St. Tammany farmer (Covington, La.) 1914-06-27 [p ]...substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder...

ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absoeatefy Pire Absolutely has noa ebafitude Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Mrs. H. B. Collins, of Onvil, spent Tuesday in Covington. Miss Nina Cantrelle spent Tuesday in New Orleans. Mrs. Frank Taylor and baby, Edna Earl, of Bogalusa, are the guests of their mother, Mrs. Robt. Badon, Sr. Miss Vichi Frederick, of New Or- leans, is the guest of Misses Lucille and Ellen Roy. Miss Laura Saunders, of New Or- leans, is visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. Laura Barelli. Miss Cathrine Claudel, of New Or- leans, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Prevost and family. Mrs. M. E. Burns, of New Orleans, is a visitor to her daughtes, Mrs E. D. Kentzel. Mrs. Thos. M. Burns left on Wed- nesday for New Orleans, where she is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L. Menuet. Mrs. Wm. D. McEnulty, formerly Miss Annie Poole, of this place, now of Mobile, Ala., is visiting Miss Anals Boudousquie. Mrs. Josephine S. Henderson, of New Orleans, after an absence of several years, is spending sometime at the Hosmer House. Mr. Arthur L. Bear spent the week end in New Orleans as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bear. Mr. Joe Hart Jolly, of Baton Rouge, came over Wednesday, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Roy and family for a few weeks. Miss Ethel Patrick, of Bogalusa, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Patrick, at the Pat- rick Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ole and son, are the guests of Sheriff and Mrs. Brewster for a week or two. Mrs. Ole is a sister to Mr. Brewster. Mrs. W. K. Texada, of Boyce, visit- ed Miss Margaret Texada, her grand- daughter, at Mrs. E. R. Moses, on Wednesday. Mrs. E. R. Moses and little daught- er, Jeanette, left Thursday morning for Bayou Sara where they will at- tend the wedding of Mra. Moses' sis- ter. Mrs. H. Casteman and two charm- ing daughters, Misses Hazel and Jan- ice, of Mobile, Ala., are guests at Dr. Tolson's for the summer. Miss Mamie Unsworth returned on Tuesday afternoon to her home in New Orleans, after a stay of two weeks spent here as the guest of the Misses Anna and Ruth Frederick. M'ss Jessie DeHart and Louis De- Gruy returned on Wednesday to their home in New Orleans, after having spent a week here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Delery. Miss Mae Poole, of Moble, Ala., is the guest of Miss Jessie Evans. Miss Poole has numerous friends in Covington who are pleased to have her among them again. Mra. Chas. F. Buck returned last Saturday to her home in New Or- leans, after several days spent here as the guest of her aunts, Miss Laura eosmbr and Mrs. Ida Hosmer. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jackson, for- merly of Bogalusa, are now resi- dents of Covington. Mr. Jackson is an old and well known railroad man. He is stationed at the N. O. G. N. offices. One of the most successful affairs of the week was the reading on Fin- land, given at the M. C. B. Library, on Thursday afternoon, given by Miss Helen Gray, for the benefit of the Library fund. Besides the reading a musical program was rendered in which Misses Aina Morrel, Anais Boudousquie, Lola Christoffer, and Messrs. Karl and Holgar Kohnke participated. The ladies composing the M. C. 8's. take this means to thank all of those who so kindly lent their ser- vices. The cake raffled was won by Mrs. Decker. A party of young people left on Wednesday morning by boat to spend the day in Mandeville, and to await the arrival of the Hanover, the party coming back late that evening. Among those present were Misses Ruth Collins, Grace Blosaman, I'lor- ence Long, Edna and Leah Alpeunte, Cecile and Wilmuth Warren, Eitse Adams, Ruby Reda and Margaret Mfc- Cormack, and Messrs. Lionel Adams, Clarence Domerpue, Harold Couton, George Hoffman, Randolph Ray, Louis Abbot, Noble Salter, and Car- roll, Small and Lane. Thp party was chaperoned by Mrs. B. B$. War- re and Mrs. Long. r The friends of Miss Cecile Warren tendered her a surprise party on Wed- nesday night in honor of her gradua- tion. Among those present were: Misses Wilmuth Warren, Edna and Leah Alpeunte, Eline Adams, Ruth Collins, Elise Ray,. and Messrs. Lio- nel Adams, Clarence Domergue, Noble Salter, Louis Abbott, Harold Colton, George Hoffman and Ran- dolph Ray. During the evening de- licious refreshments were served. AS YOU LIKE IT CLUB CHARM- INLGY ENTERTAINED. The "As You Like It Club" was charmingly entertained on last Tues- day afternoon at the home of Miss Norma Weaver, Miss Ruth Ffederick, one of the club's members, being the guest of honor of the evening. Both Miss Weaver and Miss Frederick be- ing "sweet girl graduates," were pre- sented with souvenirs from the mem- bers of the club. Miss Frederick re- ceiving a green sunshade, and Miss Weaver a gold pin with enameled four leaf clovers. After several games, hearts were played, the first prize being awarded Miss Louise Del- croix, second Miss Retta Moses, booby Miss Alma Frederick, and consolation Miss Maggie Texada. The color scheme carried out in the dining room was pink and gray, the colors of St. Scholastica's Acade- my, of which Miss Frederick was a pupil. The place cards were hand painted "girls in cap and gown," the work being from the accomplished pen of Miss Myrtle Brunet. Among those present were Misses Angie Addison, Anais and Gable Bou- dousquie, Grace Bloesman, Ruth Col- lins, Anna and Ruth Frederick, Lu- cille and Ellen Roy, Alma Frederick, Estelle Evans, Lou Lyons, Lucille, Louise and Anita Delcroix, Mabel Hosmer, Jennie Smith, Norma Weav- er, and Mrs. C. S3. A. Fuhrmann. The guests were Misses Maggie Tex- ada, Laura Saunders, Eleanor War- telle, Cecile Warren and Mrs. F. F. Young, Jr. An informal reception was given on June 23d, at Wallis Villa, in hon- or of Miss Hazel Flathers, of New Orleans. Great was her surprise when a crowd of friends walked in. She had been kept in ignorance of it all through the caregul planning of Misses Watkins. Games and danc- ing were indulged in. Tkose present were: Misses Anita, Lucille and Louise, Delcroix, Ella and May Les- seing, Leah and Edna Alpeunte, Alida Soniat, Hazel and Virgie Dossat, May Berbank, Agnes Parr, Annie Therrot, Lola Christoffer, Miriam, Lillian and Eunice Watkins, Mrs. J. F. Watkins and Mrs. M. H. Wallis, and Messrs. Lawrence ano Louis Toups, Arthur and Bud Finney, Leslie and Ralph Menere, William Riggs, Alfred Soni- at, Richard Grimmer, Isaac Watkins, Milton lasselgne. Mrs. Adelaide Claudel, of New Or- leans, announces the marriage of her daughter, Cathrine Julia Claudel, to Mr. Harry Joseph Prevost, the wed- ding to take place Wednesday, July 8th, at 2 p. m., at St. Rose De Lima's church, New Orleans. Friends and relatives of both families are invited through this medium to attend.the ceremony. The grand jury brought in seven- teen true bills. FOLM R WEDDINGS WEDNESDAY. Wednesday was a banner day for weddings in Covingt.on, and they were divided between Judge Badon and Rev. Jos. Koegerl. The contract- ing parties were: Henry J. Thompson and Miss Mamie Rugger, of H'oultonville, La.; Albert E. Dillard and Miss Lillian D. Whitehead, of Lacombe, La.; John B. Grillet and Miss Maunie L. Boesch, of New Orieans, La. Judge Robert Badon officiated at these three wed- dings. Chas. Jos. Heider and Miss Olivia Mermillion, o! Covington, were mar- ried by Rev. :Jos. Koegerl. STR. JOSIE Regular New Orleans, Mandeville Madisonville, Houltonville and Coy- ington packet. Leaves Magnolia Street and Howard Avenue, (N. O.) Saturdays at 5 p. m. Leaves Covington Wednesdays 5 p. m. For freight rates apply to D. H. WEAVER, Mgr. JUDGE CLAY ELLIOTr. Judge Clay Elliott, who announces his candidacy for Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Third District, First Circuit of Louisiana, is a native of the parish of St. Tammany, but at a very early age moved to Tangipa- hoa parish, where he lived until he became of age. In his youth he at- tended the Guillett Institute at Amite City for about three years, and when it went out of existence he attended the Mississippi College for a short time. Afterwards he graduated from the law department of Tulane Uni- versity, class of 1888. He then lo- cated in Covington, where he lived and practiced law for ten years, dur- ing which time he was elected and served as mayor of the town. He was also elected to the senate from the seventeenth senatorial district, serving one term. After moving to Amite City sixteen years ago he was elected judge of the 25th judicial district and served one term. He has been actively engaged in the practice of law in the five parishes east of the Amite river about twenty-six of years, devoting himself industri- ouly and painstakingly to the work of his profession. Mr. Elliott is practically a self-made man, and whatever he has accomplished has been due to his own efforts. Covington, La., June.27, 1914. To the Public: I take great pleasure in announc- ing that on or about July Plt I will be located in the Covington Bank Building, Columbia Street, with a new and complete line of Gents Furnishings. I will be pleased to meet all my friends at the above address and will you all the courtesies as before. Come and bring your friends. H. J. OSTENDORF. +.,.r~.LUWCn).WHI-I~ICWC(+* Subscribe for the ST. TAMMANY FARMER $1.00 a year. MANDEVILLE NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dubourg, of Slidell were Sunday visitors here. Mr. Dubourg returned to Slidell in the evening but Mrs. Dubourg stayed to enjoy a trip over the lake on the steamer Fairhope. She will rema'n in New Orleans a few days. Mrs. M. E. Liddleton visited Man- deville on Sunday. She was the guest of Mrs. C. Bissell. She leaves for Galveston, Tex., in a few days where she will join her son and daughter, Mr. Harold and Miss Mabel Middleton. Mr. E. S. Copmier, of New Orleans, is now occupying his new home which has recently been erected on Jeffer- I son street. Sheriff T. E. Brewster was a visit- or to Baton Rouge, last Tuseday. A prominent wedding to-day in Mandeville is that of Miss Marie Al- dige, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Aldige, to Dr. Stanford C. Jamison, which will be quietly celebrated this afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents. Many out of town guests will be present. DIED. John Jacob Mathies, beloved hus- band of Louise Thurston, died in Cov- ington, Tuesday, June 23, 1914, aged 73 years, 1 month and 23 days. Funeral took place from the fam- ily residence on Louisiana Street, Wednesday motning at 10 o'clock. .A SAFE MANAGEMENT A LARGE CASH RESERVE A LARGE CAPITAL AND SURPLUS These three points make a safe bank. We offer them all to our customers. Covington Bank & Trust Company Capital and Surplus $125,000 Have your brick and cement work done by experienced men. May cost a trfle more, but you have the eatisfactin of its being well done. O. J. RENE, Contractor. F. O. Box 173. Phone 375. "Sr. New Camefia" Leaves MANDEVILIE DAILY AT 6:20 A. M. Returning leave New Orleans at L. & N. depot at 4 p. m. Fare Each Way 75 cents. I ' Wednesday ad Sunday Excursions Fare for Round Trip 75 Cents. Leaves Mandeville at 6:20 a. m. Returning leave New Orleans at L. & N..depot 6:15 p. m. Motor Cars leave Covington 5:30 a. m., returning cars leave L. & N. Depot on . Wednesdays at 6:15 p. m., and Sundays at 625 p. m. DAILY SCHEDULE Cars leave Covington 5:30 a. m., connecting with "Str. New Camelia" at Mande- ville, returning cars leave L. & N. Depot at 4 p. m. Enjoy a pleasant evening on "Str. New Camelia" every Sunday and Wednesday, leaving Mandeville at 5 p. m., re- turning at 9 p. m. Round Trip 50 cents. F. J. ORFILA, Agent, 802 Common Street New Orleans, La. 1 NDUSTRIAL INSURANCE #4 - I= I4n A See my Combination Policy for Sickness Accident and Death. For the laboring man; white and black. Chas. B. Wills, Mandeville, La. 14 First Question at Every Fire---- How id It Start? How ,E about insurance. ' etlo the rt ruti m r the asser verieagtreetf. The eawer to the scans que ti`s.'alVus tthei "None at all!" "Just expired!" or "Fully covered." WHAT would be YOUR answer were the fire at YOUR HOUSE NILSON-FREDERICK CO., LTj ; Covington, La.

Transcript of St. Tammany farmer (Covington, La.) 1914-06-27 [p ]...substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder...

Page 1: St. Tammany farmer (Covington, La.) 1914-06-27 [p ]...substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor


Absoeatefy PireAbsolutely has noa ebafitude

Many mixtures are offered assubstitutes for Royal. No otherbaking powder is the same incomposition or effectiveness, orso wholesome and economical,nor will make such fine food.

Royal is the only Baking Powder madefrom Royal Grape Cream of Tartar

Mrs. H. B. Collins, of Onvil, spentTuesday in Covington.

Miss Nina Cantrelle spent Tuesdayin New Orleans.

Mrs. Frank Taylor and baby, EdnaEarl, of Bogalusa, are the guests oftheir mother, Mrs. Robt. Badon, Sr.

Miss Vichi Frederick, of New Or-leans, is the guest of Misses Lucilleand Ellen Roy.

Miss Laura Saunders, of New Or-leans, is visiting her grand-mother,Mrs. Laura Barelli.

Miss Cathrine Claudel, of New Or-leans, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.Jas. W. Prevost and family.

Mrs. M. E. Burns, of New Orleans,is a visitor to her daughtes, Mrs E.D. Kentzel.

Mrs. Thos. M. Burns left on Wed-nesday for New Orleans, where sheis visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L.Menuet.

Mrs. Wm. D. McEnulty, formerlyMiss Annie Poole, of this place, nowof Mobile, Ala., is visiting MissAnals Boudousquie.

Mrs. Josephine S. Henderson, ofNew Orleans, after an absence ofseveral years, is spending sometimeat the Hosmer House.

Mr. Arthur L. Bear spent the weekend in New Orleans as the guest ofhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. ArmandBear.

Mr. Joe Hart Jolly, of BatonRouge, came over Wednesday, andwill be the guest of Mr. and Mrs.H. J. Roy and family for a few weeks.

Miss Ethel Patrick, of Bogalusa,is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr.and Mrs. W. N. Patrick, at the Pat-rick Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ole and son,are the guests of Sheriff and Mrs.Brewster for a week or two. Mrs.Ole is a sister to Mr. Brewster.

Mrs. W. K. Texada, of Boyce, visit-ed Miss Margaret Texada, her grand-daughter, at Mrs. E. R. Moses, onWednesday.

Mrs. E. R. Moses and little daught-er, Jeanette, left Thursday morningfor Bayou Sara where they will at-tend the wedding of Mra. Moses' sis-ter.

Mrs. H. Casteman and two charm-ing daughters, Misses Hazel and Jan-ice, of Mobile, Ala., are guests at Dr.Tolson's for the summer.

Miss Mamie Unsworth returned onTuesday afternoon to her home inNew Orleans, after a stay of twoweeks spent here as the guest of theMisses Anna and Ruth Frederick.

M'ss Jessie DeHart and Louis De-Gruy returned on Wednesday totheir home in New Orleans, afterhaving spent a week here as the guestof Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Delery.

Miss Mae Poole, of Moble, Ala.,is the guest of Miss Jessie Evans.Miss Poole has numerous friends inCovington who are pleased to haveher among them again.

Mra. Chas. F. Buck returned lastSaturday to her home in New Or-leans, after several days spent hereas the guest of her aunts, Miss Laura

eosmbr and Mrs. Ida Hosmer.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jackson, for-merly of Bogalusa, are now resi-dents of Covington. Mr. Jackson isan old and well known railroad man.He is stationed at the N. O. G. N.offices.

One of the most successful affairsof the week was the reading on Fin-land, given at the M. C. B. Library,on Thursday afternoon, given by MissHelen Gray, for the benefit of theLibrary fund. Besides the readinga musical program was rendered inwhich Misses Aina Morrel, AnaisBoudousquie, Lola Christoffer, andMessrs. Karl and Holgar Kohnkeparticipated.

The ladies composing the M. C.8's. take this means to thank all ofthose who so kindly lent their ser-vices.

The cake raffled was won by Mrs.Decker.

A party of young people left onWednesday morning by boat to spendthe day in Mandeville, and to awaitthe arrival of the Hanover, the partycoming back late that evening.Among those present were MissesRuth Collins, Grace Blosaman, I'lor-ence Long, Edna and Leah Alpeunte,Cecile and Wilmuth Warren, EitseAdams, Ruby Reda and Margaret Mfc-Cormack, and Messrs. Lionel Adams,Clarence Domerpue, Harold Couton,George Hoffman, Randolph Ray,Louis Abbot, Noble Salter, and Car-roll, Small and Lane. Thp partywas chaperoned by Mrs. B. B$. War-re and Mrs. Long. r

The friends of Miss Cecile Warrentendered her a surprise party on Wed-nesday night in honor of her gradua-tion. Among those present were:Misses Wilmuth Warren, Edna andLeah Alpeunte, Eline Adams, RuthCollins, Elise Ray,. and Messrs. Lio-nel Adams, Clarence Domergue,Noble Salter, Louis Abbott, HaroldColton, George Hoffman and Ran-dolph Ray. During the evening de-licious refreshments were served.


The "As You Like It Club" wascharmingly entertained on last Tues-day afternoon at the home of MissNorma Weaver, Miss Ruth Ffederick,one of the club's members, being theguest of honor of the evening. BothMiss Weaver and Miss Frederick be-ing "sweet girl graduates," were pre-sented with souvenirs from the mem-bers of the club. Miss Frederick re-ceiving a green sunshade, and MissWeaver a gold pin with enameledfour leaf clovers. After severalgames, hearts were played, the firstprize being awarded Miss Louise Del-croix, second Miss Retta Moses, boobyMiss Alma Frederick, and consolationMiss Maggie Texada.

The color scheme carried out inthe dining room was pink and gray,the colors of St. Scholastica's Acade-my, of which Miss Frederick was apupil. The place cards were handpainted "girls in cap and gown," thework being from the accomplishedpen of Miss Myrtle Brunet.

Among those present were MissesAngie Addison, Anais and Gable Bou-dousquie, Grace Bloesman, Ruth Col-lins, Anna and Ruth Frederick, Lu-cille and Ellen Roy, Alma Frederick,Estelle Evans, Lou Lyons, Lucille,Louise and Anita Delcroix, MabelHosmer, Jennie Smith, Norma Weav-er, and Mrs. C. S3. A. Fuhrmann.The guests were Misses Maggie Tex-ada, Laura Saunders, Eleanor War-telle, Cecile Warren and Mrs. F. F.Young, Jr.

An informal reception was givenon June 23d, at Wallis Villa, in hon-or of Miss Hazel Flathers, of NewOrleans. Great was her surprisewhen a crowd of friends walked in.She had been kept in ignorance of itall through the caregul planning ofMisses Watkins. Games and danc-ing were indulged in. Tkose presentwere: Misses Anita, Lucille andLouise, Delcroix, Ella and May Les-seing, Leah and Edna Alpeunte, AlidaSoniat, Hazel and Virgie Dossat, MayBerbank, Agnes Parr, Annie Therrot,Lola Christoffer, Miriam, Lillian andEunice Watkins, Mrs. J. F. Watkinsand Mrs. M. H. Wallis, and Messrs.Lawrence ano Louis Toups, Arthurand Bud Finney, Leslie and RalphMenere, William Riggs, Alfred Soni-at, Richard Grimmer, Isaac Watkins,Milton lasselgne.

Mrs. Adelaide Claudel, of New Or-leans, announces the marriage of herdaughter, Cathrine Julia Claudel, toMr. Harry Joseph Prevost, the wed-ding to take place Wednesday, July8th, at 2 p. m., at St. Rose De Lima'schurch, New Orleans. Friends andrelatives of both families are invitedthrough this medium to attend.the


The grand jury brought in seven-teen true bills.


Wednesday was a banner day forweddings in Covingt.on, and theywere divided between Judge Badonand Rev. Jos. Koegerl. The contract-ing parties were:

Henry J. Thompson and MissMamie Rugger, of H'oultonville, La.;Albert E. Dillard and Miss Lillian D.Whitehead, of Lacombe, La.; JohnB. Grillet and Miss Maunie L. Boesch,of New Orieans, La. Judge RobertBadon officiated at these three wed-dings.

Chas. Jos. Heider and Miss OliviaMermillion, o! Covington, were mar-ried by Rev. :Jos. Koegerl.

STR. JOSIERegular New Orleans, Mandeville

Madisonville, Houltonville and Coy-ington packet.

Leaves Magnolia Street and Howard Avenue, (N.O.) Saturdays at 5 p. m.

Leaves Covington Wednesdays 5 p. m.

For freight rates apply to

D. H. WEAVER, Mgr.


Judge Clay Elliott, who announceshis candidacy for Judge of the Courtof Appeals for the Third District,First Circuit of Louisiana, is a nativeof the parish of St. Tammany, but ata very early age moved to Tangipa-hoa parish, where he lived until hebecame of age. In his youth he at-tended the Guillett Institute at AmiteCity for about three years, and whenit went out of existence he attendedthe Mississippi College for a shorttime. Afterwards he graduated fromthe law department of Tulane Uni-versity, class of 1888. He then lo-cated in Covington, where he livedand practiced law for ten years, dur-

ing which time he was elected andserved as mayor of the town. He

was also elected to the senate fromthe seventeenth senatorial district,

serving one term. After moving toAmite City sixteen years ago he was

elected judge of the 25th judicialdistrict and served one term. He hasbeen actively engaged in the practiceof law in the five parishes east ofthe Amite river about twenty-six

of years, devoting himself industri-ouly and painstakingly to the workof his profession. Mr. Elliott ispractically a self-made man, andwhatever he has accomplished hasbeen due to his own efforts.

Covington, La., June.27, 1914.To the Public:

I take great pleasure in announc-ing that on or about July Plt I willbe located in the Covington BankBuilding, Columbia Street, with anew and complete line of GentsFurnishings.

I will be pleased to meet all myfriends at the above address andwill you all the courtesiesas before.

Come and bring your friends.H. J. OSTENDORF.


Subscribe for the


$1.00 a year.


Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dubourg, of

Slidell were Sunday visitors here.

Mr. Dubourg returned to Slidell in

the evening but Mrs. Dubourg stayed

to enjoy a trip over the lake on the

steamer Fairhope. She will rema'n

in New Orleans a few days.Mrs. M. E. Liddleton visited Man-

deville on Sunday. She was the

guest of Mrs. C. Bissell. She leaves

for Galveston, Tex., in a few days

where she will join her son anddaughter, Mr. Harold and Miss MabelMiddleton.

Mr. E. S. Copmier, of New Orleans,is now occupying his new home whichhas recently been erected on Jeffer- Ison street.

Sheriff T. E. Brewster was a visit-or to Baton Rouge, last Tuseday.

A prominent wedding to-day inMandeville is that of Miss Marie Al-dige, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JulesAldige, to Dr. Stanford C. Jamison,which will be quietly celebrated thisafternoon at the residence of thebride's parents. Many out of townguests will be present.


John Jacob Mathies, beloved hus-band of Louise Thurston, died in Cov-ington, Tuesday, June 23, 1914, aged73 years, 1 month and 23 days.

Funeral took place from the fam-ily residence on Louisiana Street,Wednesday motning at 10 o'clock.


A LARGE CAPITAL AND SURPLUSThese three points make a safe bank.We offer them all to our customers.

Covington Bank & Trust CompanyCapital and Surplus $125,000

Have your brick and cement work done by experienced men. May

cost a trfle more, but you have the eatisfactin of its being well done.

O. J. RENE, Contractor.

F. O. Box 173. Phone 375.

"Sr. New Camefia"Leaves


Returning leave New Orleans at L. & N. depot at 4 p. m.Fare Each Way 75 cents.

I '

Wednesday ad Sunday ExcursionsFare for Round Trip 75 Cents.

Leaves Mandeville at 6:20 a. m.Returning leave New Orleans at L. & N..depot 6:15 p. m.

Motor Cars leave Covington 5:30 a. m., returning cars leave L. & N. Depot on .Wednesdays at 6:15 p. m., and Sundays at 625 p. m.

DAILY SCHEDULECars leave Covington 5:30 a. m., connecting with "Str. New Camelia" at Mande-

ville, returning cars leave L. & N. Depot at 4 p. m.

Enjoy a pleasant evening on "Str. New Camelia" everySunday and Wednesday, leaving Mandeville at 5 p. m., re-turning at 9 p. m. Round Trip 50 cents.

F. J. ORFILA, Agent,802 Common Street New Orleans, La.


See my Combination Policy for SicknessAccident and Death.For the laboring man; white and black.

Chas. B. Wills, Mandeville, La. 14

First Question at Every Fire----

How id It Start?

How,E about insurance.

' etlo the rt ruti m r the asserverieagtreetf.

The eawer to the scans que ti`s.'alVus tthei

"None at all!""Just expired!" or

"Fully covered."WHAT would be YOUR answer were the fire at