St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked...

Contents... Welcome from the Headteacher Nursery and primary news Health week Outdoor Learning Safe Taysiders P7 Show - Rock Bottom Secondary news Actfast Eco Schools Me & My Girl Cake Craft Engineering the Future for Girls Inventors Challenge Powering Transformations Modern Languages News Senior Prom Senior Achievement Ceremony Battlefields Trip St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter Follow us on Twitter @st_johnsacademy

Transcript of St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked...

Page 1: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,


Welcome from the Headteacher

Nursery and primary news

Health week

Outdoor Learning

Safe Taysiders

P7 Show - Rock Bottom

Secondary news


Eco Schools

Me & My Girl

Cake Craft

Engineering the Future for Girls

Inventors Challenge

Powering Transformations

Modern Languages News

Senior Prom

Senior Achievement Ceremony

Battlefields Trip

St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter

Follow us on Twitter


Page 2: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

Notes from the Headteacher...

Dear Parent/Carers and Friends of St John’s RC Academy

A warm welcome the final newsletter of the year! Term 4 is always a busy term aswe try to make the most of the good weather with lots of activities and outings. Thisterm primary pupils have visited the Crannog Centre, Edinburgh Zoo, a farm, and beenout swimming, listening to concerts and taking part in events outside of school. Insecondary, we piloted our S1-3 activity days and the 9th Pals Battalion of St John’sAcademy travelled to Belgium and France to learn the lessons of the First World War.We had Health Weeks in both the nursery/primary and secondary, with sports daystoo. Thanks to our primary parents for supporting. We participated in gymnasticscompetitions and County Sports, with many of our young people making the podium.There have been many transition events for children moving on across the school, andespecially at P1 and S1. We had special events to celebrate the end of P7, includingthe Hollywood themed disco, and an S6 outing and the senior prom for our departingsixth years. And S2 even found time to send two experiments into space!

Many of our P4 children marked an important moment in their Catholic journey bycelebrating their First Holy Communion, held at St John’s RC Church.  This was abeautiful day, and I thank Canon Steven and Fr Bogdan, and Miss Begley and MrChamberlain, for preparing the children for this milestone in their lives.

Over the past couple of weeks we have been celebrating our children and youngpeople’s successes.  Our nursery children have had graduation ceremonies, our P7 hada special awards assembly; there was a special Sports Awards ceremony with guestspeaker Jim Craig, and we had achievement ceremonies for S1-2 and S3-6.  The S3-6ceremony included an inspiring speech by our former Depute Headteacher HughMcAninch who shared his thoughts on his learner journey from school to learning atrade, before going to university and becoming a teacher.  All these events were veryspecial, and I congratulate the award winners.

Our SCIAF fundraising this session was a great success, with nearly £6000 being raised.This is a brilliant sum.  Thanks to our pupils, parents and staff for all the fundraising.

This time last year, we had just published our Extended Learning and Achievementreport from the visit we received. This report was very good and very positive. Theteam praised the school for many areas of its work, and they recognised therelationships in the school as a key strength. They saw our young people as polite,engaged in learning, interacting positively in a respectful and positive way.

Page 3: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

SP HagneyHeadteacher and Campus Leader

The report praised the effectiveness of our staff in how they ensure positiveoutcomes for our young people, and their leadership, innovation and creativity. Theteam also recognised the leadership of the school, and the shared vision and valueswe have as a Catholic community of faith and learning. They spoke generously of ourcommunity as inclusive, caring and kind. The follow-up visit took place recently anddoes not include a formal report. The feedback, however, emphasised that thestrengths they identified last year, go from ‘strength to strength’ and that we aremaking good progress on our next steps. This is a tribute to the endeavour of everyone of our pupils, parents and staff.

This is also a time for goodbyes. We wish all our leavers well for the future, and Iparticularly thank Roisin Murphy and Matthew Oates, our outgoing Head Girl and Boy,and their whole team for all their hard work: Our Deputes, Ellie, Sunny, Lauren,Szymon and Col; House Captains Navya and Mya; Keely, Mark and Connor; Conal andTamzin; Maria and James. We also welcome our new Head Girl and Boy, Anna Wilkieand Jack Martin; Deputes Riley, Hayden, Caitlin and Ellie; House Captains Declan andCorrie; Catherine and Matthew; Emmet and Sarah; Caragh and Alayah. The new teamhave made a very positive start and I look forward to working with them over thenext year.

Looking ahead to next session, I know many parents will be buying new clothing foruniforms.  I thank parents and our pupils for their commitment to coming to schoolevery day ready for learning.  There has been a significant increase in blazers in thesenior school, but I would like to see all S4-6 pupils wearing their blazers.  As the yeargoes on and your children grow, I understand it can be difficult to get to the shops toreplace items.  However, as we relaunch our uniform in August I am asking for yoursupport and cooperation. The uniform policy can only work with your support.  Pleaseremember – no leggings, jeggings or jeans!   To download a reminder of what ouruniform includes (and doesn’t include) click here.

As Headteacher of your school, I want to thank you on behalf of all the staff for thesupport you give to us.  Your support is crucial to the success of our school and to thesuccess of our children.

To all our families, our best wishes for a great summer and I hope the sun shines onyou wherever you are - home or abroad.

Enjoy this special family time.  God Bless.

Page 4: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

Nursery and Primary News...

On Wednesday, 29th May, a group of nursery childrenhad the exciting opportunity to do a “behind thescenes” tour of Asda. They each got a shopping listof items to find and explored the store to find themas a group. They then scanned their own items atthe checkout! Afterwards, they went behind thescenes to see the warehouse, the huge freezers, theclick and collect zone, where the lorries arrive, andsaw all the security cameras. A fantastic opportunityto learn about the World of Work.


Health week

Nursery had a very busy health week this year with lots of help and supportfrom our parents. The children enjoyed ballet sessions with Miela's mum andyoga and dance sessions with the Fitness for less team. Live Active ranfitness and gymnastic classes and the children learned football skills from amember of Scotland's women's football team. All the children took part in asponsored walk to the North Inch and had fun at the play park for a break.

Page 5: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

Nursery always enjoys theiroutdoor learning experiences butthis term we were lucky to besupported by John and Callum,who lead outdoor learning acrossthe school. Some of our childrenwere able to travel up Kinnoull Hilland to Battleby to explore, climbtrees and investigate theenvironment. Outdoor learningdevelops creativity, confidenceand social skills as well as afeeling of wellbeing.

Outdoor Learning

BattlebyPrimary 5L spent three Fridays in Mayexploring the woods at Battleby. We hadto work together and solve problems tomake dens that were storm proof or riskgetting wet when the storm hit! We playedgames, made bows and arrows, ropeswings and used flints to light fires. Lunchtasted much better when it was eaten in aden and some people tried nettle and pinecone tea to go with the marshmallows wetoasted on the campfire. We tried newactivities, cooperated to complete tasksand learned not to give up if things don'twork the first time! P.5 would like to thankJohn, Calum, Liam and Rachel for sharingtheir love of the outdoors with us.

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Page 6: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

Safe Taysiders

We went on a trip to Safe Taysiders at the ArmyReserve to learn how to be safe in our community. Therewere 15 different stations, we all had a shot at everyone. We learned how to be more confident and safe inlots of different situations where we did not know whatto do before. Here are some of the things that welearned. We learned how to be safe around people wedon’t know. We learned to be safe around buses and tonot damage them because there will be consequences.At the Internet Safety Station, we have learned not toshare personal information and how to be appropriateonline. At CPR, we were practising what to do ifsomeone was unconscious. Wethen learned how to be safeon building sites. You mustalways wear the rightequipment, such as hard hatsand high-vis vests when youare in a building site and it isimportant to know that it is nota playground for kids. We alsolearned about trading standards.Here we gained more knowledgeabout trusting companies wedon’t know and where to buy from. For example, some companies put too muchborax in their slime and it can damage your hands. Also, people go to shops tobuy branded items but they turn out to be fake. It is important to stay safe andcheck before you buy.

We had lots of fun at Safe Taysiders and we have learned lots of informationthat we never knew about. We will remember how to be safe.

Sathu and Skye (Primary 7)

Page 7: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

P7 Show - Rock Bottom

On Wednesday, 27th March, Primary 7 performed ‘Rock Bottom’. A show about an ordinarystone-age boy called Bobby who just wants to work for the prime time stone-age celebrity:Lord Lava, but his plans don’t always work out. Secrets to success were revealed,friendships were formed in this ‘funny bone’ tickling musical extravaganza. Primary 7gripped audiences of all ages by providing an entertaining and comedic experience.

With heart-wrenching ballads and phenomenal bops with energetic dances. The characterincluded: Bobby Cobblestone, Cliff Cobblestone, Coral Cobblestone,Rocky Rockefeller, Wild Willie and many more.Here are some of Primary 7s thoughts after the show:

By Ruben Shearer (Lord Lava) and Oliwia Horbaczek(Gravel) “It was amazing and I reallymiss it.”- Roberta (Wild Willie)

“I think the show wasspectacular because we gotto perform in front of theschool and our parents.”Lukas (Juan 3)

“I think Primary 7 worked very

well together and during the

rehearsals they supported one

another. During the show they

were fantastic performers.”

“The show was fab-tastic,

interesting, funny, creative and

outstanding.” Leona (Funkydink)

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Secondary News...

A large number of our S6 pupils took part in the annualSCIAF ActFast event on Thursday 21st March. During thisevent, pupils (and some staff!) fast for twenty-four hoursfor SCIAF in solidarity with all those who go hungry in theworld today. With important themes coming to theforefront such as global citizenship and the quest forequality, pupils were provided with many thought-provoking words and messages from Mark Booker ofSCIAF.  Pupils broke their fast with communion at massled by Canon Steven the following morning beforethoroughly enjoying a second breakfast including baconrolls, lovingly prepared by the amazing Tayside Contractsstaff at NICC. Thanks to all those involved and well doneto the pupils who raised well over £1000 for charity!

On Wednesday 12th June we held our Sports Awardsceremony to celebrate the participation, achievement andcommitment of our pupils throughout the sporting yearinside and outside of school. The afternoon was organisedby our team of Sports Ambassadors and Michelle Brucefrom Active Schools. In attendance as our guest speakerwe welcomed football hero, Jim Craig who played forCeltic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements throughfootball and reminded everyone to take every opportunity, work hard and persevere.All of our teams were invited to attend including Football, Basketball, Badminton,Gymnastics, Netball and Hockey, where everyone received a certificate for the effortthey put in to their sport this year.Our ceremony concluded with the results of the Sports Person of the Year. This awardwas open to all staff members to vote for the pupil who they felt most deserved to berecognised based on their achievements throughout the year. Ben Leitch was announcedour winner for his performance in Wheelchair Basketball within the Great Britain team.A fantastic , inspiring afternoon for all of those involved.


Sports Awards

Page 9: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

John Byrne Art Competition

The Art Department is delighted toannounce that Millie McIntyre in S2 hasbeen awarded runner up in theprestigious John Byrne drawing prize.This is a national competition for youngpeople and its aim is to publiclyrecognize creative pieces of work thatprompt thought, discussion and debateabout personal and societal values.

Millie entered an Aboriginal inspireddrawing into the competition. It is animage of an eagle’s head with a closeup of its eyes above it. Surrounding itshead is Aboriginal patterns that echothe shape of the eagle’s head. Milliewas inspired to draw an eagle as shedid a project about endangered animalsin her primary school. As originalAboriginal pieces document the animalsthat surround their habitat, she thoughtit was appropriate for more people inScotland to be aware how endangeredthe bald headed eagle is and for theneed for it to be protected fromextinction. Millie has always had astrong affiliation to animals and wishesto pursue a career as a vet when sheleaves school.

The drawing has been rendered inearthy and natural colours that areappropriate to the animal but also thehabitat where it lives. The artdepartment is very proud of Millie’swork and is delighted she has beenhand chosen from hundreds of entriesacross Scotland.

Well done to Millie!

Page 10: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

Eco Team

Two years ago St John'sAcademy was the 2000th schoolin Scotland to achieve a GreenFlag. Since then the Nursery,Primary and Secondary EcoTeams have been working hardto encourage each other andtheir peers to care for theirschool and planet. This hard workwas rewarded when the GreenFlag status of our school wasrenewed in April.

Congratulations and well done to everyone who took part in our school production of Me& My Girl. It was a huge success, with pupils (and staff!) putting their heart and soul intoevery performance. None of it could have happened without an incredible amount ofeffort from many people and our thanks go out to everyone involved, including our veryenthusiastic audiences!

Me & My Girl

Page 11: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

Throughout this school year our young people in the Rights Respecting School Committeeshave continued to act as duty bearers in helping pupils and staff of St John's know aboutand understand the wide range of Articles of the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child,showing the impact on their lives and on the lives of children everywhere.

The RRS committees are engaged in action to campaign and advocate for the rights ofchildren locally and globally. Through their role as global citizens, our young people havehighlighted the issues of safety and traffic management around our school and havedecided to campaign to raise awareness of the problem this is having for pupils and thewider school community.

The RRS committees will campaign to raise awareness of issues pupils have said is aworry for them and campaign to ensure all respect the rights of our young peoples viewson this matter and encourage a safe environment for all.

Our Rights Respecting School

The Rotary club of Perth held the annual Bake Off for Secondary school pupils onTuesday, 28th May, in The Home Economics Room at the University of Highlands andislands Perth College. Kuba Kusiak (S3) and Rozalia Wawryzyniak (S3) represented StJohn's Academy in the final. The Challenge was to bake a six portion gateau whichdemonstrated a “Taste of Perthshire”. Both pupils rose to this challenge bothproducing a gateau using succulent local strawberries and raspberries.

Rotary Club of Perth Bake off

Page 12: St John’s RC Academy- Newsletter€¦ · Celtic in the Lisbon Lions team in 1967. Jim talked about his achievements through football and reminded everyone to take every opportunity,

S6 Practical Cake Craft

Pupils in the S6 National 5 PracticalCake Craft course worked hardthroughout the year developing arange of cake decorating techniqueswhich were used to produce theirfinal cake. The standard was veryhigh this year with pupils producingcakes related to a range of themesincluding Easter, baby shower andfamily birthday.