St. Ter esa of A vila / Saint...

St. Teresa of Avila / Saint William October 25, 2020

Transcript of St. Ter esa of A vila / Saint...

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St. Teresa of Avila / Saint William

October 25, 2020

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Rev. Michael L. Bidwell Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Zachary Cecil Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Deacon Dave Steinwert, Pastoral Ministry [email protected]

St. Teresa Parish Office

1175 Overlook Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45238

Parish Office Hours

M, T, W, F: 9:00am to 5:00pm, TH: 9am-4pm

Saturday/Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

Parish Office/Rectory: 513-921-9200

Fax 513-921-0307

Parish E-Mail: [email protected]

Parish Web Site:

St. Teresa School Office

513-471-4530 /Fax 513-471-1254

School E-Mail: [email protected]

School Web Site:

School/Parish Facebook Page: @stteresabruins

Instagram: stteresabruins

MyParish App: Text “App” to 88202 to down-

load the app. Favorite our parish and receive

notifications, access the calendar, bulletins,

readings, and more.

St. Teresa of Avila Parish Mission Statement

We of St. Teresa of Avila Parish have been

called together by God as a worshipping

community. Embracing the traditions of our

Catholic Faith, we are challenged to teach

Gospel Truths and to serve our neighbors. We

seek to recognize Christ in each person, and

together be a sign of His presence in the

world. Through prayer and guidance of the

Holy Spirit and through collective use of our

individual gifts, we strive to reach out lovingly

to others, share our Catholic values, and

build the kingdom of God in our time and


Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses Saturday: 4:00pm

Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 9:30am Daily Masses

Monday—Friday: 7:00am, 12:00 Noon School Mass at 8:00am

Saturday-8:30am Sacrament of Confession

Thursday: 12:30 Saturday: 9:00

Adoration with Benediction Saturday: 9:00am —10:00am

Please remember to practice safe social distancing when in church.

Please contact the parish office with your inquiries or visit our website at

Rev. Michael L. Bidwell Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Zachary Cecil Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Deacon George Bruce [email protected]

Deacon Tom Faeth

Saint William Parish

“Our Catholic Faith”

St. William Parish is a part of the Roman

Catholic Church, which is the institutional

continuation of the church founded by Our

Lord Jesus Christ when he commissioned his

apostles after his resurrection. By the sacra-

ments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the

Holy Eucharist, members of the church are

promised eternal life and are equipped to

serve God and their neighbor, according to

the gifts and talents which of them have

received. In this way, we worship God in

Spirit and Truth and welcome his Kingdom

into our hearts and into our world.

Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses Saturday 3:00pm; Sunday 11:00am

Daily Masses Mon, Tues,, Thurs., Friday: 11:00am

Wednesdays: 8:30 a.m. Sacrament of Penance:

Saturday: 2:15

Please remember to practice safe social distancing when in church.

St. William Parish Office Church Address: 4108 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45205 Parish Center/School Address: 4125 St. William Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205 Parish Center, Office & Chapel located behind St. William School

Parish Office Hours M-F: 9:00am to 5:00pm. Sat./Sun.: Closed Contact Us

Phone: 513-921-0247/Fax 513-921-2810

Parish E-Mail: [email protected]

Web Site:

Facebook: @saintwilliamcincinnati

St. William School School Phone: 513-471-2989 School Hours: 7:30am—3:15pm

During the summer months, please leave a message.

Please contact the Parish Center with your inquiries or visit our website at View this bulletin online at

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October 25, 2020 Dear Families of our Parish Region, On November 1st and 2nd, our parish region will celebrate the commemoration of the Communion of Saints and of all the Faithful Departed in our Family of Christianity. The Solemnity of All Saints (November 1) glorifies God through all those persons, known or unknown, who reaped a heavenly harvest during their lives on earth. These holy men and women remind us that our earthly lives are finite—that we must sow the seeds of love and mercy now, while there is still time for us to produce a bountiful heavenly harvest. The Feast of All Souls (November 2) continues this celebration of remembrance, this time focusing on all the departed who continue along the journey leading to our God of Love and Mercy. St. William will be remembering parishioners who died this past year beginning at 10:30am on Sunday, Nov. 1. St. Teresa will be remembering parishioners who did this past year on Monday, Nov. 2 at 7pm. This is an invitation to all who hold within their hearts the memory of deceased loved ones. Have a wonderful week and may our loving Creator who brings light and life into our lives bring the same into our hearts. God Bless, Fr. Mike

2021-2022 ESAP Tuition Assistance Matching Gift The George Hubert Jr. Family Foundation is continuing the “Fostering Philanthropy Program” to help our Parish raise money for Tuition Assistance. The matching funds received through the ESAP program enables our school to provide tuition assistance to deserving families who otherwise would not be able to afford a Catholic education for their children. All gifts up to $18,000 made through December 4, 2020 will be 150% matched by the Foundation to tui-tion assistance for the 2021-2022 school year.

Money raised for St. Teresa School will be going to St. Teresa School families only.

Money raised for St. William School will be going to St. William School families only.

No gift is too small and it makes it possible for us to help so many more families than we could do alone. Checks may be made out to ESAP & mailed to the school or parish office. Thank You!

THANK YOU for your gen-erous response to the col-lection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith last weekend on World Mission Sunday. Our

parish region raised ___$ 1,348.50. You may stay connected year round to the Pope’s missions, continuing the commitment of World Mission Sunday, by visiting

Virtual Open House during Vocation Awareness Week: Nov. 1-7 The men and women religious in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are coming together to provide a virtual Open House to their communities during the first week of Novem-ber. Whether you have been thinking about being a priest, brother or sister for one week of for one year, this is a great opportunity to meet and greet some awesome religious from different communities and learn basic information about Con-secrated Life. For more information and the schedule of the different sessions, go to Daylight Savings Time Ends Don’t forget to “fall back” one hour before going to bed on Oc-tober 31!

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Our Regional Parish Bulletin Deadline is Thursday, ten (10) days prior to the Sunday of publication. Please be sure you are using the email addresses below to send bulletin re-quests. Thank you!

St. William Parish Office St. Teresa Parish Office 513-921-0247 513-921-9200 [email protected] [email protected]

Scripture Readings for the Week Sun., October 25 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26 1Thes 1:5c-10 Mt 22:34-40 Monday, October 26 Eph 4:32-5:8;Lk13:10-17 Tuesday, October 27 Eph 5:21-33; Lk 13:18-21 Wed., October 28 Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday, October 29 Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35 Friday, October 30 Phil 1:1-11;Lk 14:1-6 Saturday, October 31 Phil 1:18b-26; Lk 14:7-11 Sunday, November 1 All Saints Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 1 Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12a

St. Teresa /St. William Regional RCIA Program

All are welcome! The RCIA classes are open to anyone age 14 and older and are held on Tuesday nights from 6:00-7:00pm in Monsignor Anthony Hall (Avila Hall) at St. Teresa parish. If you have questions, need more information, or want to begin the RCIA process, please call the St. Teresa parish office to speak with Fr. Zachary Cecil (513) 921-9200 ext. 105 or [email protected]

The topic for October 27 is The Holy Trinity There is no class on November 3 because of Elections

The topic for Nov. 10 is Mary and the Communion of Saints

Live the Gospel of Life

In his encyclical on the Gospel of life, Pope St. John Paul II recognizes the full range of threats against human life, from poverty and malnutrition to murder and war. He places particular emphasis, however, on threats to life at its beginning and end-precisely when it is most in need of protection.

In modern times, children in their mothers’ wombs and those approaching the end of their lives are certainly among the “least of these” in our world’s estimation. Practices such as abortion and assisted suicide tragically reject the truth that human life is always to be cherished and defended with loving concern.

(Conclusion next week)

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Love of God and love of neighbor are the two constants, the two beams of light illuminating the path for us on our journey. The two commandments Jesus identifies as the greatest are each taken from the Torah-what we know as the first five books of the Bible. We hear some of their implications in the first reading. You shall not mistreat an alien. Why not? Because you were once aliens yourself. Hundreds of years later, Paul was an alien in Thessalonica. The hospitable way he was wel-comed by the Thessalonians was to be praised. They in turn became a model for those in the neighboring regions of Mace-donia and Achaia. We have been, and in some ways still are, aliens ourselves, in time if not in place, for our towns, our na-tion, and our world have changed dramatically in the years since we were born. We may feel like aliens in a new city, workplace, or social setting, or simply by living in the 2020s. But we are not alone. God hears our cries, “for I am compas-sionate”. So too are we called to be filled with compassion, to love God and to love our neighbor, be they alien or not, for they are us and we are them.

The Deacon’s Corner

A reflection for this week : Every leaf that falls to the ground has a purpose. My backyard really looked great a couple of days ago. I had cut the grass short enough to make it easier to blow the falling leaves into a pile for easy pickup. This morning, I looked out the window and saw many yellow, orange, and brown leaves on the ground, blown down by an overnight rain. In the big picture, I could see just a mixture of colors against a green background. But looking closer, I began to think about just one of the leaves and what it has accomplished in its life. In the springtime of its life, it burst forth from a bud that was already growing on the branch before the last snow. We didn’t see it growing then. When it emerged fully as a green leaf, it captured the sun and filtered the water and air, and helped to feed the tree. The leaf gathered with its brothers and sis-ters to provide shade and shelter for both humans and animals. It helped make the world beautiful. It also provided oxygen in ex-change for what was taken in. Reminding us that time is passing, it began to change color with the season. For a short while, the leaf along with its brothers and sisters, gave us a show of bright colors, reminding us that there is beauty and dignity even as we age. Even as the leaves begin to fall to the ground and die, many of them will feed the soil as a new generation is beginning to form on the tree. When we hear about protecting all life from conception to natural death, it is important to look at the one leaf that has a pur-pose. A prayer: Lord God, we praise you and give you thanks for the gift of all creation. Thank you for the lesson of the leaves that tell us how precious all life is. Help us to be ever mindful of the need to protect all life from conception until natural death. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray. Amen ~ Deacon Dave Steinwert

We pray for the members of this community, that we

may find ways to help build a world of greater re-

spect for human life from the moment of conception

to the moment of natural death.

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St . Te re s a of Av i l a

In Sympathy Please pray for those who have recently died M ildred Hellmann, Ralph Winkler, Flo Wade, Ken Rich-

ard, Mariann Rentrop, Michelle Becraft, John “Jack” Keyes, Roger Brewer, Carol Reilmann. May they quickly share in the glory of Heaven. If a family member has passed away, contact the office and we will include them in prayer.

St. Teresa Contributions

Sunday Collection 10/18/2020 $ 4,871.25 Electronic ACH Donations $ 1,204.00 Noon Mass Donations $ 51.00 Pay Pal $ .00 Total Collection $ 6,126.25 Tuition Assistance $ 65.00 St. Vincent de Paul $ 35.00 Respect Life $ 85.00 Mission Sunday $ 838.50

Thank You For Your Generosity! Please remember St. Teresa in your will and estate planning.

Our legal title is St. Teresa of Avila

The baskets on the Communion Rail at the weekly Noon Mass are for those who are coming to Noon Mass for their Sunday obligation and would like to drop off their church envelope or for anyone who would like to make a donation. Thank You!

St. Teresa of Avila Mass Schedule & Intentions Sun., October 25-Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00am Intentions of Will Smith (Birth) 9:30am Living & Deceased of St. Teresa and St. William Monday, October 26– Weekday 7:00am Harry Steinriede 12:00pm Patty Benken (Ann.) Tuesday, October 27-Weekday 7:00am Earl Leeds 12:00pm Madalen Follmer & Nancy Wednesday, October 28-Sts. Simon and Jude 7:00am Tony Eichhorn 12:00pm Marian Brueggemeyer Thursday, October 29-Weekday7:00am Joan Leeds 12:00pm Ida Vogele (Birth.) Friday, October 30-Weekday 7:00am Alberta “Birdie” Minnich (Ann.) 8:00am Charles & Carol Rettig 12:00pm Dr. Don Hafner Saturday, October 31-Weekday 8:30am Deceased of the Lipps Family 4:00pm George Kasper Sunday, November 1—All Saints 7:00am Tony Eichhorn 9:30am Living & Deceased of the Davenport Family

St. Vincent De Paul Reflection: Jesus, grant that we may bring the goodness of God to the poor, in our actions and our words.

Thank you to all those who support our ministry!

For gift giving or every day use— Please consider purchasing gift cards

$25 Amazon $10 Arby’s $25 Bahama Breeze $10 Bath Body Works $10 Bob Evans $25 Bonefish Grill $10 Buffalo Wild Wings $10 Burger King $25 Carrabba’s $25 Chipotle $10 Cracker Barrel $25 CVS Pharmacy $10 Diane’s $25 Dick’s Sporting Goods $10 Dunkin Donuts $25 Flemming’s Steakhouse $10 Frisch’s

$10 Humbert’s $25 Kohl’s $25 LaPetite Salon & Spa $10 LaRosa’s Buddy Card $25 LaRosa’s Gift Card $20 Little Caesars $25 Longhorn $10 Long John Silvers $25 Lowe’s $25 Meijer $25 O’Charley’s $25 Old Navy $25 Outback $10 Panera $10 Papa John’s $25 Petsmart $10 Price Hill Chili

$25 Red Lobster & Olive Garden $25 Skyline $25 Speedway $10 Starbucks $10 Steak & Shake $10 Subway $25 TJ Maxx/Marshall’s/ Home Goods $10 Taco Bell $25 Target $25 Walgreen’s $25 Walmart $10 Wendy’s $25 Willie’s

Because of Elections, Bingo scheduled for Tuesday, No-

vember 3rd has been moved to Thursday, November 5th.

Girls Basketball Sign Ups Girls Basketball sign-ups for grades 3-12 are availa-ble online. Please go to follow the link to register. Registrations will be accepted through Nov.

13, 2020. There will also be in person sign-ups Mon., Oct. 26 from 5:30-6pm and Sun., Nov. 1 from 12:30-1pm. Both sign-ups will be held in the Undercroft. If you cannot make the in per-son sign-ups and need a paper signup form, contact Kevin Whitmer at 513-505-6465 or [email protected]. Cost is $50 for the sport fee. If you have not already done so, you will be required to pay the $50 family fee at the time of sign ups. Tryouts for teams, if necessary, will be held at a later time.

St. Teresa Memorial Mass: Thank you to the St. Teresa Be-reavement Committee for coordinating the special 7:00pm Mass on Monday, November 2nd, the Feast of All Souls, for those who have passed away since November 1, 2019. Family of the de-ceased are invited and will also receive a memorial candle. This Mass will be recorded and available on the St. Teresa website and YouTube page. All are welcome to attend.

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St. William Stewardship Collection Sunday 10/18/2020 $ 6,783.00 ACH $ 351.00 Mission $ 510.00 Total Collection $ 7,644.00

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Sa i nt Wi l l i a m

In Sympathy Our loving prayers and deepest sympathies are extended to the fami-lies of Mary “Mert” Weingartner, Cesare “Jerry” Briccio, Tom Seibert, Robert Gay, Robert J. Sandling, Jacqueline M. Hirth who were recently called to their eternal reward. Please keep the deceased of our parish in your prayers. Please join us in pray-ing for all who are sick or dying especially those unable to have loved ones by their side at this time.

Saint William Mass Intentions

Sunday, October 25 –Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:00am Steve Bayuk Monday, October 26– Weekday 11:00am Marcella Klayer Tuesday, October 27-Weekday 11:00am Annie Strunck Wednesday, October 28-Sts. Simon and Jude 8:30am Bill Davis Thursday, October 29-Weekday 11:00am William Johnston Friday, October 30-Weekday 11:00am Clette Schneider Saturday, October 31-Weekday 3:00pm Bill Davis Sunday, November 1—All Saints 11:00am Living and Deceased of St. Teresa & St. William

St. William Server Schedule

Saturday 3:00

Oct. 24 Kevin Klayer

Oct. 31 Server Needed

Sunday 11:00

Oct. 25 Kaden Collins Kallie Collins

Nov. 1 Jack Bailey Isabella Collins

Another Thanksgiving and Christmas season is just around the corner. For our St. Vincent de Paul Society here at St. William, it will be another season of helping our neighbor in need through the generosity of our Parishioners. This Thanksgiving, and again on Christmas, we will be providing families with Kroger gift cards for their Holiday meals. When

we can, we also provide them with plastic plates, plastic cups, napkins and paper towels. We would like to thank all those who have used the St. Vincent de Paul en-velopes in Church and who have been very generous in your support! This Holiday Season, we would like to ask for Kroger gift cards in any denomination that you prefer. Also, cash donations are always welcome. Since we cannot have the Giving Tree this year, we would like to ask for Gift Cards to Target and Walmart for any denomination. We will give these to our neighbors who will be on our Christmas List for this year. God Bless!

St. William Memorial Mass: Sun., November 1, 2020, 11 a.m.. In remembrance of those who have died in the past year the commemoration will begin at 10:30am. After the liturgy, those family members are invited to come forward and take a can-dle home as a memorial of your loved one. We plan to live stream the Mass on the St. William Facebook page so those who are not able to attend may participate at home. Our special thanks to the St. William Bereavement Committee for planning and organizing this event.

St. William Athletics Coaches Needed

The St. William Athletics Association is in need of volunteer coaches for boys and girls basketball and baseball. If you are interested in helping (either as a head coach or an as-sistant) email [email protected] with the sport(s) you are interested in coaching. Boys basketball season runs roughly from November - February, girls basketball from January - March, and baseball from March - June.

Remember to choose St. William and support our school with your Market Day purchases!

St. William PTO Monthly Basket Raffle In lieu of the in-person Advent Luncheon this year the St. William PTO is holding a monthly basket raffle through December. Tickets are available in the back of church, the school office, or by sending an email to [email protected].

Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25 and can be used for any of the baskets through the end of the year! Return your entries and pay-ment to the school office or by mail to St. William School at 4125 St Williams Ave, 45205, Attn: PTO Basket Raffle

Basket drawings on 10/26, 11/20, 12/18

Thank you for your support of the school and our PTO!


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In Loving MemoryEdward J. Bacon

Bailey Family

Carol A. Balsley

Frank & Rita Bill

Dorothy Bishop

Ernesto Bonavita

Dcn. Ed & Dorothy Brockmann

Dec. of Burnhimer Family

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Calla

Melanie Calla

Dec. of Caruso Family

Thomas Ciolino

Bill & Sade Clyde

Bill Conway

Conway & Learn Families

Cummings Family

Mark Daughery

Bud & Mary L. Day

DiLonardo & DiVincenso Families

Coach J. “MAC” Donald

Tony Eichhorn, Sr.

John & Anne Ellis

Tony & Rosemary Esposito

George & Catherine Faeth

Louis M. Faillace

Linda M. Fisher

Mark A. Frisby, Sr.

Eddie & MaryAnne Geers

James Gemmell

Gus Giglio

Gilardi Family

Grace Glaser

Jerry Gutzwiller

Leo A. Haas, Jr.

Tim Harrigan

Marian Heidel

The Helmes Family

Bill & Hellen Hetzel

Henry Hofmeyer

Carol Huber

John & Ann Huwel

William A. Johnston

Frank & Dorothy Kelly

Bud, Gert, & Bo Kenney

Paul Knollman

Leslie Lamps

Elsie & John Lasita

Rose & August Lasita

Herbert Jos. Lehan

Marilyn Leuenberger

Loebker & Morris Families

Vince Lonneman

Fausto Magano

Frank & Kathryn May

Patrick McDonald

Ann & Francis McGrath

Lillian R. Menner

David Messerle

Richard E. Messerle

Albert & Eva Metz

Robert Millian

Ed & Vi Nicholas

Ralph Niemer

Oates & Telger Families

Anthony & Angela Perrino

Willard & Agnes Prost

Robert Rhein

Marvin Riley

Edward, Margaret & William Roddy

John & Betty Sandhas

Donald Schloemer

Evan Schmit

Ed Schroeder

August & Irma Seher

Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Seiwert

Mary Jane & “Pug” Shaw

James B. Smith

Tom Steinkamp

Diana L. Thomas

George & Anna Thornton

Thelma & Lloyd Todd

Margie & Harry Weil

Vera Windofer

Leonard & Patricia Winiarski

Since 1962 4521 W. 8th St.

Western HillsWindow Co.

Jason Phillips, Owner921-5455

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