St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave...

St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 - Fax (352) 567-2777 SAINT RITA Pray for us Music Ministry / Musica Director: Jim McKinney - English choir rehearsal: - Ensayo de Coro en Español Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Martes a las 7:30 pm. St. Anthony Catholic School 32902 Saint Anthony Way San Antonio, FL. 33576 (352) 588-3041 Principal: Sr. Alice Pastor: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Carlos J. Borgos, Ext. 224 Deacon: Rev. Mr. Irv Lau Religious Sisters: Sr. Bety Poot, MHML ext. 226 OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday 7:30am to 4:00pm Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 p.m. Weekday / Entre Semana: English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación: English: Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment Español: Domingo a las 4:00p o Por Cita Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for:/Por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION, SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE R.C.I.A. - Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001 - St. Vincent de Paul assistance (813) 713-8323

Transcript of St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave...

Page 1: St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between

St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523

Phone: (352) 567-2894 - Fax (352) 567-2777

SAINT RITA Pray for us

Music Ministry / Musica Director: Jim McKinney - English choir rehearsal: - Ensayo de Coro en Español Thursdays at 7:00 pm. Martes a las 7:30 pm.

St. Anthony Catholic School 32902 Saint Anthony Way San Antonio, FL. 33576 (352) 588-3041 Principal: Sr. Alice

Pastor: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Carlos J. Borgos, Ext. 224 Deacon: Rev. Mr. Irv Lau Religious Sisters: Sr. Bety Poot, MHML ext. 226 OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday 7:30am to 4:00pm

Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 p.m. Weekday / Entre Semana: English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación: English: Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment Español: Domingo a las 4:00p o Por Cita

Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for:/Por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION, SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE R.C.I.A. - Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001 - St. Vincent de Paul assistance (813) 713-8323

Page 2: St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between



San Miguel Arcángel Este nombre significa: ¿Quién como Dios? – Nadie es como Dios. A San Miguel lo nombre tres veces la S. Biblia. Primero en el capítulo 12 del libro de Daniel a donde se dice: “Al final de los tiempos aparecerá Miguel, al gran Príncipe que defiende a los hijos del pueblo de Dios. Y entonces los muertos resucitarán. Los que hicieron el bien, para la Vida Eterna, y los que hicieron el mal, para el horror eterno”. En el capítulo 12 del Libro del Apocalipsis se cuenta lo siguiente: “Hubo una gran batalla en el cielo. Miguel y sus ángeles com-batieron contra Satanás y los suyos, que fueron derrotados, y no hubo lugar para ellos en el cielo, y fue arrojada la Serpiente antigua, el diablo, el seductor del mundo. Ay de la tierra y del mar, porque el diablo ha bajado a vosotros con gran furor, sabiendo que le queda poco tiempo”. En la Carta de San Judas Tadeo se dice: “El Arcángel San Miguel cuando se le enfrentó al diablo le dijo: ‘Que te castigue el Señor’”. Por eso a San Miguel lo pintan atacando a la serpiente infernal. La Iglesia Católica ha tenido siempre una gran devoción al Arcángel San Miguel, especialmente para pedirle que nos libre de los ataques del demonio y de los espíritus infernales. Y él cuando lo invocamos llega a defendernos, con el gran poder que Dios le ha concedido. Muchos creen que él sea el jefe de los ejércitos celestiales.

San Gabriel Arcángel Su nombre significa: Dios es mi protector. A este Arcángel se le nombra varias veces en la S. Biblia. Él fue el que le anunció al profeta Daniel el tiempo en el que iba a llegar el Re-dentor. Dice así el profeta: “Se me apareció Gabriel de parte de Dios y me dijo: dentro de setenta semanas de años (o sea 490 años) aparecerá el Santo de los Santos” (Daniel 9).

San Arcángel San Gabriel se le confió la misión más alta que jamás se le haya confiado a criatura alguna: anunciar la encarnación del Hijo de Dios. Por eso se le venera mucho desde la antigüedad.

Su carta de presentación cuando se le apareció a Zacarías para anunciarle que iba a tener por hijo a Juan Bautista fue esta: “Yo soy Gabriel, el que está en la presencia de Dios” (Luc. 1,19).

San Lucas dice: “Fue enviado por Dios el ángel Gabriel a una ciudad de Galilea, a una virgen llamada María, y llegando junto a ella, le dijo: ‘Salve María, llena de gracia, el Señor está contigo’. Ella se turbó al oír aquel saludo, pero el ángel le dijo: ‘No temas María, porque has hallado gracia delante de Dios. Vas a concebir un hijo a quien pondrás por nombre Jesús. Él será Hijo del Altísimo y su Reino no tendrá fin’”. San Gabriel es el patrono de las comunicaciones y de los comunicadores, porque trajo al mundo la más bella noticia: que el Hijo de Dios se hacía hombre.

San Rafael Arcángel Su nombre significa: Medicina de Dios. Fue el arcángel enviado por Dios para quitarle la ceguera a Tobías y acompañar al hijo de éste en un larguísimo y peligroso viaje y conseguirle una santa esposa. En el Libro de Tobías se cuenta que Dios envió a San Rafael a ayudar al anciano Tobías, quien esta-ba ciego y se hallaba en una gran aflicción, y a Sarah, la hija de Raquel, cuyos siete maridos habían muerto la noche del día bodas. San Rafael tomó la forma humana y se hizo llamar Azarías. Éste, acompañó a Tobías en su viaje, le ayudó en sus dificultades y le explicó cómo podía casarse con Sarah sin peligro alguno. En el libro de Tobías él mismo Arcángel se describe como “uno de los si-ete que están en la presencia del Señor” Su interesante historia está narrada

Page 3: St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between

Page 3 September 29, 2019

Queridos amigos: Un mendigo llamado Lázaro es el protagonista de la parábola de hoy. El deseaba saciarse de lo que tiraban de la mesa del rico, cuyo nombre no sabemos, pero nadie se lo daba. Es evidente que la parábola no expresa una lucha de clases entre ricos y pobres. De hecho el hombre rico de nuestra parábola tiene buenos sentimientos. Quiere que sus hermanos se salven . pero para eso es necesario escuchar la palabra que viene de DIOS. El gran pecado de este hombre rico es que no necesitaba de Dios, pues lo tenia todo y su seguridad estaba en sus riquezas. Por lo tanto era indiferente al sufrimiento del prójimo. El gran mensaje de esta parábola es no pasar por la vida indiferentes frente al dolor y el sufrimiento ajeno, y si seguimos a Cristo y escuchamos su palabra los pobres tienen que estar en un lugar privilegiado en nuestros corazones, asi como ellos están en el corazon de Dios. Su hermano en Cristo, Pd. Carlos J. Borgos

Dear friends, A beggar named Lazaro is the protagonist of today's parable. He wanted to be satisfied with what they threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between rich and poor. In fact, the rich man in our parable has good feelings. He wants his brothers to be saved. but for that it is necessary to hear the word that comes from GOD. The greatest sin of this rich man is that he did not need God, for he had everything and his security was in his riches. Therefore he was indifferent to the suffering of others. The great message of this parable is not to go through life indifferent to the pain and suffering of others, and if we follow Christ and listen to his word, the poor have to be in a privileged place in our hearts, just as they are in the heart of God. Your brother in Christ, Fr. Carlos J. Borgos



Del Escritorio

Del Sacerdote

ST. RITA MISSION STATEMENT / DECLARACION DE LA MISION DE SANTA RITA To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and gifts for the service

of others through our diverse ministries.

Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los demas en nuestros diversos ministerios.

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Page 4 September 29, 2019


St. Michael the Archangel This name means: Who as God? – No one is like God. St. Michael is named three times by the Holy Bible. First in chapter 12 of the book of Daniel which says: "At the end of time, Michael will appear, to the great Prince who defends the children of God's people. And then the dead will be resurrected. Those who did good, for Eternal Life, and those who did evil, for eternal horror." Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation tells: "There was a great battle in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against Satan and his, who were defeated, and there was no place for them in heaven, and the ancient Serpent, the devil, the seducer of the world was cast. Ooof the land and the sea, for the devil has come down to you with great fury, knowing that he has little time left." The Letter of St. Jude Tadeo says: "The Archangel Saint Michael when he confronted the devil said to him, 'May the Lord punish you.'" That's why St. Michael gets painted attacking the infernal snake. The Catholic Church has always had a great devotion to the Archangel Saint Michael, especially to ask him to free us from the attacks of the devil and the hellish spirits. And he when we call upon him comes to defend us, with the great power that God has bestowed upon him. Many believe he is the head of the heavenly armies. Saint Gabriel Archangel His name means: God is my protector. This Archangel is named several times in the Holy Bible. He was the one who announced to the prophet Dan-iel the time when the Redeemer was to arrive. The prophet thus says, "Gabriel appeared to me from God and said to me, seventy weeks from now (i.e. 490 years) the Holy One of the Saints will appear" (Daniel 9). St. Archangel San Gabriel was entrusted to him with the highest mission ever entrusted to any creature: to proclaim the incarnation of the Son of God. That's why he's been revered a lot since ancient times. His letter of introduction when it appeared to Zechariah to announce that he would have John the Baptist as his son was this: "I am Gabriel, who is in the presence of God" (Luke 1,19). St Luke says: "The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary, and arriving with her, said, 'Save Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.' She was troubled to hear that greeting, but the angel said, 'Fear not Mary, for thou hast found grace before God. You're going to conceive a son you're going to name Jesus. He will be the Son of the Most High and his Kingdom will have no end.'" Saint Gabriel is the patron saint of communications and communicators, because he brought to the world the most beautiful news: that the Son of God became man. San Rafael Archangel His name means Medicine of God. He was the archangel sent by God to take away Tobias' blindness and accompany Tobias' son on a very long and dangerous journey and get him a holy wife. The Book of Tobias tells how God sent St. Raphael to help the elder Tobias, who was blind and in great affliction, and Sarah, Rachel's daughter, whose seven husbands had died on the night of the wedding day. San Rafael took the human form and called himself Azariah. He accompanied Tobias on his journey, helped him in his difficulties and explained how he could marry Sarah safely. In the book of Tobias he himself describes himself as "one of the seven who are in the presence of the Lord" His interesting story is told on The 7th of February. San Rafael is very well-invoked to ward off diseas-es and happily end travel.

Page 5: St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between

Page 5 September 29, 2019

Our October Sacramental wine donation is offered for:

The repose of the soul of

Juan Garcia If you would like to memorialize and sponsor a month of Sacramental Wine please contact the parish Office and you will be added to the list. Thank you.

The St. Rita choir began our regular season on Thursday, September 5th, at 7:00PM. We are in great need of volunteers to join our ranks. There are openings at all Masses, so please consider becoming a part of this important liturgical ministry. We practice every other Thursday for one hour, and so it is not a major time commitment. Please pray about it, and come to any of our practices every other Thursday.

Page 6: St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between

St Joe Fall Festival at Sacred Heart Church (Dade City) – Bring your family and friends for live music, bounce houses and slides, children’s games, petting zoo, pony rides, face painting, sand art, Touch-A-Tractor, food vendors, beer and wine garden, over 50 gift basket raffles including an autographed Bucs football and autographed Rays baseball (raffle tickets are only $1), arts & crafts booths. Community outreach with our First Responders including a K9 demo by Pasco Sherriff’s canine officers, a cooking demo from Chef Benny of Benedetto’s, Polish music and dance, a safety demo from Withlacoochee River Electric. Free Admission. Free Parking. Saturday, October 5th,10am-4pm. Located at Sacred Heart, 32145 St Joe Road, Dade City. Visit or phone (352)588-3641. Celebrate God's blessings with us!

Page 6 September 29, 2019

Reader & Eucharistic Minister Schedule Reader Eucharistic Minister 10/5/2019 Mary Eversmann K.T. John 4:30 PM Liz Bodine William Cline Liz Kutsch 10/6/2019 Sara Ross Maria Luisa Gonzalez 8:00 AM Charlie Basile Jean Matala Volunteer 11:00 AM Anna Crerand Jeannette McKinney Patrick Crerand Mary L. Barrett Volunteer

To stay on budget for this year, our Average weekly income needs to be: $5,500.00 Thank you for your continued support of the Parish. Please know that every sacrifice you make is important to helping continue our Parish’s ministry of Christ. Gracias por su apoyo continuo de la parroquia. Por favor, sepa que cada sacrificio que hagas es importante para ayudarnos a continuar el ministerio de Cristo.

Mass 9/22 Collection 4:30pm $1307.07 8:00am $717.00 11:00am $1587.00 5:00pm $905.62 Total $4516.69 $

Please help us to reach our goal this year by making your pledge to our 2019 Annual Pastoral Appeal.

APA GOAL~ $55,302.00 TOTAL PAID..$49127.79 PLEDGED…. $50627.77



Page 7: St. Rita Catholic Church...threw from the rich mans table, whose name we don't know, but nobody gave it to him. It is clear that the parable does not express a class struggle between


8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am † Bill McLeod 5:00 pm Intencion especial: San Miguel Arcangel

Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31

Coffee & Donuts - after 8:00 Mass Non perishable food donations welcome 9:30 am Faith Formation and RCIA 6:15 pm Formacion de la Fe y R.I.C.A

Monday/Lunes SEPT. 30

8:30 am † Peter Faulkingham Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23 Lk 9:46-50

9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration to 4:30 pm 7:00 pm Group de Juan XXIII

TuesdayMartes OCT. 1

8:30 am † Tiburcio Morales Zec 8:20-23; Ps 87:1b-7; Lk 9:51-56

7:30 pm Group de Oracion


OCT. 2

8:30 am Vocations to the Priesthood And Religious life 7:30 pm Intencion Especial: Luz Garcia y familia

Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6, 10-11; Mt 18:1-5, 10

5:30 RCIA for Children and Teens


8:30 am Souls in Purgatory

Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11 Lk 10:1-12

7:30 pm Encuentro de Matrimonios


OCT. 4

8:30 am Deceased of the parish Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Lk 10:13-16


OCT. 5

4:30 pm Special Intention: Rita Conlin and family

Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24

3:30-4:15 pm - Sacrament of Penance


OCT. 6

8:00 am Special Intention: James McKinney and family 11:00 am Parishioners 5:00 pm † Virginia Flecha de Cortez

Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10

Coffee & Donuts after 8:00 am Mass Non perishable food donations welcome 9:30 am Faith Formation and RCIA 6:15 pm Formacion de la Fe y R.I.C.A