St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church · wondering how Jesus made it through this week. It ......

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Aloha, OR. Domingo de Ramos

Transcript of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church · wondering how Jesus made it through this week. It ......


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church

Aloha, OR.

Domingo de Ramos


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Reverend Jeff Meeuwsen, Pastor [email protected]

Your Parish Staff: Pastoral Asst. For Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano : Deacon Jesus Espinoza 503-330-0576 [email protected] Pastoral Associate/Asociado Pastoral: Sandi Campos 503-649-9044 [email protected] Bookkeeper/Office Administrator: Carmen Orozco 503-649-9044 [email protected] Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial: Lorena Serrano [email protected]

For Sacramental Emergencies call (971)998-5841

3145 SW 192nd Avenue

Aloha, Oregon 97003

Parish Office 503.649.9044

Fax: 503.848.2915

Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas: Saturday/Sábado

Spanish/Español 5:30pm

Sunday/Domingo English/Ingles 8:00am & 11:00am

Spanish/Español 1:00pm

Daily Mass/Misa entre semana

Monday-Friday 8:00am

Holy Days/ Dias Santos Usually 8:00am & 7:00pm

(Watch Bulletin for updates)

Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo

Friday/Viernes 9:00am-9:00pm


Saturdays/Sábados 4:00pm-5:00pm

Jóvenes Para Cristo

Martes 7:00pm

Grupo de Oración Carismática

Jueves 7:00pm

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 25, 2018

Domingo de Ramos La Pasion de Nuestro Señor

Office Hours Monday & Friday 9:00am-2:00pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm.

Horario de Oficina Lunes y Viernes 9:00am-2:00pm

Martes, Miércoles y Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm.

Parish Mission Statement “As a diverse and welcoming Catholic community, we are dedicated to continue the mission of Jesus

Christ through sincere worship, service and education.”

“Como una comunidad diversa estamos dedicados a continuar la misión de Jesucristo por medio del

culto sincero, servicio y educación.”

Pastoral Council Chair

Richard Brixey (503) 646-9818 [email protected]

Finance Committee Chair

Jim Rossetti (971)777-1208 [email protected]

Liturgy Committee Chair

Chris Elford (503) 610-8224 [email protected]



Registration forms are in the back of Church or available from the office.

Notas de la Semana Weekly Notes

DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon. Mar. 26 Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3,13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tue. Mar. 27 Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-4a,5-6ab,15,17; Jn 13:21-33,36-38 Wed. Mar. 28 Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10,21bcd-22,31,33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Thu. Mar. 29 Is 61:1-3a6a,8b-9; Ps 89:21-22,25,27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Fri. Mar. 30 Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31:2,6,12-13,15-17,25; Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Sat. Mar. 31 Gn 1:1—2:2; Ps 104;1-25-6,10,12-14,24,35, Ex 14:15—1;Ez 36:16-17a18-28 Rom 6:3-11; Mk 16:1-7 Sun. Apr. 01 Acts 10:34a,37-43; Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Each year as we begin Holy Week, I spend some time

wondering how Jesus made it through this week. It

was an emotional roller coaster. On Palm Sunday He

is hailed as a king and on Good Friday He is crucified

as a thief. He pours out everything until nothing is left.

As I journey through this week, I feel this same roller

coaster physically, emotionally and spiritually. To be

honest, by the evening of Easter Sunday, I do not have

much left in the tank. I too try to pour out every drop

of energy. After an Easter meal with my family, I

always fall asleep. How did Jesus do it?

Meister Eckhart is a Dominican priest of who died

around 1328. He said, “Wisdom (holiness) consists in

doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your

whole heart, and finding delight in doing it.” We have

been striving this Lent to grow closer to God by

growing in holiness by acts of prayer, fasting and

almsgiving. This may be the week that God grants us a

special grace. Let yourself be poured out by giving

everything to the Lord who gives everything to us.

God invites us to dive into each day of the greatest

love story when he pours out his life-blood from the

Cross. Put yourself into the Passion of Jesus this Holy

Week. You may find that the gift you get comes from

giving all.

Fr. Jeff

Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Señor

Cada año, cuando comenzamos la Semana Santa, paso

un tiempo preguntándome cómo pasó Jesús esta sema-

na. Fue una montaña rusa emocional. El Domingo de

Ramos es aclamado como rey y el Viernes Santo es

crucificado como ladrón. Él derrama todo hasta que no

quede nada. Mientras viajo esta semana, siento esta

misma montaña rusa física, emocional y espir-

itualmente. Para ser honesto, en la tarde del Domingo

de Pascua, no me queda mucho en el tanque. Yo

también trato de derramar cada gota de energía.

Después de una comida de Pascua con mi familia,

siempre me quedo dormido. ¿Cómo lo hizo Jesús?

Meister Eckhart es un sacerdote dominico que murió

alrededor de 1328. Dijo: "La sabiduría (santidad)

consiste en hacer lo siguiente que tienes que hacer,

hacerlo con todo tu corazón y encontrar deleite en

hacerlo". Hemos estado esforzándonos en esta Cuar-

esma para crecer más cerca de Dios al crecer en san-

tidad mediante actos de oración, ayuno y limosna. Es-

ta puede ser la semana en que Dios nos conceda una

gracia especial. Déjate derramar dando todo al Señor

que nos da todo. Dios nos invita a sumergirnos en ca-

da día de la mayor historia de amor cuando derrama su

sangre de la Cruz. Ponte en la Pasión de Jesús esta

Semana Santa. Puede encontrar que el obsequio que

recibe proviene de darlo todo.

Padre Jeff


April 16 is the Feast Day of St. Benedict Joseph Labré, patron of the homeless

Donate Catholic Charities Housing Transitions Program opened in 2006 with the primary goal of finding and securing permanent housing for clients and then providing the support services they need to remain housed. In partnership with other programs in the area, its services include street outreach, drop-in services, housing placement, resident services, housing retention, and help finding employment. Consider a gift to Housing Transitions»

For the Bulletin “Home is hope. Without a home, where is there hope?” (Archbishop Alexander Sample)

Prayer: A longing for Home

Shelter us, O Lord, and give us the compassion and knowledge to help others in their search for shelter.

Protect us, O Lord, from darkness, and give us the wisdom and skills to protect others who live in unsafe and un-healthy housing and longing for the light.

Bless us, O Lord, with homes that make comfort and joy realities for our families, and give us the grace to ensure this for all families.

A representative from Mater Dei Ra-

dio will be speaking at all St. Elizabeth

Ann Seton Church Masses April 7 & 8

to share exciting details about our lo-

cal Catholic radio station KBVM 88.3


Mater Dei Radio

LifeSaver Retreats

LifeSaver Retreats are one-day retreats for Catholic

eighth grade students. They are sponsored by North-

west Family Services and supported by the Archdio-

cese of Portland. These retreats focus on the sacred-

ness of human life, teen chastity, and other issues the

students will face in the years to come. The cost to

each student is $7.00.

The next retreats are scheduled for Friday, April 6th at

Northwest Family Services and Friday, May 4th at St.

Rose of Lima Parish from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For

more information, please contact the LifeSaver Retreat

Youth Educator, Allie Labrousse, at Northwest Family

Services. Phone: 503-546-6377.

Email:[email protected].



Promotores de Salud de la Iglesia have worked with

Pacific University (P.U.) to sponsor dental clinics at

SEAS for several years. This month the first day of

spring was marked by both the clinic and Pacific’s first

time here with their brand new Dental Van. We had so

many people signed up that another clinic is scheduled

in April to meet the demand. The cost for an exam and

cleaning is $20.00 If you need to have any work done

you will be referred to the P.U. Dental School for treat-


If you would like to have your teeth cleaned and ex-

amined please contact Alba Sullivan at 503 858 0995.


Los Promotores de Salud de la Iglesia han trabajado con Pacific University

(P.U.) para patrocinar clínicas dentales en SEAS durante varios años. Este

mes, el primer día de la primavera estuvo marcado tanto por la clínica

como por la primera vez que Pacific estuvo aquí con su nueva Van Dental.

Tuvimos tantas personas inscritas que se programó otra clínica en abril

para satisfacer la demanda. El costo de un examen y limpieza es de $ 20.00

Si necesita hacer algún trabajo, será referido a la Escuela Dental de P.U.

para tratamiento.

Si desea que le limpien y examinen sus dientes, comuníquese con Alba

Sullivan al 503 858 0995



Sacramento del BautismoLas fechas siguientes están programadas para celebración de el Sacramento del Bautismo en sábados. Es necesario tener todos los documentos requeridos 30 días antes de que se le pueda dar fecha por concreto.

Abril 7,14,21,28 10:00am Mayo 5,12,19,26 10:00am Junio 2,9,16,23,30 10:00am

*Tengan en cuenta que también pueden ser

celebrados el día domingo durante la misa de la 1:00pm:

Las platicas para Bautismo son las siguientes


Mayo 6 2:30pm Junio 3 2:30pm Julio 1 2:30pm

*Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.

MASS INTENTIONS/Intenciones de la Misa

Mon Mar. 26 8:00am All Souls Tue Mar. 27 8:00am All Souls Wed Mar. 28 8:00am +Nilo Azalas

Thu Mar. 29 7:00pm +Calixto Contreras Fri Mar. 30 7:00pm All Souls Sat Mar. 31 8:30pm All Souls Sun Apr. 01 8:00am Letitia Bedart 11:00am Holy Father Francis 1:00pm +Calixto Contreras

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill: Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a los enfermos:

Deena Creamer, Vincent & Mario, Kathleen Casey, Tim Niver, Marie Tran, Lau-

rie Barlean, Angela, Crisman, Jacob Benedict, Francis Tu Ngo, Qui Nguyen, Jerry, Sha-

ron Clifton, Dave Mitchell, Ben Petrick, Mary Gillilan, Bernadette Taylor, Al Denfeld,

Monica & Jean, Sher Bauman, Noe Orozco, Romesh Jinadasa, John McDonald, Kim

Fitzgerald, Louise Stangel, Mary Graves, James Waylen, Jose Pinto, Fred Lau IV, Sandra

McPeak, David Dooley, Jaime Maguire, Layne Chesney, Brady, Richard & Catherine,

Kendal Wheeler, , Molly Bitter, Taylor E., Jennie Blake, Mary Jo Hopkins, Diane Matson,

Yvonne Morgan, John Zuercher, Miguel Reyes, Teresa Nguyen, Daniel Callaghan, Caleb

Bailie, Fortunato Sanchez, Fabiola Contreras, Anna Nguyen, Thanh Ha, Isis and Family,

Kurt Kaul, John Landstrom, Anne Cummings, Vinny Castro, Miranda Castro, Romero

Estrella, Daniel Estrella, Tayanna Estrella, Odie Enfield, Clark Smith, Susan Cook, Gaby

Contreras, Ivan Loock, Olivia Melgar, Joel Rivera, Margie Herron, Mariano Vargas

Martinez, Andrea Christina Martinez, Cleo Archuletta, Zhane Knight, Amelia Contreras

Jackson, Eleonor Kaul, Devinder Khalsa Bonsquet, Lynn & Whitney Symington Jenny

Jonson, Lee Roy Nickles

Please let us know when a person’s circumstance has changed and they need to be removed from the prayer list.

Por favor dejenos saver cuando las circunstancias cambian y necesitan ser

removidos de la lista de oraciones.

MILITARY PRAYER LIST Please remember in your prayers, those who are serving our country, and their

families. Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones, a los que sirven a nuestro pais, y a sus familias.

Eddie Hammond Marines Iraq

April Hammond Navy United States

Randon Berg Army Iraq

Matt Tardio Army United States

Robert DeLeon Army Iraq

David Green Army Afghanistan

Xavier Martian Coast Guard United States

Leonardo Gonzalez III Marines USA

Danielle Clevidence Navy USA

Michael Purcell Navy USA

Mario Ortiz USAF Belgium

Ryan Brace USAF USA

Paulo David Army Afghanistan

Kyle Bedard Army USA

Boris Raykhel USAF South Korea

Taylor Matteson Army USA

Chris Singleton Army USA

Thomas Baker Marines Japan

Jose Roberto Contreras Jr. Marines USA

Nicolas Vaughn Army USA

Camillo Loyuk Army USA

If you have a family member or loved one to add to our military prayer list, please call the office.

Si tiene a un miembro de su familia para agregar en la lista de oraciones militar, por favor llame a la oficina.

Bautizos en Español

“Giving Our First Fruits to God” “Dando Nuestros Primeros Frutos a Dios”

Total Contribution for the Week of 3/18/2018


Last year, same week Año Pasado, misma semana


Property Development—Capital Campaign Fund account balance as of 3/18/2018 Balance de cuenta del Fondo de Desarrollo al día de 3/18/2018


Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por su generosidad!

Baptisms and Classes

English Baptisms are every

Sunday during the 8:00 and

11:00am Masses. Classes are by

appointment only. Please call the

church office for more information
