian I At t'l e meeting of the Interna- held the presidency of the J oliett€: St. Viato r debaters will ap- Three Divi sions of Speech. will gi ve s imil ar summaries of the tional Ralations Club on A pril 11 . to be assi st ant Provinc ial of the pear before th: r adio public on Besides the Essay Contest, whi ch Se minary, and in 1913 he was called I other candidat es fo r thi s office. Miss Gunther de:ivere? a Montreal Province. The General April 30, accordmg to an announ ce- is state-wide there w ill be three di- James P eter Laffey, St. Viator's r ep - I most talk on Smo- Chapter in 1918 called him to assist ment made by Gill Middle t on, man- vis ions of Th e Oratorical resentative on the A ll-Ame rican foot- i s ituatlOn. She the I the Superio r General in Belgium, and 1ge r of debate at th is instit u- Contest has been divided in to Ora- ball team, Willi am Riley, pres ide nt a ttitudes taken by the Umted States upon the death of the latter he was tion. The con t est will be held o'/eI' to ry, Reading, and Ex temporaneous of the Sophomore Class, and several I and the great :v or1d to- elected Superior General in the sum- station WLS, Ch icago, and is schel i- Speaking. other prominen t s tude nts are we ll I wards the mternatlOnal cnSlS re- mer of 19 22. uled to begin at 3 o'clock in t.h e Conte s tant s in Orato ry will writ e s upported. I s uiting from th e outbreak of hos- afternoon. and memorize for delivery a t en- YIATOR COLLEGE MAN DIES I tiJiti es in th e Orient. Recently re- I turned fr om the scene of the activi- ties whi ch she related, Mi ss Gunth er Rev. John Henry Cannon, pastor i drew a graphic pic tur e of the stub- of St. Mary chur ch and chaplain of born r esistance offered the well- the st ate reformatory at Ponti ac who equipped J apan ese troops by the died l ast Monday morning, graduat ed dauntless Chi n ese Nineteenth Route f rom St. Viator co ll ege in 189l. He Army. The affair is a r es ult of :.t. Cha1. , minute ori gi nal or at ion on any s ub- FROSH len ge from DePaul uni versity, and j ect they to .diSCUSS. the teams will discuss a ques tion testants m R eadmg WIll memOrIze FIRST SPRING as yet und e bated by either. Accord- I and deliver some cl assic reading or ing to pr esent plans, St. VIator w ill oration, either humo r osu or serious, SOCIAL l'phold the negative of the proPosi- l with the of sub ject again left tion "Resolved That the federal , to the dlscre tlOn of the studen t or en act legisla ti on · his ins tru ctor. was well known by older residents Open Forum H ;:::id. I T S b ' tIE te of the community and by the clergy providing for the guarantee of bank I en U Joo s. n x mpo. of Kankakee county, At th e conclu s ion of her speech, Large Numbers In Attend- deposits," A vote of th e radio audi- The cont es tants In Extemporane- , ,. Robert No lan, pre s ide nt of the cluh, ance' Morty,B ' l'odine's Or- ence will be tak en to determin e the ous Speech wi ll be required to be A l engthy tnbut e to hIS hfe a declared open forum. Thi s session h' t, F . . h M' 1},;nner s. I prepared to sp eak on anyone of ten priest was contained in the Ponti ac was featured by the star perform- I C es 1 a UI n1 8 .. es USIC , s ubj ects chosen by the Faculty Com- Leader, written by the Very Rev. !' ance of Harold Rosens teel and James The debate Will be a two-man ai - ffiittee of St. Viato r College. Thirty John P. O'Mahoney, prOvincial of O'Connell, local ex e rt s on the Far "Mort y his fair, each schOOl presenting two minutes before the Contest each the Viatorian order and former presi- E t bl PT b Shades of Blue on the men in constructive of nine i contestant w ill dr aw two dent of th e college. as d Pro e m. h ey were a ly evening of April eight to fea tUre the minutes leng th and rebuttal sp eeches I from a hat. From these two sub- k as w e ll by Freshman Froli c. He hel ped to make of five minute s. jects he w ill se lec t one upon which . Ir en whose mtn cate ques- th e affair one of the most pl eas ant of George A. Rooney, 1914, has been tl omng gr eat admiration . Miss I th e social season. Hi s music was Thomas Gi ll Midd leton and Ralph 11 to speak that evening. The s ub- apPOinted judge of the probate COUrt Gunther, In conclu sion , lauded the of a d ec idedly state ly typ e. Only in Edson H oover will repr ese nt St. Via- jects assigned include a wide variety in Chicago. ! c lub for its acute interest in world one or two instances with the inev!- tor College in thi s de bat e. of thou g ht and interes t, as is evi- . affairs. She asserted that she was dent from th ei r titles: "The Value The Vlatorian extends the sym- l hi gh ly pl eased with the splendid or- tabl e " Tiger Rag" which eve ryone A Freshman seems s urpri sed that of a Catholic College Education, " patby of th e students and the fa c- ganization manifested by the body must surely wish had never seen the I' S uJty to J oseph Reading 1917 whose light of day in modern music . but after a recent dance a gr oup of co l- . hould I nterco ll egiate Football be 'th d' d I " of students. The Very R eve r end J. lege men went to a well - known Abolished?" "Shou ld th e Elghteent!l fa er Ie r ecent y. W, R. Magu,'re expressed the appre - which seems to be essential to a A d t b RId?" "Th D night c lub, and ordered milk. He I men men e epea e. e u- I we ll rounded program was the eve n ' Alphonse Slattery, 1912, visited the ciation of the College tf') Gun- forgot, perhaps, that th e depr ession tie.s Responsibilities of College last week . Slattery is ther for her courtesy in coming from of the evening's ente rtainme nt is on and milk is relatively ch eap. ShIP, The Pontificate of Pope PW3 now r esiding at 5537 Le Moyne A ve- Chicago to address the members of I heIghtened. And also some people are funny that I XI," "The Catholic Lay Apostolate," nue in Chicago. I the institution. j ----("" eo- n- tin -U -e- d- on - P - ag -.-S - )--- I way.- The Grayhound. (Continued on Page 6)


The Viatorian, Vo. XLIX, No. 12

Transcript of St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

II AUend t:he II April 29t:h mh~ miatnriatt Monogram




Hoover, Laffey, and Riley Are Mentioned As Candidates For College ==C=lu=b=O~ffi=c=e,===========::;

The campus political cst.mpaign swings into ac tion with the close, singularly enough, of the Illinois gu­bernatorial contest. Aspirants for the office of College President are numerous and the contest promises to be one of the most closely con­t ested in r ecent history.

Ralph Hoove r ~"idely Favored.

For the office of president there are several aspiring men. Of these Ralph Edson Hoover is quite prom­inent and is certain to poll close to the major portion of the College vote. (See Mr. Hoover for furth~r information on this subject. ) Mr. Hoover is from the large and popu­lous town of Hoopeston, not far from Kankakee. During his three years in this institution he bas made a r ecord which will certainly influence the studen ts to cons ider him as possibly the strongest candidate for I the position.

Director of Publicity

Friday, April 15, 1982 NO, 12


Superior General

C, S, V,


The Very Rev, F, M, Ro­berge To Make Can­

onical Visit

Major Number Of Illinois Highschools Entered In Vari­ous Divisions; Reports Forecast Close Rivalry,

Debate Manager I

Next Friday, April 22nd, will mark the opening of the first of the An­nual Illino is Catholic H igb School Essay and Oratorical Contests. At :ha t time the prize essays from t he competing schools wi ll be sent to St. Viator College to be placed before a committee of judges for final deci­soon.

The Oratorical Contes t s wi ll like­\\-; se get under wayan Friday eve·

'l .1ing , for on that night the indivi­dual schools throughout the state will be holding their elimination con-

I tes t s to determine their representa­tives on the platform of th~ ~tate

meet. A corps of prominent men

I has' been secured by St. Viator to l)e

present at the various school3 on ! that evening to select the represen­tatives and offer their ci"itical ]utlg ­ment of the work accomplished 11l

the first of the meets.

Sponsored by St. Viator.

Has Filled Important Offices. 'Ralph Edson Hoover, captain of

Mr. Hoove r has filled various im- I the Viator affirmatIve team, has fin- It was announced during portant posts. In his Frosh year, he

The Contests are being spon30rcct Thomas Gill Middleton, Manager of by St. Viator College in an effurt to

t'1E D ebate , who has alternated with J. oHer an intellectual l'onlp(:t: lllm t:>

the Burke Monohan as captain of the stimulate interes t in the affairs of was selected to edit the Freshman lshed a most successful season In 6:~~s co~ap;:.r ~ifat~r~ ~:jO;~v~;ning iSEue of The Viatorian. In his So ph- forensics. With Mr. l\oliddle ton, he body of the institute, that the Very omore year he was apPOinted to he will uphold the negative of a debate Rev. F. M. Roberge, C. S. V., Su­the Editor-in-Chief of this publica- with D ePaul University wblch will perior General of the Community

tiOD. This is a remarkable tribute be broadcast ove r station WLS a t would arrive at St. Viator CollegE to the great ability of the man in view of the fac t that, perhaps, nev­er b efore in the history of St. Via-

three o'clock on April SO. l\olr. Hoo- early in June for his canoncial visit.

ver is the D emocratic nominee for Since the saintly death of FatheI

tor College was a second year man President of the College Club. Querbes on Sept ember 1, 1859 there have been five successors 1:.') thE founder, the present Superior Gen­eral being the Very Rev. F. M. Ro­berga, C. S. V. Father Roberge !s

considered capable of filling this po­sition of responsibility. Following this Mr. Hoover has m ost creditably handled the duties of Director of Publicity for St. Viator College. In short, intelligent judgment gives this candidate a large vote in the coming

EMMA HI GUNTHER ADDRESSES CLUB an extremely capable man to govern

the destinies of the Clerics of St. Viator. He was a brilliant student

Viator negative team throughout the the mind as it is s timulated in the current season . .. This is Mr. Mlddle- physical development. The Contests ton's second season in forensic activ- are expected to put interest in ities and he has achieved an en\-iable scholastic pursu its on a par with the record through his ability to destroy interest in a thletics and to give long­the opponents' case \\ith most devas- overdue recognition to the s tudf':1t tating logic. l\lr. Middleton, with who excel1s in some particular Mr. Hoove r , will de bate D ePaul over branch of education. In addition, the Station \VLS, April 30. contests wi ll awaken an inte r es t in


a most practical, yet most neglect ed form of high school education-public speech.

The interes t and enthusiasm wi t h which the schools of the state have responded to the proposal, has more than jus tified the attempt of the

elections. We understand that Mr.) in the seminary at Joliette, Canada DI'SCUSSes Sl'no Japanese and after his ordination he took hi' Meet DePaul APl'I" 30 Ovel' College to offer a new service to the

Hoover is running on the Democratic I - high schools of the s tate, and the t,'cket , PI'oblem, degrees in literatUre at the Univer WLS I ' success of the contests seems well

Othe r Candidates. s ity of Paris. Father Roberge h8£ assured.

Ens uing issues of The Viatorian I At t'le meeting of the Interna- held the presidency of the J oliett€: St. Viator debaters will ap- Three Divis ions of Speech.

w ill g ive s imila r summaries of the tional Ralations Club on A pril 11 . to be assis tant Provincial of the pear before th: r adio public on Besides the Essay Contest, which S eminary, and in 1913 he was called I

other candidates for this office. Miss ~mma ~. Gunther de:ivere? a Montreal Province. The General April 30, accordm g to an announ ce- is state-wide there w ill be three d i­James P eter Laffey, St. Viator's r ep- I most mst~cbv.e talk on t~e Smo- Chapter in 1918 called him to assist ment made by Gill Middle ton, man- visions of s~ealdng. The Oratorical resentative on the A ll-American foot- i Ja~anese s ituatlOn. She de~cTlbed the I the Superior General in Belgium, and 1ger of debate at th is institu- Contest has been divided in to Ora­ball team, William Riley, pres ident a ttitudes taken by the Umted States upon the death of the latter he was tion. The contest will be held o'/eI' to ry, Reading, and Ext emporaneous of the Sophomore Class, and several I and the othe~ great :vor1d po~~rs to- elected Superior General in the sum- station WLS, Chicago, and is scheli- Speaking. other prominent s tudents are well I wards the mternatlOnal cnSlS r e- mer of 1922. uled to begin at 3 o'clock in t.he Contes tants in Oratory will write s upported. I suiting from the outbreak of hos - afternoon. and memorize for delivery a t en-


I tiJities in the Orient. Recently r e­I turned f r om the scene of the activi­ties which she r elated, Miss Gunther

Rev. J ohn Henry Cannon, pastor i drew a graphic picture of the stub­of St. Mary church and chaplain of born r esistance offered the well­the s tate reformatory at Pontiac who equipped J apanese troops by the d ied last Monday morning, graduated dauntless Chin ese Nineteenth Route f rom St. Viator college in 189l. H e Army.

The affair is a r esult of :.t. Cha1. , minute origina l o ration on any sub-

FROSH FROll~ lenge from DePaul university, and j ect they ~ay cho~se to .diSCUSS. C~n-'-~ the teams will discuss a question testants m R eadmg WIll memOrIze

FIRST SPRING as yet undebated by either. Accord- I and deliver some classic reading or ing to present plans, St. VIator w ill oration, either humorosu or serious,

SOCIAL EVENT~ l'phold the negative of the proPosi- l with the .ChOiC~ of subject again left tion "Resolved That the federal , to the d lscretlOn of the student or gov~rnment ShO~ld enact legisla tion · his ins truc to r .

was well known by older residents Open Forum H ;:::id. I T S b ' tIE te of the community and by the clergy providing for the guarantee of bank I e n U Joo s.n x mpo. of Kankakee county, A t the conclusion of h er speech, Large Numbers In Attend- deposits," A vote of the radio audi- The contestants In Extemporane-

, ,. Robert Nolan, president of the cluh, ance' Morty ,B'l'odine's Or- ence will be taken to determine the ous Speech wi ll be required to be A lengthy tnbute to hIS hfe ~s a declared open forum. This session h' t , F . . h M' 1},;nner s. I prepared to sp eak on anyone of ten

priest was contained in the Pontiac was featured by the s t a r perform- I C es 1 a UI n18 .. es USIC , s ubjects chosen by the Faculty Com-Leader, written by the Very Rev. !' ance of Harold Rosens teel and James The debate Will be a two-man ai- ffiittee of St. Viator College. Thirty John P. O'Mahoney, prOvincial of O'Connell, local ex erts on the Far "Morty Brodi~e ~resented his fair, each schOOl presenting two minutes before the Contest each the Viatorian order and former presi- E t bl P T b Shades of Blue orC~lestra on the men in constructive ~peeches of nine i contestant w ill draw two ~ubjects dent of the college. as e r~ d

Pro em. h ey were a ly evening of April e ight to featUre the minutes leng th and rebuttal speeches I from a hat. From these two sub-

~upp~r ~: kas

w ell ~ o~posed, by Freshman Frolic. He h elped to make of five minutes . jects he w ill selec t one upon which . r~ Ir en whose mtncate ques - the affair one of the mos t pleasant of

George A. Rooney, 1914, has been tlomng ca~sed g reat admiration. Miss I the social season. His music was Thomas Gi ll Middleton and Ralph 11 to speak that evening. The sub-apPOinted judge of the probate COUrt Gunther, In conclusion, lauded the of a d ecidedly stately type. Only in Edson H oover will represent St. Via- jects assigned include a wide variety in Chicago. ! c lub for its acute interest in world one or two instances with the inev!- tor College in this de bate. of thoug ht and interest , as is evi-

. affairs. She asserted that she was ~ dent from thei r titles: "The Value The Vlatorian extends the sym- l high ly pleased with the splendid or- table "Tiger Rag" which everyone A Freshman seems s urprised that of a Catholic College Education, "

patby of the students and the fac - ganization manifested by the body must surely wish had never seen the I' S uJty to J oseph Reading 1917 whose light of day in modern music. but after a recent dance a g roup of col- . hould Intercollegiate Football be 'th d' d I " of students. The Very R everend J. lege men went to a well -known Abolished?" "Should the Elghteent!l fa er Ie recent y. W , R. Magu,'re expressed the appre- which seems to be essential to a A d t b RId?" "Th D night c lub, and ordered milk. H e I men men e epea e. e u-

I well rounded program was the even '

Alphonse Slattery, 1912, visited the ciation of the College tf') ~'li ss Gun- forgot, perhaps, that the depression tie.s ,~~~ Responsibilities of Citiz~n-College last week. ~'Ir. Slatter y is ther for her courtesy in coming from te~or of the evening's entertainment is on and milk is relatively cheap. ShIP, The Pontificate of Pope PW3

now r esiding at 5537 Le Moyne A ve- Chicago to address the members of I heIghtened. And also some people a re funny that I XI," "The Catholic Lay Apostolate," nue in Chicago. I the institution. j ----(""eo-n-tin- U-e-d- on- P- ag- . - S- )--- I way.-The Grayhound. (Continued on Page 6)

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15


The VIA TORIAN this summer . . . He is true to Ius ing's GORGEOUS bra<:e1eL

bi-weekly throughout the year by the students of Sl. I Viator College.

I carry one for Barnum and Bailey compact is snowed under by Flem-

leisure class . . . there's a heart- ! --- I break in 213. too. Jim Lee is gone But perhaps he was inJIuenced by

. . and, while we' r e at it, K en is something else, too. Anyhow, be

EdJtor·ln-Chle! Assistant Editor

BusineS8 Manager Advcrtlalng Manage r



AssIstant. Advertising Manager

.F'catur e Writer Feature Writer Featur e Writer Feature Writer Featu re Writcr Feature Writer

Athletics Editor In Uttle 19 Camps Double Dribbles

Alumni Editor Assistant Alumni Editor

William J . Clancy

Vlatoriana Cam pus Briefs






CIRCULATION D E PARTMENT Circ ulation Manager Assistant Ci rculation Managers

I still "our good friend" .. . but we tells the s tory something like this: I WILL NOT pa.y a.limony ... think I "So I waiked into French Drama

Carl Lampe that Harry Rutecki and Joe Bomba and said, 'Your inamorata desi res to James Dugan had something to do with our pfft I see you'-and she ran downstairs ~o

Gill Middle ton ... did you ever hear a hundred ] look in the dIctionary! And she \s Paul A. LaRocque eigh ty pounder do a tap-dance on a Senior !"

Gen -=.ron Legris your ceiling . . to the accompani- 'I

K enne th Bushman ment of a radio and a rockerless NOTICE TO THE FROSH F rances Mary Clancy rocking chair .. . it's an experience l OUR PERSONAL INVESTIGATOR

John Burns . .. it·s O. K. now. tho'. Joe ... HAS COMPILED THE FOLLOWING

. Fr~~~e r:,:;~\~ but please quit wiping the floor with STATISTIC: Raymond G. Wenthe Moon ... It recalls too forcibly the TUXEDOS AT ST. VIATOR

F r ank Wirken Martin T oohill

James Lee

condition of our own . now that there SECOND CORRIDOR FOUR. is no one to car e .. and he needs THIRD CORRIDOR,-NONE. a ll his energy to r epair blow-outs on the road to Joliet. I SEE HAL- Ed Hunt and Harry Ruteckl have

Harold Rosen s teel LIE ROSENSTEEL AND PETE a big kick to make. They bought Thomas Hayes LAFFEY . . . DRAW YOUR OWN I their new suits befor e they h eard of

CONCLUSIONS ... WIDLE HAND- I the nudist movement. ' 34 SOME JACK WEEPS . . . P e te __

Harry Rutecki won' t le t us in on tne ins ide, but I Great times on the second-and Ralph Hoover we'll bet that sh e DID cook that one i Eddie O'Neil is at it again. Mona­

with h er own 'itty bitty han's . . " han seems to be getting a ll the Kenne th Corcoran I he had one hand on his stomach I[ benefi t now. Seems that Eddie arose

. Margaret Clancy when he came in, a nyhow . . . see the other evening, took a ll the cov-

Assistants . Lore tta Flanagan Rosanna Gorman MaJ~m~~u~eOulfe that the tooth's back . . . Happy ! er s from his bed, put 'em on Mona-

Doc Meany resembles a cherub bare mattress. Burke says it's O. K .

Friday. April 15, 19S!

Einbeck's Studio Our photograpbs are inexpen­sive. yet treasured for their

worth as living port.raits.

153 North Schuy le r A "e.

Phone 407 Kankak..,. ill,

S hoe Repairing. Rll.Ulr Bl"<l ....

Bourbonnais Barber Shop

N. L. Marcotte, Proprietor

Telephones : Shop 4526 ; Resi­dence 26,(2. Bourbonnais, Ill.



Just around the corner WilH am McGui"l"e Joseph Gorman Joseph Farrel1 Earl O'Nlara Days . . . did you ever notice how I. han, and went back to sleep on the I

Subscription Rate $2 .00 p er annum. asleep . . . s ig n on Ahern's room J as long as Eddie Sleeps ON the bed

Address a ll correspondence referring either to advertising or s ubscription to . . . "Mike's Place"' ... understand 1 and transfers his cover:s ... but he =============== The Viatorian, Bourbonnais, Illinois. from the Doctor t hat Spring and i dreads the day when Eddie goes to

attendant evils has Ed Hunt in its s leep UNDER the bed and has a l-

Enter ed as second c lass matter at the Pos t Office of Bourbonnais, Illinois. g rasp seems to be g r asping a truistic dreams. unde r the Act of March 3rd. 1879 number of the boys. in fact PERSONAL.

Bob Spr ei tze r, of the Degnan-Spreit- l\-tr. R obert NOlan-young lady In ACME PRINTING CO. 769 NORTH SCHUYLER AVE. Zfr s grabbing a letter and burning village possessing your handkerchief

it on our entrance .. honest , w e would like to m eet you. Correspond­wer e only hunting a little chess ence may be carried on through I game why Stu Baker'S sudden Briefs. Anxious.-Advertisement.

BOUDREAU Texaco Filling Station

Free Crankcase Service "Just a round the corne r from


H ydraulic Uft Greasing

Emil Boudreau & Son, Props. interes t in China .. Ralph Karr I --- I and "did you say De Pauw or .De Handsome Jack McGrath is r e- :==============~ Paul?" . Burke Monahan bhss- vealed in a new role . J ack doesn't · fully s leeping under a sign "Please favor including girls in the Junior I Do Not Disturb Body. Not Dead. P art y-"Just think of the tempta­Just Sleepm g". George Bachman tions they bring"- how fallen are and John BImmerle staggenn g m the archangels I I from a SIx-mIle walk . passing __ _

one parllcular spot no less than sev- I PERSONAL NOMINATIONS FOil en tImes. . for the delight of VIATOR HALL OF FAME I Bac:-tman says Bim. for the I ChIef Breeze-SeSSlODlst - Frank

Compliments of


Mortician THE HAPPY WARRIOR SPEAKS salisfactlOn of John. says George .. I Wlrken. ThIS boy has done a great

. - . JUfllor TUrner and Mlke BernatovIcz ! deal to foste r and encourage the I ~ _____________ ---' StatlO~l.SMITH broadca~ted a very speCIal ~essage and those six-o'clock, three-mile runs I gentle art of Breezing in Roy H a ll

for each cItizen of these Umted States of Amenca. The I ' . . echoes of the Dance ... Quinn I home of America's g r eatest session­broadcast was most remarkable for the fact that the ' is going to t hrow the next five-spot ists. His dissertations on "all things

speaker enunciated definite points, spoke as an individual [ out the window ... Mancini's great known and certain ot"er things be-to . d' . d I' I 'd I . dId t . conversatIOn ... three yesses and a I sides" have edified tho inhabitants of

m IVI ua S In c ear an. UCI anguage, an uteI:ed no . general consensus.-let·s do tho Second Corridor and greatly con-truths. There was no evasIOn of fact, no attempt to hIde it again. . O. K., REMEl\mER I tributed to the physical. moral, spir­behind trees of bombast, and no effort to consider the THE MONOGRAM CLUB ON THE i i\ uai. h is toric. and «~nomic upli't of average American citizen to be a neal' relative of the 29TH if you think that Viator our privileged f ew. H e leads Marty

arumal which has lead the Democratic Party through m en can't dance. ask H alf Pint JaCk- II Tooh ill by t wo ge3·.~.·.s and a split ~uch fervid contests. son .. '. no. no n":,,,es thIS time . . . infinitive.

W'd d" . wonder if a certam faculty member Wolf- Howard It!JSi!J1s t eel. \-"'Idle I esprea surpnse was registered through thIS I \vill break down and attend the ' d I n (1t the most vor acio.;s man a t St. great emocracy. To what W(l.S it due? It was, un- nex t one .. understand he was 1 Viator. the mira"" of where it nil

doubtedly, caused by the apparent rift in the Democrati-:: quite in demand at this one . WhO ![ goes has long held us in its grasp. Party. But was it not most certainly the result of the was the co-ed-who called over 2966 Stuart Baker. J Un," r Turner. and

unabashed manner in which the statesman presented the J. T . Greene and that sevent Y- I Jorry Terry con.,lln' I\n average of

f cent call .. and cheap a t tha t. 'actual evidence along with the remedies which he con- I' cne-half s lice c,'oad more per ",Ltirlg wasn't it lost, one purse coo- th 1..

siders essential to the bettering of the immediate situa- taining compact containing "senti- an the youngs~.-, ut in s ta rtin.~ I tl'on? t echniqu e and ge"e, ai ability to I

m ent" .. finder please return to I handle himself at the rail, thl! America's political life ha '~ reached a most pitiful Evangeline Legris . . despite Ro-

1 EJoomingtonlan is unexcelled. May

state. Congress is a figment of the imagination, and land Maguire and an effi cient ChO •.. k -


his other leg go hollow!

what an awful state of mind would the founder of the room . .. THAT INTROV U0TIO"" I============= BY HERB SHEA IN MID-FLOOR

Republic have been in to have, dreamed that anything . W erne r George Salg shining 'em 1

bearing the merest semblance to this parliamentary body up in the Candy Store . . Don ....................................... .

would ever be seen in the country for which he gave ev- Anderson and Marty Toohill

erything! Cynicism, satirism, contempt, and amusement arguing over who has the "':ligg-est·

are the children of Congress. Quibbling is the pastime in time . . . Punch y Noonan and wher e's the date . . "Oh, she's

this august body ! Smith, however, evidently thinks it coming". . Roaring Robert Dela-

worth some endeavor to try to remodel the huge, mis- ney patronizing the Candy Store.

shapen thing in Washington and because he has spoken and Hallie Rosenstee l refusing to set

frankly and boldly he should retain a prominent place in pins. RED WENTHE WORRY­the nation's affairs. !NG OVEN, T HE !>lEW CANAlW

back to normalcy .. Ed Gor

Co m PUS Briefs wife . and family . but OR, man doing supervised s tudy in Roy WHAT I KNOW ABOUT YOU ... Hall . "Say. Hunt. was Fathey

all youse mugs . well, let's see Back a g-ain R ~ the keyhole Carl Lampe, our d. b. editor ,

and approaching the job with some should be shining soon it's skat­fear and trembling after the ing time again . Jim Dugan has masterful work Jim Foohey did on hired out to the unemployed . . . this column last issue. . feel our and what a banner-carrier he makes job slipping take it easy, Jim, . tho' Jim says that there is no Utink of our grey hairs . and truth in the rumor that he will

Lowney in Theodicy?"

What we want to know !S who cast those two dry ';otes:

.:roe Degnan desires tv sul)mit his r esignation. Seems that Joe just can't stand the pace. Not when his 1

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Bourbonnais. Ill.


73 Main St. Tel. Main 247


Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

F'riday , Apr il 15, 1932 TIl E VIATORIA PAGE 3

VIA TORTI ES FOR CON FERENCE TITLE ---- ------ -- ---------- 9---

Greatest Team In Recent Years PASTORF~~~U~~~PITAL WHEATON AND I II II I

Father S ~. M:ore, pastor of AUGUSTANA IN Thomas E. Ferris 1. Burke Monahan Robert Nolan jHOlY Trimty Church of Bloommg-I TIE ~VITH VIATOR

ton , has Just r eturned from a sIege

I In the h OSPl tal where he wen t as a resul t of wornes g rowm g out of the I ,estructlOn of tllS church by fire. Triple Debate Proposed To

I Settle Championship

AOU~~fT CJ~~fEC E I ",F;;::"~;':;::~~~':,;~~,;~ I VIator's debaters are In a tnple-tIe

The Very Reverend J. W. R. for first place in tne Mid-West De­Maguire Discusses Econo- bate League. Tieing with St. Viator

mic Planning With The 1"

the top of the stan .. ngs are Au-

Aquin Debate Team. gU~~;;::s:a~~a ::::l~e~:~e;~s Tie

I Augustana has c. record of five vic-

Brother Stafford tories and one dc:eat while Wbeaton Presen t. I the same record as St. Viator. Both

f Whe:J.ton and Viator have forfeits

Three students and the debate I fro~ Mt. MO~riS. College, ~hiCh failed coach of Aquina3 High SC_10o l of ChI- I to compete In lI"! tercolleglate debate cago held an afternoon open forum L this year, but th~ fo~eits have not on this year 's debate question with been allowed as vlctones by the Lea ­

t he member s of the Bergin Debating gue. \ Hen Nola n one of Vi a t or's dlstin- Society on Wednesday afternoon, :Me thods To Deter mine Dispute .

g:.lished sons now atte nding the April 6. According to present plans, one of J. Burke l't'lonoh a n, who for rh ,-. 8athoJic Uni versity of \VashingtoIl , two methods will be used to d eter

Thomas E, F erris, Kanl<akee's past t wo years has g raced the Vb,.. ~as eng:l.gc :1 in or a t orical activi t ius Ver y R ev. J, W. R . Ma guire A ttends. mine the championship. The Leagu~ "Favorite Son" who enter ed debating tor de bating pla tform is g radua,ting since his entra nce into College. Mr, ~he Very Rever en.d J . W. :1. ~a- suggest ion provides that S t . Viator

Nolan has achieved a remarkable gwr e, C. S. V., P resldent of St. Vla - ! a n d Wheaton meet in a deba t e, the only tillS year has m aje a, m ost en- this year and with his de pa rture g·oes record in the Ora t urical Contest.s h ehl t?r College and faculty a d.viser. in 1 winner to compete against Augu~-v:able record. one of the most for cefu l de ba ters at n ,is instituti ,..,a a s well as h dxing c .. 1arg~ of debat~, lea~ .~e dlSc ....... sslOn tana for Ll-Ie title. St. Viator , on

ever to p a r t icipate in for en sic a~tiv i· 1\"1/1 for himseJt t he rcputlttion . ,r I m WhICh both the VISIting and the the other hand, maintains that a fo r-ti ps. l d ug a n inl h I .. ti g-ab!e deha tf':-. local debater s took part . Brother J . ; feit should be accounted a vic tory.

::: ••• :1: :;::;: W. S t afford, one of the greatest men . S1.,;.ch an interpretation of the rules * to participate in forensic activities at I would give both this school and

--------------....., .3t. Viator was p r esent. I \Vheaton a record equal to that of

Paul A. LaRocque Harold Rosensteel John O'Brien Vis itors Tie1 For Championship. I August:tna and would allow a t ri -

P .III J .'1 . L a Rocque, sharin6' hilh

l\fr. F e rris the honor of r epresent­iug t he commuter' s section of the college on the team . has debated

John O'Bricn . representat ive of thf" H arold R osensteel, a S ophomore F reshman Class on thi s year's win ·

from Blooming ton, has de ba:ed su c- I .: jng combination , possesses a con ­ces sfully seve r a l times during the Y)ncing de li vcry a n d a ver y a na lyt.i -

to r two years a nd is recognized liS curren t se:lsoll. This is Mr, Rosen-· d~fficu1 t m a n to de feat whethe r he be I steel's fir s t year in forens ics a nd his upholding t he a ffirma ave or the neg- success a ug urs we ll fo r the future ative. two years yet a wa it ing him.

cuI min d which will keep him 'JU

th e pla tf orm for his rem ai ning three years s hould he C(lnt inue to develop his inte res t In th is activi t y.

Intra-Mural Baseball ! any danger of disrupting the league , PA RDON US

Teams Are Organized due to the "bsence of any player". The Viatorian extends its sincere


- . - ---- apologies to J. Kenneth Bushman. In tra-lIural baseball teams have REV. F ATHER CLEARY The paper was unable to obtain a

be.n orgamzed and are now campet· LECTURES AT VIATOR picture of Mr. Bushman for this is-ing fo r t he honor an d t he trophies . sue. The gentleman is on e of the

I debaters. 'vho so ably representej St. awarded ~o the. Winne~ .. Difficulty ( During the past w eek the Rever- I Viator e1is year and it is with sin -

was expenen ced m the SimIla r league I en d Father Cleary, de'ivered an in- cere l ~gre t t~1at we not~ our inabili t y l'"! l t year due to the presence of to include the picture of th is polish­commuters on the various teams teresting and instructing lecture on I ed debater and distinguished gentle­

t:,i t"1eir inability to be pres- "The Catholic Church In Illinois." men.

c·~ t when t"eir teams p lay- Father Cleary is now pastor at P hil -

ed. As a result of this tl-Ie "Day- co, Illinois. Last year Father Clear y Sheik-Paul LaRocque. A great D'J'i .... ers" will be represented by a received his P h. D. with distinction dancer, a first-class s essionist, !:. c,n t : am com1'Josed entirely from among from the University of Illinois. Fa- of a perfect hostess, th is mighty man t'1eir number and the rule of forfeit gains his chief distinction from his will be applied to them should th~y ther Cleary is an alumnus of S t. I ability to c~,.\'d dates as much as five fail to appear for the scheduled coo- Viator and formerly conducted sev- C1.onths in advance. Get set for t~st. This, it is thought, will void eral classes at this institution. Christmas, Paul!

The visitors, who t ied fo r E1e I a:1gular debate to settle the title. CatholiC Gir ls Debating Champion- i Penal t y Should Not Be Imposed. ship of Chicago, had read of the suc- It is the St. Viator belief that cess of the St. Via tor gentlemen in neither they nor Wheaton should be The New W or ld; they came to the I penalized because of the failu r e of College to secure fu rther information Mt. Morris to debate. The local sug­

Ion t he s ubject of econom ic p lanning. The visit ing de legation was com­

posed of ~1iss E. Louise Conner, Miss J a n e Bevan, and Miss Virginia H ay­den. They wer e accompanied by Miss 1\1ary A. Wilkins who is thei r coach.

:;'estion is tha t each t eam s hould com peet e both affirmatively and neg­atively wi th a schedule to be arr ang­ej so that a ll should compete on the same evening, one team of each school to appear a t home and one away from home. To date nothing has been defin itel., set tled as to thc

MONOGRAM DANCE means to be us.d.

Will BE APR!l29 ALUMNUS Cal:ney and Toohill prepar- II ORDAINED ing- For Greatest Attrac- AT ROME tion Of Social Calendar. . The post-Easter activities br ing to I , - --

U3 the Monogram D1.nce which Will jl Father OMahoney Attends be held in the St. Viator College Solemn Mass At Rockford. Gym on the twenty-nin th of t he cur- - - -rent month. James Carney, athle tic The Reverend Joseph Thomas I'!:anager, has released this info r ma·· . H ealy, student at St. Viator Coll ege tion fol' publication with the r eser- f from 1925-19~G, celebrated his first vation that the date may be ad- Solemn Mass on Sunday, Apri l 3, at vanced to meet the reguiremen ts of ,n ine- thirty in St. Peter's Church of the sodal calendar. Rockford, I llinois, A reception was

TnohiIl I n Charge. held at Father Healy's home in Valley, Illinois, on Sunday r:alJH~r indefinite information r e- Che r.ry

lu teS t.~la.t Martin J. Toohill , prc'si. 1 even mg. d~nt of the CoIl e.p."e Club. will lJe Studj ed A t Rom e. g~·Jlp.l"DI chairman in charge of the Father H ealy s tudied a t the North terp:scl!orean entertainment. It is American College in Rome for the said th·at Mr. Tooh ill wi ll import an I past few years. He received the ()I'(;ht str a from Bloomington, to f LlC- sacr amen t of Holy Orders in Rome !"llsh th e music for this affair. Dale on the twenty-seventh of October, Miller gave the college an excellent nineteen hundred thirty-on e. The e-( ample of the perfect type of dance Very Reverend J. P. O'Mahoney, C. music furnished by Bloomingtonian S. V., Provincial, attended the cere­musicians and it is quite needless to monies at Rockford. urge the students to attend an affair when they are assured of such ex­cellent entertainment. The Mono-

Doctor- "You need a good long rest."

gram Club is certain to be host to Patient- "But I've been holding a the largest numbers of guests to at- government job for ten years."-tend a Viator dance this year. Christian Mon th ly.

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

The headlines say, "HOOVER WILL RUN 0:\ WET I' LA~K!" Well now we would like to see that.

* *


\Valter Sni tchell Column

And speakiDJ:: of d.'nlal~ . ~'e' \'e an­other on file . Red Harding denies emphatically that he ls in any wa~ I responsible for the dJ,appearance of , Dexters gold-fish! I

Indications are that Burns has put his Livestock :Marketing transactions into the hands of the very capable O'Mara- at any rate the latter gets aU the mail from the office of that association- and Burns used tcr-"Oy 01' hal, my Old (?) gal!"

Incidentally, the Hoover-Burns com­And, if you remember, we always predicted in this I blnation seems to be working very I

column that Lindy at some time or other would find trou- well, much to the mental dlscom-

ble in conquering the heir. fitu r e of Ken Bushman's ex-roomie! * * . (There are Hooven:! and Hoovers, you

f I know! The first m e ntio ned is qui t e

o '1 a different person from the second The Democrats promise a full-dinner pail- full whaL?

"Drink Canada Dry"-Boy, just give us a chance. The government last year spent more money on

wild- life than on child life.-Something should be done about 1 hat.

* * Th e Well -dressed Man will wear only Arrow-co llar~

- Lhat will help du ring the hot weather. * '" *

And of course. the "smart-young-man," this June, will \\'ear-a cap and gown.

I kn::)\v Shakespeare well-but the man died longago. ~ '" * * * *

He-Let's kiss and make up. She-I'm going to make up fi rst.

11:. * *' * As a drama student remarked the other day, the r eal

question is, "Were Hamlet' s critics insane, or did they only pretend insanity."

* iii

Can vou imagine this : A woman shot at her husband five times and ve t wants him back.

Why so? . Because she misses him so.

indJcated !)

I And mentioning Hoover and Bush­man in the same breath brings to mind the separation of these veteran roomies. We've been assured the re is no inside story t here, but have some doubts!

Learned that Father Lowney at one t ime was instructor of Astron omy at dear o ld Viator!

Pet e Laffey had a bit of trouble in p ronouncing "demesn e" t- o ther day. he experienced a slip o' the t ong ue and gasped ou t someth ing

/ I


like "dee· mez-nee,

-.! Ever know that the Easlman·Ko dak Co. a re a lso manufacturers of

chemicals? I 1>.1eany com mu tes now! He's a I

pOli tician (?) you know! ,Viato r 's I play boy politician has been horne 'l five times in t he last t hree week s! What 's the a ttraction Doc?


Oh, I say. Leo T.-, don· t for get

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* That guy's a virtuoso-He cloesn't look saintly.


the B rilliantine-alright, R en e, we won ·t say another word. I '-------------------------- - ---'

*' * * '* * * It reveals the mans natural bent. What does?

"Six Poems For A She riff's Daugh- / te r"-and we saw Miss Adams and somebody e ls e reading t h em ! Oh m y !

B.ow-leg.s. . George Fle ming says ver y emPhat- 1 h ate pl of.- Fl om now on, all those who come late irally that ther e is no subs tance to

to clas~, coeds no~ excepted, must show their pink slips I t he r eport that he h as f allen out or they II not get m. with the lady of the m om enl- The


Insurance, Loans and Bonds

Rooms 5, 6, 1. a nd 8


Speaking of absent-minded professors - We read B' I d-B h th b' k I !....-_ _ __ --.! _____________ _____ _ •

* * * * *' *' I moment bas not ye t passed!

1 . . . lk' 1 . fi'- f Immer e an ac man, e Ie -tha t MO~llmsen . the 1lstonan, wa -mg a onp; m ,~ (, 0 ering insepar ables. enjoyed an eve-;1 bstractlOn. patted a boy on the head and asked, Whose !ling in Bradley r ecently.

little son are you ?"-the boy answered "yours." P e rha ps som eone is w ondering * * * * wl1at consti tu ted the urgent n eces· 1

' Vell we're all in favo r of the boulder damn. sity for Joe Gorman to phon e 5252 I

for P at. F ullam. Perhaps~not!

' Ve've got to divorce graft from politics-but not on AIld Bob came to borrow a book the ground of non-support. from "Red" H ayes. H e tells us tha t

* ,., ::;; :to * * P at Farrell pines fo r what is not"


Kankakee Paint Store

209 East Court st. Phone 30

Did Gene Tunney ever write anything.- Yes, th o:) ---{jear 01' Viator . / ~==========================; "Ril1f~ nnd the Book" I never knew befor e that the poet

'- *' * *' * The waywardness of youth has developed into high­

\';a\'\'a rdness. . But a murderer is always innocent until he is proven


Getting bald al'en't you- you'll soon ha\'e a perman­ent hair-,,'ai\-e.

HOl1lo- KankHkee reminds me of Christmas. Sapiens- How's that? Homo-Because it has no L.

Chinnman- Two-thirty. Stude-Well. do I look like a dentist.

The poor man died tjg-ht. He doesn't look like a -Scotchman.

Byron's grandfather , "Wild" Jack RYTon spent the latter years of his lift:: in an abbey and trained a cer­tain species of insect life. He tr ain­ed them so well that they left the t.uildmg on his death.

We think Ken Bushman is a most inlFresting young man, For further

NOTRE DAME CONVENT AccredlUd to WinolA Unlve",1 ty

A Select Boarding School fOT Gir ls and Young Ladles,

This institu tion is conducted by the S iBters of Notre Dame, and o1!er a e very opportuni t y to young ladies tor a thorough Chriatlan s.nd secular education. Prices reasona.ble. F or Catalogue, &ddreaa

SISTER S UPERIOR. l'otre I)ame Oon vent BOURBONNAffi, DUANO~

infonnation see the class in English I ~===========================:; Poetey. ;-

"We all want you to come to oub parthy. tonight., Mandy."

"can' t., Sambo. rs goin' to stay at home, 'cause rse got a case of dia­betis,"

"Come along anyway, :\fandy, and bring it wid you. Those niggahs ..,.,.-w drink mos' anything." - Christian :llonthly.



RELIABLE CLEANERS 219 South Schuyler A venue..

Pbone MS 7 HOUR 8~VI.CJ:

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

Friday, April 15, 1932

=.=L~it=tL=e ~1-=-9=;C7"a=m=p=s=--~' 1 ST. PATRICK'S =.======~====~=-._. EVE PARTY

Now that Old Sol has begun to cast his drowsy rays upon the earth, and the spirit of spring has­ed the spirit of youth, baseball will occupy the spoUignt in the Little Nineteen Camps throughout the en­suing six weeks of the current school year.

Mr. and ]fIrs. Charles Lampe en· tertained members of the Junior and Senior classes at their home on the evening commemorating the anniver­sary of the famous Irishman. The afiair was in the form of a surprise on their son wbo is attending school ;'it St. Viator.

~ ridge and dancing were the di­ve:-sions of the evening and the time was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

I mong" those present were the Misses Loretta Flanagan, Rachae; Roach, F. M. Clancy, Margaret Clancy and the eminent Ralph Edson Huover.


(Continued from PAge 4)

ODE TO A BEER GARDEN Stranger, pause! Hail the sign of the Bock -which marks the gardens down the block, Pause and hear our rousing cheer, Join our lusty "We want beer!" It won't be long now, remarked the philosopher,

the train ran over hIS nose. " >.:

Page 5

,. Cupid's Column

The approaching conclusion of an­other scholastic term is bringing LO

my desk a veritable storm of diffi­culties for my solution. When I en­

Say what is this we hear about Romeo wearing one of the 1J0eds ring. Oh Geol·ge!

as ter my office in the morning, I find that my secretary has ranged in neat

,piles the letters according to the h I colors and the scent of the enve·

Bac man lopes. There are gay pink ones.

>.: * >.: * * * Water has killed more people than liquor, remember

the flood? * *

Kelly: Did you take Latin? Himmerle: No, but I helped carry him out.

* * >.: ~ * *

I Some are a wistful lavender, or a sky blue. And then there are the nOD-committal dove gray ones, they may contain almost any form of dif-ficulty. The large white ones, trying <"ut of my correspond.nce. 'lhey a l e from the college man, and look ever so business like to the unexperienc­ed eye. But, as you, my readers,

Coach Robertson's Bradley lnclians began the season with a disastrous defeat at the handa of the Uni\'er­s'ty of Illinois, losing by a score vf 15-4. It was with much regret that We"

IE:arned a Viator vs. Bradley game could Dot be arranged this year, tor &11 of the athletic contests betwl.!en tJ1e two schools are marked WlLl.:

spirt ted rivalry and (lean sportsm"n­st.ip.

f... delicious repast had been pre­pared for the students by the charm-i~g hostess. In acccrd with an old All hay fever is not caught from kissing grass wid- know, they are often the ones most

filled with descriptions of wounded Viator custom, the food was thor- O\VS. l·ughly enjoyed and quite readily re­ * >.: *

heB;rts. This morning I will open a few of the more characteristic let­Coach Horton of 1. S. N. U. is very

cptimistic regarding his baseball team. He bas lost only three vet­erans from last year's squad. In the loss of Everett Ryan, however, Hor­ton has a vacated position which it

mo ... .-€'rJ from the tabl~~.

Dougout Views


will be difficult to fill. At present, Ho! Hum! Spring is here now, anQ. James Hoetles, a famous Trinity the Viatorian baseball aspirants have star, shows most indication of filling been creating a somewhat dus.ty the captain's shoes. ! scene every day on the good old difl~

I mond. The s idelines have been filled --- i with hopeful facts and husl}y voices.

"ulidget" Ahern, our doughty littl~ V.1ithout fail we find Father Kelly catcher's brother, will be the main- leaning p·eacefully against the back­stay of the pitching corps at Nor· stop (Not "Micky' Ahern,-the one mal according to advance informa- \, llicb saves "Micky" many steps) tion from the state institution. When and directing the actions of his pro­Viator plays Normal, the brotherl.v tt~gces. The season is but young, feud should add color and intere::;;t to ergo, we make no predictions, how­the battle.

Coach J. Arthur Hill of Illinois Wesleyan University boasts one of the greatest ball clubs in the history of the school. W esleyan opens the season on Thursday, April 11, agalnst the Washington University of St. Louis, and on the following day Invades Shurtleff.

ever, we would like to mention a frw of the "hit and runners."

Behind the bat we find three boys who could play on anyone's ball club: "Micky" Ahern, "Doc" Meany, and "Pat" O'Connor comprise thif? erstwhile group. It looks like the "Mighty Atom" Ahern will do the ~reater part of the receiving due .,to

Wesleyan lSI ·captained two men, Bill Craig and

his flashy style, perfect throwing this year by arm, and three years of varsity ex­Hal Harold. perience.

The conclusion of this year's bas~- We now cast our gaze towards th~ baft season will mark the passing of mound where we finel a small cut perhaps .one of the greatest athletes I capable plt~~lng" staff. "Lefty" Wal­on the Wesleyan diamond in the per- smIth, and Red Hayes are depend· son of Bill Craig. Craig was fou r ed on to "breeze 'em by." Either Urnes the unanimouS choice of [t.e dron, "Bus" Manns. On~y Mono­

coaches of the Little '.9 1\.5 the out­ "Lefty" or "Bus" w1ll take the

s tanding end of the conference. He mound In the first encounter. Oney has gamed great renown as a bas- can be depended on in any eruer-ketbaU, track, and baseball star. gency.

It was with genuine joy that we learned of the acceptance of LaRue Van Meter as Athletic Director (;f Illinois College. Van Meter, out·

Guiding the optics back of t:~.e

mound to the infield we see Man­cini on first, either Hamilton or Toluisza on second, Laffey at short­stop, and Romary converting the ·'hot corncr" into a "place of beauty and a joy forever."

Zarza: What are we doing tonight? Shea (the one with hair) : Let's go out to the

tery and dig up a couple of girls. ., * .; * >.: * >::


Girl (entering music shop): Have you "Kissed Me in the Moonlight?"

Clerk: I don't think so: I'm a new student here. Maybe it was the other boy.

* * Wonder what the F.skimo mother thinks when her

son go~s out for a night? * " >.:

Bomba: "Did you see the wreck last night?" Mancini: "Which one, the blonde?"

* * * * * * He was just a weak head from Marblehead that took

everything for granite. * *

Farrell: What's the difference between a girl and a horse?

Noonan: I (lcn't know. Farrell: What swell dates you must ha ve.

* >.: * * "I hear Bill's looking for a job." "Did he have anv luck?" "N aw, he found 'one!"

* * >.: * * * That last one was sure clever. Sounds. like Fooey.

* * " * The president. called Jim in the office yesterday and

said, "I've .heard some very unfavorable reports ab()ut you. Y ou ne~lect your classes, you violate the rules. you are impudent to your teachers, and now you are guilty of disorderly conduct in town. I'm weary of conecting :VIm." Jim, lighting up one of the president's cigarettes, blew ont a few rings of blue smoke, and then in an 3h­Rll'aded manner, answered, "Well, So's your old m:m." Did the old president laugh. "Jim, he said, you're tOil funny for words; run along and do what you like!" "I'll be seein ya." said Jim and then he trotted out of the of­fice. Boy there's personality for you.

* * * * * *

t ers from which you may derive helpful knowledge, or amusement as you are of an amorous or a humor-ous temperament.

Dear Jack. With the near approach of the

end of my college career the future looms in the foreground with the words :written in letters of lightn­ing. "YOU MUST DECIDE." Do you i{now what it is I must decide? It is my frture happiness or misery. The scene of the decision will, un­doubtedly, be the JUnior Prom. You know, roses, moonlight, roadster, anxious wondering, and the sweet­est coed you ever saw, or can ever hope to see. She is a sophomore, brown hair, and eyes, (such beauti­ful eyes!) and has a career in mu­sic. I do not know whether you have .e,ver attempted to reason w ith a young lady wh'O visions for herself a career, 'but if you haven' t you can do nothing for me. She says she lvves me, oh ever so much, But-=-my career-. How I hate the sound of the word! We are at an impasse. I nave to leave for my worl< as aD

engineer in South America immedi­ately after graduation. She refuses to consider a wedding this June. Antl it could be such a 'romantic affair­bridesmaids, roses, and then Sou tb America and the jungle. Don't you think she is unreasonable? How to move her adamantine will. and 1'11 be for life

Your most devoted servant,

J. T. N. What do you think I tOld him?

Just this: Give the young lady a mor.aI, if no~ physical, spanking, bun­dle her in the roads ter, drive to the first justice of the peace, and let June take care or herseli' . .

standing star In athletics while at­tending Wesleyan has contlnued to be prominent as a coach in High ­school. Van Meter has not only gained an enviable r ecord for John­ston City, but, has also given the LIttlo 19 some of her outstanding stars, such as Tony Blaztne, Charles Alikonls, Ellis Procise, and other'S

Here 1s one not so Simple though of less graVity. In fact, I noticed a

As Aunt Fannv ::t lw~.'Ts said, "A miss in the seat is tendency during the reading of It for

By this time--;:;:- gleamers have IVOI't;' two in the engine." ::'e~~ngue to wander toward one

wandered to the outfield to loo~( I * * >.: * >\: >\: Dear Jack.

too numerous to mention. We wls'" him luck and hope that the rlvalf"'v which has always existed between St. Vialor and Illinois \vUl continue III

the same old friendly way.

over the fly chasers. At present We I Balaban-Sign him up. He knows all about packing can name only t wo starting out- h-ouses. t:e lders, Ed. \Veber and "Daze" Wes- '" * l(~ * ~: * most pappy-like devotion of a fresh-tray. The third place will probablv man for some months. He pe rsIsts be J.llled by either "Pat" O'Connor or Katz-I started in the stockyards myself. In awaltlng me on the s teps of the one of the members of the hurllng * * * * * >I: hall after my last cl ass to carry my

corps relieved of slab duty. At an., She mav not have checks-appeal, but she has got dol- books. I have told him that I have rate the outfielders will be speedy lars and sense. not played football tor lack of

I and certain to contain three good strength to carry books. I have had Waitin for the mail-no, the female. tv have m h dl t d b

I have been bothered with the al -

I throwing arms which no doubt wilJ Y P onc sconnec e I e-

. \~z\l\,E.RSt\RY M .\ SS FOR serve to C!iminisb the number of * * * * * * cause he Mngs it every evening COli-

RE\". J. F. RYAN. C. S. Y.. runs scored against the Viator lad.v- I dont like women orators-they never will make .tantly. He has the most hopeful AT ST. VIATOR APRn.. 5 , bucks. themselves plain. look In his eyes, that I would laugh

___ ___ were it not to be cruel. Please teJl

The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas V. Now ~o close vur n.cdiums of vi- very successful season. The team get a million dollars and not marry. me atny drlemedy short of the death ray, or vetting hl3 attention.

"ht\nnon. LL.D., editor of The New slon and think the situation over. 'ooks as good as though they arp A million and love begone. ninety I " 'odd. was ce-lebrant of Requiem We are of the opinion. at thiq wn~· ready for fast company. The boy.;: percent of the men answered. But Alicia. Aruu\'crsary Mass tor the repose of In~. that the nine from dear old 'lre confident and It they drop 3 And I told her that fly paper PUL the soul of the R.e\'. James F. Ryan. I Viator \\ill be \~;nners and will havp couple of games, the losers will need I that's nothing. The question . was I on the tront door step mll5ht help, or C. S. \' .• Tllt'sday morning, April 5, out one or ·.' ..... 0 oeca 10ns on which 00 correspondent to te ll them that too slmple. Ask college men wheth- e lse dye her haIr wHh henna, d(!. in the chapel of SL Vtator college, to demonstrate their ability as good they have beaten a wonderfui ball er they would prefer a good pipe, a I velop a limp, wear fatSl! teeth, and Fath~r Ryan. who died a year ag"l' 11osera. ~Yith such flashy fieldin6' club. good glass of beer, or a female, and horned rimmed spectacles. \\ ft."'I formerly pre-gldent of St. \ 'iatllr consis tent hitting. and good basebal' I the score would be about 75 per- I -tol1t'gt" and at the- Umt" of his ueat"l jud.Em1ent as we Mve seen ex,hiblte<' UnIversity of Oregon men were ccnt for the drink, 20 percent tor ' Spring" l~ comJng with a Jl of It'i \\a~ p<'..Ittor or SL "Iator ehurch. A 1- the past ten days, we have no reasor asked whether they would rather I the smoke, and the remaIning 5 per- I JOVf" UOl!'!J" and BIJJ CJan~y I~ J()okJng dl"~ n and Kt"Jvale a\"~nut~;s. Chica::;o. to even to look for anything but f marry tor love and no money .,r c~nL fo r the femme. - The Crayhound, for VloJI"t-ta! Ta! Ta.! Dill!

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-04-15

l'Aoe 6

SYMPATHY Thf~ Htudf~ nt'i a nd the t acult,Y

r xtf-nd th (>'lr s fn cen - <sy mpathy to J anw'i Ga r-n (> y on 1 h (" d~ath of hl~

a the r .

Frosh Frolic I ( Cuntinu('d Irom Page 1 )

Dt'Coralions SklllfuJl y Arranged. 1

The decora tions were a dmjrably

Butted to th e decorative diffiCUlties of

HO la r ge a ba ll room. Restraint and

g-ood taste were com bin ed w ith the

result tha t the college gymnasium


Oh! My Operation! It wlJJ be of s pecial inte rest to many of our scie nce s tudents

to learn that a de licate sUIgical ope ration is to be performt'd in the Biology labora tory In the nea r future. The subject is to be a me m be r or the canine species. ano the "sa w-bones" - Prof. 1\lUes Dunnington. A. M., whose research In neu.rological experiments at the Unive rs ity of Il.l.inois has enahled hjm to conduct tWs particu­lar analysis 01 a vicious type of neuremja.

Not entire ly is thjs ope ration to be In the Inte rest of seience, Dut also in the hope o f restorin g the dog (which has during th '2" las t year endeared itse lf to all on the campus, and was run over two days ago by a hit-and-run drivC'r) to a semblance of Its for­m er vivacity . Prof. Dunnington is not ove rconfident of success, hut those who know him pe rsonally agree tha.t thls seemin g mOdesty is but t he disguise of his belore-proven technique.

Passes. to a limit ed number , for this demonstra.tion may be sezured from J. Torri , student scientist. who is assisting l\I r . Dunnington in the preparation, a nd Inr. Ralph Hoove r, director of pUblicity.



The annu al r e treat at SL Via tor

I College opened Wednesday evening.'

March 23, and closed on Saturday I morning. )'larch 26. The r e treat

master this year was the Reverend

I J. D. Bradac. C. S. V. So me of us

I were a cquainted with F a the r Brad- !

ac's speaking bu t none of u s w e r e

I prepared for the supreme beauty and ' I eloquen ce of speech to w hicb he has

a ttained. Fathe r Brada c show ed us

has seJdom been so well adorned for I what is mos t 1. nporta:1 t in life and n social event. The Freshm en took he demonstra t e::! the dangers into



Phone 681'


THE CITY BANKS Kankakee, m

IV elcomes Your Banking Business

Corner Court St. and Schuyler

Avenue. pains, to Im press on the minds of I NICE WORK, FROSH! which our perverted instincts lead

I Th F I · th hi . d b us . H e very c learly re -enunciated the gue.ts particularly those who I . e res 1man Issue ,~as orou"," y enJoye. y ~he the truth that only in religion and I ,---------------. were upperclassme:1 that the host 1 entIre ~tudent body. ~atnck N. Fullam, Edltor-m-ChlCf, in God lie beauty, supreme justice, was the Freshman Class of '35 They and MIss Mary P. CrUise are to be congratulated on the and goodness and that 1t 1S only by I were fully justified m do1Og so The !sPlendid outcome of their earnest endeavors to produce seekmg these m thetr perfection that l handling of the orchestra platform, a "readable number of The Viatorian." For the succesS lwe reach Gc;d Father Bradac's:1 always so cilfficult, was ent1rely sat- I which is unquestionably that of the Frosh co-editors co- words sent e, speo1al message to Isfactory and pleasmg from the operation was very necessary and the Class is to be com- each of our hearts


standpoint of taste 10 decoration, and plimented on the way in which they assisted in producing ~h ' d' t' f ,I


.. .. I ere a re In lea IOns 0 a new ill the treatment of t:,e accoustical the pubhc~tlOn. The V:la~~nan ,wishes the Freshman Garbo Romance-Jack Burns was the problems. Class co.ntmued success m Its vaned undertilkings. object of a card from Los Angeles

n" spla f S i St I bearing the signa ture of t he famous

diS~:;~f ~::~~~h~:~~I:rf~~~::~l:.I JUNIOR PARTY AT State· Wide lady. Careful Jack!

One dark b. lue gown, Of. almost. mili- I BIRD'S PARK - ,


(Continued trom Page 1) la ry seven ty was com bmed Wl tb an i off shade of red in the hat and white --- "The Church and the Recent Spanish

gauntlets to form a very effeCtive' .Edward Hunt Chairman In Revolution," "Why the Church For­costume, perhaps,. tbe most striking 1 Charge Of Arrangements I bids Mixe~, Marri,~geS," "The Value




F1ut Door

North of Luna 'l'heatl'e

Morella & Casey For m~1l Orade a~ ..... C1~ar"tte41 aad Plpea

Ha,raslnee and N o".paper. In eV1dence. The mdefirute formality I --- of Prayer, and The Value of the V ANDERW ATER'S of the occasion permitted a number The Junior Class announces a Catholic Press." ! ! ~---------------! of gowns that were of a more or 1 "Hard Times Party" which will be i Winne rs To Be H onored. i I

less for mal nature. One of a very I held Friday, May 13. The informal i The winners of the Finals, beld ~=============~ ! .---------------. romantic na ture was of white blue- dance will be held at Bird's Park, on a t the College on May 6~h, will be

, the shores of the Kankakee. It will F CI th McLaren's Sandwich flowered ove r pale y ellow and worn b e restricted to members of the Ju- awarded the title of state champion, or 0 es Shop with beige accessories. Prints !":!eem- nior Class and to their fri ends. together With a suitable medal. The i ed to be much in favor, and they are school producing a winner in each I The Chicago Store REAL HOME-MADIt pu:.s

AND CAKES very good- ver satili t y being only one Committees Appointed. division will receive a placque, and of the ir many merits . Edward Gonnan, president of the I

j\ 1l Chape rcmes Unable To Attend. c1ru:s ' ap~ointed Edward Hunt as the title-holding students will fur-Chaperones were M r . and Mrs. C'lJalrman in charge of arrangements. ther be awarded a scholarship at St.


is the place

S&lldwlch ...


Charles Ca rroll of Kankakee, Mr. I On his committee Mr. Hunt has Viator. and Mrs . Jus tin Legris of Bourbon- Messrs. Wenthe and Lampe and the ---------------1 nais. ~~r. and Mrs. Wm . C. Clancy ~isses Murphy and Smith. Dr. J ohn I ~============== I' ,---------------were unavoidably prevented from at- tracy Ellis will be the guest of the Lambert Hardware tending. s lJ(]ents at this affair' !1 Leave Your Laundry and Dry I Kankakee, Ill. Cleaning with

Guests Of The C!ass. Among the guests were Miss Ma- Pat. Legris. "I want some soap." --- Werner G. Salg

ria Ther esa Legris and Dr. John Clerk. "Scented?" j'

Amedee T. Betourne


Tracey Ellis, Mrs. Thos. A. Legris Pat. L--. "No, I'll carry it." REACH-WRIGHT & DITSON AGENCY DOlllESTIC LAUN- I and Mr. Girard Legris. The PreSi- LaRocque, "Wake up." Sporting Goods DRY CO.


dent of the Freshm811 Class, Mr. Legris. "Can' t ," Dr y Clea.nen Ru!; ~Ieanen Harold Rutecki escorted Miss Leona LaRocque. "Why not?" ! I I(ANILJ\llEE, ILL.

119 Court St" l{ankal<N>, lll.

Ryan of St. Francis College, Joliet, Legris. "Ain't asleep." '---------------~

~~~:~iS~e~~~s::~ii~e:ad a number of k~~~ut st;~~;~ ~~~ ::~'\o~t 10~i: I citTtr~E~I~t~~~~r I i~========H=O=T=E=< = L=KA~~N=KA=-==KE==E=<========~ 1:::~:;;S o~f ~:"v~:=it:::nit- hi~d~'odness no! He had to squeeze Every Man I!

t ees r esponsible for the s uccess of it out of m e." II Now this famous clothlng II Sidney Herbst, Pres. and General Mana.ger. the affair wer e Miss Ma ry Cruise. r D?n' t forget, girls, it' s Leap Year. is within reach ot &11. [ DINING R.OOH _;_ Mr. Francis Smith, and Mr. Jack ~OU:I not have another opportunity SUITS AND OVERCOATS HAGNIFICENT BALL KOOK

Q uinn in charge of the tickets. The I o~ ~uLer ye~s. $35. A hearty ... elcome .... alta tho otudenta music committee was composed of a gr s, "I'll walt till that fel- PLANT-KERGER CO, and trlenw. ot SL V! .. tor Collego ~Ir. Joh n H ick ey, Mr. P a trick FuJ- I~W stops making a fool of himself 'Nationally known Men's Wear

lam. and Mr . Emmerson Dexte r . t en I'll begin ."

~lembers of the decor a tion commit­t ee we r e Mr. Woulfe, Mr. Joe Green e , and Mr. Jos. Mag uire.

Announcem~nt is mar.~ of t he Lit­tle Nineteen Seabury Peace m l'et to be he ld a t St. Vi R.tor College on the thirtieth of April. T h i s Lonlest ' s open t o al l ('o l1 e~1.! students :tnd in nature is an or ato-j r;:\l (,O:::l t cs t. A


J oUI'dan Packing Co. S14-S86 W. 20th Street

Chicago, Dlinois

Telephone Cana! 8848

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205 S. HarM~n ATe.

Ambul&n<>e SerTioe



Help RalM the

Million Dollar EndO\.-ment

Frize of sL"ty dollar.; is offered to the "===============:; I sdlOlar submit tin-; the most COll- ! t I ;--------------~

Dy outright gttt, lnsunnce, bequest or annulty. You can get 6% on your mone,. and lea"e the

c .. p!ta1 tor the Endowment. ~tl uctive talk on ,,..If) ,·ld pence ':illU the I'

1heanS of attalnin>! ond retalomg it. I \V. G. CHILDS Tc date. ten of til .... '!....ittte l';icet~n HOTEL LAFAYETTE Colleges have expressed their inten- Sanitary 'Market tion of partiCipating in the competi- FIRST CLASS HOTEL

548 1:. Court Street. AT MODER.~TE RATES

Telephone lS7

tion St. Viator 's intentions, evi­dently. to keep the prize money a f home. at least if one is to judge by the great number of competitors pn?senting tilemselves. I ~--------------~ I ~--------------~

Write tor partlcw..". to

Sl Viator College Extension Club -Incorporated

Telephone Main 1263 SL Viator College, Bourbonnais, ro.

Telephone Malo 1283 Bourbonn&!.!. DL

J . P . O'Mallone" ~r.
