ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first...

ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon 25th May – Fri 5th June 2020 The Great Sixth Form bake off results!! At last the Great sixth form bake off has been judged and the winners have been decided!! It was exceedingly difficult as this lock down cuisine was of an extremely high standard!! It has simply been BAKETASTIC with cupcake fests, fabu- lous fudge, charming cheesecakes, perfect paellas, confident curries, brilliant brioche, wonderful wedges and many more!! The judges decided to have 2 savoury and sweet categories. We must also mention Mr Stevens very patriotic biscuits, Ms Mathews pineapple cake (and of course Benji and the tractor) and Mrs Bayleys Ted (the dog) and Easter cupcakes. Well done everyone!! Remember it is not the talking part it is the winning. Prizes will be awarded from 2m when safe to do so. Congratulations to everyone. Mrs H In the savoury category First Jades paella Second Alis lamb curry and rice (the cat left some) Third Toms wedges and pizza In the sweet category First Emilys Easter cake Second Lauras and Beccas cup cakes Third Harrys brioche See the photos of all the bakes on page 3 of this newsletter Evelyn Cornes in Y8 has baked a cake for Thank a Teach- er day—which she shared with her mum who is also a teacher; and she shared it virtually with us at SJF too, to say thank you to us too! Many thanks Evelyn, it looks fabulous! Yesterday, we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. On this day we remember Jesus' return to God the Father in heaven. Ascension is always 10 days before the Feast of Pentecost, which this year is Sunday 31st May. At Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and rejoice in Gods active and ever present support in our life. We invite all members of our com- munity to unite in prayer using the words opposite: RE Stars of the week: Mrs Willisstars: Skye Graham - Y11 for engaging with A level preparation studies! Well done! Fatima Bibi and Lydia Evans - Y12 - for grappling with difficult ethical concepts and completing essays. Mrs Tylers stars: Jay Bansal Y1 0 - completing work to an excellent standard. Mrs Rundles stars: Rosemary Benny and Rio Centillas for excellent online quiz results. Mrs Varleys stars: Niamh Nicholson 7S for continued effort and super quali- ty of work. Ethan Bailey 8S for continued effort and super quality of work. Ms Rogersstars: Lola Darby Y1 0- for excellent RE assessment. Mrs Teagues stars: Sebastian Jamieson, Joshua Laidlaw, Julia Kacala, Daniel Sgarito, Destiny Walker, Rosemary Zhong, James Callinan and Emily Knott.

Transcript of ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first...

Page 1: ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry


Mon 25th May – Fri 5th June 2020

The Great Sixth Form bake off results!! At last the Great sixth form bake off has been judged and the winners have been decided!! It was exceedingly difficult as this lock down cuisine was of an extremely high standard!!

It has simply been BAKETASTIC with cupcake fests, fabu-

lous fudge, charming cheesecakes, perfect paellas, confident curries, brilliant brioche, wonderful wedges and many more!! The judges decided to have 2 savoury and sweet categories. We must also mention Mr Steven’s very patriotic biscuits, Ms Mathews pineapple cake (and of course Benji and the tractor) and Mrs Bayley’s Ted (the dog) and Easter cupcakes. Well done everyone!! Remember it is not the talking part it is the winning. Prizes will be awarded from 2m when safe to do

so. Congratulations to everyone. Mrs H

In the savoury category

First Jade’s paella

Second Ali’s lamb curry and rice (the cat left some)

Third Tom’s wedges and pizza

In the sweet category

First Emily’s Easter cake

Second Laura’s and Becca’s cup cakes

Third Harry’s brioche

See the photos of all the bakes on page 3 of this newsletter

Evelyn Cornes in Y8 has baked a cake for Thank a Teach-er day—which she shared with her mum who is also a teacher; and she shared it virtually with us at SJF too, to say thank you to us too! Many thanks Evelyn, it looks fabulous!

Yesterday, we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. On this day we remember Jesus' return to God the Father in heaven. Ascension is always 10 days before the Feast of Pentecost, which this year is Sunday 31st May. At Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and rejoice in Gods active and ever present support in our life. We invite all members of our com-munity to unite in prayer using the words opposite:

RE Stars of the week:

Mrs Willis’ stars:

Skye Graham - Y11 for engaging with A level preparation studies! Well done! Fatima Bibi and Lydia Evans - Y12 - for grappling with difficult ethical concepts and completing essays. Mrs Tyler’s stars: Jay Bansal Y1 0 - completing work to an excellent standard. Mrs Rundle’s stars: Rosemary Benny and Rio Centillas for excellent online quiz results. Mrs Varley’s stars: Niamh Nicholson 7S for continued effort and super quali-ty of work. Ethan Bailey 8S for continued effort and super quality of work.

Ms Rogers’ stars: Lola Darby Y1 0- for excellent RE assessment. Mrs Teague’s stars: Sebastian Jamieson, Joshua Laidlaw, Julia Kacala, Daniel Sgarito, Destiny Walker, Rosemary Zhong, James Callinan and Emily Knott.

Page 2: ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry

Mathematicians through history from the BBC Archives Charles Babbage

Babbage was a British mathemati-cian, an original and innovative think-er and a pioneer of computing. Charles Babbage was born on 26 De-cember 1791, probably in London, the son of a banker. He was often unwell as a child and was educated mainly at home. By the time he went to Cam-bridge University in 1810 he was very interested in mathematics.

After graduation Babbage was hired by the Royal Institution to lecture on calculus. Within two years he had been elected a member of the Royal Society and, with his Cambridge friends, was instrumental in setting up the Astronomical Society in 1820, the first to challenge the dominance of the Royal Soci-ety. From 1828 to 1839, Babbage was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. The 1820s saw Babbage work on his 'Difference Engine', a machine which could perform mathematical calculations. A six-wheeled model was initially constructed and demonstrated to a number of audiences. He then developed plans for a bigger, better, machine - Difference Engine 2. He also worked on another invention, the more complex Analytical Engine, a revo-lutionary device on which his fame as a computer pioneer now largely rests. It was intended to be able to perform any arithmetical calculation using punched cards that would deliv-er the instructions, as well as a memory unit to store numbers and many other fundamental components of today's comput-ers. The remarkable British mathematician Ada Lovelace com-pleted a program for the Analytical Engine but neither it, nor Difference Engine 2, were finished in Babbage's lifetime. Babbage also worked in the fields of philosophy and code-breaking, as well as campaigning for reform in British science. He died at his home in London on 18 October 1871. Maths Department News

Useful websites for home learning .

We are mainly using my maths.

Some challenges can be found at

We have been contacted directly by the Soldiers Charity about “Operation Bletchley” The challenge combines physical and mental challenges within a historical context. It's a great way to bring the whole fami-ly together as it is designed to be inclusive for all ages and abilities - there are 3 levels of difficulty to choose from. Not only will students and their families feel a huge sense of achievement once they've completed the challenge, but any money they choose to raise will go towards supporting sol-diers, veterans, and their families in need through the British Army's National Charity – ABF The Soldiers' Charity.

the country needs codebreakers now!

Virtually cover 50 miles on foot in 31 days from Bletchley Park to the Cabinet War Rooms in London, using a phone or fitness tracker. STOP

Receive updates and codes to crack at regular intervals, di-rect to your email address. STOP

With levels to suit every age group, unior, Codebreaker, or Cypher Expert, the while family can play their part in this effort. STOP

For advanced operatives, a challenging 100 mile mission behind enemy lines in France. STOP

The D&T Department Exhibition 2020 You are all invited to the D&T Department Design Exhibition 2020.

Please go to the school Facebook page to view the whole exhi-bition which shows some of the amazing work created by stu-dents across all year groups. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. Best Wishes, The D&T Department

If you have enjoyed following Mr Fisher’s antics on our Face-book page, and seeing where he travels around SJF; perhaps you would like to make your very own hedgehog?

Thanks to the you can, and here is a very sim-ple way to make a whole rainbow of hedgehogs. Why not give them a go? Perhaps you could send us some pictures of your creations? We’d love to see them!

Page 3: ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry

1st—Jade’s Paella

2nd—Ali’s lamb curry & rice

3rd –Tom’s wedges and pizza

1st—Emily’s Easter Cake

2nd—Becca’s cupcakes

2nd—Laura’s cupcakes

3rd—Harry’s Brioche

A message for Y12 & Y13 Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you all and missing you. Can you guess one of Mrs H's favourite songs? At the moment the first few lines of it are very appropriate as we travel together through this unusual time. Hint it is not Stormzy's “Blinded by your Grace” (although that is a good one). We will see you all very soon. I pray you'll be our eyes And watch us where we go And help us to be wise In times when we don't know Let this be our prayer When we lose our way Lead us to a place Guide us with your grace To a place where we'll be safe

We have really been enjoying our catch up teams meetings with Y12. It has been great to see and hear everyone and know you are well. There are also some great lock down hair-cuts. We are reminded of how lucky we are to have such won-derful young people be part of our sixth form community. Don't miss your invite and look for the meeting on your school email calendar - click on it and it will take you into the meeting. Remember to enable your camera too!! Hopefully we will see you very soon!! Y13 you are next!!

An important message to year 13 I want to reassure you about your recent report and the grades on it. Please note these are not your final grades. You will receive those on August 13th the scheduled results day. You were scheduled an updated report which would have tak-en into account more assessment/coursework results and mock exam papers you will have done. You may have noticed but the report you received - the grade was JANUARY 20. These grades are therefore not where you are working now and again are not your final grades . Teachers I know have worked hard given the Department of education guidance to make sure "that students due to sit the exams would be awarded a grade based on an assessment of the grade they would have been most likely to achieve had exams gone ahead." I want to remind you how hard you worked - I know it will pay off come results day!! I will be here on August 13th to help

and congratulate!! I am missing you all very much but look forward to seeing you soon. Take care and email me if you are still worried or have any more questions. Mrs Hebden

Page 4: ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry

Library Bake a Book Competition

Over half term, why not get creative in the kitchen , and bake a book themed cake, or ice a cake to look like a book cover? Or maybe just get creative with your pencils or paints and draw a picture from your favourite book?

Send your entries to [email protected] by June 1st and entries will be shown on our Facebook page and in the news-letter. Prizes and achievement points will be awarded; If you are a winner: Mrs Edwards will be in touch about choosing a prize and how she will get it to you.

Listen and watch as various celebrities join Taika Waititi in reading Roald Dahl’s “James and the Giant Peach” on YouTube. The voices they gave the characters are hilarious!

Here is chapter one : with Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hems-worth & Nick Kroll

Chapter two : with Meryl Streep & Benedict Cumberbatch

Chapter three:: with Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson

Keep searching for the rest of the chapters …… and enjoy…..

Anne Frank Writing Awards All entries must be sent from a teacher or Librarian Please send your entry to Mrs Edwards on [email protected] and I will forward it. Please note final deadline is 5pm June 30th 2020; with this in mind, please send it to me by 5pm June 29th 2020 so that I can make sure I have forwarded it by the final deadline.

Decorate a cake as a book cover

Bake a book themed cake

Create art based on a book

May Half Term Library CompetitionSend all photos to [email protected] by June 7th

Entries may be published on the school’s Facebook page and in the newsletter. Prizes to be won and achievement points awarded.

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, Cathy Cassidy is reading daily chapters of one of her books “Scarlett” on her YouTube Channel. As of today, Friday, Cathy is up to chapter 10. Follow her YouTube channel and have a daily listen. If you ask nicely, she may give you a mention!

Chapter 1

Chapter 10

Let me entertain you! Robbie Williams adventure trail launched at Stoke-on-Trent park The Burslem Park adventure is the latest in the Story Quest series Robbie Williams has inspired an adventure trail at Burslem Park which features a mysterious dark-haired cartoon charac-ter in a football cap. It is the latest ‘Story Quest’ to be developed by the National Literacy Trust to get children enjoying reading and exercise. Families can download a free illustrated map and story guide and then follow the clues around the park. Children can help in the search by completing a series of phys-ical and written challenges at different points in the park. Story Quest, which is funded through a Sport England grant, was launched last year as part of the trust's Stoke Reads programme

Taken from “The Sentinel”

Page 5: ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry

"Le Mot de la Semaine" French Word of the week

Le mi-trimestre (Luh mee-tree-mest -ruh) = Half-term

“Das Wort der Woche" German word of the week

Rettungspaket (rett-ungs-pah-kate) = rescue package

“La palabra de la semana” Spanish WoW

la desescalada (la des-es-cal-ad-a) = easing of measures

What to read next ….

If you like David Walliams and Wimpy Kid Books, you’ll love these….. Matt Haig eg Evie and the Animals Dav Pilkey eg Dog Man David Solomons eg My Brother is a Superhero Lisa Thompson eg The Boy who fooled the World If you liked Harry Potter, you’ll love…… Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl Roshani Chokshi’s Aru Shah and the End of Time Dominique Valente - Stafell Willow Moss and the Lost Day Ransom Riggs’ Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children If you liked The Hunger Games, you’ll love….. The Divergent series by Veronica Roth 1984 by George Orwell Imposters by Scott Westerfeld Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Below are links for families to sign up for 30 days wild with the wildlife trusts from June 1st. There are also activities on the website for families to do at home called 'Get wild at home'. The downloadable packs contain lots of simple nature based activities for everyone to enjoy at home.

This is a Mental Health Awareness Week (May 18 – 25) with a difference. Many of us are worried about coronavirus and how it will af-fect us and those we love. This is why we are encouraging you to #SpeakYourMind and reach out to someone who needs a friend with a positive mes-sage, or share with them your own tips for coping to make sure they don't have to face this pandemic alone. Please take a look at the helplines attached to this newsletter .

National Book Token Big Dreamers Writing Competition Judged by authors Robin Stevens, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Carrie Hope Fletcher, and more!

For budding writers aged 6-18. Win up to £200 of National Book Tokens!

Now more than ever is a time for imagination. While our world changes, every day people are finding new, creative ways to tell stories and spread joy. Now is the time to find comfort and inspiration in unbelievable words, extraordinary adven-tures and magical encounters with big friendly giants and tiny talking spiders. Now is the time to dream. How to enter: ask your child to write a story of up to 300 words, using the theme BIG DREAMS. Submit it here by midnight on 28th May. Our esteemed judges will award one winner in each age group the grand prize of a £200 National Book Token, with add-ed prizes of 2 x £100 and 16 x £50 National Book Tokens in each category. The winners will be announced on Sunday 14th June by the authors themselves at the Puffin Festival of Big Dreams on Puffin Books' YouTube and Facebook channels, and the three winning stories will be published on our website. We can't wait to read all these big dreams! Click on the link above for all the T&Cs. Closing date 28/05/2020 so get writing!

FSM deliveries will now be delivered on Wednesdays start-ing on 03/06/2020.

Deliveries will be roughly the same time as they were previ-ously on the Tuesdays.

Page 6: ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC COLLEGE THE FISHER FLYER Mon … · Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry

Trips We are working with the Companies/Trip providers and Trip leaders about your up coming trip. We will let you know as soon as a decision has been made. Do not make any further payments at this time. To help staff cope with this challenging time, we would ask that you do not make individual requests to the school about your trip. Flexible Learning Day Trips, All Year Groups 10th July

The Day Trips have been cancelled and will not be going ahead and we will look to refund in the near future, less any admin fees. Please bear with us for the refunds to be sorted. Trips – specifically London Theatre Trip 8th to 9th July

This trip has been cancelled and will not be going ahead. We will look to refund in the near future, less any admin fees. Please bear with us for the refunds to be sorted. Trips – specifically Stafford Castle 9th July

This trip has been cancelled and will not be going ahead. We will look to refund in the near future, less any admin fees. Please bear with us for the refunds to be sorted. Trips – specifically Parliament Trip to London June 2020

This Trip has been cancelled and will not be going ahead and we will look to refund in the near future, less any admin fees. Please bear with us for the refunds to be sorted. Trips – specifically Cern October 2020 and Krakow 2021

These Trips have been cancelled and will not be going ahead. Refunds for these two trips have been refunded back to your ParentPay accounts on 20th April 2020. Trips – specifically Y10 German Trip It is with regret that due to the ongoing uncertainty over the Coronavirus pandemic, the Year 10 German trip from 22nd – 25th June has been cancelled. Refunds for this trip have been refunded back to your ParentPay accounts on 29th April 2020. The amount will be less the initial £90 de-posit paid for flights as we are waiting confirmation from EasyJet. Trips – Soli House Y9 and Y10 June 2020

It is with regret that this trip has been cancelled. Refunds for this trip have been returned less the deposit and less Par-ent Pay fees. Year 11 & Year 13’s Dinner Monies Please be assured that unspent school meal balances can be returned to your ParentPay Parent Account as part of our school closure process. If you require a refund or any monies transferred to a sibling at St John Fisher then please email your request to [email protected]. We are liaising with ParentPay directly and expect to have this completed as soon as we can.. We will confirm when the funds have been returned to your ParentPay account, should you wish to make a withdrawal. School staff will be working next week to communicate our plans and to ensure refunds can be handled promptly where this is necessary. Thank you for your cooperation.


If any student has left any personal belongings in their lock-er at school please can you contact the main school office on [email protected] and we can arrange collection.

Food Technology Year 7 and 8 learners We are working closely with our Teacher of Food Technology and until we know more information about when we will be returning to school we cannot refund any Food Tech monies either for those students who have not yet started Food Technology or for those that have not finished their practi-cals. We will let you know as soon as a decision has been made. Do not make any further payments at this time. To help staff cope with this challenging time, we would ask that you do not make individual requests to the school about your Food Technology payments. GCSE groups We are working closely with our Teacher of Food Technology and until we know more information about when we will be returning to school we cannot refund any Food Tech monies either for those students who have paid for the full year or for those that have not finished their practicals. We will let you know as soon as a decision has been made. Do not make any further payments at this time. To help staff cope with this challenging time, we would ask that you do not make individual requests to the school about your Food Technology payments. Duke of Edinburgh As Entrust expeditions are currently postponed, if you wish to continue making ParentPay payments the money will be held for you until required. If you do not wish to make payments at this time, it is not required and payments will resume when Entrust confirm new expedition dates. Music Lessons Mrs Golds, head of Music is arranging for all music lessons to continue by a digital method either by Entrust of by Mrs Olphin or Mrs Hollinshead-Bland. All information will be emailed to you via ParentPay on how this will work. Any ques-tions please email Mrs Golds on [email protected]