St. Paul’s Lutheran Messenger February 2013

February 2013 St. Paul’s Lutheran MESSENGER Phone: 952-938-4683 Email: [email protected] Fax: 952-938-1141 Website: Our mission is to be “an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.”


St. Paul’s Lutheran Messenger February 2013

Transcript of St. Paul’s Lutheran Messenger February 2013

February 2013

St. Paul’s Lutheran MESSENGER

Phone: 952-938-4683 Email: [email protected] Fax: 952-938-1141


Our mission is to be “an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

WHO WE ARE A Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Minneapolis Area Synod, Western Parks and Lakes Conference.

MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to be an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. WORSHIP TIMES You are invited to join us regularly on Sunday mornings for 9:30 AM worship followed by refreshments and Christian education. Please check our calendar for days and times of activities and events.

CALENDAR An interactive calendar is available on our website: Just click the “Calendar” button at the top of the web page and click on any time or event for details and often a map. CONTACT INFORMATION The office is lightly staffed. Regular office hours are 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please call before coming in case of unexpected closure. Phone: 952-938-4683 Fax: 952-938-1141 email: [email protected],

MAILING LIST Please provide the church office with your email address to be included in electronic delivery of the newsletter.

The community of St. Paul’s is pleased to send you this newsletter. However, if you prefer not to receive it, please call the church office or e-mail us to remove your address from our list.


Partners Igelsia Vida Abundante en Cristo, (Abundant Life in Christ), provides a worship service in Spanish at St. Paul’s on Sunday, 1:00 – 3:00 PM Bet Shalom Reform Congregation, Interfaith Thanksgiving service Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Lent & Holy Week services Mizpah United Church of Christ, Interfaith Thanksgiving service

Mission Augustana Chapel View Care Center in Hopkins Augustana Emerald Crest Feed My Starving Children ELCA World Hunger Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Intercongregation Communities Association (ICA) Lutherans Concerned/North America (LC/NA), (RIC) Lutheran Social Services (LSS) Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Meals on Wheels Our Saviour’s Housing ResourceWest of Hopkins Synod Disaster Relief Teens Alone Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

ARTICLE SUBMISSION Please submit articles as Word documents with your clip art and/or photos to stpauls@saintpauls and include your contact information. For informational emails and pre-printed fliers or brochures, provide your condensed version that can be directly inserted into the newsletter. Submission deadline is the fifteenth of each month. All submissions are subject to editing for space and content. All rights reserved by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.



President – Pat Tollefson Vice President – Darcie Rodman

Secretary – Kathy Powers Treasurer – Vince Jacobson

Council Members At-Large

Aly Bonner Mary Hromatka

Kathy Pfaendtner Mike Smith


Rev. Louise Mollick

Staff Administrative Assistant,

Newsletter Editor Linda Dundas

Choir Accompanist Linda McGee

Music Director Rick Latterell

Facility Use Coordinator

Mary Hromatka

Financial Secretary Mary Kay Peterson


Vince Jacobson

AUXILIARY BUILDING USE St. Paul’s encourages use of its facility by groups that will support our mission statement. Examples are 12 Step recovery programs, local neighborhood organizations, and congregations seeking meeting space. Please contact us for more details. PUBLICATION The Messenger is published monthly by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA, 13207 Lake St. Extension., Minnetonka, MN 55305.

Looking into 2013 Pat Tollefson

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? Matt. 6: 25 Why is it so hard to live in the way that Jesus tells to us to live? Over the past year, because of our focus on Stewardship, I learned of two theologies - one of scarcity and one of abundance. Coming from a perspective of scarcity, we are full of worry and uncertainty. We can be uncertain of our own worth, uncertain of our place in the world, or even uncertain of how God sees us. We notice that others seem to have greater regard than we do, have more than we have, are better and more valued than we are. It also speaks about material needs. It is a theology of the anxiety of never having enough. Where Jesus tells us to live is in the theology of abundance, where there is enough for all and is a place where wholeness reigns; a place, as David Hawkinson, a Biblical scholar recently described in an article I read, “where we are in the Assembly of All Beings and see the intrinsic beauty in each other. As we turn to regard each other, to see and hear each other, to value and regard each other – in that fellowship, we feel the astonishment of being regarded by the one who creates and who is present in all that has been made. To regard another – even the sparrow at the feeder is to open ourselves to Presence. It is a place where the anxiety of separation and estrangement melt away.” Wow! This is the place where I want to live. Lord help me! Just imagine if all of us lived in the theology of abundance! St. Paul’s future would be full of prosperity! Our focus for 2013 is “Spreading the Good News through worship and witness in the image of a generous God.” Worship and Witness were chosen to be our areas of focus because they are the heart (worship) and the mission (witness) of why we are here. These areas directly align with our mission statement…”To be an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ”. 2013 Worship goals:

Increase average weekly attendance at worship by 20% Increase lay participation, including children and youth Complete Phase II of the sanctuary design project

2013 Witness goals:

Provide a workshop on intentional invitational outreach Increase building and grounds use: concerts, forums, speakers, etc. Increase our giving to the Minneapolis Area Synod by 10%

More discussion around our vision for 2013 will be held at the Annual All Congregation Meeting on January 27. We have an exciting year ahead of us, full of hope and abundance!


2013 Church Directories are available in the church office if you did not receive one at the annual meeting.

Lost & Found – Little shoulder purse found outside the lower entrance door with cash in it last Dec. If you can describe it, you can claim it. Please notify the church office at 952-938-4683.

Tax information for Our Saviour’s meal providers

Tax season is upon us, so I just wanted to remind you and your volunteer teams that any food you bring to OSH is a tax-deductible donation. Here is some more detail about how to claim that deduction:

If anyone plans to deduct $250 or more from their taxes for food donated to OSH, the IRS requires that you have on file a donation acknowledgement letter from our organization. Amounts under $250 can be deducted without an official letter from OSH, though I’m still happy to send one if anyone wants one for their records. If you or any of your volunteers would like one of these letters, please let Mary Hromatka know. You don’t need to tell me the amount of your donation as I’m not legally allowed to mention it in the letter; I just describe your donation (food) and you assign your own value.

Please help me by passing on the word to all of your generous meal servers. I’m happy to provide an acknowledgement letter for anyone who would like one. Thank you! Volunteer Coordinator, Our Saviour's Housing 612-872-4193 x25 [email protected]

Musical Goodies for Groceries A benefit for ICA Foodshelf

Greg Milliren & Gail Olszewski

in Recital

(Rescheduled Again!)

Sunday, February 10

4:00 – 5:30 PM

Greg Milliren is currently the Associate Principal Flute with the Minnesota Orchestra and has captivated audiences across the nation with his expansive, sparkling tone and engaging, soulful expression. Gail Olszewski, multi-talented pianist, has played solo and chamber recitals that include the Minnesota Orchestra, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Opera and Music St. Croix, as well as numerous others.

St. Paul’s is honored to provide the venue for this benefit by Greg and Gail whose program will include favorite pieces from Bach, Prokofiev, and many more!

Admission fee: food items or cash donation for ICA, Minnetonka’s local foodshelf.

ICA Volunteer Appreciation Week Monday – Friday, February 4 – 8

Please stop by ICA FoodShelf during the hours of 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Lunch will be served. Come socialize, schmooze, meet ICA staff and volunteers. Sign up for fun raffle prizes. Come before your shift, after your shift, or even on your day off! Thank you for your continued support. ICA could not meet our mission without each and every one of you!

Dear St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Mizpah UCC, and Bet Shalom Congregation:

Thank you for your generous donation toward our programs on 11/20/2012, Thanksgiving donation. Your donation of $185.50 is so deeply valued by us and the children and adults receiving our services. Thank you!

Every day, with the help of donations from supporters like you, we are able to make a real difference in the lives of the people we serve, and at the same time, strengthen the west metro community…

We do this through our programs [Information & Referral, Project Starfish, Computer Technology Center, Back-to-School, Winter Warm Wear, and Toy Chest] and we have seen many lives change for the better. Thank you again for your generous support of the services we provide to the members of our community.

Judy Elling, MSW, LGSW

Executive Director

2013 Scholarship Award for Community Service

Award: Certificate of Recognition, $1,000 cash.

The Glen Lake Optimist Club is chartered by Optimist International to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire and respect the law; to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people and to aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well being of all people, the community, and the world.

Please visit the entryway kiosk for details, eligibility, and application. If interested, the documentation may be copied in the church office and the original returned to the kiosk. Applications must be received between February 1 and March 31, 2013.

Lutheran LGBT Scholarship

Joint Synod Committee for Inclusivity

The Inclusivity Committee of the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Area Synods, ELCA and Lutherans Concerned are sponsoring a college scholarship that promotes diversity of students in higher education. For more than a dozen years, this scholarship has positively impacted the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual or Transgender (LGBT) persons and their families. These scholarships have sent visible messages of encouragement and affirmation to demonstrate that people within the church welcome and care for LGBT persons. We ask for your support to help another LGBT student receive a scholarship in 2013.

The $3,000 scholarship is awarded in the fall of each year and eligible persons include LGBT persons attending a Lutheran college as well as a LGBT Lutheran attending any college. If you know of any LGBT persons who might be interested in applying for a scholarship, applicant information is available at www.pfund Note: The scholarship is administered by PFund for a 10% fee.

The scholarship has been supported by about two dozen families and the generous support of Edina Community Lutheran Church (ECLC) and Central Lutheran Church. This year, ECLC has encouraged us to share the good news and financial responsibility of the scholarship with additional congregations. ECLC cannot continue support at the previous level but will match contributions from other congregations up to a total of $500. In today’s economy, your contribution will have an even greater impact on the life of a student!

For your contribution to be matched by ECLC, please make checks payable to Lutherans Concerned – Twin Cities and send to: Lutheran Scholarship Fund c/o Glenn Choquette 4236 45 Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406 For more information, call Glenn at 612-374-3896. Contributions are tax deductible.

Lent begins with a solemn call to fasting and repentance as we begin our journey to the baptismal waters of Easter. As we hear in readings for the season, now is the acceptable time to return to the Lord.

During Lent the people of God will reflect on the meaning of their baptism into Christ’s death and resurrection. The sign of ashes suggest our human mortality and frailty. What seems like an ending is really an invitation to make each day a new beginning, in which we are washed in God’s mercy and forgiveness. With the cross on our brow, we long for the spiritual renewal that flows from the springtime Easter feast to come. Sundays and Seasons, 2013 Year C; p. 107

Join us for Ash Wednesday and midweek Lenten services

2/13: 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday worship, Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

2/20 - 3/20: 6:15 PM Wednesday Soup Suppers and 7:00 PM – Holden Evening Prayer

Wednesday evenings at 5:00 PM

Session IV: 2/20 – 3/20 Creative Writing We begin this session the Wednesday after Ash Wednesday and meet earlier, at 5:00 PM. Activities will be over in time to join the Lenten soup suppers and Holden Evening Prayer service. Please let us know you are coming by filling out a registration form on our website or calling 952-938-4683. This free intergenerational ministry program is open to all youth in Kindergarten on up and all interested adults.

EPIPHANY 2013: Season for Discovering “Aha’s”

Howard Rand

“Epiphany” is the Greek word for “Light Appears.” We may define it more personally as “our aha’s.” We encounter epiphanies in our spiritual journeys in diverse ways. In St. Paul’s Family, one resource for personal discovery is available Wednesday mornings at 10 AM. The dozen or more people may describe their reasons for coming in a variety of different ways:

The readings each Sunday morning may become more alive. For we encounter the Gospel and/or Lessons with an open and questioning spirit. Pastor Louise’s sermon will be eagerly anticipated. (She is with us.) We find ourselves within Scripture: It becomes present tense.

We are becoming ever more deeply, a

personal group. For we practice personal relations in our sharing. We find ways to share our individual stories, and work at the acceptance God’s grace offers. Our pattern is radically informal. Indeed, we thrive on the diversity among us.

We practice the resource of silence together

before we begin our study. Participation in the group and friendships keep developing naturally. We sense that we are Spirit led.

We long to share the gifts we are receiving with more of our spiritual family. You do not need to be a regular to be involved. As group facilitator, I have found growing blessings in my own life. Don’t take my word for it. Ask those who attend, why they keep coming back. JOIN US!

February 3 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany Jeremiah 1:4 - 20 Psalm 71:1 - 6 I Corinthians 13:1 - 13 Luke 4:21 - 30 February 10 – Transfiguration of Our Lord Exodus 34:29 - 35 Psalm 99 2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:2 Luke 9:28 – 35 [37 - 43]

February 13 – Ash Wednesday Joel 2:1 - 2, 12 - 17 or Isaiah 58:1 - 12 Psalm 51:1 - 17 2 Corinthians 5:20b - 6:10 Mathew 6:1 - 6, 16 - 21 February 17 – 1st Sunday in Lent Deuteronomy 26:1 - 11 Psalm 91:1 - 2, 9 - 16 Romans 10:8b - 13 Luke 4:1 - 13

February 24 – 2nd Sunday in Lent Genesis 15:1 - 12, 17 - 18 Psalm 27 Philippians 3:17 - 41 Luke 13:31 - 35

We celebrate with those who are remembering their baptism this month:

18 Rey Lindquist 21 Sarah Eckhert 28 Eric Campbell

4 Dean Bonner & Mary Hromatka

17 Mike & Karyn Hjelden

28 Tom & Kim Streater

28 Phil Eckhert & Sheri Brenden

Lively conversation and light

refreshments provided

Reading Schedule

February Timekeeper by Mitch Album

March The Meaning of Mary Magdalene by Cynthia Bourgeault (Highly recommended to start reading early.) April Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg

May Grandmothers Counsel the World: Women Elders Offer Their Vision for Our Planet by Carol Schaefer

Please join us even if you haven’t read the book of the month. Check our online calendar for meeting date and location, or watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin.

Grace and Ron Falk have graciously offered to host February’s meeting on Thursday, February 28, 7:00 pm at 4740 Merilee Dr., Minnetonka 55343.

7 Cassidy Streater

14 Eric Campbell

16 Elsie Hanning

18 Lorraine Smith

21 Peter Tollefson

22 Mike Mikulay

25 Jeanne Moe

26 Bernie Johnson

Sunday Bible Readings

Celebrating Baptism

Celebrating Anniversaries

St. Paul’s Book Club invites you to join them.

Celebrating Birthdays


Choose your theme at

The Annual Progressive Dinner

All are cordially invited to dinner

Saturday, February 9, 2012

6:30 – 9:30 PM

The evening begins with meeting at your assigned host house for appetizers and main course. Later, everyone progresses to Mikulay’s for wine and dessert. All are invited to participate as a host or host helper. Please contact Carolyn Carpenter or Jan Guetschow with any questions. Reservations close on Sunday, February 3. Look for sign-up sheet under the office window. This is such a fun event, you won’t want to miss it!!

Mark your calendar today!

Express Metals Thanks to all who have participated with recycling of aluminum cans and our

building clean out day, we received checks in January for $7.80 and $32.15. Deloris Majersky generously has offered to continue to deliver cans brought to church to Express Metals. Thank you Deloris and thanks to all for your on-going support.

CD/DVD Disposal

Deloris Majersky has requested that anyone disposing of CDs or DVD's to please put them in the basket above the coats rods in the narthex. She has offered to ship them to a recycling place to keep them out of our land fill. These items will never decompose. Thank you again for joining our “Going Green Initiative”.

Announcing Pr. Louise’s new grandson!

Isidore Reeve Mollick, son of Rachel & Stephen Mollick, who arrived on Friday, December 28th, weighing 7 lbs 14 oz. and measuring 20.5 inches in length.

Both parents and baby Izzy are doing well. This is the second grandchild of Pr. Louise and Carl Mollick. Congratulations to the whole family on their new addition!

Dream Study being offered by Bonnie Mitsch at St. Paul’s

Have you ever been curious about your dreams? Bonnie has been in dream work for 20 years and is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. She is certified as a Dream Group Leader through The Institute of Dream Studies. She believes dreams are messages from our psyche. The challenge to understanding them is the imaginal language in which they are presented.

In this four week dream group you will learn techniques to help you remember your dreams; look at the images in your dreams and find their metaphorical significance to some actual situation in your life; and lastly take the new perspective you have gained from the dream into your daily living.

The dreamer is the final authority over their dream. They are the only one who can know for certain the truth of their dream. Bonnie offers a safe environment where a dreamer can share their dreams with the support of the group. Thursdays, Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb. 14, and Feb. 28, 4 – 6:00 PM in the Peace Room (lower level Room 2).

Cost: $40 for four classes, space is limited to 6. Register by emailing: [email protected] or calling 763-432-3312.

Stay up to date: Visit our calendar weekly

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

13207 Lake Street Extension Minnetonka, MN 55305

God’s work. Our hands.


We at St. Paul’s are committed to welcoming you . . .

If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersexual, transgendered or straight.

If you are seven, seventeen, forty-seven or one hundred and seven.

If you are black, brown, red, yellow, white or any shade in between.

If you are broken, healed or in recovery.

If you are rich, poor, or somewhere in between.

If you are able-bodied, disabled or differently-abled.

If you have a strong faith, have doubts about your faith or aren’t sure you have any faith at all.

If you have accepted Christ’s love, question Christ’s love or don’t know if you are loved.

If you are looking for a church home, have never had a church home or need a place to find peace.

We are committed to welcoming everyone, living as a reconciling people

in our life together and in our outreach to the community.