St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The Epistle · 2015-01-12 · -filled people to make their...

The Epistle St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde 29797 US Hwy 281 N, Bulverde, TX 78163 Phone (830) 980-2813 — Fax (830) 980-9756 [email protected] Sunday Schedule Worship Services 8:30AM & 10:45AM Holy Communion Every Sunday at both services Adult Christian Education 9:40AM Sunday School 9:40AM St Paul Lutheran Staff Ministers All People of St. Paul Senior Pastor Lee R. Harder Youth Minister Andrew Cave Children’s Minister Meredith Ehler Office Manager/Bookkeeper Sherry Schneider Christian Day School Director Sandy Kantorak Music/Media Director Paul Angulo Facilities Manager Ron Norman 2016 Council Members President Shauna Weaver Vice President, Staff, Building & Grounds Liaison Don Bragg Treasurer Brian Meuth Secretary and Special Tasks Liaison Libye Nuernberg Fellowship, Cemetery and Memorial Liaison Robert Marburger Education Liaison Sandy Chapman Ministry Liaison Woody Miller Worship Liaison Kelly Schumacher Evangelism Liaison Shawn Sande January 2016 . On Sunday, January 17th, the congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church will hold its annual meeting in the CFC following the single worship service at 9:30 am. Besides voting on our annual budget for 2016, there is one other item of business. For the last six months we have been serving the Sacrament of Holy Communion at both Sunday morning worship celebrations. Now we need to decide whether or not we will continue offering the Lord’s Supper at both services every week or return to our old pattern of offering the sacrament on only the first and third Sundays at both services. Please make every effort to attend the meeting and the worship that precedes it. Thank you.

Transcript of St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The Epistle · 2015-01-12 · -filled people to make their...

The Epistle

S t . P a u l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h o f B u l v e r d e

29797 US Hwy 281 N, Bulverde, TX 78163

Phone (830) 980-2813 — Fax (830) 980-9756

[email protected]

Sunday Schedule

Worship Services 8:30AM & 10:45AM

Holy Communion Every Sunday at both services

Adult Christian Education 9:40AM

Sunday School 9:40AM

St Paul Lutheran Staff

Ministers All People of St. Paul

Senior Pastor Lee R. Harder

Youth Minister Andrew Cave

Children’s Minister Meredith Ehler

Office Manager/Bookkeeper Sherry Schneider

Christian Day School Director Sandy Kantorak

Music/Media Director Paul Angulo

Facilities Manager Ron Norman

2016 Council Members

President Shauna Weaver

Vice President, Staff, Building

& Grounds Liaison Don Bragg

Treasurer Brian Meuth

Secretary and Special Tasks Liaison Libye Nuernberg

Fellowship, Cemetery and

Memorial Liaison Robert Marburger

Education Liaison Sandy Chapman

Ministry Liaison Woody Miller

Worship Liaison Kelly Schumacher

Evangelism Liaison Shawn Sande

January 2016


On Sunday, January 17th, the congregation of

St. Paul Lutheran Church will hold its annual

meeting in the CFC following the single worship

service at 9:30 am. Besides voting on our annual

budget for 2016, there is one other item of


For the last six months we have been serving the

Sacrament of Holy Communion at both Sunday

morning worship celebrations. Now we need to

decide whether or not we will continue offering

the Lord’s Supper at both services every week or

return to our old pattern of offering the sacrament

on only the first and third Sundays at both


Please make every effort to attend the meeting and

the worship that precedes it. Thank you.

As December draws to an end and we prepare for the coming new year it is common place for us to consider

New Year’s Resolutions. We’ll lose weight, start to exercise, go to church more often, generally do things for

ourselves that we should have been doing all along. Unfortunately, it’s easier to talk about setting up

priorities in our lives than it is to follow through on fulfilling them. That got me thinking — a dangerous


One of the greatest failures of God’s people is in the area of priorities. What should our priorities be as

people of God? I wrestled with that notion for a while and arrived at, what I think, are the four things that are

a MUST in the lives of Christians who are really disciples of Christ. So, beginning on Sunday, January 17th

and following on the next three Sundays, I will share with you my conclusions. It might be a good way of

getting ourselves ready for Lent.

The series of sermons are simply titled: Priorities In Thee Church. In the series we will see that:

1. Love Must Be a Priority

2. Worship Must Be a Priority

3. Evangelism Must Be a Priority

4. Service Must Be a Priority

I hope you will resolve to make it a priority to join me in God’s house of prayer as we explore together some

essentials for Christian living.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Lee

Every church needs leaders, but there are leaders and then there are LEADERS. Because we are a community of

believers, our definition of leadership must fit into our Lord’s understanding. He defined it for us in the gospel of

Matthew 23:11-12.

“The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever

exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself

will be exalted.”

It’s not enough to be a good leader who believes in Jesus Christ. The kind of leader Jesus desires and the church

needs is one who has transformed their heart, head, hands and life to that of a servant. That last point is the hardest.

Leaders in the church are those who live Christ because they have a personal relationship that reveals itself in every

aspect of their life in service to God and others.

More and more we are seeing a culture where successive generations are drifting further away from a deep,

meaningful relationship with the Lord. Thus, there is less time or devotion to the work of His church. We need

leaders who are more like parents, mentors or Role Models which requires a servant attitude. This kind of approach to

ministry is not something new or revolutionary. Quite the contrary. It is simply continuing the work the apostles

started when the church burst forth onto the world stage. It’s the first century church doing the Lord’s work in the

twenty-first century.

In the new year, it is our most fervent prayer and desire to help equip servant leaders at St. Paul who will be

committed to reach out into our fellowship of believers and be a model that inspires more of us to be servant leaders.

Our plan is to contact twelve disciples and ask them to commit to taking a series of group sessions, six in number, in a

servant leader approach to all aspects of their lives. They will in turn reach out to others in our church family to

foster more small groups of servant leaders.

If you receive a letter asking you to participate, it is because we feel you have the qualities and faith that will make

this ministry a true blessing to our St. Paul family. Please give it prayerful consideration for yourself and your loved

ones. Discussing your involvement in this ministry with your family is of utmost importance because they, too, will

be impacted by your decision. That’s important because this whole outreach will change your lives.

Those of us who will be leading the six group sessions are really excited about the potential for St. Paul and for you.

We hope our first team of servant leaders will become the start of a new ministry/lifestyle for us all.

Three Days of Prayer

Every LCMC congregation, member and pastor is being invited to set aside some time each day of

January 5, 6 and 7, 2016 for prayer. The prayer team would like to invite you to approach the throne

of God on these days with a sense of gratitude and express your deepest heartache and your

greatest joy.

As you pray each day, please keep these ideas in your prayers:

Day One: January 5: This is a day focused on confession. We gather to lay down our pride, our sin

and our agenda and ask the Lord of the church for forgiveness, which He gives freely and with


Day Two: January 6: This is a day of petition. Pray for your congregation and all those connected to

your church that they might know God’s redeeming love for all in Christ.

Day Three: January 7: This is a day for vision. Pray that the Holy Spirit will again move through the

hearts and minds of leaders and pastors that God’s vision for His church might be revealed and


To think and know there are people all over the world praying in unison for these very same

thoughts can and will have a powerful effect in our world! We invite you to be on your knees!

We Resolve...

Another New Year is here and it is that time of year: the time for hope-filled people to make their list of New Year's Resolutions. All across the country people are making renewed commitments to eat better and exercise more, to get organized, to spend less and save more, to quit smoking, or to spend more time with family. And the list goes on and on.

Generally speaking, these are all positive resolutions and people do genuinely desire to live better and differently, even though it may be very difficult to make significant progress on one or more of these if it means altering years of bad habits. And our mistake is often in going this alone without the help of God or others. But through prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit and the partnership of community, many well-intended resolutions can bring about significant life change.

In the church, the New Year begins with Advent and I recently challenged a couple of our congregations during this season with two questions that I believe could lead to some powerful New Year's Resolutions:

1. How am I, personally, passionately, sharing Jesus with those who don't know him?

2. How are we, together as a church, purposefully engaging in mission and evangelism in the neighborhood in which God has

planted us?

Now if you're like most church-going Christians in America, you will likely struggle to find an answer to both of those questions. And if that bothers you, then that's a good sign! That's a sign that God has got a hold of your heart and He desires to change your heart! And I would like to invite you to think about how you, individually, and your congregation working together, can more intentionally share the Good News of Jesus with others.

Visit with your pastor and brothers and sisters in Christ and in this New Year resolve to make a difference and break old patterns of complacency both personally and corporately. And through prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, and with the partnership of your congregation, I know God can do amazing things in you and through you! In my mind, there is no greater investment to be made in life than in the Kingdom of God. So seek first God's Kingdom and righteousness, and all that you need will be given to you as well!

Pastor Bryce Formwalt is the Director of Mission Growth for the LCMC Texas District. Residing in Georgetown, Pastor Bryce is available to coach congregations on mission. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments: 512-942-7776 or [email protected]. Like us on Facebook:

© 2016 Bryce J. Formwalt, All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.

January 2016

Our Thursday Bible Study classes resume in January. The first session for the new year begins on January 14th at

our regular times of 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 6:30 pm. We’ll pick up where we left off in the eighteenth chapter of

Acts as we get ready for Paul’s third missionary journey.

Even if you haven’t attended before, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the insights you’ll gain. So, join us and be

a part of the fellowship we share.

Please join us on Saturday, January 16 from 8:00-10:00am for our Bible

Breakfast Bunch. The topic for this study will be the Lord’s Prayer. We

will discuss each part of the prayer and what it means in our daily life.

Join us for some biscuits and gravy! If you wish to attend, please sign up

after services on January 3rd and 10th or contact the church office. We

will need to know how much food to prepare. Everyone is welcome! So

join in the fellowship!

On Sunday, January 17th, there will be only one combined worship celebration at 9:30am in the CFC. This is to

accommodate our annual meeting. At this service we will install our congregational officers and the church

council for 2016.


The Adult Christian Education (ACE) Schedule for January 2016

Sunday ACE classes meet at 9:40 AM. Pastor Lee’s Bible Study is continuing in January on the Book of Acts and meets on

Thursdays at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Our leaders are dedicated and well qualified disciples that spend much time

preparing for the classes Please plan to attend at least one class of your choice.

Class led by Jeff Smith meets in the ACE (Portable) Building

We are continuing with the study on the Holy Spirit. We are looking at the power and attributes of the Holy Spirit. We are

using numerous Old and New Testament scriptures as we work through this study. Our goal is to understand what a

Christian receives through the indwelling of the Spirit.

Class led by Dean & Kathy Krueger meets in the Luther Room

Dean and Kathy Krueger's class in January will continue with "The Prayers of Jesus." Many times in the Gospels we find that

Jesus prayed and sometimes prayed alone, apart from His disciples. Since He is God, why did Jesus pray? Who did He

pray for? How does He want us to pray? Where did He go when He prayed? How does the Lutheran Small Catechism

explain each portion of the Lord’s Prayer? The class will explore the Gospels to learn more about prayer....and Jesus!

Class led by Mike Scott meets in the Choir Room

This five-session small group Bible study, God Heard Their Cry, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume

eight of the 12-part Faith Lessons filmed-on-location DVD and Discovery Guide series. Vander Laan illustrates how, in

ancient times, nothing was bigger than Egypt…powerful pharaohs, strong armies, and a multitude of gods. God’s people

were no match against the Egyptians. In this volume of Faith Lessons, discover how God answers the cry of his persecuted

people and proclaims himself Lord to them and their oppressors.

Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance.

By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray

Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.

Class led by Ingrid Lingle meets in the Office Area Workroom

In January Ingrid's class will be beginning a study of Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli.

Tuesday Women’s class which meets in the Choir Room at 9:00 AM is led by Connie Osborn

We will be resuming our study in the Choir Room Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 at 9:00am. Fellowship and study begins at

9:30 am. We will begin Faith Lesson volume 4, Death and Resurrection of the Messiah. It will be a 20 week long study. Ten

videos to view and ten lessons to discuss. If interested in joining our study, please contact Connie Osborn 830-885-7582 or

at [email protected].



Our second Sunday in January, we will be collecting non-perishable food

items and monetary donations to our local food bank, Provisions. Please

remember to use the orange bordered envelopes and write “Provisions”

in the memo section of your check. Thank you!

Please note that in January, our third Sunday special gifts for missions will be designated to Lutherans for Life. Dr. Barbara Geisfeld will be our guest to present a brief Temple Talk on Lutherans for Life. Please note “Lutherans for Life” in memo section of your check and please use the orange bordered envelopes for your donations.

Mission Sunday January 10 2016

The SPLC Global Mission Team has planned our 2016 Mission Sunday to kick off plans for another mission trip to Hands of Mercy, Jalapa, Guatemala, as well as many other opportunities for short term mission trips and financial support. We are proud to have Pastor Enrique Estrada of Mission Mexico International speak at both services.

Lucy Walker and Sharon Knibbe will again lead our team to Guatemala July 25 - August 1, 2016. Applications will be available. If you have any questions please contact one of our Global Mission Team members (Lucy Walker, Sharon Knibbe, Jack Davis, Denny Rosenfeld, Will Laubach, Chuck Reeh, Debbie Schmaltz, Jeanne White or Dick Weitzel).

Literature and information for other short term mission trip opportunities will be available at our display table.

Greetings from Pastor Enrique Estrada~

MMI Friends and partners in the expansion of the Gospel, I would like to greet you in the name that is above all names. This time let us declare together that Jesus our Savior is born.

Another year is gone and we continue sharing the News of Salvation in our ministry in Mexico. After these two decades of ministry we have experienced fully what it means to be a true Christian in an environment where people are more inclined to manifest a lifestyle that fits more to what the world requires than to what God teaches us in his word. To survive as a Christian in Mexico can be a difficult task. As in many other parts of the world Christianity is under the attacks of the enemy. We live on a very secularized world and each day is harder to express your faith without feeling that your approach is judgmental and old fashioned. So, we as a Lutheran Church in Monterrey, Guadalajara and Rio Bravo are committed to continue proclaiming the unaltered Gospel, keeping it as pure as we can.

Our objective since MMI was born has been to establish a Lutheran Church with a different approach. As time passes I can see that our goal is being fulfilled. The ride has not been an easy one. On the way we lost people, we fail again and again. Now we are able to proclaim Jesus is Lord and that He has been with us along the way. The transformation of the people is more profound when we are able to help them to cope with their sins, when people recognize that they really need Jesus in their hearts and in their daily lives. Then they get the desire to live accordingly to what they believe now.

Pastor Enrique Estrada

“St. Paul Lutheran’s Angel Tree Project Impact”

Upbring Foster In Texas (FIT), The New LSS, connects loving families with abused and neglected children who have been removed from their homes and placed in foster care. More than 2,000 Texas children depend on FIT every year to provide safe, loving foster homes. Because of churches within the community to collaborate our Angel Tree project, we are able to

bring the joy of Christmas to every child who might otherwise have little to celebrate.

Every Christmas St. Paul Lutheran Church hosts an Angel Tree that allows congregations to sponsor Upbring Foster In Texas children. This year, St. Paul Lutheran brought back a total of 40 Angel Tree wish-list gifts! With the help of Pastor Don & Marj Adickes, these gifts were presented to families at our annual Foster Family Christmas Party at the San Antonio Aquarium on

Friday, December 18th.

At this year’s Christmas Party, foster children and families got to enjoy dinner, a visit with Santa Clause, and an interactive Aquatic experience. The evening was filled with bouncy houses and memorable experiences feeding and petting the stingrays,

bottom-feeding sharks, the octopus, birds, and many other animals.

Before departure, every family was presented with Angel Tree gifts foster children will get to enjoy opening this Christmas – the gifts you directly sponsored!

Thanks to this simple act of love from your church and congregations, every child in our care will get to experience the spirit of Christmas.

With your partnership, we are truly blessed to be able to provide such memorable and impactful experiences to the children in our care. We would like to wish everyone a very blessed and loving Merry Christmas.

Upbring – Foster In Texas

San Antonio

Thank you again for all that you do for your community and its children. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with anything else you may need.

Merry Christmas,

Adrian Macias Administrative Assistant Upring – Foster in Texas P 210.979.8473 | 2900 Mossrock Dr. Suite 190, San Antonio TX 78230

Prayer Warriors

We love to know your praises and continued concerns. The prayer warriors are in continuous prayer for all! Please contact Lucy Walker, Stella Ross or the church office for your prayer requests:

[email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Prayer Warriors: Pastor Harder, Pastor Ofsdahl, Lucy Walker, Cindy ’Boo’ Peek, Lynn Rosenfeld, Sharon Knibbe,

Dagi Fischer, Stella Ross, Laura Sprowls, Gloria Krueger, Marjorie Rothchild Connie Osborn and Janice Walker.

...are continually praying for you according to God’s will in all circumstances through Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Wally Schroeder

Ken Atkins

Doug Morganroth

Jerry Beatty

Ginger Kreitel

James McNeill

Norm Thoruw

Jerry Neufeld

Mack Mullino

Tanya Palmer

Shelly Kurtz

Nicholas N. Kreitel

Aiden Griffith

Karen Harder

Ella Johnson

Arlene Welch

Jerry Barnes

Chad Larsen

Mark & Debra Harder

Helmut Kleve

Shirley Remmert

Ruth Lytle

Grace Kaeppel

Jimmy Cox

Jean Miller

Debra Saur & Family

Lauren & Spencer


Donny Tinsley

The Family of Jodi Lynn


The Family of Viola


Mission Mexico


Hands of Mercy, Jalapa



It was God's plan for the baby Jesus to grow, increase in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.

Reaching adulthood Jesus taught, performed miracles, healed, raised the dead and did many other signs and

wonders, always submitting in obedience to His Father's will. In His earthly ministry, Jesus fulfilled the scriptures

concerning His crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension. Now Jesus, our High Priest, sits at the right hand of

God the Father in heaven. There is only one God and one Mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.

He is able to save completely those who come to God solely through Him, thus He lives to intercede for them.

HE who is GOOD, orchestrates together all for good.

Let's see how this applies to all disciples of Christ. In Christ, our High Priest, there is a true royal priesthood in all

believers. The duty of a priest is to show to the world our God. Not only do we display Him though our words and

actions, but out of His love we pray for all. Our prayers may start off in asking in Christ's name for our needs and those

of others. We proceed to pray for the faith to encourage our wishes, advice and personal sympathies for His desires. A

believer participates with God's indwelling Spirit in intercession. The Holy Spirit searches our hearts, knows the mind

of the spirit, and intercedes for the saints according to God's will. He helps us break through our limitations. Our

prayers are no longer human centered but aligned with God's eternal purpose and truth.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his

purpose. Romans 8:28

May you have Glorious New Year from St. Paul Lutheran Church

Hearts on Fire Prayer Warriors

Children’s Worship Bags & Bulletins

St. Paul has Children’s worship bags available for all children 3 years-5th

grade to use during worship services. These bags have recently been

updated and allow children to participate in faith based activities while in

worship. We also have Children’s Worship Bulletins for children 3-6 years or

7-11 years that follow the lectionary. Both the bags and bulletins can be

picked up in the Narthex or CFC entryway each Sunday. We hope your

family will utilize these as a part of your worship experience.

St. Paul Children’s Ministry

Sunday School News

Sunday School will meet on January 3rd, 10th, 24th & 31st.

There will NOT be Sunday School on Sunday, January 17. Instead there will be one service at 9:30am,

with a Congregational Meeting immediately following.

Sunday School classes are offered for children 4 years through 5th grade. If you have questions about our

Sunday School Ministry, contact Meredith Ehler at [email protected] or 830-980-2813 or Cari Anne

Whitehead at 210-393-8821.

Children’s Ministry Survey

This month, parents of children at

St. Paul will be receiving a survey

through their e-mail in regards to

the ministries offered for our

children and their families. Please

take a few minutes to fill out this

survey. We hope to get as much

participation as possible. This

survey will help us shape our

Children’s Ministry opportunities to

better serve our families at St. Paul.

Vacation Bible School

Preliminary planning for VBS 2016 will begin this month. If you are

interested in being a part of the 2016 VBS Team, please contact Meredith

Ehler at [email protected] or 830-980-2813.

Mark Your Calendar: 3rd-5th Grade Dodgeball

We will have our annual Kidz of Faith Dodgeball Tournament on Saturday, January 23 from

1pm-3:30pm at Bulverde United Methodist Church.

Bring a team of 5 to participate or come on your own and find a team when you arrive.

All St. Paul Children who participate will need a permission slip. Permission slips can be picked

up at the Sunday School Table beginning January 10.

We are looking for adult males to referee the tournament. If you are interested, please

contact Meredith Ehler at [email protected].

“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress

them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk

along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” -Deuteronomy 6:6-7




January 10th and January 31st.

Youth Group takes place from 12:00-1:30pm in


Lunch will be served at both meetings.


January 10th — Lesson 8

January 31st — Lesson 9

Confirmation takes place in the

sanctuary from 9:40-10:35am.


January 3, 10, 24, 31

No Sunday school the 17th due to

the annual meeting.

Sunday school takes place in the CFC

from 9:40-10:35am.


Youth Praise Band will be performing

on January 10th this month!

Rehearsal will take place on

Wednesday, January 6th from


Romans 8:28—And we know that in all things

God works for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his pur-


High School LOCK IN on Sunday, January 17th

Time for late night pizza, open gym, movies,

and staying up all night!!!

Youth arrive at the church at 9:00pm.

Parents must pick youth up by 8:00am on

Monday morning. Breakfast will be served to

the youth before they leave in in the


You can contact Sandy Kantorak, the

director, at 830-980-6771, by email at

[email protected] and you can also find

more information about the Day School at

Wow!! I think we knocked their socks off at our Christmas program last month. The church family was very supportive and the

parents were amazing!! Thank you to everyone that was a part of it. Our Parent Day Out was also a huge success for both CDS

and the parents who shopped. It was a great fundraiser for our school and everyone seemed to have a good time.

CDS will resume on Tuesday January 5th, 2016 following the Comal ISD calendar. We will still have tumbling class that morning.

We will then be closed on Monday January 18th for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Lastly this month, January 20 and 21 are

going to be tons of fun as we come back with pajama day, complete with winter fun and games. We definitely know how to

enjoy school!

Registration for next school year will be coming up before we know it. We are looking at some time later in February or early

March. Current CDS families will have priority enrollment followed by church members and then we will open it up to the

public for registration. We are generating a lot of interest at this time; I am very encouraged by that. Thank you for speaking

highly of us.

We still have space available in our 3’s classrooms. If you know of anyone who would be interested, please be sure to have

them call the school to schedule a tour. Both 2 day and 4 day slots are available. Our hours of operation are Monday-Thursday

9:00am to 2:00pm.

Parents wishing to enroll their child(ren) are encouraged to call 830-980-6771 to set up a tour of the facility or to register your

child. Thank you for considering St. Paul Lutheran Christian Day School for your child’s early childhood education!

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from

it.” Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

St. Paul Christian Day School News

CDS Calendar of Events for January

First Day for the Spring Semester—January 5 MLK School Holiday—January 18

Pajama Day—January 20 & 21

A Special Request from one of our St. Paul Disciples…

Darlene Larsen is making a quilt for the Mission Team as a fundraiser. She is in need of ladies old fancy hankies, in good

shape. Please pray about donating for this special quilt. Please contact Darlene Larsen 210-602-4572

for more information.


The gathering of the men of St. Paul returns to its regular

day and time as Men’s Life gathers at the Knibbe Ranch

Hall on Tuesday, January 19th, at 6:00 pm with the meal

served at 6:30pm. If you are coming be sure to contact the

church office at 830-980-2813 or Pastor Lee at

[email protected] by 10:00 am Tuesday morning so we

can have a head count for food preparation.

Bring a friend or neighbor to get in on our fellowship.


Our next Tired and Retired gathering will be on Wednesday, January 27th from 10am-2pm. Please

plan on joining us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Red Roof Readers

Red Roof Readers will begin its FIFTH year by reading

the book The Pulpwood Queen’s Tiara-Wearing,

Book-Sharing Guide to Life by Kathy Patrick. This

sounds like a mouth full, but Kathy Patrick writes that

book clubs are much more than just reading a book,

but about building relationships and having fun!

Personally, I know this is true about the Red Roof

Readers! We not only have lively discussions but

strong bonds have been formed among us.

Come and join us as we begin a New Year. We always

meet the second Monday of the month, January 11th

at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a snack and join

us for laughter, fellowship and a lively discussion.

Please call Lucy Walker for more information at

830-885-3939 or email at [email protected].

It has been so wonderful to be able to spend maternity leave at home with Camille since she has been born. A huge THANK

YOU to everyone who has stepped in to help with the Children’s Ministry at St. Paul while I have been away from

work. I have been very blessed to be able to concentrate on my growing family, knowing that Children’s Ministry activities are

running smoothly thanks to all of your help!

In Christ,

Meredith Ehler

Dear St. Paul Friends,

Thank you for your care and concern for our family and

especially for the health of Marian. She is need of your

continued prayers while going through a health ordeal in her

life. We also wish to thank each of you in the Meals Ministry

for the many wonderful meals you have provided. Blessings to

you all! We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and we wish

y’all a happy and very prosperous New Year.

Jim, Marian and family


Ralph and Gloria Krueger have changed their

home phone number. Their new number is

830-438-1085. Please make this update to your

church directory. If anyone has any address,

phone number or email changes, please submit

them to the church office as soon as possible.


Sherry Schneider

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 17, 2016!

Lord of Life,

We thank you for the precious gift of life! You created us in Your image, and knit us together in our mother's wombs. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and You have a plan and purpose for each of us. All human lives are sacred and worthy of protection from concep-tion to natural death. Please guide our leaders and legislators along the path of truth. Use us, the sheep of your pasture, to support and re-store the value and worth of all human life. Help us to shine the light of Jesus into the dark places of deception. In Jesus' Name we pray, AMEN!

Honoring Our Elders

January 04, 2015 long time St. Paul Elder Disciple Gladys Page

will celebrate her 92nd birthday. 3124 Bulverde Road Bulverde TX 78163


January 14, 2015 long time St. Paul Elder Disciple Arlene Caton

will celebrate her 90th birthday 31537 Blanco Road Bulverde TX 78163


Please join in the celebration of these elder’s birthdays

by honoring them with a birthday card! Sign your name and member of St. Paul

Lutheran Church, if you do not know them personally.

Did you know that you can give electronically to

St. Paul every month? You can set up to have

automatic withdrawals from your checking or

savings account. If you are interested, please

contact Sherry Schneider at 830-980-2813 or via

email at [email protected].

Did you know that Tired and Retired

collects aluminum cans as a fundraiser?

They do! There is wire fenced in area by

the garage that you can leave them in.

Please make sure they are bagged.

Dear friends at St. Paul,

We are so appreciative and thankful for all the prayers, love and support shown to us this past month as Benny has gone through numerous doctor's appointments, tests and finally

surgery. We're certain his amazing recovery is because of all the prayers sent up for him from family, friends and the Red Roof Disciples.....along with some help from the medical team. A feeling of comfort and safety surrounds as we receive phone calls, cards, emails and visits along with assurances of continued prayers. We're so blessed to be part of the St. Paul family. Thank you, friends.

Benny and Phyllis Havens

Offering Envelopes will be available for pickup January 3rd. Please help

with postage and pick up your envelopes before and after both services

in the narthex and in the CFC. Envelopes not picked up by Sunday,

January 24th, will be mailed.

Discipleship Commitments

Love God! Love Others! Serve All!

January 3 January 10 January 17 January 24 January 31

Ushers 8:30

Ushers 10:45

Communion Assistants



Assistants 10:45


Worship Assistant


Altar Guild 8:30

Altar Guild 10:45

Altar Flowers

No Disciples Signed Up

New Sheets are posted for 2016—For the 8:30am

service, they are located on the bulletin board in the

fellowship hall. For the 10:45am service, they are located on the bulletin board in the CFC. Donut

fellowship is located by the kitchen in the fellowship hall.

January Anniversaries

3 Robert and Judy Marburger

7 Gerald and Darlene Larsen

9 Matt and Susan McConnell

10 John and Marian VanAusdall

11 Ralph and Gloria Krueger

18 Jerry and Bonnie Barnes

26 Stacy and Laura Sprowls

January Birthdays

4 Darlene Griffith

Gladys Page

5 Dakota Marshall

6 Emma Schmidt

7 Vince Freiburger

Edwina Whitehead

9 Carol Robalin

10 Jack Labo

14 Arlene Caton

18 Leslie Larue

19 Tammy Schroeder

Judi Sims

20 Woody Miller

21 Freddy Laumer

22 Katie Snell

23 Margaret Kaysa

Shelby Whitaker

24 Tim Allen

Karen Harder

Auberly Reed

25 Libye Nuernberg

26 Claudia Johnson

27 Griffin Johnson

Estee Kuhn

John VanAusdall

29 Hudson Corn

30 Sue Freiburger

Desi Snell

Stacy Sprowls

31 William Flessner

1 New Year’s

Day-Church office closed.


4 CDS Closed

Banner Committee 9:30am Global Mission Team Mtg. 2pm Red Roof Readers 6:00pm

5 CDS 9am-2pm Women’s Bible Study 9am CDS Chapel 9:30am Staff Mtg. 10am

6 CDS 9am-2pm

CDS Chapel 9:30am BUNCO 12-2pm Gospel Band 6pm Youth Praise Team 6:30-8:30pm

7 CDS 9am-2pm Choir 6:15pm

8 Bulverde

Networking Group 8:30-10:30am


11 CDS 9am-2pm Prayer Warriors 9:30am Acoustic Jam Session 6:30pm

12 CDS 9am-2pm

Women’s Bible Study 9am CDS Chapel 9:30am Staff Mtg. 10am Council 5:30pm

13 CDS 9am-2pm CDS Chapel 9:30am Gospel Band 6pm

14 Bible Study

8 & 10am CDS 9am-2pm Choir 6:15pm Bible Study 6:30pm Praise Team 7:30pm

15 Bulverde

Networking Group 8:30-10:30am

16 Bible

Breakfast Bunch 8-10am

18CDS Closed

Youth Lock-in end 8:00am

19 CDS 9am-2pm

Women’s Bible Study 9am CDS Chapel 9:30am Staff Mtg. 10am Men’s Life 6:00pm

20 CDS 9am-2pm

CDS PJ Day Chapel 9:30am Gospel Band 6pm Evangelism Meeting 6pm Deadline for February Epistle

21 Bible Study

8 & 10am CDS 9am2pm CDS PJ Day Choir 6:15pm Bible Study 6:30pm Praise Team 7:30pm

22 Bulverde

Networking Group 8:30-10:30am

23 3rd-5th

Grade Dodgeball at BUMC

25 CDS 9am-2pm

Acoustic Jam Session 6:30pm

26 CDS 9am-2pm

CDS Chapel 9:30am Staff Mtg.10am

27 CDS 9am-2pm

CDS Chapel 9:30am Tired and Retired 10am-2pm

28 Bible Study

8 & 10am CDS 9am-2pm Choir 6:15pm Bible Study 6:30pm Praise Team 7:30pm

29 Bulverde

Networking Group 8:30-10:30am


3 Traditional Worship 8:30am

ACE/Sunday School Classes 9:40am No Confirmation Classes today Contemporary Worship 10:45am No Youth Group Basketball (CFC) 4-6pm

10 Traditional Worship 8:30am ACE/Sunday School and Confirmation Classes 9:40am Contemporary Worship 10:45am Youth Group 12;00-1:30pm Basketball (CFC) 4-6pm

17 One Worship Service 9:30am

in the CFC No ACE. Sunday School or Confirmation Classes today Annual Congregational Meeting 10:45am in the CFC Basketball (CFC) 4-6pm Youth Group Lock-in 9pm-8:00am

24 & 31 Traditional Worship

8:30am Ace/ Sunday School 9:40am on January 24th and 31st Confirmation class 9:40am on January 31st Contemporary Worship 10:45am Youth Group on January 31st Basketball 4-6pm

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Color Key:

Education Ministry Evangelism Stewardship Fellowship Worship

ALL EVENTS AND MEETINGS at the church must be scheduled through the church office. This helps to prevent groups from

meeting at the same time and location. Please call Sherry Schneider at 830-980-2813 or email at [email protected] for