St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship...

St Bart’s Kids on Sundays Children’s Ministry Package WEEK 12 of 12 Explanation of Resources This material has been developed to resource the St Bart’s Kids on Sundays program. Included within this package are resources for crèche (children aged 1-2 years old), preschool (children aged 3 years old), and Sunday school (children in Years Kindy to Year 6). Our Sunday School curriculum focuses upon Biblical literacy and provides opportunities for both multi- age engagement (all-in teaching, games, worship) and small group learning (discussion, prayer, activity). Both our Crèche and Preschool curriculums are play-based in nature and allow children to learn about the focus Bible passage in a variety of modes - be it role play, discovery, games, art, music, and more. How to structure a Kids Program Having a clear and consistent structure each week, will help your children get the most out of this curriculum. We have found it necessary to structure in elements such as settling in time (for early years) and small group discussions (Sunday School) to help children build connections with each other and the team. Games (Sunday School) have been strategically placed before the small group time so that children have an opportunity to run and move before being asked to sit in a circle, listen, and participate in discussions. Similarly, we use morning tea (Crèche and Preschool only) as a great way to focus the children so they can listen to the story and main message of the day (little people generally love to eat quite frequently so it also helps keep them happy!). The songs we use for worship are linked directly to the day’s topic, but are dierent in style to those used in Church. We have found the children love to use their whole body when their worship, so we dance, do actions, and have a wonderful time singing. Sermon Series The King in Jerusalem Matthew 21-28 Bible Focus this Week Matthew 28:16-20 ST BART’S KIDS SUNDAY Early Years (Crèche and Preschool) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Rooms: Settling in time (5mins) Free play (10mins) Wash hands and Grace (5mins) Morning Tea + Bible Story +Teaching (15mins) Activities (20mins) Pack up (10mins) Check out Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games (10mins) Small Group Discussion (incl. prayer) (20mins) Activity (15mins) Worship (10mins) Together, in church: Worship (enter during last song) (5mins) Check out

Transcript of St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship...

Page 1: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

St Bart’s Kids on Sundays Children’s Ministry Package • WEEK 12 of 12

Explanation of Resources This material has been developed to resource the St Bart’s Kids on Sundays program. Included within this package are resources for crèche (children aged 1-2 years old), preschool (children aged 3 years old), and Sunday school (children in Years Kindy to Year 6).

Our Sunday School curriculum focuses upon Biblical literacy and provides opportunities for both multi-age engagement (all-in teaching, games, worship) and small group learning (discussion, prayer, activity).

Both our Crèche and Preschool curriculums are play-based in nature and allow children to learn about the focus Bible passage in a variety of modes - be it role play, discovery, games, art, music, and more.

How to structure a Kids Program Having a clear and consistent structure each week, will help your children get the most out of this curriculum. We have found it necessary to structure in elements such as settling in time (for early years) and small group discussions (Sunday School) to help children build connections with each other and the team.

Games (Sunday School) have been strategically placed before the small group time so that children have an opportunity to run and move before being asked to sit in a circle, listen, and participate in discussions.

Similarly, we use morning tea (Crèche and Preschool only) as a great way to focus the children so they can listen to the story and main message of the day (little people generally love to eat quite frequently so it also helps keep them happy!).

The songs we use for worship are linked directly to the day’s topic, but are different in style to those used in Church. We have found the children love to use their whole body when their worship, so we dance, do actions, and have a wonderful time singing.

Sermon Series The King in Jerusalem • Matthew 21-28

Bible Focus this Week Matthew 28:16-20


Early Years (Crèche and Preschool)

Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins)

Kids Talk (5mins)

In Rooms: Settling in time (5mins)

Free play (10mins)

Wash hands and Grace (5mins)

Morning Tea + Bible Story +Teaching (15mins)

Activities (20mins)

Pack up (10mins)

Check out

Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6)

Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins)

Kids Talk (5mins)

In Hall: Welcome

All in Teaching (5mins)

Games (10mins)

Small Group Discussion (incl. prayer) (20mins)

Activity (15mins)

Worship (10mins)

Together, in church: Worship (enter during last song) (5mins)

Check out

Page 2: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

How to Use We would love to see children and families growing as disciples of Jesus - so please feel free to use any of these resources at your church, school or at home. To use these materials,

• Think about the age ranges of your children, and how you could best arrange groups for discussion and activities.

• Download the year level required. If you are a family or from a smaller children’s ministry setting, we would advise you look through this week’s resources and aim for a year level roughly in the middle of the ages present in your family/church. There is a summary Teaching Table at the end of this document that may help guide your choice.

You will find most of these resources can be adapted to groups of varied sizes, albeit with some creativity!

This is a free, printable resource, available via download. Multiple copies can be made to resource your family or church. We do ask however, that you don’t upload these resources on your own webpage.

For further information Please contact us on [email protected] if you require any more information regarding our Children’s Ministry resources.


Page 3: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

St Bart’s Kids Sunday Worship SUNDAY April 19, 2020 • WEEK 12

Bible Focus Matthew 28:16-20

Theme Focus All Authority

All-in Teaching Questions to ponder:

How can I best make disciples? Do I really believe that God is with me all the time?

Songs 1. Give it Away (Lifetree Kids) https:// 2. Go and Make Disciples (Awesome Cutlery)

3. Go! Worship Song (FLC Kidslife)

Multimedia Making Disciples Bible Story_Life Kids

Family Games Piggy Back Races

Forms pairs and decide on who will be the person carrying and who is the person being carried. When ready, one person jumps on the other's back to be carried. Race to a designated mark at the other end of the yard and then return. If you are being carried, no part of your body can touch the ground - otherwise you must start again.

Traffic Lights

One person calls out the instructions for the other children to follow. There's a choice of three instructions, all relating to the colour of traffic lights - either "red", "green" or “orange".

If "red" is called, then everyone must stand very still and silent. If "green" is called, then everyone moves around quite fast. If "amber" is called, then everyone moves around in slow motion. 

Continue the game, gradually calling instructions faster and faster to see if the children can keep up.


Page 4: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

Teaching Table - Summary of Activities

Main Focus Activities Resources Required

Crèche (1-2years)

Jesus wants us to tell others about his love. We shouldn’t wait to tell others about Jesus.

1. Bible Reading 2. Traffic Light Colouring 3. Footprint Painting 4. Song ( Jesus tells us

all to go) 5. Cooking: Traffic Light


• Bible Folder PDF • Traffic Light Printout • Colouring Pencils • Poster (washable) paints • Baby wipes/rag • Plain paper • Sweet rectangle biscuits • Icing • green, orange, and red smarties

Preschool (3 years)

Jesus wants us to tell others about his love. We shouldn’t wait to tell others about Jesus.

1. Bible Reading 2. Traffic Light Colouring 3. World Mosaic 4. Domino Effect 5. Song ( Jesus tells us

all to go)

• Bible Folder PDF • Traffic Light Printout • Colouring Pencils • World Mosaic Printout • Blue and green paper (ideally

tissue paper) • Glue stick • Dominoes set • 2 white sticky labels • Marker pen

Kindy/Prep (4-5years)

Being a disciple means loving Jesus more than anything or anyone. As disciples Jesus calls us to teach others to follow him as well.

Domino Effect


Traffic Light Biscuits

• Dominoes set • 2 white sticky labels

• Sweet rectangle biscuits • Icing • green, orange, and red smarties

Years 1-2

Jesus asks us to Go and tell all the nations the Good News. Some people will share Jesus’ love in Australia and others will share it overseas.

Mosaic World


Traffic Light Biscuits

• World Mosaic Printout • Blue and Green paper (ideally

tissue paper) • Glue stick

• Sweet rectangle biscuits • Icing • green, orange, and red smarties

Years 3-4

Jesus asks us to Go and tell all the nations the Good News. For some this means working abroad as missionaries.

Pray around the World CMS Activity Book


Traffic Light Biscuits

• Pray around the World CMS Book • Pencils

• Sweet rectangle biscuits • Icing • green, orange, and red smarties

Years 5-6

Jesus asks us to Go and tell all the nations the Good News. For some this means working abroad as missionaries.

Pray around the World CMS Activity Book


Traffic Light Biscuits

• Pray around the World CMS Book • Pencils

• Sweet rectangle biscuits • Icing • green, orange, and red smarties

Family Activity (All Ages)

We are ask to GO and tell others about the Good News. How far will you go for Jesus?

Paper Aeroplane Challenge

• Paper (A4) • Pen (to name plane) • Outdoor area


Page 5: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

Jesus’ final orders to his Disciples

Then the 11 disciples went to the mountain

in Galilee.

17 When they saw Jesus, they worshipped him.

But some of them still had

their doubts.

18 Then Jesus came to them. He said, “All authority in

heaven and on earth has been given to me.



Page 6: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

19 So you must go and make disciples of all nations.

Baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit.

20 Teach them to obey everything I have

commanded you. And you can be sure that I am

always with you, to the very end.”

Matthew 28:18-20


Page 7: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

St Bart’s Kids Small Group Session Outline

Main Point: Being a disciple means loving Jesus more than anything or anyone. As disciples Jesus calls us to teach others to follow him as well.

Discussion Questions Read Matthew 28:16-17 from the Year 2 Scripture document (page 1)

1. What was the response from the disciples when they first saw Jesus on the mountain? (When the disciples saw Jesus they worshipped him. However, some of the disciples had their doubts.)

2. Can you remember WHY Jesus first chose disciples? ( Jesus taught the disciples to follow him, so that they could teach others. Disciples do 2 things: (a) follow Jesus by loving him more than anything or anyone ; and (b) show others how to follow Jesus.)

Read Matthew 28:18-20 from the Year 2 Scripture document (page 1)

3. Despite the fact that so much had happened, Jesus gives the disciples specific instructions about the work that needs to be done. What does he instruct them to do?

(a) To go and make disciples of all nations (b) baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (c) teach people to obey everything Jesus has commanded.

When people learn a new skill, they are often super keen to show this skill to others. They want to put into practise all that they have learnt. They want to graduate from being the learner to being the ‘do-er’. The way Jesus speaks to the 11 disciples on this mountain, is like they are attending their very own graduation ceremony. They are being reminded that they have spent the last 3 years following and learning from Jesus and that now it is time for them to go and get to work with all that needs to be done.

Date & Week April 19, 2020 (Wk 12)

Bible Focus Matthew 28:16-20

Theme Focus All Authority

Explanation of the Gospel of Matthew Series In this series leading up to Easter, we’ll be exploring Jesus’ climactic final days before going to the cross. Having finished his ministry in Galilee, Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem to the shouts of “Hosanna!” (meaning - “save us”!) by some, whilst others oppose, resist, and ultimately seek to kill him. But whilst many plot for his demise, Jesus teaches of coming judgment, the danger of hypocrisy, and that he is the only one in whom salvation is to be found.



Page 8: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

4. Who taught you to follow Jesus? Is there anybody who you could show how to follow Jesus? (Spend some time discussing these two important questions and answers. Make a special effort to pray for those people mentioned at the end).

5. Did Jesus send them (and us) out into the world alone? (No - Jesus promised that he would always be with the disciples - just not in the same way as before. Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit, so that God is always with us and always working through us. We are never alone.)

6. Consider how you might still be able to proclaim Jesus now, under the current circumstances of social distancing. Do you think it is easier or harder to do this at the moment? (Are you able to call a friend and have conversations about how you spent Easter and what you believe about the resurrection? Could you invite a friend and their family to join the service on Sunday? Or you could send them a Kids Talk video to watch or worship song to dance to?)

7. Take a moment to reflect on our Term 1 The Gospel of Matthew series.

What have you found most interesting? What have you found most challenging? How has your relationship with God changed?

Group Activity 1. Globe Mosaic

Link: Jesus asks us to Go and tell all the nations the Good News. Some people will share Jesus’ love in Australia and others will share it overseas.

You will need: * World Mosaic Printout * Blue and Green paper (ideally tissue paper) * Glue stick

Print a copy of the World Mosaic Activity page. Collect some blue and green paper (or ideally tissue paper) and tear into small squares (approx 2cm squared). Then glue the squares onto the matching colours on the picture of the globe, until all is covered. Talk about how Jesus wants the whole world to know about his love.

2. Traffic Light Biscuits

Link: Green means GO! And God calls us all to GO and make disciples.

Make these yummy traffic light biscuits to remind you that there is work to be done in telling others about Jesus and that we are called to GO and do it!

You will need: * rectangle sweet biscuits (Arnott’s NICE biscuits are perfect) * icing of choice * smarties (in red, orange, and green)

Prayer Dear God, thank you that we not only get to follow Jesus but also have the opportunity to help others follow him too. Help us to be bold with how we share the Good News with those around us - at school, at home, and throughout our community. Help us to have the best words (and listening ears) when telling others about your love. Amen.


Page 9: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

Collect some blue and green paper (or ideally tissue paper) and tear into small squares (approx 2cm squared).

Then glue the squares onto the matching colours on the picture of the globe, until all is covered.

Page 10: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games

Collect some blue and green paper (or ideally tissue paper) and tear into small squares (approx 2cm squared).

Then glue the squares onto the matching colours on the picture of the globe, until all is covered.

Page 11: St Bart’s Kids on Sundays · Sunday School (Kindy - Year 6) Together, in Church: Family Worship (2 songs) (10mins) Kids Talk (5mins) In Hall: Welcome All in Teaching (5mins) Games


therefore and make disciples

of all nations.

Matthew 28:18