St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your...

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 2, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~ When we are fed by Christ nothing can separate us from his love.

Transcript of St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your...

Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 2, 2020

St. John of the Cross Parish

5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

When we are fed by Christ

nothing can separate us from his love.

Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Today is celebrated as the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

This weekend we join parishes throughout the

Archdiocese to support the annual Summer Mission Co-operative. St. John of the Cross

Parish welcomes my friend, the Rev. Chris Aleti, MCCJ, to preach the homily at all

Masses and to appeal on behalf of the Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work.

Be gently reminded that you must register

and make a reservation to assure attendance at Mass. For the safety of all,

registrations / reservations are required to insure that we keep to 20% of capacity or

160 worshippers and that we maintain contact information for two weeks during the

pandemic. Last weekend, we were forced to deny attendance to “walk-ins” at those

Masses that had reached the allowable maximum. Visit to sign


SJC Fest Raffle winning tickets were drawn after the 5:00pm Mass last Sunday. We are

grateful to the many who supported the

work and mission of St. John of the Cross Parish in this manner. This bulletin has prize


We continue to welcome young parishioners to the Eucharistic banquet at Masses on the

first 2 August Saturdays. Kindly remember these soon to be third graders, their parents,

their godparents, and their teachers/catechists in your prayers. Congratulations.

August 6 is the Feast of the Transfiguration

of the Lord. This date is forty days before the September 14 Feast of the Exaltation of

the Holy Cross. I pray that the events at Mt. Tabor and the anticipation of the journey to

Jerusalem may strengthen us in hope as, together, we move ahead during these

difficult days.

August 8 is the Memorial of St. Dominic, thirteenth century founder of the mendicant

Order of Preachers. We take this opportunity to pray with and for the

Dominican Friars of the St. Albert the Great Province and to express our appreciation for

the ministry of Fenwick High School and its president, the Rev. Richard Peddicord, O.P.

We are particularly grateful for Fr. Peddicord’s assistance here as a presider at

Mass on Sundays.

Let us continue to pray for one another and

for our parish.

Father Reszel

From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel


Page 3: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Summer Mission Appeal this Weekend

St. John of the Cross Parish welcomes Fr. Chris Aleti, MCCJ, a Comboni Missionary priest and the Mission Office Director in LaGrange Park, as part of our annual Summer Mission Appeal. We share his homily message with you on the following pages. Thank you for your generosity to the Comboni Missions in today’s collection. Donations to the Summer Mission Appeal may also be made electronically via the SJC Parish website. Or you may mail your check to the Parish Center office.

I am Fr. Chris Aleti, a Comboni Missionary from northwestern Uganda. I was ordained a priest in 2003. My first assignment for missionary service was in Karamoja, located in the eastern part of Uganda. For ten years, I worked among the pastoralists. Here the people are always moving up and down in search of pastures for their animals. This lifestyle makes our missionary work very difficult, but we find our joy in following the people and providing services to them. I was transferred to the USA in 2014 and assigned to our mission office of Chicago, living in La Grange Park. I take this time to thank all the parishioners of St. John the Cross Parish for your continued support towards the mission work of the Church. My special gratitude goes to your Pastor, Fr. Marc Reszel, who has an extraordinary zeal for missions. Two years ago, he went with me for a mission trip to Uganda, where we visited the refugee camps of the South Sudanese. May God reward you all for the mission work you do! Today's liturgy invites us to the banquet prepared by the Lord to share our communion with Him and with one another. The Prophet Isaiah brings a message of hope to the people of Israel living in exile and announcing the end of their captivity. He says that God is going to restore His blessing upon them, and they will flourish again. God does not need any form of payment from them for this new blessing, but only their yes to the invitation and readiness to trust in Him. St. Paul tells us in the second reading that we should not be afraid of anything, because nothing can separate us from the love of God. We should all come together to share our unity in the Risen Lord. We are called to place our trust in Him to overcome the temptations that we face. In the Gospel of today, Jesus’ heart was moved with pity, and he cured the sick. He tells his disciples not to send the people away hungry, but rather to share the little they had with the people. A little boy among the crowd surrendered his five loaves, and two fish to feed the multitude of people. A single act, that of surrendering the loaves and the fish, brought a lot of joy, hope and peace in the lives of many. Continued on the next page

Amakuriat Parish

Page 4: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Summer Mission Appeal this Weekend

Jesus invites us today in the Gospel, like the boy who gave his bread and fish, to bring to him all that we can afford, including our prayers, to help and assist those who need our support. Just like the disciples who did not have enough to feed the crowd, we too are experiencing tough moments now. Our borders have been closed, the economy is struggling, and many of us are worried, sick, dying, and we are struggling to put bread on the table. The challenge we face now, as Comboni Missionaries in the places where we work, is the health crisis caused by Covid-19. We lost some of our priests, religious sisters and brothers while ministering and sharing the love of God with the people globally because of Covid-19. In Italy, we lost four Comboni fathers and eight Comboni sisters; in Spain, we lost two Comboni fathers while here in the USA, at our provincial house in Cincinnati, we lost one of our priests in May. Today our presence with you, as Comboni Missionaries, is to invite you to the call of Jesus to help those who need our support. We are working to bring help to those who need it most at this period of the pandemic to provide education, health care, clean water, and, most importantly, hope to the poorest and most abandoned. One of our communities that needs some support for their ministry work is Amakuriat Parish, in Kenya, where we have the Comboni fathers and Comboni sisters. This mission is in a very remote area in the northwest part of Kenya, and the majority of the people of this area are Pokots who are pastoralists. They have a high rate of illiteracy, hence affecting the proper organization of livelihood skills. I am here today to make a mission appeal for the dispensary of Amakuriat Parish run by Comboni sisters. The sister in charge of the Health Centre is Sr. Gabriella Vangelista, 81 years old from Italy. This facility provides healthcare for many patients that come every day to the dispensary, and it also provides a few beds for admitting children and mothers who are seriously sick. The sisters also provide mobile clinic services for children and pregnant mothers, vaccinations, HIV/AIDS prevention program and a food program for Continued on the next page Sr. Gabriella who is in charge of the Dispensary.

The patients

The Dispensary

Page 5: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Summer Mission Appeal this Weekend

malnourished children since the people are always moving with their animals. Sr. Gabriella did more of this outreach program effectively with the mobile clinic when she used to receive some medicines from the government of Kenya. Due to the situation of Covid-19, that supply has been reduced and does not come regularly as before. Many other programs of the government are affected. Apart from the government support, Sr. Gabriella used to get some help from her friends in Italy, which also has been affected due to the Covid-19 crisis. When I talked with Sr. Gabriella on the phone, she told me any help would allow them to go on with the mobile clinic program to reach the mothers and the children in their homes. She feels that people will die in their homes without any medical attention. She concluded by saying: “Fr. Chris, with the issue of Covid-19, we now depend on the mercy of the Lord for any help to continue this work.” Like the little boy in the Gospel, who gave his bread and fish for all, we are invited to contribute the little we can to support Sr. Gabriella Vangelista in her missionary work. I want to thank you for your tireless support towards the missions. Every year we receive contributions from this parish towards the missions. We understand what you are experiencing these days, and we promise to keep you and your families in our prayers always. May God protect you and keep your families safe.

—Fr. Chris Aleti, MCCJ

Sr. Gabriella working at the Dispensary.

Sample of a village

The community of the Comboni sisters was opened on 14th of July, 1985. The area does not have good infrastructures like schools, roads and health services. The few that are there are run by different church groups. The illiteracy rate is high. The sisters follow the charism of St. Daniel Comboni to work and live with the poor.

Thank you for your generosity to the

Comboni Missions!

Page 6: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Lifelong Learning

Hungers of Body and Spirit The crowds in today’s gospel had nothing to eat, but our Lord knew they had another hunger apart from that of the stomach. They followed Jesus, listening to every word he spoke, and in none of the stories does it say that they were bothered about food for the body. In today’s episode, it is the apostles who expressed this concern on behalf of the people. In another place it says that Jesus “looked at the crowd, and felt sorry for them, because they had been with him for several days, and had nothing to eat.” Yet the twin hungers in today’s world are for meaning as well as for food. Jesus sets the apostles a seemingly impossible challenge. When they point out the lack of food he tells them to feed the people themselves. This, of course, cannot be done, and they tell him so. He then taught them, and us, a basic lesson: “Whatever you have is enough. Just let me have it, and I will do the rest.” At Cana, all they had was water, and it was all he needed; He would do the rest. In another version of this story, where one of the apostles says, “We only have a few loaves and some fish, but what is that among so many?” The temptation was to put the loaves and fish back in the bag. There is power in the actions of Jesus as he says a prayer and begins distributing the bread. Before he called Lazarus forth from the tomb, he raised his eyes to heaven and said, “I thank you, Father, that you have heard me.” It was his constant contact with the Father that inspired his actions. At his baptism in the Jordan he had heard the Father’s voice saying “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” He lived constantly with the Father’s approval, even when everyone else rejected him. What a lesson this is for all of us! In commissioning his apostles, later on, he would tell them to feed the hungry. Because he came “to do and to teach,” that is why he fed the hungry before sending his disciples to do the same. It is a scandal that so large a part of today’s world is made up of hungry people. Most of us have more than we need of money, clothes, food, etc. We may not have as much as we want, but we have more than we need. There is a struggle here, and there is a tension from which we cannot escape. “Whatever you do for the least of these, I will take as being done for me.” Christianity is much more than just saying prayers. It is also a call to action. It is a call to do as Jesus would do. I cannot read today’s gospel and remain indifferent or detached. “It is in giving that we receive.” When we give, we discover that we are not at a loss. Christianity is about witnessing, and in the witnessing is the invitation to “go and do likewise.” The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. If God is love, and I am indifferent, then I must seriously examine where God is in my life. Association of Catholic Priests

Living the Gospel After three weeks of hearing Jesus preach and teach in parables, we now move into the next chapter of Matthew’s gospel, one in which Jesus performs the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Unlike some of the parables from last week and the week before, which are found only in Matthew, the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is in each gospel, and in both Matthew and Mark the miracle happens twice! (Mark 6:32-44; 8:1-10; Matthew 14:13-21; 15:32-39).

This event was retold a number of times, with various pieces of the story being accented or downplayed, as well as connections made with the Old Testament prophet Elisha and the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. Indeed the gospel story as we have it (or them) makes it nearly impossible to reconstruct the historical event, as the story had been the subject of theologizing for some time prior to being written down, and then again by those who wrote it down—the evangelists themselves.

Four verbs serve as the link between the multiplication story and Jesus’ actions the night before he died. In both settings, Jesus takes bread, says a blessing, breaks the bread, and gives it. The Eucharistic tones are clear.

Jesus’ actions are those of a prophet and so much more. The Gospel of John uses the story to launch into the bread of life discourse, but in Matthew, we have the narration of the miracle without any such extended discourse on the part of Jesus. We are reminded by this miracle story, a version of which appears six times in the gospels (!), that Jesus feeds the hungry and in so doing is a model for his followers to do the same. ©Living Liturgy

Jesus Christ,

you come to us in the

Eucharist so that we might

be nourished on

our earthly journey to you.

Stir up in us a deep desire

for your sacramental

presence, and may we

be fed spiritually upon

receiving it,

for you are the true bread

come down from heaven.

In your name we pray.

One does not live on bread alone,

but on every word that comes forth

from the mouth of God.

Page 7: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

It may only seem like a

little Do you sometimes feel small, inadequate, insufficient? Are there times when you want to make a difference, and yet feel there is little you can do? The disciples in the gospel passage we hear today had only a little - a few loaves of bread and two fish. How could such a meager meal begin to feed the hunger of the thousands of people present? Where the disciples saw little, however, Jesus saw the abundance that is possible through the blessing and grace of God.

Let Jesus take, bless,

break and give you In that deserted place, Jesus took the food, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the people. At Mass, we bring bread, wine, and monetary donations to the altar. These symbolize our offering of our lives, gifts, and resources, which we ask God to consecrate — to make holy, to use to bring about his good work in the world. Our offering of bread and wine is taken, blessed, broken, poured out, and given. They become Christ’s Body and Blood, our food for the journey of life. In receiving, we are called to allow Christ to transform us, so that as members of Christ’s Body, we might meet the needs of a hungry and hurting world.

A little can become a lot Jesus took what seemed to be a small, insignificant offering and made of it a feast. In those moments in which we feel small, ill-equipped to meet the challenges of life, it is good for us to remember that from the meager five loaves and two fish, thousands were fed. As disciples, we are called to follow the way of the Lord who shows us that living sacrificially -- giving when we might think it difficult or impossible -- is a way of freedom and joy, a way that leads to holiness, to being more like Jesus who always shows us God’s way of self-giving love. We are invited to give our very selves, our lives, time, attention, and resources and in doing so, witness to the overflowing, bountiful love of God which seeks to feed every hunger, bring solace to those in pain, and peace, healing, light, and grace to all who are in turmoil. Jesus shows us that a little can become a lot when we put our gifts in God’s hands. We can trust that God will make our lives, gifts, and resources more fruitful than we can imagine - God will do great things with whatever we offer him. What little do you bring to the Lord today? What will you sacrifice so that others will know Christ’s love?

©Catholic Faith and Impact

“Left alone to face the difficult challenges of life today, you feel conscious of your inadequacy and afraid of what the future may hold for you. But what I say to you is this: place your lives in the hands of Jesus. He will accept you, and bless you, and he will make such use of your lives that will be beyond your greatest expectations! In other words: surrender yourselves, like so many loaves and fishes, into the all-powerful, sustaining hands of God and you will find yourselves transformed with “newness of life,” with fullness of life. “Unload your burden on the Lord, and he will support you.” — St. Pope John Paul II

Surrendering to God

Put what you have

in God’s hands When we hear the word “sacrifice,” most of us think of giving up something, like the things we forgo during Lent. That is certainly part of what it means to sacrifice. The sacrifice to which Christ calls us, however, is much more than a simple renunciation of a favorite food or activity. To sacrifice means “to make holy.” In the Gospel of Matthew, the disciples’ sharing of the bread and fish was certainly a sacrifice -- they did not know what was going to happen with what they gave. Yet they put the loaves and fish in Jesus’ hands, trusting that he would know what to do with their offering.


Page 8: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Parish Wedding Ministry Needs Your Help

Volunteers are needed in our parish

Wedding Ministry.

Wedding Coordinators assist the bride and groom at their rehearsal and

wedding in church.

Coordinators work in teams of 2 and are scheduled

according to your availability.

Learn more about this ministry.

Call or email Marie Raffl at 708-752-6665

[email protected]

Page 9: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that



St. John of the Cross Parish congratulates the following families who

celebrated baptism last week.

1. On July 20 Emily Jean, the daughter of Nathan and Julie Botkin, was baptized by Deacon Rich Voytas assisted by Baptism Team Leaders Frank and Meg Munaretto. Big sisters are Ellen and Anna. 2. On July 24 Maura Kathryn, the daughter of Jennifer and Brian Sloan, was baptized by Fr. Brian Kean assisted by Baptism Team Leaders, Rose and Jim Morrissey. 3. On July 25 Breckston Nash, the son of Richard and Christina Albreski, was baptized by Deacon Rich Voytas assisted by Baptism Team Leaders Frank and Meg Munaretto. Big sister is Savannah. 4. On July 26 Gavin Ray, the son of Soren and Emily Ersbak (on the left) was baptized by Deacon Rich Voytas assisted by Baptism Team Leaders, Nancy and Joe Polacek. Also pictured is big sister Ada and Gavin’s godparents.





Page 10: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that


Outreach: How You Can Help

After a professional life and raising three children, I wondered what the next chapter of my life held for me? I had always been actively involved in the community, but I wanted to figure out how I would continue to grow at this new stage of my life. Although I earned a graduate degree from Loyola University, a Jesuit school, I never heard of Ignatian Volunteer Corps until I saw an announcement in the SJC bulletin. After a couple of emails and an hour at an information session, I was intrigued by the opportunities IVC offered.

IVC asks for a commitment from volunteers to serve 2 days/week from September until June. Summers are free. I met with a couple of different agencies needing volunteers and decided Trinity Volunteer Corps was the best fit for me. TVC is an agency that promotes inclusion through volunteerism for adults with disabilities. I worked at Dominican University where Dominican students and Trinity Volunteers do meaningful work around the campus and community. After a few years with TVC at Dominican, the needs in my family changed requiring a different schedule so I moved over to Interfaith Community Partners where I have been through this year. In addition to the service, IVC members attend monthly meetings for fellowship, reflection and sharing of experiences. We read and discuss books that may be about Ignatian Spirituality, social justice, or modern theology. It is like continuing education as part of the job. Also part of the IVC experience is meeting with a spiritual mentor. This allows us time to review the work of “seeing God in all we do” and being men and women for others, two hallmarks of Ignatian thought. IVC has helped me develop my own faith life and live it in real time through service to others. I have been inspired by the many other members of the IVC community who are doing incredible work throughout DuPage, Cook and Lake Counties at food pantries, shelters, hospitals, and schools. Being in the Ignatian Volunteer Corps entails more than most other volunteer opportunities. However, most IVCers re-up their commitment year after year. Most say that they get more from the IVC experience than they give and are anxious to return. Some decide to leave after one year. In fact, I am considering a sabbatical (after 5 years) for the upcoming year. I know I have a home with Ignatian Volunteer Corps if I am able to return. If you are interested in learning more about IVC, email [email protected] or call me, fellow parishioner Susan McHugh at 708-783-1065.

Volunteer with Ignatian Volunteer Corps. IVC Chicago is offering a video reflection by

Dr. Gillian T.W. Ahlgren, Professor of Theology at Xavier University

Courage, Change, and Resilience: Ignatian Wisdom for Today

Our times require increased flexibility, patience, dedication, and a capacity to know and prioritize what truly matters in our daily lives. When we reflect on the life of Ignatius Loyola as well as the insights developed over years of spiritual companionship that crystallized in his Spiritual Exercises, we can distill a process for proceeding wisely in challenging times. Join Dr. Gillian Ahlgren for a guided consideration of Ignatian tools that support deeper sensitivity, courage, wisdom, and strength for the journey ahead.

Contact Jacqueline Fitzgerald, Program Manager to receive a link to the presentation: [email protected] or 312.961.6206

SJC Parishioner Susan McHugh

Help area food pantries help those who are struggling

through our SJC FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY Bring your food donations to our church narthex when you

come to Mass….. or send a check to SJC

(note Food Pantry Donation) and our Outreach Committee will

give your monetary donations to the Food Pantries we serve.

Food Donations are also

accepted at:

St. Cletus Parish (donate in the bin outside the

rectory door any day)

St. Francis Xavier Parish (bring your donations on Monday

mornings to the rectory door)

Diane and Bruce Harken, Outreach Advisory Committee members, will also continue to accept food on their front porch (3832 Lawn Avenue, Western

Springs) for our Sharing Ministry Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation Community.

During the month of July, SJC parishioners donated 35 bags of food in church + paper products

that were delivered to St. Barbara Food Pantry in Brookfield.


The greatness of a community is most

accurately measured by the compassionate

actions of its members, a heart of grace, and

a soul generated by love.



Page 11: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

So much change.

Graduations, summer camps,

summer jobs, vacations...all canceled.

Even our local mission trip.

But, doing for others, kindness, family,

friends and faith are not canceled.

How can we adjust to this new normal?

Let’s talk about it...





All High School Teens: Join us for our new

Zoom topics based in scripture, but loaded

with YOUR questions, stories,

thoughts and concerns.

Check out our Instagram or the parish website.

High School Youth Ministry News

katie pruitt high school youth minister

[email protected]


Sandwich Service Project Sign up to help assemble sandwiches for the Precious Blood Ministry community.

Wednesday, August 12 4-5pm in the Parish Center Join us as we partner with the SJC Outreach Team to make sandwiches, pack the lunches, learn about Precious Blood Ministry, catch up, and to pray for the individuals who will enjoy the food. Space is limited. We will adhere to all CDC and Archdiocese guidelines, including temperature checks, social distancing and gloves. Masks are required. Sign up at

BEDS Plus in LaGrange feeds over 100 families weekly

during this Covid-19 Pandemic. Teens and families who want to help by providing meals,

food staples or gift cards can sign up at:


Page 12: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

Are you someone or do you know someone who has….

Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?

Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

Has not been baptized? For the adult seeker, the RCIA or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an opportunity to gather as a small group and explore what it means to be Catholic, how it connects to daily life and whether or not it is what you truly want and what God wants for you. The RCIA process is a unique time of growth and inspiration that culminates in reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. For additional information and answers to the most commonly asked questions contact our Pastoral Associate, Steve Weigand at: [email protected] or go to

Divorced Support Group St. John of the Cross Parish is hosting an 8-week support group for those who have been through a divorce or who are in the midst of the divorce process. Divorce and Beyond meetings are faith-based and designed to bring hope and healing to one of life’s most difficult experiences. Topics include: dealing with stress, anger, loneliness, forgiveness, and healing. Experienced leaders create an open and confidential atmosphere that is conducive to discussion, reflection and sharing.

Wednesdays August 5 – September 23

at 7pm ZOOM time Register online:

divorceandbeyond Participant Workbook is required

Email questions to Steve: [email protected]

SJC News for YOU


Thank You for Supporting SJC through our Fest Raffle. Congratulations to the

Lucky Winners:

5th Prize: $250 Dan Lombard

Regina Modestas

4th Prize: $500 Katie Stack

3rd Prize: $1,000

Tim and Aimee McVady

2nd Prize: $2,500 Ritchie and Denise Schullo

Grand Prize: $5,000

Rich Novak

Page 13: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

In his book The Secret, Rene Fumoleau has a poem entitled Sins. Fumoleau, who was a missionary priest with the Dene People in Northern Canada, once asked a group of Elders to name what they considered the worst sin of all. Their answer:

The ten Dene discussed together, And after a while Radisca explained to me: We talked it over, and we all agree: “The worst sin people can make is to lock their door.”

Perhaps at the time this incident took place and in that particular Dene village, you could still safely leave your door unlocked, but that’s hardly sound advice for most of us who are safe only when we have double locks and electronic security systems securing our doors. Still these Dene Elders are right because at the end of the day, they’re speaking of something deeper than a security bolt on our outside door. What does it really mean to lock your door? As we know, there are many kinds of doors we lock and unlock to let others in and out. Jean-Paul Sartre, the famed French existentialist, once wrote: Hell is the other person. While this may feel very true emotionally on a given day, it is the antithesis of any religious truth, particularly Christian truth. In all the great religions of the world, in the end being with others is heaven; ending up eternally alone is hell. That’s a truth built into our very nature. As human persons we are constitutively social; meaning we’re built in such a way that while we’re always individual, private, and idiosyncratic at the same time we’re always social, communitarian, and interdependent. We’re built to be with others and there’s no ultimate meaning or fulfillment to be found alone. Indeed, we need each other simply to survive and remain sane. Still more, we need each other for love and meaning because without these there’s no purpose to us. To end up alone is death of the worst kind. This needs to be highlighted today because both in society and in our churches too many of us are locking a select number of our doors in ways that are both destructive and genuinely unchristian. What’s our issue? Twenty years ago, Robert Putnam looked at the breakdown of community within our culture and named it with a catchy phrase, Bowling Alone. For Putnam, our families, neighborhoods, and wider communities are breaking down because of an excessive individualism within the culture. More and more, we’re doing things alone, walking within our own idiosyncratic rhythms rather than within community rhythms. Few would dispute this

assessment. However, what we’re struggling with today goes further than the individualism Putnam so playfully names. In the excessive individualism Putnam describes, we end up bowling alone but mostly still inside the same bowling alley, separate from each other but not locked out. Our problem goes deeper. Metaphorically, we’re locking each other out of our common bowling alley. What’s meant here? Beyond an isolating individualism, we’re struggling today in our families, communities, countries, and churches with a demon of a different sort, that is, with doors locked in bitterness. Politically, in many of our countries we’re now so polarized that the various sides are unable to even have a respectful, civil conversation with each other. The other is “hell”. This is true too inside our families where conversation at the Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner has to carefully avoid all references to what’s going on in the country and we can only be at the same table with each other if we keep our political views locked away. Sadly, this is now mirrored in our churches where different visions of theology, ecclesiology, and morality have led to a polarization of such intensity that each theological and ecclesial group now stays behind its own solidly locked door. There’s no openness to what’s other and all real dialogue has been replaced by mutual demonization. This lack of openness is ultimately what the Dene refer to as the worst sin of all, our locked doors. Hell then really is the other person. Sartre must be smiling. It’s interesting how evil works. The Gospels give us two separate words for the evil one. Sometimes the evil one is called “the devil” (Diabolos) and sometimes the evil one is called “satan” (Satanas). Both describe the evil power that works against God, goodness, and love within a community. The “Devil” works by dividing us, one from another, breaking down community through jealousy, pride, and false freedom; whereas “Satan” works in the reverse way. Satan unites us in sick ways so as to have us, as groups, demonize each other, carry out crucifixions, and cling to each other feverishly through sick kinds of hysteria and ideologies that make for scapegoating, racism, sexism, and group-hatred of every kind. Either way, whether it’s satan or the devil, we end up behind locked doors where those outside of ourselves are seen as hell. So it’s true, “the worst sin we can make is to lock our doors.”

Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser


On Not Locking Our Doors

Page 14: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

We Pray for Our Sick Kathy Antczak

Betty Fash Elizabeth Raz John Schmidt

Shawn Sweeney Gloria Topia

We Pray for Our Beloved Dead Joe Petrovic, husband of Diane, father of Elizabeth Mool,

Kathryn, and Joseph, grandfather of 4 Lucelle Drescher, mother of Kurt and Kimberlee Debs,

grandmother of 5 Charlene Sprague, mother of Stephanie, Richard, Heather,

and Timothy, grandmother of 2 Paul Tanoos, nephew of Steve Weigand

Sr. Margaret Ivers, IBVM

Attending Mass during Covid The elderly and those with underlying medical conditions are advised to stay

at home and participate through livestreamed and televised Masses. The dispensation from Sunday Mass

continues at this time. A weekly Sunday worship aid

and a VIDEO of what to expect when attending Mass at SJC

can be found on our website. You must sign up to attend weekday and Sunday Mass

on our website! Each week the schedule of Masses

will be open for sign up on Thursdays at 5pm.

Due to attendance limitations, only those parishioners who have

signed up will be admitted to Mass. Mass schedule:

Weekdays: Monday-Saturday: 9am Mass

Sunday Mass: 4pm Saturday, 7:30am, 9am,

11am and 5pm Registration for Sunday Mass closes

on Saturdays at 10am. Mass will continue to be

livestreamed on Facebook and available on our parish website.

Daily Mass is recorded at 9:00am Monday-Saturday.

Sunday Mass is recorded at 4pm Saturday.

The Parish Center continues to be

closed to visitors. Staff is available to assist you by email.

To schedule a baptism, funeral, wedding or anointing, or if you need any other assistance, please call our

Director of Operations MJ Martin at 708-822-1627.

We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Col. Mark Blanek, US Army

Staff Sgt. Steven Foody Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki

Sgt. Michael Grabarek 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Greenberg, US Army

LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg

Spc. Douglas Junius Captain Emily Kopec

ETN3 Joseph Kula, US Navy PFC Kevin Lawinger

First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini MAJ. James Maicke

Chandler Muszynski, Master of Arms, US Navy 2nd Lt. Ryan A. Peters, US Army

Seaman Emily Strafaci Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci

Seaman Riley Strafaci Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler, USAF Pararescue

Lieutenant James Viano Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak


Readings for the Week:

Thursday Transfiguration Dan 7:9-10, 13-14 Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 2 Pet 1:16-19 Matt 17:1-9

Monday Jer 28:1-17 Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102 Matt 14:22-36

Friday Nah 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7 Deut 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, 41 Matt 16:24-28

Tuesday Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22 Ps 102:16-18, 19-22, 29 Matt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14

Saturday Hab 1:12–2:4 Ps 9:8-9, 10-11, 12-13 Matt 17:14-20

Wednesday Jer 31:1-7 Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13 Matt 15:21-28

19th Sunday in Ord. Time 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a Ps 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14 Rom 9:1-5 Matt 14:22-33

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

Mass Remembrances Monday, August 3, 9am Weekday

Richard Maier Muriel Albertson Rachael Schopp Tuesday, August 4, 9am St. John Vianney

Greg Perona Wednesday, August 5, 9am Weekday; Memorial of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major

Lorraine Janda Lawrence Clark Curtis Kerzich Mario Accettura Thursday, August 6, 9am Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Bill Broderick Charles Macke Eileen Specht Friday, August 7, 9am Weekday; St. Sixtus II; St. Cajetan

Saranne Milano Charlene Swan Saturday, August 8, 9am Memorial of St. Dominic

Joseph and Mary Frank Our Beloved Dead 4pm Evening Mass Thomas Munley Michael Clawson Joan Berngen Joel Larkins Sunday, August 9 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30am Fr. David Dowdle 9am Patricia Rogers Emma 11am Charles Brody Patrick Woods Michael and Joan Powers 5pm Rachael Schopp Living Remembrances in Italics

Rev. Marc W. Reszel, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Brian Kean, Associate Pastor [email protected] Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone [email protected] Deacon John Schopp [email protected] Deacon Rich Voytas [email protected] Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of YC [email protected] Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Mgr [email protected] Frank DiPompeo, Plant Mgr [email protected] Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Comm Coor [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Operations [email protected] Katie Pruitt, HS Youth Minister [email protected] Theresa Reyes, Receptionist [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome [email protected] Christina Turlek, Finance Assistant [email protected] Gale Voytas, Ministry Assistant [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

SJC Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road

Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404

Visit our parish website: Sign up to attend Mass on our parish website.


A priest will hear your confession after daily Mass

Monday-Saturday. Please sign up for Mass and see the priest after Mass.

SJC Parish School 708 51st Street

Western Springs IL 60558 708-246-4454

Youth Catechesis 708 51st Street

Western Springs, IL 60558 708.246.6760

“Contemplation is

nothing else but a

secret, peaceful, and

loving infusion of God,

which, if admitted, will

set the soul on fire with

the Spirit of love.”

—St. John of the Cross Sign up to receive our weekly eblast and electronic bulletin by sending an email to [email protected]. Add a loved one’s name to our prayer list by sending an email to [email protected]


We arrive empty handed, and leave empty handed.

So then, how do we want to spend the time in between?



Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

Join us as we pray

for the children in our

parish community who are

celebrating the

Sacrament of First Holy

Communion this summer!

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish€¦ · Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Thank you for your support of St. Daniel’s Plan and the missionaries’ work. Be gently reminded that

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For further information, please call the Parish Office.