ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE PARISH 1233 W. Holtz Avenue Addison, IL 60101 February 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent THE MISSION OF OUR PARISH As members of the Diocese of Joliet, we are a faith community united in Christ by a common bond to the universal Catholic Church. Our words and actions are a reflection of Christ’s presence among us. We manifest God’s Word through active participation in spiritual, liturgical, education, service, and social ministries directed at bringing all people to Christ. Rev. Philip Danaher, Pastor (x101) [email protected] Deacon Sean McGreal (x105) Pastoral Associate & RCIA Director [email protected] Deacon Philip Heitz, OFS Marriage & Baptismal Preparation John H. Kondracki (x103) Business Manager [email protected] Judy Jaskey (x102) Business Office Administrative Assistant Sandi Milazzo & Shar Mirabelli Rectory Administrative Assistants (x100) ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY 630.628.0900 x134 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Phone #: 630.543.1754 Fax #: 630.543.4672 Nancy McKnight Faith Formation Director [email protected] Barbara Nicolai REO Administrative Assistant Editor of Parish Bulletin, Calendar, Website [email protected] PARISH SCHOOL OFFICE Phone #: 630.543.4130 Fax #: 630.458.8750 Robert Reisenbuechler, Principal [email protected] Julie Cesaroni Administrative Assistant Carol Schubert Liturgy & Adult Faith Formation Director Phone #: 630.628.0900 x104 Fax #: 630.543.9858 [email protected] Erin Creighton, Music Director Phone #: 630.543.4015 Fax #: 630.543.4672 [email protected] Vince Zaprzal, Technology Director Phone #: 630.543.1754 Fax #: 630.543.4672 [email protected] ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE PARISH DIRECTORY & INFORMATION CHURCH, RECTORY, PARISH OFFICE, & BUSINESS OFFICE 1223 W. Holtz Avenue in Addison, IL 60101 Phone #: 630.628.0900 Fax #: 630.543.9858 Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Thursday (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), Friday (8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) Parish Website: Parish Video Streaming:

Transcript of ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE PARISH 1233 W. Holtz …. PHILIP THE APOSTLE PARISH 1233 W. Holtz Avenue...


Addison, IL 60101

February 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent

THE MISSION OF OUR PARISH As members of the Diocese of Joliet, we are a faith community united in Christ by a common bond to the

universal Catholic Church. Our words and actions are a

reflection of Christ’s presence among us.

We manifest God’s Word through active participation in spiritual, liturgical, education, service,

and social ministries directed at bringing all people to Christ.

Rev. Philip Danaher, Pastor (x101) [email protected]

Deacon Sean McGreal (x105) Pastoral Associate & RCIA Director

[email protected] Deacon Philip Heitz, OFS

Marriage & Baptismal Preparation John H. Kondracki (x103)

Business Manager [email protected]

Judy Jaskey (x102) Business Office Administrative Assistant

Sandi Milazzo & Shar Mirabelli Rectory Administrative Assistants (x100)


630.628.0900 x134


Fax #: 630.543.4672 Nancy McKnight

Faith Formation Director [email protected]

Barbara Nicolai REO Administrative Assistant

Editor of Parish Bulletin, Calendar, Website [email protected]


Phone #: 630.543.4130 Fax #: 630.458.8750

Robert Reisenbuechler, Principal [email protected]

Julie Cesaroni Administrative Assistant

Carol Schubert Liturgy & Adult Faith Formation Director

Phone #: 630.628.0900 x104 Fax #: 630.543.9858 [email protected]

Erin Creighton, Music Director

Phone #: 630.543.4015 Fax #: 630.543.4672

[email protected]

Vince Zaprzal, Technology Director Phone #: 630.543.1754

Fax #: 630.543.4672 [email protected]


CHURCH, RECTORY, PARISH OFFICE, & BUSINESS OFFICE 1223 W. Holtz Avenue in Addison, IL 60101

Phone #: 630.628.0900 Fax #: 630.543.9858 Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Thursday (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), Friday (8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.)

Parish Website: Parish Video Streaming:

Page Two

Dear Parishioners, The last person we would expect to make a grammatical error—or any kind of error for that matter—is God. Yet, there it is in today’s first reading from Genesis when God said to Noah, “This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you...” There was a reason why God spoke that way about His covenant, His sacred promise of love with all living creatures. God saw Himself as the driving force, as

the One who initiated this covenant. God should go first because God loved us first. All of creation, along with the sending of His Son to live with us, was done without us even asking. It was all God’s initiative. How we respond to that love, how we tell God that He is our way, could be something to think about during Lent. In the Word, P.S. I’ll be away from Sunday, February 22, through Sunday, March 8. Many thanks to our visiting priests for their help.

Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal 2015 If you have not made your contribution to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal, please consider doing so via mail, online at, or by returning one of our Commitment/In-Pew Weekend envelopes at Mass. One pledge can make a difference, especially when combined with all of the other pledges made throughout the diocese. Please prayerfully

consider providing your financial support to this Appeal. You can and will make a difference by “Extending God’s Mercy!” After our parish exceeds its CMAA goal of $61,980 in paid pledges, 65% of any additional funds are returned for use in our parish. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response.

Fasting may be a priority in your Lenten spring‑cleaning regimen. Almost every religious tradition recognizes that fasting is a key to heightened spiritual awareness. You know this from your own experience. When you are engaged in a hobby, painting a room, keeping vigil near a delivery room, or standing watch at a sickbed, you may simply forget to eat. What you are doing so fills you that the intensity of the action is itself nourishing. In fasting from food, or drink, or habitual behaviors, you make room for what is truly important. Even though Lenten Sundays stand apart from the Lenten fast, you will notice traces of fasting in our liturgy. We fast from singing the Gloria and Alleluia, we fast from flowers bedecking the altar, and there may be a noticeable drop in the number of infant baptisms as parents elect to wait until Easter. This hints that fasting is a prelude to feasting, and the vigor of our Easter alleluias is rich fare after a long silence. In the same way, even a small fast—no cream in the coffee, no pepper in the soup, no radio in the car—can not only point to deeper hungers, but help us rejoice more fully in the feast when we break our fast together. Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page Three

March is a busy month in the Religious Education Program. Please mark your calendars for the following events:

• Wednesday, March 4: Mother/Daughter Retreat for sixth grade girls in the RE Program and their mothers at 6:15 p.m. in Meeting Room 1. We will start the evening with a pizza supper, which will be followed by an evening of sharing and fun facilitated by Betsy Fons, Coordinator of Christian Leadership, Service and Outreach at St. Viator High School.

• Saturday, March 7: Second graders from the school and RE Program and their parents will participate in a First Eucharist Retreat from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the gym. They will make banners, bake bread, participate in a Last Supper recreation, tour the church, and play First Eucharist bingo.

• Wednesday, March 11: Father/Son Retreat for sixth grade boys in the RE Program and their fathers at 6:15 p.m. in Meeting Room 1. The evening will start with a pizza supper and will be followed by an inspirational presentation by Bill Johnson, campus minister at Marmion Academy in Aurora.

• Friday, March 13: High school students who are volunteers in the RE Program will facilitate the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. in church.

• Saturday, March 14: The elementary students in the RE Program will participate in a Living Stations of the Cross at 10:00 a.m. in church. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend.

• Wednesday, March 18: RE Students in Grades 6-8 will participate in a Living Stations of the Cross at 7:30 p.m. in the church. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend.

• Saturday, March 21: During Lent, RE students and their families participate in a St. Joseph’s Drive for the needy in the Addison area. Donated items include: toothbrushes/toothpaste/dental floss, shampoo, soap, brushes and combs, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent, diapers, baby wipes, toilet paper, etc. These items will be blessed during a St. Joseph’s Prayer Service at 10:00 a.m. in church. Donated items may be dropped off in the Religious Education Office or given to a religious education student. Parishioners are cordially invited to attend the prayer service on March 21.

NANCY MCKNIGHT Phone #: 630.543.1754 Director of Faith Formation E-mail: [email protected]

Interested in joining the Knights of Columbus? Please call 708-415-7719 or visit for more information.

I suspect that the real reason we avoid the desert is because in all that monotony there are no hiding places, no paths to crawl our way behind some kink of hill, no busyness that allows us to duck beneath the rippling surface of honesty, no phone calls to undo the silence that echoes our real selves. Curious that we should be afraid of the nothing rather than of the something. Yet it is the nothing, in the end, that makes the revelation happen. Such is the unsettling power of any desert, to reveal what we most fear in life, the real self that is perhaps less known and more imposing than anyone else's self. Deserts do that, and so we avoid them

like kids dancing about their homework. Over the years we learn that it's safer to fritter about on the fringe of Lent than to get lost in its vast and desert emptiness. We've grown good at frittering, at tinkering with days stripped of television or meals that have surrendered their dessert. This frittering goes on simply because when it's all over and done we are able to go back to the lives we've come to enjoy and treasure and nothing has been redone, least of all our real selves. Jesus, however, risked the desert. Never just a tinkerer, he dared to trek about the emptiness for forty days and nights. This week's first scripture is a piece from Noah's tale in the bobbing ark. Thus we might wonder which desert was more daunting, forty days and nights of Noah's deluge or of Jesus' drought. Yet both found themselves in new and different worlds, neither of which had ever before been mapped. Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis

Copyright (c) 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Page Four


SATURDAY 5:00 p.m.

LECTOR: Dave Schwichtenberg EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Mario Cesario, Bonnie Daniello, Joanne Holleman, Patsy Klein, Elizabeth Ruizol, Tina & Marie Towns ALTAR SERVERS: Jimmy & Nicholas Towns

SUNDAY 7:30 a.m.

LECTOR: Richard Zasiebida EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Barbara Celler, Patti Gebala, Arlene Jourdan, William Kerber, John Ochocinski, Kathy Pantano, Pam Reith ALTAR SERVERS: Danielle & Nicole Panzeca

SUNDAY 9:30 a.m.

LECTOR: Tom Deutsch EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Dennis Baier, Maria Bucher, Valerie Loftus, John McGowan, Gianna Trippiedi, Louise Russo, Peter Skocik ALTAR SERVERS: Abigail Aguilera, Alex Paolella

SUNDAY 11:30 a.m.

LECTOR: Carol Calabrese EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Deacon Phil, Faith & Joshua & Nicholas Czorniak, Aldo & Grazia Lenzi, Ralph Scavone ALTAR SERVERS: Karolina Salamon, Marissa Zucchero

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18- 19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1- 3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34;

Mk 9:2-10

Baptism Information: Baptisms are celebrated on the second & fourth Sunday of each month. A pre-Baptism program must be attended by the parents. Please call the rectory to register for a program. Marriage Information: Please call the rectory to make arrangements at least six months in advance of the wedding date. Parish Registration: New families are welcome and are asked to register at the rectory. Also, previously registered parishioners are asked to notify us of any address changes. Emergency Sick Calls: Please notify us immediately of any serious illness in your family.

“Don’t tempt me!” We usually make this cry when we are faced with something we want—but know we shouldn’t have. We generally think of temptation as a negative, but temptation also has a positive side because it offers us an opportunity to make a choice. In that choice, we decide who we really want to be and how we really want to live. When tempted in the desert, Jesus decides who he wants to be and how he wants to live. He

chooses to go to Galilee and proclaim the “Gospel of God.” Knowing “John had been arrested,” Jesus was aware that there would be deadly consequences for his own choice. Nevertheless, he resolutely went ahead with his saving mission. Life experiences teach us to appraise choices before we make decisions. The “Gospel of God” teaches us just how serious our choices are. They decide who we really want to be and how we really want to live. They decide our salvation.

Source: 2015 Living Liturgy, Liturgical Press

CAROL SCHUBERT Phone #: 630.628.0900 x104 Director of Liturgy & Adult Faith Formation E-mail Address: [email protected]

Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another. (Jean P. F. Richter)

“This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Allow God to work and move in your marriage relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends

are April 17-19 or June 12-14 or August 7-9, all in Elk Grove Village. Early registration is highly

recommended. For reservations or more information, please call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact them


Page Five

Monday 02/23/15

8:30 a.m.-Rosary (CH) 7:30 p.m.-Prayer Group (R1) 7:30 p.m.-Legion of Mary (VR)

Tuesday 02/24/15

8:30 a.m.-Rosary (CH) 2:15 p.m.-Junior Choir (CH) 3:30 p.m.–Market Day Pick-up (GY) 6:00 p.m.-School Board 7:00 p.m.-Adult Faith Formation (R1) 8:00 p.m.-AA Meeting (R2-upstairs)

Wednesday 02/25/15

8:00 a.m.-Communion Service (CH) 8:30 a.m.-Rosary (CH) 10:00 a.m.-Scripture Study (RC) 2:15 p.m.-Littlest Angels Choir (CH) 6:30 p.m.-RE Classes for Grades 6-8

Thursday 02/26/15

8:30 a.m.-Rosary (CH) 7:00 p.m.-Adult Choir (CH)

Friday 02/27/15

No School 8:30 a.m.-Rosary (CH) 6:00 p.m.-Spartan Spirit Night (GY) 7:00 p.m.-Stations of the Cross (CH)

Saturday 02/28/15

St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive 8:00 a.m.-Communion Service (CH) 8:30 a.m.-Rosary (CH) 9:00 a.m.-RE Classes for Grades K-5

UPCOMING EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF February 23 to March 1, 2015

Sunday 03/01/15

St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive 10:30 a.m.-RCIA (R1) 10:30 a.m.-High School RE Class (LB)

R1 - Meeting Room 1 CH - Church

GY - Gym VR - Vesting Room

LB - Library FR - Faculty Room

RE - RE Office MR - Music Room

R2 - Meeting Room 2 RC - Rectory OS - Off site NX - Narthex

Since September, seven people have been coming together on Sunday

mornings to learn more about our faith. As this year’s RCIA class, they will be brought into full communion with the Church on Holy Saturday. Please keep them in your prayers during this Lenten season. Their names are: Jay Lawrence (Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation); Al & Jasmine Garcia, James Conzen, Christina Maggiore, and Amy Santiago (First Eucharist and Confirmation); and David Colsen (Confirmation). They are an example to all of us that we should be seeking the Lord all our lives.

DEACON SEAN MCGREAL Pastoral Associate & RCIA Director Phone #: 630.628.0900 x105 E-mail Address: [email protected]

NEWS FROM THE PARISH BUSINESS OFFICE The offertory collection for February 14/15 totaled $11,815. 462 envelopes were used for an envelope total of $11,134. Loose offertory totaled $681.

May God bless you for your generosity.

John Kondracki, Business Manager Phone #: 630-628-0900 x103

[email protected]

• Lent is the principal season of penance in the Church year. All of the faithful are strongly urged to develop and follow a program of voluntary self-denial (in addition to following the Lenten regulations), serious prayer, and a performance of works of charity and mercy.

LENTEN REGULATIONS • Everyone 14 years of age or over is bound to abstain

from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. • Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of age is

bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. • On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one full

meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted on these two days, but liquids, including milk and fruit juices are allowed. When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige.

• To disregard completely the law of fast and abstinence is seriously sinful.

ABORTION ALTERNATIVES: Woman’s Choice Services (630-261-9221) , Post Abortion Healing (877-467-3463), Birthright (815-725-3411)

MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8:00 AM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 8:00 AM Robert Kurek (+) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 8:00 AM (Communion Service) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 8:00 AM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 8:00 AM Mitchell Lukasik (+) 7:00 PM (Stations of the Cross) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 4:00 PM INDIVIDUAL RITE OF PENANCE 5:00 PM Anticipated Mass for Sunday Kaye Tarantino SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Second Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM Mario Cali 9:30 AM Jerry Gasper, Sr. 11:30 AM Lorenzo & Anjelina Raffante Jack Glogowski / Edward Stoskus Lauren Leone / Antonio Dagnelli Eugenio Morelli

Let us remember in prayer our deceased relatives, friends, and

parishioners, especially:

Maria Lucente Our sympathy to her friends and family.

Let us especially pray for our sick: Joseph Barca, Annie Bauer, Sandra Burn, Alison Carey, Brian Cherry, Tim Kullum Cherry, Carmella Cronin, William Czerniak, Ida DeMaria, Michael DeStefano,

Giuseppe & Theresa DiPerte, Betty & Todd Gardener, John Garrett, Baby Girl Gaudiuso, Toni Grivetti, Wayne Gru, Lucas Hameau, Richard & Ifrena Holtz, Dorothy Klemm, Marlene Lojkovic, Shirley Mais, Tom Merkle, Cindy Miles, JoAnne Moberg, Vito Montana, Stanley Paterala, Dorothy Pribyl, Frank Reid, Pete Reyes, Daniel Spratt, Mary Taschetta, Ben Truchan, Jan Walters, Alex Zimmerman, Nicholas Zucchero, Ashley Zyks.

Please get permission from family members or the person who is ill before requesting that his/her name be added to the prayer list.

Richard Avila, Marines Salvador Bonilla, Jr., Air Force

Gino DeFlorio, Marines Ronald DeFlorio, Marines Steven J. DeMarco, Army Matthew Deimling, Army

Adam Dorney, Army Samantha Fallon, Navy

Martin Garcia, Army Gifford Haddock, Army

Joseph Hendricks, Marines Michael Howard, Army

Mark Jastowski, Marines Jose Juarez, Navy Paul Keppler, Navy

Sasha Knezevic, Marines Jack Kurowski, Air Force

C. J. Loveland, Air Force Drew Loveday, Marines

Melissa Malcolm, Air Force Michael Marisie, Marines Kristofferson Marzo, Army Andrew Maslanka, Army Matthew Maslanka, Army Billy Moncatch, Marines

Jason Okara, Army Enrique Ospina, Marines Adam Ostrander, Navy James Roman, Marines

Joe Snelick, Army Andrew Tarchinski, Army

To add a name to the list, please call 630-543-1754.

Please pray for all of our young men and women currently serving in the

Armed Forces, especially:


Take a stand for life by praying, fasting, and standing vigil at the Advantage Clinic located at 203 E. Irving Park Road

in Wood Dale on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Van Donation Sought by Catholic Charities Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet is seeking a donated van/minivan. A family of seven in their First Light permanent supportive housing program needs a vehicle (in working condition) and has no means to buy one. Without transportation, it is very difficult for this low-income family to travel to work and school. Your donation would make a giant difference in the life of this very deserving family. If you have a van/minivan to donate, please call Yvonne at 630-495-8008 or e-mail [email protected]. To learn more about the programs and services Catholic Charities provides in DuPage County, visit


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Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m.: February 27 and March 6, 13, 20, & 27 Parish Mission with Fr. Bob Lombardo at 7:00 p.m.: March 22-24; Reconciliation on March 23; Mass on March 24

Expanded Reconciliation: Saturday, March 28, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Palm Sunday (March 29): Mass at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday; Masses at 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 a.m. on Sunday

Holy Thursday (April 2): No Morning Mass, Prayer Service at 8:00 a.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday (April 3): No Morning Mass, Prayer Service at 8:00 a.m. Stations of the Cross at 3:00 p.m.; Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion with Communion at 7:00 p.m.

Holy Saturday (April 4): No Morning Mass, Prayer Service at 8:00 a.m. Easter Basket Blessing at 11:00 a.m.; Easter Vigil Liturgy at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday (April 5): Masses at 7:30 a.m. (CH), 9:30 a.m. (CH & GY), and 11:30 a.m. (CH & GY)

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