ST PAUL S birthday girls this...

Our birthday girls this week are: Marie Antonine Colbert 21 Jan Martin Joseph Taylor 22 Jan ST PAULS POST St Pauls Province Weekly Newsletter: 208 18 January 2021

Transcript of ST PAUL S birthday girls this...

  • Our


    girls this

    week are:

    Marie Antonine Colbert 21 Jan

    Martin Joseph Taylor 22 Jan

    ST PAUL’S POST St Paul’s Province Weekly Newsletter: 208 18 January 2021



    Relatives/friends of Sisters:-

    Marguerita’s brother, Pat;

    Eily May’s brother, Tade, and her sister, Mary Philomena White;

    Kay Doran’s niece-in-law, Kerry;

    Rita McStay’s niece-in-law, Michelle Reid;

    Keighley Associate, Elaine Plunkett;

    Sheila McNally’s brother, John McNally;

    Brigid Murphy’s brother-in-law, Michael Clyne;

    Carmel Comerford’s sister, Clare;

    Margaret Travers’ sister, Mary McLean;

    Sr Monica’s brother, Donal;

    Lorraine’s Mum, Mary.

  • Cause for the ultimate Canonisation of Mother Mary Joseph of Jesus CP,

    (Elizabeth Prout)

    Please notify me of any wonders achieved through Community Prayers to Mother Mary

    Joseph of Jesus CP (Elizabeth Prout) so that I can forward this precious information to the

    Vice-Postulator or Postulator in Rome. Please sign this evidence.

    I should be grateful if any individual Sister who receives a favour through the intercession

    of Mother Mary Joseph of Jesus CP (Elizabeth Prout) would send me a signed, confidential,

    detailed report, including proof of a miracle if such has occurred, so that I may forward it

    to the Vice-Postulator or Postulator in Rome.

    Please send me an accurate, signed account of any other favours received through the

    intercession of Mother Mary Joseph of Jesus CP (Elizabeth Prout).

    Please encourage relatives, friends, parishioners etc to pray to Mother Mary Joseph of

    Jesus CP (Elizabeth Prout), so that devotion to her will increase.

    Please pray that there will be an increase of devotion to her and that her Cause will

    continue to progress towards Beatification: NB At least one well-authenticated and

    indisputable miracle will be required.

    Sister Dominic Savio CP,

    Historian for the Cause of our Foundress, Mother Mary Joseph of Jesus CP, Elizabeth Prout

  • O n January 7th Maeve O’Driscoll left South

    America, having given 30 years of service to

    Peru and 22 to Chile.

    This time of Covid 19 has been difficult for everyone

    and not least for the people of Peru. But that did not

    prevent the people of Villa El Salvador from giving

    Hermana Maeve the Farewell and Thanks that she deserved.

    Representatives of the Passionist

    Family, complete with an orchestra,

    gathered outside our house on

    Sunday evening to serenade and

    express their gratitude to Maeve for

    all that she had contributed to the

    life of the community.

    All were wearing masks and social

    distancing was observed !

    That their love and gratitude could not be expressed by abrazos (hugs ) was very difficult for the

    Peruvians .

    On January 5th, Fr Cesar, accompanied by the five CP

    Sisters and representatives of the different areas and

    groups of the parish of Nuestra Senora de la Paz,

    celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for Maeve. The Mass

    was live streamed so that many could participate .

    After the Eucharist a guard of honour carrying Peruvian

    and Irish flags led Maeve to the community centre, which

    had been named ELIZABETH HOWARD after Maeve's

    mother. (Latin American women keep their own surname

    on marriage). The centre was beautifully decorated with

    balloons and photos of Maeve, taken while carrying out her ministry over the 30 years. Maeve,

    together with Patricia Denny and Nelci Sorlozono, started the parish in 1992 .

    When Maeve had cut the cake decorated with the Passionist sign, there was a series of Zoom

    messages of Gratitude from the different groups of the parish. Maeve was then presented with

    many beautiful gifts to take back to Ireland—reminders of the love of the Peruvians for Maeve

    and the high esteem in which they held her.

    Que Dios de la Vida te bendiga siempre, Hermana Maeve!

    (PTO for more photos)

    Maeve and Fr Cesar

  • At the airport: Clare, Patricia, Maria and Maeve

    Maeve with Dr Dennis and personnel from San Martin Centro Medico

    The five Sisters:




