St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-06-30 [p...

:; H;:'?- y.yi: official. .: ; \u25a0I'-HH \u25a0 Proceedings' Board Public Works Proceedintfs'Board Public Works Special Meeting. St. Pail. June 14. 1887. Board met at 10 a.m. pursuant to call. Present: * Messrs. Barrett, Quinby, Starkey and Mr. President. On motion the Board reconsidered their action which, on the 13th inst., the order to cause a six foot wooden sidewalk to be laid on both sides of Hewitt avenue.'* from Aldine avenue to Hamline (excepting where sidewalks arc already hditi. was referred to the Engineer to carry ' out ; v and it was or- dered that the property of the Hamline university Campus be excepted, the authorities '-of' said university having contracted for the building of their own walk, and had 'the material for said walk on the ground before the passage of this order. Yeas 8, nays 1. Mr. Barrett asked and was granted permission tol have entered in the records of the Board his reason for vot- ing in the negative. On motion the said order as modified, \u25a0was referred to the Engineer to cany out. Adjourned. . U, 1,. GoBMAN, President. W. F. Ekwix. Clerk Board Public Works. - Regular Meeting:. St. Paul, June 16, 1887. Board met at 2 p. m. Present: -.'Messrs. Barrett, Quinby, Star Key and Mr. President Heading ofthe minutes of the 13th and 14th insi. dispensed with. B. Farley and other jiroperty owners on Capitol; Hewitt and Taylor avenues. presented a jietition asking that the walks now laid in the center of the side- walk space be allowed to remain, and that permission be granted to have the remainder of the walks laid on said ave- nues in the -same -<\u25a0 manner. Considered (and referred to the Corporation At- torney tor written rejiort as to disposi- tion of this petition. - William his attorney. E. P. ! Sanborn, Esq.. tiled notice of appeal in the matter of v the assessment for the opening, widening and extension of Minnehaha street, from Como avenue to Western avenue. Considered and placed on file. -' "^ Bids were ojiened and road for the grading of the alley in Asdic's subdi- vision of block 9-2, Lyman Dayton's ad- dition to St." Paul, as follows, to-wit: John W. Maloney ¥247.00 Chas. Nonneinaciier 175. Wm. (i. Mulligan 175. C0 After which the said bids wore laid Over to the 20th inst at 2 p. in. The Council having referred to Board the jietition of J. E. Froiseth and other property'owners interested in the mat- tor of sprinkling Payne avenue, between Minnehaha and Sims streets, the same was considered and placed on file. Order of Council to Board. 'approved Juno 0. 1887. for formal rejiort on the 'Opening, widening and extension of De Soto stroet Maryland street to the north city limits. Referred to Engineer for plan of land to be taken. Order of Council to Hoard, approved June '.», 188f. for formal rejiort on the opening of an alley through Lilian. Peters and Minea" s" rearrangement of block 12, Bell's addition to est St. Paul. Referred to Engineer for plan and estimate, of cost, and for rejiort as to existence of alley in said block 12. Order of Council* to Board, approved June 9, 18S7.Mor.vthe formal rejiort on \u25a0 the construction of a sewer on Sixth street, from.. Maria avenue to Maple street. Referred to Engineer for plan and estimate .61 cost In the matter of the order of Council. approved J line" 0,1887. instructing the Board witli.,^fie, consent of the contrac- tor to cam-id the order for. the sjirink- ling. of Fourteenth street, between Jackson and Canada streets, which, on the insti was laid over to this day, the same wjts.j-jtKen up. when William Forristal, by his agent, James Forristalj presented communication declining to surrender the .sjirinkling of said Four- teenth street, whereupon after due con- sideration,' said 'order and communica- tion were ordered transmitted to the Council. Order of Council to Board, approved June '.». 1887, to cause a six-foot plank sidewalk and crossings to be laid on the nortii side of University avenue, in the Seventh ward, as foliows: Commenc- ing on the west side of the Minnesota Transfer givimids: thence westerly on the north side of University avenue to Raymond avenue: thence north along the east side of Raymond avenue to the Territorial* "road; thence west across Raymond aWnue: thence north along the west sidll' of Raymond avenue, pass- ing the school house and crossing Ellis street in St.-'Anthony Park. Referred to Engineer to carry out. In tiie matter of the construction of a sower on Carroll street from Western avenue to Rice street, the assessment was corrected by abating the amount ($59-50) assessed against W'lvsofeet of S'lv 140 feet'Of-lot 10, block 7, Rondo's addition -v ten St. Paul, (Kittie Ballard supposed; owner) so as to conform . to , the facts and rights of the ease as intended, the said property having already paid more than siad amount for sewer previleges. Pursuant to due. notice ami the ad- journments thereunder the" matter of making and completing the assessment for the opening of Hatch street, from Arundel street .to Como avenue came up. and the same was adjourned to the 23d inst at 2 p. m. -\u25a0-\u25a0' Pursuant to due notice and the ad- jouournments thereunder the matter of making and completing the assessment for the opening, widening and extension of Blvidere street; betweenllall avenue and South Roberto street, came up, and the same was completed, and the Clerk was directed to give the confirma- tion notice. ,; -:.*. The following- bills were examined and allowed, to-wit: Bill of G. W. Merrill of $8. estimating cost of moving buildings in line of Wy- oming street openings Rill of Matthew Craig of $5, estimat- ing cost of moving buildings in line of Wyoming street ojiening. fgpffi-sg Bill of G.W.Merrill of 820. estimat- ing cost of moving buildings on account of slopes on Slate -street. *•\u25a0' - Rill of Matthew- Craig of 810. estimat- ing cost of moviitg buildings on account of slopes on State 'street Adjourned. ..-* R. I^(ini!MAX. President W.F.Ehwin. Clerk Roard Public Works. Adjourned Meeting. St ."Pa June 17. 1887. ; Board met at 0 a. m., pursuant to ad- journment ofJhe/7th Inst. - Present : ""'Messrs. Barrett, Quinby. Starkey and Mr. President. Orderof Council to Board, apjiroved June 9, 1887. to cause the sjirinkling of Warsaw street, from Seventh street to Stewart avenne; Duke street, from St. Clair street to Pleasant avenue, and Pleasant avenue, from Ramsey street to St. Clair street. Referred to; Engineer. to carry out (except as to Pleasant ave- nue. Aid. Ryan- requesting that it be withhold until he can annul the same at the next meeting of the Council). . . Pursuant to due notice and the ad- journment ' thetfcunder, the matter of making and Completing tlie assessment of damages" arising from a change of. grade on Third (3d) street, for the bridge over the railroad right of way and for tin' approach thereto, from a point fifty (50) feet east of the east line of Locust street to Commercial street, on the fol- lowing described ' property, v: "tc-wit: -Blocks 80, 40, 41 and 42, of Lyman Day- .ton's addition ; lot \u25a0 2 of Dawson's re- ! arrangement of block 29,;- Lyman Day- ton's addition, and lot 1, said Dawson's rearrangement | (except part owned by St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Company), came up, and same was adjourned to the 20th ins'f. at 2 p. m. Adjourned. ft. L. Gobmah, President. WZ"-'-- -.':. R. L. Gokmax, President W.F. Eiiwjy,' CKrk.Board Public Works. ';";.'. "'-\u25a0 'Regular Meeting. Z. ';. - ' •'.; St. Pail, June 20, 1887. _j Board met, at A. p. m.. ' :^"3»W*JM^ -Barrett.'. , Qi inbv. Btarkev an'rt'Mf . "President. --; ' " '\u25a0.:-i \u25a0] leading. of.-: the minutes of the 10, h and 17th instv licensed with. Rids were opened and read lor the grading of Giotto street, from Marshall avenue to Minnehaha street, as follows, to-wit: George Rolan $4,5)00 oo George' Bolan ........ . .'.• .. : ... : $4,900 00 James McDonald : :.. 6,100 .00 Henry Justus".-.'. vT. . .. ..;.. 7,200.00 William A. Davom and Thomas Keough ... .-. ..... 5,175 00 Charles Faber. 4,672 80 Timothy O'Brien 6,107 00 Thomas Lhinaii . '.' 5,560 00 James Kavanaugh. . ...: 5.100 00 James Claffoy . 5.711 00 Ferdinand Beyer and Michael Lux............. 5,812 00 (J. Gerlich.' 0,(io0 00 John W. Maloney 4,87000 P. Durack and John Mahoney.. 5,449 00 Charles I Faber.' being the lowest re-. liable and responsible bidder, the.. con- tract was awarded to him* and said award was sent to the Council for ap- proval. Yeas 4, nays 1 (.Mr. Barrett). . In the matter of the bids opened and read on the Kith inst. for the grading of the alloy in Asdic's division of .block. 92, Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul, which were laid over to this day, the same were taken up, and William H. Mulligan being the lowest reliable and responsible bidder (by mutual, con- sent), the contract was awarded to him for the sum of $175. and said award was ordered sent to the Council for approval. Yeas 4. nays 0. •\u25a0mioh'i'm* The Engineer having submitted plan of land to bo taken the following Re- port was ordered sent to the Council, to- wit: '' ..' H To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: ..WI i.- The Board of Public. Works have-had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council,'' approved- April 7, 1887. relative to the opening, widening and extension of Earl street, from Maryland street north to .-"Lake Phalen, and having investigated the proposed improvement, respectfully re- port that said improvement is necessary and proper from Maryland street to the center line (running east antl west) of section 21. town 29. range 23: that the estimated expense thereof'that* real estate to lie assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the dam- ages costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby : that said improvement is not asked for by a jietition of anili- jorityof the' owners of property- »to be assessed therefor, but we herewithst-nd a plan or profile of said improvement and an order for your adoption', ifyou ' desire us to make tlie improvement. Yeas 4. nays 0. *\u25a0>' The Engineer having submitted jilan of land to be taken, the following report was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit: To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: ...:'..V.;t:' The Board of Public Works have-had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved April 21, 1887, relative to the opofiing,' widening and extension of (iaultieu street to a width of 66 feet, f rorif'Atwater , , street to Front street, and having inves- tigated the proposed improvement, re- sjiectfully report that said improvement is necessary and proper; that tin' esti- mated expense thereof is $3,oQfi;„that: real estato to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses sary to be incurred thereby : that said im- provement is not asked for by a petition of majority of the owners of prbp'^jty, to be assessed therefor, lint we herewith. , send a plan or jirotile of said improve- ment, and an order for your adoption; if ydu desire us to make the im,jlU',ove- ment. Yeas 4, nays 0. ;: ' .', „" " The Engineer having submitted plan' of land to be taken, the following "re-' port was sent to the Council, to-wit:,.,. - To the Coinmou Council of the City of st.Paui: ;;ir„Vv The Board of Public Works have under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, ajiproved. April, 7 1887.relative to the opening.and extension of Court street, from tbe,w*pfit, line of Cliftondale to east line of Hoytr's - Out Lots, and having investigated* the; proposed improvement, respectful ly^rcr, jiort that said improvement is necessary and projier from the west line of Clit- tondale to Hamline avenue: that;, the estimated expense thereof is $5,000; that real estate to be assessed there- for oan be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby tethat said improvement is not asked for 'by a* petition of a majority of the owners of Iproperty to be assessed therefor, Ant-we j | herewith send a plan or profiler of -said improvement, and an order for your adoption, ifyou desire us to mate. .the. improvement. Yeas 4, nays'. 0.*., .. \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 \u0084-. The Engineer having submitted- and estimate of cost, the following .re- j iort was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit: . \u0084 ...... To tho Common Council of the City-of St.Paul: ...Ai.iioii :, The Board of Public Works have had' under consideration the ' resolution, or order . of the Common Council, approved April 7. 1887. relative to the openinjfof '-Woodbine street, from Snelling iwouue to the west line of Como.. Park to a uniform width of 120 '„ feet, "aiitl, having investigated the propokeif', "_ provement; respectfully report, thatitf' is: necessary and proper "to open, widen and extend Woodbine street to a.wfr)th of one hundred (100) feet, from .Sn'oil lng . avenue to Como Pane; that the estimated - expense thereof of $10,000; .that-real estate to be assessed .therefor. 0,311 ;]ie found benefited to the extent of the dam- ages, costs and expenses necessary incurred thereby ;that said improvement. is not asked for by a petition of jrma- jority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, but we herewftlnstelHF* aplan'or profile of said improvement, and an order for your adoption! itjyoii desire us to. make the improvement. Yeas 4, nays 0. The Engineer having submitted- plan of land to bo taken, the following report was ordered sent to the Council.>t<Mvit:i To the Common Council of the City of - St.Paul: The Board ofPublic Works -have had -• under consideration the resolufeWm or order of the Common Council. ajiprbvPU' April 7, 1887, relative to the widening of Robertson avenue, from Snelling ay- enue to the east line of Hoytfs'CdfhS"l Out Lots addition to the ' city of M. Paul, and having investigated the pro- posed improvement, respectfully report that said improvement is necessarv-aifd proper from Snelling' line -avenue; that the estimated: ex- pense thereof -""• is $4,000; tftatiireal estate to be assessed -therefor can be found benefited to the extent of -the dam- ages, costs and expenses necessary tobe incurred thereby; that said improve-; ment is not - asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of property. to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile of said improve- ment and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the improvement- . Yeas 4, nays 0. ..n.ijit.-. The Engineer having submitted of .slopes, the following report* was ordered sent tothe Council, td-wit:"^-— To the ' 'ommon Council of the - City of St.Paul: :' '\u25a0 '\u25a0*'\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0 The Roard of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, apprdVed May 18, 1887, relative to oondertlh'lhg slopes on South Robert street, "from ' Concord ; street to Tylor \u25a0 street;-' and having investigated the proposed ; improvement -respectfully- report thrit' it is . necessary and -proper to con- demn and take an easement for'making ' and maintaining slopes for, cuts if ii cl fills one and one-half to one in grading said South Robert street ; that the esti- mated expense thereof is ; $700 ',' ' that real estate \toV be r-. assessed there- for can .be ; found benefited- ;: to the extent of . the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby.; that said improvement is not ; asked for by a petition of a majority of "the owners of- • be assessed therefor, bfit'we herewith send a plan or profile of --.Xul J improvement, and an order: for. your adojition, if you desire us ; to make ' the improvement. -Yeas 4, nays 0. ","'„""' " The Engineer having submitted of slopes, the following report was or- dered scut to the Council, to-wit: "- -': To the Common Council of the CUV of St.Paul: -,'.-:\u25a0: ' ;• The Roard of Pubiic Works have had under, consideration - the '. resolution or- order of the Common Council, 'approved; May is; 18S7, relative to condemning an easement for making and ".maintaining: slopes on State street, from tlie levee to the intersection with South Robert' street, thence on South Robert street- to the. south cKy. limits, and having investi- gated .the ; proposed , improvement, ro- spoctfuliy rejiort that said improvement ' is necessary and proper in grading State street, f rom * tlio -\u0084 levee to . "intersection . •with South Robert "J street -and -South Robert street," from \u25a0 State ' street to the south* city, limits,', extending * said slope J one and one-hair (I 'a) feet | on'; said land for every foot cut or" filled on said : State and South Robert streets, in said gritd- ing; tliat the estimated expense thereof $175; \u0084. that : real estate to .be : assessed , therefor can be found beuefited to the extent of the damages, costs- and expenses necessary to lie incurred thereby ; -.that said improvement is not asked for by a :• petition of a ma- jority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile of said improvement , and an order for your adoption ifyou desire us "to" make the improvement. Yeas 4, nays 0. 3S&**^X§fQ&K_W£sß. The Engineer having submitted plan and estimate of cost, the following re- port was ordered sent to the Council, td-wit : To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: The Hoard of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved May IS. 1887, relative to curbing with Kettle River sandstone, the east side of Summit Place, from Nelson avenue to Iglehart street, and having investigated the proposed improvement, respectfully report that said improvement is neces- sary and proper from Nelson avenue to Iglehart street; that the estimated ex- pense thereof is $308: one-half of which need not be be paid into the City Treasury before the contract is let; that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent, of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby : that said improvement is not asked for* by a petition of a ma- jority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile of said improvement, and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the improvement." Yeas 4, nays (I. The Eng'iueer having submitted plan and estimate of cost, the following re- port was ordered sent to the Council, to- wit: 'To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: The Roard of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Comnion Council, approved Dec. lo, issi., relative to. the paving of Dakota avenue, from the bridge to Con- gress.: street,, and having investigated the proposed improvement, respect- fully report that said improvement is necessary and proper, from the south- easterly "end of the Wabasha street bridge to Congress, street, with cedar blocks and curbing with granite, in- eludi g in the contract for said paving the necessary sewer, water and gas con- nections to the property lines: that the estimated expense thereof is 880,605, :one-half of whicii need not be paid into the City Treasury before the contract is Jet; that real estate to be assessed there- for can be found benefited to the extent of tlie costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby; that said improvement is not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of projierty to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile of said improvement; and an order for your adoption, ifyou desire us to make the improvement Yeas 4. nays 0. The Engineer having submitted plan and estimate of cost, the following re- port was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit: To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: The Roard of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved F^eb. 17, 1887, relative to the paving of Minnesota street, from Eighth street to Summit avenue with cedar blocks and .granite curbs, and having investigated the proposed improvement, respectfully report that said improvement is nec- essary and proper from Eighth street to East Summit avenue, including the necessary sewer, water and gas connec- tions to the projierty lines; that the esti- mated expense thereof is 813.840, one-half of which need not lie paid into the City ' Treasury before the contract is let; that real estate to lie assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby that said improvement is not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of property to be assessed j therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile of said improvement, and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the . improvement. ' Yeas 4, nays 0. The Engineer havine submitted plan and estimate of cost, the following . re- . port was ordered sent to the Council, to- wit: , To the Common Council of the City of : St.Paul: iy*.-. The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved •June 9, 1887, relative to the paving of Selby avenue, from St. Albans street to Summit avenue, ami having investiga- ted the proposed improvement, respect- fully rejiort that said improvement, is necessary and proper. (except' between the rails of the cable line and botween the tracks, and for one foot on each side "of the outside rails of said tracks, where the St. Paul City Railway company is supposed :to pave with granite) with cedar blocks and curbing with granite, including inthe contract for said paving the necessary sewer, water and gas connections to the property lines; that jtlie estimated expense thereof is $34,340; one-half of which need not he paid into the City Treasury before the con- tract is let ; that real estate to be assessed "therefor can bo found benefited to -the extent of the costs and expenses neces- sary to bo incurred thereby; that said improvement is not asked, for by a petition of a majority of the owners of Jiroperty to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send apian or profile of said improvement, and an order for your .adoption, ifyou desire us to make the \u25a0\u25a0improvement.' Yeas 4, nays 0. The Engineer having submitted plan and estimate of cost, the following re- ', port was ordered sent to the Council, .to-wit : To the Common Council of the City of . St.Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved \u25a0"June 9, 1887. -relative to the grading of the alley in block 18, Rice & Irvine's ad- dition to St. Paul, from Market street to \u25a0\u25a0 Washington street, and having investi- \u25a0 gated the proposed improvement, re- spectfully report that it is necessary and proper to grade .and pave (with c 'dar blocks) the said alley in accordance with the recommendation of the City Engineer; that the estimated ex- pense thereof is $511*6; one-half of wliich need not be paid into the City Treasury before the contract is let; that ' real estate to be assessed therefor can he found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be in- curred thereby; that said improvement is not asked for by a petition of a major- ity of the owners of property to be as- sessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile of said improvement. and an order for your adoption, if you .desire us to * make * the improvement. Yeas 4, nays 0. . -, ; The Engineer having submitted plan and estimate of cost, the following re- port was ordered sent to the Council, to- wit: To tlie Common Council of the City of St.Paul: . : The Roar* of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or . order of the Common Council, approved May 18, 1887. relative. the grading of the alley in Park Place addition, from. the Park, in said addition, to Summit; avenue, and having investigated the proposed improvement respectfully re- port that it is necessary and' proper to : grade and pave (with cedar blocks) the alley in Park Place addition to St. Paul,. from' Summit avenue -to the drive around the Park in said addition, in accordance with the recommendation of the City -Engineer; that the estimated expense '- thereof is , $455, one-half of which need not be paid into .the City Treasury before the contract is let; that real estate" to be t assessed \u25a0: therefor can be found benefited to the ; extent of the costs and expen ses necessary to be incurred thereby that said improve- ment is not asked for by a petition* of a majority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, but wo herewith send, a plan or. profile of said improvement, and an order for your adoption, ifyou desire, us to .make . the r. improvement. ; Yea-. 4. nays 0, , ._ * '. '\u25a0-.'- --\u25a0"-. The Engineer having submitted plan's and ; specifications ;for s the grading of j L'Oriont . street, from Mt. Airy " street .! to Pennsylvania avenue, the same -were; examined and approved and the Clerk. was ; directed ;• to advertise for - bids for said improvement..; '\u25a0 h:--Z' j It having beep made to appear to the Bdard that lots i, 2, 8, 4 and 5 (westerly of Dakota avenue), block ' 13, West St. ' Paul Proper and Prospect Terrace (so led) lnrftar of said lots 1, 2, 8, 4and 5, have boon over-assessed for- the con- struction of a sewer on Dakota '-. avenue, from the southeasterly end of the Wa- basha street bridge to '\u25a0 Congress street (formerly. street), -' (Dakota and Plate avenues sewer) the same was cor- rected by, fednoing the amount assessed again saidlots 1, 2, 3, 4 and .5 (westerly; of Dakota avenue) 810.50, so as to con- form to, the facts and rights of the case as intended and so as to read as follows, to-wit: Harriet A. Prescott. Lots 1, 2, Harriet A. Prescott. Lots 1,-2,' 3, 4 and 5, (westerly of Dakota avenue, block 13, West St. Paul Proper and Prospect Ter- race (so called) inrear of said lots.l; % 3," 4 and 5 ..... ¥427 00 The Clerk was directed* to give noticed! of " correction in the ; matter of I the : assessment . for ' the *: ' opening, j widening and extension* of Rondo street," j from . 'Mackubin, street to Kent*" street; as to ownership, | description, of " and amount assessed against* lot'l 2 -(except St. Albans and Rondo streets hud St. Anthony avenue), j Smith Lott's Out Lots, St. Paul. The Clerk was directed to give notice Of correction hi the matter of the assess- j ment for the- opening, widening and j extension of 'Livingston avenue . eighty | (80) feet .wide, from"Wood street to the j south city limits, and Houbert street from its present southerly terminus to j an intersection with Livingston avenue, j as ito." ownership, description of and | amount' to Ife assessed against lots 1 and j 2, inclusive^ block 80, West St. PauT proper. '. Pursuant' to- due notice and the ad- journment^'thereunder, the matter of making and coinpleteing the assessment j for the Opening and extension of Stevens street; froiii-tlie west line of Banning & Oliviors addition to West St. Paul to Cherokee avenue, came up, and the j same wasadjour ted to July 18, 1887, at 2 j». ni. - \u25a0- Pursuaift* to due notice and the ad- ! journment's thereunder, the- matter of [ making and completing the assessment for the opening and extension of George street from its western terminus to Cherokee avenue, came up and the | saniO'Wasitdjourned to July 18, 1887, at j 2p. vi: ! '"" ; Pursuant to due notice and the ad- I journments'.'thoreunder, the matter of j making and 'leompleting the assessment of. damages Wising from a change of grade 011 Third (3d) street, for the bridge I over the railrOad right of way, and for | the ajijiroitcrios thereto from a point fifty(50) feet oast of the east line of Locust street to Commercial street, on the following described property, to- wit: Blocks 30. 40, 41 and 42. Lyman Dayton's addition lot 2, of Dawson's rearrangement of block 20. Lyman Day- ton's addition, and lot 1, said Dawson's rearrangoh'i'oiit (except part owned by St. Paul A Duluth Railroad comjiany) came up, and the same was adjourned to the 23d idst. at 9a.m. - - ".-'. The folldwingestiniates and bills wore examined ami allowed, to-wit: Estimate' 1, Tenth and Rice street paving, .Cedar, street to Como avenue, Forrestal & Reilly, contractors: amount due; 85,382.' '•' -.;-, " Estimate No.-l, Holly avenue paving, Western avenue to Dale street; Warren Scharf Asplmlt Paving : company, con- tractors 5 amount due, .¥0,950."* ** Estimate' No. 1. Western avenue pav- ing, Summit avenue to Laurel avenue, Warren' Scharf Asphalt Paving: com- ', pacy, f ohtWictors ; amount due. $722.50. Estimate. No. 1, Edgerton street im- provement Decatur street to- Maryland street,l McArthur Rros.. contractors; amount idtie. *82,001. - Estimate No. 1, alley in block 2, Hol- combe's addition, grading, E. C. Bowen, contractorl:' amount due. ¥:^74; "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 Estimate No. l.Dousman. Yankee and Ann streets grading. Thornton & Shaw, contractorsramount due. 8935. -' ;;.*; - Estimate -No. 1, Phalen avenue grad- ing, Seventh street to Harvester alley, ; Davis &.< l^oekwood, contractors: amount duo. tLOaft.'.: "\u25a0'•' ' \u25a0'". " '"' Estimate No. 1. Erie street grading. BanfiFstreet to Randolph street. J. 1). Moran. contractor: .amount due, ¥1,020. Estihi{i^N,u,','l, Aurora avenue grad- ing; Kent; sireet to Lexington avenue, (J. Gerlich, contractor;' amount duo, ¥2^59., \ ..,..-. \u25a0 ...... . Estiuijue,No,.l, alley in block 2, Hum- phrey*-** add ition. grading. "G. Gerlich, contractor; amount due. 8238. ' ;"; Estimate,, , No. 1. Mackubin street sewer, Hd)Jy,sivenu£ to Ashland ave- nue, -rPj Doherty, contractor; r amount duo, ¥338.20. y_ -. :;• \u0084:*."- .: ' . Estimalje.'Nb. 1, Cypress '.Street grad- ing. Suburban avenue to Seventh street, V. B. Parks, contractor; 'amount': due, ¥3.1.Hi." ; ..-.'\u25a0' F]sthnate,No. 1, Columbia 'itreet,' grad- ing, \u25a0 Glencoe street 'to "Pennsylvania avenue; William G. Mulligan, con- tractor ;| amount due, ¥595. -A- Estimate No. 1, Sheldon avenue grad- ing, Minnehaha street to St. Paul, Min- neapolis "'& Manitoba railway, G. BolaiK Contractor; amount due, ¥1,309. Estimate No. 1, -Martinv" and .:. Fuller street grading, . 11. Justus, contractor; amount;diie, ¥4;029. Estimate. No. 2, Victoria street grad- ing. Marshall avenue to St.' Clair street, J. Kavanaugh, contractor: amount due, 81.004.' ! ';„.",/ Estimate No. 2, Stewart avenue, Can- ton and Logan streets grading. W. J. MurnameV'"Colitractor; amount due, ¥2.550.' \ Z,.'\" l .'. Z '''Zk.'ZZZ Estimate 'No, 2, Fairmount ' Place, St. Albans and other streets; grading and sewef; system, P. IL Thornton, con- tractor ; amount duo, 88,415. ' . :'; Estimate N0.2, Chicago avenue grad- ing (Dakota avenue to Ducas 'street), MoArthut Bros., contractors: amount due, 85.185.'" ,'.. \u25a0 .: - - '•\u25a0'•; - Estimate 0..2, Victoria street-grading (Marshall avenue to University avenue), T. contractor; amount due, 81,530. \u25a0! ;.",;,,• : - . ;- ..-, Estimate No. 2, Pascal avenue, and Holton ' "avenue . grading, '-Da vern & Keou^li, 'e^jiti^jrtbrs; amount due, 8255. . Estimate Ji io. .3, Fisk and Miller street ' grading (Laurel avenue to 'Aurora ave- nue), P. Durack, contractor; amount due, 82,5$£' .' ' -.:••. :»• ;\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- EsthnatV.'So. 3, Lincoln and Grand avenue 'grading (Victoria street to Lex- ington ! stVfe'ihie), J. -'Kavanaugh, con- tractor; amount due, $1,190. \u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0'\u25a0 -Estimate ".No. 3, Burr street grading (York street to Brainard avenue), C. F. Contractor : amount due.83,400. Estimate No. 8, Arundel street grad- ing (Carroll street to Minnehaha street), Beyer &Lux, contractors; amount due, SI.IMSO, ,I'W'l" - * Estiniate'No. 3. Lisbon street grading (Dayton avenue to Pleasant avenue). P. H. Thornton, contractor^ amount due, $1,912.50. '" •';;.' " Estimate No. James street grading (Victoria street to Western avenue). IV H. Thornton," Contractor; . amouut due, ¥2,975.-, ,'s: '-V;-.- '-.-: •-'..-'•' Estimate No. 3, Winifred and Colorado streets grading-, -Tracy & Tracy, con- tractors; amount due, $1,513. Estiniaf(&]£o.%s; Case street grading; Mississippi-street to Forest, street. Dale & Baumgardner, contractors; amount duo, ¥3,145. ... . . .. Estimate No. 4, Greenbrier avenue grading, Margaret street to Seventh street J. W." Doherty, ' contractor: amount due, ¥459. ' Estimate No. 4, Jessamine street grad- ing,Edgerton street to Mississippi street, T. Dailey, contractor; amount due, ¥2,958.' ,' ;\s'Ahi.\: : ' Estimate No. 4, Arch street grading, Columbia street to Jackson street, P. H. Thornton; contractor; amount : due. ¥1,940.50.-"" •" Estimate No. 5,. Hague avenue and Milton, street grading, W. P. Muruhv, contractor-; amount due, ¥1,173. ' >;., .. Estimate No. 5, Cherokee avenufc^ grading, Ohio Street to south city limits. 11. Justus, contractor; amount due, $2,295. :..•./,.•«..-;. \u0084-,'.. Estimate No. 6. Frances - street grad- ing, Arcade street to English street, W. (J. Mulligan* contractor; amount due,"! ¥2,329.'.' ; .' - -.- ,>.-- V ,\u25a0*.-- :--y^Wji , Estimate No. 6, Conway street grad- ing; Commercial street to Earl street, J. Kavanaugh, contractor f amount J due," ¥13.485. ;.-;.- -. .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ..- .. Estimate' "No. 7, Isabel -street grad- log, Ohio street to State street ''vW.'JEftfc.' man, contractor; amount diie,-?l,sSD>i * i'/ Estimate No. 7. Minnehaha and otite?* : streets grading, De Soto street to' Boek' ' street, r^lc Arthur Bros., - contractors: due. 18,415.' ! '\u25a0.:*. "2Ui'ivM. . Estimate No. B",' lglehart street: grad- ing, Mackubin street to Lexington 1 »vb>»; rime, Dale & Baumgardner, contractor^'' ; amount duo, $1,785. \u0084,.. \u0084,(i<,, Estimate No. 11, St. Clair, Grace and Warsaw streets grading, J. Kavanaugh,- ' contractor; am/uint due, \u25a0 18,316. \u25a0'\u25a0 *.»\u25a0**/ ton i > Estimate No. 1, Sherman street sewer,'l. ' Pleasant avenue :to Oak : street,' •>P*: Doherty, contractor; amount duej \u25a0* *867.'. \u25a0 : Estimate No. 1, Jackson street- sewer,- ' Eleventh "street to Grove: street.' ¥. ' Doherty, contractor; amount due, > £U(). / Estimate No. 1, Canada street sewer.' Thirteenth street to Fourteenth street. \u25a0 P. . Doherty, -contractor; amount due, : $2G3: - No. 1, Franklin street sewer, Estimate No. 1, Franklin street sewer, jElimstreet to Sherman street, Han- 'sen, contractor, amount due, $748.7, I .'Estimate No. 1, Dakota s avenue and ) Plato avenue sewer, Stockton «&. Lind- [ qnist,- contractors ; amount-' due, . 55400. i , t 'Estimate No. 2, Sixth . street sewer*- Oakstreet to Summit avenue, White & Adams, contractors; -.amount due,,s(isU., , y Estimate No. 2, -Carroll; street sewer, ,' r Western avenue to Rice street,. I. Do- wierty, contractor ; amount due, §2,s^).' ' v j I •Estimate No. 2. Cedar, street so-wVj', jßourth street to Seventh street,. E. l)o- --rty, contractor; amount due, .«88iV \u0084,:• , (, Ti sfimate No. 6, Summit place. f?yito,^ ot silwers, F. S. Blodgett, contractor.^ . amount due, 8:>,570. 2 ""..-.- '/*"\u25a0\u25a0 Estimate No. 9, Custer street : sevv^r,, , system, P. S. Rlodgett, contractor,;,.,, amount due, 15,200.50. . . .ZZ .. \u25a0\u25a0 Estimate No. 2,* sprinkling, -Dis-", triet No. l, W. Forrestal,. contractor;', ,'. amount duo, 81,200.41. " .x. ,.,-., ... Zt Estimate No. 1, street sprinkling, Dis- trict No. 2, W. Forrestal, contractor;;.. . amount due. ¥28.15. :.-.-'\u25a0 £\u0084,,,\u25a0„,', Estimate No. 2,' street sprinkling, Dis-. \u2666 triet No. 8, W. Forrestal;-: contractor; ,' amount due, $2,444.48. . Estimate No. 2. street sprinkling, JJLsr,.,. triet No. 4, W. Forrestal, contractor*^..., amount due, ¥2,578.97.,. ;. . jfj^„ , Estimate No. 2, street sprinkling,, Di^V ,-" trict;No. 5, Forrestal & Reilly, cou'tui'et ors: amount due. 82,087.28. -•'.•- \u25a0\u25a0 ' Estimate No. 2. street sprinklingVjDis- , triet No. (i, Forrestal' «& Jteillyi'.-p/j/i-C,.., tractors; amount due, ¥1,043.27. Estimate No. 2, street sprinkling, DiSj^ i trictj No. 7, F'orrestal & Reilly, ,-co.jij'' \t tractors; amount due, ¥2,104.41. .!.,!,' v Estimate No. 2. street sprinkling, Dis-. : triet No. 12, William" Forrestal, cyn- traidor; amount due, ¥883. .'....' J' '\u25a0..,',. Estimate No. 1, Ross and Fauquier.' ,, streets grading. Cooper & Harper, con- tra-tors: amount due, ¥4,080. .;•:. .. -i,. Estimate No. 2. Atlantic street .; grad-,:,, in?;. Third street to "\u25a0 Harvester '. Cooper & Harper, contractors; amount due, ¥2,720. :. ';,'". Estimate No. 1, Decatur street .sewer, , (Ri-dford street to Edgerton street), B. J., . Kirkiand, contractor; amount due, ?080. '.;. .;;.,„' Estimate No. 2 and final. Wilder - aver.,l; n'ua grading. St. Anthony avenue .to, Marshall avenue, W. Lockwood, con-. , traitor; amount -due, ¥344. :-.)»,-.->, Estimate No. 13 and final, . Fairfield i i avenue grading, Dakota avenue- to State street, McArthur Bros., contractors^ i' amount due, ¥7,025. ;.:; > ... ', Estimate No. 4. supplementary to No. *. 3 and- final, Tavlor avenue grading, ';-. Alcine avenue to « Hamline ; avenue, i. Cooper & Harper, contractors; amount \u0084 duo, 8300. i-i *;\u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0-.'- ..:. ZZ , " --i x . Estimate No.^s and final, Greenbrier , avenue grading. Margaret street to- Seventh street,: J. W. Doherty, eon- . tractor: amount due, 8435. \u0084-,/;. i Estimate,; No. . (i ; and final. Hague. avenue ami Milton street grading.AY. L P. Murjil'.y, contractor ; amount . due * , , '•08&' '/ *-- \u25a0 ; -\u25a0- -.- ..'5i.1."". , Estimate No. 5 and final. Third. street : \u25a0Irciifge. approach, 11. E. Horton, ... tractor; amount due, 815.305.17. . - v \u0084• .'.EstiuiateNo. 2 and final, Mackubin \u0084 street "/ewer. Holly avenue to Ashlandi, avenue. P. Doherty, contractor, ahiouht: : (hie,»fß4.Bo. \u25a0\u25a0* ... ,• ,*-',.'., :Es"t3hiate No. 2 and final,- '.Sherman^ V street sewer. Pleasant 'avenue to (^nKt J. stre/'t.P. Doherty, j contractor; anibpiitl j due .851. x-, *. ;,.•.-. . ZX^xWWW-i-x Estimate No. 2 and final,-. Canada, ,- sewer. Thirteenth street to Fonr^ teeitii: street, P. Dpherty, contpifit-fjyi'. .- amount due. KLso.*j,*.y ............. i .: \u25a0\u25a0'. Estimate Nd: 2 and final, Washington;, ' street sewer. Eagle street to Hill street;-' - I'd Doherty. " contractor ; amount ' due/," '' ¥5850... .•.;"::.•;;..,.'".'• \u25a0•• '\u25a0' ':-"<*' '\u25a0 . Estimate , No. '2 X and . final, Frah^ffn'* Stmt % sewer. Elm . street to Shermarr- -; street, Hans Ilansdii'.coh tractor ; {111106111 dm. $132. '\u25a0•>. ' ' : m ri"tit~ Estimate No. 3 -and final. Sixth street sewer, Oak street" to Summit avenue,"- AVhite & Adams, contractors; ainohhV' ' dm. 8184. r..Zf.< -. '.\u25a0\u25a0 ;;'" .;''n" Rill of G. H. - Ballon of 87.80. writing*.;':' up testimony . taken "before Board -Of**" 'PuHic Works, June 20, 1887. ' '-" '*•\u25a0'»' ,*, Rill of G.W. Morrill of ¥12, estimating \u25a0'' co«t;of moving, buildings, in line -of-' :: slopes on South Robert street. . /,' '".'".'; Adjourned. '"'' **'" ' ! R. L. (loiimax, President. , W.F. Enwix, Clerk ßoard Public Works- •• *••*'. - - --n'Jii-l t ! -'• \u25a0\u25a0'-'\u25a0 . *. :i:<*'tV/ , . j Special .Meeting. / . ".";'~'r: Special Meeting. . f St. Paul, June 21, 1887. y" :" Foard met at oa. m. pursuant tirtlafl"' !! I resent: Messrs. "Barrett,"-: Quinsy, '" Starkey and Mr. President." --^i--- - 9:15 a. m. the Board prdceeded view the following streets, to-wit: :i" -„,'? V .Fillmore. avenue, from Dakota avenue' ' to State street; Columbia street, from" *: (lluicoe street to Pennsylvania aveiM^f3** Owa'sco avenue, from St. Albans street' ' to (Lexington avenue; Phalen street, from Seventh (7th) street to Harvester" '' alky; alley in block 9, Terry's add^tiWn to St. Paul, from , Earl street to Frank' ' 1 ' street, with assessment tin grading of said avenues," streets and ' '" alley. .'.;.' \u0084- '...'*\u25a0•..' .. ,": : Afreet next to the Mississippi river, from Chestnut street, to James street" ' with reference to assessment . for.'&ra(J- " in;, said street to a partial grade, i-to'K'*''' to] width of thirty-three. (33) feet, with: *. necessary shore protection and culvert.' " . Decatur street, from Bedford strW'i 'tiff " Edgerton street: Mackubin street, from,. Hilly avenue to Ashland avenue; Jack- ' son street, from r Eleventh Glth) street to Grove; street ; . " \^iafj)artflK " stivot. from Thirteenth . (13th) . street 'id , -Fourteenth street with reference' tttus^' ' sessment for the .construction Vs&Jy&P ' on said street. ;. . ';../"'?.".?' State street, from the levee to Con-.- .. cord street, with 2 reference to assess ' " mint for a change of grade oii'^aTC " street, from the levee to/Snsap. street (now Congress street). . ._'..,.' . Fillmore avenue, between HAkOta' ,' : avenue and State street, with r^te'rfpc^. : to assessment for condemning and»4AK-. ".: ing an easement for making and main- :* taining slopes necessary in grading said.' " Fillmore avenue. .-.,., '\u0084,', . Street - from Cliff street at its inter- section with Forbes street (now Smith- avenue) to Cherokee avenue at' lih'.mW '\u0084 tersection with Mohawk avenue (miw. .. Smith avenue) with reference to assess- ment for the opening of said street,- . -" / Having viewed said streets the.BotoT," '. returned at 12:30 p.m. and adjourned. . . . _- j--.* „*-.•\u25a0; R. L. (Jormax, President. W. F. Er.wix,Clerk Roard Public \yo,rk£v •* * " * -- nihil. CONTRACT WORK. x: z Grading U Orient Street- : Grading L Orient Street ...'..'lt.. ;\u25a0'- Office Boaud of Puni.ic Works, ) . Office Boaiip of Public Works, ) City of St. Paul, Minn.,June2l,lS«7.-»f' \u25a0 Sealed bids will be". received by the. Board of Public Works ;in and for the \u25a0 corporation of the city of St. Paul, Mm- \u25a0 nesota, at their ofiice in said city until; 12 m.. on' the sth day of July, D. : CIBB7, for grading L'Oriont | street from Mt. Airy street to Pennsylvania avenue, . in said city,according to plans' and specir , . fictitious on filein the oflice of said Board. \u25a0 : A bond with at leasts^ two (2 sureties \u25a0 in a sum of at least twenty (20) per. cent,- of the gross amount bid must accompany; . : each bid. ; ; The said Board ; reserves the right to ; reject any or all bids. \u25a0•_'-\u25a0 , "\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0'-.\u25a0 ;-;.*' . ' \u25a0 it,. L. GORMAN, President".;;, ' Official -.: \u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0 W. F. Ekwin, ' - ' ' 174-184 '\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 Clerk Board of Public Works. : ; Confirmation of Assessment for Grading Owasco Avenue. -Office Board of Puni.ic Wokks, ) City of St. PAUL,Minn/,June 27,1887. f j* The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses arising f rom v grading , Owasco avenue, from St. Albans street to Lexing- ton avenue," in the city of St. Paul, Mm nesota, haviug been completed by tlie \u25a0 Board of Public Works in and for said city, said Board will meet at their office in said city at. 2 p. m. on the Ilth day of July, A. D. 1887, to liear objections (if any) to said assessment, at which : dime and-' place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, - said '-. assess- ment wili bo confirmed by said Board. ""The following is a list of the supposed owners'.: names, a description of the property benefited and the amounts as- sessed against the same, to-wit: .* J. C. Stout's Addition to Summit Park Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and " description. Lot. Block. Benefits Mary W Griggs. ... .28 1 ¥53 40 James Scott .......27 1 35 (X) Same, Elv y 0f..... 20 1 17 80 Martha J Braley, V. W'ly of 26 1 . 17 80 Same, Ely y, of ... 25 1 17 80 James Scott, W'ly y 0f................ ..25 1 17 80 Same..... .......24 1 35 (X) Same. .. .• 23 1 35 60 (teo C 5t0ut. ....... .22 1 85 60 Same ......21 1 35 (X) James C Stout et a 1.20 1 35 (X) Same otal li) 1 35 00 Same etal 18 1 85 (X) Same etal 17 1 85 00 Same et a1. . .- ..... .. .16 1 . .85 (X) Same et al 15 54 80 Same etal 1 2 " *35 60 Same et a1 .... 2 2 85 (X) Same et a1 . .......... 3 2 . 35 60 Same etal;. 4 2 35 60 Same et aI:.'. '........ 5 2 85 00 Same etal .6 2 35 60 Same etal 7 2 85 60 Same eta 1..:.... 8 2 35 60 Same et al .......... 9 2 85 (X) Same etal 10 2 85 60 Same etal 11 2 85 00 Same etal ......12 2 85 (X) Sameetal.'.".:. .71.. 13 2 85 60 Same et al 14 2 ,35 60 Same etal 15 2 35 60 Same et al 16 2 54 80 'W Summit Park Addition to St.Paul. Sujiposed owner and H'"- description. Lot. Block. Benefits Win 1' 5n0w. . .... 28 10 $53 40 5ame. .....:....... 27 10 , 35 00 Samuel R0ckwe11.. ..26 10 35 (X) Saihe. 25 10 35 (X) SUme . ... ... „** 24 10 85 00 Same...: .....23 10 85 (X) Same.... .22 10 85 60 Same .21 10 v 35 (X) Same. ... ...20 10 35 60 Same .......;.... 1!) 10 35 60 Same.... ..1......... 18 10 85 60 Albert MEddy 17 10 85 60 John W Fallihee 16 10 85 60 Same..... 15 10 54 80 T Cochran, Jr....... 1 11"' 53 40 Same 2 11 85 60 Same.. 3 11 35 60 CE D Olinstead Z:. .4 11 35 (X)' Chester X Smith 5 . 11 3560 ' George S Ferry ' 6 11 35 60 John 5C0n1ev....... 7 11 35 00 Henry B Cocker 8 11 85 60 Clara E Hah 11 9 11 85 60 Same... .10 11 85 60 Same ...... ...... 11 11 35 60 Henry X Cocker .... .12 11 ' 35 60 Frank E Forster. .. .13 11 85 60 Corinth 11 Ryan... 14 11 54 30 Lewis G Swett. . 1 14 53 40 Same 2 14 35 00 5ame.....:.. ..3 14 85 60 Annie Bailey 4 14 85 60 MLMerrill 5 14 35 60 Harry O Dillev ...... 6 14 . 35 60 Kimball & Thorn... 7 14 85 60 Alice E Palmer. .... 8 14 35 60 StephenasG Pierce. 9 14 .35 60 Henry Hutchinson.. 10 14 35 60 Same ..........11 14 85 60 Allen E Rice....:... 12 14 35 60 Same '..13 14 85 60 Same. ......... 14 14 54 30 HelenS 8art0n..... 28 15 53 40 Sarah J Loomis 27 . 15 _ . •_; 35 mo . 5aine............ ....26 15 35 60 HS Barton ....... 25 15 35 (X) Same :....:.... .24 15 ' 85 60 Zerelda W uter .... 23 >\u25a0 15 85 00 D N Dellinger. . .. : 22 15 35 60 5aine.....;....';...'..2t' - 15 35 60 5ame. .....:. ... : ... 20 15 35 60 Geo J Anderson..... 19 15 .1 35 60 Same. :..-.: .**. .-. .-. .- .. 18 : 15 . 35 00 Wm N Armstrong -eta 1.. ...... .......17 15 35 60 Whitnev Wall et all 16 15 85 60 Ida M Woodburn. .. .15 15 54 30 -y; Haldeman's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and \u25a0>*" description. - Lot. Block. Benefits John WCramsie....2B 1 353 40 5ame.. .. .... . : .. ... 27 1 35 60 Chas F Clark and R Sunde .". ......... .26 - ' 1 85 00 Same and same ....25 1 . 35 60 Same and same .". ... 24 1 85 (X) Sarah E Curtis. .... 23 1 35 60 Same ....22 1 35 60 Wm R 5hank1e...,.21 1 35 60 AMEddy 20 1 35 60 Frank M Joslin ..... 19 : 1 35 60 Sumner W Mathie- * , son .'. ; ;**. *. ; .... : 18 1 85 60 J W Fallihee and W -.P 5n0w........... 17 1 85 00 Same and same:... 16 1 35 00 Same and same..:.:. 15 1 52 50 R J Haldeman. .. 1 4 53 40 Same.... :... 2 4 85 60 5ame................ 3 4 35 60 5ame...... .^...4 4 85 60 Same. ....... 5 * 4 85 00 5ame........'......:. 6' 4 35 60 5ame......... ...7 4 35 60 Same.... '...-8 4 85 60 5ame.... .:.......;.. 9- 4 35 60 Same *.. 10 4 35 00 5ame.....: ....11 4 85 60 5ame.. .........1.. 12 4 35 60 5ame.. ....;....... 13 4 85 60 Same .... .......14 4 52 50 Same ' A... .. 1 3 53 40 5ame......:. **.-. 2 3 85 60 Same..... 3 3 85, 60 5ame'.........- ..4 3 35 60 Same .:..-5 8 ..-35-60 Same .........:.:..,. 6 . 3 ,85. 60 Same ...."..;.... 7 3 35 60 Same \u0084..:.... 8 3 35 60 5ame...... .....9 3 85 60 Same ...10 3. \u25a085 erf) Same 11 ,3 85 60 5ame........ 12 8 85 60 Same..... ."...:. 13 , 3 35 60 Same. 14 3 52 50 PHKyan ......28 2 53 40 Same 27 2 85 (50 B J Shipman 26 .2 35(50 Thos Slater . ...... .25 2 85 (50 Win P Abbott ...:.. 24 . 2 35 60 D W Milliard 23 2 35 60 William Ge0rge..... 22 2 85 60 OF Church.. ...... 21 2 85 60 Will P Abbott ......20 2 35 60 J II and J Fair- ; bank 5. .:..: .......19 2 35 60 Same and same..... lS . , 2 85 60 Same and same. 17 2 35 (X) Ella MFouble ...... 16 2 35 60 Percival H.Ryan... 15 2 52 50 S.B.Pierce's Enlargement to Summit Park Addition to St. Paul. , Supposed owner and x description. Lot. Block. Benefits Martha C Clarke. . .28 1 , $53 40 5ame.;..... ..27. 1 35 60 i Same ..:...:..:..... 26 1 35 60 Same ......::.. .....25 1 85 60 Jas II Pierce eta 1.. .24 * 1 .85 50 Dawson Moreland . .83 1 85 60 Same ... : ....... : . 22 1 85 60 Chas L Anderson* - and H W Will- . iams ..............21 1 3560 Francis J Fairbanks 20 1 85 60 5aine............ 19 - 1 35 CO Oscar T Roberts;. "..IS- 1 85 60 Same ...:.;...... ...17 1 35 60 Jas H Pierce et a 1 . .. 16 1 - 85 00 Same ....15 1 53 40 Same eta 1........... 1 ' 2 5:5 4o Sameetal..... 2 2 35 60 Same etal ....... '3 . 2 35 60 Same eta 1...... 4 2 85 60 Sameetal::,:..' 5 ,2 35 60 ' Daniel*M Campbell. 0 - 2 - 35 60. Jas H Pierce et a 1 ... 7 2 85 60 Sanieetal.::;.: ....jj 2 ' -35 CO J Webster - Haywood 9 2 35 60 . Francis J Fairbanks.lo '2 35 CO \u25a0 Herman A Schulz.V.ll 2 35 60 Anna C Thompson .. 12 ' ' 2 \u25a0'\u25a0'-".* .85 (X) John Merrill 13 2 ".35 00 Jas Pierce etal'.:. l4- 9 ; .: 53 40; \u25a0— \u25a0 " ' 1 -^ . E A Phinnpy's Atlditibu to Stf raiil:':rr! E A Phinnpy's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed and x"-Z'-y •:.'..• \u25a0 description. >*' Lot. Block. Benefits C B Davison ;..:.:28 1 ', * '-$53 40 Same:..: \u25a0•...-..•.•;. 27 "\u25a0= •'."•'• 1 -;**"\u25a0 86 CO Same.... :*... ..'.:.... .20 1 3.5 00 Same..".:v..v... :..'.. 23 1 85 00 5ame........... 24 1 85 60 Same. ...V.V.'. .-:..'.. 2:1 1 35 00 , 5ame. .. : '.'.' .'.".'. .... ; .22 ' 1 35 (JO Same..../.-. ....... ...21 l 35 00 Same. '. . .20 1 $- 00 Same....*.'.'.".'.':' 19 1 35 00 5ame....:.:v;.-.-;....i8 l 85 60 Same .. '.v.-**.- .'.' >\u25a0:\u25a0 .-. .... 17 l 85 00 Same. . '.- .'.*.'.'Zi i."... .: 10 1 35 00 5ame.....:'.;.T.'.'....15 1 52 50 5ame..:...'..'..;'..... 1 2 58 40 'Same..i.V.".!r..vL'.r... 2 2 35 60 Same . : . .".':. ?;•.". .... 3 2 85 00 Same ..-.:.';.... 4 2 s 85 60 Same -.i.-i...•: •..:.. 5 2 35 00 5ame.... i?;:'.' .".'.".'... 0 2 35 00 Same .. Z'.ZZ, .':'. '.:.... 7 2 35 00 Same. ... .-:\u25a0 . ...... 8 2 35 150 Same..:. .'.•M**.?*.':;... 9 2 85 (Mi Same.". ..." .' '.'.' : .'.' . .' .-. 10 2 35 60 5ame.. .. . \u25a0•;..'•:',-. ; ... .11 .2 85 00 5ame.... ::•.•;•. i'.-.;.. 12 2 35 00 Same . : :.'.:..; .13 2 35 00 Same ... 1.1T. .'...:... 14 2 52 50 All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. R. L. GORMAN, President. Official: *-.*:. l AY. F. Enwix. 180-181 Clerk Board of Public Works. Confirmation of Assessment for Grading Phalen Street. j VI Villi i: \u25a0 - ' OffickBoaud (jk Pum.ic AAtouks. » Office Boaud cjl Pi;ni.ic Wokks. i City of St.Pau/., June 27, 1887. j ijji . ii.:- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . - * ' . The assessment of benefits, costs and The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses arising from grading Phalen street, from.Seventh (7th) street to Har- vester alley,, in the city of Stt Paul. Minnesota, having been completed by- the Board of Public Works in and for said city, said Board will meet at their office in said-city, at 2 p. m., on. the Ilth day of July; A. ,D. 18S7, to hear objec- tions (if any)' to said assessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, paid^ts- sessmenfc.will be confirmed' by said Board. \u25a0;„,,. ,. ... . The following ' is a list of the sup- posed owners';-.. names, a description of the property-benefited, and the amounts assessed against same, to-wit: Tracy,'s 'Out Lots, St. Paul. Supposed mvn&'a^d description. ' ;.' Lot. Block. Benefits Solomon Kern.. t'.::. 0 10 £38 00 Same ,:;'.:... 5 10. -38 00 Louisa : Parser ::....; 4 10 38 00 Same..:..-.'.:....;.... 3 10 38 00 Frank AV,."Hadfield. 2 10 38 00 5ame. ... '. .' ?,!., [[...... 1 10 38 00 Leslie Par1in.. ....... (5 8 38 00 5ame......':."r"..:::V 5 8 38 00 Jno Tracy.. .', 4 8 38 00 aiargaret.'Ciipn'nihg. 3 8 38 00 Same, Sly Jf- of .-; ... 2 8 10 00 Lucy HetfiUfd,' N'ly 1-2 0f.... ',:'.,. ,..;.... 2 8 19 00 Same :'.:'.-...... 1 "8 38 00 Prindel Partridge... 1 4 14 00 Robert L Adams 1 2 73 00 AP Olson , .' ' _ ;'.'.;.. 15 9 30 50 5ame. ........ .1v .. ... 14 9 30 50 James Merchrtht.".'.. 9 SO 50 Same. . .'. .-.'. :\u25a0'. '. .'. 'ZZ. . 12 9 30 50 Isabella Murray .... 11 9 30 50 Same. . . . .-:>/ .-.' : .. 10 9 30 50 5ame...'. .':'..'. J .... 9 9 86 50 Wm S Gregory"..'.... 8 9 36 50 5ame...... 7 .9 30 50 \u25a0Horatio P -Bowden.. 0 9 30 50" Mason X McElroy... 5 9 30 50 Henry Brand, '...:.. 4 9 30 50 LucvHotfiold....... 3 9 30 50 Mary A 8rand...... 2 9 30 50 Same.... : ;'.:..':.... 1 9 10 00 Matilda Webb*:;-.... 8 3 50 20 Same...... "/.v.--..."... 2 ' 3 -36 50 Win H Webb! v. .'.'...- 1 ' 3 - 54 75 Supposed-owner and Wy.xzxzZ.W xxt description. ~ :_ r \u25a0 Bonenis Chas T Corning. That piece of ground bounded. northerly by Harvester alley, Ely by Pha- len street: Sly by right of way ofthe Chicago. St. Paul.Minne- apolis »fe Omaha Bailroad com- pany and W'ly by section line :\u25a0 between sections 27 and 28, . town 29. range 22, being in St. Paul, Minnesota ....: ... ?255 50 St. Paul Hai;ve!}t£r works. That part of northwest y of SW M . (N'ly of railroad except Com- ing's pafjlK of Section 27, town 29, range.S&.Qeiiig in St.Paul. Minnesota . W/.. $127 75 Same. StftrtliWest % of NAY K(exce.p^'i'a|-t'S*ly of railroad and Corhuig's part), of section 27, town'SO-'range 22, being in y---Z, St Paifl, .Mihnesota §127 75 , All objections' to said assessment must be made in*writing and filed with the Clerk of -'Sttßp'Board at least one day -prior to' s'sllff meeting. I R. L. GORMAN. President. Official i;-*iu*i.r--.\ WT. F. Ekwin, 180-181 : Clerk Board of Public Works. Confirmation of Assessment for Grading I Columbia Street. '\u25a0'\u25a0 .IU'JIIIV.m: .1-1 "— ——1t", ,, \u0084 . Ofkick 18-waikd of Public Wokks. ) Offick tßcuunbiOF Pum.ic AVonks, ) City of St. PXtTiJ,Minn.,June27, lßß7. J Thealssess'mep.t of benefits, costs and expensesrarisiugifroni grading Columbia street, from-.Glencoe street to Pennsyl- vanie avenue, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota*; having been completed by the Board.of.- Public Works in and for said city,;.-sa}d Board willmeet at their office in said city at 2 p. m. on the Ilth day ofJuly,, A»D. 18S7, to hear objections (if:any) to -.said assessment at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, said assess- ment will becoufi'rmed by said Board. . . The 'following is a list of the. sup- posed oyvH,<jKS^names, a description of the property jbeuefited, and the amounts assessed agaiust the same, to-yvit: Ashton' &Sherburne's Addition of St. : ... '. , Paul. Supposed and . description. . Lot. Block. Benefits C A Mann and A -L May CVe.^ al. (ex- cept northerly 25 . ft)..;:.-»...,.N.'....5t*v-0 10 44 00 Mary Heenan, N'ly 25 "ft ot;.„, ...,.,'. 5&0 10 30 25 Jane TouloVton 4 10 52 75 Gil 'focusing..'.* 3 10 80 00 Anna L llannon 2 10 80 00 C M Toe"i\srig ....... 1 10 80 00 John Hayes.,.- •• •"• -10 8 . 110 75 M Flannery. - and - J Malonev :..".•.. ::.. 15 S 96 00 David GhjUy...... .. 14 8 112 00 F Driscoll -.; (except AV'ly 10 ft).,, .:.... 13 8 .120 00 GH«rroeiisiiig, AV'ly \u25a0 0f. ..W.Z, ;.:... 13 9 97 00 a M Overman, W'ly . yof.'.'.',.\u25a0. ;.j '\u25a0...:. 12 9 80 00 FAY, CK'.'and A H Overniau,fW,Jly M 0f.. ...... ,.-. •\u25a0'.' 11 9 80 00 Win Hanft, y ; 0f..,..^f1.^, ;;.,.".. ...10 9 80 00 Adam Kaulfnian 9 .9 80 00 Oie Swaiisoiij Sly y of.A\r'ly,'» 0'f...... 8 9 40 00 Ole Johnson, N'ly M - ' - -.of AV'lyKof...... 8 9 .40 00 C A Mann and A L Mayall .$ a1'.' .:.... 7 9 SO 00 Same and same et al. 0 9 80 00 Same ami same etal." 5 - 9 - 80 00 Same and same et al. 4 .9 80 (X) CA FinehQUt------- 3 9 80 00 C A Mann and A L ". M avail et a 1....... 3 » - . SO 00 A L Mayall al, Wly;l?.7^.'ftbf...: 1. 9 80 00 All objections to said assessment must be made in writing; and filed "with : the Clerk of,", said Board at least one day prior to said.meeting. ' \u25a0 ,R.L. GORMAN, President Official: .',"- r.,-"X''- W. P. Ekwix, ISO-181 ; " '. CTci'k Board of Public Works. -J | Confirmation \'oi ' Asssessment fur'V Confirmation of Asssessment fur the Construction of a Sewer theiConstruction of afsswen \ .&\u25a0>«'" \u25a0: \u0084 ' j on Decatur Street. . . Wz.W ,., ,_ j Offick Boahd of Public Wokks ) City ok St. Pa vi., Minn., J UJie lggJ f Cm ok St. Paui,, Minn., June 27r,1687! [ ( The assessment of benefits, costs and ! expenses arising from the «?B&u£>U' tion of a; sewer, on Decatur fSre!f;:- t from Bedford street to . -EdJSS ' street, In the city of St. % ? : Minnesota, having been ; covinM^h' ' : j by the Board of Public Works in \u25a0' and tor saW city, said Board will melt V at their office In said city at 2.. '\u0084, W ! the 11.1. day of July, A?D. i^'ioleS' ' Objections (it any) to said assessment at which time -and place, \u25a0> unless safficieSt^ cause is shown to the contralv Vihf 1- BS"'6"1 WUI be co»«r'»^'S'sald' j M,mnll",'nt WUI '',! <'"I,fh'l"^ «S '3d The following is a list of the supposed owners': names, a description of the property benefited, and the. amount* assessed against the same, t^wit:«T * Irvine's Second Addition to St Pauk Supposed owner and -''" V Oleafet'ffl'te Block. Benefit, Z ZZm-kiiixZ-lX C-^,O JoSriiadiev;-10 ° *«1Q \ . . (excepts W.'ly 1-2;. 16 ' 6 -'">-*>? io John Donaldson,... -15 6' ."»,« Nelson. II Bedlund, . yyly Nelson H Redlund, , ' °° ySW"lyl-20f......'i4 6 "215 50 John Norman, N Ely .-\u25a0\u25a0 '-.ti y,x™ 1-2 Of 14 fl - oj, rr. AAVLorentson, .. ". ! 13 g '•-.. Wia m A W Boron tson IS i; & 00 Andrew Neilson.... 12 <p,' : 58 flO GS Olson 11 6 m w Same (except Ely : ' , \u25a0 -M*0....- ...10 6 2120 August, Jack and ....<.'\u25a0-,,,. Joseph Schinkerl, ..',--,.,. *£*&$« 10 « "3180 \ l'u-'.fN<'XOn' \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 9 ,; «00 FredMoberg, 7 0 ;53D0 * red Moberg 7 - 0 :.';:;: 5:3 Oo oLangevin's Division, \u25a0 St. "PaulV-'-i \ Supposed owner and ,W. ;". description. Lot Boripfita Bazille and Partridge. . . .1 ?S I E Langevin... 2 ".,..42 40 Charles Voos 4 4-" 40 E Langevin 5 , ;\u25a0;'. fis,<X> bame, 6 :„;J: '63,60 Phillip's Addition to St. Paul. ' ''-' Supposed owner and 'jwiiiti. description. Lot. Block.' Benefits. B De Coster 5 3 smi so William X W00d... 4 3 sp So trick Johnson .... 3 3 ''; '' Sf w) . Thomas AY Sadd ... 2 3 ' -/' 31 'so Carl J Anderson. ..1 3 .;-• 31 B0'': Edwin De Coster .. 6 3 " *.! \u25a0'. 31 Mf- All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. y \u25a0 fM-x - , R" L' GORMAN, President : ' Official: W.F. Enwix, 180-181 Clerk Board of Public Works. Confirmation of Assessment, for Construction of a Sewer on Jackson Street. ' j ;,, *. Office Board of Public Works, > of St. Paul. Minn..J 27. .1887. f The assessment of benefits, costs and i expenses arising from the construction i of a sewer on Jackson street, from Elev- enth street to Grove stroet. inthe cit-, of ! St. Paul, Minnesota, having been com- ! pleted by the Board of Public Works in j and for said city, said Board will meet i at their office in said city at 2 p. m. on; the Ilth day of July A.* D. 1887. l'Jfi ear objections (if any) to said assessment, ait' which time and place, unless sufficient- cause is shown to the contrary, said' as- sessment will be confirmed byJ "said- Beard. y _\u25a0\u25a0 .,-. -.•\u25a0'\u25a0*'- The following is a list of the supposed j owners' names, a description'l^-. the 1 property benefited and the ambunts;as- "\u25a0 " .fi(>ased against tit., «uik». .: yi*jl:.----'l~^ Roberts & Randall's Addition ft St Paul.- "" I Supposed owner ami ,'..,',.',.' description. Lot. Block. Benefits James II Donley et - - al. (.except AV'ly50 .;.:/ W \u0084, o feet): :. :...14 - 2 - >i..«fi0, 00 Same. S'lv 40 feet - 1 of Ely 160 feet of. 13 2 48 00. Charles II Petsch. -WIW,. -N'ly 10 feet of 13 2 .I .* 12 00 Same .......12 2 •— -60 00 II Greve..... .3 2.,:: 0') 00 Oppenheim. Kohl- . .'"•-,;,>,,';.,.. man * Clark .2 -2- 1m - 00- 00 , Same, same and \u0084..,......_.:. same .... .. 1 2" ;..Go.oO* Randall's Addition to St' Paul. :* Supposed owner and -• '\u25a0\u25a0 >.- X. -_• description. Lot. Block. Benefits ECBelote.. 1 l' $00 00 i Same 2 1 ' .00 00' Romanzo Bunn 3 1 ••' 00 00 ' Supposed owner and —\u25a0'\u25a0* ->'*i-.- - Benefits J B Cook. Commencing . on i" : Ely line of Jackson street 840 » 1 •:: foot N'lyfrom NE corner of"-' : Jackson and Tenth streets, -~'' thence NE'ly at right angles J » •<. - to Jackson street to a point 15--m.;' •. \u25a0< feet AV'lyof AVlyline of Tern-- <\ " perance street, in Borup's ..: : addition to St. Paul, thenoedi^i.. - N'ly parallel with said W'ly iline of Temperance street (52 feet, more or less, to a point 15 i feet vW'ly of NE'ly cor- ... ner of land of William Con- •• " '\u25a0<:- stans. described in deed from :- \u25a0•-••- AAr F Davidson and wife to .: \u25a0'. said Constans, Oct. 17, 1-87.V* ' \u25a0'\u25a0 recorded in book 85, deeds:7- ? ; page 505», thence S 58K° AV-i .V;" \u25a0*:. ) along N'ly line of said Con- Am \u25a0-.-. stans' land „to Ely line of i.n. :-. . Jackson street 886 foet ' N'ly.-d';.:-'-' from NE comer of Jackson, ... and Tenth streets, thence Sly ri-m-. . *-: along said E'lj- line of Jack* n son street to beginning(exeept:;-.—.:- - street). .....;,. $33 60 1 AY F Davidson. Commencing \u25a0 on Randall's line. 64 feet S of. •\u25a0'<*... the SW corner of Joel Whit- > ney's addition, thence Son .„.."", said line ISI., feet to laud .of. 1 V J B Cook, thence Ely to Tern-. < - perance street at a point §___£ feet Nof the N line of Con- stans' addition, thence NUti. \u25a0*-.>,. ii 18).< feet along Temperance j . street to land of David-*' ~ \u0084 \l son, thence W'l\ to beginning . . ". (except Temperance street};;.. 522 20 Roberts & Randall's Additiph-'tO St. j Paul. \u25a0-\u25a0X.'".. < Supposed owner and . . Supposed owner and .-v.. ...>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : s description. t> Lot Block. Benefits W F Davidson. N'lv " * ' 100 feet of '. 2 1 ' ?1;?0 00 100 feet 0f. . .'. /: .. : 2 1'*. , :§l2O 00 / 1 Prince & Desnoyer's RearrangeiileAS I .St.Paul. Z'S/. I Supposed owner and j lyn '«< /, V? >• description. Lot- Benefits . v P IIKelly.. .'...13 : .....SW (*> Same. 12..,.'.. ' 80 «*> y M Auerbach..... .11- ..«-. •64 «0 , i Same.. ........10 :" '• 2* 00 " j 5ame................. 9... ,04 00. 5ame.....:......... 8 /..24 00 \ 5ame................ -24 00' k 5ame...................... (5 /.*h2>oo' ?'*' 5ame...;..::.:............ .5/.. . .. 2*4 «0 J. Same..... ' 4.... :.,24 00 5ame............. 3-- 24 00 5ame...........:.......... 2 '}/.:. 24 00- i 5ame............... 1:. ,. 24 00 J MUl.t;.. \u25a0;;"; . All objections to said assessment must < All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and : : filed = with the. Clerk of said Board at least one day- . prior to said meeting. :•*' -\u0084;, ( ">iX R. li. GORMAN, President. Official:. AA\ F. Enwijr, V 180-181 Clerk Board of Public Works. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED { FRANKLIN I^HINE::WORKSt ) FRANKLIN MACHINE WORKS, ' -z-ZX-esn RiLn«i Struct, St. 'Paiii^- .'.': '.-, j .*.-££'*.*'(' —**\u25a0' ','-^- 'i.'sj-— ->-'-'* -•*-<i»**_; yy.*." .- „-- -\u25a0—•-......, :-.\u25a0•-.*..'. .'• v-- \u0084- . -..-. :- ,*. .. . .-; ... -. .. 1. \u25a0 ,-7 _.-^y y ...... , _.: :. THE PAtfL iDAIL?'' GLOBE .-THtmfiDAY MOIOTSTG, JIW STJt; im.^?W~¥lMg. \u25a0>

Transcript of St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-06-30 [p...

Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-06-30 [p 10] Beyer and Michael Lux..... 5,812 00 (J. Gerlich.'

m§:; H;:'?- y.yi:official. .: ;

\u25a0I'-HH \u25a0

Proceedings' Board Public WorksProceedintfs'Board Public WorksSpecial Meeting.

St. Pail. June 14. 1887.Board met at 10 a.m. pursuant to call.Present: * Messrs. Barrett, Quinby,

Starkey and Mr. President.On motion the Board reconsidered

their action which, on the 13th inst.,the order to cause a six foot woodensidewalk to be laid on both sides ofHewitt avenue.'* from Aldine avenue toHamline (excepting where sidewalksarc already hditi. was referred to theEngineer to carry ' out ; v and it was or-dered that the property of the Hamlineuniversity Campus be excepted, theauthorities '-of' said university havingcontracted for the building of their ownwalk, and had 'the material for saidwalk on the ground before the passageof this order. Yeas 8, nays 1.

Mr. Barrett asked and was grantedpermission tol have entered in therecords of the Board his reason for vot-ing in the negative.

On motion the said order as modified,\u25a0was referred to the Engineer to canyout.

Adjourned.. U, 1,. GoBMAN, President.

W. F. Ekwix. Clerk Board Public Works.

- Regular Meeting:.

St. Paul, June 16, 1887.Board met at 2 p. m.Present: -.'Messrs. Barrett, Quinby,

StarKey and Mr. PresidentHeading ofthe minutes of the 13th and

14th insi. dispensed with.B. Farley and other jiroperty owners

on Capitol; Hewitt and Taylor avenues.presented a jietition asking that thewalks now laid in the center of the side-walk space be allowed to remain, andthat permission be granted to have theremainder of the walks laid on said ave-nues in the -same -<\u25a0 manner. Considered(and referred to the Corporation At-torney tor written rejiort as to disposi-tion of this petition.- William his attorney. E. P.! Sanborn, Esq.. tiled notice of appeal inthe matter of v the assessment for theopening, widening and extension ofMinnehaha street, from Como avenue toWestern avenue. Considered and placedon file. -' "^Bids were ojiened and road for thegrading of the alley in Asdic's subdi-vision of block 9-2, Lyman Dayton's ad-dition to St." Paul, as follows, to-wit:John W. Maloney ¥247.00Chas. Nonneinaciier 175.Wm. (i. Mulligan 175. C0

After which the said bids wore laidOver to the 20th inst at 2 p. in.

The Council having referred to Boardthe jietitionof J. E. Froiseth and otherproperty'owners interested in the mat-tor of sprinkling Payne avenue, betweenMinnehaha and Sims streets, the samewas considered and placed on file.

Order of Council to Board. 'approvedJuno 0. 1887. for formal rejiort on the'Opening, widening and extension of DeSoto stroet Maryland street to thenorth city limits. Referred to Engineerforplan of land to be taken.

Order of Council to Hoard, approvedJune '.», 188f. for formal rejiort on theopening of an alley through Lilian.Peters and Minea"s" rearrangement ofblock 12, Bell's addition to est St.Paul. Referred to Engineer for planand estimate, ofcost, and for rejiort asto existence of alley in said block 12.

Order of Council* to Board, approvedJune 9, 18S7.Mor.vthe formal rejiort on

\u25a0the construction of a sewer on Sixthstreet, from.. Maria avenue to Maplestreet. Referred to Engineer for planand estimate .61 cost

In the matter of the order of Council.approved Jline" 0,1887. instructing theBoard witli.,^fie,consent of the contrac-tor to cam-id the order for. the sjirink-ling. of Fourteenth street, betweenJackson and Canada streets, which, onthe insti was laid over to this day,the same wjts.j-jtKen up. when WilliamForristal, by his agent, James Forristaljpresented communication declining tosurrender the .sjirinkling of said Four-teenth street, whereupon after due con-sideration,' said 'order and communica-tion were ordered transmitted to theCouncil.

Order of Council to Board, approvedJune '.». 1887, to cause a six-foot planksidewalk and crossings to be laid on thenortii side of University avenue, in theSeventh ward, as foliows: Commenc-ing on the west side of the MinnesotaTransfer givimids: thence westerly onthe north side of University avenue toRaymond avenue: thence north alongthe east side of Raymond avenue to theTerritorial*"road; thence west acrossRaymond aWnue: thence north alongthe west sidll' of Raymond avenue, pass-ing the school house and crossing Ellisstreet in St.-'Anthony Park. Referredto Engineer to carry out.

In tiie matter of the construction of asower on Carroll street from Westernavenue to Rice street, the assessmentwas corrected by abating the amount($59-50) assessed against W'lvsofeet ofS'lv 140 feet'Of-lot 10, block 7, Rondo'saddition -v ten St. Paul, (KittieBallard supposed; owner) so asto conform . to , the facts andrights of the ease as intended, the saidproperty having already paid more thansiad amount for sewer previleges.

Pursuant to due. notice ami the ad-journments thereunder the" matter ofmaking and completing the assessmentfor the opening of Hatch street, fromArundel street .to Como avenue cameup. and the same was adjourned to the23d inst at 2 p. m. -\u25a0-\u25a0'

Pursuant to due notice and the ad-jouournments thereunder the matter ofmaking and completing the assessmentfor the opening, widening and extensionof Blvidere street; betweenllall avenueand South Roberto street, came up, andthe same was completed, and theClerk was directed to give the confirma-tion notice. ,; -:.*.

The following- bills were examinedand allowed, to-wit:

Billof G. W. Merrill of $8. estimatingcost of moving buildings in line of Wy-oming street openings

Rill of Matthew Craig of $5, estimat-ing cost of moving buildings in line ofWyoming street ojiening. fgpffi-sg

Bill of G.W.Merrill of 820. estimat-ing cost of moving buildings on accountof slopes on Slate -street. *•\u25a0' -

Rill of Matthew- Craig of 810. estimat-ing cost of moviitg buildings on accountof slopes on State 'street

Adjourned. ..-*

R. I^(ini!MAX.PresidentW.F.Ehwin. Clerk Roard Public Works.

Adjourned Meeting.

St ."Pa June 17. 1887. ;Board met at 0 a. m., pursuant to ad-

journment ofJhe/7th Inst.- Present : ""'Messrs. Barrett, Quinby.Starkey and Mr. President.

Orderof Council to Board, apjirovedJune 9, 1887. to cause the sjirinkling ofWarsaw street, from Seventh street toStewart avenne; Duke street, from St.Clair street to Pleasant avenue, andPleasant avenue, from Ramsey street toSt. Clair street. Referred to; carry out (except as to Pleasant ave-nue. Aid. Ryan- requesting that it bewithhold until he can annul the same atthe next meeting of the Council).

. . Pursuant to due notice and the ad-journment ' thetfcunder, the matter ofmaking and Completing tlie assessmentof damages" arising from a change of.grade on Third (3d) street, for the bridgeover the railroad right of way and fortin' approach thereto, from a point fifty(50) feet east of the east line of Locuststreet to Commercial street, on the fol-lowing described 'property, v:"tc-wit:

-Blocks 80, 40, 41 and 42, of Lyman Day-.ton's addition ; lot \u25a0 2 of Dawson's re-! arrangement of block 29,;-Lyman Day-ton's addition, and lot 1, said Dawson'srearrangement |(except part owned bySt. Paul & Duluth Railroad Company),came up, and same was adjournedto the 20th ins'f. at 2 p. m.

Adjourned.ft. L. Gobmah, President.WZ"-'-- -.':. R. L. Gokmax, President

W.F. Eiiwjy,'CKrk.Board Public Works.

';";.'. "'-\u25a0'Regular Meeting.

Z. ';. - '•'.; St. Pail, June 20, 1887. _j

Board met, at A.p. m.. ':^"3»W*JM^ -Barrett.'. , Qi inbv.

Btarkev an'rt'Mf. "President. --; ' "'\u25a0.:-i\u25a0] leading. of.-: the minutes of the 10, hand 17th instv licensed with.

Rids were opened and read lor thegrading of Giotto street, from Marshall

avenue to Minnehaha street, as follows,to-wit:George Rolan $4,5)00 ooGeorge' Bolan ........ . .'.• . . : . . . : $4,900 00James McDonald : :.. 6,100 .00Henry Justus".-.'. vT. . . . ..;.. 7,200.00William A. Davom and Thomas

Keough . . . .-. ..... 5,175 00Charles Faber. 4,672 80Timothy O'Brien 6,107 00Thomas Lhinaii . '.' 5,560 00James Kavanaugh. . ...: 5.100 00James Claffoy . 5.711 00Ferdinand Beyer and Michael

Lux............. 5,812 00(J. Gerlich.' 0,(io0 00John W. Maloney 4,87000P. Durack and John Mahoney.. 5,449 00

Charles IFaber.' being the lowest re-.liable and responsible bidder, the.. con-tract was awarded to him* and saidaward was sent to the Council for ap-proval. Yeas 4, nays 1 (.Mr. Barrett). .

In the matter of the bids opened andread on the Kith inst. for the grading ofthe alloy in Asdic's division of .block.92, Lyman Dayton's Addition to St.Paul, which were laid over to this day,the same were taken up, and WilliamH. Mulligan being the lowest reliableand responsible bidder (by mutual, con-sent), the contract was awarded to himfor the sum of $175. and said award wasordered sent to the Council forapproval.Yeas 4. nays 0. •\u25a0mioh'i'm*

The Engineer having submitted planof land to bo taken the followingRe-port was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit: '' ..' HTo the Common Council of the City of

St.Paul: ..WI i.-The Board of Public. Works have-had

under consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council,'' approved-April7, 1887. relative to the opening,widening and extension of Earl street,from Maryland street north to .-"LakePhalen, and having investigated theproposed improvement, respectfully re-port that said improvement is necessaryand proper from Maryland street to thecenter line (running east antl west) ofsection 21. town 29. range 23: that theestimated expense thereof'that*real estate to lie assessed therefor can befound benefited to the extent of the dam-ages costs and expenses necessary to beincurred thereby : that said improvementis not asked for by a jietition of anili-jorityof the' owners of property- »to beassessed therefor, but we herewithst-nda plan or profile of said improvementand an order for your adoption', ifyou • 'desire us to make tlie improvement.Yeas 4. nays 0. *\u25a0>'

The Engineer having submitted jilanof land to be taken, the following reportwas ordered sent to the Council, to-wit:To the Common Council of the City of

St.Paul: ...:'..V.;t:'The Board of Public Works have-had

under consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, approvedApril 21, 1887, relative to the opofiing,'widening and extension of (iaultieustreet to a width of66feet, frorif'Atwater , ,street to Front street, and having inves-tigated the proposed improvement, re-sjiectfully report that said improvementis necessary and proper; that tin' esti-mated expense thereof is $3,oQfi;„that:real estato to be assessed thereforcan be found benefited to the extent ofthe damages, costs and expensessary to be incurred thereby : that said im-provement is not asked forby a petitionof majority of the owners of prbp'^jty, tobe assessed therefor, lint we herewith. ,send a plan or jirotile of said improve-ment, and an order for your adoption;ifydu desire us to make the im,jlU',ove-ment. Yeas 4, nays 0. ;: ' .', „" "

The Engineer having submitted plan'of land to be taken, the following "re-'port was sent to the Council, to-wit:,.,. -To the Coinmou Council of the City of

st.Paui: ;;ir„VvThe Board of Public Works have

under consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, ajiproved.April, 7 1887.relative to the opening.andextension of Court street, from tbe,w*pfit,line of Cliftondale to east line of Hoytr's -Out Lots, and having investigated* the;proposed improvement, respectful ly^rcr,jiort that said improvement is necessaryand projier from the west line of Clit-tondale to Hamline avenue: that;, theestimated expense thereof is $5,000;that real estate to be assessed there-for oan be found benefited to the extentof the damages, costs and expensesnecessary to be incurred thereby tethatsaid improvement is not asked for 'by a*petition ofa majority of the owners ofIproperty to be assessed therefor, Ant-we j|herewith send a plan or profiler of -saidimprovement, and an order for youradoption, ifyou desire us to mate. .the.improvement. Yeas 4, nays'. 0.*., .. \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 \u0084-.

The Engineer having submitted-and estimate ofcost, the following .re-jiort was ordered sent to the Council,to-wit: . \u0084 ......To tho Common Council of the City-of

St.Paul: ...Ai.iioii :,

The Board of Public Works have had'under consideration the 'resolution, ororder . of the Common Council, approvedApril 7. 1887. relative to the openinjfof

'-Woodbine street, from Snelling iwouueto the west line of Como.. Parkto a uniform width of 120 '„feet, "aiitl,having investigated the propokeif', "_provement; respectfully report, thatitf'is:necessary and proper "to open, widenand extend Woodbine street to a.wfr)thof one hundred (100) feet, from .Sn'oillng .avenue to Como Pane; that the estimated -expense thereof of $10,000; .that-realestate to be assessed .therefor. 0,311 ;]iefound benefited to the extent of the dam-ages, costs and expenses necessary thereby ;that said not asked for by a petition of jrma-jorityof the owners of property to beassessed therefor, but we herewftlnstelHF*aplan'or profile of said improvement,and an order for your adoption! itjyoiidesire us to. make the improvement.Yeas 4, nays 0.

The Engineer having submitted- planof land to bo taken, the following reportwas ordered sent to the Council.>t<Mvit:iTo the Common Council of the City of -St.Paul:

The Board ofPublic Works -have had -•under consideration the resolufeWm ororder of the Common Council. ajiprbvPU'April7, 1887, relative to the wideningof Robertson avenue, from Snelling ay-enue to the east line of Hoytfs'CdfhS"lOut Lots addition to the 'city of M.Paul, and having investigated the pro-posed improvement, respectfully reportthat said improvement is necessarv-aifdproper from Snelling'line -avenue; that the estimated: ex-pense thereof -""• is $4,000; tftatiireal •estate to be assessed -therefor can befound benefited to the extent of-the dam-ages, costs and expenses necessary tobeincurred thereby; that said improve-;ment is not -asked for by a petitionof a majority of the owners of be assessed therefor, but we herewithsend a plan or profile of said improve-ment and an order for your adoption, ifyou desire us to make the improvement-

. Yeas 4, nays 0. ..n.ijit.-.The Engineer having submitted

of .slopes, the following report* wasordered sent tothe Council, td-wit:"^-—To the ' 'ommon Council of the - City of

St.Paul: :' '\u25a0 '\u25a0*'\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0

The Roard of Public Works have hadunder consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, apprdVedMay 18, 1887, relative to oondertlh'lhgslopes on South Robert street, "from'

Concord ; street to Tylor \u25a0 street;-'and having investigated the proposed ;improvement -respectfully- report thrit'it is . necessary and -proper to con-demn and take an easement for'making 'and maintaining slopes for, cuts ifiiclfillsone and one-half to one in gradingsaid South Robert street ; that the esti-mated expense thereof is ; $700 ',' 'thatreal estate \toVbe r-. assessed there-for can .be ; found benefited- ;: tothe • extent of . the costs and expensesnecessary to be incurred thereby.; thatsaid improvement is not ; asked for by apetition ofa majority of "the owners of-

• be assessed therefor, bfit'weherewith send a plan or profile of --.Xul Jimprovement, and an order: for. youradojition, ifyou desire us ; to make 'the •improvement. -Yeas 4, nays 0. ","'„""' "The Engineer having submittedof slopes, the following report was or-dered scut to the Council, to-wit: "- -':

To the Common Council of the CUVofSt.Paul: -,'.-:\u25a0: ' ;•

• The Roard of Pubiic Works have hadunder, consideration - the '. resolution or-order of the Common Council, 'approved;May is; 18S7, relative to condemning aneasement for making and ".maintaining:slopes on State street, from tlie levee tothe intersection with South Robert'street, thence on South Robert street- tothe. south cKy. limits, and having investi-gated .the ;proposed , improvement, ro-spoctfuliy rejiort that said improvement

' is necessary and proper in grading State

street, from*tlio -\u0084 levee to . "intersection .•with South Robert "J street -and -SouthRobert street," from \u25a0 State ' street to thesouth* city, limits,', extending *said slopeJone and one-hair (I 'a) feet | on'; said landfor every foot cut or"filled on said : Stateand South Robert streets, in said gritd-ing; tliat the estimated expense thereof$175; \u0084. that : real estate to .be : assessed

,therefor can be found beuefited to theextent of the damages, costs- andexpenses necessary to lie incurredthereby ; -.that said improvement isnot asked for by a :• petition of a ma-jority of the owners of property to beassessed therefor, but we herewith senda plan or profile of said improvement

, and an order for your adoption ifyoudesire us "to" make the improvement.Yeas 4, nays 0. 3S&**^X§fQ&K_W£sß.

The Engineer having submitted planand estimate of cost, the following re-port was ordered sent to the Council,td-wit :To the Common Council of the City of

St.Paul:The Hoard of Public Works have had

under consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, approvedMay IS. 1887, relative to curbing withKettle River sandstone, the east side ofSummit Place, from Nelson avenue toIglehart street, and having investigatedthe proposed improvement, respectfullyreport that said improvement is neces-sary and proper from Nelson avenue toIglehart street; that the estimated ex-pense thereof is $308: one-half ofwhich need not be be paid into theCity Treasury before the contract is let;that real estate to be assessed thereforcan be found benefited to the extent, ofthe costs and expenses necessary to beincurred thereby : that said improvementis not asked for*by a petition of a ma-jority of the owners of property to beassessed therefor, but we herewith senda plan orprofile of said improvement,and an order for your adoption, ifyoudesire us to make the improvement."Yeas 4, nays (I.

The Eng'iueer having submitted planand estimate of cost, the following re-port was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit:'To the Common Council of the City of

St.Paul:The Roard of Public Works have had

under consideration the resolution ororder of the Comnion Council, approvedDec. lo, issi., relative to. the paving ofDakota avenue, from the bridge to Con-gress.: street,, and having investigatedthe proposed improvement, respect-fully report that said improvement isnecessary and proper, from the south-easterly "end of the Wabasha streetbridge to Congress, street, with cedarblocks and curbing with granite, in-eludi g in the contract for said pavingthe necessary sewer, water and gas con-nections to the property lines: that theestimated expense thereof is 880,605,

:one-half of whicii need not be paid intothe City Treasury before the contract isJet; that real estate to be assessed there-for can be found benefited to the extentof tlie costs and expenses neces-sary to be incurred thereby; thatsaid improvement is not asked for by apetition of a majority of the owners ofprojierty to be assessed therefor, but weherewith send a plan or profile of saidimprovement; and an order for youradoption, ifyou desire us to make theimprovement Yeas 4. nays 0.

The Engineer having submitted planand estimate of cost, the following re-port was ordered sent to the Council,to-wit:To the Common Council of the City of

St.Paul:The Roard of Public Works have had

under consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, approvedF^eb. 17, 1887, relative to the paving ofMinnesota street, from Eighth street toSummit avenue with cedar blocks and.granite curbs, and having investigatedthe proposed improvement, respectfullyreport that said improvement is nec-essary and proper from Eighth street toEast Summit avenue, including thenecessary sewer, water and gas connec-tions to the projierty lines; that the esti-mated expense thereof is 813.840, one-halfof which need not lie paid into the City'Treasury before the contract is let; thatreal estate to lie assessed therefor can befound benefited to the extent ofthe costsand expenses necessary tobe incurredthereby that said improvement is notasked for by a petition of a majority ofthe owners of property to be assessedjtherefor, but we herewith send a planor profile ofsaid improvement, and anorder for your adoption, ifyou desire usto make the . improvement. ' Yeas 4,nays 0.

The Engineer havine submitted planand estimate of cost, the following . re- .port was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit: ,To the Common Council of the City of: St.Paul: iy*.-.

The Board of Public Works have hadunder consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, approved

•June 9, 1887, relative to the paving ofSelby avenue, from St. Albans street toSummit avenue, ami having investiga-ted the proposed improvement, respect-fullyrejiort that said improvement, isnecessary and proper. (except' betweenthe rails of the cable line and botweenthe tracks, and for one foot on each side

"ofthe outside rails of said tracks, wherethe St. Paul City Railway company issupposed :to pave with granite) withcedar blocks and curbing with granite,including inthe contract for said pavingthe necessary sewer, water and gasconnections to the property lines; thatjtlieestimated expense thereof is $34,340;one-half of which need not he paidinto the City Treasury before the con-tract is let ; that real estate to be assessed"therefor can bo found benefited to -theextent of the costs and expenses neces-sary to bo incurred thereby; that saidimprovement is not asked, for by apetition of a majority of the owners ofJiroperty tobe assessed therefor, but weherewith send apian or profile of said

improvement, and an order for your.adoption, ifyou desire us to make the\u25a0\u25a0improvement.' Yeas 4, nays 0.

The Engineer having submitted planand estimate of cost, the following re-

',port was ordered sent to the Council,.to-wit :To the Common Council of the City of. St.Paul:

The Board of Public Works have hadunder consideration the resolution ororder of the Common Council, approved

\u25a0"June 9, 1887. -relative to the grading ofthe alley inblock 18, Rice & Irvine's ad-dition to St. Paul, from Market street to

\u25a0\u25a0 Washington street, and having investi-\u25a0gated the proposed improvement, re-spectfully report that it is necessary andproper to grade .and pave (with c 'darblocks) the said alley in accordancewith the recommendation of the CityEngineer; that the estimated ex-pense thereof is $511*6; one-half ofwliich need not be paid into the CityTreasury before the contract is let; that'real estate to be assessed therefor can hefound benefited to the extent of thecosts and expenses necessary to be in-curred thereby; that said improvementis not asked for by a petition ofa major-ity of the owners of property to be as-sessed therefor, but we herewith senda plan or profile of said improvement.and an order for your adoption, if you

.desire us to * make * the improvement.Yeas 4, nays 0. .

-, ; The Engineer having submitted planand estimate of cost, the following re-port was ordered sent to the Council, to-wit:To tlie Common Council of the City of

St.Paul: .: The Roar* of Public Works havehad under consideration the resolution or. order of the Common Council, approvedMay 18, 1887. relative. the grading ofthe alley in Park Place addition, from.the Park, in said addition, to Summit;avenue, and having investigated theproposed improvement respectfully re-port that it is necessary and' proper to: grade and pave (with cedar blocks) thealley in Park Place addition to St. Paul,.from' Summit avenue -to the drivearound the Park in said addition, inaccordance with the recommendation ofthe City -Engineer; that the estimatedexpense '- thereof is , $455, one-half ofwhich need not be paid into .the CityTreasury before the contract is let; thatreal estate" to be t assessed \u25a0: thereforcan be found benefited to the ; extent ofthe costs and expen ses necessary to beincurred thereby that said improve-ment is not asked for by a petition* of amajority of the owners of property to beassessed therefor, but wo herewith send,a plan or. profile of said improvement,and an order for your adoption, ifyoudesire, us to .make . the r. improvement. ;Yea-. 4. nays 0, , ._ * '. '\u25a0-.'-

--\u25a0"-. The Engineer having submitted plan's

and ; specifications ;fors the grading of jL'Oriont . street, from Mt. Airy "street .!to Pennsylvania avenue, the same -were;examined and approved and the Clerk.was ;directed ;• to • advertise •for - bids forsaid improvement..; • '\u25a0 h:--Z' j

It having beep made to appear to theBdard that lots i, 2, 8, 4 and 5 (westerlyof Dakota avenue), block ' 13, West St. 'Paul Proper and Prospect Terrace (so

led) lnrftar of said lots 1, 2, 8, 4and 5,have boon over-assessed for- the con-struction of a sewer on Dakota '-. avenue,from the southeasterly end of the Wa-basha street bridge to '\u25a0 Congress street(formerly. street), -' (Dakota andPlate avenues sewer) the same was cor-rected by, fednoing the amount assessedagain saidlots 1, 2, 3, 4 and .5 (westerly;of Dakota avenue) 810.50, so as to con-form to, the facts and rights of the caseas intended and so as to read as follows,to-wit:

Harriet A. Prescott. Lots 1, 2,Harriet A. Prescott. Lots 1,-2,'3, 4 and 5, (westerly of Dakotaavenue, block 13, West St.Paul Proper and Prospect Ter-race (so called) inrear of saidlots.l; % 3," 4 and 5 ..... ¥427 00

The Clerk was directed* to give noticed!of " correction in the ; matter of Ithe : assessment . for ' the *:' opening, jwidening and extension* of Rondostreet," j from . 'Mackubin, streetto Kent*" street; as to ownership, |description, of " and amount assessedagainst* lot'l2 -(except St. Albans andRondo streets hud St. Anthony avenue), jSmith Lott's Out Lots, St. Paul.

The Clerk was directed to give noticeOf correction hi the matter ofthe assess- jment for the- opening, widening and jextension of 'Livingston avenue . eighty |(80) feet .wide, from"Wood street to the jsouth city limits, and Houbert streetfrom its present southerly terminus to jan intersection with Livingston avenue, jas ito." ownership, description of and |amount' to Ife assessed against lots 1 and j2, inclusive^ block 80, West St. PauTproper. '.

Pursuant' to- due notice and the ad-journment^'thereunder, the matter ofmaking and coinpleteing the assessment jfor the Opening and extension of Stevensstreet; froiii-tliewest line of Banning &Oliviors addition to West St. Paul toCherokee avenue, came up, and the jsame wasadjour ted to July 18, 1887, at2 j». ni. - \u25a0-

Pursuaift* to due notice and the ad- !journment's thereunder, the- matter of [making and completing the assessmentfor the opening and extension of Georgestreet from its western terminus toCherokee avenue, came up and the |saniO'Wasitdjourned to July 18, 1887, at j2p. vi: ! '"" ;

Pursuant to due notice and the ad- Ijournments'.'thoreunder, the matter of jmaking and 'leompleting the assessmentof. damages Wising from a change ofgrade 011 Third (3d) street, for the bridge Iover the railrOad right of way, and for |the ajijiroitcrios thereto from a pointfifty(50) feet oast of the east line ofLocust street to Commercial street, onthe following described property, to-wit: Blocks 30. 40, 41 and 42. LymanDayton's addition lot 2, of Dawson'srearrangement of block 20. Lyman Day-ton's addition, and lot 1, said Dawson'srearrangoh'i'oiit (except part owned bySt. Paul A Duluth Railroad comjiany)came up, and the same was adjournedto the 23d idst. at 9a.m. - - ".-'.

The folldwingestiniates and bills woreexamined ami allowed, to-wit:

Estimate' 1, Tenth and Rice streetpaving, .Cedar, street to Como avenue,Forrestal &Reilly, contractors: amountdue; 85,382.' '•' -.;-, "

Estimate No.-l, Holly avenue paving,Western avenue to Dale street; WarrenScharf Asplmlt Paving : company, con-tractors 5 amount due, .¥0,950."* * *

Estimate' No. 1. Western avenue pav-ing, Summit avenue to Laurel avenue,Warren' Scharf Asphalt Paving: com- ',pacy, fohtWictors ; amount due. $722.50.

Estimate. No. 1, Edgerton street im-provement Decatur street to- Marylandstreet,l McArthur Rros.. contractors;amount idtie. *82,001. -Estimate No. 1, alley in block 2, Hol-combe's addition, grading, E. C. Bowen,contractorl:' amount due. ¥:^74; "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0

Estimate No. l.Dousman. Yankee andAnn streets grading. Thornton & Shaw,contractorsramount due. 8935. -' ;;.*; -Estimate -No. 1, Phalen avenue grad-ing, Seventh street to Harvester alley, ;Davis &.<l^oekwood, contractors: amountduo. tLOaft.'.: "\u25a0'•' ' \u25a0'". " '"'Estimate No. 1. Erie street grading.BanfiFstreet to Randolph street. J. 1).Moran. contractor: .amount due, ¥1,020.

Estihi{i^N,u,','l, Aurora avenue grad-ing; Kent; sireet to Lexington avenue,(J. Gerlich, contractor;' amount duo,¥2^59., \ ..,..-. \u25a0 ...... .

Estiuijue,No,.l, alley in block 2, Hum-phrey*-** add ition. grading. "G. Gerlich,contractor; amount due. 8238. ' ;";

Estimate,, , No. 1. Mackubin streetsewer, Hd)Jy,sivenu£ to Ashland ave-nue, -rPj Doherty, contractor; r amountduo, ¥338.20. y_ -. :;• \u0084:*."- .: ' .

Estimalje.'Nb. 1, Cypress '.Street grad-ing. Suburban avenue to Seventh street,V. B. Parks, contractor; 'amount': due,¥3.1.Hi." ; • ..-.'\u25a0'

F]sthnate,No. 1, Columbia 'itreet,' grad-ing, \u25a0 Glencoe street 'to "Pennsylvaniaavenue; William G. Mulligan, con-tractor ;| amount due, ¥595. -A-

Estimate No. 1, Sheldon avenue grad-ing, Minnehaha street to St. Paul, Min-neapolis "'& Manitoba railway, G.BolaiK Contractor; amount due, ¥1,309.

Estimate No. 1, -Martinv"and .:. Fullerstreet grading, . 11. Justus, contractor;amount;diie, ¥4;029.

Estimate. No. 2, Victoria street grad-ing. Marshall avenue to St.' Clair street,J. Kavanaugh, contractor: amount due,81.004.' ! ';„.",/

Estimate No. 2, Stewart avenue, Can-ton and Logan streets grading. W. J.MurnameV'"Colitractor; amount due,¥2.550.' \ Z,.'\" l .'. Z '''Zk.'ZZZ

Estimate 'No, 2, Fairmount 'Place, St.Albans and other streets; grading andsewef; system, P. IL Thornton, con-tractor ; amount duo, 88,415. ' .:';

Estimate N0.2, Chicago avenue grad-ing (Dakota avenue to Ducas 'street),MoArthut Bros., contractors: amountdue, 85.185.'" ,'..

\u25a0 .: - - '•\u25a0'•;- Estimate 0..2, Victoria street-grading(Marshall avenue to University avenue),T. contractor; amount due,81,530. \u25a0! ;.",;,,• : - . ;- ..-,

Estimate No. 2, Pascal avenue, andHolton ' "avenue . grading, '-Davern &Keou^li, 'e^jiti^jrtbrs; amount due, 8255.. Estimate Jiio. .3, Fisk and Miller street '

grading (Laurel avenue to 'Aurora ave-nue), P. Durack, contractor; amountdue, 82,5$£' .' ' -.:••. :»• ;\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-

EsthnatV.'So. 3, Lincoln and Grandavenue 'grading (Victoria street to Lex-ington ! stVfe'ihie), J. -'Kavanaugh, con-tractor; amount due, $1,190. \u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0'\u25a0

-Estimate ".No. 3, Burr street grading(York street to Brainard avenue), C. F.

Contractor :amount due.83,400.Estimate No. 8, Arundel street grad-

ing (Carroll street to Minnehaha street),Beyer &Lux, contractors; amount due,SI.IMSO, ,I'W'l" - *Estiniate'No. 3. Lisbon street grading(Dayton avenue to Pleasant avenue). P.H. Thornton, contractor^ amount due,$1,912.50. '"•';;.' "

Estimate No. James street grading(Victoria street to Western avenue). IVH. Thornton," Contractor; . amouut due,¥2,975.-, ,'s: '-V;-.- '-.-: •-'..-'•'

Estimate No. 3, Winifred and Coloradostreets grading-, -Tracy & Tracy, con-tractors; amount due, $1,513.

Estiniaf(&]£o.%s; Case street grading;Mississippi-street to Forest, street. Dale& Baumgardner, contractors; amountduo, ¥3,145. ... . . ..

Estimate No. 4, Greenbrier avenuegrading, Margaret street to Seventhstreet J. W." Doherty, ' contractor:amount due, ¥459.' Estimate No. 4, Jessamine street grad-

ing,Edgerton street to Mississippi street,T. Dailey, contractor; amount due,¥2,958.' ,' ;\s'Ahi.\: : '

Estimate No. 4, Arch street grading,Columbia street to Jackson street, P.H. Thornton; contractor; amount : due.¥1,940.50.-"" •" •

Estimate No. 5,. Hague avenue andMilton, street grading, W. P. Muruhv,contractor-; amount due, ¥1,173. ' >;.,.. Estimate No. 5, Cherokee avenufc^grading, Ohio Street to south city limits.11. Justus, contractor; amount due,$2,295. :..•./,.•«..-;. \u0084-,'..

Estimate No. 6. Frances -street grad-ing, Arcade street to English street, W.(J. Mulligan* contractor; amount due,"!¥2,329.'.' ; .' - -.- ,>.-- V ,\u25a0*.-- :--y^Wji, Estimate No. 6, Conway street grad-ing;Commercial street to Earl street, J.Kavanaugh, contractor f amount J due,"¥13.485. ;.-;.- -. .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ..- ..

Estimate' "No. 7, Isabel -street grad-

log, Ohio street to State street ''vW.'JEftfc.'man, contractor; amount diie,-?l,sSD>i *i'/Estimate No. 7. Minnehaha and otite?* :streets grading, De Soto street to' Boek'

'street, r^lcArthur Bros., - contractors:due. 18,415.' ! '\u25a0.:*. "2Ui'ivM.. Estimate No. B",' lglehart street: grad-

ing, Mackubin street to Lexington 1 »vb>»; •rime, Dale &Baumgardner, contractor^''; amount duo, $1,785. \u0084,.. \u0084,(i<,,

Estimate No. 11, St. Clair, Grace andWarsaw streets grading, J. Kavanaugh,- 'contractor; am/uint due, \u25a0 18,316. \u25a0'\u25a0 *.»\u25a0**/ ton i> Estimate No. 1, Sherman street sewer,'l. 'Pleasant avenue :to Oak : street,' •>P*:Doherty, contractor; amount duej \u25a0* *867.'. \u25a0

: Estimate No. 1, Jackson street- sewer,- 'Eleventh "street to Grove: street.' ¥. 'Doherty, contractor; amount due,> £U()./ Estimate No. 1, Canada street sewer.'Thirteenth street to Fourteenth street. \u25a0

P. . Doherty, -contractor; amount due, :$2G3: -

No. 1, Franklin street sewer,Estimate No. 1, Franklin street sewer,jElimstreet to Sherman street, Han-'sen, contractor, amount due, $748.7,I .'Estimate No. 1, Dakota s avenue and) Plato avenue sewer, Stockton «&.Lind-[ qnist,- contractors ; amount-' due, . 55400. i ,t 'Estimate No. 2, Sixth . street • sewer*-Oakstreet to Summit avenue, White &Adams, contractors; -.amount due,,s(isU., ,y Estimate No. 2,-Carroll; street sewer, ,'r Western avenue to Rice street,. I. Do-wierty, contractor ; amount due, §2,s^).' ' v jI •Estimate No. 2. Cedar, street so-wVj',jßourth street to Seventh street,. E. l)o-

--rty, contractor; amount due, .«88iV \u0084,:• ,(, Ti sfimate No. 6, Summit place. f?yito,^ot silwers, F. S. Blodgett, contractor.^ .amount due, 8:>,570. 2 ""..-.- '/*"\u25a0\u25a0

Estimate No. 9, Custer street : sevv^r,, ,system, P. S. Rlodgett, contractor,;,.,,amount due, 15,200.50. . . .ZZ .. \u25a0\u25a0

Estimate No. 2,* sprinkling, -Dis-",triet No. l, W. Forrestal,. contractor;', ,'.amount duo, 81,200.41. " .x. ,.,-., ...Zt Estimate No. 1, street sprinkling, Dis-trict No. 2, W. Forrestal, contractor;;.. .amount due. ¥28.15. :.-.-'\u25a0 £\u0084,,,\u25a0„,',

Estimate No. 2,' street sprinkling, Dis-. \u2666

triet No. 8, W. Forrestal;-: contractor; ,'amount due, $2,444.48.. Estimate No. 2. street sprinkling, JJLsr,.,.triet No. 4, W. Forrestal, contractor*^...,amount due, ¥2,578.97.,. ;. . jfj^„•, Estimate No. 2, street sprinkling,, Di^V ,-"trict;No. 5, Forrestal & Reilly, cou'tui'et •ors: amount due. 82,087.28. -•'.•- \u25a0\u25a0

' Estimate No. 2. street sprinklingVjDis- ,triet No. (i, Forrestal' «& Jteillyi'.-p/j/i-C,..,tractors; amount due, ¥1,043.27.

Estimate No. 2, street sprinkling, DiSj^ itrictj No. 7, F'orrestal & Reilly, ,-co.jij'' \ttractors; amount due, ¥2,104.41. .!.,!,' vEstimate No. 2. street sprinkling, Dis-. :

triet No. 12, William" Forrestal, cyn-traidor; amount due, ¥883. .'....' J''\u25a0..,',.

Estimate No. 1, Ross and Fauquier.' ,,streets grading. Cooper & Harper, con-tra-tors: amount due, ¥4,080. .;•:. .. -i,.

Estimate No. 2. Atlantic street .; grad-,:,,in?;. Third street to "\u25a0 Harvester '.Cooper & Harper, contractors; amountdue, ¥2,720. :.';,'".

Estimate No. 1, Decatur street .sewer, ,(Ri-dford street to Edgerton street), B. J., .Kirkiand, contractor; amount due,?080. '.;. .;;.,„'

Estimate No. 2 and final. Wilder -aver.,l;n'ua grading. St. Anthony avenue .to,Marshall avenue, W. Lockwood, con-. ,traitor; amount -due, ¥344. :-.)»,-.->,

Estimate No. 13 and final, . Fairfield i iavenue grading, Dakota avenue- to Statestreet, McArthur Bros., contractors^ i'amount due, ¥7,025. ;.:; > ... ',

Estimate No. 4. supplementary to No. *.3 and- final, Tavlor avenue grading, ';-.Alcine avenue to « Hamline ; avenue, i.Cooper & Harper, contractors; amount \u0084

duo, 8300. i-i *;\u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0-.'- ..:. ZZ , " --i x. Estimate No.^s and final, Greenbrier ,avenue grading. Margaret street to-Seventh street,: J. W. Doherty, eon- .tractor: amount due, 8435. \u0084-,/;. i

Estimate,; No. . (i ; and final. Hague.avenue ami Milton street grading.AY. LP. Murjil'.y, contractor ; amount . due *, ,'•08&' '/ *--

\u25a0 ; -\u25a0- -.- ..'5i.1."". ,Estimate No. 5 and final. Third. street :

\u25a0Irciifge. approach, 11. E. Horton, ...tractor; amount due, 815.305.17. . - v \u0084•.'.EstiuiateNo. 2 and final, Mackubin \u0084

street "/ewer. Holly avenue to Ashlandi,avenue. P. Doherty, contractor, ahiouht: :

(hie,»fß4.Bo. \u25a0\u25a0* ... ,• ,*-',.'.,:Es"t3hiate No. 2 and final,-'.Sherman^ V

street sewer. Pleasant 'avenue to (^nKt J.stre/'t.P. Doherty, jcontractor; anibpiitl jdue .851. x-, *. ;,.•.-. . ZX^xWWW-i-xEstimate No. 2 and final,-. Canada, ,-

sewer. Thirteenth street to Fonr^teeitii: street, P. Dpherty, contpifit-fjyi'. .-amount due. KLso.*j,*.y • ............. i .:\u25a0\u25a0'. Estimate Nd: 2 and final, Washington;, 'street sewer. Eagle street to Hill street;-' -I'dDoherty. " contractor ; amount ' due/," ''¥5850... .•.;"::.•;;..,.'".'• \u25a0•• '\u25a0' ':-"<*' '\u25a0

. Estimate , No. '2X and . final, Frah^ffn'*Stmt % sewer. Elm . street to Shermarr- -;

street, Hans Ilansdii'.coh tractor ; {111106111dm. $132. '\u25a0•>. ' ' : m ri"tit~

Estimate No. 3 -and final. Sixth streetsewer, Oak street" to Summit avenue,"-AVhite & Adams, contractors; ainohhV' 'dm. 8184. • • r..Zf.< -. '.\u25a0\u25a0 ;;'" .;''n"

Rill ofG. H.- Ballon of 87.80. writing*.;':'up testimony . taken "before Board -Of**"'PuHic Works, June 20, 1887. ' '-"

'*•\u25a0'»' ,*,Rill of G.W. Morrillof ¥12, estimating \u25a0''

co«t;of moving, buildings, in line -of-' ::slopes on South Robert street. . /,' '".'".';

Adjourned. '"'' **'" '! R. L. (loiimax, President. ,

W.F. Enwix, Clerkßoard Public Works- ••*••*'. - - --n'Jii-l t

! • -'• \u25a0\u25a0'-'\u25a0 . *. :i:<*'tV/ ,. j Special .Meeting. / . ".";'~'r:Special Meeting.

. f St. Paul, June 21, 1887.y" :"

• Foard met at oa. m. pursuant tirtlafl"' !!Iresent: Messrs. "Barrett,"-: Quinsy, '"Starkey and Mr. President." --^i---- 9:15 a. m. the Board prdceeded

view the following streets, to-wit: :i" -„,'? V.Fillmore. avenue, from Dakota avenue' 'to State street; Columbia street, from" *:

(lluicoe street to Pennsylvania aveiM^f3**Owa'sco avenue, from St. Albans street' 'to (Lexington avenue; Phalen street,from Seventh (7th) street to Harvester" ''alky; alley in block 9, Terry's add^tiWnto St. Paul, from, Earl street to Frank' ' 1'street, with assessmenttin grading of said avenues," streets and ' '"alley. .'.;.' \u0084- • '...'*\u25a0•..' .. ,":: Afreet next to the Mississippi river,from Chestnut street, to James street" 'withreference to assessment . for.'&ra(J- "in;, said street to a partial grade, i-to'K'*'''to] width of thirty-three. (33) feet, with: *.necessary shore protection and culvert.' ". Decatur street, from Bedford strW'i 'tiff "Edgerton street: Mackubin street, from,.Hillyavenue to Ashland avenue; Jack- 'son street, from r Eleventh Glth)street to Grove; street ; . "\^iafj)artflK "stivot. from Thirteenth . (13th) . street 'id ,

-Fourteenth street with reference' tttus^' 'sessment for the .construction Vs&Jy&P 'on said street. ;. . ';../"'?.".?'

State street, from the levee to Con-.- ..cord street, with 2reference to assess '"mint for a change of grade oii'^aTC " street, from the levee to/Snsap.street (now Congress street). . ._'..,.'

. Fillmore avenue, between HAkOta' ,': avenue and State street, with r^te'rfpc^. :to assessment for condemning and»4AK-. ".:ing an easement for making and main- :*

taining slopes necessary in grading said.' "Fillmore avenue. .-.,., '\u0084,', .Street -from Cliff street at its inter-

section with Forbes street (now Smith-avenue) to Cherokee avenue at' lih'.mW '\u0084tersection with Mohawk avenue (miw. ..Smith avenue) withreference to assess-ment for the opening of said street,- . -" /

Having viewed said streets the.BotoT," '.returned at 12:30 p.m. and adjourned. . . .

_- j--.*„*-.•\u25a0; R. L. (Jormax, President.W. F. Er.wix,Clerk Roard Public \yo,rk£v•* * "* -- nihil.


x: z Grading UOrient Street- :Grading LOrient Street

...'..'lt..;\u25a0'- Office Boaud of Puni.ic Works, ) .Office Boaiip of Public Works, )

City ofSt. Paul, Minn.,June2l,lS«7.-»f' \u25a0

Sealed bids will be". received by the.Board of Public Works ;in and for the \u25a0

corporation of the city of St. Paul, Mm- \u25a0

nesota, at their ofiice in said city until;12 m.. on' the sth day of July, D. :

CIBB7, for grading L'Oriont | street fromMt. Airystreet toPennsylvania avenue, .in said city,according toplans' and specir ,.fictitious on filein the ofliceofsaid Board. \u25a0

: A bond with at leasts^ two (2 sureties \u25a0

in a sum of at least twenty (20) per. cent,-of the gross amount bid must accompany; .

:each bid.; ; The said Board ;reserves the right to ;

reject any or all bids. \u25a0•_'-\u25a0 , "\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0'-.\u25a0 ;-;.*' .' \u25a0 it,.L. GORMAN, President".;;, '

Official-.: \u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0 W. F. Ekwin, ' - ' '

174-184 '\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 Clerk Board of Public Works. :

;Confirmation of Assessment forGrading Owasco Avenue.

-Office Board of Puni.ic Wokks, )City of St. PAUL,Minn/,June 27,1887. fj*The assessment of benefits, costs andexpenses arising from v grading , Owascoavenue, from St. Albans street to Lexing-ton avenue," in the city of St. Paul, Mmnesota, haviug been completed by tlie

\u25a0 Board of Public Works in and for saidcity, said Board willmeet at their officein said city at. 2 p. m. on the Ilth dayof July, A. D. 1887, to liear objections(if any) to said assessment, at which :dime and-' place, unless sufficient causeis shown to the contrary, -said '-. assess-ment wilibo confirmed by said Board.""The following is a list of the supposedowners'.: names, a description of theproperty benefited and the amounts as-sessed against the same, to-wit: .*

J. C. Stout's Addition to Summit ParkAddition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner and• " description. Lot. Block. BenefitsMary W Griggs. . . . .28 1 ¥53 40James Scott .......27 1 35 (X)Same, Elv y 0f..... 20 1 17 80Martha J Braley,V. W'ly of 26 1. 17 80Same, Elyy, of . . . 25 1 17 80James Scott, W'ly y0f................ ..25 1 17 80

Same..... .......24 1 35 (X)Same. . . .• 23 1 35 60(teo C 5t0ut. ....... .22 1 85 60Same ......21 1 35 (X)James C Stout et a 1.20 1 35 (X)Same otal li) 1 35 00Same etal 18 1 85 (X)

Same etal 17 1 85 00Same et a1. . .- . . . . . .. .16 1 . .85 (X)Same et al 15 1« 54 80Same etal 1 2 " *35 60Same et a1 . . . . 2 2 85 (X)

Same et a1 . .......... 3 2 . 35 60Same etal;. 4 2 35 60Same et aI:.'. '........ 5 2 85 00Same etal .6 2 35 60Same etal 7 2 85 60Same eta 1..:.... 8 2 35 60Same et al .......... 9 2 85 (X)Same etal 10 2 85 60Same etal 11 2 85 00Same etal ......12 2 85 (X)Sameetal.'.".:. .71.. 13 2 85 60Same et al 14 2 ,35 60Same etal 15 2 35 60Same et al 16 2 54 80

'W Summit Park Addition to St.Paul.

Sujiposed owner andH'"- description. Lot. Block. BenefitsWin 1' 5n0w. . .... 28 10 $53 405ame. .....:....... 27 10, 35 00Samuel R0ckwe11.. ..26 10 35 (X)Saihe. 25 10 35 (X)SUme . ... . . . „** 24 10 85 00Same...: .....23 10 85 (X)

Same.... .22 10 85 60Same .21 10 v 35 (X)Same. ... ...20 10 35 60Same .......;.... 1!) 10 35 60Same.... ..1......... 18 10 85 60Albert MEddy 17 10 85 60John W Fallihee 16 10 85 60Same..... 15 10 54 80T Cochran, Jr....... 1 11"' 53 40Same 2 11 85 60Same.. 3 11 35 60CE D Olinstead Z:..4 11 35 (X)'Chester X Smith 5 . 11 3560 'George S Ferry '6 11 35 60John 5C0n1ev....... 7 11 35 00Henry B Cocker 8 11 85 60Clara E Hah 11 9 11 85 60Same... .10 11 85 60Same ...... ...... 11 11 35 60Henry X Cocker .... .12 11 ' 35 60Frank EForster. . . .13 11 85 60Corinth 11 Ryan... 14 11 54 30Lewis G Swett. . 1 14 53 40Same 2 14 35 005ame.....:.. ..3 14 85 60Annie Bailey 4 14 85 60MLMerrill 5 14 35 60Harry O Dillev...... 6 14 . 35 60Kimball & Thorn... 7 14 85 60Alice E Palmer. .... 8 14 35 60StephenasG Pierce. 9 14 .35 60Henry Hutchinson.. 10 14 35 60Same ..........11 14 85 60Allen E Rice....:... 12 14 35 60Same '..13 14 85 60Same. ......... 14 14 54 30HelenS 8art0n..... 28 15 53 40Sarah J Loomis 27 . 15 _ . •_; 35 mo .5aine............ ....26 15 35 60HS Barton ....... 25 15 35 (X)Same :....:.... .24 15 ' 85 60Zerelda W uter .... 23 >\u25a0 15 85 00D N Dellinger. . .. : 22 15 35 605aine.....;....';...'..2t' - 15 35 605ame. .....:. ... : ... 20 15 35 60Geo J Anderson..... 19 15 .1 35 60Same. :..-.: .**. .-. .-. .- . . 18 : 15 . 35 00Wm N Armstrong-eta 1.. ...... .......17 15 35 60

Whitnev Wall et all 16 15 85 60Ida M Woodburn. . . .15 15 54 30

-y; Haldeman's Addition to St. Paul.

Supposed owner and\u25a0>*" description. - Lot. Block. BenefitsJohn WCramsie....2B 1 353 405ame.. . . .... . : . . ... 27 1 35 60Chas F Clark and R

Sunde .". ......... .26 - ' 1 85 00Same and same ....25 1 . 35 60Same and same .". . . . 24 1 85 (X)Sarah E Curtis. .... 23 1 35 60Same ....22 1 35 60Wm R 5hank1e...,.21 1 35 60AMEddy 20 1 35 60Frank M Joslin ..... 19 : 1 35 60Sumner W Mathie-

*, son .'. ;;**.*.; . . . . : 18 1 85 60J W Fallihee and W-.P 5n0w........... 17 1 85 00Same and same:... 16 1 35 00Same and same..:.:. 15 1 52 50R J Haldeman. . . 1 4 53 40Same.... :... 2 4 85 605ame................ 3 4 35 605ame...... .^...4 4 85 60Same. ....... 5 * 4 85 005ame........'......:. 6' 4 35 605ame......... ...7 4 • 35 60Same.... '...-8 4 85 605ame.... .:.......;.. 9- 4 35 60Same *.. 10 4 35 005ame.....: ....11 4 85 605ame.. .........1.. 12 4 35 605ame.. ....;....... 13 4 85 60Same — .... .......14 4 52 50Same ' A... .. 1 3 53 405ame......:. **.-. 2 3 85 60Same..... 3 3 85, 605ame'.........- ..4 3 35 60Same .:..-5 8 ..-35-60Same .........:.:..,. 6 . • 3 ,85. 60Same ...."..;.... 7 3 35 60Same \u0084..:.... 8 3 35 605ame...... .....9 3 85 60Same ...10 3. \u25a085 erf)Same 11 ,3 85 605ame........ 12 8 85 60Same..... ."...:. 13 , 3 35 60Same. 14 3 52 50PHKyan ......28 2 53 40Same 27 2 85 (50

B J Shipman 26 .2 35(50Thos Slater . ...... .25 2 85 (50

Win P Abbott ...:.. 24 . 2 35 60D W Milliard 23 2 35 60William Ge0rge..... 22 2 85 60OF Church.. ...... 21 2 85 60WillP Abbott ......20 2 35 60J IIand J Fair-; bank 5. .:..: .......19 2 35 60Same and same..... lS . , 2 85 60Same and same. — 17 2 35 (X)

Ella MFouble ...... 16 2 35 60Percival H.Ryan... 15 2 52 50

S.B.Pierce's Enlargement to SummitPark Addition to St. Paul. ,

Supposed owner andx description. Lot. Block. BenefitsMartha C Clarke. ..28 1 , $53 40 •5ame.;..... ..27. 1 35 60 iSame ..:...:..:..... 26 1 35 60Same ......::.. .....25 1 85 60Jas IIPierce eta 1...24 * 1 .85 50Dawson Moreland ..83 1 85 60Same . . . : . . . . . . . : . 22 1 85 60Chas L Anderson* -

and H W Will-. iams ..............21 1 3560Francis J Fairbanks 20 1 85 605aine............ 19 - 1 35 COOscar T Roberts;. "..IS- 1 85 60Same ...:.;...... ...17 1 35 60Jas H Pierce et a 1 . .. 16 1 - 85 00Same ....15 1 53 40Same eta 1........... 1 ' 2 5:5 4oSameetal..... 2 2 35 60Same etal ....... '3 . 2 35 60Same eta 1...... 4 2 85 60Sameetal::,:..' 5 ,2 35 60 'Daniel*M Campbell. 0 - 2 - 35 60.Jas H Pierce et a 1 ... 7 2 85 60Sanieetal.::;.: ....jj 2 ' -35 COJ Webster - Haywood 9 2 35 60 .Francis J Fairbanks.lo '2 35 CO \u25a0

Herman A Schulz.V.ll 2 35 60Anna C Thompson . . 12 ' ' 2 \u25a0'\u25a0'-".* .85 (X)John Merrill 13 2 ".35 00Jas Pierce etal'.:. l4- 9 ; .: 53 40;

\u25a0— \u25a0 " ' 1— -^. E A Phinnpy's Atlditibu to Stfraiil:':rr!E A Phinnpy's Addition to St. Paul.Supposed and x"-Z'-y •:.'..•

\u25a0 • description. >*' Lot. Block. BenefitsC B Davison ;..:.:28 1 ', * '-$53 40Same:..: \u25a0•...-..•.•;. 27 "\u25a0= •'."•'• 1 -;**"\u25a0 86 COSame.... :*... ..'.:.... .20 1 3.5 00Same..".:v..v... :..'.. 23 1 85 005ame........... 24 1 85 60Same. ...V.V.'. .-:..'.. 2:1 1 35 00

, 5ame. . . : '.'.' .'.".'. .... ; .22 ' 1 35 (JOSame..../.-. ....... ...21 l 35 00Same. '. . .20 1 $- 00Same....*.'.'.".'.':' 19 1 35 005ame....:.:v;.-.-;....i8 l 85 60Same . . '.v.-**.-.'.' >\u25a0:\u25a0 .-. .... 17 l 85 00Same. . '.- .'.*.'.'Zi i."... .: 10 1 35 005ame.....:'.;.T.'.'....15 1 52 505ame..:...'..'..;'..... 1 2 58 40'Same..i.V.".!r..vL'.r... 2 2 35 60Same .: . .".':.?;•.". .... 3 2 85 00Same ..-.:.';.... 4 2 s 85 60Same -.i.-i...•:•..:.. 5 2 35 005ame.... i?;:'.' .".'.".'... 0 2 35 00Same . . Z'.ZZ, .':'. '.:.... 7 2 35 00Same. . . . .-:\u25a0 . ...... 8 2 35 150Same..:. .'.•M**.?*.':;... 9 2 85 (MiSame.". ..." .' '.'.' : .'.' . .' .-. 10 2 35 605ame.. . . . \u25a0•;..'•:',-. ; ... .11 .2 85 005ame.... ::•.•;•. i'.-.;.. 12 2 35 00Same . : :.'.:..; .13 2 35 00Same . . . 1.1T. .'...:... 14 2 52 50

All objections to said assessmentmust be made in writing and filed withthe Clerk of said Board at least one dayprior to said meeting.

R. L. GORMAN, President.Official: *-.*:.l AY. F. Enwix.180-181 Clerk Board of Public Works.

Confirmation of Assessment forGrading Phalen Street.

j VI Villii: \u25a0 - '

OffickBoaud (jk Pum.ic AAtouks. »Office Boaud cjl Pi;ni.ic Wokks. iCityof St.Pau/., June 27, 1887. j

• ijji. ii.:- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . - * '

. The assessment of benefits, costs andThe assessment of benefits, costs andexpenses arising from grading Phalenstreet, from.Seventh (7th) street to Har-vester alley,, in the city of Stt Paul.Minnesota, having been completed by-the Board of Public Works in and forsaid city, said Board willmeet at theiroffice in said-city, at 2 p. m., on. the Ilthday of July; A. ,D. 18S7, to hear objec-tions (if any)' to said assessment, atwhich time and place, unless sufficientcause is shown to the contrary, paid^ts-sessmenfc.will be confirmed' by saidBoard. \u25a0;„,,. ,. ... .

The following ' is a list of the sup-posed owners';-.. names, a description ofthe property-benefited, and the amountsassessed against same, to-wit:

Tracy,'s 'Out Lots, St. Paul.

Supposed mvn&'a^ddescription. ' ;.' Lot. Block. BenefitsSolomon Kern.. t'.::. 0 10 £38 00Same ,:;'.:... 5 10. -38 00Louisa :Parser ::....; 4 10 38 00Same..:..-.'.:....;.... 3 10 38 00Frank AV,."Hadfield. 2 10 38 005ame. . . . '. .' ?,!., [[...... 1 10 38 00Leslie Par1in.. ....... (5 8 38 005ame......':."r"..:::V 5 8 38 00Jno Tracy.. .', 4 8 38 00aiargaret.'Ciipn'nihg. 3 8 38 00Same, Sly Jf-of.-; ... 2 8 10 00Lucy HetfiUfd,' N'ly

1-2 0f....',:'.,. ,..;.... 2 8 19 00Same :'.:'.-...... 1 "8 • 38 00Prindel Partridge... 1 4 14 00Robert L Adams 1 2 73 00A P Olson , .' ' _ ;'.'.;.. 15 9 30 505ame. ........ .1v . . ... 14 9 30 50James Merchrtht.".'.. 9 SO 50Same. . .'. .-.'. :\u25a0'. '. .'. 'ZZ. .12 9 30 50Isabella Murray . . . . 11 9 30 50Same. . . . .-:>/ .-.' : . .10 9 30 505ame...'. .':'..'. J .... 9 9 86 50Wm S Gregory"..'.... 8 9 36 505ame...... 7 .9 30 50

\u25a0Horatio P -Bowden.. 0 9 30 50"Mason X McElroy... 5 9 30 50Henry Brand, '...:.. 4 9 30 50LucvHotfiold....... 3 9 30 50Mary A 8rand...... 2 9 30 50Same.... : ;'.:..':.... 1 9 10 00Matilda Webb*:;-.... 8 3 50 20Same...... "/.v.--..."... 2 ' 3 -36 50Win H Webb! v. .'.'...- 1 ' 3 - 54 75

Supposed-owner and Wy.xzxzZ.Wxxt description. ~ :_ r \u25a0 BonenisChas T Corning. That piece of

ground bounded. northerly byHarvester alley, Ely by Pha-len street: Sly by right of wayofthe Chicago. St. Paul.Minne-apolis »fe Omaha Bailroad com-pany and W'ly by section line

:\u25a0 between sections 27 and 28, • .town 29. range 22, being in St.Paul, Minnesota ....: ... ?255 50

St. Paul Hai;ve!}t£r works. Thatpart of northwest y of SW M. (N'ly of railroad except Com-ing's pafjlK of Section 27, town29, range.S&.Qeiiig in St.Paul.Minnesota . W/.. $127 75

Same. StftrtliWest % of NAYK(exce.p^'i'a|-t'S*ly of railroadand Corhuig's part), of section27, town'SO-'range 22, being in y---Z,St Paifl, .Mihnesota §127 75

, Allobjections' to said assessment mustbe made in*writing and filed with theClerk of-'Sttßp'Board at least one day-prior to' s'sllff meeting.

I R. L. GORMAN. President.Officiali;-*iu*i.r--.\ WT. F. Ekwin,180-181 : Clerk Board of Public Works.

Confirmation of Assessment forGrading IColumbia Street.

'\u25a0'\u25a0 .IU'JIIIV.m: •

.1-1 "————1t", ,,

\u0084 .Ofkick 18-waikd of Public Wokks. )OfficktßcuunbiOF Pum.ic AVonks, )

Cityof St. PXtTiJ,Minn.,June27, lßß7. JThealssess'mep.t of benefits, costs and

expensesrarisiugifroni grading Columbiastreet, from-.Glencoe street to Pennsyl-vanie avenue, in the city of St. Paul,Minnesota*; having been completed bythe Board.of.- Public Works in and forsaid city,;.-sa}d Board willmeet at theiroffice in said city at 2 p. m. on the Ilthday ofJuly,, A»D. 18S7, to hear objections(if:any) to -.said assessment at whichtime and place, unless sufficient causeis shown to the contrary, said assess-ment willbecoufi'rmed by said Board. .. The 'following is a list of the. sup-posed oyvH,<jKS^names, a description ofthe property jbeuefited, and the amountsassessed agaiust the same, to-yvit:

Ashton' &Sherburne's Addition of St.: ... '. , Paul.

Supposed and. description. . Lot. Block. Benefits

C A Mann and A -LMay CVe.^ al. (ex-cept northerly 25 .ft)..;:.-»...,.N.'....5t*v-0 10 44 00

Mary Heenan, N'ly25 "ft ot;.„, ...,.,'. 5&0 10 30 25

Jane TouloVton 4 10 • 52 75Gil 'focusing..'.* 3 10 80 00Anna L llannon 2 10 80 00C MToe"i\srig....... 1 10 80 00John Hayes.,.- • • •"• -10 8 . 110 75M Flannery. - and - J

Malonev :..".•.. ::.. 15 S 96 00David GhjUy...... .. 14 8 112 00F Driscoll -.; (except

AV'ly 10 ft).,, .:.... 13 8 .120 00GH«rroeiisiiig, AV'ly

\u25a0 0f. . .W.Z, ;.:... 13 9 97 00a M Overman, W'ly .

yof.'.'.',.\u25a0. ;.j '\u25a0...:. 12 9 80 00FAY, CK'.'and A HOverniau,fW,Jly M0f.. ...... ,.-. •\u25a0'.' 11 9 80 00

Win Hanft, y; 0f..,..^f1.^, ;;.,.".. ...10 9 80 00Adam Kaulfnian 9 .9 80 00Oie Swaiisoiij Sly y

of.A\r'ly,'» 0'f...... 8 9 40 00Ole Johnson, N'lyM - ' --.of AV'lyKof...... 8 9 .40 00C A Mann and AL

Mayall .$ a1'.' .:.... 7 9 SO 00Same and same et al. 0 9 80 00Same ami same etal." 5 - 9 - 80 00Same and same et al. 4 .9 80 (X)CA FinehQUt------- 3 9 80 00C A Mann and AL

". Mavail et a 1....... 3 » - . SO 00A L Mayall al,

Wly;l?.7^.'ftbf...: 1. 9 80 00Allobjections to said assessment must

be made in writing; and filed"with: theClerk of,", said Board at least one dayprior to said.meeting. • '

\u25a0 ,R.L. GORMAN, PresidentOfficial: .',"- r.,-"X''- W. P. Ekwix,ISO-181 ; " '. CTci'k Board of Public Works.

-J |• Confirmation\'oi' Asssessment fur'VConfirmation of Asssessment fur

the Construction of a SewertheiConstruction of afsswen \.&\u25a0>«'" \u25a0:\u0084

' jon Decatur Street. . .Wz.W ,., ,_ j

Offick Boahd of Public Wokks )City ok St. Pa vi., Minn., J UJielggJ fCm ok St. Paui,, Minn., June 27r,1687! [ (The assessment of benefits, costs and !expenses arising from the «?B&u£>U'tion of a; sewer, on Decatur fSre!f;:- tfrom Bedford street to . -EdJSS '

street, In the city of St. % ? :Minnesota, having been ;covinM^h' ': jby the Board of Public Works in \u25a0'and tor saW city, said Board will melt Vat their office In said city at 2.. '\u0084, W • !the 11.1. day of July, A?D. i^'ioleS' 'Objections (it any) to said assessment atwhich time -and place, \u25a0> unless safficieSt^cause is shown to the contralv Vihf • 1-BS"'6"1 WUI be co»«r'»^'S'sald' jM,mnll",'nt WUI '',! <'"I,fh'l"^ «S '3d

The following is a list of the supposedowners': names, a description of theproperty benefited, and the. amount*assessed against the same, t^wit:«T *Irvine's Second Addition to St Pauk

Supposed owner and -''" V

Oleafet'ffl'te Block. Benefit, ZZZm-kiiixZ-lX C-^,OJoSriiadiev;-10 ° *«1Q \. . (excepts W.'ly 1-2;. 16 ' 6 -'">-*>? ioJohn Donaldson,... -15 6' ."»,«Nelson. II Bedlund, . yylyNelson H Redlund, , ' °°ySW"lyl-20f......'i4 6 "215 50John Norman, NEly .-\u25a0\u25a0 '-.tiy,x™

1-2 Of 14 fl - • oj, rr.AAVLorentson, . . ". ! 13 g '•-.. Wia mA W Boron tson IS i; &00Andrew Neilson.... 12 <p,' : 58 flOGS Olson 11 6 m wSame (except Ely : ' • , \u25a0

-M*0....- ...10 6 2120August, Jack and ....<.'\u25a0-,,,.Joseph Schinkerl, ..',--,.,.

*£*&$« 10 « "3180\ l'u-'.fN<'XOn' \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 9 ,; «00

FredMoberg, 7 0 ;53D0*red Moberg 7 - 0 :.';:;: 5:3 OooLangevin's Division,\u25a0 St. "PaulV-'-i \

Supposed owner and ,W. ;".description. Lot Boripfita

Bazille and Partridge. . . .1 ?S IE Langevin... 2 ".,..42 40Charles Voos 4 4-" 40E Langevin 5 , ;\u25a0;'. fis,<X>bame, 6 :„;J: '63,60

Phillip's Addition to St. Paul. ' ''-'Supposed owner and 'jwiiiti.

description. Lot. Block.' Benefits.B De Coster 5 3 smi soWilliam X W00d... 4 3 sp Sotrick Johnson .... 3 3

''; ''Sf w) .Thomas AY Sadd ... 2 3 ' -/' 31 'soCarl J Anderson. ..1 3 .;-• 31 B0'':Edwin De Coster . . 6 3" *.!\u25a0'. 31 Mf-All objections to said assessmentmust be made in writing and filed withthe Clerk of said Board at least one dayprior to said meeting. y \u25a0

fM-x - , R" L' GORMAN, President : 'Official: W.F. Enwix,180-181 Clerk Board of Public Works.

Confirmation of Assessment, forConstruction of a Sewer onJackson Street. ' j ;,, *.

Office Board of Public Works, >of St. Paul. Minn..J 27. .1887. fThe assessment of benefits, costs and iexpenses arising from the construction i

of a sewer on Jackson street, from Elev-enth street to Grove stroet. inthe cit-, of!St. Paul, Minnesota, having been com- !pleted by the Board of Public Works in jand for said city, said Board will meet iat their office in said city at 2 p. m. on;the Ilth day of July A.* D. 1887. l'Jfi earobjections (if any) to said assessment, ait'which time and place, unless sufficient-cause is shown to the contrary, said' as- •sessment will be confirmed byJ "said-Beard. y_\u25a0\u25a0 .,-. -.•\u25a0'\u25a0*'-

The following is a list of the supposed jowners' names, a description'l^-. the 1property benefited and the ambunts;as- "\u25a0 "

.fi(>ased against tit., «uik». .: yi*jl:.----'l~^

Roberts & Randall's Addition ft StPaul.- "" ISupposed owner ami ,'..,',.',.'

description. Lot. Block. BenefitsJames II Donley et - - •al. (.except AV'ly50 .;.:/ W \u0084,

o feet): :. :...14 - 2 - >i..«fi0, 00Same. S'lv 40 feet - 1ofEly 160 feet of.13 2 48 00.

Charles II Petsch. -WIW,.• -N'ly 10 feet of 13 2 • .I.* 12 00Same .......12 2 •— -60 00IIGreve..... .3 2.,:: 0') 00Oppenheim. Kohl- . .'"•-,;,>,,';.,..

man *Clark .2 -2- 1m - 00-00 ,Same, same and \u0084..,......_.:.

same — .... .. 1 2" ;..Go.oO*

Randall's Addition to St' Paul. :*

Supposed owner and -• '\u25a0\u25a0 >.- X. -_•description. Lot. Block. Benefits •

ECBelote.. 1 l' $00 00 iSame 2 1 ' .00 00'Romanzo Bunn 3 1 ••' 00 00 'Supposed owner and —\u25a0'\u25a0* ->'*i-.-- BenefitsJ B Cook. Commencing . on i" :

Ely line of Jackson street 840 » 1 •::foot N'lyfrom NE corner of"-':

Jackson • and Tenth streets, -~''thence NE'ly at right angles J » •<. -to Jackson street to a point 15--m.;' •. \u25a0<

feet AV'lyofAVlyline ofTern-- <\ "perance street, in Borup's ..: :addition to St. Paul, thenoedi^i.. -N'ly parallel with said W'ly i•

line of Temperance street (52

feet, more or less, to a point 15i feet vW'ly of NE'ly cor- ...ner of land of William Con- •• " '\u25a0<:-

stans. described in deed from :- \u25a0•-••-AAr F Davidson and wife to .: \u25a0'.said Constans, Oct. 17, 1-87.V* • ' \u25a0'\u25a0recorded in book 85, deeds:7- ? ;page 505», thence S 58K° AV-i .V;"\u25a0*:. )along N'ly line of said Con- Am \u25a0-.-.

stans' land „to Ely line of i.n. :-. .Jackson street 886 foet ' N'ly.-d';.:-'-'from NE comer of Jackson, ...and Tenth streets, thence Sly ri-m-. . *-:along said E'lj- line of Jack* n :«son street to beginning(exeept:;-.—.:-- street). .....;,. $33 60 1

AY F Davidson. Commencing \u25a0

on Randall's line. 64 feet S of. •\u25a0'<*...

the SW corner of Joel Whit- • >ney's addition, thence Son .„.."",said line ISI., feet to laud .of. 1 VJ B Cook, thence Ely to Tern-. < -perance street at a point §___£feet Nof the N line of Con-stans' addition, thence NUti. \u25a0*-.>,. ii18).< feet along Temperance • • j. street to land of David-*' ~

\u0084 \lson, thence W'l\ to beginning . . ".(except Temperance street};;.. 522 20

Roberts & Randall's Additiph-'tO St. jPaul. \u25a0-\u25a0X.'".. <

Supposed owner and . . •Supposed owner and .-v.. ...>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : sdescription.

t>Lot Block. Benefits

W F Davidson. N'lv " * '100 feet of '. 2 1 ' ?1;?0 00100 feet 0f. . .'. /: . . : 2 1'*. ,:§l2O 00 / 1

Prince & Desnoyer's RearrangeiileAS I.St.Paul. Z'S/. I

Supposed owner and j lyn '«< /, V?>• description. Lot-Benefits . v

P IIKelly.. .'...13 : .....SW (*>

Same. 12..,.'.. ' 80 «*> yM Auerbach..... .11- ..«-. •64 «0 , iSame.. ........10 :" '• 2* 00 " j5ame................. 9... ,04 00.5ame.....:......... 8 /..24 00 \5ame................ -24 00' k5ame...................... (5 /.*h2>oo' ?'*'5ame...;..::.:............ .5/.. . .. 2*4 «0 J.Same..... ' 4.... :.,24 005ame............. 3-- 24 005ame...........:.......... 2 '}/.:. 24 00- i5ame............... 1:. ,. 24 00

J MUl.t;.. • \u25a0;;"; .Allobjections to said assessment must <Allobjections to said assessment must

be made in writing and :: filed = with the.Clerk of said Board at least one day- .prior to said meeting. :•*' -\u0084;, ( ">iX

R. li. GORMAN, President.Official:. AA\ F. Enwijr, V180-181 Clerk Board of Public Works.


'-z-ZX-esn RiLn«i Struct, St. 'Paiii^- .'.': '.-, j

.*.-££'*.*'(' —**\u25a0' ','-^-'i.'sj-— ->-'-'*— -•*-<i»**_; yy.*.".- „-- -\u25a0—•-......, :-.\u25a0•-.*..'. .'• v-- \u0084- . -..-. :- ,*. .. . .-; ... -. .. 1. \u25a0 ,-7 _.-^y y ...... , _.: :.

