St. Mary s Primary School

Wed 8 Aug Advisory Council Meeting 7pm Thurs 9 Aug P-2 swimming program begins Mon 13 Aug Write a Book in a Day Wed 15 Aug Community Group Meeting 2.15pm Meeting room Mon 27th Aug Pupil Free Day Fri 31 Aug School Disco 6.30-7.30pm Masquerade theme Thurs 13 Sept School Performance 6pm Sat 22 Sept Garden Expo Calendar of Events: Term 3 Marian News, 02 August 2018 He inspires a courageous Christian Spirit We embrace our unique stories Together, learning is our journey St. Marys Primary School Calvert St, Colac Phone: (03) 5231 3640 Internet: hp:// Absentee and Change of Travel: (03) 5231 3480 Email: offi[email protected] Children Safety Officers _ Kerryn Williams and Judy Carr Dear Parents and Carers, Winter is well and truly here and I hope you have all coped with the cold, windy and blustery conditions in recent days. On these days, as we keep warm in our beautiful homes and eat hot, home cooked meals, it is a fitting time to pray for those who are less fortunate and struggling with the winter weather; Lord, Your door is always open to us. Help us to keep our doors open to all who struggle with poverty and homelessness. Give us open hearts to recognize our sisters and brothers in need, particularly during these cold Winter months. Fill us with the will to work in our community and country towards ending the pain and waste that poverty and homelessness create. We ask this through Jesus, who emptied himself of all, but love. Amen. Garden Expo We still require many families to return the helper forms that were sent out at the end of last term so that we can finalise the roster for the day. Please note that those who return their forms early get first preference. The following things have been identified as priority requirements at the meeting, so if you can assist or donate it would be greatly appreciated; Cans of drink for the café Chocolates and lollies for the Community Group Stall Hay bales for the colour run A volunteer to coordinate the Community Group Stall (there will be helpers to assist with this) Grade 1/2 Excursion to Werribee Zoo On Tuesday our Grade 1/2 students went on their excursion to Werribee Open Range Zoo. It was great to see the children come back full of excitement, sharing their wonderful experiences with the rest of the school. Well done to all the children and a big thank you to all the staff who organised and attended the excursion. TIMETABLE Starting: 6th August Week B Tuesday: Year Prep Music, Art, Library, Science Wednesday : Year 3/4 Library, Art, Music, LOTE Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating their birthdays over the next week; Saxon Nelson, Imogen Leahy, Ollie Melville, Jayden Russell, Norah Casey, Paris Mahoney, Indie Spence, Jed Spence LATE TO SCHOOL CHILDREN We ask that all children who arrive at school after the bell rings in the morning to please report to the office. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Please note that all orders need to be received at the office by Friday 3rd August. Thank you.

Transcript of St. Mary s Primary School

Wed 8 Aug Advisory Council Meeting 7pm

Thurs 9 Aug P-2 swimming program begins

Mon 13 Aug Write a Book in a Day

Wed 15 Aug Community Group Meeting 2.15pm Meeting room

Mon 27th Aug Pupil Free Day

Fri 31 Aug School Disco 6.30-7.30pm Masquerade theme

Thurs 13 Sept School Performance 6pm

Sat 22 Sept Garden Expo

Calendar of Events: Term 3

Marian News, 02 August 2018

He inspires a courageous Christian Spirit

We embrace our unique stories

Together, learning is our journey

St. Mary’s Primary School Calvert St, Colac

Phone: (03) 5231 3640 Internet:

Absentee and Change of Travel: (03) 5231 3480 Email: [email protected]

Children Safety Officers _ Kerryn Williams and Judy Carr

Dear Parents and Carers, Winter is well and truly here and I hope you have all coped with the cold, windy and blustery conditions in recent days. On these days, as we keep warm in our beautiful homes and eat hot, home cooked meals, it is a fitting time to pray for those who are less fortunate and struggling with the winter weather; Lord, Your door is always open to us. Help us to keep our doors open to all who struggle with poverty and homelessness. Give us open hearts to recognize our sisters and brothers in need, particularly during these cold Winter months. Fill us with the will to work in our community and country towards ending the pain and waste that poverty and homelessness create. We ask this through Jesus, who emptied himself of all, but love. Amen. Garden Expo We still require many families to return the helper forms that were sent out at the end of last term so that we can finalise the roster for the day. Please note that those who return their forms early get first preference. The following things have been identified as priority requirements at the meeting, so if you can assist or donate it would be greatly appreciated; Cans of drink for the café

Chocolates and lollies for the Community

Group Stall

Hay bales for the colour run

A volunteer to coordinate the Community

Group Stall (there will be helpers to assist

with this)

Grade 1/2 Excursion to Werribee Zoo

On Tuesday our Grade 1/2 students went on their excursion to Werribee Open Range Zoo. It was great to see the children come back full of excitement, sharing their wonderful experiences with the rest of the school. Well done to all the children and a big thank you to all the staff who organised and attended the excursion.

TIMETABLE Starting: 6th August Week B Tuesday: Year Prep

Music, Art, Library, Science Wednesday : Year 3/4

Library, Art, Music, LOTE

Happy Birthday to the following students

celebrating their birthdays over the next week;

Saxon Nelson, Imogen Leahy, Ollie Melville,

Jayden Russell, Norah Casey, Paris Mahoney,

Indie Spence, Jed Spence

LATE TO SCHOOL CHILDREN We ask that all children who arrive at

school after the bell rings in the morning to please report to the office.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Please note that all orders need to be received at the office by Friday 3rd August. Thank you.

Marian News, 02 August 2018

Phone: (03) 5231 3640 Internet:

Absentee and Change of Travel: (03) 5231 3480 Email: [email protected]

Children Safety Officers—Kerryn Williams and Judy Carr

Prep/1/2 Swimming

A final reminder that our P/1/2 swimming program commences next week and there are still some permission forms that need to be returned. If these could be handed in ASAP it would be appreciated, as the children will not be permitted to participate if forms haven’t been returned to the office.

Enjoy the rest of your week. Michael Mahoney (Principal) SCHOOL NEWSLETTER

We have had a few parents contact us in regards to not receiving the school newsletter electronically. Our IT tech has informed that if your email account is with Hotmail, the newsletters go into your spam account. Please check this folder.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS This weekend the children preparing for their Sacraments participate in their second Dismissal at Mass. Teachers from St Mary's and Sacred Heart PS volunteer to take the children into the foyer and share the Gospel. Thank you to all staff who give their time generously to facilitate the Sacramental program. This week is the time to contact your chosen Sponsor for your child. It is also the time to fill out the White Confirmation Card to be returned to Mass on the weekend of August 11th and 12th. If you have any questions about this please contact Tanya/Jodie at school or any of the staff at the Dismissal Mass on the weekend Tanya Stewart & Jodie Hassett, RE Leaders


A massive thanks and congratulations to all of our family and community members who supported the Coles Sports for Schools program. Yesterday we received a stack of equipment we were able to purchase with the money spent at Coles over the promotion period. We are looking forward to using it in our sports sessions and at break times. We congratulate Archer Laurie and Sophie Richardson who made it through to the next stage of the Golf competition and will be playing a tournament in Geelong next week. Best of luck! Last Friday, the Grade 5/6's were fortunate enough to participate in interschool sports with Colac South West Primary School. Students were able to choose from 4 different sports; football, netball, soccer and minor games. It was fantastic to see everyone play the games in the right spirit and playing games with other students they had not met before. A big congratulations to all who participated.

CLASSROOM NEWS PREP: Our word of the week is ‘yes’. A lot of fun was had making our yes/no paddles to answer questions. It is so pleasing to see the sentence and word practise that is getting done at home, along with the reading of take home books. Providing opportunites for your child to consolidate their learning at home is very important. In Maths the children have been learning about teen numbers. They may be able to sing you a song…..”Numbers in the Teens, they start with a 1.” We have enjoyed playing Teen Number Bingo to help us read and write numbers and some children have also participated in Number Busting activities. In Religious Education we have begun our unit on ‘Caring for God’s World.’ We look forward to sharing our learning with you at Leah’s Prayer Gathering later in the term. We welcome Merilyn back into the Prep Room tomorrow and Monday with Leah’s Preps. Important Reminders Our Swimming Program begins next Thursday. A note will be sent home with more information

early next week. Please ensure that reading folders are sent to school every MONDAY. The Prep children use

their folders for Independent Reading and class time is provided for books to be changed and new resources to be sent home.

Now that we are in Term 3 we encourage all our Prep children to walk themselves into school and complete their jobs independently. It is so important that you allow your child to develop these organisational skills. If your child is experiencing diffulties with this please talk to your teacher.

If your child arrives after the 8.55am bell or needs to be collected before the 3.15pm bell, you must sign them in or out at the office.

Paula Parish [email protected] Leah Forbes [email protected]

Phone: (03) 5231 3640 Internet:

Absentee and Change of Travel: (03) 5231 3480 Email: [email protected]

Children Safety Officers—Kerryn Williams and Judy Carr

Marian News, 02 August 2018

piano lessons at the school in 2011. If

you are interested please call David on

GRADE 1/2: Wow what a fun day we had at the Werribee Zoo! We were very lucky with the weather and had a fabulous time. We enjoyed the safari tour around the zoo and saw all the animals. We look forward to using the knowledge gained from this day to kick off our Safari unit. In Religion we are learning about Creation. Next week, Friday 10th August, Bec R’s class will be leading prayer gathering in the church. Also next week we welcome back Kristy to work on our school performance of Abracadabra. We have been practising our dances and will begin to discuss costumes. Our swimming program begins next Thursday—9th August. Please read the swimming note which will be sent out in the coming days. Have a lovely weekend.

Upcoming events: 9th August - Swimming begins 10th August - Bec R’s prayer gathering 27th August - School Closure day 31st August - Susie’s prayer gathering 7th September - Book Week parade 13th September - Abracadabra matinee & evening show

Bec Roberts [email protected] Bec Murray [email protected] Susie Scott [email protected] AndreDelorenzo [email protected]

GRADE 3/4: We are all braving the cold and wet weather this week. Fables, myths and legends will be our new focus during reading and writing time. The students are continuing to develop their knowledge of multiplication and division and how they are related to each other. We have discussed the idea of ‘initiation’ as doing something for the first time. AFL players receive a Gatorade shower on debut, coloured belts are given out in Karate, Scouts make a pledge, and as part of the Catholic community, we celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We keep those students who are preparing for their Confirmation and Eucharist in our thoughts. Fruit: Please encourage your child to bring a fruit/vegetable snack to eat during Fruit Break each morning. Arrival Time: Students are supervised at school from 8.30am onwards. Please ensure that your child arrives before the bell (8.55am) so that they can complete their morning routine. Homework: It is encouraged that all students in Grade Three and Four are sharing in nightly reading. This might be reading a book on their own, reading to you or listening to you read. Whilst reading the words is important, it is also important to be talking about the characters, pictures and discussing how the story relates to aspects of our lives. We are also encouraging the students to practice the times tables. It has been fabulous to see so many students earning their gold and copper coin in our ‘Times Tables Challenge’. Keep up the great work!

Nicole McNamara [email protected] ZoeValentine [email protected] Deb Holland [email protected] Anna Hinkley [email protected]

GRADE 5/6: Classes have been working very well and have made a great start to Term 3. In Literacy we have been focusing on figurative language. Students have created some wonderful poems and identified the differences between similes, metaphors and idioms. Students are enjoying their class novels and working well on the literature circle roles and sharing with peers. During Integrated Studies, students have selected a country to each create a profile about. We have been identifying global, national and local signs and symbols in Religion. Dan’s class is preparing for their Prayer Gathering on Friday. 3rd of August. The Year 6 students organised sport activities for the Year Prep students to play today as part of their leadership role. The Social Justice group had a wonderful time visiting their Grand Buddies last week and they will enjoy another session with them on Tuesday 7th August Congratulations to the girls who competed in the Schoolgirls Netball Competition, the girls represented the school extremely well with one of the teams going onto the next level. This team will play in finals in Melbourne on Friday 24th August, more information will be provided soon in regards to this. The girls should be very proud of themselves. Great work girls. On Wednesday 8th of August we are heading to Trinity to watch a performance of the Trinity Production, Footloose. We will catch a bus at 10.15am and students will bring their own lunch to eat there. Finally, a maths competition is happening on Thursday 9th of August from 11.35am -1.00pm, good luck to the Year 5 and 6 students who are competing. Gracie McGuire ([email protected]) Jodie Hassett ([email protected]) Kerryn Williams ([email protected]) Melissa Lidgerwood ([email protected])

Phone: (03) 5231 3640 Internet:

Absentee and Change of Travel: (03) 5231 3480 Email: [email protected]

Children Safety Officers—Kerryn Williams and Judy Carr

Marian News, 02 August 2018

Disclaimer: St Mary’s does not promote or publicise events\activities unless they are specifically for the health and well being of the children in our care or are advocated by and through the Board or our Parents and Friends Committee. St Mary’s does not promote profit making for private businesses or family interests in this publication .

The two netball teams who

competed in the School Girls Netball Competition

last week.

Hawks Basketball Club AGM

Tuesday 21st August 2018 at 7:00pm Sacred Heart Primary

School Library.

A parent of intending players for the 2018/19 season must be in attendance.

If you have any queries please contact:

Anna Melville Ph: 0407520931


Fri 3rd Aug 5/6 Dan

Fri 10th Aug 1/2 Rebecca R

Fri 17th Aug 3/4 Nicole

Fri 24th Aug Prep Leah

Fri 31st Aug 1/2 Susie

Fri 7th Sept 3/4 Deb

Fri 21st Sept 5/6 Melissa

On Thursday the 26th of July the Social Justice group held the Biggest Morning Tea in the St Mary’s Church to help raise money for the Cancer Council. We all helped prepare food for the morning tea and the ladies from the St. Mary's Church Parish helped out by serving everyone tea and coffee. All of the Social Justice group enjoyed helping out at the Biggest Morning Tea, we had a raffle that we all donated prizes for. In total we raised $1,261.00 for the Cancer Council. We would like to say a big thanks to Judy Carr, Kerrie Roache & Penny Knight and to all the St Mary’s Staff and Community. We all had a great time and it was a great experience.