St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf ·...

St. Hildegard of Bingen To be declared the 35 th Doctor of the Church on Oct. 7 October 6, 2012 Dorsett Edmunds Announcements Opening Prayer O greening branch! You stand in your nobility Like the rising dawn. Rejoice now and exult And deign to free the fools we are. From our long slavery to evil And hold out your hand To raise us up. Opening Song “Christ, Be Our Light” #542 Introduction - From Hildegard of Bingen by Carmen Acevedo Butcher The complexity of Hildegard’s work is staggering – especially for a nun in the middle ages. Abbess, artist, cosmologist, composer, counselor, dietitian, dramatist, epistoler, healer, linguist, mystic, naturalist, philosopher, poet, political consultant, preacher, prophet, visionary who wrote theological, naturalistic, botanical, medicinal and dietary texts as well as letters, liturgical songs, poems, and The Play of the Virtues. Headstrong and humble, annoying and comforting, Hildegard was real. She listened to God and followed God by serving others. In the male-dominated world of the 12th century – and in any world – in any century – this is the one essential for living an abundant life of compassion. She writes: “Shame filled, earth-shod woman – untaught and unlettered - remember you’ve been illuminated by My light. It ignites in you an inner sun, burning with divine mysteries and secrets. Don’t be timid. Tell these. Although you’re hesitant to speak out, don’t be. Speak of the Fire this vision has shown you.” Reading 1 [Scivias, Bk. 3: Vision 11, p.499] [God speaks to Hildegard:] But now the Catholic faith wavers among the nations and the Gospel limps among the people; and the mighty books in which the excelling doctors had summed up knowledge with great care go unread from shameful apathy, and the food of life, which is the divine Scriptures, cools to tepidity. For this reason, I now speak through a person who is not eloquent in the Scriptures or taught by an earthly teacher; I Who Am speak through her of new

Transcript of St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf ·...

Page 1: St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf · Wisdom/Creatrix)” by Hildegard von Bingen I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding

St. Hildegard of Bingen To be declared the 35th Doctor of the Church on Oct. 7

October 6, 2012 Dorsett Edmunds

Announcements Opening Prayer  O greening branch! You stand in your nobility Like the rising dawn. Rejoice now and exult   And deign to free the fools we are. From our long slavery to evil And hold out your hand To raise us up. Opening Song “Christ, Be Our Light” #542

Introduction - From Hildegard of Bingen by Carmen Acevedo Butcher The complexity of Hildegard’s work is staggering – especially for a nun in the middle ages. Abbess, artist, cosmologist, composer, counselor, dietitian, dramatist, epistoler, healer, linguist, mystic, naturalist, philosopher, poet, political consultant, preacher, prophet, visionary who wrote theological, naturalistic, botanical, medicinal and dietary texts as well as letters, liturgical songs, poems, and The Play of the Virtues. Headstrong and humble, annoying and comforting, Hildegard was real. She listened to God and followed God by serving others. In the male-dominated world of the 12th century – and in any world – in any century – this is the one essential for living an abundant life of compassion. She writes: “Shame filled, earth-shod woman – untaught and unlettered - remember you’ve been illuminated by My light. It ignites in you an inner sun, burning with divine mysteries and secrets. Don’t be timid. Tell these. Although you’re hesitant to speak out, don’t be. Speak of the Fire this vision has shown you.”  Reading 1 [Scivias, Bk. 3: Vision 11, p.499]

[God speaks to Hildegard:] But now the Catholic faith wavers among the nations and the Gospel limps among the people; and the mighty books in which the excelling doctors had summed up knowledge with great care go unread from shameful apathy, and the food of life, which is the divine Scriptures, cools to tepidity.

For this reason, I now speak through a person who is not eloquent in the Scriptures or taught by an earthly teacher; I Who Am speak through her of new

Page 2: St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf · Wisdom/Creatrix)” by Hildegard von Bingen I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding

secrets and mystical truths, heretofore hidden in books, like one who mixes clay and then shapes it any form he wishes. Responsive Reading [adapted from a translation by Rupert Chappelle] O Holy Fire which soothes the spirit, O fire of the spirit which I have tried, life force of all creation, holiness you are in living form. You are a holy ointment for perilous injuries. You are holy in cleansing the fetid wound. O breath of holiness, O fire of loving, O sweet taste in the breast, you fill the heart with the good aroma of virtues.   O fountain of purity in whom it is considered that God made the strangers one with us and the sinners saved. O robe of life and hope for the companions, our brothers and sisters, all of the church, and the belt of honesty, save the blessed. Caring for all those who are held down by enemies, dissolving their bonds, whom the divine will save and free. O path of strength that enters all places, in the high places and in the plains and in all the depths you call and unify all. From you the clouds flow, the ether flies, stones have their qualities, water streams are given their course, and earth is made green and fresh. Praise be to you, who is the sound of praise and joy of life, hope and noble strength, giving the blessing of the light.

Reading 2 “The Holy Spirit as Caritas (Grace/World Soul & Wisdom/Creatrix)” by Hildegard von Bingen

I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding Word through which all creation came to be, and I quickened all things with my breath so that not one of them is mortal in its kind; for I am Life. Indeed I am Life, whole and undi- vided -- not hewn from any stone, or budded from branches, or rooted in virile strength; but all that lives has its root in Me. For Wisdom is the root whose blos- som is the resounding Word....

I flame above the beauty of the fields to signify the

earth -- the matter from which humanity was made. I shine in the waters to indicate the soul, for, as water suffuses the whole earth, the soul pervades the whole body. I burn in the sun and the moon to denote Wisdom, and the stars are the innumerable words of Wisdom.

Page 3: St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf · Wisdom/Creatrix)” by Hildegard von Bingen I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding

Gospel Acclamation and Reading (Mk 10:13-16) God be with you. And also with you. The gospel according to Mark. Glory to you, O God. And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them. Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Glory and praise! Silent Reflection Followed by Discussion Intercessions Let us beg mercy of our God who welcomes sinners and eats with them. For this holy gathering, and for the people of God in every place. Lord, have mercy. For mercy, peace, and justice among all peoples. Lord, have mercy. For abundant fruits of the earth, and for safety from violent storms, Lord, have mercy. For the sick and the suffering, travelers by land, by water, and by air, prisoners, captives, and their families, and all those in desperate need, Lord, have mercy. For our city and those who live in it, and for our families, companions, and all those we love, Lord, have mercy. For those who rest in Christ and for all the dead, Lord, have mercy. Lifting our voices with all creation, let us offer ourselves and one another to the living God through Christ. To you, O Lord. (Intercessions from the community), we pray: Lord, have mercy. God of the stars of heaven, hear the prayers we offer this day and gather your lost sheep into the bounty of your realm; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Gathering at the Table God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to our God. Let us give thanks to our loving God! It is right to give thanks and praise Gracious and loving God, in whom we live and move and have our being, we offer our praise for the gift of a world full of wonder and for our life which springs from you. Glory to you for ever and ever.

Page 4: St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf · Wisdom/Creatrix)” by Hildegard von Bingen I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding

We give our thanks for Jesus the carpenter, the son of Mary, the gift from Nazareth to all the world. He brought good news to the poor, the hungry and those who weep. He showed us how to see heaven through the eyes of a child. He taught us that everyone who asks receives, everyone who seeks finds, and that for all who knock, the door will be opened.

We celebrate the joyful presence of heaven, as Jesus has taught us, right here in our midst: the hidden treasure found in a field, the tiny mustard seed and the small piece of leaven, the prodigal returned, and the lost sheep carried home by the shepherd. Glory to God for ever and ever. Heal our world and what we have become. This we pray in the name of Jesus, who drove out demons and healed the sick, who welcomed outcasts and sinners at table, and taught us to pray for the bread we need for the day: Eternal One, Father and Mother of us all, Holy is your name. Let justice and mercy fill all Creation and let us recognize that every thought and thing belongs to you. Feed us with the bread we need for today. Forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Stand with us in trial and temptation. Free us from the grip of all that is evil. For you alone are creating our universe, now and forever. Amen. Breaking and Sharing of the Bread “Hildegard- Spiritui sancto” Anonymous 4 Silent Reflection Closing Prayer No creature has meaning without the Word of God.    God's Word is in all creation, visible and invisible. The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. This Word flashes out in every creature. This is how the spirit is in the flesh—the Word is indivisible from God. Blessing May God bless us and keep us. May God’s face shine upon us. May God be gracious to us and grant to us, and to all our broken world, peace. May the blessing of Almighty God—the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit—come upon us and remain with us forever. Amen.

Page 5: St. Hildegard of ord B 2012-Hildegard.pdf · Wisdom/Creatrix)” by Hildegard von Bingen I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding

Closing Song “Come, Be In My Heart” by Sara Thomsen

Wisdom, Compassion, Love, Understanding (repeat 3x) Come be in my heart (come dancing) Come be in my hands (come singing) Come be in my feet (come running) Come be in my working and playing

the words I am saying my laughing, my crying

my living, my dying

Come, be in my heart, Holy One, come (wisdom...)

Happy Birthday, Ida Mae! Happy Birthday, Catherine!