St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1891-12-03 [p...

POPULAR WAHTSI! * i MTIATtO^S OI'FTBEJh t^. 3lßt !«•!». ANY <if.Nil.i-.MANIMC LADYin City or country %vuo would like to m."tte ftom 55 to 9lo per day ought to call or ad- dress «t once The .Western Novelty Com- pany. 137 East Ninth St.. St. Paul. Minn. A (JHXT-Wanted, a hcstlerwith very little capital to take state- agency for a fast Belling toy: big money. ' Address S 73, Globe. BAIiKM— \l A No. 1 bread nnd cake baker right away; married man pre- ferrcKi; easy work: steady employment. Ad- dress scntt T. Stewart. Fergus Fulls. Minn. BAivtiK Vou'ig wan as second hand on bread and cakes; day work. i^i) West Third st. EAivltKK— a lirst-chiss barber wantea at j S. Kaineri s. Sorthfictd. Minn. - LAC —Wanted, on« good gen- eral blacksmith: horseshoeing a spe- cialty. W. E. Horsttotte. Ellsworth. Wis ' AKPKNTKItS- Wanted, a tew carpeu- ters at SI East Seventh st. AXVAssek\ it yi.u want a good liiing, \u25a0-Mil »U *1 West Third. CAN VASSfcK*—\\ Hiited.experienced can- vassers ; none others: not books. Call 9 to 11 aud 2 to 4,r00m _', Gcrmiinia Bank build- ing. , CA.NVA>->hhs Salary and c-cmmission. Wheeler ,v Wilson Manufacturing Com- ' pany. 32 West Third st. CLXXK Wanted, young man acquainted J with retail grocery trade or this city: ap- j f>ly at once, George A*. Garden. Windsor , ha.-:. C'KKAMKKV MAN— Situation wanted by { - a first-class creamery man and ste>iui en- i gineer, in the coniitry or city: can give lirst- class references. Address F. Wm. Anderson, jCan;;on Falls, Minn.. Box Cl. pOt.MEK MAN Wanted, an exferi- V-' enced oyster counter man at fctifiKst Eistii st. H" AK.N»s.MAKI.ii* AM) !>TITt;H- -crs (ranted. Address Bristol & Sweet, Fargo. N. I>. nri(iS'i'i.i;K- Wanted, man to take care of Xl horses and work around house. John 'A. Steea [r aw (i.khk- Wanted, competent male 'J-i stenographer and typewriter us rlers iv law office; Btaie experience Riid salary er- jwcted. Address Law,' Globe Office. AM) \V it>. for farm; W) per year. J-»X Applynt once.Moore iS; Ca_3rC3 Sibley e'. Mll.l.i:it Ranted for custom mill in the country. Apply at 3}J Fuller st., si. Paul. ' PKESSMAX-At once, Brst-elass, sober (Jordon pressman: goca wanes; steady employment. Brown. T'eacy & '<>. pOKTKK- W«i;tcdL n Rood porter or bar- X shop. Address A 122. Globe. STOXK.MASONS Four fti>- ercaM>;:s wanted corner Osccola aud Pleasant tiv.; three laborers ntonce. A. J. Efobau. SOLICITOUS— Wanted, men of energy }J and tact to solicit for Bankers' 1 Life As- sociation of St. Paul. Minn. Salary or guar- antee es |):eferrcd. Addiess c. E. Secor, St. Paul Minn. ' f ri.AMSVl.l{ wanted at li.i i Charles St.: 'JL steady work r.ud good wages to gcod ir.fln. OUAMs itK W uiucd, teamster at JittJ La- <-L foud st. ,**! /' I DK-AAVA Ii X \YOKKi-JKS every- fV» where for the greater book on earth. "Shepp's Photograi-hs of the World," cost- IngJIuO.COO; mammoth illustrated circulars .and terms tree; unparalleled success: Mr. Thus. L.Martin. Centerville, Tex., cieared ffiTll in ft days: Miss Rose Adams, Wooster, \u25a0<».. S23in 40 minutes; Eev. J. Howard Madi- Bon. Lyons. N. V.. Sl'>l iii 7 boors: a bonanza !'\ir the holidays; macniticent outfit only Si : i)ooks on credit; freight paid. Address Globe \u25a0Bible Publishing ComDany, No. 705 Chestnut it.. Philadelphia. Pa. . 4 1 \7 A.NTKI>—Four teams tor the woods, at <»V Barronett. Wi.-. Call or address Bar- ronett Lumber Company. 179 East Third St., fit. Paul. Saturday. Dec. 5. 10 o'clock. *li*A.\'i ii— s-iitMiJie man as clerk to «'V take charge of a branch office in St. Tb ul for a mpnt:facturJug coicern asman- per and cashier; reasonable amount cash se- curity required. Address for interview S '41'j. Globe. Minneapolis. A.NTfcl>— Man with outlit to tnke con- *"> V tract ot cutting 1.300 cords of wood. Ifloore & Co.. -'S3 Sibley st. '\ll ' AXTtD- JSaleMnen on salary or com- H* V mission to handle the New Patent .Chemical Ink-Krn-wnj Pencil: the greatest Belling nevelly ever produced; erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds: no abrasion of j»»Ier: Dio3o (er cent proM: one agent's tales )ir,:oi-.rt( d toS&Ki in fix days: another \i'o2 in two hours: we want one energetic gen- ;eral opcut for each state and territory. For [terms and full particulars address The Mon- roe Eraser Manufacturing Company, La r : -..^o \V:s. ' JKOAiti> offi:ri:i». BOARD Furn shed heated room and U_> board, f4 per week. 549 Wnbasha. >DOAKD furnished front room X) with two closets, end board. 033 Wa- ibasha. OAKD—WeII furnished rooms, with first- cliii-s board; bath; piano; terms reason- able. t*7o Pleasant ay. j'OOAUIi— 52S Cedar— Lyile Terrace— For t.O rent, three front parlors, with alcoves with his: class board; furnace heat. i BOA KL>— Furnished room*, with board. 11J for gentlemen and ladies, £3.75 per j .per week. 11l Islehart st. I j'noAKU- Belmont House. Corner Eighth J3 and Minnesota— Best 51 day house in the icity: no bar in connection; regular board and (jocms {5per week. CJVJ «>lf\VOOl> HOUSE- East Ninth. Near H. l Vabns-ha rooms, with excellent board. S4 and ?i> per week: table board. §12 t i \u25a0\u25a0 r month: transients, S! day. ''; I.ONT 1 AJXI> FOti3il>. r DOORS IMtST Two library books, !XJ ••Mcrvyn" and "Evelina." A liberal reward will be paid for their return to M! San Third st. OIiSK STHAYKD- From Minneapolis J Rolling mills at Irondale. Nov. 14. one gray horse; about hi years old: weight ill. out 1,250. Return to Harris Bros.. 323 ay. south. Minneapolis, and receive re- '"Ward. I'KCTACI.KS I.OSl—Monday, on Third St., between Cedar and Robert, a pair of gold-bowed spectacles. Finder please return to l)i*pntoh office. ' HORSES AM) CARBI.U;E. FOX sAi>i —A mare In the tens, adapted !-C for any k:u<! of labor, at 342 Pleasant. .*|7OK SALK-Uood working horse. 1.400 -X pounds: will sell cheap or will trade. jUddress 272 Toronto ay. \u0084|J OK>K*\ Kli—Gooii care, warm IJi stable: single and box stalls. Address #:. T. Whitcher. Matalester. WAXTKI) spun of carriage horses to match; must be sound in every re- spect. Applyat 221 East Seventh st. I % I ANTKD A few more horses to winter; ' '-> V single and box stalls. 11. c. Barton, Inver Grove. 'ii AM'i:i)- Hordes to keep for the win- » K-r; good feed, warm Quarters: best of care guaranteed. Inquire at 27 Davidson Blccfe. •*~ I W.4STKP TO KMT jpAKM Wanted.' to rent a farm within ; 'a twenty miles of city: stale number of acres and terms. Address '/... Globe, Minneapolis, ! OOM— Wanted, ple«t::ni furnished room for man and wife in private family where there are no other boarders; must be tit ,-iriibk- locality. D T.">. Globe. OYE WORKS. F. . KOflit..\, N. W. steam Dye Works office, 4VJ Bobert si., Ryan block works, \u25a0 ." and r.7 Indiana ay. JA.vil.-ON a. v » ... New YorK fcteam Dye \\ orks; ladies* and gents' cioUiiuga spe- cialty. 1-1 West Sixth fl AHI.KKT & MIXTKL, Minnesota Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh. PATi:.\TS. A* illiitlCAN Patent Market and Novelty . Factory. A. M. Carlson, soliciting at- torney at.d manufacturer and seller of pat- ents, ' liiid017 Mississippi st.. St. Paul. fcTOKE a\i> BAK nznraUßß i ATKWANI) SECn.NDHAXD SALOON -\u25a0> fixtures, iceboxes, mirrors, pool and l cd Uib'.cjs, counters and bhelyin. -la- Wa*iiiin,icr:*vc :. .-.-ill Jliuccapoli&g POPULAR WANTS. *• v \u25a0_ S>ITJTATIO.\ OFFEKKI). Fcmnies. IXI.AUIKS GOTO I'H.VNK- lin. Davidson Grand block, for fine gray switches at cost for thirty nays: bangs cut, curled, l."» cents. 31S Wabasha st. CHiAMISKtCUAID— WantPd, a good »:i;l ' for chambermaid; good mm 473 \Va- t>: sha rt. f H« )C(j.',ATi-: ttil't'tZu Wanted, « chocolate dipper who is cxi»erienced :i::d Jirat-class: doim other -need apply at Yerxw's.Seventh mid Cedar. .- C" «o it. Warned, tood girl coot: bring v' rererences; call before 110011. i\'J Grove it. . ... v Gcit iiit.i.'. wanted at '^7 East Sev- enth si. Sirs. Bowes' Ofcice. " HUU«K\VOK*vpVVantedTi"H girl for gen- end housework; cood pay to ri^ht icr- Bon. C.i.l lioum 4. ForeDUii^h Block, Seron corners. \u25a0 \u25a0."\u25a0*.. HtK'<i;YVOKK Wanted, a competent irirl to do general honsetvorK for a fam- ilyof four, no children; at 2JS Kern st. OUSK\VOKi»—"Wanted, « good girl lor general housework. Inquire JuS Olive st. HOUSKWOttK— Wanted, girl for general housework. 2:ts Aurora. \u25a0 Hot i(Kh- wirl tor general .house- work. i 756 Ashland ay. HOl'»i.\VOKK Warned, a good girl for general housework; reference required. " Apply 589 Westminster st. Horsi-.vumtv— A good girl tor general housework in small family; no chil- dren; wages. 833 Day;ou aw, corner Victoria. HOL>h\VOKK— General servant by Dee. 15 for family of two; steam-heated tint, St. Anthony bill;" must be Rood (lain cook, mid well recommended; pleasant place for good girl. Address V 75, olobe oOce. HOi;a»i-WOii*k Wanted, a good girl for general housework. James Mabon. S3 West Central, corner Rice. ' HOL'SKWOIIK— A youns >.;irl for general housework : German or Korwegiau pre- ferred. «:J0 Fuller st. HOL'siiWoKK— Wanted. a capable Nor- wegian sirl for general housework at 591 Iglehart. \u25a0 ' HOI <>hViii..K Wanted, girlfor general housework; tmall lamily: good wages. ."i'j Ashland :iv. oii KWUith Girl wanted, iS Wa- couta st. - «l>i:KtU'r.K Wanted. ii young widow to Keep bouse lor a gentleman. Address T7ti. Globe. ASTKY COOK— Wanted, female pastry cook at Hotel Gladstone, Jamestown, N. I). OHlc'niAhKU<) Experienced shirt- O makers wanted. . Thad C. Jones «\: Wright, Pioneer Press Building. r p\vo tiltiLS infamiliesof two. Fort Pop- -L !ar. Mont; S-*O. Douglass* Intelligence, :i r i Seventh. Kill I, FSTATR FOR SALE. Jtlisccllneons*. DOi; hAUi Ciif-AF— Fifty feet couth t frontase with a good bouse, opposite Col. Uetnam's stone mansion; any one wish- I ing a home central and nicelylocated willdo well to look this op. C. Bemh.ird, M Wa- baaos. Sultnrbnn. ASTr.U TO KUY- From 10» to 200 acres of good, level land, not over ten miles from St. Paul; laud must be of good quality, suitable for stock farm for horses ana adapted for growing tame grasses. Ad- dress, •with description, location and price, L 70. Globe. . 1 / i OK S) AtKts of land for s«i«or trade rr\J for city property : S2* per acre. Box '-. South St. Paul. lI.\AMIAI- -31. NKWPiIKT A: SON. INVEST rceut Bankers, ioca money mi ira roved property in bt. Paul slid Minneap- olis nt C jet cent "en or before." Offices. New Pioneer Press Building. Ist. Paul, and Keeve Building. Minneapolis. * —MONEY TO LOAN ON XJL Pianos, . Horses, Carriages, wagons. Household furniture, Diamonds, watches. Warehouse receipts. Mortgage notes, and Commercial paper bought : or taken as col- lateral. Property to remain in. your own pos- session. Our rules are and always lmve been the lowest. Partial pHyineni received nt any time and interest reduced i:i proportion; Your own time for layuient. All business confidential. Private parlors for ladies. Call or address Minnesota Mortgage Loau Com- pany. Room 13-14, First National Bank Bnildiue. corner Fourth and Jackson sts. I>O lot AVArsT TO KOKKOXV money at a lower rate than you can Lorrow through any otter ogeucy? The American .Mortgage I.grsi company, Room 7. First National bank building,corner Fourth Bud Jackf-on his., will let you have any amount, 510, f '_'<>, «25. MO, $75, $lt)O oi i'Jim in fact, any in you wish on roar. told weird, diamonds. household furniture, torse, boggy, piano, carriage, etc. *ca lower late you can possibly get it elsewhere. I (.ocas can lemoiu in your possession, and | you can pay a part any time yon want and ncp interest. Business private and confi- dential. You can have jour own time in paving up principal. EASTKKN >lONKY to loan on city prop- -£-<. erty at C. 7 and B per cent: loans "closed without delay. E. M. aud It. 1,. Ware, 303 Pioneer Press building. L.STK.\L'CM, Koom 10, Globe Build- ing, is prepared to make loans in nny amount quickly and privately on house fur- niture, watches, diamonds, etc.. lowest rates, easy return \u25a0 payments, honorable treatment. AKtiK AMOUXri) of money to loan on improved property nt 6 per cent. Gil man &Co.. New York LifeBuilding. LOW RATE MONEY In turns to suit on furniture, pianos, dia- monds, watches or goods in storage; easy re- turn payments: no publicity. TaKe elevator to Room iti. Germania Bank Building, Fifth and Wabcsha: private room for ladies. OMiY .v ii) A.> without delay. :ro:n j-'I $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- elry, lie. : time checks, notes and second leal estate mortgages bought. Minnesota Loan Co.. 117 East Fourth st. ONLY LOANED on life insurance poi- xTX icies; or boueht. I^. P. Yen Norman, til \u25a0 Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis. -P-R-I-V-A-T-E- Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture or goods in storage nt lowest rates, and small monthly return payments; notes and mortgages bought; most private loan rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com- pany. 132 Globe Building: take elevator AXTED-A good o or 7 per cent mort- > ease on improved property, for Sta,flQQ to S32.WW, with one or two years' to run. Odin G. Clay & Co.. 2J7 Bank of "Minnesota. WF. MOKITZ. B33 PIOXKKK I'Kf.SS Buildins Mortgaeo loans made promptly; U 7 and per cent; mortgages nouchw Q r 7/^ nnjVroSTJUat 6, 7 and s per O / *J)\J\JyJ cent .on vacant or im- proved St. Paul real estate ; loans closed in three days. D. \V. C. Ruff. Globe Building. CIA fit \( TO LOAN on real estate v j •*.'!.* J*i\J\J\J any sums. P. 11. Simpson, | Oil Pinneer Press Building. WAVIfvD TO BUY. OINTKKS—Wanted, about eighty feet ! vy good second-hnnd store couuters." Van I Hyke Bros. &Jenson. Benson. Minn. PIKMTIKK- Wanted to buy. all kinds iT of household goods; lushest cash prices paid in city. Cardozo Furniture end Auction ' Co.. 4"is to ';•,\u25a0.' Jackson st., between Eighth Bud Ninth st^. VJ'J'ATK OK MINNESOTA, CtTU.NTY OF O Kamsey— s«. Prolate Court. In the mutter of the estate of Patrick 11. Doyle, deceased. Letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Patrick 11. Doyle. deceased, late of the county of Uamsev and state of Minnesota, being granted to James Manah-in: I; is ordered, Tlmtsix months bo, and the same is hereby allowed from and after tne date of this order. iv which all persons hav- ing claims or demands against the said de- ceased are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said county, for examina- tion and allowance, or be forever barred. It is further ordered. That the first Mon- day in June, A. D. ISl|2. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at a general term of said Prot»ate Court, to be held at the court house fa the City of St. Paul, in said county, be. and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court willexamine and adjust said claims and demands. And it is further ordered. That notice of such hearing be civen to nil creditors and persons interested in said estate by forthwith publishing this order once iv each week for three successive \u25a0weeks ivthe St. Paul Datlt Globe, a daily newspaper printed and pub- iUhed ivsaid county. Dated at St. Paul this 2d day of December, 1881 . By the Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER, - 11. s.] .Judge of Probate. POPULAR WANTS. SITUATIONS WASTED. - .tlalc. BAKBER— Situation wanted in a barber \u25bahop; ti,'ht months' experience. Ad dress V70. Globe. BO »KKi-r:i'liii^7Tiuauon~~wamed~lir bookkeeper or assistant by young man of twenty; gocd references: posted in short- hand niiil typewriting. Address O 77. Glebe. BooKiiKKl'KK— Gentleman employed during the day wants work after 7 p. in. ; .has had a number of rears' experience as bookkeeper and correspondent, and can {rive the best of references: can furnish bis own typewriter, if desired. Address J. IV. It., Globe. BUYS FOX l'l. vtl>>, places lor ooys; •employment bureau for't-oor boys, free. Newt-boys 1 Club Room. chamber of Com- merce building: open from li to i- a. m. an; from J to"':l» p. m. AI4KIAGK \Vi).>IJiVi)i:KKK used to machinery wishes employment. Adaress J 77, Globe. DAIRYMAN man wanm place in tlairy: understands care of cows, and a gcod milter. Address M.. Globe. EHI'I.OYMKNT— Wanted, situation liva -lj respectable youth: good references. Ad- dress 11. I).. :;.">! L'OriPnt si. BO!STL«\fI a young /nan (aged 18) WOU.( like to take care of horse and make himself useful, lor board, durine winter: at- tending school in evening*. Address II IS, Glo!>e. _ : TT^OKli. Good workingman. honest and VV intelligent, wants inside work of any kind. Address il 77, Globe. l'(*iti:iie->.. f UA3IBKBMAIU- French yoang lady ' desire* a situation hs chambermaid in a respectable family. Address French Consnl- Pte. Union Block, city. CLKl4ii— Position- wanted by anexperi- / euced lndv cierk. S 74, Globe. POOR- Wanted, situation ft;; cook in hotel, v^ or lanndrv work. 390 Broadway. C^OMI*A>IOX— Wanted, situation as com- vv pan I on, nurse or hoa*ckeei>fcr by ludy of culture and experieuca: home desired. *Ad dress S 71. Globe. SEWING— Wanted, sewing in families; dressmaking; good fit guaranteed. Ad dress 263 like st. TKXMiKAI'IIKK- Young iady. rapid stenographer, desires po>ilion"i»t once: excellent rreommei:dations. K.V . Globe. nPtIKKK competent Germnn girls: one X nurse; want places at once. Ladies' Employment. 166 m. Peter st- OU.N .. LADY. talks- German anrt fen: Jl lish. would like position. -Koehler, P. O. Box HI7. North St. Paul. BUSINESS CHAFES. Miscellaneous. OHSAI.K Saloon and lunch counter in JT best country town in Minnesota: doing good business: price S^OO complete: one-half time If desired ; cheap lease. Full informa- tion in Aubeuser-Boiicta Brewing Associa- tion. 390 chestnut St.: call forenoon. FOR SALK-A clean stock of boots and shoes in a .prospering city of 4,000 inhabitants in Southern Minnesota: best lo- catiou in city; mast be sold soon: goon rea- sons given for selling. Address J 61. Globe. OK sALIi-Tlif best saw and planing mill in Le Sueur county, cheap: reason for selling, accident. Address August Heck- crt. St. Peter, .Minn. IT7A.NTKUTO Jtl V—A crocery s'.ore in a ** good location for cash. A 77. (i lobe. \\7~A D-AT Fosston. Minn., a i hysi- » cian; population of ton 73 no doc- tor within a radius of forty miles: laying practice guaranteed. For information "call on or address Postmaster or Bank of Ponton HANTKI)-A suitable man as cleric t ) »» take charge of a branch office in St. Paul for a manufacturing concern as man- ager and cashier; reasonable amount cash security required. Address for interview, S \u25a0)!•>. '-li'N*. Minneapolis. ~"i'o"K »AI.K. COVHA: .MILL— A fine large coffee mill for 6ale chean. Addree C. Glooe. | \OG— breed St. Bernard dog. oue year -L' old, for >h1(- cheap. Address 76, Globe. DOfii For sule. liish setter puppies, bred from very best imported stock. Inquire of John Prister. 215 East Seventh st. FLAT A turnishea five-room fliW fort-ale; steam-heated. Address Mrs. Cassie Homes. GenerHl Delivery, I'ostoSice. St. Paul. OK SALE O ltTK AI>K for groceries or dry goods. Portland cutler, nearly new, thirty-foot office rail. No. 9 Hub range. T78, Globe. FOR SAI^K—A complete banking outfit, inducing safe, counteis. desks, check punch and stationery. In a Wisconsin town: county sent sad only bask in county: good reason for selling; write for particulars. Box -1"., Mason, \\ is. L>IKMTI XX For sale, range, J- dishes, pictures. Bhade->. draperies, car- pets, easy chair, bureau ,toilet sets, kitchen tables, ice cream freezer, clock, lamps, fur- nnce COaL 2r7 East Tenth. PKKSOrfAIA. MMX THOHSO.N, Magnetic Healer Itoom 11". Moore Block, even corners; Turkish and hot-air baths. MK>. .11 . A..TL'SSKY, •»'> East Kiuhth st. Magnetic and massage treatment for nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism; also clairvoyant Hours. I) a. m. lo p. m. \| l i.n«i.Sh IN: Maiitietic healer ITJ psvehometric and trauce meaium. 225Vt West Seventh i-t.. St. Paul. Hri ISTAKB Üb' 3IY»TKRY—JUIK, E'.f. tsTAKS Lorenz Free! Free! Free and Prof. Lorenr— Preel P'ree! I-'rec test: the wonderful trance medium: every hidden mystery revealed in a dead trance: tells the lullname of each caller, and of future husband or wife, with aac and date of marriage: give advice on divorce, contested wills, speculations, etc.: remove trouble, evil iniluences; bring the separated together, locate lost persons or bioleu property: not a fortune teller, but genuine spirit medium; can convince the most skeptical: six ques- tions answered by mail, Si: send lock of hair; only live days free, Sunday included. 457 St. Peter st. AXTKU- Parties linvinK incurable old ulcers, old sore?, fever sores, etc., to Mwd their address to Hoi 3-tH. li polls, ~ 3HJSICAI~ Piano H>'KK— Address's. E.CTutchett, Box 492, Posloffice, St. Paul; price, ILSO references. STOKE ASP BAR FIXTURES. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND BILLIAIID SUPPLIES. Warerooms. 405 and 407; Office and Factory. -111 and 413 Fifth avenue south. Minneapolis. Minu. Ut' -MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF O Ileunepin ss. District Court. Inthe matter of the assignment cf Frank Vermilya, insolvenL Notice Is hereby given that the above- named insolvent, a resident of Minneapolis, in said county and state, has by deed in writ inc. dated November 23d, 1891.' made a gen- eral assignment to the undersigned of ail his- property not exempt by law from levy and sale ou execution, for the benefit of all his bouA floe creditors, who shall rile releases of their demunds against said insolvent, as pro- vided by chapter 14!< of trie Laws of Minne- sota. ISSI. and acts amendatory thereof. Allclaim", must be verified end presented to the undersigned for allowance within twenty days ai'ttr this notice. Dated November 27th. 1801. FREDERICK W. .SASH. Assignee. C. Y. Layboi"k\". Attorney for Assignee. 21S-220 Bank of Com- merce. Minneapolis, Minn. CONTRACT WORK—GRADING GOFF V^ AVENUE—Office of the Board of Public Works. City of St. Paul, Mian. Nov. 24. 1891. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corpora- tion of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the 7to day of December. A. D. 1891, for grading Goff avenue from Dearborn street to the north line of Hid well's addition to West St. Paul, in mid city, according to plan? and specifications on file in the office of said Board. . Abond with at least two (3) sureties, in a sum of at least- twenty (20) per ceut, or a certified check on \u25a0» bank of St. Paul ina sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross mourn bid, must accompany each bid. Said check shall be made payable to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to reject any and allbids. esaid Board reserves right to reject nd all bids. J. C. t^UINBY, President Pro Tern. Official: J. T. Kebkes. Clerk Board ofPublic Works. noT2S-10t POPULAR WANTS. FOB REST. - . ; -.-•.. flSlttt'K. f:. A -WE KENT HOrSES, STORES. OF- ~T\' FICES. TAKE CHARGE OF liENTED PROPERTY. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGEN\ CV. GLOBE BUILDING. j/% FOX KENT- Houses, stores and offices in X. all r*rtsof the city; call and examine our lists; we may hare Just what you ore looking for. The St. Paul Trust Company, End cott building. East FoTirth st. H(H?aVat rent, house saw rooms, with modern improvemeuts. East University, near Canada; rent. &»iSO. H~OfSK— Nine rooms. '% Tilton st: all modern Improveuts; will rent whole or part very cheap. Inquire at 583 St. Peter. HOI tilC—lfOT rent, a warm iix-rooiu houseti; •with modern improvements: near carsf-- twenty minutes' walk from tte postollice. u25 Marion st., near sherburne ay. HO'JSt'— For rent, S-room brick house, NoV SW Westminster st. ; modem improve^ ments. J. M. Hohrer. HOUSK— For rent nicely furnished eight-, room house, £15 a month. Address 11 " M.. Globe. - HOUSl 1 . For Seven-room house near Canada; also barn corner Canada and Pearl. Apply52ti Canada. •_-. ."v Stores. UILI>IN«w— To rent four-story brick building. No. 188 Bast Fifth st. . suitable tor wholesale punmses; willchance to suit tenant. Jr.mes 11. Weed. 167 East ThirdsU boX SALK Ott IU-..N r—l'JJ East Seventh i- s'.. between Jackson and :sibl?y; In- ouire on premises. : iSuoms. A— ..o i'..i. j\i:l'_> -<i». ior gentle- men only: fifty modern *:e*m-heated rooms by da.-, week or month. i)LLEGK AY.. 24. WKST-}urnished front room, with or without board; steam- heated and rise ot bath. . E LKVK.M'II > 1- .. '.?, KAST—Furnished front rosin with alcove: all conven- iences. '-I »-i: ICE ST.. XA—ComerCollege—Nicelyfur- nia&ed rooms, with or without board; modern improvements; rent reasonable. ST. I'hir.K .Si.. :!k7— Near Sixth—Pleas- ant furnished rooms; steam heat, elec- tric light nud It'!;. TK.M'li M.. v.i. - r: a vr—opposite cani- iol—Pleasant front alcove rooms for rent. T-JNTff ST.. :ti. Furnisiu'd room, 1- with or -without board: als»» front pnrlor, T K.VTH (ST.. 217 KAST— For rent, iur- s. \u25a0Jshed room, cheap. AISASHA ST.. 505— Furnished heated »V rooms, S")4o<sS per mouth. \ I A »A»ll A. 4-; '-corner Kigluh-Suite » > of handsome front rooms. Si"-'; heated; aiso small room. 7 AISAStiA ST.—corner Tentn M.. Over Dm? Store—Fnrnislied rooms for rent. Ai:tmo:\ BAM. K;i". »iir^ti-J<»iinN!>u*N Auction* AKI'tTS, fcTC., AT PUBLIC Alt'- tioiv—We will soil at public, auction in Hk: store No. - r 3 E:;st 'l'hird st iin s>cbuue- staa & Brans" old stand), commencing on Friday. Dec. 4, at ID a. m. the Michaud Car- pel company stock, consisting of carpets. fine rngs, portieres, silks.curtain goods ofnil kinds and wallpapers: if yon want bargains, at- ! tend ihis sale. Eavanach & Johnson, Auc- titmeers. **r». {Rs^m] W'F.ot sirth «\u25a0>. •^riycKi.g.A^EotTs. HW. <«7yn\<;'JOV CONTKACTOK » and builder; all Kinds of jobbing and repairing promptly attended to. 515 St. Peiet JVI A MtAUK and theater costume* 1 » Lmasks, -wigs, beards, grease paint. Mrs. U. Neitmnnn. .'6 East Seventh. PK« i iTr. .-«<)-. iivi, mno ii. Otf 'Midwiferr— Vr<. P. vi f >,, 7f ,\ vi; X'nrtiTi <i» \u25a0 i i PROFESSIO.\AI^ [ M.CTKIi; A.M> VAPOR HA Ills" \'r^. F. Ragn»>:i. S.V* West Seventh. J!. DBFmWAhI.vT. 'f DKiCssiiAKi Mi—Wanted, difs-inrtkins?" nt home; can get good reference. Call at .'.40 Pine st. Notice of Application for Liquor : , '. t>i : - License. /; 1 . ' .\u25a0',] City Clkrk's OrncE. ) : Ft. PAn., Minn., Nov. 23, 1891. f To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby civen that the foliowirr^- named jK>rson= h»Ve aiiplied tor a licence to Bellintoxicating liquors for the year A. D. IBM, at the places or locations hereinafter nnnu-d Diedenhofeu, P.. IX) Martin street; Mar- qnardu W., 338 Carroll street; Miesen, A., 2jl West Seventh street. Now, therefore, notice fs farther given thru the said spuiicatinns will i,e hoard aud con- sidered by the undersigned at his office in the new city hail, on the nth day of December, A. I). |ftU. Nt 10 o'clock a. m.. where all per- sons interested ma.appear and will be heard. t;iov>. a. PRENDERGA^T. City Clerk. uo\-25-dec3. Notice of Application for Liquor License. \u25a0 '.*.•'"\u25a0\u25a0••' "• :'.•'\u25a0•\u25a0 - City clerk's Office. V . c t. Paul. Minn., Dec 3, 1-Ul. ( To whom it mar concern: Notice is hereby civen thst the foliowing- naraed persons have applied for a license to sell intoxicating liquors for the year A. D. 1691, m the places or locations hereinafter named: Aberle, D.. & Co.. 230 East Seventh street; Classen, Peter D., 79 south L'obert street. Now. therefore, notice is further given that the said applications will be .beard aud con- sidered by the undersigned at Mis office in the new city hall on the I9th day of December. A. D. MM, at 10 o'clock a. m.. -where all per- sous interested may appear and will be heard. . ' TIIOS. A. PRENDEUGA3T, City Clerk. \u25a0 riec3-ll -. DRUNKENNESS > Or the laquor iUkbit. I'ohliS»«•!.\u25a0» Cured by ivdliiii;i«l< Dr. li:li>><-«' (<ol<trn Mpocitle. It is mannfac: urea as powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or infood, without the knowledge of the patient. It Is absolutely harmletw, and will effect a perma- | nent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a I moderate drinker oran alcoholic wreck. It has I been {riven in thousands of cases, and in every | instance a perfect cure has followed. It never I I alls. 48-paire Book fr*n. To be had of - j L. & W. A. MUSSETTER, 3rd «\u25a0 Wahaaha St. Trad*supplied VrrKOYEB BROS. & CUTLBB, and RTAjf rmuo co.. St. fattl. I CrOLUEXSP£Clt'lC'CO.Fropi.Clnciiia«tl.O. I I MISS J. D. HESS, 1 I BUSINESS SCHOOL, | I MISS J. D. HESS, c Bl SIN ESS SCHOOL, and Typeivrltins. B % Thorough, Practical and Progressive. \u25a0 g Lessons by mail. Send for Catalogue. B % 802 Pioneer Press Bulding, St. PauL \u25a0 i - 1 @L ggL) The DAILI Wr 1 W j GLOBE is the y 3 organ of the \u25a0pi masses, but o1 § IIP no party, class \u25a0 IIU op clique. It is looked up- on by the RnAnlA^ masses as a PBOD 8 S friend , and i vv|iiv v counselor, be- sides a steady news-giver. Paper. I (^ONFIKMATION OF ASSESSMENT FOR SLOPES ON EAST THIRD STREET-Office >^ of the Board of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn.. Dec. 2, 1391.— assessment of Deneiits damages, costs and expenses arising from condemning and taking an easement in tne tana abutiiu? on East ' Third street, between Earl street and the east city limits, in vie City of St. Paul, Minnesota, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said East Third street Detweeu Earl street and the east city limits, 10 the established grade, as shown by the profile of said grade on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, and in the office of the City Engineer, said slopes to extend 14 feet on said land for every foot of cut or fill as indicated on the plan of said slopes on file inthe omce of the Board of Public Works Inand for said city, having been completed by said Hoard, said Board will meet at their office in said city, 'at 2d.m. on the 14th day of Decem- ber. A.D. 1891, to hear objections (If any) to said assessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown Jo the contrary, said assessment will be confirmed by 3«ud Board. ; ; : - \u25a0 - ? . o The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of the property oenented or damaged, and the amounts assessed against the same, to wit: Gotzlan's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition to St. Paul. Balance Balance Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to City Feter Sclnieya 8 25 $0.10 Ji.oo $3.G0 $3.10 Frederick Weiss ...\u25a0:..;. ;. 7 25 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 DanielP. Malloy ..........".....'. 6 25 0.10 0.00 .. O.tO 0.10 Wm.S.Dippo .......:........ 5 25 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Louisa W. Brace - 4 25 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same z.J... 3 25 0.10 " 0.00 0.00 0.10 same ..:v... 2 35 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Slll ne 1 23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13 \u25a0 Jacob Pogrebo ..9 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 \u25a0 Etter John Peterson \u25a0 : 10 24 0.10 0.00 -0.00 0.19 has. 11. Brace .'....11 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Anton Peter Nelson 12 24 0.10 0.00 0 00 0.10 rlorcnce Turner ....13 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same . 14 24 0.10 0 00 0.00 0.10 Max Feierabend ....15 24 0.10 0.00 00 0.10 same ; 1G 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 "ir Balance Balance "Supposed Owner and Description. Benefits. Damages. :o Owner, to City J. -V and E. <;. Rogers Commencing on the south line of northeast U of section 33, town 29, range Hi, '\u25a0i'JS feet cast of sonthwest corner thereof; thence . north t.arallel with said west line of Mid northeast U 130 feet: thence east parallel with said south line of said 14 section 375 feet: thence wiilhmliill t > « point 3,-0 feet north of said south line and 1,616 feet eu.-t of west iine of said U seciion: thence due south 300 feet: thence west 0:1 said south line of said 14 section L£3) feet 10 beginning (except Third street) 33.03 SI.OO 80.03 53. 00 Gotziau's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition to St. Paul. Balance Balance Supposed Owner a:id Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner to City Chas. F. and H. \V. Gnt&cbc 42 21 $3.10 $0.00 51.00 §) lo sameand him a 21 0.10 0.00 0.03 010 Ctins. K. (iiitx-iie 44 21 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 tames AlidiJleton 11 .2!) 0.10 0.00 0.00 010 Robert 11. Dnagui 10 v) 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 Albert S-'heffer I 29 0:10 0.00 0 00 0 10 James Jiiddlctou ...8 29 0.10 0.00 (».(« 0 10 sanie 7 . 29 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Robert U.Dmgau 6 29 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Albeit Scheffer .5 29 0.10 0 CO 0.10 James Middlclon .4 \u25a0 0.10 0.(50 0.00 0 10 \u25a0MM 3 i.9 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Robert H. Doiunui ...-..\u25a0 -. 2 29 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Albert Schemer . 1 2") oto 0.00 0.40 010 *»»»« -. 17 27 0 10 0.00 0.00 0.10 James lUddleten IS 27 0.10 0.03 0 00 0 10 \u25a0w 111 tt 0.10 0.03 0.00 0.10 Robert H. Donsan 20 27 0.10 0 0') 0 00 0 10 Albert sebeffer 21 -7 0.10 0.00 0.00 010 James Midii. run 22 2." 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 "W»C 23 27 0.10 0.00 0.00 o*lo Robert H. Donga 24 27 0.10 0.00 0.03 0 1!) Albert Scbeffer .25 27 0.13 0.00 0 v:» 0 13 Robert 11. Dougan M 27 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 James Middleton 27 27 0.10 0.00 © 0) 0 10 \u25baanie a 27 0.10 0.90 0 •>> 0 10. Albert Schemer 29 2? 0.10 0.00 0 0-3 o*lo !, James Middleton , 30 27 0.10 0.03 0 00 0 10 ; Albert Schetfer 12 28 0.10 0.03 0 00 0 13 :same 11 28 0.1) 0.00 O.<X) :010 Jjimes-Middietou .10 23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 - ::; ie ....9 a 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Robert 11. Doucan S 23 0.10 0.00 0 "1 0 10 Albert Scheffer .7 28 0.1) 0.00 0.00 0.10 James »ii«ldh?ton '.-.- 6 28 010 003 000 010 *?™ c -;; 5 23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Robert H. Dongan 4 -8 0.10 0.03 0 0) 0 13: Albert Scheffer 3 23 0.10 0.00 0 00 010 Jem?s Xiddieton .2 23 0.1? 0.00 000 010 same l 23 0.l 0.00 0.0.) 0.10 E. It. Bryant s Subdivision of Blocks 15 and 16. Stinsous Frances Street Addition to St. Paul. .. . _ . . nice Balance Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Datiasie?. to Owner, to ( itv K. R.Bryant al B 13 §0.10 SJ.UO . «J.(K> S3 10 John EnteiJKiii 14 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 010 «. Stall .-. 15 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 Gustare P. hnndberg 1G 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 ' 010 \ Lurs Paulson \u25a0 - .17 15 0.19 0.00 0.00 0 10 Enirnilia Carls IS 15 0.10 o.'» 0.00 0 10 SeJina L. Brown .11) 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.1) Carrie Johnson -JO IS O.M 0.00 0 03 0 10 I Eflwin X.Amos t. : 21 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 o*lo ; "me •« 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 ' B. R. Bryant et al '23 IT. 0.10 0. i 0.0!) 0 10 setinaL..Hrowm.. -.'4 15 0.10 0.00 0 CO 0 10 Oscar Hrti;lund and cnas. E2 ..12 IS 0.10 0.00 00» 010 same and same 11 iti 0.10 0.00 o*.oo 010 K. R. Bryitutttnl 10 16 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 sameetal 9 16 O.JO 0.00 0.00 010 sameetal 8 If. 0.10 O.W) 0.00 0.10 \u25a0nneetal .7 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13 ;.srtciect'»L 0 10 0.10 O.'O 0.03 0 10 sameetal ...-......-> 15 01) 0.00 0.0) 0 10 »«*»o*tml 1 lii 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 s:ui.eelal 3 16 0 10 0.00 0.03 0.10 sameetal 2 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 sameetfll '..... 1 ig 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—• ~ Smith"* Suadivisiaa of JUock 14. Sliusons Frances Street Addition to St. Paul. (•"i; . _ ' - Balance Balance £npposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to owner, to City ; Arthur 11. Rogers .-..,-. r.13 14 S>-13 S>.Oo 53.00 S) 10 9*5- -i ...-..-: .14 14 0.10 0.00 0.0.3 0.10 R. v. . RansumnndJ. 11. Ilorton * IS 14 0.10 0 00 000 0 10 .Vrfihur H. Rogers 16 11 0.1) 0.03 0.00 o*lo Frederic* J. Kiley ..? ............. >.'...... 17 14 0.10 0.01 0.00 010 .\:;ir-.:).lii AI. Pui«-ifer ; IS l-i 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 Arthur H. Rogers ......1!) 14 0.10 O.OC 0 00 0 10 fmue.r.v ; i) .-. 14 0.1) O.Ot 0 0) 0 10 sariie. -\..:.:.... 21 14 0.10 0.0.: 0 00 010 s I fr - lt ' -.-.....': 22 .. 14 0.10 O.CI 0.03 0.10 "'" K. Howard... «{ 14 0.13 0.« 0.00 0 10 Benjamin JanM.-n ..:.-. ..:..: 24 14 0.10 0.0( 0.10 0.10 '. . Stinson"s Frances Street Addition to St. Paul. Balance Balance Supposen Owner and Description. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to City C. H. and H. A.brhlick 17 St.2o S»;'tt 53(0 SI 20 same and same ." IS 123 0 ?0 0.00 I*2o Cbastina .M. HiUebrandt '. 13 1.23 0 00 0 00 1 "0 Christ. C. Berca 12 1.2) . 0.00 000 120 C. 11. and 11. A. £ch!lclc ; 19 1.20 0.0) 0.00 1.20 (.(\u25a0uintiTi Jo.'nn-iouc 20 1.20 0.00 0.00 1 -> 1 Samuel G. Sloan II 1.20 0.00 0.08 1.20 G. V. Bacon's Addition to St. PauL '. Balance Balance Supposed Owner and Dascription. \u25a0 Lot. Block. Benefits. Dflmaces. to Owner to ( 'ity Bacon and Rosera ...-....:..... 12 - Hi §3.o<> $t.03 "!»>.OO $) 10 ssme and same II 16 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.10 andaaaM 10 16 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same and Mime 9 16 0.10 0.00 oOj ; 010 and t-aiiie 8 It) 0.10 0.00 0 00 9 10 same and same.. 7 16 0.10 0.0) 0.00 0 19 \u25a0ait same....;. 6 16 0.10 0.00 0 "0 OK) sameaadfame w I 16 0.10 0.00 0.0.) ', 0.10 same auil same ." 4 16 0.10 O.CO o.i>o 0.10 same same ....3 16 0.10 0.00 O.BQ J 0.10 snine and same 9 15 0.10 0.03 O.CO '& 0.10 same and fame 10 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 R 0.10 Fame and same 11 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 V 0.10 >auie and ; 12 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 V 0.10 and same 13 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 -i - 010 sr me and same 14 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 i 0.10 same and same 15 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 \u25a0• 010 same and same ...... 16 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 licinemaun, licCouviile & Slierle's Subdivision of lots 2, 12 and 13, Lee's Suburban Homes St. PauL Balance Balance Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to Cit? Elisie sticrie et al.: 8 3 $3.10 SO. OO gO.i-0 80 10 \u25a0ameetal : 9 3 0.10 0.00 000 . 010 Albert Scheffer : .....10 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 f 010 same 11. 3 0.10 0.00 00 \u25a0 010 C. J. AlcConville et al 12 3' 0.10 i- 0.00 0.00 k 0.10 sameetal ." 13 3 0.10 1 0.00 . 0.00 \u25a0' 010 E«meetiil 14 3 0.10 •. 0.00 0.00 - 0.10 same ct :. 5 4 0.10 > 0.00 00 * 0.10 s-aineetal 4 4 0.10 >0 00 - 000 0.10 Elisfe Stierloet ai ..3 4 0.10 -i 0.00 00 vi 0.10 snmeetal 2 4 0.10 <•\u25a0 0.00 O.CO & 0.10 same c: al .... 1 4 0.10 0.00 ,0 00 -I- 0.10 sama«tnL v. 16 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 '; 0.10 sameeta! : 17 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 v 0.10 same el al 13 , 6 o.l*l 0.00 0.00 A'J 0.10 sameetai 19 6 0.10 - 0.00 0.00 !' 0.10 same - 20 6 0.10 : - 0.00 0.0) ' 0.10 Albert Scheffer '-'1 6 0.10 O.CO 0.00 '• 0.10 same 22 6 0.10 •: 0.00 0.00 0.10 same : 23 6 0.10 0.00 . 0.00 010 C. J. McConville 24 0 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 25 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 eameetal 26 6 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.10 same ct a! 27 6 0.10 . 0.00 0.00 0.10 sameet«l 23 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 sameetal...... 29 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same etal... JO 6 0.10 0.00 0.0 ) 0 10 Albert Scheffer.... 15 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 14 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same ::.~ 13 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same : 12 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same....- 11 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 10 5 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.10 same 9 5 0.10 0.00 000 \u25a0 010 same ..: 8 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 C. J. McConville et al 7 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 010 sameetal ..: 6 5 0.10 O.CO 0.00 0.10 Elisie Stierlect ai 5 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 sameetal 4 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 sameetai 3 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13 sameetal 2 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 sameetal 1 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Bunde's Park Addition to St. PauL Balance Balance "^'Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to City Albert 11. Buude 16 2 53.10 $>.0u |9.< M$.) 10 same 17 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 13 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 19 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same :..~. 20 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 Same.... 21 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 \u25a0 0.10 same 22 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 23 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 24 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 25 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same ". .....26 . 2 0.10 0.00 0.0) 0.10 same. 27 2 0.10 - 0.00 0.00 0.10 fMrrue .23 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 O.CO fame 29 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 s:i:i:e- 30 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same 15 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same :.......14 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same.. 13 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same ...12 3 0.10 0.00 0.00. 0.10 same 11 3 0 10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same ........... 10 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 O.IC It. Miller .: 8 3 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.10 Alb. 11. Bunde « 3" 0.10 .0.00 -0.00 0.10 same ....7 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 10 same...;. 6 3 0.10 0.00 0 00 0.10 same J 1 5 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 5ame....;................ -. 4 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same 3 3 0.10 000 * 0.00 0.10 same ............:...". ..: 2 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same 1- 3 \u25a0 0.10 0.00 0.00 ~ 0.10 same.... ;. :..."....... 15 4 \u25a0 0.10 0.03 0.00 - - 0.10 same ........;..". V. 14 4 0.10 0.00 O.UO 0.10 same ....: ". .. ; ..........13 4 •- 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 i same .;. 12 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same... ; 11 4' 0.10 -0.00 0.00 010 5ame..:..... 10 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same ...-. ...:...... 9 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same.... ;.;'........ 8 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 same ;.. ...7 "4 0.10- 0.09 0.00 0.10 5ame.....: :........: 6 4 0.10 0.00 0.00-0.10 b:.. ...5 4 0.10 \u25a0 0.00 0.03 -0.1!) Bundes Park Additiou to St. Panl. _. Balaiioe'Balauce Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner to city Alb. H. Bunde 4 4 $U0 JO.OO $0.00 $0.10 s »ane 3 4 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 same 2 4 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 J atn c 1 4 O.D O.W) 0.00 0.10 Kate A. Horst 16 1 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 Alfjert H. Buude 18 1 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10 B»nie 19 1 0.10 0.00 000 010 \u25a0 same 30 1 0.10> 000 010 same 21 1 0.10 0.00 0 00 o'lO s«rue 21 1 0 10 0.00 000 o'lO sama 23 1 0.10 0.00 000 OJO same. 24 1 O.W 000 0.00 0 13 s«me 25 1 . 0.10 O.CO 000 o*lo same 26 1 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 s»nie 27 1 0.19 0.00 0.00 0 10 "me 28 1 0.10 0.00 Q.OO 0 10 satl >e 29 1 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 same aO j 0 10 0.00 0.00 0.10 . _ . . . Balance Balance Supnosed Owner and Description. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to City Darnel J . Hennery, section 3">. town 2D. range 22 (ex- - cept Minnehalia street and Third street) SJO.Od ft 00 $3 00 $30 (ft All objections to said assessment must be maile in writing aud li'ied with the Cleric'of 6aid Board at lenst oue d.-iy prior to saJd meeting. JJ L GOIiMW President Official: J. T. Kekkeil. Clerk Board ot" Public Works. . decS-lt THE SAIXT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3, 1891. 7 A WORLD-BKATF.R AFLrOAT. Launch of the Pride of Uncle Sam's Navy. Piiir.Ai>Ei.pniA, Pa., Dec- 2. The United States armored cruiser New York was launched this afternoon from the yard of the CratnD Shipbuilding company, iv the presence of 15,000 peo- ple, including the secretaries of the navy, treasury and interior depart- ments. United States senators,".congress- men, hi-rli naval officials, and repre- sentative business and professional men from all parts of the country. Miss Helen Page, of New York, broke the traditional bottle of wine upon the great steel ram of the cruiser as she slid from her wooden crate into the Delsware river, and christened her "New York." Tnis vessel marks an era in the an- nals of American shipbuilding. hen finished, she will be the most formida- , ble cruising vessel that has ever flown the stars and stripes, and, in addition, she is the most powerfully eiigined steamship ever built outside of Euro- pean shipyards. There is nothing ailoat today ot her class that will be able to steam from her or to engasre with her with any great -hopes of victory. Al- though essentially a commerce de- stroyer, the New York will be able to hold her own with all but the heaviest line-of-battle ships, and return shot for shot with them in action. The New York will carry a battery of 6 eight-inch breech-loading rifles, 12 four-inch rapid tire guns. 8 six-pound- ers, 4 Gatlings and 6 torpedo tubes. : Two "of the eight-inch guns will be : mounted en barbette forward on the up- per deck and two in a similar barbette aft, while the remaining two will be carried in broadside amidships on the upper deck. Following are the princi- pal dimensions: Length on the water line, 380 feet G. 5 inches: breadth of beam, 04 feet: mean draught, 25 feet 3.5 inches; displacement, 8,150 tons: maxi- mum speed, .20 knots; sustained sea speed. 15.5 knots; complement ot offi- cers and men, 473; coal endurance (total capacity), 13.000 miles. Having a free- board of twenty feet from the water to the upper deck, sue will be able to tight her guns and maintain her sea- ways tint would render smaller ships helpless. The New York will be a twin screw vessel, propelled by four separated engines, each having a power of 4,500 horse. Two of these will work the shaft for the starboard screw and two that for the port. The engines will be soar- ranged that they will be disconnected, i allowing the vessel to cruise under half power. Steam will be furnished by six boilers, heated by eight furnaces." In addition to these there will be auxiliary boilers, above the protective deck. Both the main and auxiliary boilers will be fitted to work under forced draught on the air tight lire room system. The electric light plant will have a capacity , of 10,000 amperes and will include 7,000 incandescent lights. Iv addition there wilt also be four search lights thirty inches in diameter, all of which can be controlled from the bridge and conning tower. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE. '- Magnificent Reception to the Pre- lates in St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 2.— The recep- tion tendered - by the Marquette club this evening to Archbishop Kenrick and visiting prelates, in honor of his golden jubilee, was a magnificent affair, and one of the most notable gatherings of distinguished representatives of the KomanCatholicJhierarchyever witnessed in a Western city. Letters of regret were received from Cardinal Tasch- ereau. President Harrison, Vice Presi- dent Morton. Secretary Tracy. Secretary Foster, Postmaster General Wana- maker, ex-President Cleveland, many governors of states and church officials. Mercier Was Mum. Quebec, Dec. 3. Premier Mercier gave evidence yesterday in the prelim- inary inquiry into his charges against White and Whelan, of Montreal, that they libeled him in saying he had ac- cepted large sums of money from pub- lic contractors. Being asked in cross- examination if he had not on certain specified dates received from Contractor Whelan certain laree specified amounts, the premier declined to answer. ALWAYS ON TIME Ticket Offices— is* Ease Third street, St. Paul; 13 Nicollel House, Minneapolis, and Union Depots in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Stiilwater. Minneapolis. St. Paul and Still- water Trains— Leave St. Paul +7 : 13, 8:15, s>:1), {1:35 and l'.):4'. a. m.. and 12 : ». :10. 4 :0 5, 5: 15. 6-3f\ +7-.:n *9:45 and t»iJ3 p. m. Returning; JeareSUllwuter+o:^, 7^8:1"), 9:4o and a. m.. andtl'.': *\ i :40, 4:15, 5:10. 5:20. s6 :Wand 8:3) p. m. ( •Daily. tEx. Sun. $Ex. Mon. sSunday only.) Leave. I Arrive \u25a0 Through Trains. St Paul j St. PauL Chicago 'Daylight" Ex *7:Soam *l:00pm Chicago Vestibule Lim'd *7:30 +7 am West Superior I tO:3~>am t.":oopm andDuluth f *10:25pmj *3-ioara Ashland. Hurley I t9:3sam :00pm Bayßeld&Washburn ( *10:25Dm! *s:ioa m ChippewaK'lls&BlkRiv t.".:05 pm| +fi:lspm St Joseph & Kansas City *7:35 am tT:35a m Omaha AKansas Cily. .. *7:55 p m *7 am Sioux Citv. Shakopee. •) « r 7UJ5pm! t6:s2pm Denver &San Fran- V Cisco ) I *7:npm *7:J)aa PipestoneA SiouxFalls. I *7:35 t6:«r>m Shakopee* Maukato... t.>;CO pmitlo:3oan Tracy, Wat" town&Pierre i t7:35 pm $7:35 am Minneapolis, St. Paui&Saolt Sle, Maries TICKET OFFICES f St Pan^^^Mst™ >*^^_ M'tl-BovtonEx lvStPaul(A)o: Vi Mflß'QJ > ¥ 1 ; M'tl-Bostou Ex lv (A) VVSISI ' :33 Dm : Wisconsin Div. lvMpls I!BS|SI<Bi sam; Minn. Div - lvMinue- ! IfcwfnfSapou's CBi 8:15 a m; (B) 6:00 p ; nPIKJ^Bra: St. Croix Falls ac, lv St-Paul igft^W*^ A, daily from Union station :B, except Sunday from Union sta- tion; C, except Sunday, from Broadway sta- tion, St Paul. mTO CALIFORNIA The most comfort* [||Sg?«rp|i£^ygg*i*jble way to reach Call |graEa&Qi..iaJiSj£j[ forma is via Chicago &ss3£^£§i|||ssß|or Kansas City, from \u25a0KBMV\rbich points through j cars run without change. For jates and fur- ther information apply to S. M. OSGOOD. Gen, Agt, or W. M. WOODWARD, Tarr. Apt. 15 Ouaratity Loan Building, Aliaaeap . olis Miun. '| Chicago, St Paul & K. City Ey. trains leave v^ nniondepot 7:40 a. m. ex. Sunday, l:'il p. m. aaily ; arr7 : 3oa. m. daily, 10 :20 p.m.ex San GREAT NQBTH?BH R Y LIME. TIPIf'CTC " ."• East Thirl St.. St Paul; I IlmC I 0 3H * - «collet Ay.. Minneapolis \u25a0 andlnion depots ivboth oiiiej ""TkTvk St. Paul UiUou.l>epoL j AUKiva bB.-f«ft.m. WnyzaU.lJtchfleldAWlllmar W:Sop.nfc bS:Sl*.m. Fer. Falls, Fnrsro 4 O. Forks bC:l9p.ia. b3-Sbp.m. Osseo. Clearwater 4 St. Cloud 111:55 bS-aup.m. Auok.l. St. Cloud & Willmar bla:ssa.« caacp.m. -Excelsior and Hutchlnsoa.. bllSso-ai f TVillmar, tSioax City. 1 I Sioux Fall*. MVatertowa, I bUuron, Wohpelon.bAb- -06:31 p.m. -j erdecii, bEllendale. '.Far- a":U I co, bCasaclton, lira to a, ' \u0084 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' Winnipeg ami Pacific Coast, flAnoka, St. Cloud. Saukl J Center, Fergus Falls, Far- 1 •7:40 p.m. I co, Crookston, G. Fork* f a*» a. in. Great . Falls. Helena. I Luite and Pacific Coast,] Eastern Minnesota.-— / Duluth ,\V. Superior. Elk \ \u25a0"'•\u25a0'\u25a0 b1.05p.r0. -j River, Milixca, Hiuckley, ]\u25a0 b7.-00%ra.- --1 Pri'.cetuu,Aiu>ka. * . ) " p.dnilr; !>, except Sundays. «Btt~et parlore»w trains to rtulutb an West Superior. tßul'ec sleepers. ;Dininsc:ir3, palace deeper* and area colonist gleeplngcar* .- : - , Chicago, 9f ilwankoe & St. Paul Ry. lraii.s leave St. P»ul Union Depct as tallows: For Winonn, LaCrosse, Milwaukee, Chicago, B, 7:355. 111.; A. 2:45 p.m ;a, 5:55 p.m; A, 3 p.m., Mason City, St. Louis, Kansas City, A. 9:15 a. in.; C, 7:15 p. iv. Dubuqne & Rock Island, B, 7:35 a. m.: C, 7:15 p. in. AberUecu, Mitchell, A, 6:15 p.m. Calnxar, Daren* pert, 8,9:15 a. m. Austin &Way, A, SOsa. m.- A, 4:25 p. in.;C, 7:15 p. m. Milbank &Way, B. 8:03 a, m.: lied Whig x Rochester. B, 4:40 p. m. A means daily; B, ex. Sunday; C, ex. Saturday For urtlit-r in oriuutlon see Company's time Übbi Ticket unices, 134 East Third it.aal UnionDepta Chicago, Burlington &Northern Railroi i Leaves lor Chicago, St. Louis and aovea river points, 7:.V) a. m.; arrives, 1:13 p. m. daily, except Sunday. \u25a0-•\u25a0--\u25a0- Leaves for Chicago and St. Louis, 7:W-|. m. ; arrive* 7.25 a. m.. daily. NORTHERN PACIFIC THE DINING CAR LIVE ToFarso, Winnipeg Helena, Butte nmltfaa I'aclflc North : ;V-\u25a0 '.'. _____ _, . _ St. PauL Dluine Cars on Winnipeg and Pacific Coast Trains. Lv. Ar . Pacific Mail, for Fargo, Bis- marck, Livingston, Bozeman, Helena. Buite, - Missouln, Spo- \u25a0•"-,' » I knne, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia 4:15 r>->} | and Portland p.m. p.m. I Dakota Express, for Fergus Falls. Wan ton. Moorhead, Fargo S:00 7-05 and Jamestown... p.m.ia.m. Manitoba press, for Crookston, Grand Forks, G rat ton and Win- 8:00 10:33 nipeg....; p.m. a.m. Fargo Express, for Anoka, St Cloud, LittleFalls. Brainerd and 6:15 10:30 Fargo a.m. a.m. All Trains Daily, except that Dakota Express does not run west of Fargo on Sunday. Pullman sleepers daily between St. Paul %nd Grnflnn. Grand Forks, Winnipeg, Ferxus Falls and Wnhpeton. Pullman Flrst-Ciass and Tour- j ist Sleepers and Free Colonist Sleepers are run on through Pacific Mail Trains. CE. STONE. City Ticket Agent, IC2 East Third Street. St. PauL O. V. McSTKI L,U< Ticket Afient.l3 Xicollet ilome Block, Minneapolis. .' * WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEix lf.ats (NorthernPacificß.R.Co.Lewe.) -- I jk--,^.. | a.. o~B^ci^ri^i.. a.. p..i. jm.^m^T* 1"! £5- "• IJS £\u25a0 "\u25a0 i^s"i« t-.. \u25a0ii.wa's-I 7_»a. m. il»a. v. »»t£-l "\u25a0 >"lf XM - 'fis«~lC<riCA»o. I ».4tP.M. I 41if. M. MINNEAROLIS & ST. LOUIS RY. lEATB AIiBEI?TIIEHSOUTE.^.- AKEIVB St. Panl j BTATIOWB. <:- '^ 'St. Pun! *3«aia ( Fcr Waterrllle, Mankato, Alb«t I i~*7J» dm \u25a0 Lea. Dea Moines. Cedar iiapids, i] +6.25 pm j ( Chicago. Kansas City and West. ) +9.10 am T6.25 pm 1 St. Louis and the South. |9JO am •6.00 am j Watortown Express. «SJOpS *3.40 pra : A\ atemlle Express. *10.g)aia ti)aily. # Ex.Son. U£z. Mou. JEx.Sat." " Z3R. SANDEM3 ELEGTRIG PELT UTESTPATHITS- WITH ItECTW- S BEST s^^^? MAQRETIC IHPROVEMEITS. SBSPEHSCBT. \u25bctil rore without medicine all TFea&nrM resoltiag frorj t OTertsxatloa of brr.ic, b*t»« force*, excuses or in'llscrctioß, i *" ifxul exhacstioo, dr&iß3 t loue<, BcrTom debility, •!•«&• j leisness, lingnor, rheumatism, kidney, lirer andbI«<W«V com* plaints, lame baci, lumbajo. «rntl«, genera) iH-h«»uh,e««. This electric belt coctaict m»u&*rtvl Impnt cacnta OT«r all others, and gives a enrreat tbat ii inatastly felt by til*wearer orw* rorfelt $4,000.00. and will rare all or the aboTe dtu». \u25a0ci or nopay. Thousand* baT« beta cared by this iaarTll««« luvi-ntion after all other remedie* failed,and we £i»a ha» dredi or tetUaoeclnlf ia thiiand eT-ry ctker state. \u25a0* Oar powerful ljaprsred KLECTKIC RCHrKSSOBT 1* Am (reatut boon erer affered weak «-o; FREE WITHAM. BELTS. Health and Viroroos Btr-n CCIRIST££D In 60 to 09 DATS. Send for large UlL;;rat*l patpbleu, •ultd, fro* by nmi!. AddreM tSAJVJDJiitt CO. . \u25a0 Cor. 3d st. and Sd av.S.. Minneapolis, Minn. B FOR WEN ONLY! kVilf4ll"£fS For LOSTorFAILINQ MAKEOOBt \u25a0uiiHrPnT ner«l and HEKVOUS D£BILIIy{ fc*»?j3i!reoi Wealnsesscf Body and Kind, Effect* \u25a0c. uSff from SO SUU.and Ce«atriiZ Write tfcSl WBAT* FOLKS! li "ANTI-CORPULENE PILLS" HBH Reduce Flesh 1 5 pounds a Month* SC&SBbSBI Came 00 g!r]aje*&; contain no poi*' B. and ' X '" r *'<***• I>ni^iiu ur by djul. i IDe La Monies Complexion Wafers \u25a0 Egjx bleach the skin snow white. ' Blfea DraitEi»t», or by nail. - - Parti-ulsr, (-«aled> So. !\u25a0B vrxvcoxSPECIFIC co., fiula ., pa. ; !bold at «>a.a'/», featl *Ju*t 'Jitiiru hired* ; MANHOOD RESTORED! Yoang and mlddle-a?ed men suffering from errors ; cf youth, excesses, sexual weakness, etc, positively cured for (It* dollars. Our remedies are in pia und tablet form, sufficient for two luunlhk' treut* j infill, which will effect a perfect cure. Upon receipt j of five dollars Trill be sent to any address in [\u25a0'»\u25a0" : sealed package by mail. Circular free. Address YALE CHEMICAL CO., 'aßgft*- i WEAK MFN &arli\ iii^llH BM^ D i'. " m \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0"\u25a0"Lasting Cure, j never returns. I will send sealed FKEK any | suCerer a prescription to enlarge small weak parts : and certain cure for lost vigor, emissions, varioo- ! cele, impoteacy. Address J. V. UOUS£, Box. 56, Albion. Mich. Spaulding&Co. Incorporated. ;GOLD AND SILVER SMITHS Chicago, State and Jackson Streets. '- Our Suggestion Book" mailed free on ap- plication, will aid distant purchasers la making selections, •". -'

Transcript of St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1891-12-03 [p...

Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1891-12-03 [p 7] · Bellingtoy: bigmoney. ... chocolate dipper who is



t^. 3lßt !«•!».

ANY <if.Nil.i-.MANIMC LADYin Cityor country %vuo would like to m."tte

ftom 55 to9lo perday ought to call or ad-dress «t once The .Western Novelty Com-pany. 137 East Ninth St.. St. Paul. Minn.

A(JHXT-Wanted, a hcstlerwith very littlecapital to take state- agency for a fast

Belling toy: bigmoney. ' Address S 73, Globe.

BAIiKM—\l A No. 1 bread nnd cakebaker right away; married man pre-

ferrcKi;easy work: steady employment. Ad-dress scntt T. Stewart. Fergus Fulls. Minn.


Vou'ig wan as second hand onbread and cakes; day work. i^i)West

Third st.

EAivltKK—a lirst-chiss barber wantea at jS. Kaineri s. Sorthfictd. Minn.

-LAC —Wanted, on« good gen-

eral blacksmith: horseshoeing a spe-cialty. W. E. Horsttotte. Ellsworth. Wis


AKPKNTKItS-Wanted, a tew carpeu-ters at SIEast Seventh st.

AXVAssek\ it yi.u want a good liiing,\u25a0-Mil »U *1 West Third.

CAN VASSfcK*—\\Hiited.experienced can-vassers ;none others: not books. Call9

to 11 aud 2 to 4,r00m _', Gcrmiinia Bank build-ing. ,


Salary and c-cmmission.Wheeler ,v Wilson Manufacturing Com-

'pany. 32 West Third st.


Wanted, young man acquaintedJ with retail grocery trade or this city: ap- j

f>ly at once, George A*. Garden. Windsor, ha.-:.

C'KKAMKKVMAN—Situation wanted by {-a first-class creamery man and ste>iui en- i

gineer, in the coniitry orcity: can give lirst-class references. Address F. Wm. Anderson,jCan;;on Falls, Minn.. BoxCl.


Wanted, an exferi-V-' enced oyster counter man at fctifiKstEistii st.

H" AK.N»s.MAKI.ii* AM) !>TITt;H-

-crs (ranted. Address Bristol & Sweet,Fargo. N.I>.nri(iS'i'i.i;K-Wanted, man to take care ofXl horses and work around house. John'A.Steea[r aw (i.khk-Wanted, competent male'J-i stenographer and typewriter us rlers ivlaw office; Btaie experience Riid salary er-jwcted. Address Law,' Globe Office. AM)\Vit>. for farm; W)per year.J-»X Applynt once.Moore iS; Ca_3rC3 Sibley e'.

Mll.l.i:itRanted for custom mill in thecountry. Apply at 3}J Fuller st., si.


PKESSMAX-At once, Brst-elass, sober(Jordon pressman: goca wanes; steady

employment. Brown. T'eacy & '<>.

pOKTKK-W«i;tcdL nRood porter or bar-X shop. Address A 122. Globe.


Four fti>-ercaM>;:s

wanted corner Osccola aud Pleasant tiv.;three laborers ntonce. A. J. Efobau.

SOLICITOUS— Wanted, men of energy}J and tact tosolicit for Bankers' 1 Life As-sociation of St. Paul. Minn. Salary or guar-antee es |):eferrcd. Addiess c. E. Secor, St.Paul Minn.'fri.AMSVl.l{wanted at li.ii Charles St.:

'JL steady work r.ud good wages to gcodir.fln.


W uiucd, teamster at JittJ La-<-L foud st.

,**!/'IDK-AAVAIiX \YOKKi-JKS every-fV» where for the greater book on earth."Shepp's Photograi-hs of the World," cost-IngJIuO.COO; mammoth illustrated circulars

.and terms tree; unparalleled success: Mr.Thus. L.Martin. Centerville, Tex., ciearedffiTllin ft days: Miss Rose Adams, Wooster,\u25a0<».. S23in 40 minutes; Eev. J. Howard Madi-Bon. Lyons. N.V.. Sl'>l iii7 boors: a bonanza!'\ir the holidays; macniticent outfit only Si :i)ooks on credit; freight paid. Address Globe\u25a0Bible Publishing ComDany, No. 705 Chestnutit..Philadelphia. Pa. .41\7A.NTKI>—Four teams tor the woods, at<»V Barronett. Wi.-. Call or address Bar-ronett Lumber Company. 179 East Third St.,fit. Paul. Saturday. Dec. 5. 10 o'clock.*li*A.\'i ii— s-iitMiJie man as clerk to

«'V take charge of a branch office inSt.Tbul for a mpnt:facturJug coicern asman-per and cashier; reasonable amount cash se-curity required. Address for interview S'41'j. Globe. Minneapolis.

A.NTfcl>—Man with outlit to tnke con-*">V tract ot cutting 1.300 cords of wood.Ifloore &Co.. -'S3 Sibley st.

'\ll'AXTtD-JSaleMnen on salary or com-

H*V mission to handle the New Patent.Chemical Ink-Krn-wnj Pencil: the greatestBelling nevelly ever produced; erases Inkthoroughly intwo seconds: no abrasion ofj»»Ier: Dio3o (er cent proM: one agent'stales )ir,:oi-.rt(d toS&Kiin fix days: another\i'o2 in two hours: we want one energetic gen-;eral opcut foreach state and territory. For[terms and full particulars address The Mon-roe Eraser Manufacturing Company, Lar:-..^o \V:s.


JKOAiti> offi:ri:i».


Furn shed heated room andU_> board, f4per week. 549 Wnbasha.


furnished front roomX) with two closets, end board. 033 Wa-ibasha.

OAKD—WeII furnished rooms, with first-cliii-s board; bath; piano; terms reason-

able. t*7o Pleasant ay.

j'OOAUIi—52S Cedar— Lyile Terrace— Fort.O rent, three front parlors, with alcoveswith his: class board; furnace heat.iBOAKL>—Furnished room*, with board.11J for gentlemen and ladies, £3.75 per j.per week. 11l Islehart st. Ij'noAKU-Belmont House. Corner EighthJ3 and Minnesota— Best 51day house in the

icity:nobar inconnection; regular board and(jocms {5per week.

CJVJ «>lf\VOOl> HOUSE-East Ninth. NearH.l Vabns-ha

—rooms, with excellent

board. S4 and ?i> per week: table board. §12ti\u25a0\u25a0 r month: transients, S! day.

''; I.ONT1 AJXI> FOti3il>.r DOORS IMtST

—Two library books,

!XJ ••Mcrvyn" and "Evelina." A liberalreward will be paid for their return to M!San Third st.

OIiSK STHAYKD-From MinneapolisJ

Rolling mills at Irondale. Nov. 14. onegray horse; about hi years old: weightill.out 1,250. Return to Harris Bros.. ay. south. Minneapolis, and receive re-'"Ward.

I'KCTACI.KS I.OSl—Monday, on ThirdSt., between Cedar and Robert, a pair of

gold-bowed spectacles. Finder please returnto l)i*pntoh office.


FOX sAi>i —A mare In the tens, adapted!-C for any k:u<! of labor, at 342 Pleasant..*|7OK SALK-Uood working horse. 1.400-X pounds: will sell cheap or willtrade.jUddress 272 Toronto ay.

\u0084|J OK>K*\V:NTl.ltKli—Gooiicare, warmIJi stable: single and box stalls. Address#:. T. Whitcher. Matalester.


spun of carriage horses tomatch; must be sound in every re-

spect. Applyat 221 East Seventh st.


A few more horses to winter;'

'-> V single and box stalls. 11. c. Barton,Inver Grove.'iiAM'i:i)-Hordes to keep for the win-:»» K-r; good feed, warm Quarters: bestofcare guaranteed. Inquireat 27 DavidsonBlccfe. •



Wanted.' to rent a farm within ;'a twenty miles of city: stale numberof acres and terms. Address '/... Globe,Minneapolis, !

OOM— Wanted, ple«t::ni furnished roomfor man and wife in private family

where there are noother boarders; must betit ,-iriibk- locality. D T.">. Globe.


F..KOflit..\, N. W. steam Dye Works• office, 4VJ Bobert si., Ryan blockworks, \u25a0 ." and r.7 Indiana ay.

JA.vil.-ON a. v »... New YorK fcteam Dye\\orks; ladies* and gents' cioUiiuga spe-

cialty. 1-1 West Sixth fl

AHI.KKT & MIXTKL, MinnesotaSteam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh.


A* illiitlCANPatent Market and Novelty. Factory. A. M. Carlson, soliciting at-torney at.d manufacturer and seller of pat-ents,

'liiid017 Mississippi st.. St. Paul.

fcTOKE a\i> BAK nznraUßß


ATKWANI)SECn.NDHAXD SALOON-\u25a0> fixtures, iceboxes, mirrors, pool andl

—cd Uib'.cjs, counters and bhelyin. -la-Wa*iiiin,icr:*vc :..-.-ill Jliuccapoli&g

POPULAR WANTS.*• v \u25a0_



lin. Davidson Grand block, for fine grayswitches at cost for thirty nays: bangs cut,curled, l."» cents. 31S Wabasha st.

CHiAMISKtCUAID—WantPd, a good »:i;l' for chambermaid; good mm 473 \Va-t>: sha rt.

fH« )C(j.',ATi-: ttil't'tZu— Wanted, «

chocolate dipper who is cxi»erienced:i::d Jirat-class: doim other -need apply atYerxw's.Seventh mid Cedar. .-C"«oit.

—Warned, tood girl coot: bring

v' rererences; call before 110011. i\'JGrove it. • . ... vGcit iiit.i.'.wanted at '^7East Sev-

enth si. Sirs. Bowes' Ofcice."

HUU«K\VOK*vpVVantedTi"H girl for gen-end housework; cood pay to ri^hticr-

Bon. C.i.l lioum 4. ForeDUii^h Block, Seroncorners. \u25a0 \u25a0."\u25a0*..

HtK'<i;YVOKK— Wanted, a competent

irirlto do general honsetvorK fora fam-ilyof four, no children; at 2JS Kern st.

OUSK\VOKi»—"Wanted, « good girl lorgeneral housework. Inquire JuS Olive st.

HOUSKWOttK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework. 2:ts Aurora. \u25a0

Hot i(Kh-wirl tor general .house-work. i756 Ashland ay.


Warned, a good girl forgeneral housework; reference required.


Apply 589 Westminster st.

Horsi-.vumtv— A good girltor generalhousework in small family; no chil-

dren; wages. 833 Day;ou aw, cornerVictoria.

HOL>h\VOKK—General servant by Dee.15 for family of two; steam-heated tint,

St. Anthony bill;" must be Rood (lain cook,mid well recommended; pleasant place forgood girl. Address V75, olobe oOce.

HOi;a»i-WOii*k—Wanted, a good girl for

general housework. James Mabon. S3West Central, corner Rice.


HOL'SKWOIIK—A youns >.;irl forgeneralhousework :German orKorwegiau pre-

ferred. «:J0 Fuller st.

HOL'siiWoKK—Wanted. a capable Nor-wegian sirl for general housework at

591 Iglehart. \u25a0'

HOI <>hViii..K—

Wanted, girlfor generalhousework; tmall lamily:good wages.

."i'jAshland :iv.


Girl wanted, iS Wa-couta st. -


Wanted. ii youngwidow to Keep bouse lor a gentleman.

Address T7ti. Globe.ASTKY COOK—Wanted, female pastry

cook at Hotel Gladstone, Jamestown,N.I).OHlc'niAhKU<)

—Experienced shirt-

O makers wanted. . Thad C. Jones «\: Wright,Pioneer Press Building.

rp\vo tiltiLS infamiliesof two. Fort Pop--L !ar. Mont;S-*O. Douglass* Intelligence,:iriSeventh.

KillI,FSTATR FOR SALE.Jtlisccllneons*.

DOi; hAUi Ciif-AF—Fifty feet coutht frontase with a good bouse, opposite

Col. Uetnam's stone mansion; any one wish- Iing a home central and nicelylocated willdowell to look this op. C. Bemh.ird, M Wa-baaos.

Sultnrbnn.ASTr.U TO KUY-From 10» to 200

acres ofgood, level land, not over tenmiles from St. Paul; laud must be of goodquality, suitable for stock farm for horsesana adapted forgrowing tame grasses. Ad-dress, •with description, location and price, L70. Globe. .1 / iOK S) AtKts of land fors«i«or trade

rr\J for city property :S2* per acre. Box'-. South St. Paul.

lI.\AMIAI--31. NKWPiIKT A: SON. INVEST• rceut Bankers, ioca money mi ira• roved property in bt. Paul slid Minneap-

olis nt C jet cent "en or before." Offices.New Pioneer Press Building. Ist. Paul, andKeeve Building.Minneapolis.* —MONEY TOLOANON•XJL • Pianos, .Horses,Carriages, wagons.Household furniture,Diamonds, watches.Warehouse receipts.Mortgage notes, andCommercial paper bought :or taken as col-lateral. Property to remain in.your ownpos-session. Our rules are and always lmve beenthe lowest. Partial pHyineni received nt anytime and interest reduced i:i proportion;Your own time for layuient. All businessconfidential. Private parlors for ladies. Callor address Minnesota Mortgage Loau Com-pany. Room 13-14, First National BankBnildiue. corner Fourth and Jackson sts.—

I>O lot AVArsT TO KOKKOXVmoney at a lower rate than you can

Lorrow through any otter ogeucy? TheAmerican .Mortgage I.grsi company, Room 7.First National bank building,corner FourthBud Jackf-on his., will let you have anyamount, 510, f'_'<>, «25. MO, $75, $lt)O oii'Jim

—in fact, any inyou wish

—on roar.

told weird, diamonds. household furniture,torse, boggy, piano, carriage, etc. *ca lowerlate you can possibly get it elsewhere. I(.ocas can lemoiu in your possession, and |you can pay a part any time yon want andncp interest. Business private and confi-dential. You can have jour own time inpaving up principal.

EASTKKN >lONKY to loan on city prop--£-<. erty at C. 7 and B per cent: loans "closedwithout delay. E. M. aud It.1,. Ware, 303Pioneer Press building.

L.STK.\L'CM,Koom 10, Globe Build-• ing, is prepared to make loans in nnyamount quicklyand privately on house fur-niture, watches, diamonds, etc.. lowest rates,easy return \u25a0 payments, honorable treatment.

AKtiKAMOUXri)of money to loan onimproved property nt 6 per cent. Gil

man &Co.. New York LifeBuilding.

LOW RATE MONEYIn turns to suit on furniture, pianos, dia-monds, watches or goods instorage; easy re-turn payments: no publicity. TaKe elevatorto Room iti. Germania Bank Building,Fifthand Wabcsha: private room for ladies.

OMiY.v ii)A.> without delay. :ro:nj-'I $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-elry, lie.: time checks, notes and secondleal estate mortgages bought. MinnesotaLoan Co.. 117 East Fourth st.

ONLY LOANED on lifeinsurance poi-xTX icies; or boueht. I^. P. Yen Norman,til \u25a0 Guaranty Loan Building.Minneapolis.

-P-R-I-V-A-T-E-Moneyloaned on diamonds, watches, pianos,furniture or goods in storage nt lowest rates,and small monthly return payments; notesand mortgages bought; most private loanrooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com-pany. 132 Globe Building: take elevator

AXTED-A good o or 7 per cent mort-> • ease on improved property, for Sta,flQQto S32.WW, with one or two years' to run. OdinG. Clay &Co.. 2J7 Bank of"Minnesota.WF. MOKITZ.B33 PIOXKKK I'Kf.SS• Buildins

—Mortgaeo loans made

promptly; U 7 and per cent; mortgagesnouchw

Qr7/^ nnjVroSTJUat 6, 7 and s perO/ *J)\J\JyJ cent .on vacant or im-proved St. Paul real estate ;loans closed inthree days. D. \V.C. Ruff. Globe Building.

CIAfit\( TOLOAN on real estate v j•*.'!.*J*i\J\J\J any sums. P. 11. Simpson, |Oil Pinneer Press Building.

WAVIfvDTO BUY.OINTKKS—Wanted, about eighty feet !

vy good second-hnnd store couuters." Van IHyke Bros. &Jenson. Benson. Minn.PIKMTIKK-Wanted to buy. all kindsiT of household goods; lushest cash pricespaid incity. Cardozo Furniture end Auction 'Co.. 4"is to ';•,\u25a0.' Jackson st., between EighthBud Ninth st^.

VJ'J'ATK OK MINNESOTA, CtTU.NTY OFO Kamsey— s«. Prolate Court.In the mutter of the estate of Patrick 11.Doyle, deceased.

Letters of administration, with the willannexed, on the estate of Patrick 11. Doyle.deceased, late of the county of Uamsevand state of Minnesota, being granted toJames Manah-in:

I;is ordered, Tlmtsix months bo, and thesame is hereby allowed from and after tnedate of this order. ivwhich all persons hav-ing claims or demands against the said de-ceased are required to file the same in theProbate Court of said county, forexamina-tion and allowance, or be forever barred.It is further ordered. That the first Mon-

day in June, A.D. ISl|2. at10 o'clock a. m.. ata general term of said Prot»ate Court, to beheld at the court house fa the City of St.Paul, insaid county, be. and the same hereby •

is appointed as the time and place when andwhere the said Probate Court willexamineand adjust said claims and demands.

And it is further ordered. That notice ofsuch hearing be civen to nil creditors andpersons interested in said estate byforthwithpublishing this order once iv each week forthree successive \u25a0weeks ivthe St. Paul DatltGlobe, a daily newspaper printed and pub-iUhed ivsaid county.

Dated at St. Paul this 2d day of December,1881 .

By the Court: JOHN B. OLIVIER,- 11. s.] .Judge of Probate.


- .tlalc. •

BAKBER—Situation wanted in a barber\u25bahop; ti,'ht months' experience. Ad

dress V70. Globe.

BO »KKi-r:i'liii^7Tiuauon~~wamed~lirbookkeeper or assistant by young man

of twenty;gocd references: posted in short-hand niiiltypewriting. Address O77. Glebe.

BooKiiKKl'KK—Gentleman employedduring the day wants work after 7 p. in.;

.has had a number of rears' experience asbookkeeper and correspondent, and can {rivethe best of references: can furnish bis owntypewriter, ifdesired. Address J. IV. It.,Globe.

BUYS FOX l'l.vtl>>,places lor ooys;•employment bureau for't-oor boys, free.Newt-boys1

Club Room. chamber of Com-merce building:open from lito i-a. m. an;from J to"':l» p. m.

AI4KIAGK \Vi).>IJiVi)i:KKKused tomachinery wishes employment. Adaress

J 77, Globe.


man wanm place intlairy:understands care of cows, and a

gcod milter. Address M..Globe.

EHI'I.OYMKNT—Wanted, situation liva-lj respectable youth: good references. Ad-dress 11. I)..:;.">!L'OriPnt si.

BO!STL«\fI—a young /nan (aged 18) WOU.(

like to take care of horse and makehimself useful, lor board, durine winter: at-tending school in evening*. Address IIIS,Glo!>e. _ :TT^OKli.

—Good workingman. honest and

VV intelligent,wants inside work of anykind. Address il77, Globe.


f UA3IBKBMAIU-French yoang lady' desire* a situation hs chambermaid inarespectable family. Address French Consnl-Pte. Union Block, city.

CLKl4ii—Position- wanted by anexperi-/ euced lndv cierk. S 74, Globe.

POOR- Wanted, situation ft;;cook inhotel,v^ or lanndrv work. 390 Broadway.

C^OMI*A>IOX—Wanted, situation as com-vv panIon, nurse orhoa*ckeei>fcr by ludyofculture and experieuca: home desired. *Address S 71. Globe.

SEWING— Wanted, sewing in families;dressmaking; good fitguaranteed. Ad

dress 263 like st.

TKXMiKAI'IIKK-Young iady. rapidstenographer, desires po>ilion"i»t once:

excellent rreommei:dations. K.V .Globe.nPtIKKK competent Germnn girls: oneX nurse; want places at once. Ladies'

Employment. 166 m. Peter st-

OU.N.. LADY.talks- German anrt fen:Jl lish. would like position. -Koehler, P.O. Box HI7. North St. Paul.

BUSINESS CHAFES.Miscellaneous.


Saloon and lunch counter inJT best country town in Minnesota: doinggood business: price S^OO complete: one-halftime If desired ;cheap lease. Full informa-tion in Aubeuser-Boiicta Brewing Associa-tion. 390 chestnut St.: call forenoon.

FOR SALK-A clean stock of boots andshoes in a .prospering city of 4,000

inhabitants in Southern Minnesota: best lo-catiou in city; mast be sold soon: goon rea-sons given for selling. Address J 61. Globe.

OK sALIi-Tlifbest saw and planingmillin Le Sueur county, cheap: reason

forselling, accident. Address August Heck-crt. St. Peter, .Minn.IT7A.NTKUTO Jtl V—A crocery s'.ore ina** good location for cash. A 77. (ilobe.

\\7~A D-ATFosston. Minn., a ihysi-•» cian; population of ton 73 no doc-tor within aradius of forty miles: layingpractice guaranteed. For information "callon or address Postmaster or Bank of PontonHANTKI)-A suitable man as cleric t )»» take charge of a branch office inSt.

Paul for a manufacturing concern as man-ager and cashier; reasonable amount cashsecurity required. Address for interview, S\u25a0)!•>. '-li'N*.Minneapolis.

~"i'o"K »AI.K.

COVHA:.MILL—A fine large coffee millfor 6ale chean. Addree C. Glooe. •

|\OG— breed St. Bernard dog. oue year-L'old, for>h1(- cheap. Address (» 76, Globe.


For sule. liish setter puppies, bredfrom very best imported stock. Inquire

of John Prister. 215 East Seventh st.


A turnishea five-room fliW fort-ale;steam-heated. Address Mrs. Cassie

Homes. GenerHl Delivery, I'ostoSice. St. Paul.OK SALE OltTKAI>K for groceries or

dry goods. Portland cutler, nearly new,thirty-foot office rail. No. 9Hub range. T78,Globe.

FOR SAI^K—A complete banking outfit,inducing safe, counteis. desks, check

punch and stationery. In a Wisconsin town:county sent sad only bask in county: goodreason forselling; write for particulars. Box-1"., Mason, \\ is.


For sale, range,J- dishes, pictures. Bhade->. draperies, car-pets, easy chair, bureau ,toilet sets, kitchentables, ice cream freezer, clock, lamps, fur-nnce COaL 2r7 East Tenth.

PKKSOrfAIA.MMX THOHSO.N, Magnetic Healer

Itoom 11". Moore Block, even corners;Turkish and hot-air baths.

MK>. .11. A..TL'SSKY, •»'> East Kiuhth st.Magnetic and massage treatment for

nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism;also clairvoyant Hours. I)a. m. lo p.m.\| li.n«i.Sh IN:


ITJ psvehometric and trauce meaium. 225VtWest Seventh i-t.. St. Paul.


E'.f. tsTAKSLorenz

—Free! Free! Freeand Prof. Lorenr—Preel P'ree! I-'rec

test: the wonderful trance medium: everyhidden mystery revealed ina dead trance:tells the lullname of each caller, and offuture husband or wife, with aac and date ofmarriage: giveadvice on divorce, contestedwills, speculations, etc.: remove trouble,evil iniluences; bringthe separated together,locate lost persons or bioleu property: not afortune teller, but genuine spirit medium;can convince the most skeptical: six ques-tions answered by mail, Si: send lock ofhair; only live days free, Sunday included.457 St. Peter st.

AXTKU-Parties linvinK incurable oldulcers, old sore?, fever sores, etc., to

Mwd their address to Hoi3-tH. li polls,~3HJSICAI~

Piano H>'KK—Address's. E.CTutchett,Box 492, Posloffice, St. Paul; price, ILSO



BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES ANDBILLIAIIDSUPPLIES. Warerooms. 405 and407; Office and Factory. -111 and 413 Fifthavenue south. Minneapolis. Minu.


—ss. District Court.

Inthe matter of the assignment cf FrankVermilya, insolvenLNotice Is hereby given that the above-

named insolvent, a resident of Minneapolis,in said county and state, has by deed in writinc. dated November 23d, 1891.' made a gen-eral assignment to the undersigned of ail his-property not exempt by law from levy andsale ou execution, for the benefit of all hisbouA floe creditors, who shall rile releases oftheir demunds against said insolvent, as pro-vided by chapter 14!< oftrie Laws of Minne-sota. ISSI.and acts amendatory thereof.

Allclaim",must be verified end presentedto the undersigned for allowance withintwenty days ai'ttr this notice.

Dated November 27th. 1801.FREDERICK W. .SASH. Assignee.

C. Y.Layboi"k\".

Attorney for Assignee. 21S-220 Bank of Com-merce. Minneapolis, Minn.

CONTRACT WORK—GRADING GOFFV^ AVENUE—Officeof the Board of PublicWorks. City ofSt. Paul, Mian. Nov.24. 1891.—

Sealed bids willbe received by the Boardof Public Works in and for the corpora-tion of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, attheir office in said city, until 12 m. on the7to day of December. A. D. 1891, forgradingGoff avenue from Dearborn street to thenorth line of Hidwell's addition to West St.Paul, in mid city,according to plan? andspecifications on file in the office of saidBoard. .

Abond with at least two (3) sureties, inasum of at least- twenty (20) per ceut, or acertified check on \u25a0» bank of St. Paul ina sumof at least ten (10) per cent of the gross

mourn bid, must accompany each bid. Saidcheck shall be made payable to the Clerk ofsaid Board.

The said Board reserves the right torejectany and allbids.esaid Board reserves right to reject

nd all bids.J. C. t^UINBY,President Pro Tern.

Official: J. T.Kebkes.Clerk Board ofPublic Works.


POPULAR WANTS.FOB REST.- . ; -.-•.. flSlttt'K. f:.


FOX KENT-Houses, stores and offices inX. all r*rtsof the city; call and examineour lists; we may hare Just what you orelooking for. The St. Paul Trust Company,End cott building.East FoTirth st.


rent, house saw rooms,with modern improvemeuts. East

University, near Canada; rent. &»iSO.

H~OfSK—Nine rooms. '% Tilton st: allmodern Improveuts; will rent whole or

part very cheap. Inquireat 583 St. Peter.

HOI tilC—lfOTrent, a warm iix-rooiu houseti;•with modern improvements: near carsf--

twenty minutes' walk from tte postollice. u25Marion st., near sherburne ay.

HO'JSt'— For rent, S-room brick house, NoVSW Westminster st. ;modem improve^

ments. J. M.Hohrer.

HOUSK— For rent nicely furnished eight-,room house, £15 a month. Address 11


M.. Globe.-

HOUSl1. For Seven-room house nearCanada; also barn corner Canada and

Pearl. Apply52ti Canada.•_-. ."v Stores.

UILI>IN«w—To rent four-story brickbuilding.No. 188 Bast Fifth st..suitable

tor wholesale punmses; willchance to suittenant. Jr.mes 11. Weed. 167 East ThirdsU

boX SALK Ott IU-..Nr—l'JJ East Seventhi- s'.. between Jackson and :sibl?y; In-ouire on premises.

: iSuoms.

A—..o i'..i. j\i:l'_> -<i». ior gentle-• men only: fifty modern *:e*m-heatedrooms by da.-, week or month.

i)LLEGK AY.. 24. WKST-}urnishedfront room, with or withoutboard; steam-

heated and rise ot bath. .ELKVK.M'II>1- .. '.?, KAST—Furnished

front rosin with alcove: all conven-iences. '-I »-i:

ICE ST.. XA—ComerCollege—Nicelyfur-nia&ed rooms, with or without board;

modern improvements; rent reasonable.

ST. I'hir.K .Si.. :!k7—Near Sixth—Pleas-ant furnished rooms; steam heat, elec-

tric lightnud It'!;.

TK.M'li M.. v.i.-r:a vr—opposite cani-

iol—Pleasant front alcove rooms forrent.

T-JNTff ST.. :ti. Furnisiu'd room,1- with or -without board: als»» front pnrlor,TK.VTH (ST.. 217 KAST—For rent, iur-s. \u25a0Jshed room, cheap.

AISASHA ST.. 505—Furnished heated»V rooms, S")4o<sS per mouth.\IA»A»llA. 4-; '-corner Kigluh-Suite» > of handsome front rooms. Si"-'; heated;

aiso small room.7 AISAStiA ST.—corner Tentn M..Over

Dm? Store—Fnrnislied rooms forrent.

Ai:tmo:\ BAM.K;i".»iir^ti-J<»iinN!>u*N Auction*

AKI'tTS, fcTC., AT PUBLIC Alt'-tioiv—We will soil at public,auction in

Hk: store No. -r3E:;st 'l'hird st iin s>cbuue-staa &Brans" old stand), commencing onFriday. Dec. 4, at IDa. m. the Michaud Car-pelcompany stock, consisting ofcarpets. finerngs, portieres, silks.curtain goods ofnilkindsand wallpapers: if yon want bargains, at-

! tend ihis sale. Eavanach & Johnson, Auc-titmeers. **r». {Rs^m] W'F.ot sirth «\u25a0>.


HW. <«7yn\<;'JOV CONTKACTOK» and builder; all Kinds of jobbingand

repairing promptlyattended to. 515 St. PeietJVI A MtAUK and theater costume*1» Lmasks, -wigs, beards, grease paint. Mrs. U.Neitmnnn. .'6 East Seventh.

PK« iiTr. .-«<)-. iivi, mno ii. Otf'Midwiferr—Vr<. P. vif>,,7f,\ vi; X'nrtiTi<i» \u25a0

i i


\'r^.F. Ragn»>:i. S.V* West Seventh. J!.DBFmWAhI.vT. 'f

DKiCssiiAKiMi—Wanted, difs-inrtkins?"nt home; can getgood reference. Call

at .'.40 Pine st.

Notice of Application for Liquor:, '.

t>i: - License. /;1 .

' .\u25a0',]

CityClkrk's OrncE. ) :Ft. PAn., Minn., Nov. 23, 1891. f

ToWhom ItMay Concern:Notice is hereby civen that the foliowirr^-

named jK>rson= h»Ve aiiplied tor a licence toBellintoxicating liquors for the year A.D.IBM,at the places or locations hereinafternnnu-d •

Diedenhofeu, P.. IX) Martin street; Mar-qnardu W., 338 Carroll street; Miesen, A.,2jlWest Seventh street.

Now, therefore, notice fs farther given thruthe said spuiicatinns will i,e hoard aud con-sidered by the undersigned at his office in thenew city hail, on the nth day of December,A. I). |ftU. Nt 10 o'clock a. m.. where all per-sons interested ma.appear and willbe heard.

t;iov>. a. PRENDERGA^T.City Clerk.


Notice of Application forLiquor License.


• '.*.•'"\u25a0\u25a0••' • "• :'.•'\u25a0•\u25a0-

Cityclerk's Office. V.ct. Paul. Minn.,Dec 3, 1-Ul. (To whom itmar concern:

Notice ishereby civen thst the foliowing-naraed persons have applied for a license tosell intoxicating liquors for the year A.D.1691, m the places or locations hereinafternamed:

Aberle, D.. &Co.. 230 East Seventh street;Classen, Peter D.,79 south L'obert street.

Now. therefore, notice is further given thatthe said applications will be .beard aud con-sidered by the undersigned at Mis office in thenew city hall on the I9th day of December.A.D.MM,at 10 o'clock a. m.. -where all per-sous interested may appear and will beheard. . • •


TIIOS. A. PRENDEUGA3T, City Clerk. \u25a0

•riec3-ll -.

DRUNKENNESS> Or the laquor iUkbit. I'ohliS»«•!.\u25a0» Curedby ivdliiii;i«l< Dr. li:li>><-«'(<ol<trn Mpocitle.

Itis mannfac: urea as powder, which can begiven ina glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, orinfood, withoutthe knowledge of the patient. ItIs absolutely harmletw, and will effect a perma-

| nent and speedy cure, whether the patient is aI moderate drinker oran alcoholic wreck. IthasI been {riven inthousands of cases, and in every| instance a perfect cure has followed. It neverIIalls. 48-paire Book fr*n. To be had of -j L. & W. A. MUSSETTER, 3rd «\u25a0 Wahaaha St.Trad*supplied VrrKOYEB BROS. &CUTLBB,

and RTAjfrmuo co.. St. fattl.I CrOLUEXSP£Clt'lC'CO.Fropi.Clnciiia«tl.O.I



and Typeivrltins.B% Thorough, Practical and Progressive. \u25a0g Lessons by mail. Send for Catalogue. B

% 802 Pioneer Press Bulding, St. PauL \u25a0


@L ggL) The DAILIWr 1W jGLOBE is they 3 organ of the

\u25a0pi masses, but o1§ IIP no party,class\u25a0 IIU op clique. It

is looked up-on by the

RnAnlA^ masses as a

PBOD 8 S friend, andivv|iivv counselor, be-

sides a steadynews-giver.

Paper. I

(^ONFIKMATION OF ASSESSMENT FOR SLOPES ON EAST THIRD STREET-Office>^ of the Board of Public Works, CityofSt. Paul, Minn..Dec. 2, 1391.— assessment ofDeneiits damages, costs and expenses arising from condemning and taking an easement intne tana abutiiu? on East 'Third street, between Earl street and the east city limits,invie City of St.Paul, Minnesota, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in• grading said East Third street Detweeu Earl street and the east city limits, 10 the establishedgrade, as shown by the profile of said grade on file in the office of the Register of Deeds inand for Ramsey County, and in the officeof the CityEngineer, said slopes to extend 14 feeton said land forevery foot of cut or fillas indicated on the plan ofsaid slopes on file intheomce of the Board of Public Works Inand for said city, having been completed by saidHoard, said Board willmeet at their office insaid city,'at 2d.m. on the 14th day of Decem-ber. A.D.1891, to hear objections (Ifany) to said assessment, at which time and place,unless sufficient cause is shown Jo the contrary, said assessment will be confirmed by

3«ud Board. ;; :-



The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of the propertyoenented or damaged, and the amounts assessed against the same, to wit:

Gotzlan's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition to St. Paul.Balance BalanceSupposed Owner and Description. Lot.Block.Benefits. Damages, toOwner, to City

Feter Sclnieya 8 25 $0.10 Ji.oo $3.G0 $3.10Frederick Weiss ...\u25a0:..;. ;.7 25 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10DanielP. Malloy ..........".....'. 6 25 0.10 0.00 .. O.tO 0.10Wm.S.Dippo .......:........ 5 25 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Louisa W. Brace

-4 25 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same z.J... 3 25 0.10

" 0.00 0.00 0.10same ..:v... 2 35 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Slllne 1 23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13

\u25a0 Jacob Pogrebo ..9 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10\u25a0 Etter John Peterson \u25a0 : 10 24 0.10 0.00 -0.00 0.19

has. 11. Brace .'....11 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Anton Peter Nelson 12 24 0.10 0.00 0 00 0.10rlorcnce Turner ....13 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same . 14 24 0.10 000 0.00 0.10Max Feierabend ....15 24 0.10 0.00 00 0.10same ; 1G 24 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10"ir Balance Balance"Supposed Owner and Description. Benefits. Damages. :o Owner, to CityJ. -Vand E. <;. Rogers Commencing on the southline of northeast U ofsection 33, town 29, range Hi,'\u25a0i'JS feet cast of sonthwest corner thereof; thence .north t.arallel with said west lineof Mid northeastU 130 feet: thence east parallel with said south lineof said 14 section 375 feet: thence wiilhmliill t >« point 3,-0 feet north of said south line and 1,616feet eu.-t of west iine of said U seciion: thence duesouth 300 feet: thence west 0:1 said south lineofsaid 14 section L£3) feet 10 beginning (except Thirdstreet) 33.03 SI.OO 80.03 53. 00

Gotziau's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition to St. Paul.Balance BalanceSupposed Owner a:id Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner to City

Chas. F. and H. \V. Gnt&cbc 42 21 $3.10 $0.00 51.00 §) losameand him a 21 0.10 0.00 • 0.03 010Ctins. K. (iiitx-iie 44 21 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10tames AlidiJleton 11 .2!) 0.10 0.00 0.00 010Robert 11. Dnagui 10 v) 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10Albert S-'heffer I 29 0:10 0.00 0 00 0 10James Jiiddlctou ...8 29 0.10 0.00 (».(« 0 10sanie 7 . 29 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Robert U.Dmgau 6 29 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Albeit Scheffer .5 29 0.10 0 CO 0.10James Middlclon .4 \u25a0 0.10 0.(50 0.00 0 10\u25a0MM 3 i.9 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Robert H.Doiunui ...-..\u25a0 -. 2 29 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Albert Schemer . 1 2") oto 0.00 0.40 010*»»»« -. 17 27 0 10 0.00 0.00 0.10James lUddleten IS 27 0.10 0.03 0 00 0 10\u25a0w 111 tt 0.10 0.03 0.00 0.10Robert H.Donsan 20 27 0.10 0 0') 0 00 0 10Albert sebeffer 21 -7 0.10 0.00 0.00 010James 22 2." 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10"W»C 23 27 0.10 0.00 0.00 o*loRobert H. Donga 24 27 0.10 0.00 0.03 0 1!)Albert Scbeffer .25 27 0.13 0.00 0 v:» 0 13Robert 11. Dougan M 27 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10James Middleton 27 27 0.10 0.00 © 0) 0 10\u25baanie a 27 0.10 0.90 0 •>> 0 10.Albert Schemer 29 2? 0.10 0.00 0 0-3 o*lo

!,James Middleton , 30 27 0.10 0.03 0 00 0 10; Albert Schetfer 12 28 0.10 0.03 0 00 0 13:same 11 28 0.1) 0.00 O.<X) :010Jjimes-Middietou .10 23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10-::;ie ....„ 9 a 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Robert 11. Doucan S 23 0.10 0.00 0 "1 0 10

Albert Scheffer .7 28 0.1) 0.00 0.00 0.10James »ii«ldh?ton '.-.- 6 28 010 003 000 010*?™c -;; 5 23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Robert H. Dongan 4 -8 0.10 0.03 0 0) 0 13:Albert Scheffer 3 23 0.10 0.00 0 00 010Jem?s Xiddieton .2 23 0.1? 0.00 000 010same l 23 0.l 0.00 0.0.) 0.10E. It.Bryant s Subdivision of Blocks 15 and 16. Stinsous Frances Street Addition to St. Paul... ._ . . nice BalanceSupposed Owner and Description. Lot.Block. Benefits. Datiasie?. to Owner, to (itvK. R.Bryant al B 13 §0.10 SJ.UO . «J.(K> S3 10John EnteiJKiii 14 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 010«. Stall .-. 15 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10Gustare P. hnndberg 1G 15 0.10 0.00 0.00

'010 \

Lurs Paulson \u25a0

-.17 15 0.19 0.00 0.00 0 10

Enirnilia Carls ,» IS 15 0.10 o.'» 0.00 0 10SeJina L.Brown .11) 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.1)Carrie Johnson -JO IS O.M 0.00 0 03 0 10 IEflwin X.Amos t. : 21 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 o*lo;"me •« 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10'B.R.Bryant et al '23 IT. 0.10 0.• i 0.0!) 0 10setinaL..Hrowm.. -.'4 15 0.10 0.00 0 CO 0 10Oscar Hrti;lund and cnas. E2 ..12 IS 0.10 0.00 00» 010same and same 11 iti 0.10 0.00 o*.oo 010K.R.Bryitutttnl 10 16 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10sameetal 9 16 O.JO 0.00 0.00 010sameetal 8 If. 0.10 O.W) 0.00 0.10\u25a0nneetal .7 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13;.srtciect'»L 0 10 0.10 O.'O 0.03 0 10sameetal ...-......-> 15 01) 0.00 0.0) 0 10»«*»o*tml 1 lii 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10s:ui.eelal 3 16 0 10 0.00 0.03 0.10sameetal 2 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10sameetfll '..... 1 ig 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—•~ Smith"* Suadivisiaa of JUock 14. Sliusons Frances Street Addition to St. Paul.

(•"i; ._ •' -

Balance Balance• £npposed Owner and Description. • Lot.Block. Benefits. Damages, to owner, to City;Arthur 11. Rogers .-..,-. r.13 14 S>-13 S>.Oo 53.00 S) 109*5--i ...-..-: .14 14 0.10 0.00 0.0.3 0.10R. v.. RansumnndJ. 11. Ilorton

*IS 14 0.10 0 00 000 0 10

.Vrfihur H. Rogers 16 11 0.1) 0.03 0.00 o*loFrederic* J. Kiley..? ............. >.'...... 17 14 0.10 0.01 0.00 010.\:;ir-.:).liiAI.Pui«-ifer ; IS l-i 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10Arthur H. Rogers ......1!) 14 0.10 O.OC 0 00 0 10fmue.r.v ; i) .-. 14 0.1) O.Ot 0 0) 0 10sariie. -\..:.:.... 21 14 0.10 0.0.: 0 00 010sIfr


-.-.....': 22 .. 14 0.10 O.CI 0.03 0.10"'"K. Howard... «{ 14 0.13 0.« 0.00 0 10Benjamin JanM.-n ..:.-. ..:..: 24 14 0.10 0.0( 0.10 0.10

'. . Stinson"s Frances Street Addition to St. Paul.Balance BalanceSupposen Owner and Description. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to City

C. H.and H. A.brhlick • 17 St.2o S»;'tt 53(0 SI 20same and same ." IS 123 0 ?0 0.00 I*2oCbastina .M.HiUebrandt '. 13 1.23 0 00 0 00 1"0Christ. C.Berca 12 1.2) . 0.00 000 120C. 11. and 11. A.£ch!lclc ; 19 1.20 0.0) 0.00 1.20(.(\u25a0uintiTi Jo.'nn-iouc 20 1.20 0.00 0.00 1 ->

1Samuel G. Sloan II 1.20 0.00 0.08 1.20

G. V.Bacon's Addition to St. PauL'. Balance BalanceSupposed Owner and Dascription. \u25a0 Lot.Block. Benefits. Dflmaces. to Owner to ('ity

Bacon and Rosera ...-....:..... 12-

Hi §3.o<> $t.03 "!»>.OO $) 10ssme and same II 16 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.10

andaaaM 10 16 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same and Mime 9 16 0.10 0.00 oOj ; 010and t-aiiie 8 It) 0.10 0.00 0 00 9 10

same and same.. 7 16 0.10 0.0) 0.00 0 19\u25a0ait same....;. 6 16 0.10 0.00 0 "0 OK)sameaadfame w I 16 0.10 0.00 0.0.) ', 0.10same auil same ." 4 16 0.10 O.CO o.i>o 0.10same same ....3 16 0.10 0.00 O.BQ J 0.10snine and same 9 15 0.10 0.03 O.CO '& 0.10same and fame 10 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 R 0.10Fame and same 11 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 V 0.10>auie and ; 12 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 V 0.10

and same 13 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 -i- 010sr me and same 14 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 i 0.10same and same 15 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 \u25a0• 010same and same ...... 16 15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10licinemaun, licCouviile & Slierle's Subdivision oflots 2, 12 and 13, Lee's Suburban Homes

St. PauLBalance Balance

Supposed Owner and Description. Lot.Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, toCit?Elisie sticrie et al.: 8 3 $3.10 SO.OO gO.i-0 80 10\u25a0ameetal : 9 3 0.10 0.00

—000 . 010

Albert Scheffer : .....10 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 f 010same 11. 3 0.10 0.00 00 \u25a0 010C. J. AlcConville et al 12 3' 0.10 i- 0.00 0.00 k 0.10sameetal ." 13 3 0.10 1 0.00 . 0.00 \u25a0' 010E«meetiil 14 3 0.10 •. 0.00 0.00


same ct :. 5 4 0.10 > 0.00 00 * 0.10s-aineetal 4 4 0.10 >0 00

-000 0.10

Elisfe Stierloet ai ..3 4 0.10 -i0.00 00 vi0.10snmeetal 2 4 0.10 <•\u25a0 0.00 O.CO & 0.10same c:al .... 1 4 0.10 0.00 ,0 00 -I- 0.10sama«tnL v. 16 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 '; 0.10sameeta! : 17 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 v 0.10same el al 13 , 6 o.l*l 0.00 0.00 A'J 0.10sameetai 19 6 0.10 - 0.00 0.00 !' 0.10same - 20 6 0.10 :- 0.00 0.0)

'0.10•Albert Scheffer '-'1 6 0.10 • O.CO 0.00 '• 0.10same 22 6 0.10 •: 0.00 0.00 0.10

same : 23 6 0.10 0.00 . 0.00 010C. J. McConville 24 0 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 25 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10eameetal 26 6 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.10same ct a! 27 6 0.10 . 0.00 0.00 0.10sameet«l 23 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10sameetal...... 29 6 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same etal... JO 6 0.10 0.00 0.0 ) 0 10Albert Scheffer.... 15 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 14 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same ::.~ 13 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same : 12 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same....- 11 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 10 5 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.10same 9 5 0.10 0.00 000 \u25a0 010same ..: 8 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10C. J. McConville et al 7 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 010sameetal ..: 6 5 0.10 O.CO 0.00 0.10Elisie Stierlect ai 5 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10sameetal 4 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10sameetai 3 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13sameetal 2 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10sameetal 1 5 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10

Bunde's Park Addition to St.PauLBalance Balance

"^'Supposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to CityAlbert 11. Buude 16 2 53.10 $>.0u |9.< M$.) 10same 17 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 13 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 19 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same :..~. 20 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10Same.... 21 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 \u25a0 0.10same 22 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 23 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 24 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 25 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same ". .....26 . 2 0.10 0.00 0.0) 0.10same. 27 2 0.10

-0.00 0.00 0.10

fMrrue .23 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 O.COfame 29 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10s:i:i:e- 30 2 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same 15 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same :.......14 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same.. 13 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same ...12 3 0.10 0.00 0.00. 0.10same 11 3 0 10 0.00 0.00 0.10same ........... 10 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 O.IC

It.Miller .: 8 3 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.10Alb.11. Bunde « 3" 0.10 .0.00 -0.00 0.10same ....7 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 10same...;. 6 3 0.10 0.00 0 00 0.10same J 1 5 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.105ame....;................ -. 4 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same 3 3 0.10 000 * 0.00 0.10same ............:...". ..: 2 3 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same 1- 3 \u25a0 0.10 0.00 0.00


same.... ;. :..."....... 15 4 \u25a0 0.10 0.03 0.00- -

0.10same ........;..". V. 14 4 0.10 0.00 O.UO 0.10same ....: "... ; ..........13 4 •- 0.10 0.00 0.00 • 0.10 isame .;. 12 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same... ; 11 4' 0.10 -0.00 0.00 0105ame..:..... 10 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same ...-. ...:...... 9 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same.... ;.;'........ 8 4 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10same ;.. ...7 "4 0.10- 0.09 0.00 0.105ame.....: :........: 6 4 0.10 0.00 0.00-0.10b:.. ...5 4 0.10 \u25a0 0.00 0.03 -0.1!)

Bundes Park Additiou to St. Panl.„ _. Balaiioe'BalauceSupposed Owner and Description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages, to Owner tocity

Alb. H. Bunde 4 4 $U0 JO.OO $0.00 $0.10s»ane 3 4 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10same 2 4 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10Jatnc 1 4 O.D O.W) 0.00 0.10Kate A. Horst 16 1 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10AlfjertH. Buude 18 1 0.10 0.00 0 00 0 10B»nie 19 1 0.10 0.00 000 010 \u25a0

same 30 1 0.10> • 000 010same 21 1 0.10 0.00 0 00 o'lOs«rue 21 1 0 10 0.00 000 o'lOsama 23 1 0.10 0.00 000 OJOsame. 24 1 O.W 000 0.00 0 13s«me 25 1 . 0.10 O.CO 000 o*losame 26 1 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10s»nie 27 1 0.19 0.00 0.00 0 10"me 28 1 0.10 0.00 Q.OO 0 10satl>e 29 1 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 10same aO j 0 10 0.00 0.00 0.10„ . _ .„ . . Balance BalanceSupnosed Owner and Description. Benefits. Damages, to Owner, to City

Darnel J.Hennery, section 3">. town 2D. range 22 (ex--cept Minnehalia street and Third street) SJO.Od ft 00 $3 00 $30 (ft

Allobjections to said assessment must be maile in writingaud li'ied with the Cleric'of6aid Board at lenst oue d.-iy prior to saJd meeting. JJ L GOIiMW PresidentOfficial: J. T.Kekkeil. Clerk Board ot" Public Works.

. decS-lt



Launch of the Pride of UncleSam's Navy.

Piiir.Ai>Ei.pniA, Pa., Dec- 2.—

TheUnited States armored cruiser NewYork was launched this afternoon fromthe yard of the CratnD Shipbuildingcompany, ivthe presence of 15,000 peo-ple, including the secretaries of thenavy, treasury and interior depart-ments. United States senators,".congress-men, hi-rli naval officials, and repre-sentative business and professional menfrom all parts of the country. MissHelen Page, of New York, broke thetraditional bottle of wine upon the greatsteel ram of the cruiser as she slid fromher wooden crate into the Delswareriver, and christened her "New York."

Tnis vessel marks an era in the an-nals of American shipbuilding. henfinished, she willbe the most formida- ,ble cruising vessel that has ever flownthe stars and stripes, and, in addition,she is the most powerfully eiiginedsteamship ever built outside of Euro-pean shipyards. There is nothingailoat today ot her class that willbe ableto steam from her or to engasre with herwith any great -hopes of victory. Al-though essentially a commerce de-stroyer, the New York will be able tohold her own withall but the heaviestline-of-battle ships, and return shot forshot with them inaction.• The New York willcarry a battery of6 eight-inch breech-loading rifles, 12four-inch rapid tire guns. 8 six-pound-ers, 4 Gatlings and 6 torpedo tubes. :Two "of the eight-inch guns will be :mounted en barbette forward on the up-per deck and two in a similar barbetteaft, while the remaining two will becarried in broadside amidships on theupper deck. Following are the princi-pal dimensions: Length on the waterline, 380 feet G. 5 inches: breadth ofbeam, 04 feet: mean draught, 25 feet 3.5inches; displacement, 8,150 tons: maxi-mum speed, .20 knots; sustained seaspeed. 15.5 knots; complement ot offi-cers and men, 473; coal endurance (totalcapacity), 13.000 miles. Having a free-board of twenty feet from the water tothe upper deck, sue willbe able to tighther guns and maintain her sea-ways tint would render smaller shipshelpless.

The New York willbe a twin screwvessel, propelled by four separatedengines, each having a power of 4,500horse. Two of these willwork the shaftfor the starboard screw and two that forthe port. The engines will be soar-ranged that they will be disconnected,iallowing the vessel to cruise under half

power. Steam will be furnished by sixboilers, heated by eight furnaces." Inaddition to these there willbe auxiliaryboilers, above the protective deck. Boththe main and auxiliary boilers will befitted to work under forced draught onthe air tight lire room system. Theelectric lightplant will have a capacity ,of 10,000 amperes and willinclude 7,000incandescent lights. Ivaddition therewilt also be four search lights thirtyinches indiameter, all of which can becontrolled from the bridge and conningtower.


Magnificent Reception to the Pre-lates in St. Louis.

St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 2.— The recep-tion tendered

-by the Marquette club

this evening to Archbishop Kenrick andvisiting prelates, in honor of his goldenjubilee, was a magnificent affair, andone ofthe most notable gatherings ofdistinguished representatives of theKomanCatholicJhierarchyever witnessedin a Western city. Letters of regretwere received from Cardinal Tasch-ereau. President Harrison, Vice Presi-dent Morton. Secretary Tracy. SecretaryFoster, Postmaster General Wana-maker, ex-President Cleveland, manygovernors ofstates and church officials.

Mercier Was Mum.Quebec, Dec. 3.

—Premier Mercier

gave evidence yesterday in the prelim-inary inquiry into his charges againstWhite and Whelan, of Montreal, thatthey libeled him in saying he had ac-cepted large sums of money from pub-lic contractors. Being asked in cross-examination if he had not on certainspecified dates received from ContractorWhelan certain laree specified amounts,the premier declined to answer.

ALWAYS ON TIMETicket Offices—is* Ease Third street, St.

Paul; 13 Nicollel House, Minneapolis, andUnion Depots in St. Paul, Minneapolis andStiilwater. Minneapolis. St. Paul and Still-water Trains— Leave St. Paul +7 :13, 8:15, s>:1),{1:35 and l'.):4'. a.m.. and 12:». :10. 4:05,5:15.6-3f\ +7-.:n *9:45 and t»iJ3 p.m. Returning;JeareSUllwuter+o:^, 7^8:1"), 9:4o anda. m.. andtl'.': *\i:40, 4:15, 5:10. 5:20. s6 :Wand8:3) p. m. (•Daily. tEx. Sun. $Ex. Mon.sSunday only.)

Leave. I Arrive \u25a0

Through Trains. St Paul j St. PauLChicago 'Daylight"Ex *7:Soam *l:00pmChicago Vestibule Lim'd *7:30 +7 amWest Superior I tO:3~>am t.":oopm

andDuluth f *10:25pmj *3-ioaraAshland. Hurley I t9:3sam :00pm

Bayßeld&Washburn ( *10:25Dm! *s:ioa mChippewaK'lls&BlkRiv t.".:05 pm| +fi:lspmSt Joseph &Kansas City *7:35 am tT:35a mOmaha AKansas Cily... *7:55p m *7 amSioux Citv.Shakopee. •) «r7UJ5pm! t6:s2pm

Denver &San Fran- VCisco )I*7:npm *7:J)aa

PipestoneA SiouxFalls. I*7:35 t6:«r>mShakopee* Maukato... t.>;CO pmitlo:3oanTracy, Wat" town&Pierre i t7:35 pm $7:35 am

Minneapolis, St. Paui&Saolt Sle,MariesTICKET OFFICES f St Pan^^^Mst™

>*^^_ M'tl-BovtonEx lvStPaul(A)o: Vi—Mflß'QJ>¥1;M'tl-Bostou Exlv (A)

VVSISI':33 Dm:Wisconsin Div.lvMplsI!BS|SI<Bi sam; Minn.Div-

lvMinue- !IfcwfnfSapou's CBi 8:15 a m; (B) 6:00 p ;nPIKJ^Bra: St. Croix Falls ac, lvSt-Paul

igft^W*^ A,daily from Union station :B,except Sunday from Union sta-

tion;C, except Sunday, from Broadway sta-tion, St Paul.

mTO CALIFORNIAThe most comfort*

[||Sg?«rp|i£^ygg*i*jble way to reach Call|graEa&Qi..iaJiSj£j[ forma is viaChicago&ss3£^£§i|||ssß|or Kansas City, from

\u25a0KBMV\rbich points throughj cars run without change. For jates and fur-

ther information apply to S. M. OSGOOD.Gen, Agt, or W. M. WOODWARD, Tarr.Apt. 15 Ouaratity Loan Building, Aliaaeap.olis Miun.

'|Chicago, St Paul &K.City Ey. trains leavev^ nniondepot 7:40 a.m. ex. Sunday, l:'il p.m. aaily;arr7:3oa. m. daily,10 :20 p.m.ex San


"."• East Thirl St.. St Paul;

IIlmCI0 3H* - «collet Ay..Minneapolis\u25a0 andlnion depots ivboth oiiiej

""TkTvk St. Paul UiUou.l>epoL j AUKiva

bB.-f«ft.m. WnyzaU.lJtchfleldAWlllmar W:Sop.nfcbS:Sl*.m. Fer. Falls, Fnrsro 4 O. Forks bC:l9p.ia.b3-Sbp.m. Osseo. Clearwater 4 St. Cloud 111:55bS-aup.m. Auok.l. St. Cloud & Willmar bla:ssa.«caacp.m. -Excelsior and Hutchlnsoa.. bllSso-ai

f TVillmar, tSioax City.1ISioux Fall*. MVatertowa,IbUuron, Wohpelon.bAb-

-06:31 p.m. -jerdecii, bEllendale. '.Far- • a":U, bCasaclton, lira toa,

'\u0084 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'

Winnipeg ami PacificCoast,

flAnoka, St. Cloud. SauklJ Center, Fergus Falls, Far- 1

•7:40 p.m. Ico, Crookston, G. Fork* f a*» . Falls. Helena.ILuite and Pacific Coast,]

Eastern Minnesota.-—/ Duluth ,\V.Superior. Elk \ \u25a0"'•\u25a0'\u25a0

b1.05p.r0. -jRiver, Milixca,Hiuckley, ]\u25a0 b7.-00%ra.---1 Pri'.cetuu,Aiu>ka. * . ) "

p.dnilr; !>,except Sundays. «Btt~et parlore»wtrains to rtulutb an West Superior. tßul'ecsleepers. ;Dininsc:ir3, palace deeper* and area

colonist gleeplngcar* .- :-


Chicago, 9filwankoe &St. Paul Ry.lraii.sleave St. P»ul Union Depct as tallows: ForWinonn, LaCrosse, Milwaukee, Chicago, B, 7:355.

111.;A. 2:45 p.m ;a,5:55 p.m; A,3 p.m.,Mason City,St. Louis, Kansas City, A.9:15 a. in.;C, 7:15 p. iv.Dubuqne &Rock Island, B, 7:35 a. m.:C,7:15 p. in.AberUecu, Mitchell, A,6:15 p.m. Calnxar, Daren*pert, 8,9:15 a. m. Austin &Way, A,SOsa. m.- A,4:25 p. in.;C,7:15 p. m. Milbank &Way, B.8:03 a,m.: lied Whig x Rochester. B,4:40 p. m.

A means daily; B, ex. Sunday; C, ex.SaturdayFor urtlit-rin oriuutlonsee Company's time ÜbbiTicket unices, 134 East Third it.aal UnionDepta

Chicago, Burlington &Northern RailroiiLeaves lor Chicago, St. Louis and aovea

river points, 7:.V) a. m.;arrives, 1:13 p.m.daily, except Sunday. \u25a0-•\u25a0--\u25a0-

Leaves for Chicago and St. Louis,7:W-|.m.;arrive* 7.25 a. m.. daily.


ToFarso, Winnipeg Helena, Buttenmltfaa I'aclflc North :;V-\u25a0 '.'._____

_, . _St. PauLDluine Cars on Winnipeg and

—Pacific Coast Trains. Lv. Ar.

Pacific Mail, for Fargo, Bis-marck, Livingston, Bozeman,Helena. Buite,

-Missouln, Spo- \u25a0•"-,' »

I knne, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia 4:15 r>->}| and Portland p.m. p.m.IDakota Express, for Fergus Falls.

Wan ton. Moorhead, Fargo S:00 7-05and Jamestown... p.m.ia.m.

Manitoba press, for Crookston,Grand Forks, Grat ton and Win- 8:00 10:33nipeg....; p.m. a.m.

Fargo Express, for Anoka, StCloud, LittleFalls. Brainerd and 6:15 10:30Fargo a.m. a.m.

AllTrains Daily, except that Dakota Expressdoes notrun west ofFargo on Sunday.

Pullman sleepers daily between St. Paul %ndGrnflnn. Grand Forks, Winnipeg, Ferxus Fallsand Wnhpeton. Pullman Flrst-Ciass and Tour-

j ist Sleepers and Free Colonist Sleepers are runonthrough Pacific Mail Trains. CE. STONE. CityTicket Agent, IC2 East Third Street. St. PauL O.V.McSTKIL,U< Ticket Afient.l3 Xicollet ilomeBlock,Minneapolis. .'


WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEixlf.ats (NorthernPacificß.R.Co.Lewe.)

-- —Ijk--,^..| a.. o~B^ci^ri^i.. a.. p..i. jm.^m^T*1"!£5- "• IJS £\u25a0 "\u25a0 i^s"i« t-.. \u25a0ii.wa's-I 7_»a. m. il»a.v.»»t£-l "\u25a0 >"lfXM

-'fis«~lC<riCA»o. I».4tP.M. I41if. M.

MINNEAROLIS &ST. LOUIS RY.lEATB AIiBEI?TIIEHSOUTE.^.- AKEIVBSt.Panl j BTATIOWB. <:- '^ 'St.Pun!*3«aia ( FcrWaterrllle, Mankato, Alb«t Ii~*7J» dm

\u25a0 Lea. Dea Moines. Cedar iiapids,i]+6.25 pm j( Chicago. Kansas City and West. ) +9.10 amT6.25 pm 1 St. Louis and the South. |9JO am•6.00 am j Watortown Express. «SJOpS*3.40 pra : A\atemlle Express. *10.g)aia

ti)aily. #Ex.Son. U£z.Mou. JEx.Sat.""





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