St. BULW Warren & Tally H. DUDLEY COLEMAN....W. G. Kent el .....Editor. ISSUED EVERY SATU-RDAY Miss...

St. l:uuj ~armtr Mrs. S. V. KIinzel.... Proprietress. W. G. Kent el ........... Editor. ISSUED EVERY SATU-RDAY Miss Mary Kane vs. Miss Phillo- mene Guesnon. State of Louisiana. Parish of St. Tan- many-Eighteenth Judicial District Court. By N trtue of a` writ of seizure and sale from the honorable aforesaid court, and to me directed, bearing date May 12, 1886, and numbered 1523- I will proceetd to seHl at public auction, at the door of thit courthouse in the town of Corintou. , ari'h of St. Tam- many, Le., on SA t'ULtDAY, the 3d day of July, 1886, between legal sale hours, the following described prop- erty, to-wit: Two certain lots of groun,a beig and lying in the town of Mandeville, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. in the square bounded by or comprised within Lake, Gerard. Claiborne and Latitte streets, And designated by letters "A" and *," in plan made by Pilie & Murray, architects, on the 9th day of April, 1870, and deposited for reference as plan No. 80 therein, in the ofece of Alexander Emile Bienvenue, late notary public in New Orleans, lot "A" forming the corner of Lake and Lafitte streets, measuring 180 feet front on Lake street and 245 feet 1 inch and 3 lines in depth between parallel lines and front on La- ftte street; lot "B," adjoining, measures 64 feet front on Lake street, by 245 feet 1 inch and 3 lines in depth, between parallel lines, the whole American meas- ure, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, all the rights and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the fur- niture and movables thereon, as follows, to-wit: Seven Bedsteads. 4 Mattresses, 4 Bed Springs, 3 Bed Tiestas, 1 lot Pillows and Bolsters, 6 Armoirs, 4 Washstands, Bowls and Pitchers, 2 Bureaus an- Looking Glasses, 27 Chairs. 2 Fire Sereens and spittoons, 2 Dining Tables, 1 Side Board, 1 large picture of St. Pat- rick, 1 Round Table, 1 Safe, 1 Fly Fan, 4 common Tables, 2 Washboards, I wash Kettle, 1 lot Crockery and Tinware, 1 lasket. 1 Rocking Horse, 1 lot Bottles, 5 wooden benches. Seized in the above entitled suit. Terms of sale, cash. W. B. Coos, Sheriff. THIRTEEN WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mail- ed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months, on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas- ters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Adjress all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Fa~ rr SiquAn, N. Y. SAM JONES' SERMONS In the Principal Cities, with History of His Life; and Sermons by Sam 8mall, his Co-Laborer. Only Illustrated Edition- Most remarkable and intensely interest- ing and amusing engravings ever seen in a book. 0nly Fall and Authentic Edition- Te first complete reports ever print- ed. Greatest book sensation of the day. Tremendous demand. No book ever before like it. AGENTS WANT- E D. Popular low-down prices. Write for terms:or, to secure agency quick, send 75 ota. in stamaps for fall outfit. 8TANDARD BOOK CO., 205 Pine at., St. Louis., Mo. Mulberry Grove HOTEL. lear Covington, St. Tammany Pariah, la. ,HARI&s TIlIRRY, PROFRIETOR. This popular summer resort in the ney woods has, for the accommoda- .n of families, sin4le au I double cot- ges. Mineral springs equal to those : the Abite. Splendid shale, fine ithing, firt-class table and plenty of .ilk. Terms-Per Day. $1 50; per Week, 0; per Month, $35. CRYSTAL SPRING •'rivate Boarding House. :OVINGTON, ST. TAMMANY PARISH, LA. ept by MRS. V. GONTHIER. Terms: Per Day. S 50: Per rhe climate of the parish is highly ned and recommended by physicians. e house has recently been completely ovated. 'or further particulars, apply on the rnises, of at the omee of the New Or- ,s Bee, 73'Chartree street 'aluable Property for Sale. The following described property is , red for saue: N WASHINGTON PARISH. 60 aeres of land, known as the old ioun tract, on the Puaspatap river, - the Military road. 320 acres of land, with the improve- I its thereon, known as the Peter Wil- t tract, on the Pearl River road. 400 (less 5) acres of land, known as iHolten tract, well timbered, adjoin- Passma.'s MilL -100 acres of land, more or less, ad- ing Eldridge Mageo's place, on the 1 N ST. TAM3IANY PARISH. -80 acres of land and the improve- nts thereon, known as Sun Poatofece, the Pearl Itiver road. 160 acres of laud on the Tehofateta L -r, known as the Snyder tract: 30 acres of land on the Tehefuneta r. known as the Sam Brown tract. -One house and lot in Mandeville. -Abnut five squares of ground in the ka of Bayou Castaing. -One square of ground in Mande- e. 4-Five lots of ground, and the in- b venients thereon, known as the Con- y Spring house, in Covington. ii -One lot of ground and the improve- p uts thereon, known es the Abram r .an house, in Covington. w -Four lots of ground opposite the A sman onee. in Covington. aS -One store building and warehouase, a Columbia street, in Covrington, a own as the old Horasby plae. -4)ne Piano and Organ. ar S-Two horses and one buggy. tr For thfrtherinPfrmation, apply to or dl 2Jdrme J. E l. S ITE, -t tIusaqLus, j. D H. 3. WAR•SN. M. H. TALLY. Warren & Tally (Successors to H. R. Warren,) Covington...... ..... . La -DEAI.ERB INl- Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard- ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, And everything usually kept in a frst- claus store. Highest prices paid for country pro.- duce. Hardy H. Smith. Successor to J. E. Smith & Son COVINGTON, LA. Drzaan iI General Merchandise, Consisting of all the great staple articles, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. BARD WARE AfD CRUCKERIY, and indeed every article in demand as suited to this market. I6The Highest Price paid for Country Produce. J. Cahier. L. Wehrli, Jr. J. CAHIER & CO.. DEarEs8 In Dry Goods. Groceries. Hat dwar- Boots. Shoes, Hats Caps , Etc. COVINGTON, LA. Have also on hand a full line of Ready-Made Clothina. Highest price paid for cotton, hides. wool, and all kinds of country produce. CHARLES HEINTZ. (Agenl.) Merchant. Receives continual supplies of well selected Dry Goods andl choice Family Groceries, which will be sold at low fig- ures. p!Country produce taken in ex- change for goods, at merket price. I~ n connection with the general mercantile business of this house, the proprietor has established a neat BAR O110' M, where he will keep the duest of Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer, Cigars, etc. constantly on hand, and at prices to suit the tosues. Ceovimgto.m, La. H. J. SMITH'S &FrT41, GROCERY STORE- DRY GOODS, HATS. SHOES. CROCKERY tad a General Assortn.ont for City anu. Country use, at the lowest cash prices. Covington. La. Highest prices paid for Wool Hides. 19.isfur..n. 5,,n &-. JULES PECHON. DEALER IN trecerles. Dry Uo(eds, flanes Ie Boots, SBoe, etc., e COVINGTON, LA, of The highest market price paid for country produce. DR. E. R. RANDOLPH LArT or Naw OaL.axs, Tenders his professional services to the people ef 1t. Tammany pariala and surrounding country. Dr. J. Thos. McKissack Tenders his professionel services to the people of 8t. Tammany parish, ha-. ing located at Mandeville, L.a. JOHN WADSWORTH, ATroana AND CouSearoa-AT-Law Frankllotem, l,. Will practice in the Eighteenth Judi- cial District, Will be found at the Clerk's omoe. in Covington, La., from the 20th to the last of each calendar month JOSEPH A. REID. Arroaxzir Ano ComNSZLrw-ATa-Law COVINGTON, LA. OMNIBUS LINE. BY W. II. DAVENPORT. COVINGTON, LA. Connects with all steamers crosising the lake. U ill take passengers to any part of this or adjoining pariales. Teras mod- erate. VICTOR PLANCHE, U. S. Mail Stage Line- COVINGTON. LA. W IN' mote money tian at any- thing else by taking an agency for the best selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly. None fail. Termsfree. Hanu.rz Boox Co.. Portland. Maine.- iH_ for working people. pRed 10 lhoents postage and we will " mail yo free a royal. valeas ble sample box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money. in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only. or all the time. All of bath sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 *ente to $5 easily earneod every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un- perallled offer: To all who are not well ( eatsled we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writlagus. Full partibulaura dire'tions, ete., seat free. Immense pay absoletely sue for all who start at or~r. Den't delay. Address ( ruso A Co.. PArDtlead. M 'OI 8WW BULW . H. DUDLEY COLEMAN. *CO D - : _ " : bC o *M* ,o *:+ The above eut represents " Clle•nan s POVY Saw Mll,' without carriage, head-blocks or saw. These Mills are built en- tirely by us, at our Foundry, Factory and Machine Works, here in New Orleans, anl are designed to supply the wants of planters in need of a mill for sawing fencing and building timber, simple in construction, strong and durable, and not re- quiring the services of a skilled sawyer to superintend the management of it. This Mill will carry any size saw. from 36 to 52 inches, and do excellent work, and will cut from 1500 to 5000 feet of lumber in 10 hours, with a 10 Horse Power Engine. Plantera and Ginners have frequent opportunities to use a Mill successfully, and parties possessing steam power can ill afford to do without a Mill of this kind. We carry a large stock of these Mills constantiy on hand. ready for immediate shipment. If customers prefer extra length of carrrame, we will lurnish same with track iron at the rate of $5 50 a foot, and any particular make of Head Blocks at proportionate prices. Our price, $250, includes the Mill with all fixtures complete. except Saw and Driving, delivered on boit or cars here in New Orleans. Weight of .lill, with Carriage and Head Blo-k', 2500 pounns. Address. H. DUDLEY COI.EIAN, a• Sud for Circultdars. -a NEW ORLEANS. LA. CANE KILLS. THE COLEMAN CORN KILL, STEA M ENGINES!. Portable, Stationary and Detaclhed I.nalnes and Ioiler, all sizes, of ten different manufacturers, besides Engines of our ovn make. The Largest Stock in the South! "Maid of the South." ,r-Write for illustrated circulars. ADWrite for special circulars of the goods you are in need of. We can furnish anything in the way of Plantation Ma- chinery at abshort notice. Foundry and repair work promptly and carefully executed. Send your orders to us for Belting, Paumps. Boiler Settings. Wood-working Machinery. Shafting, Pulleys, Emery Wheels. Circular Saws, Files, oils, Steam l'acking, Saw Gitmmers. Etc. We carry Blue Cullen Rock in stock here. and can furnish these, with complete set of Mill Irons, to parties who prefer t.. make their own wood-work. Write for prices. TRY iU. H. Dudley Colem: n, 9 Perdido St., New Orleans La. m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BJ nm ,a mm a |masa Ier blandeville, .la.tiseinuwil-e and Old Lauding. SUMruR ARRANUEMENT, U•MIIMNCIlN( May 11, 1886. Handsome & Commodioe NEW CAMELIA. WK. HANOVER ........... CAPTAIt E. LAxonor ............. CL.ER. LAvisn Mlnr.xtaEno )n arrival of tihe cars from thie Pontchartrain dep it, head of Elysian Fields street: Trains. lfondays ant Thursdays for Man- deville, L.ewisburg, Madisson- villeand Old Landing ....... 1P. . Tuesday, Frid .y and Satmrday. for Mandeville, Lewisburg and Madisonville. extending Satnr. day's trip to Old landling.... 4 P. M. RICURS IO:.. We lnesday. for lIandeville and Old Landing................ 8 a. -. Sunday, for landeville and Old Landing..................7 . 7 . Wednesday. for Mandeville and Maulisonville........ .... :.. 6P. . Sunday, for Madisonville direct. 6 P. -. RETIURNING : Leaves Madisonville Monnlay, Wednesdlay, Thursday and Sat- urday........ ... ...... 5 . M. Leaves Old Landing, Tuesday and Friday.................... A. a. Leaves Old Landing, Wednesday and Sunday excursions...... 3 P. M "Water and weather permitting." RATES OF FARL To Mandeville.................. $1 I To Madisonvilie................... 1 To Old Landing .......... ... 50 Excursion days, over an back... 1 GO Children Half Price. Cotton. from Old Lanling to New Orleans. 25 cents per bIle. Freight received daily at the Louis- ville and Nashville freight depot, head of Girod street. For further information. apply to R. BADON, Covington , La. Or to W. G. COYLE, No. 47 Crondelet street. New Orleans. Across the Lake. STuE Laos -DRAFr ScuooNxa F. M. PIPPO, Leaves Covington every Tuesday and arrives at New Orleans on Wednesday. Leaves New Orleans every Saturday, at 10 A. i., and arrives at Covington on Sunday. RATES OF FREIGleT. Cotton, per bale ............. 30 cents. Dry barrels............... 15 cents. Sacks.... .............. 10 cts. Other rates in proportien. Frr Mandeville. Aladisenville and Cevinssun. The Schooner TWO SONS. -. T. U. WEAVER... ..... MASTER. Will leave head of New Basin, New Orleans, every THURSDAY, at 2 e. a. Return;ng, will leave Covington every MONDAY. at 4 . a. RATE. OF IPREIGHT: Cotton, noer bale........... 3 cents. Dry barrels.................. 15 cents. -acks........................ 10 cents. Other ratts in proportivn. 'RS. E. DOMERGUE Covington...... La. In Ira. Vogel's Building. -DA-Im 1s- rimoz us, cassa eoons, nU INT, nUTSt vUPU3, ,, Breadl Catee, bmd, Ete. EAta U•YID AT ALL URS, , A? EOWZA•A 1P*1C. SMEN ONLI A AQUIC, PFRMAN'IT CERTAMl CORE FOR A, wo lay- Cue.uvually with)i a month. No Decti..•: ,.erQuau r... mhtIve Pr ,. '., full deouri.tion a.! ".-IE MEDIOAL CO.,F.o. aWmr t17. bffoan.N• HEADQUARTERS -FOR-- AnIeI*icaein Wa.tciies. WALTHAM WATCH CO. We lave ,sold thousands of these Watches, uid so certain are we of their reliability that we agree to talke them ba k and refund the mooney if they do not gire satisfac- tion. We have lately reduced them to mti followimng tigures: 1. ,,I . .'iLVERt K• L-WiXDIso WATCI"e '*Bro.ul way.' 7 jewels ........ $10 .1 4 ) l "Wim. Elltry," 11 jewels......... 12 ..0 SOLID SILVEKt SmTEI- INDEllS. '."Sterling." 7 jewels .......... 12 50 * Wmi. Ellery," II jewels......... 15 n) "P. S. Brtl ett," 15 jewels.. .... 21 50 1O-KALtT SOLID Go~.n STEM-WINDI as SSterline." 7 jewels ............ 30) t "Wu,. Ellery," II jewels ......... 33 (0 "I'. . Itartlett," 15 jewels ...... 37 I1) 14-KUATr Sor.OI (iOLD STEM-W•sINDI "'Sterlh'i." 7 jewels............. 45 1st "Win. Ellery," 1I jewels.......... 50 0n "P. S. Ietrtlett." 15 jewels........ 56 00 S"Appleton Tracy." ajliustcl and Patent Regulatr .......... G67 00 18-K AT SOLID ( I.DS 1rM-WrI•seD n -'Sterling." 7 jewels ............. 50 I0) "Win. Ellery," 11 jewels........ ,: 00 "P. B. Bartlett," I5 jewels........ 6.5 40I "Appli'on Tracy," adljnstel ..... 75 00 A. B. Griswold & Co 119..... CANAL STREET.......119 New Orleans. La. A. PECHON, 011) BAKERY, Covington, La. This "old reliable" Bakery has been I in successful operation for a number ot years. The proprietor has secured the I services of a first-class professional BAKER, and is ready to furnish Bread, Cakes, etc., equally as good as can be Lea anywhere, and at prices that defy compmetition. None but the purest Spring Water used in the bakery. Bread from this Bakery can be found fresh every morning at the stores of Mrs. Laborde and Jules Peelhon. Bread Delivered Daily to all Part Town and Surroundtin Country. B. ABADIE, NEW BAKERY, COVINGTON. LA. PRESH BREAD EVERY DAY Bread and Cakes can be had at the stand near the meat market, or at the Bakery. Will deliver fresh Bread every morn. ing at your residence, if desired. Choice and Fancy Cakes a 8pecialty. Orders for Cakes for picnics, parties and suppers particnlarly solicited. All mach orders should be sent in one day in advance, and will be executed in a manner that will guarantee 4tisfsotion. ESTRAYED. Came to my plaegwo head of eattle, one brown Cow, with a bald face, and Heifer, boathnarked erop and ofrop in eeh earand branded J. C. hey have bean in mypeasture all win- tes. The owner as ren er the same by 4 esillifgrte, nd gina for this d dlnretrasit iII COOPEI I FARM FOR SALE. Hickory Grove Place. Situated seven stiles florw Covington. containing 36.3 acres; 23 acres nnder cultiv.tion; two acres in Gripe vines: one acre in Garden. Fruit trees and cnrppernong vines in abun-lance. Goo. housle. kiehthen, stables, etc. Householdl and kitchen furniture, and farming im- plements, all complete. One horseand blggy, one wagonl, anll ten head of cat- tie. For further infolammntion. apply to LOUIS E M ATHIEU. He ickory Grove Place. Covingten, La, f Farm for Sale. Situated on the Abita river. one mile above the celebrateid Abita tlSprings, and live ailes from Coviugton. Containiing 84 acres. miost of whichl has ler-n under enltivation. Twenty-five bearing pecan trees on the Ptace. IUwellint., stables, and all necessqary onthonues. For terms epply to SEYMOUIR FLOT. on the ) premises. Farm for Sale. t Situated on the Tehefnncta river, four miles fromn Covington. anl rsx imles from Maldinonville. containing eighty acres, well timmbered. Ten acres under cultivation. Good lDwelling. Kitchen and Stanlles. For further particulars, apply at this ofice, or to CHAS. W BRADLEY. Land for Sale. 1908 Acres of Land, Situated on both lli les of the Abita river, known as the Vignie land, about 1u to 3 miles from ('ovinlgton, nu.l touch- ing the famous AliT'rA aiPRiNGS. nuitable for Brickyard and gitck- raising. Cotains two fine mineral springs. For further particulars apply to JULES I. MAILI.E. Agent. Coving. ton, Ia. W ANTTED-IN COVINGTOI ian energetic business wo- nan to solicit and take or- .lers f.r The NADAME' GRISWOLD Patent Skirt Su.porting Conlets. These coiuets have been extensive. S ly I.lvertised and sld by lady canvassers for the past ten d ears, which, with their superiority. ta•t create• a •arge de- mand for ttiem throughoult the t.nite.l States, and any Iasly who gives her tiume and energy to canvassing fr them cnn soon build up a permanent and profit- able bisiness. They a c sold by uer- chants. antI we give exclusiveterritory thereby giving the ag.nt entire control1 of these superior cornets is. the terri- tory assigne4 her. We have a large num- her of agents who are snaking a grand suecess selling these goods, and we .le- sire such in every town. Asll!rese ]Ng. GRISWOLD & CO., 923 B'way. New York. $200,000 in prrw.r g;i,,, acwa. Selnd us 5 cents postage and by mail you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will sLrt you in work that will at once bring you in mon- ey faster than anything else in America. All about the $00U,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex of all ages for all the tine, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absoltely assunred. Don't delay. a. Hazarrk Co.. Portland. Maine. A• ItrdA lm u ma . asm. S.aM. -r t ula in ouset 5tU . Adbst ; Sr. WAWr & CO., Lsibu , U. 1 THE ST. TAMMANY IS SUPPLIED WITH Printing Material OF ALL KINDS. I AND A FINE NEW t I -t t ti The above is a iictuhro ofour 1Press L We make a specialty of "I BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, to NOTE HEADS N of BUSI NESS CARDS, u VISITING CARDS, 'IJIE TICKETS, LEGAL BLANKS, HAND BILLS, INVITATIONS, ETc., Erc, E ,rc, ET. We guarantee Goo, Work, at LE888 THAN CITY PRICES. A PRIZE. sena six cents fIr postage and receive free a costly box of goods whiob will help you to more amon.-, ey right away than saythiLi tlae in this s world. All, of either eC. sneeee, ftroI Ist boar. The breadI ,a to fortune npe.s before the wrkersl absoletel~y j se At mre at.lre, Tta:'& C'o., Aiegus, aaMinM. ST. TAEMR kLY PARISH. ITS LOCATION - HEALTI-- I'llODUCTr'.i--MA NU.t C- TUIRING AND AGRtI- CULTURAL AD- VANTAGES, ETC. St. Tamma•ny parish is locate-l twenty-two miles north of New Or- leans. Covington, the county site, is ten miles farther north, in the interior, and is delightfully lcated on the Bogne Falia. IMMIGRANTS. with a ssoall amonnt of capital andt a fuir supply of indnutry .and ierse;- verance. cannot possibly deo bettor than locate in our parish. The cli- male is as line as any in the world. The winters are geneanlly mild, and snow rarely falls. Spring olmns early in February, with blossom on the peach and quince trees, andi vegetation comes rapidly forward. The heat of summer is moderate, and the unfailing breezes of the evening refresh man and beast after the labors of the day. THE SOI is very producetive, and sdnmiral,ly adapted for raising sugar cane, cut- toan, oats, corn, rice, peanuts, etc. The vine is indigenous, and yearly bears large harvests of delicious fruit. Oranges. pemrs, peach, plums, quiuces, figs and pecans thrive well CATTLE AND SHEEP graze upon our pine lands through- out the year, and seldom are fed in winter, thus making St. Tammany the siock-growers' houe.. Farmning and stock lauds can be purchased at rates varying frlol $1 to $5 per acre, annd Government lands to actual settlers WATER POWER. There is an abundance, of water power, already improved, invitin., the attent;on of manufacturers. We i:,hvc no doubt a small factory, such as already abound in Alaban;a and Georgia, for the purpose of con- verting our cotton egpl, into yarn, would prove a stnninrlf invesltaentl FIRE CLAY is found in abundahucu, as well as clays sustatl,le for put try ware of the very flinest texture, pnrely a hie an:d free from sand or grit. Per- saes aving a practical know ledge of such business would ~oon o enlize : f,,rtune in nannufacturing nlul! s:.ippling such wares to the New Orl.uanls starket. MANUFAC'TURI E OF G.LASS Sand snitable for the manu'actnru' of glass is also abundant all along )the banks of the Bogue Falia, above taeo town of Covington. It has been practically tested by Pittsburg manunfctnrers, and found ti, col,- t•ain |il the necessmr propertites La produce the linest glassware. COVINGTON, Lite county site, contains abost eight hundred inhabitants, and is the best useiness point in the par- ;sh, commanding much of the trade of both St. Tamanary ans' Wasnig- ton parishes. The umail front New Orl".nns arrives six times a week, overland from blidell, iia the Northeastern ]'airoad. A TELEPHONE LINE Ii:s been eonstructed to Slidell, ti'aci.:.g the town in instzLt eorn- ;;tnU with all points in reach .,f t1h telegraph or telepbhuce. " At present there is no mall or maanufactory of any kind in Cuviag- tom. Building sites for amineufc- trring purposes can be had on the , most favorable ttrmns, and eiery atcility will be ffered for imuai- trants to this parish. To all honest and induslrinse iat. migrants who way wish to kettle ini Lt. T nmmany. a hearty welcome is extended and protection and encour- atgement guaranteed in their resie.:- tlve occuajmti- ,in. TERMS OF COURT. State of Loaisiaaa-Eighte.nth J idicial District Court. in accordance with the petition •tt h. muembers of the bar of this diatrict, it it Ierely" ordered that tie following changel be made in thim. erms of Court: T'hat the terms of c. a t for tle pariah of Tsngipahhos shall herefter comua-uhnce as fllocs: Jury temsts- .e,,ol Man- tday in January and first Monday in June. Court terms-Fourth Mondays in April and November. That the terms of eonart for the parish of Livigston shall conmeance as fol- lows: (.•t ter n trs-)k ooad ionsda) of Mturch ansI October. Jhr stases .e yad Monday of April and ficrt Monday of November. That the terms of eourt for the parial. of SL Tawumany shall enmmene as fol-. lowas: Jury Irams-Foumrth Monday of More, h aad third Monday of Octijer. ,mert terms-jirst MoJday of March and thiri Monday of June. 1Wabsington Parish-Jury terms, the Fourth Mlondays i January a.d June. Court terms-Seeond Monday in May and first Monday in December. JA. iM. IJ HiOMl'RfiON Jnldge Bfghteath Judicial District. CllUOIT OrKT. Fnarth Monday in February, and the fourth MoEday in July. mom' tb# -""'" "W"in ..," s ... s -t'

Transcript of St. BULW Warren & Tally H. DUDLEY COLEMAN....W. G. Kent el .....Editor. ISSUED EVERY SATU-RDAY Miss...

Page 1: St. BULW Warren & Tally H. DUDLEY COLEMAN....W. G. Kent el .....Editor. ISSUED EVERY SATU-RDAY Miss Mary Kane vs. Miss Phillo-mene Guesnon. State of Louisiana. Parish of St. Tan-many-Eighteenth

St. l:uuj ~armtr

Mrs. S. V. KIinzel.... Proprietress.W. G. Kent el ...........Editor.ISSUED EVERY SATU-RDAY

Miss Mary Kane vs. Miss Phillo-mene Guesnon.

State of Louisiana. Parish of St. Tan-many-Eighteenth Judicial DistrictCourt.

By N trtue of a` writ of seizure and salefrom the honorable aforesaid court, andto me directed, bearing date May 12,1886, and numbered 1523-

I will proceetd to seHl at public auction,at the door of thit courthouse in thetown of Corintou. , ari'h of St. Tam-many, Le., on SA t'ULtDAY, the 3dday of July, 1886, between legalsale hours, the following described prop-erty, to-wit:

Two certain lots of groun,a beig andlying in the town of Mandeville, Parishof St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. inthe square bounded by or comprisedwithin Lake, Gerard. Claiborne andLatitte streets, And designated by letters"A" and *," in plan made by Pilie &Murray, architects, on the 9th day ofApril, 1870, and deposited for referenceas plan No. 80 therein, in the ofece ofAlexander Emile Bienvenue, late notarypublic in New Orleans, lot "A" formingthe corner of Lake and Lafitte streets,measuring 180 feet front on Lake streetand 245 feet 1 inch and 3 lines in depthbetween parallel lines and front on La-ftte street; lot "B," adjoining, measures64 feet front on Lake street, by 245 feet1 inch and 3 lines in depth, betweenparallel lines, the whole American meas-ure, together with all the buildings andimprovements thereon, all the rights andadvantages thereunto belonging or inanywise appertaining, and all the fur-niture and movables thereon, as follows,to-wit:

Seven Bedsteads. 4 Mattresses, 4 BedSprings, 3 Bed Tiestas, 1 lot Pillows andBolsters, 6 Armoirs, 4 Washstands,Bowls and Pitchers, 2 Bureaus an-Looking Glasses, 27 Chairs. 2 FireSereens and spittoons, 2 Dining Tables,1 Side Board, 1 large picture of St. Pat-rick, 1 Round Table, 1 Safe, 1 Fly Fan,4 common Tables, 2 Washboards, I washKettle, 1 lot Crockery and Tinware, 1lasket. 1 Rocking Horse, 1 lot Bottles,5 wooden benches.

Seized in the above entitled suit.Terms of sale, cash.

W. B. Coos, Sheriff.


ed, securely wrapped, to any address inthe United States for three months, onreceipt of

ONE DOLLAR.Liberal discount allowed to postmas-

ters, agents and clubs. Sample copiesmailed free. Adjress all orders to

RICHARD K. FOX,Fa~ rr SiquAn, N. Y.


In the Principal Cities, with History ofHis Life; and Sermons by Sam 8mall,his Co-Laborer.Only Illustrated Edition-Most remarkable and intensely interest-ing and amusing engravings ever seenin a book.0nly Fall and Authentic Edition-Te first complete reports ever print-

ed. Greatest book sensation of the day.Tremendous demand. No book everbefore like it. AGENTS WANT-E D. Popular low-down prices. Writefor terms:or, to secure agency quick,send 75 ota. in stamaps for fall outfit.

8TANDARD BOOK CO.,205 Pine at., St. Louis., Mo.

Mulberry GroveHOTEL.

lear Covington, St. TammanyPariah, la.


This popular summer resort in theney woods has, for the accommoda-.n of families, sin4le au I double cot-ges. Mineral springs equal to those: the Abite. Splendid shale, fineithing, firt-class table and plenty of.ilk.Terms-Per Day. $1 50; per Week,0; per Month, $35.



ept by MRS. V. GONTHIER.

Terms: Per Day. S 50: Per

rhe climate of the parish is highlyned and recommended by physicians.e house has recently been completelyovated.'or further particulars, apply on thernises, of at the omee of the New Or-,s Bee, 73'Chartree street

'aluable Property forSale.

The following described property is, red for saue:

N WASHINGTON PARISH.60 aeres of land, known as the oldioun tract, on the Puaspatap river,- the Military road.320 acres of land, with the improve- Iits thereon, known as the Peter Wil- ttract, on the Pearl River road.400 (less 5) acres of land, known as

iHolten tract, well timbered, adjoin-Passma.'s MilL-100 acres of land, more or less, ad-ing Eldridge Mageo's place, on the 1

N ST. TAM3IANY PARISH.-80 acres of land and the improve-nts thereon, known as Sun Poatofece,the Pearl Itiver road.160 acres of laud on the Tehofateta L-r, known as the Snyder tract:30 acres of land on the Tehefunetar. known as the Sam Brown tract.-One house and lot in Mandeville.-Abnut five squares of ground in theka of Bayou Castaing.-One square of ground in Mande-

e.4-Five lots of ground, and the in- bvenients thereon, known as the Con- ySpring house, in Covington. ii

-One lot of ground and the improve- puts thereon, known es the Abram r

.an house, in Covington. w-Four lots of ground opposite the A

sman onee. in Covington. aS-One store building and warehouase, aColumbia street, in Covrington, a

own as the old Horasby plae.-4)ne Piano and Organ. arS-Two horses and one buggy. trFor thfrtherinPfrmation, apply to or dl

2Jdrme J. E l. S ITE, -ttIusaqLus, j. D

H. 3. WAR•SN. M. H. TALLY.

Warren & Tally(Successors to H. R. Warren,)

Covington...... ..... .La


Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard-

ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats,And everything usually kept in a frst-

claus store.

Highest prices paid for country pro.-duce.

Hardy H. Smith.Successor to J. E. Smith & Son


Drzaan iI

General Merchandise,

Consisting of all the great staple articles,



and indeed every article in demand assuited to this market.

I6The Highest Price paid for

Country Produce.J. Cahier. L. Wehrli, Jr.

J. CAHIER & CO..DEarEs8 In

Dry Goods. Groceries. Hat dwar-Boots. Shoes, Hats Caps , Etc.


Have also on hand a full line of

Ready-Made Clothina.

Highest price paid for cotton, hides.

wool, and all kinds of country produce.


Merchant.Receives continual supplies of well

selected Dry Goods andl choice FamilyGroceries, which will be sold at low fig-ures.

p!Country produce taken in ex-change for goods, at merket price.

I~ n connection with the generalmercantile business of this house, theproprietor has established a neat BARO110' M, where he will keep the duest of

Wines, Liquors, Lager Beer, Cigars, etc.constantly on hand, and at prices to suitthe tosues.

Ceovimgto.m, La.




tad a General Assortn.ont for City anu.Country use, at the lowest

cash prices.

Covington. La.Highest prices paid for Wool Hides.

19.isfur..n. 5,,n &-.


trecerles. Dry Uo(eds, flanes

IeBoots, SBoe, etc.,e COVINGTON, LA,


The highest market price paid forcountry produce.

DR. E. R. RANDOLPHLArT or Naw OaL.axs,

Tenders his professional services tothe people ef 1t. Tammany pariala andsurrounding country.

Dr. J. Thos. McKissackTenders his professionel services to

the people of 8t. Tammany parish, located at Mandeville, L.a.


Frankllotem, l,.Will practice in the Eighteenth Judi-

cial District, Will be found at theClerk's omoe. in Covington, La., fromthe 20th to the last of each calendarmonth

JOSEPH A. REID.Arroaxzir Ano ComNSZLrw-ATa-Law



COVINGTON, LA.Connects with all steamers crosising thelake. U ill take passengers to any part ofthis or adjoining pariales. Teras mod-erate.

VICTOR PLANCHE,U. S. Mail Stage Line-


W IN' mote money tian at any-thing else by taking an agency for thebest selling book out. Beginners succeedgrandly. None fail. Termsfree. Hanu.rzBoox Co.. Portland. Maine.-

iH_ for working people. pRed 10lhoents postage and we will" mail yo free a royal. valeas

ble sample box of goods that will putyou in the way of making more a few days than you ever thoughtpossible at any business. Capital notrequired. You can live at home andwork in spare time only. or all the time.All of bath sexes, of all ages, grandlysuccessful. 50 *ente to $5 easily earneodevery evening. That all who want workmay test the business, we make this un-perallled offer: To all who are not well (eatsled we will send $1 to pay for thetrouble of writlagus. Full partibulauradire'tions, ete., seat free. Immense payabsoletely sue for all who start at or~r.Den't delay. Address ( ruso A Co..PArDtlead. M


*CO D -: _ "

: b C o*M* ,o *:+

The above eut represents " Clle•nan s POVY Saw Mll,' without carriage, head-blocks or saw. These Mills are built en-tirely by us, at our Foundry, Factory and Machine Works, here in New Orleans, anl are designed to supply the wants ofplanters in need of a mill for sawing fencing and building timber, simple in construction, strong and durable, and not re-quiring the services of a skilled sawyer to superintend the management of it.

This Mill will carry any size saw. from 36 to 52 inches, and do excellent work, and will cut from 1500 to 5000 feet oflumber in 10 hours, with a 10 Horse Power Engine.

Plantera and Ginners have frequent opportunities to use a Mill successfully, and parties possessing steam power canill afford to do without a Mill of this kind.

We carry a large stock of these Mills constantiy on hand. ready for immediate shipment.If customers prefer extra length of carrrame, we will lurnish same with track iron at the rate of $5 50 a foot, and any

particular make of Head Blocks at proportionate prices.Our price, $250, includes the Mill with all fixtures complete. except Saw and Driving, delivered on boit or cars

here in New Orleans. Weight of .lill, with Carriage and Head Blo-k', 2500 pounns. Address.

H. DUDLEY COI.EIAN,a• Sud for Circultdars. -a NEW ORLEANS. LA.


Portable, Stationary andDetaclhed I.nalnes and Ioiler,all sizes, of ten different manufacturers,besides Engines of our ovn make.

The Largest Stock in the South!"Maid of the South." ,r-Write for illustrated circulars.

ADWrite for special circulars of the goods you are in need of. We can furnish anything in the way of Plantation Ma-chinery at abshort notice. Foundry and repair work promptly and carefully executed.

Send your orders to us for Belting, Paumps. Boiler Settings. Wood-working Machinery. Shafting, Pulleys, Emery Wheels.Circular Saws, Files, oils, Steam l'acking, Saw Gitmmers. Etc.

We carry Blue Cullen Rock in stock here. and can furnish these, with complete set of Mill Irons, to parties who prefer t..make their own wood-work. Write for prices. TRY iU.

H. Dudley Colem: n, 9 Perdido St., New Orleans La.m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BJ nm ,a mm a |masa

Ier blandeville, .la.tiseinuwil-eand Old Lauding.


Handsome & Commodioe

NEW CAMELIA.WK. HANOVER ........... CAPTAItE. LAxonor ............. CL.ER.

LAvisn Mlnr.xtaEno)n arrival of tihe cars from thie

Pontchartrain dep it, head of ElysianFields street:

Trains.lfondays ant Thursdays for Man-

deville, L.ewisburg, Madisson-villeand Old Landing ....... 1P. .

Tuesday, Frid .y and Satmrday.for Mandeville, Lewisburg andMadisonville. extending's trip to Old landling.... 4 P. M.

RICURS IO:..We lnesday. for lIandeville and

Old Landing................ 8 a. -.Sunday, for landeville and Old

Landing..................7 .7 .Wednesday. for Mandeville and

Maulisonville........ .... :.. 6P. .Sunday, for Madisonville direct. 6 P. -.

RETIURNING :Leaves Madisonville Monnlay,

Wednesdlay, Thursday and Sat-urday........ ... ...... 5 . M.

Leaves Old Landing, Tuesdayand Friday.................... A. a.

Leaves Old Landing, Wednesdayand Sunday excursions...... 3 P. M

"Water and weather permitting."RATES OF FARL

To Mandeville.................. $1 ITo Madisonvilie................... 1To Old Landing .......... ... 50Excursion days, over an back... 1 GO

Children Half Price.Cotton. from Old Lanling to New

Orleans. 25 cents per bIle.Freight received daily at the Louis-

ville and Nashville freight depot, headof Girod street.

For further information. apply toR. BADON, Covington , La.

Or to W. G. COYLE,No. 47 Crondelet street. New Orleans.

Across the Lake.STuE Laos -DRAFr ScuooNxa

F. M. PIPPO,Leaves Covington every Tuesday and

arrives at New Orleans on Wednesday.Leaves New Orleans every Saturday,

at 10 A. i., and arrives at Covingtonon Sunday.

RATES OF FREIGleT.Cotton, per bale ............. 30 cents.Dry barrels............... 15 cents.Sacks.... .............. 10 cts.

Other rates in proportien.Frr Mandeville. Aladisenville

and Cevinssun.

The Schooner


Will leave head of New Basin, NewOrleans, every THURSDAY, at 2 e. a.

Return;ng, will leave Covington everyMONDAY. at 4 . a.

RATE. OF IPREIGHT:Cotton, noer bale........... 3 cents.Dry barrels.................. 15 cents.-acks........................ 10 cents.

Other ratts in proportivn.


Covington...... La.In Ira. Vogel's Building.

-DA-Im 1s-rimoz us, cassa eoons,nU INT, nUTSt vUPU3, ,,

Breadl Catee, bmd, Ete.EAta U•YID AT ALL URS, ,



A, wo

lay- Cue.uvually with)i a month. No Decti..•:,.erQuau r... mhtIve Pr ,. '., full deouri.tion a.!

".-IE MEDIOAL CO.,F.o. aWmr t17. bffoan.N•


AnIeI*icaein Wa.tciies.WALTHAM WATCH CO.We lave ,sold thousands of these

Watches, uid so certain are we oftheir reliability that we agree totalke them ba k and refund themooney if they do not gire satisfac-tion. We have lately reduced themto mti followimng tigures:1. ,,I . .'iLVERt K• L-WiXDIso WATCI"e'*Bro.ul way.' 7 jewels ........ $10 .1

4)l "Wim. Elltry," 11 jewels......... 12 ..0

SOLID SILVEKt SmTEI- INDEllS.'."Sterling." 7 jewels .......... 12 50* Wmi. Ellery," II jewels......... 15 n)"P. S. Brtl ett," 15 jewels.. .... 21 501O-KALtT SOLID Go~.n STEM-WINDI asSSterline." 7 jewels ............ 30) t"Wu,. Ellery," II jewels ......... 33 (0"I'. . Itartlett," 15 jewels ...... 37 I1)14-KUATr Sor.OI (iOLD STEM-W•sINDI"'Sterlh'i." 7 jewels............. 45 1st"Win. Ellery," 1I jewels.......... 50 0n"P. S. Ietrtlett." 15 jewels........ 56 00S"Appleton Tracy." ajliustcl and

Patent Regulatr .......... G67 0018-K • AT SOLID ( I.DS 1rM-WrI•seD n-'Sterling." 7 jewels ............. 50 I0)"Win. Ellery," 11 jewels........ ,: 00"P. B. Bartlett," I5 jewels........ 6.5 40I"Appli'on Tracy," adljnstel ..... 75 00

A. B. Griswold & Co119..... CANAL STREET.......119

New Orleans. La.A. PECHON,

011) BAKERY,Covington, La.

This "old reliable" Bakery has been Iin successful operation for a number otyears. The proprietor has secured the Iservices of a first-class professionalBAKER, and is ready to furnish Bread,Cakes, etc., equally as good as can beLea anywhere, and at prices that defycompmetition. None but the purestSpring Water used in the bakery.

Bread from this Bakery can be foundfresh every morning at the stores of Mrs.Laborde and Jules Peelhon.Bread Delivered Daily to all Part

Town and Surroundtin Country.



Bread and Cakes can be had at thestand near the meat market, or at theBakery.

Will deliver fresh Bread every at your residence, if desired.

Choice and Fancy Cakes a8pecialty.

Orders for Cakes for picnics, partiesand suppers particnlarly solicited. Allmach orders should be sent in one dayin advance, and will be executed in amanner that will guarantee 4tisfsotion.

ESTRAYED.Came to my plaegwo head of eattle,

one brown Cow, with a bald face, andHeifer, boathnarked erop and

ofrop in eeh earand branded J. C.hey have bean in mypeasture all win-

tes. The owner as ren er the same by 4

esillifgrte, nd gina for this ddlnretrasit iII COOPEI I


Hickory Grove Place.Situated seven stiles florw Covington.containing 36.3 acres; 23 acres nndercultiv.tion; two acres in Gripe vines:one acre in Garden. Fruit trees andcnrppernong vines in abun-lance. Goo.

housle. kiehthen, stables, etc. Householdland kitchen furniture, and farming im-plements, all complete. One horseandblggy, one wagonl, anll ten head of cat-tie. For further infolammntion. apply to

LOUIS E M ATHIEU.He ickory Grove Place. Covingten, La,

fFarm for Sale.

Situated on the Abita river. one mileabove the celebrateid Abita tlSprings, andlive ailes from Coviugton. Containiing84 acres. miost of whichl has ler-n underenltivation. Twenty-five bearing pecantrees on the Ptace. IUwellint., stables,and all necessqary onthonues. For termsepply to SEYMOUIR FLOT. on the

) premises.

Farm for Sale.t Situated on the Tehefnncta river, four

miles fromn Covington. anl rsx imlesfrom Maldinonville. containing eightyacres, well timmbered. Ten acres undercultivation. Good lDwelling. Kitchenand Stanlles. For further particulars,apply at this ofice, or to


Land for Sale.

1908 Acres of Land,Situated on both lli les of the Abita

river, known as the Vignie land, about1u to 3 miles from ('ovinlgton, nu.l touch-ing the famous AliT'rA aiPRiNGS.

nuitable for Brickyard and gitck-raising. Cotains two fine mineralsprings. For further particulars applyto JULES I. MAILI.E. Agent. Coving.ton, Ia.

W ANTTED-IN COVINGTOIian energetic business wo-

nan to solicit and take or-.lers f.r The NADAME'GRISWOLD Patent SkirtSu.porting Conlets. Thesecoiuets have been extensive.

S ly I.lvertised and sld bylady canvassers for the pastten d ears, which, with their

superiority. ta•t create• a •arge de-mand for ttiem throughoult the t.nite.lStates, and any Iasly who gives her tiumeand energy to canvassing fr them cnnsoon build up a permanent and profit-able bisiness. They a c sold by uer-chants. antI we give exclusiveterritorythereby giving the ag.nt entire control1of these superior cornets is. the terri-tory assigne4 her. We have a large num-her of agents who are snaking a grandsuecess selling these goods, and we .le-sire such in every town. Asll!rese ]Ng.GRISWOLD & CO., 923 B'way. NewYork.

$200,000 in prrw.r g;i,,,acwa. Selnd us 5 cents postage and bymail you will get free a package of goodsof large value, that will sLrt you inwork that will at once bring you in mon-ey faster than anything else in America.All about the $00U,000 in presents witheach box. Agents wanted everywhere,of either sex of all ages for all the tine,or spare time only, to work for us attheir own homes. Fortunes for allworkers absoltely assunred. Don't delay.a. Hazarrk Co.. Portland. Maine.

A• ItrdA lm u ma . asm. S.aM. -r • tula in ouset 5tU . Adbst ;

Sr. WAWr & CO., Lsibu , U. 1



Printing Material









The above is a iictuhro ofour 1Press L

We make a specialty of "I











ETc., Erc, E ,rc, ET.

We guarantee Goo, Work, at


A PRIZE. sena six cents fIrpostage and receive free a costly box ofgoods whiob will help you to more amon.-,ey right away than saythiLi tlae in this sworld. All, of either eC. sneeee, ftroIIst boar. The breadI ,a to fortune

npe.s before the wrkersl absoletel~y jse At mre at.lre, Tta:'& C'o.,Aiegus, aaMinM.





St. Tamma•ny parish is locate-ltwenty-two miles north of New Or-leans. Covington, the county site,is ten miles farther north, in theinterior, and is delightfully lcatedon the Bogne Falia.


with a ssoall amonnt of capital andta fuir supply of indnutry .and ierse;-verance. cannot possibly deo bettorthan locate in our parish. The cli-male is as line as any in the world.The winters are geneanlly mild, andsnow rarely falls. Spring olmnsearly in February, with blossomon the peach and quince trees, andivegetation comes rapidly forward.The heat of summer is moderate,and the unfailing breezes of theevening refresh man and beast afterthe labors of the day.

THE SOIis very producetive, and sdnmiral,lyadapted for raising sugar cane, cut-toan, oats, corn, rice, peanuts, etc.The vine is indigenous, and yearlybears large harvests of deliciousfruit. Oranges. pemrs, peach, plums,quiuces, figs and pecans thrive well

CATTLE AND SHEEPgraze upon our pine lands through-out the year, and seldom are fed inwinter, thus making St. Tammanythe siock-growers' houe.. Farmningand stock lauds can be purchased atrates varying frlol $1 to $5 peracre, annd Government lands toactual settlers

WATER POWER.There is an abundance, of water

power, already improved, invitin.,the attent;on of manufacturers. Wei:,hvc no doubt a small factory, suchas already abound in Alaban;a andGeorgia, for the purpose of con-verting our cotton egpl, into yarn,would prove a stnninrlf invesltaentl

FIRE CLAYis found in abundahucu, as well asclays sustatl,le for put try ware ofthe very flinest texture, pnrely a hiean:d free from sand or grit. Per-saes aving a practical know ledgeof such business would ~oon o enlize: f,,rtune in nannufacturing nlul!s:.ippling such wares to the NewOrl.uanls starket.MANUFAC'TURI E OF G.LASS

Sand snitable for the manu'actnru'of glass is also abundant all along)the banks of the Bogue Falia, above

taeo town of Covington. It has beenpractically tested by Pittsburgmanunfctnrers, and found ti, col,-t•ain |il the necessmr propertites Laproduce the linest glassware.

COVINGTON,Lite county site, contains abosteight hundred inhabitants, and isthe best useiness point in the par-;sh, commanding much of the tradeof both St. Tamanary ans' Wasnig-

ton parishes. The umail front NewOrl".nns arrives six times a week,overland from blidell, iia theNortheastern ]'airoad.

A TELEPHONE LINEIi:s been eonstructed to Slidell,ti'aci.:.g the town in instzLt eorn-;;tnU with all points in reach.,f t1h telegraph or telepbhuce. "

At present there is no mall ormaanufactory of any kind in Cuviag-

tom. Building sites for amineufc-trring purposes can be had on the ,most favorable ttrmns, and eieryatcility will be ffered for imuai-

trants to this parish.To all honest and induslrinse iat.

migrants who way wish to kettle iniLt. T nmmany. a hearty welcome is

extended and protection and encour-atgement guaranteed in their resie.:-tlve occuajmti- ,in.


State of Loaisiaaa-Eighte.nth J idicialDistrict Court.

in accordance with the petition •tt h.muembers of the bar of this diatrict, it itIerely" ordered that tie followingchangel be made in thim. erms of Court:

T'hat the terms of c. a t for tle pariahof Tsngipahhos shall herefter comua-uhnceas fllocs: Jury temsts- .e,,ol Man-tday in January and first Monday inJune. Court terms-Fourth Mondaysin April and November.

That the terms of eonart for the parishof Livigston shall conmeance as fol-lows: (.•t ter n trs-)k ooad ionsda) ofMturch ansI October. Jhr stases .e yadMonday of April and ficrt Monday ofNovember.

That the terms of eourt for the parial.of SL Tawumany shall enmmene as fol-.lowas: Jury Irams-Foumrth Monday ofMore, h aad third Monday of Octijer.,mert terms-jirst MoJday of March andthiri Monday of June.

1Wabsington Parish-Jury terms, theFourth Mlondays i January a.d June.Court terms-Seeond Monday in Mayand first Monday in December.

JA. iM. IJ HiOMl'RfiONJnldge Bfghteath Judicial District.

CllUOIT OrKT.Fnarth Monday in February, and thefourth MoEday in July.

mom'tb# -""'" "W"in ..," s ...s -t'