St Paul Apostle South School

St Paul Apostle South School St Paul Apostle South Primary School 9 William Hovell Drive Endeavour Hills 3802 Tel: 9700 3663 Fax: 9706 2745 Principal Mr Paul Gleeson Deputy Principal Mrs Ankita Munshaw Religious Education Coordinator Mrs Kathleen Tobin Finance Officer Mrs Kim Dorothy Reception Mrs Leanne Cluney Parish Office 9700 3781 Fr Xavier Usa CP Sr Joan Smith CP Sr Brigid Murphy CP Mrs Didi Karkas Mrs Gillian Velupillay Newsletter Term 1 Week 8 Thursday 23rd March , 2017 SEEK GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART Tuesday 28th March Parent Teacher Interviews (Optional) 3.30-6.00pm Dear Families, Twilight Sports As you are reading this newsletter, it is full steam ahead for the Twilight Sports. I went to St John’s yesterday to check out the sports area and it was in good condition and safe for the sports to go ahead. This is an important event and so thankyou for your support. St Patrick’s Day Mass and Concert Last week the twelve captains went to the Cathedral in the city. They had to wake up early and get to school by 7:45. The two school captains Zoe and Joshua had to represent our school in the St Patrick's day parade by holding up our school banner and walking down the isle with other schools that were there. Afterwards all the captains, Mr Gleeson and Mrs Tobin went down to the park to eat or lunch and listen to the band that was playing. Everyone enjoyed the trip and had a great time dancing to the band music. Cheers from Zoe and Natasha Working Bee Thank you to the large number of families who were able to assist with the Working Bee last Friday night. The school was cleaned and the two large piles of mulch were laid throughout the school. The school needs your support with things like these and so your support is always greatly appreciated. Movie Night This was another fabulous night held by the Parents and Friends. Over 100 students attended the movie and the scene in the hall with all the beanbags and the blankets was quite amazing. Congratulations to Jemma Witts who won the DVD. All in all it was another great night and so thank you to the Parents and Friends for their organisation and to all the helpers who were able to assist on the night. The Events of Holy Week Next Tuesday, in place of Prayer of the Air, classes have organised to portray the events of Holy Week. This year, we will share these events using the interactive whiteboards in all of the classes and so please come in to the classroom and share this time with your children. The classes have done an amazing job in telling the main events of this important Church period. It all starts at 8.50am in the classrooms. Two years ago, I had the privilege of studying in Jerusalem and becoming immersed in the sights and sounds of this amazing city. If you have a few spare moments, please visit [email protected] and it may help you get an idea of what Jerusalem is like today. End of First Term – Friday 31 st March 2017 A reminder to all families that school finishes for term 1 on Friday 31 st March 2017 at the regular time of 3.30pm. If you have an opportunity to attend mass during Holy week at St. Paul Apostle church please do. Our faith and our traditions are based upon the events of Holy Week and therefore it needs to be shared. School will return on Tuesday 18 th April 2017, as the Monday is Easter Monday and therefore still part of the Easter holiday. Harmony Day - On Tuesday 21 st March 2017, St Paul Apostle South celebrated Harmony Day. The day celebrated Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. It is a day for all Australians to embrace cultural diversity and to share what we have in common. The central message for Harmony Day is that ‘everyone belongs’, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians. We all met as a school in the hall where the children have created a fantastic mural. When completed it will be displayed for all to see.

Transcript of St Paul Apostle South School

Page 1: St Paul Apostle South School

St Paul Apostle South School

St Paul Apostle South Primary

School 9 William Hovell Drive Endeavour Hills 3802

Tel: 9700 3663 Fax: 9706 2745

Principal Mr Paul Gleeson

Deputy Principal

Mrs Ankita Munshaw

Religious Education Coordinator

Mrs Kathleen Tobin

Finance Officer Mrs Kim Dorothy


Mrs Leanne Cluney

Parish Office 9700 3781

Fr Xavier Usa CP Sr Joan Smith CP

Sr Brigid Murphy CP Mrs Didi Karkas

Mrs Gillian Velupillay

Newsletter Term 1 Week 8 Thursday 23rd March , 2017


Tuesday 28th March


Teacher Interviews (Optional)


Dear Families,

Twilight Sports

As you are reading this newsletter, it is full steam ahead for the Twilight Sports.

I went to St John’s yesterday to check out the sports area and it was in good

condition and safe for the sports to go ahead. This is an important event and so

thankyou for your support.

St Patrick’s Day Mass and Concert

Last week the twelve captains went to the Cathedral in the city. They had to wake up early

and get to school by 7:45. The two school captains Zoe and Joshua had to represent our school

in the St Patrick's day parade by holding up our school banner and walking down the isle

with other schools that were there. Afterwards all the captains, Mr Gleeson and Mrs Tobin

went down to the park to eat or lunch and listen to the band that was playing. Everyone

enjoyed the trip and had a great time dancing to the band music.

Cheers from Zoe and Natasha

Working Bee

Thank you to the large number of families who were able to assist with the Working Bee last

Friday night. The school was cleaned and the two large piles of mulch were laid throughout

the school. The school needs your support with things like these and so your support is always

greatly appreciated.

Movie Night

This was another fabulous night held by the Parents and Friends. Over 100 students

attended the movie and the scene in the hall with all the beanbags and the blankets was

quite amazing. Congratulations to Jemma Witts who won the DVD. All in all it was another

great night and so thank you to the Parents and Friends for their organisation and to all the

helpers who were able to assist on the night.

The Events of Holy Week

Next Tuesday, in place of Prayer of the Air, classes have organised to portray the events of

Holy Week. This year, we will share these events using the interactive whiteboards in all of

the classes and so please come in to the classroom and share this time with your children. The

classes have done an amazing job in telling the main events of this important Church period.

It all starts at 8.50am in the classrooms.

Two years ago, I had the privilege of studying in Jerusalem and becoming immersed in the

sights and sounds of this amazing city. If you have a few spare moments, please visit

[email protected] and it may help you get an idea of what Jerusalem is like today.

End of First Term – Friday 31st March 2017

A reminder to all families that school finishes for term 1 on Friday 31st March

2017 at the regular time of 3.30pm. If you have an opportunity to attend mass

during Holy week at St. Paul Apostle church please do. Our faith and our

traditions are based upon the events of Holy Week and therefore it needs to be


School will return on Tuesday 18th April 2017, as the Monday is Easter Monday

and therefore still part of the Easter holiday.

Harmony Day -

On Tuesday 21st March 2017, St Paul Apostle South celebrated Harmony Day. The day

celebrated Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of

belonging for everyone. It is a day for all Australians to embrace cultural diversity and to

share what we have in common. The central message for Harmony Day is that ‘everyone

belongs’, reinforcing the importance of inclusiveness to all Australians. We all met as a school

in the hall where the children have created a fantastic mural. When completed it will be

displayed for all to see.

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St Paul Apostle South School Page 2

Easter egg donation

Thank you to all families on the fabulous donations of the eggs for the Easter Raffle. I know that the Parents and

Friends are creating some wonderful prizes for families and so your donations are greatly appreciated.

Combined Parishes Car Raffle – tickets should have been returned.

Raffle tickets were sent out in support of the Combined Parishes Car Raffle organised through the Parish. If you want

to purchase one or all of the tickets (5 in total) fill out your name and return the money and left over tickets in the

envelope provided. If you don’t want to buy any tickets – just send them back – simple! The return date was last

week and so if you still have them at home, please return them in the envelope provided.

School Open Days 2017

St Paul Apostle South is holding Open Days which will showcase the school in action. These days have been

planned for each and every Friday of the year. However, if you are unable to attend, please ring Kim or

Leanne and organise another time at your convenience.

Upcoming events

If ever you are unsure what is happening around the school, just look in the ‘Upcoming Events’ section of the

newsletter or simply ask at the office.

Take care.

Kind Regards


More from the Principal….

Religious Education Lord you have called us into your family,

strengthen us by your Spirit to live

always according to your will.

Father hear our prayers

help us to welcome others as you welcome us.

This week our students celebrated Harmony Day. The theme for harmony day was Everybody Belongs”.

The focus for the third week of Lent begins with Jesus offering the “water of life’ to a Samaritan woman.

Women would have gathered at the well early in the mornings and their daily meeting would have been a time for

social interactions. We read that the woman came around noon, which would have been the hottest part of the day.

It was clear that she was an outcast form the Samaritan towns people.

Today we continue to pray for peace and harmony in our communities, our city and our world.

Prayer of the Air Holy Week

On Tuesday the 28th at 8.45 we will be having an extended Prayer of the Air to mark Holy Week. The junior, middle

and senior school will each contribute to recalling these significant days in Holy Week. We extend an invitation for

you to join your child in the classroom as we “Journey with Jesus” and recall the events of Holy Week through

readings, scripture and song.

Mrs Kathleen Tobin

Religious Education Coordinator

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Parish News

We invite you to come on a journey of personal growth with Jesus:

• The expression of faith in our daily life

• The relevance of spirituality in today’s world

• Building a Christ centered community

• Reconciliation – a call to forgiveness & healing

• Living a life of Spiritual Intimacy with God

Summary of Mission Sessions

SPEAKER: Fr. Brian Traynor

2nd April Sunday 7:30 – 9:30 pm


Jesus is the centre of any faith renewal. In this session we consider the world of Jesus: the people, their culture and


Monday 3rd April 10.00 am – 12.00 pm & 7.30 – 9.30 pm


In this session will examine the purpose of ordinary law and Church laws. We will look at the Jewish attitude to law

and Jesus’ response to this.

Tuesday 4th April 10.00 am – 12.00 pm & 7.30 – 9.30 pm


We will look at how faith grows and changes, and what gifts we can develop in our own lives.

Wednesday 5th April 10.00 am – 12.00 pm & 7.30 – 9.30 pm


Exploring the history of our church to help us consider future directions including the increasing role of the laity and

the changing shape of the Australian church.

Thursday 6th April 10.00 am – 12.00 pm & 7.30 – 9.30 pm


Forgiveness is the key to the gospel message. We will look briefly at how the Church has dealt with forgiveness

throughout its history and the meaning & place for the Sacrament of Reconciliation today.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 97003781

Student Wellbeing News

On Tuesday the whole school came together in the hall to celebrate Harmony Day where we discussed the importance of

this day and the slogan – ‘Everyone Belongs.’ Everyone then took part in decorating their hands that they had traced

and cut out. The atmosphere was amazing and the children did a fantastic job of decorating their hands. And incredibly

EACH HAND WAS DIFFERENT AND YET BEAUTIFUL! Giving justice to God’s message that we are all made in his

image and we are all special. Music was played and children shared their dance moves. Finally, we read a book about

all the different cultures that we have in Australia and in our school. The children had a great hour! Stay tuned for the

amazing piece of art work that is being created – it will be laminated and put on show soon.

Country Piece.

Thank you to all those families who have returned their country to the school for display in the foyer. A BIG thankyou

to everyone who put lots of thought and effort into them.

Mrs Sonia Nadalin

Student Wellbeing Coordinator

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Important Dates to Remember 2017

23rd March Thursday Twilight Sports 4.30 start

28th March Tuesday Optional Parent/Teacher Interview 3.30pm-6pm

31st March Friday Term 1 Ends 3.30pm finish

17th April Monday Easter Monday

18th April Tuesday Term 2 8.45 start

Extend OHSC

This week we have been getting a start on our Community Links project. The children will be collecting old books to

donate to Brotherhood Books. From doing this the children contribute to raising funds that will help disadvantage

people live a better life as reducing their carbon footprint by recycling! So if you have some old and unwanted books

in decent condition at home please bring them into OSHC for the children to add to their donations.

Thank you!


Book 14 days in advance to receive the lowest rate.

New booking terms: Great news! In response to parent feedback we are pleased to announce that our Holiday Program

booking terms have now changed to provide greater flexibility for families. See Terms and Conditions on our website

for further information.

We have heaps of fun activities planned these school holidays and can’t wait for you to attend!

Have fun with science experiments, participate in a bunch of craft activities with access to a plethora of art media, and

get active with a variety of outdoor sports and team games. Join in on all this and more at Extend’s Autumn Holiday


To check out what’s on visit our website at and book via the Parent Portal.

Dharshi, Team Leader

Next week’s activities:

Monday 20th March:

Enchanted Rose Craft

Tuesday 21st March:

Stained glass pictures

Wednesday 22nd March:

Chip Cup

Thursday 23rd March:

Beast Magnets

Friday 24th March:

Cooking: Strawberry Rose Cake