St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo...

St. Laurence Parish 225 Jewett St. Elgin, IL 60123 Parish Office: 565 Standish St. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday P - 847-468-6900 F - 847-468-6904 After Hours - 847-531-6203 EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION Saturday - 4:00 PM, Spanish - 6:00PM Sundays - 7:15, Bi-lingual 9:00, 11:00 AM Daily Mass - 8:00 AM Monday - Friday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Wednesday 5:00 - 7:00 PM Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 PM Special times upon request. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE & BAPTISM Check our website for more information. Rectory: 226 Orchard St. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor - Fr. Andrew Mulcahey [email protected] Fr. Robert Camacho - Priest in Residence Secretary - Belinda Bermea [email protected] Bookkeeper - Agnes Mozdzen [email protected] Religious Education Coordinators - Mike & Toni Kmiecik [email protected] Deacons - Robert Plazewski, Joe Bermea [email protected] Finance Council - Joe Malas, Chairman Education Commission - Ron Szopa, President SCHOOL Principal - Wendy Kelly [email protected] Secretary - Kathy Laudont [email protected] P - 847.468.6100 F - 847.468.6104

Transcript of St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo...

Page 1: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

St. Laurence Parish 225 Jewett St. Elgin, IL 60123 Parish Office: 565 Standish St. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday P - 847-468-6900 F - 847-468-6904 After Hours - 847-531-6203

EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION Saturday - 4:00 PM, Spanish - 6:00PM Sundays - 7:15, Bi-lingual 9:00, 11:00 AM Daily Mass - 8:00 AM Monday - Friday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Wednesday 5:00 - 7:00 PM Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 PM Special times upon request. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE & BAPTISM Check our website for more information.

Rectory: 226 Orchard St.

PASTORAL STAFF Pastor - Fr. Andrew Mulcahey [email protected] Fr. Robert Camacho - Priest in Residence Secretary - Belinda Bermea [email protected] Bookkeeper - Agnes Mozdzen [email protected] Religious Education Coordinators - Mike & Toni Kmiecik [email protected] Deacons - Robert Plazewski, Joe Bermea [email protected] Finance Council - Joe Malas, Chairman Education Commission - Ron Szopa, President SCHOOL Principal - Wendy Kelly [email protected]

Secretary - Kathy Laudont [email protected]

P - 847.468.6100 F - 847.468.6104

Page 2: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

Due to early publication date, we were unable to include stewardship totals.

Adoration and Confession is offered every Wednesday from 5-7 pm, in the Church. Come and rest in the Lord.

November 30 - Vicki Giuliano

Stewardship Collection

Monday Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6; Lk 21:1-4

Tuesday Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11

Wednesday Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-3ab, 7-9; Lk 21:12-19

Thursday Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 21:20-28

Friday Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22

Saturday Rv 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7ab; Lk 21:34-36

Sunday Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 - 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36

Readings for the Week

Hospital Minister

Altar Flowers

4:00 PM

Lector - John Volpe Eucharistic Ministers - Kay Gotter, Barb Miller, Daniela Sando-val, Debbie Wever Altar Servers - Kimberly Aguirre, Samuel Castillo

6:00 PM

Lector - Gerarda Rodriguez Ministro Eucarístico - Servidor del Altar - Karen Perez, Natalia Ramos

7:15 AM

Lector - Loretta Revesz Eucharistic Ministers - Vicky Giuliano, Joanie Gronnert, Mar-lene Gurley, Wendy Mann Altar Servers - Alejandra Arambula, Natalie Arambula

9:00 AM

Lector - Sabina Ruiz, Bob Jones Eucharistic Ministers - Mary Berg, Mary Ann Bruneman, Loli Gudino, William Miskek Altar Servers -

11:00 AM

Lector - Jim Kararo Eucharistic Ministers - Veronica Betz, Gail Essary, Joann Smith, Larry Smith Altar Servers - Isabella Murillo, Stephanie Popovich

Altar Ministry December 1-2


DEACON INFORMATION DAYS The beginning of 2019 reopens the time period of accepting new appli-cations to the Rockford Diocese Permanent Diaconate Formation Pro-gram. Men between the ages of 35 and 55 who are interested in be-coming a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Rockford and who would like to apply must attend a Deacon Information Day. For married men, wives must also attend. This day will explain both the application process and give an overview of the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program. While there is no commitment required to attend, only those who attend will be eligible to apply. The date of the last meeting is December 1. The meeting is being held between 10:00AM and 12:30PM at the Diocesan Administration Building (555 Colman Center Drive, Rockford, IL 61125). Although not required, those interested are encouraged to contact the Permanent Diaconate Office (815-399-4300) to indicate they plan on attending or to ask further questions.

The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. — Psalm 126:3

In Memory of Richard & Dolores Sajtar

By Family

“Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." Join us on one of the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends on Nov 30-Dec 2 in Madison, WI; Jan 25-27 in Brookfield, WI or Feb 15-17 in Geneva, IL. Visit our website at: or call (888) 574-5653. Para un fin de semana en Espanol por favor llamen a Candelario y Emilia al 815-375-4250.

FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION We will be collect-ing goods for the Food Pantry. There are many in our community who are not financially able to pro-vide the necessary food for their families. The food collected will be distributed by the Interfaith Food Pantry. Please bring your donations on the 1st weekend of each month. The next collection will be December 1/2, 2018.

St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet at St. Thomas More on Sunday, December 9 at 1:00 p.m. Ladies will be in the back of the church collecting for St. Vincent de Paul after masses this weekend.

Plans for Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration are under way. If you would like to help please contact Rosey Valencia 847-710-4250. Watch next weeks bulletin for more details. El Ministerio Hispano lo invita a nuestras festividades anuales en honor de nuestra Virgencita de Guadalupe. Favor de contactar a Rosey (847) 710-4250 si tiene alguna pregunta o para ayudar.

Remember that God prefers the poverty of our hearts to the most sublime thoughts borrowed from others. - St. Peter Julian Eymard

Page 3: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully


St. Laurence Church | Jewett & Standish St. | Elgin, IL 60123 | 847-468-6900 |

Monday 8:00 AM Dana Olson offered by Friends

Tuesday 8:00 AM Faithful Souls Departed

Wednesday 8:00 AM Kimberly Winfree offered by Kate & Roy Thomp-son

Thursday 8:00 AM Luciana Feliciano offered by the Camacho & Feliciano Families

Friday 8:00 AM Fr. Andrew Mulcahey offered by Parish Staff

Saturday 4:00 PM Robert & Anna Volpe offered by the Volpe Family

6:00 PM In memory of Ruben and Alfredo Gomez offered by the Alcarez Family

Sunday 7:15 AM Luella Kawa offered by Ewa Kosmowski

9:00 AM Divine Mercy and for the St. Laurence Parish Community

11:00 AM Jack Lacoco offered by Lou Lacoco

Please Pray for:

For the strengthening in faith of all who are afflicted in body, mind or spirit please pray for: Patricia Anderson, Sandra and Herbert Bolding, Kathleen Cama-rena, Kay Hogan, Guyla Kramer, Gary Mahoney, Bonnie Penera, Marlene Reinert, Sharon Walden, and Kimberly Winfree.

Lord, Hear our Prayer.

Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaid-ed. Inspired by this confidence I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Mass Intentions Nov 26-Dec 2

Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el pri-mogénito de los muertos, el soberano de los reyes de la tierra. -- Apocalipsis 1:5

Although our Puritan forebears at Plymouth Rock were almost a hun-dred years removed from their Catholic roots, the old liturgical calendar still had an unconscious claim on their hearts. We've already seen how on Saint Martin's Day, November 11, medieval continental Europe ob-served a great harvest day of Thanksgiving, with games, dances, pa-rades, and a festive dinner of roast goose. With the goose went ample draughts of "Saint Martin's Wine," the first wine of the new harvest. Mar-tinmas celebrated full barns and larders stocked for the winter. Even after the Reformation, the tradition of eating goose on Saint Martin's Day was retained in Holland, and it was there that our Pilgrims encoun-tered this tradition. When Governor Bradford sent four hunters out into the Massachusetts wilderness in the autumn of 1621, they did indeed find some geese and ducks, and were persuaded by the indigenous people to try turkey, too. Just as the liturgical calendar has been tweaked over the years, President Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the third Thursday in November in 1939, probably to extend the Christ-mas shopping season. The protest was so great that in 1941 the day established by President Lincoln, the last Thursday in November, was restored. If the Pilgrims had known of the Martinmas connection, they might never have celebrated at all! --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

En 1917 México recibió una nueva Constitución en la cual se estable-ció una política de intolerancia religiosa, especialmente en contra de la Iglesia católica romana. Con el pasar de los años las normas anticleri-cales fueron puestas en vigor hasta el punto que algunos mexicanos piadosos y cristianos decidieron defender su religión. En marzo de 1925, estos mexicanos católicos fundaron la Liga Nacional para la Defensa de la Libertad Religiosa, en el mismo mes en que el papa Pío XI proclamó la Fiesta de Cristo Rey, celebrada el último domingo del año litúrgico. Inspirados por el grito de "¡Viva Cristo Rey!", los fieles se convirtieron en Cristeros, muchos de los cuales dieron su vida por Cristo, demostrando así que Jesús es verdaderamente el Rey de sus vidas. La Cristiada duró sólo tres años en México y muchos sacer-dotes, religiosas, religiosos, laicas y laicos dieron su vida para la gloria de Cristo Rey en México. Con el tiempo muchos cristianos y cristianas han debido repetir el martirio de los Cristeros en pases de Centro y Sudamérica. El siglo XX derramó mucha sangre cristiana en Latino-américa. "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Anthony J. Cortina

Husband of Judith Cortina

Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord; and let per-petual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Page 4: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

High School Students - Need Service Hours? We are looking for an intern to help with social media posts for St. Laurence Church. Contact Dee Reinhardt - 708-822-2152.

Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3

Please consider ways that you can be more fully involved in the life of our parish. Below is a listing of areas in which help is needed along with the contact information. LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Please contact the parish office @ 847-468-6900 or [email protected] ALTAR SERVERS – Please contact Jo Trisilla @ [email protected] EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF CARE – Please contact Dee Reinhardt @ 708-822-2152 We ask that you prayerfully consider your gifts and how you are being called to use them.

Page 5: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

Con sus sufrimientos justificará mi siervo a muchos.— Isaías 53:11b

Do you want to meet new friends? Get in-volved and volunteer in our community? Consider joining the Youth Ministry!! We are looking for students that are in 6th grade – 12th grade and want to meet new friends, provide service to our community, and grow in faith. Bring a friend!! The next meeting is Sunday, November 25, at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria. For questions, please contact

Melanie Marcordes (224) 639-0910 or Erika Gomez (224) 629-2760.

Page 6: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

St. Laurence Church | Jewett & Standish St. | Elgin, IL 60123 | 847-468-6900 |

School News - Wendy Kelly

From the St. Laurence School and Staff, we hope that you had a wonderful time with family and friends on Thanksgiving. We wish you safe travels over the long holiday weekend whether you are visiting, volunteering or shopping. We will share more images of our students next weekend. We are thankful for all the support you have shown us to help increase registration and the support you have given us to retain and maintain the wonderful school for our St. Laurence community. God Bless you all - Wendy

Kid’s Corner

Page 7: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

Solemnity of Christ the King Every year on the final Sunday of Ordinary Time before Advent begins, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Pope Pius XI instituted this feast back in 1925 because secularism was on the rise...secularists seek improvement in this life by material means and science. Basically they seek to make things or people king, rather than giving God the role of King. Jesus says in the Gospel today, “My Kingdom does not belong to this world!” A reminder that the worldly pursuit of happiness doesn’t lead us to the Kingdom of God. On the con-trary, it is the person of Jesus Christ and His ways which leads us to the Kingdom of God. Who is King of our life right now? Is my IPad king? Is my cellphone king? Are my video games king? Is my job king? Is my sports team king? This weekend we are invited to remember that Jesus Christ must sit on the throne in our life and have the role as our King! This is where true happiness is found.

What is gladness without gratitude, and where is gratitude without a God? - Coventry Patmore

St. Laurence Church | Jewett & Standish St. | Elgin, IL 60123 | 847-468-6900 |

Ministry Meetings - Nov 25-Dec 1

Sunday 9:30 AM Confirmation Class 6:30 PM Youth Ministry - Cafeteria

Tuesday 6:00 PM Adoration Meeting - Sacristy

Thursday 1:00 PM Women’s Cursillo Group - Sacristy 7:00 PM Men’s Cursillo - Sacristy

Friday 5:30 PM Cursillo Women’s - Sacristy 6:30 PM Bi-Lingual Choir Practice - Church

Monday 2:30 PM Fall Enrichment - Library 5:00 PM Women’s Spanish Cursillo - Library

Wednesday 2:30 PM Fall Enrichment - Library 5:00 PM Adoration & Confession - Church 6:00 PM RE Classes - School/Cafeteria

Submission deadline for bulletin entries is Monday at Noon. Send all entries to: [email protected] for approval. You can also call 847-468-6900

Attention: All additions, cancelations, or changes to meetings/events MUST be coordinated through the church office 847-468-6900

[email protected]

Have you noticed? Pope Francis often sits in the back of the Church after morning Mass to make his time of thanksgiving, some ten minutes or so. This is an ancient and venerable custom based on the fact that the sacramental reality of the Eucharistic presence of Jesus Christ remains in us for ten to fifteen minutes after we receive Him. In effect we are like living Tabernacles for that time period. There are many beautiful prayers of thanksgiving for after Communion, some composed by saints like Thomas Aquinas or Bonaventure. Here is an example: What has passed our lips as food, O Lord, may we possess in purity of heart, that what is given to us in time, be our healing for eternity. May Your Body, O Lord, which I have eaten, and Your Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my very soul, and grant that no trace of sin be found in me, whom these pure and holy mysteries have re-newed. Who live and reign, world without end. Amen. We humbly beseech You, almighty God, to grant that those whom You refresh with Your sacraments, may serve you worthily by a life well pleasing to You. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.

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Vocations Corner- Fr. Kyle Manno

Page 8: St. Laurence Parish · 11/11/2018  · Estábamos alegres,pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su pueblo el Señor. -- Salmo 126 (125):3 Please consider ways that you can be more fully

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