St.… · Donald officiating,...

J*S83K ^m %"'•' St. SBV ezned sariy* sleft. i. JFy tf. 118 ill r. O o. J? 770 *2t CM ERY Oil. s MR* \ •**•• * & , "IS .%. 'W»i< •*Vl ^ I Vol0^11, Ha 4.. '!'" u,ii';),.i;.j.j- =xna saaws? Roch^ttnar, DIOCESAN U 1 W S . t "*"""t"""" , » ii niii i uiii WkiU handling froii tt U»Le- nigh Valleyfi*!ght AenseFddey.Oo. tober IStb, Ik>Bi*oBraden bad bit left too* badly injured, and wilt n# doubt be confijttd to his heme for ««BEi6ti»«« .--•- ------- , Mr, and Mr*, frisk Dwyre will wake their home at the Kfekwood tbia wintor, - ". ,.c;~: %iiie * nsssftetafWaterloo young ladies are employed, at the ®aae»-e Fret-erring works, - "WrtlMJvlDgr^'ioo'irJilSitilQaB. "Wis Cjeto* * eon,and »rmed. Ttawdax ber 17th. ••- FIwwiw- dtfewmeged mfcoofc <&'*&- o'clock Taeedny, October $gnd, in tbe barns*>£ Mr#< Jybit Bixoo* on £ North aireet t afew r o4« »wib of the Lebfgh -Valley r^lrtiad bridge The flanaea w*re firBidigcoverad by Mr*. An«iin, %bo live* directly opposittv and gawstha alarm ic- the neighbor* hood, and Wj^iam »;*.>», #hp Uvea m the old Dixon homestead, was arooeed. Michael Br amw, wb© with * *joropsnion f were on tbew way to their work afctneStoye Worfcifiaa- tenpd to tfee--*c-*»e* and'tbenceto the Are -bo* at'the Stove- Work* and raog tfaaJtrro* Tbebo* felted to work and therefore much "velaahleiiiBe we* lost The Andes fibee company re» §pv»oded promptly, and aoon ^hed * etraam Ott tbe. fite. While they were at work * weat bemad etreet car passed, end upon its arrival at the Catholic Obfltrcb, conductor Snyder polled box £4 The fire •depert meet responded promptly* end the Neatos »ud flydr»nw tamed «» i||sr«»m» tb* order olaied* *RS# fre. bid gained tooh * beiMiw*y th»t It w*f lapoMiblle to tibink of «itiojf •oythiojf, ,Tb«b»rB, packing-ihed tad ibop wer» «ntJrtly scummed Tw(> *JOW» »Bd°thr«« horset periled iatbefl»m©«, boiidw fiftweu iont of h*y, two hundred bu»beJt of oiit *md »lxty Are bo»hels of whe»t, *1»o were oon«um«d. !b»0goy»gpo Ha«« comptoy, «»» der tBs «uperri*!oa «F Chief Trtcey, remained ootH aocm exti»(f«wbiog th# flitoet, <^Xb« mystery <ff tb^fire »ot knowti, but if it aoppcNwd u bfcire ttarted froln-a locamotiw wMeb pftsnod j«»{ befyio thp fir«. The Io«* by tbefir©it aofc kp»)l0,,bttt li pwtly cov«r«d by iMsunnee.' Mr#, Miob.«el KMV$, of dorafair, apeaijJfoodiy % y 0eiie*%, the gft<*t of Mr«, 4cr!fmi%b DiiiOeBi»tr. • • °-, y, O'Matley, of <3«fietft; «ttd F,^J. FItep«Mck/foriBeriy.Jof Gewov*, bat »o» of Otteid*, ajide * fiytog trip to Farmer oa Tbar*d»y. <i ' Tbomat E. Sweeney^ Etq.» was In Rochester oo Tueiday »n bostneaa. One of the moat fa»bionab]eeTaDta oftbeseaaoo will be the marriage of Mit» Alice Purely, formerly organ* ill of St Francis debate* Chorcb to Harry H. 8omer» f of New york^io, take place in Auborn, Norembir BTtb, Tb« deatb of Prank Ridley oc- oarred at bit lata botne. on Avtinae B, on Friday morning laat, of oonaomption. The funeral was held from St Frincia da Sales Chorcb on Monday morning, Rev. Father Mo- Donald officiating, and waa largely attended by friend* of the family, Iaterment*aa at Waterloo. Mr. and lira. Patrick H. Maloahy are reoeiTing oongratnlationt. It b a daughter, and was bom on Satur- day evening lMt Oharlea D Leonard, oor entewpria- b>gnorawryman,hitba first io eon* pleta hia fall abipiaonta Oharbie ia -ahiaiyer.- -'-- Ifka MaalaDaay, of SaMea Falto, baa bean ta« goaat of Miu Clara Hiokay, on B«Metr««t Richard Flaaaary iaaarerelylllnt tba bvaia of bia matbar oa Wad*. worth atrcnt. Bnmor kaa it that St Mary's Cborch at Watvrloo ia to hare sv new chime of balla. ( " c Mleb*a4 Nairy lie* very ill a t the hasaw of hii tRit, Mm. Fraacia O'Malky, on ^adsworth atraat. Harry B, Soaaars, of Nair York, haa baas the gssgi of relaUraa in Gw- atw*; ' -~-r: .'..•:----•-;-,..,;• Mrs. Daniai K«!leher, of Wlliiaaa atrc«t,in the gseftt of her dang&tar infioobeater. MiasAliceG. Pordy, of An bam, formerly organist at^ St Francis da gale* Chorch, who ha* been thegnwn offiiendain Oaneva, baa rettiTaad Francis da Sales Obaroh ooWadaaa- dsy BoomiDj;, Ooiobar 161a, at 10 a. «., B«v. W. A iftOoBald ifllolatiBg. Mr, and Mr«. Jeramiah MoOarthy, of Xxehanga straet, sua waariag broad amiiea. Itfiaa aon, a*d wan bornOotobar 11A. o Hav. Father Payne, fonaerly aa- •IsUnt pastor at St Francis deSaiee Ohureb, <3ene»a, botfor the paat four yean paator a>t Stanley, has been ap- pointed byBiahop McQaaid lo lake tfbarge of Holy Croat Obnroh Obar- lett*. Fatbar Payno'e aomereua friends are glad to hear of hie pro- »Qtion,and Charlotte ia to be ooa- gratnlaUHl on Jh^ie assoming charge •foBn^p*Tiw™'-WbT«t-ii^tt#yjfc:jtiid Btanleji» loea is jCharloHe's gain The beet wishes of bii wwjy friende goei; with bin*. Mis*0atberi»e Snlfi*a» r of New 4*raey f hi the goe»i'of„ her c ,parent»i Attroriu ' ._ -a The fait for the benefit of St. FaK rlck*s0bn«cb waa very socoeeafol, bath aocialfy and fiaateclally eapc- «ia)Iy t the proceeds ameBnting to nearlyfi.lOO The efrtertaiament given by the children, noder tbe guidanceof Iliaa- ea Helligaa, Renrke, andFordy, waa very creditable to teacberi and pa- pile alike, and were maoh appfeoi- ated by the andisnee, c Great aorpris c ' and satisfaction were expressed on all aldea at the high degree of proficiency shown by the Aoborn Orphan Aaylntn Dram Oorpa» The pltemgof aha tittle fei- lowa « caught the town,** and their general appearance waa that of welt fed and -will housed children, f he management of a charitable instiUx- tion that can wend ontao well trained a band dessrvos mocb pralsw. The *ejtry is nearly ootnpleted, and the peppier o' St Patrick's are to be congratulated on tba fact that sof 8ci*Btmooey # and snore, wan raised by the fair to pay for the building when ready for nan. tarn. CATHOLIC S0OU5TIJK. N. Y, Saturday. October 26. SS9& wnscp Moaday-OoaacaSs.' ' Tasaaay *' *i, Fdday i^. Ptan Yaeu A social and dance waa given by the ladies of St MiobaePa Church on Wednesday evening last, in tba 0 MBA. rooms. James R. Wbaleo, of Dallas, Tex- as, who formerly resided is Penn yan„ waa married October. 8th to Miss Uettie Wood, of Oolnmbia, Ala- bama. The barn of James Mitchell, on Monell street, and the Hyland AOav- f»toij ulanghter \\<mm, near the Nor- thern Cefiutral bridge, was recently destroyed by fire. Mist Jiellie Flahive waa ope of th« epeakera at the rhetorical exercises held at the Academy on Monday laat Miss H. Blanche Kelly baa beosr appointed pianist for the ohelr in charge of tba rnasfc at tbe Penn Tan Academy. The Empire State Wine Oompany haa porchased of Mr. Obarlea D Welle* his property at tbe foot of the lake.,Tbe company will erect a largo warehoueoon the Inke abore, anda wise cellar on the lot feeing * Lake street & ... ^ Frank Halpin spent 8nndny with friends ia town. ^ A Chief Of TII Service Examiner will be appoi&tad November 1st, to toooeed Mr, Tbonias Oarjmody, of tide village, v ho haa resigned. Miss Alien Bowling is to take obargeof the Fair store, toontobe opened ia Bnnelee.., Miaa Teaa Dsrmatedt, of Klndra, ws» the *?«••« of Mian Margaret Baa> pin rsoeatly. MI'M Anna S 7. Maha^ aes taken apeeitioa as atenogprepsstt wtth fia. S.8now. £ KkaiaiMM BMdl^Uab^kte-Sav JtSF Sflirtl—ifc Late oernsy nofwana, M .wensr% m bean anrmfatati adaytiiistyatwr of taa i r w ^ i a w y | " ^ a i w ^ w ^WSWBPW^VSW^^^ISWWP W W^^F^ WWP,.™ jsasw •^••B^^STJI Wa^sv nsawy p^snjs|^W^y ttglAie»WBka\sk' ' ftststaY ^snrsvBaWsniL nPaaafc •4asaaaa-' •W^jpaw^pe^a/ w?a wsaanay w aaasjnaa^s^i^ ^s^spp- 9^1^% '• •anal awoaiartw ^Ask deonaaaal lnea»- Uaatad at abMt|M,Aw». TfiOaek» have agreed opoa a drv*do» of the real and peraonsl proper^r. Mian JnliaMeahaa has efctatmg ttfa Penn Tan CJollegefortba onrnent of tekag a oooreein bovk-ksaaping A Central Board of the 0. B. »»d B. A. waa orgnaiaed at tberoosaiof OooocU St Uat Tnasday evaaiag Oelegate* froan the variona OoaaeQs were preeeatia reasons* to the n©- •ioe pablished is last week Joonjuu District Deputy Xeenan staaad the object of tba meeting and his re- maike wet* received wUb approba- tion. Brother MoFarland president of Council 44 was named as chair- man and Brother Kavaaaogh presi- dent of Council IS, an secretary. Opoa r )11 call it waa ioond that two coo nciu were net rwpraeeated and it waa decided to poet pone further ac- tion? nbiil those ooeucis cab be eosn- mandated with. The aextsaeeting will be held o t the third Snadayof Noweniber. o Council 88 had a large attendance at tbair re^uiajr meeting last Wad- neaday evening. Three oandidate* wereiaitiated Into the Oonacll A committee wan appointed to make arrangementa for the annual recep- tion, o Council ST are to have a party J n the near future. A ootnmittee wan appointed with power to act, at the meeting Tuesday evening. . Council 6t initiated one candidate at their meeting Monday evening. AH members of Ooonoll 96 are re- quoeted to attend the regular most ing Monday ewesia* as bosinees of imporUnce will be treneected. A moral wag to inereass eaaniber ship adopted by the Bochaster Oona. oil is t* oonoeatraae »y aaitad afbrt of nil depuOee and preaideeta of eonneila in oae locality foe oat month j then take apsosae otter lo- cality, aa^seon till every Ooanoil haa been increaasd h —jPae FaHssa, Where did y oo get the aee*? asanaMaaBesaaa Mr. J. Bl^ey,ofAnbo^a f «I^enkS«a* dny in tows. _ ' '^: v,/' •* y' Mr. OUey Stevens and * Mr. &, & Paeaeof this wUlage, a|^t dnjaiay at Aabnra.' ^ ^ ^"^fy^ '' Miss BeBe Sullivan, of Onto, spent Sunday In town visiting hir grand- .pia^ent^^,: ^ — J^. ... - 4* Moaoay-»ltranohss jM«. TneadarBraar*M» is, tie, Q) Grand Ohaaoellor Wittiest Meeaeb has been appointed t>c4nd Tkw- Preeident of the O. M. B. A to ill the vacancy censed by John Ffta- gerald, deeeaaed, 33. OSf* 3D. cauiitbaa roa wm waa*. Monday-Auxiliary Ne. x. "•H At a special meetiBf of the Onega. tern of Irio Anxflinry, Mo. I, A,©,!. held at their roomr it the A . OvM hall, 196 West Vara rtreet, October S&th, l$H, the foliewiag reeoltttfett* were uoaaimo^mly edoptedi Whereas, It has pleaaed earHs««», ealy Fatast toreoKrvafroa ewadast 'by tat anaparhig hand of deach 9*r eateeaeda^ter.FlofanaeFoirara, " Beeolvsd, Psat wfcfle t a> '"" sabmiasion to Sbth "" Odngaws^a^deapl, we have sas^alasd. tasa^^lseMtg* (bite with her bereaved mother, and family in this their hoar of aafetioe. aadaaopyteswai to faadlv. sad aaad: Aaanaw, ITitajfiiin ~ wwww*a*w 4 i^a^kneaaa«wsa^^^ ^H^^HM^^^^ -M dMwaaKaak.eaaaa O0PTI0 DEPUTATIOJr, aWMsmM*M jag S#Ba4sa*aa TS?^ ^^awea ^*w W "wev"flBPV ^•vWsMsaasvAi d%Jw ga\~ 'Taflaajasai^i^e^n , B o w a . Iva&m;<> oatnjBans •psweps^sav ^w^sp^W^FOjawssw '•^^ 1 w^^ - twas w* daaiissllaii ta thAsk tea Bodv Kateer ^awjs^aawanwww^i aw .^w*a^^BBea> wswW'- ^*w^w^jS ^w s w w w j " for his taiemt 1c the affaire of their Church. Tat daputatien, which M heeded by 5lgr. Mnoarto, a Ooptle Biahtp, left aiexandrta on one of the AusUlan Uoyd atoatoera for Brlndiit where they were met by Mgr- Boararo, UtnUr ArohWshop -J Aanld, who went Vbithar en pscflva tbans at tba desire of the Pope. Tbe hasoreatod aaaoatfavorabie impraat- lan In the eoclealasWcai world here, tot synapathetio attitude of ton Oopta aad the ovaruwa of Lea SIIX. aaeaslog ta give x>ram*ee of tba ash. version of the aohiamatio aorttoc of that nation. -. o " Oardtnal Raanpoltn, Secretary ot aww^era'ar war w ^ a a w eas>^pawSBa^^sassj ss^^sv ^swsi^ae,*s^^w^s^sw • latter to the Arohbtshop ot Ls^ons la which be thanka the Utter 1st having forwarded a oompte raadn ot wanwr enw^w^PTsajaans ^ssa asv^iB^Bwenae^w - s^aww^g^pw^w The Cardlcxa-aya that he made tall report to Ha BoJlnent Ba| stotee that tba Holy See lntands to' •Bow the fnUest,Lherty to Use Winef* tors of tbe religious bodiea to aft at they Judge hast with regard to tat Manet April 14 T t w the religions eupartors wflj have to aft t#ea earn isltta|iTe t* regard to fMaoat diottd*aoa?ohaaata'thy WPSB" w'^BWagjeW'^BBBF ^BWHBTBw^BWas^aa|p^Ba^B^p . ^BBSJ^O h^gapa deasd -with an nniTQiiii vans>^Ps^ asTSW^ww .^PPaw* ^s^*n^eaT>-^s^pBy SBV^BF^BSBSS^^SW _ ^sa» ^ ^ •llisa aailfstlhartr sii thi sinaTsini of aha rebetoaa, ooafraa»atosn to 4 the Bee of aaataal-''woMli •I j&t'toi' dtlstMB) at •-,•-.-'" v"-;;\ •»' '* ••..•>. A aejnher of very arhittts aisaifi have beaa nressasd la Manas- of fftai Sana sad an tan noaaaoa ot tan raatoaihsr talotni sioaa Tht" fJhMi a m fWitivll'TfrftfMfraa iT itnli tan WVW* ^WWPW/^^™^™^ W^ W^W*^"W^^* ^•^WW^T1FW^ i ^WW hajBjrj Has trf tstnlag weB^HEwPBi^g wac aa^peaai^p a^^say ^p VJSBSJ^ weaawnajsi a^snag downfall of the Temporai Power is being commemorated, the stompt, which are richly colored and watt deeigned, bear the legend! 10 SeW tembre, ISM, Vv. Leone XXII Vv. lltalia--Vv. being the ahbravlatton ot Viva. - They wttl be in > nsatora law .watts' oniy. end -aft. en tea staaht for by. lleMii and leiiiiir s&r® llDnarti taO'' faaa -'haa mm-m*^- *m ws^dettowr«lt» the work on SfJ^'^l . *fcn% ; - n^^tareeaa^sjaaay WFWr"vlw^ V^ <s*w^**ad( wM^p^Rtga^ W^ffA aflUUtad t o ' t b e CSomailttoe ia a •^a^fc aswwsajsaps^t^ ^sjsaaweaa^^^swe ThesttuatisT aaae Twin. Tk- Itodlw grass ta sitdnc taara a|HsrfrV>. wttofe ^itlrirllnaj londly Taaraat laj'itlte asvepaaaas^sato- r ^IWB»\ VarroaJi . ^naM 1 ' .'>.<•?%*' % ajBjsayBa^ppi v |fsay * showed (dm Mai •fMwKf*"'-"-- -.'"" JH* i, /a*j|ft.f'.- *W~^-*>i$~ ire ^*SHs ."""i*" "- ^ *%•»»-.*' ^jjjfttn^g^ '•Jr'w^w (aajawwt* ^ xaaMsdnw aaaaJati^ w J ^^W^W^^SWS>^S|»j ^WW^^S^SSBBBBs^BMh vj| lieryto^d^wloati £t m tat x-jgajann jaa4iaafc r ac^ mm ^% .Ws^fe'^i? ; '^s •.' .fit- ^.w^. ,^-i _ fj^^. i?r . ir •-•^fr- --: aliadlkM Msaaat-i i ^^ l v i ''l^'•-ypr^i, "TT •MTTTQ, •WvS saaal jiii^iiiliii^'Wjiiafeai^^^ :

Transcript of St.… · Donald officiating,...

Page 1: St.… · Donald officiating, and waa largely attended by friend* of the family, Iaterment*aa at Waterloo. Mr.

J*S83K ^m













O o.



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s MR*


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^ I

Vol0^11, Ha 4.. '!'" u,ii';),.i;.j.j- =xna saaws?



"*"""t"""",» ii niii i uiii

WkiU handling froii t t U»Le-nigh Valleyfi*!ght AenseFddey.Oo. tober IStb, Ik>Bi*oBraden bad bit left too* badly injured, and wilt n# doubt be confijttd to his heme for ««BEi6ti»«« . --•- - - - - - - - ,

Mr, and Mr*, frisk Dwyre will wake their home at the Kfekwood tbia wintor, - ". ,.c;~:

%iiie * nsssftetafWaterloo young ladies are employed, at the ®aae»-e Fret-erring works, -

"WrtlMJvlDgr^'ioo'irJilSitilQaB. "Wis Cjeto* * eon,and »rmed. Ttawdax

ber 17th. ••- FIwwiw- dtfewmeged mfcoofc <&'*&-o'clock Taeedny, October $gnd, in tbe barns*>£ Mr#< Jybit Bixoo* on £ North aireett a few ro4« »wib of the Lebfgh -Valley r^lrtiad bridge The flanaea w*re firBidigcoverad by Mr*.

• An«iin, %bo live* directly opposittv and gawstha alarm ic- the neighbor* hood, and Wj^iam »;*.>», #hp Uvea m the old Dixon homestead, was arooeed. Michael Bramw, wb© with * *joropsnionf were on tbew way to their work afctneStoye Worfcifiaa-tenpd to tfee--*c-*»e* and'tbenceto the Are -bo* at'the Stove- Work* and raog tfaaJtrro* Tbebo* felted to work and therefore much "velaahleiiiBe we* lost The Andes fibee company re» §pv»oded promptly, and aoon ^hed * etraam Ott tbe. fite. While they were at work * weat bemad etreet car passed, end upon i ts arrival at the Catholic Obfltrcb, conductor Snyder polled box £4 The fire •depert meet responded promptly* end the Neatos »ud flydr»nw tamed «» i||sr«»m» I» tb* order olaied* *RS# fre. bid gained tooh * beiMiw*y th»t It w*f lapoMiblle to tibink of «itiojf •oythiojf, ,Tb«b»rB, packing-ihed tad ibop wer» «ntJrtly scummed Tw(> *JOW» »Bd°thr«« horset per i l ed iatbefl»m©«, boiidw fiftweu iont of h*y, two hundred bu»beJt of oi i t *md »lxty Are bo»hels of whe»t, *1»o were oon«um«d.

!b»0goy»gpo Ha«« comptoy, «»» der tBs «uperri*!oa «F Chief Trtcey, remained ootH aocm exti»(f«wbiog th# flitoet, <^Xb« mystery <ff tb^fire i» »ot knowti, but if it aoppcNwd u bfcire ttarted froln-a locamotiw wMeb pftsnod j«»{ befyio thp fir«. The Io«* by tbe fir© it aofc kp»)l0,,bttt l i pwtly cov«r«d by iMsunnee.'

Mr#, Miob.«el KMV$, of dorafair, apeaijJfoodiy %y0eiie*%, the gft<*t of Mr«, 4cr!fmi%b DiiiOeBi»tr. • • °-, y , O'Matley, of <3«fietft; «ttd F, J. FItep«Mck/foriBeriy.Jof Gewov*, bat »o» of Otteid*, ajide * fiytog trip to Farmer oa Tbar*d»y. <i '

Tbomat E. Sweeney^ Etq.» was In Rochester oo Tueiday »n bostneaa.

One of the moat fa»bionab]eeTaDta oftbeseaaoo will be the marriage of Mit» Alice Purely, formerly organ* i l l of S t Francis debate* Chorcb to Harry H. 8omer»f of New york^io, take place in Auborn, Norembir BTtb,

Tb« deatb of Prank Ridley oc-oarred at bit lata botne. on Avtinae B, on Friday morning laat, of oonaomption. The funeral was held from St Frincia da Sales Chorcb on Monday morning, Rev. Father Mo-Donald officiating, and waa largely attended by friend* of the family, Iaterment*aa at Waterloo.

Mr. and lira. Patrick H. Maloahy are reoeiTing oongratnlationt. It b a daughter, and was bom on Satur­day evening lMt

Oharlea D Leonard, oor entewpria-b>gnorawryman,hitba first io eon* pleta hia fall abipiaonta Oharbie ia

-ahiaiyer.- -'--Ifka MaalaDaay, of SaMea Falto,

baa bean ta« goaat of Miu Clara Hiokay, on B«Metr««t

Richard Flaaaary iaaarerelylllnt tba bvaia of bia matbar oa Wad*. worth atrcnt.

Bnmor kaa it that S t Mary's Cborch at Watvrloo ia to hare sv new chime of balla. ( " c

Mleb*a4 N a i r y l ie* very ill a t the hasaw o f h i i t R i t , M m . Fraacia O'Malky, on ^ a d s w o r t h atraat.

Harry B, Soaaars, o f N a i r York, haa b a a s the g s s g i of relaUraa i n Gw-atw*; ' -~-r: .'..•:----•-;-,..,;• •

Mrs. Daniai K«!leher, of Wlliiaaa atrc«t,in the gseftt of her dang&tar infioobeater.

MiasAliceG. Pordy, of An bam, formerly organist at^ S t Francis da gale* Chorch, who ha* been thegnwn offiiendain Oaneva, baa rettiTaad

Francis da Sales Obaroh ooWadaaa-dsy BoomiDj;, Ooiobar 161a, at 10 a. «., B«v. W. A iftOoBald ifllolatiBg.

Mr, and Mr«. Jeramiah MoOarthy, of Xxehanga straet, sua waariag broad amiiea. It fia a aon, a*d wan bornOotobar 11A. o

Hav. Father Payne, fonaerly aa-•IsUnt pastor at S t Francis deSaiee Ohureb, <3ene»a, botfor the paat four yean paator a>t Stanley, has been ap­pointed byBiahop McQaaid lo lake tfbarge of Holy Croat Obnroh Obar-lett*. Fatbar Payno'e aomereua friends are glad to hear of hie pro-»Qtion,and Charlotte ia to be ooa-gratnlaUHl on Jh ie assoming charge

•foBn^p*Tiw™'-WbT«t-ii^tt#yjfc:jtiid Btanleji» loea is jCharloHe's gain The beet wishes of bii wwjy friende goei; with bin*.

Mis*0atberi»e Snlfi*a»r of New 4*raeyf hi the goe»i'of„ her c,parent»i

Attroriu ' ._ • - a

The fait for the benefit of St. FaK rlck*s0bn«cb waa very socoeeafol, bath aocialfy and fiaateclally eapc-«ia)Iyt the proceeds ameBnting to nearlyfi.lOO

The efrtertaiament given by the children, noder tbe guidanceof Iliaa-ea Helligaa, Renrke, andFordy, waa very creditable to teacberi and pa-pile alike, and were maoh appfeoi-ated by the andisnee, c

Great aorprisc' and satisfaction were expressed on all aldea at the high degree of proficiency shown by the Aoborn Orphan Aaylntn Dram Oorpa» The pltemgof aha tittle fei-lowa « caught the town,** and their general appearance waa that of welt fed and -will housed children, f he management of a charitable instiUx-tion that can wend ontao well trained a band dessrvos mocb pralsw.

The *ejtry is nearly ootnpleted, and the peppier o' S t Patrick's are to be congratulated on tba fact that sof 8ci*Btmooey# and snore, wan raised by the fair to pay for the building when ready for nan.



N. Y, Saturday. October 26. SS9& wnscp

Moaday-OoaacaSs.' ' Tasaaay *' *i, Fdday i ^ .

Ptan Yaeu A social and dance waa given by

the ladies of S t MiobaePa Church on Wednesday evening last, in tba 0 M B A . rooms.

James R. Wbaleo, of Dallas, Tex-as, who formerly resided i s Penn yan„ waa married October. 8th to Miss Uettie Wood, of Oolnmbia, Ala­bama.

The barn of James Mitchell, on Monell street, and the Hyland AOav-f»toij ulanghter \\<mm, near the Nor-thern Cefiutral bridge, was recently destroyed by fire.

Mist Jiellie Flahive waa ope of th« epeakera at the rhetorical exercises held at the Academy on Monday laat

Miss H. Blanche Kelly baa beosr appointed pianist for the ohelr in charge of tba rnasfc at tbe Penn Tan Academy.

The Empire State Wine Oompany haa porchased of Mr. Obarlea D Welle* his property at tbe foot of the lake.,Tbe company will erect a largo warehoueoon the Inke abore, anda wise cellar on the lot feeing * Lake street & ... ^

Frank Halpin spent 8nndny with friends ia town. ^

A Chief Of TII Service Examiner will be appoi&tad November 1st, to toooeed Mr, Tbonias Oarjmody, of tide village, v ho haa resigned.

Miss Alien Bowling is to take obargeof the Fair store, toon to be opened ia Bnnelee..,

Miaa Teaa Dsrmatedt, of Klndra, ws» the *?«••« of Mian Margaret Baa> pin rsoeatly.

MI'M Anna S 7. Maha^ aes taken apeeitioa as atenogprepsstt wtth fia. S.8now. £

K k a i a i M M BMdl^Uab^kte-Sav JtSF S f l i r t l — i f c L a t e

oernsy nofwana, M .wensr% m bean anrmfatati adaytiiistyatwr of taa

• i r w ^ i a w y | " ^ a i w ^ w ^WSWBPW^VSW^^^ISWWP W W^^F^ W W P , . ™ jsasw •^••B^^STJI Wa sv nsawy p^snjs|^W^y ttglAie»WBka\sk' ' g£ ftststaY ^snrsvBaWsniL nPaaafc •4asaaaa-' • W ^ j p a w ^ p e ^ a / w?a wsaanay w aaasjnaa^s^i^ ^s^spp- 9^1^% '•

•anal awoaiartw ^Ask deonaaaal lnea»-Uaatad at abMt|M,Aw». TfiOaek» have agreed opoa a drv*do» of the real and peraonsl proper^r.

Mian JnliaMeahaa has efctatmg ttfa Penn Tan CJollege for tba onrnent of tekag a oooreein bovk-ksaaping

A Central Board of the 0. B. »»d B. A. waa orgnaiaed at tberoosaiof OooocU St Uat Tnasday evaaiag Oelegate* froan the variona OoaaeQs were preeeatia reasons* to the n©-•ioe pablished i s last week Joonjuu Dis tr ic t Deputy Xeenan staaad the object of tba meeting and his re-maike wet* received wUb approba­tion. Brother MoFarland president of Council 44 was named as chair­man and Brother Kavaaaogh presi­dent of Council IS, an secretary. Opoa r )11 call it waa ioond that two coo nciu were net rwpraeeated and it waa decided to poet pone further ac­tion? nbiil those ooeucis cab be eosn-mandated with. The aextsaeeting will be held o t the third Snadayof Noweniber. o

Council 88 had a large attendance at tbair re^uiajr meeting last Wad-neaday evening. Three oandidate* wereiaitiated Into the Oonacll A committee wan appointed to make arrangementa for the annual recep­tion, o

Council ST are to have a party J n the near future. A ootnmittee wan appointed with power to act, at the meeting Tuesday evening. .

Council 6t initiated one candidate at their meeting Monday evening.

AH members of Ooonoll 96 are re-quoeted to attend the regular most ing Monday ewesia* as bosinees of imporUnce will be treneected.

A moral wag to inereass eaaniber ship adopted by the Bochaster Oona. oil is t* oonoeatraae »y aaitad afbrt of nil depuOee and preaideeta of eonneila in oae locality foe oat month j then take apsosae otter lo­cality, aa^seon till every Ooanoil haa been increaasd h —jPae FaHssa,

Where did y oo get the aee*?


Mr. J. Bl^ey,ofAnbo^af«I^enkS«a* dny in tows. _ ' ' : v,/' •* y' Mr. OUey Stevens and * Mr. &, & Paeaeof this wUlage, a | ^ t dnjaiay at Aabnra.' ^ ^ ^"^fy^ '' Miss BeBe Sullivan, of Onto, spent Sunday In town visiting hir grand-.pia^ent^^,: ^ — J ^ .

... -4*

Moaoay-»ltranohss jM«. TneadarBraar*M» is, tie,


Grand Ohaaoellor Wittiest Meeaeb has been appointed t>c4nd Tkw-Preeident of the O. M. B. A to i l l the vacancy censed by John Ffta-gerald, deeeaaed,

33 . OSf* 3D. cauiitbaa roa wm waa*.

Monday-Auxiliary Ne. x.


At a special meetiBf of the Onega. tern of Irio Anxflinry, Mo. I, A ,© , ! . held at their roomr it the A . OvM hall, 196 West Vara rtreet, October S&th, l$H, the foliewiag reeoltttfett* were uoaaimo^mly edoptedi

Whereas, It has pleaaed earHs««», ealy Fatast toreoKrvafroa ewadast 'by tat anaparhig hand of deach 9*r eateeaeda^ter.FlofanaeFoirara, "

Beeolvsd, Psat wfcfle t a> '"" sabmiasion to Sbth "" Odngaws^a^deapl, we have sas^alasd. tasa^^lseMtg*

(bite with her bereaved mother, and family in this their hoar of aafetioe.

aadaaopyteswai to faadlv. sad aaad: Aaanaw, ITitajfiiin ~ w w w w * a * w

4 i^a^kneaaa«wsa^^^ ^ H ^ ^ H M ^ ^ ^ ^ -M dMwaaKaak.eaaaa


aWMsmM*M jag S#Ba4sa*aa TS?^ ^^awea ^*w W "wev"flBPV

^•vWsMsaasvAi d%Jw ga\~ 'Taflaajasai^i^e^n

, Bowa. Iva&m;<> oatnjBans •psweps^sav ^w^sp^W^FOjawssw ' •^^ 1 w^^ - t w a s w*

daaiissllaii ta thAsk t e a Bodv Kateer ^awjs^aawanwww^i a w . w*a^^BBea> wswW'- ^*w^w^jS ^w s w w w j "

for his ta iemt 1c the affaire of their Church. Tat daputatien, which M heeded by 5lgr. Mnoarto, a Ooptle Biahtp, left aiexandrta on one of the AusUlan Uoyd atoatoera for Brlndiit where they were met by Mgr-Boararo, UtnUr ArohWshop -J Aanld, who went Vbithar en pscflva tbans at tba desire of the Pope. Tbe hasoreatod aaaoatfavorabie impraat-lan In the eoclealasWcai world here, tot synapathetio attitude of ton Oopta aad the ovaruwa of Lea SIIX. aaeaslog ta give x>ram*ee of tba ash. version of the aohiamatio aorttoc of that nation. -. o "

Oardtnal Raanpoltn, Secretary o t aww^era'ar war w^aaw eas>^pawSBa^^sassj ss^^sv ^swsi^ae,*s^^w^s^sw

• latter to the Arohbtshop ot Ls ons la which be thanka the Utter 1st having forwarded a oompte raadn ot wanwr enw^w^PTsajaans ^ssa asv^iB^Bwenae^w - s^aww^g^pw^w •

The Cardlcxa-aya that he made • tall report to Ha BoJlnent Ba | stotee that tba Holy See lntands to' •Bow the fnUest,Lherty to Use Winef* tors of tbe religious bodiea to aft at they Judge hast with regard to tat Manet April 14 T t w the religions eupartors wflj have to aft t#ea earn isltta|iTe t* regard to fMaoat diottd*aoa?ohaaata'thy W P S B " w'^BWagjeW'^BBBF ^BWHBTBw^BWas aa|p^Ba B^p . ^BBSJ^O h„ ^gapa

deasd -with an nniTQiiii

vans>^Ps^ asTSW^ww . PPaw* ^s^*n^eaT>-^s^pBy SBV^BF^BSBSS^^SW _ ^sa» ^ ^

•llisa aailfstlhartr sii th i sinaTsini of aha rebetoaa, ooafraa»atosn to4

the Bee of aaataal-''woMli • I j&t'toi' dtlstMB) a t • • - , • - . - ' " v " - ; ; \ •»' ' * ••..•>.

A aejnher of very arhittts aisaifi have beaa nressasd la Manas- of fftai Sana sad an tan noaaaoa ot tan raatoaihsr talotni sioaa Tht" fJhMi a m fWitivll'Tfr ftf Mfraa i T itnli tan W V W * ^WWPW/^^™^™^ W W^W* "W^ * ^ • ^ W W ^ T 1 F W ^ i ^ W W

hajBjrj H a s trf tstnlag weB^HEwPBi^g wac aa^peaai^p a^^say ^p VJSBSJ^ weaawnajsi a^snag

downfall of the Temporai Power is being commemorated, t h e stompt, which are richly colored and watt deeigned, bear the legend! 10 SeW tembre, ISM, Vv. Leone XXII Vv. lltalia--Vv. being the ahbravlatton ot Viva. - They wttl be in > nsa tor a law .watts' oniy. end -aft. en t e a

staaht for by. l leMii and le i i i i i r


llDnarti taO'' faaa -'haa mm-m*^-

*m w s ^ d e t t o w r « l t » the work on


. *fcn%;-n^^tareeaa^sjaaay W F W r " v l w ^ V ^ <s*w **ad( wM^p^Rtga^ W^ffA

aflUUtad t o ' t b e CSomailttoe i a a •^a^fc aswwsajsaps^t^ ^sjsaaweaa^^^swe

ThesttuatisT aaae Twin. Tk- Itodlw grass ta sitdnc taara a|HsrfrV>. wttofe ^itlrirllnaj


Taaraat laj'itlte asvepaaaas^sato- r ^IWB»\


. ^naM1' .'>.<•?%*'

• % ajBjsayBa^ppi v |fsay *

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