ST. ANGEL’S · 2019. 12. 30. · Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the...


Transcript of ST. ANGEL’S · 2019. 12. 30. · Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the...














  • ENGLISH TIME: 3 Hrs. M.M:80


    Q1 Read the following passage

    In time of peace the well-being of small nations is undoubtedly more general and more complete, but they are apt to suffer more acutely from the calamities of war than those great empires whose distant frontiers may for ages avert the presence of the danger from the mass of the people, which is therefore more frequently afflicted than ruined by the evil. But in this matter, as in many others, the argument derived from the necessity of the case predominates over all others. If none but small nations existed, I do not doubt that mankind would be more happy and more free; but the existence of great nations is unavoidable. This consideration introduces the element of physical strength as a condition of national prosperity. It profits people but little to be affluent and free if it is perpetually exposed to be pillaged or subjugated; the number of its manufactures and the extent of its commerce are of small advantage if another nation has the empire of the seas and gives the law in all the markets of the globe.

    Small nations are often impoverished, not because they are small, but because they are weak; the great empires prosper less because they are great than because they are strong. Physical strength is therefore one of the first conditions of the happiness and even of the existence of nations. Hence it occurs that, unless very peculiar circumstances intervene, small nations are always united to large empires in the end, either by force or by their own consent: yet I am unacquainted with a more deplorable spectacle than that of a people unable either to defend or to maintain its independence.

    A. On the basis of your reading answer the following questions (8) Marks

    a. Why are small nations often impoverished? b. What would have happened if only small nations existed? c. What is the benefit of being a small nation? d. What is the first condition of happiness and existence? e. Is the existence of great nations avoidable? f. What kind of argument predominates according to the writer? g. Find out the antonyms of:

    i) Rarely ii) Near

    h. Find out the synonyms of: i) Prevail ii) Unfamilia

  • Q2 Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow (12 Marks)

    Fair pledges of a fruitful tree, Why do ye fall so fast? Your date is not so fast, But you may stay yet here a while To blush and gently smile, And go at last. What were ye born to be An hour or half‟s delight, And so to bid good night? T‟was pity Nature brought ye forth Merely to show your worth And lost you quite. But you are lovely leaves, where we may read how soon things have Their end, though ne‟er so brave: And after they have shown their pride Like you awhile, they glide Into the grave. a. Choose the most appropriate option out of the following: (1*4=4 Marks) (i)‟Why do ye fall so fast?‟ These words express that the poet………….

    (a)is happy at their fall (b)is indifferent at their untimely fall (c)is sad at their short stay in the world (d)is sad that they are falling fast before their time.

    (ii)‟Your date is not so past‟ here means that…………………

    (a)their time has come (b)their time will not come (c)their end has not come so far (d)their end will never come.

    (iii)It was a pity that Nature brought the beautiful owers only…………………… (a)to show their beauty (b)to show their strength (c)to lose them so early after showing their worth and beauty (d)to lose them.

    (iv)The owers are like lovely leaves of………………….

    (a)a book where one can read how things have their end (b)a tree where one can see beauty all around (c)a book where one can get knowledge (d)a book where one can do nothing

  • b. What does „Fair pledge‟ mean? (1) c. Write antonyms of „die‟ and „found‟. (2) d. Write synonyms of „dignity‟ and „softly‟. (2) e. „lovely leaves‟ in the poem refers to? (1) f. What is the poet feeling pity about? (1) g. Give a suitable title to the poem. (1)

    Section –B [Writing and Grammar]

    Q3 Write a paragraph on Discipline. (4)


    Design a poster to emphasise on afforestation.

    Q4 Complete the following story and give a suitable title. (5)

    Yesterday I was returning from my school and saw a man talking to a boy. There was something strange about the way they were talking................................................................


    Write a diary entry for your picnic day.

    Q5 The use of loud speaker during late hours is a matter of inconvenience to the neighbours, and being marriage season this is a prevalent situation these days. Write a letter to the editor drawing attention towards this problem. (6)


    The increasing levels of pollution has been a topic which drew everyone‟s attention. Write a speech for your morning assembly laying emphasis on the same along with the role of people and government.

    Q6 Do as directed

    a. They are not going to consider this reason (convert into question). (1) b. Convert the following into indirect speech: (2)

    i. She said, “I will see you next week”. ii. He said, “Where do you live?”

    c. Change into passive voice: (2) i. He cleans the room every day. ii. The police arrested nearly fifty people.

    d. Write the synonym of „dispute‟. (1) e. Write the antonym of „arrive‟. (1) f. Frame sentences for „accept‟ and „except‟. (1)

  • g. They have mended the picture. (change into past perfect tense) (1) h. I am here to help you. (Change into future tense) (1) i. Punctuate the following: (2)

    When excited or in pain the hippo is covered with drops of a reddish fluid so it is fluid so it is believed that it sweats blood however the blood forms no part of this reddish sweat

    j. Fill in the blanks: (3)

    i. Elephants ___________________ live up to 70 years. ii. _______________ I carry the suitcase for you. iii. I think we __________________pay in advance.

    Q7 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: (1*4=4 Marks) You lived alone in the forest tree; Why, pretty thing, would you not live with me?

    a. Name the poem and the poet. b. Who lived in the tree? c. What happened to it? d. What was the cause of the calamity?

    Or Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon‟s mouth.

    a. Name the poem and the poet. b. What are the characteristics of a soldier? c. What stage of life is this? d. Explain „Jealous in honour‟.

    Q8 Answer any five of the following questions: (2*5=10 Marks)

    a. What had the grandmother written in the will? How do you interpret words after reading the play?

    b. How did Raicharan lose the baby? c. Who was Henry? Why is his role important in the story? d. What made Sancho Panza agree to accompany Don Quixoite? e. What is the surprise at the end of the story ”The Eyes Have It”? f. What is the message of the poem “The Outsider”? g. Mention two possible reasons for the downfall of Atlantis. h. What was Fowler‟s first authentic thrill of the day? i. How did Raicharan bring up his son? What were his reasons for doing so?

    Q9 Answer any two of the following questions: (2*3=6 Marks) a. Rewrite the ending of “My Lord, The Baby”. b. „Never judge a person by his appearance”. Support this statement in the light of

    the story.

  • c. What could have been the cause of destruction of Atlantis? What do you think happened to this empire?

    Q10 Answer any two of the following questions: (2*5=10 Marks)

    a. What is the Suttur Math and what does he do for the deprived? b. What is a social class? Why does it matter? c. Write character sketch of Alfred Nobel.


    samaya ¹3 GaNTo

    AiQaktma AMk ¹80 saamaanya inado-Sa ¹1´p`Sna p~ QyaanapUva-k pZo, ,.

    2´[sa p`Sna p~ ko caar KND hO .caaraoKND k¸K¸ga¸Ga krnao Ainavaaya- hO.

    3´yaqaasaMBava saBaI p`SnaaoM ko ]

  • प्रश्न -1. एक वाक्म भें उत्तय दीस्जए – (क) बायतवर्ष ककि फात के शरए प्रशिद्ध है? (ख) ताजभहर के प्रवेि द्वाय की क्मा वविरे्ता है? (ग) गद्ाॊि भें िे एक भुहावया ढूॉढ़कय शरखें? प्रश्न -2. रयक्त स्थानों की ऩूनत ष कीस्जए – (क) इिका ननभाषण रगबग _______ भजदयूों ने ______ भें ककमा था। (ख) अऩनी _____ के कायण ही मह ववश्व के _____ अजूफों भें ि ेएक है। p`Sna ¹3´inamnailaiKt kavyaaMSa kao pZ,kr pUCo gae p`SnaaoM ko ]%tr ilaiKe. ³5´

    AaÐiQayaaÐ caaho ]zaAao

    ibajailayaaÐ caaho igaraAao

    jala gayaa hO dIp tao AÐiQayaara Zlakr hI rhogaa.

    raoSanaI pÐUjaI nahIM hO¸ jaao itjaaorI maoM samaae¸

    vah iKlaaOnaa BaI nahIM¸ ijasaka dama hr ga`ahk lagaae

    vah psaInao kI hÐsaI hO¸ vah SahIdaoM kI ]mar hO

    jaao nayaa saUrja ]gaae¸ jaba tD,pkr itlaimalaae

    ]ga rhI laaO kao na Taokao¸

    jyaaoit ko rqa kao na raokao.

    ³k´ dIp jalanao sao @yaa haogaa Æ

    ³K´ योिनी क्मा नहीॊ हैं Æ ³ga´ ककिका कोई दाभ नहीॊ हैं Æ ³Ga´ कवव ककिे योकन ेव टोकन ेको भना कय यहा हैं Æ ³D,´ “ज्मोनत” िब्द ि ेवाक्म फनाओ।

    KND ¹K ³vyaavahairk vyaakrNa ´

    p`Sna ¹4´ k´ saMiQa k-aijae ¹Á Baanau + ]dya ³1´

    K´िॊतोर् व तनृि िब्दों का अथष स्ऩष्ट कीस्जए. ³1´ ga´ik`yaaivaSaoYaNa roKaMikt krko Baod ilaiKe ³1´ baahr ek Aadma-a baOza hO.

    Ga´roKaMikt sava-naama ka Baod ilaKao¹ vah Kud cala-a jaaega-a. ³1´

    D´ laaokaoi> ka Aqa- ilaKa¹o CaoTa mauÐh baD-a baat ³1´

    p`Sna ¹5´ k´‘poD sao pta igara ’ kark ka Baod ilaiKe . ³1´

    K´‘अप्िया व कुफेय िब्दों के दो - दो ऩमाषमवािी laiKe.’ ³1´ ga´‘AvagauNa’ Sabd sao ]psaga- Alaga krko ilaiKe. ³1´

    Ga´‘saozana-a’ Sabd sao p`%yaya Alaga kro. ³1´

    D´‘उिका भाभी शिभरा जाएॉगी’vaa@ya को िुद्ध कयके शरर्खए . ³1´

    p`Sna ¹6´k´ ‘vaayau maoM calanao vaalaa ¸vaa@yaaMSa ko ilae ek Sabd ilaiKe . ³1´

    K´ ‘ saonaa ka pit’ sao samast pd banaa[e. ³1´

    ga´ ‘ klaojaa zMDa haonaa’ mauhavaro ka Aqa- ilaiKe ³1´

    Ga´ ‘Kcaa-’ Sabd ka ivalaaoma ilaiKe . ³1´

    D´'दीघष स्वय िॊख्मा भें———होते हैं' रयक्त स्थान बयो. ³1´ KND ¹ga ³paz\yapustkoM´

    p`Sna ¹7´inamnailaiKt p`SnaaoM ko ]%tr ilaiKe. ³8´

    k´ Kanapana ko maamalao maoM sqaana-ayata ka @yaa Aqa- hO Æ

    K´ maaor maaorna-a ko naama iksa AaQaar pr rKo gaeÆ

  • ga´ ha^k-a kao Baart ka raYT/-aya Kola @yaaoM maanaa jaata hOÆ

    Ga´ mausaIbat ko samaya kaOna hmaara saaqa dota hO ªrhIma ko daohªo ko AaQaar pr bata[e Æ

    p`Sna¹8´ inamnailaiKt gad\yaaMSa pZ,kr pUCo gae p`SnaaoM ko ]

  • yaa

    अऩन ेववद्ारम के प्रधानािामाष को ऩत्र शरर्खए, स्जिभें फीभायी के कायण अवकाि रेन ेके शरए प्राथषना की गई हो।

    p`Sna ¹14´ दो शभत्रों के फीि वावर्षकोत्िव ऩय िॊवाद kao pâMca ¹pa^Mca vaa@ya maoM ilaiKe ³5´


    भाॉ औय फच्िे के फीि िॊवाद kao pâMca ¹paM̂ca vaa@ya maoM ilaiKe p`Sna ¹15´ जर का दरुुऩमोग योकने का आग्रह कयते हुए ek AakiYa-t AaOr rMgaIna iva&apna tOyaar kIijae ³5´ yaa

    ऩतॊग ऩय हुए ek AakiYa-t AaOr rMgaIna iva&apna tOyaar kIijae


    Time: 3 hour M.M-80 Marks GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:

    a. Read all the questions carefully and internal choices are given. b. Section-A consists of 20 questions of 1marks. c. Section-B consists of 6 questions of 2 marks. d. Section-C consists of 8 questions of 3 marks. e. Section-D consists of 6 questions of 4 marks.

    SECTION-A 1. Which of the following equation is not a linear equation?

    a. 3x2=5 b. X-4=-2 c. 3/2x+1=4 d. 3x=5

    2. The multiplicative inverse of -4/9 is a. 4/9 b. -9/4 c. 9/4 d. None of these

    3. The sum of rational number -1/3 and its reciprocal is a. 0 b. 1 c. -10/3 d. -3/10

    4. The ratio of 75ml to 3 litres is a. 25:1 b. 40:1 c. 1:40 d. 3:200

    5. 225% is equal to a. 2:3 b. 3:2 c. 4:9 d. 9:4

    6. If the perimeter of square is 24cm, then its area is a. 16cm2 b. 24cm2 c. 36 cm2 d. 36 m2

    7. The ratio of circumference to the area of the circle of radius r units is

    a.2:r b. r:2 c. 1:r d. 𝜋: 𝑟 8. A quadrilateral having four lines of symmetry is a

    a. Parallelogram b. rectangle c. Rhombus d. square 9. The order of rotational symmetry of a line segment is

    a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 OR

  • The letter Z has a. one line of symmetry b. No line of symmetry c. Two line of symmetry d. One vertically line of symmetry.

    10. A square pyramid has a. 4 vertices and 6 edges b. 6 vertices and 5 faces c. 6 vertices and 4 faces d. 5 vertices and 5 faces

    OR A solid having 4 faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges is called a a. triangular prism b. Rectangular prism c. Triangular pyramid d. Rectangular pyramid

    11. 0.9% when expressed in decimal is ......... 12. The special name given for the line of symmetry of a rhombus is .............. 13. In the ratio 4:15, 4 is called the first term or............ whereas 15 is called the second term or................ 14. A solid having a circular base and one vertex is called a ................ 15. The profit or loss percentage is always calculated on............... 16. Define rational number. 17. Find the number whose 6% is 24. 18. Write the number of line of symmetry in an isosceles triangle. 19. Give an example of a geometrical figure which has neither a line of symmetry nor rotational symmetry. 20. find the mode of the numbers: 2,1,2,3,5,6,2,5,8,3,5,10,8.

    SECTION-B 21. Solve the following equation:- 3/2(x-4)=1/4(3x+1) 22. Juhi sold a wahing machine for Rs. 27000. If she lost 10% on it. Find her cost price. 23. The present ages of A and B are in the ratio 5:6. Three years ago, their ages were in the ratio 4:5. Find their present ages. 24.Construct a triangle LMN such that length of each side is 5.3 cm. Name the triangle. (without steps of constructions). 25. Find the length of diameter of a circle whose circumference is 44cm.


    Find the radius and the circumference of a circle whose area is 144𝜋 cm2. 26. What vertical cross-section is made in the following solids : a. A brick b. A die c. Round apple d. A circular pipe

    SECTION-C 27. Multiply the sum of -3/11 and 6/22 by the product of 4/7 and -14/9. 28. Divide 84 into two equal parts such that 1/3 of one part is equal to ¼ of the other part. 29. A man sold his scooter for Rs. 8000 and lost 20%. For what amount should he have to sold it to gain 20%?

    30. Construct a right angled ∆ABC in which angle B=90o , AB=4cm, and BC=5cm. OR

    Construct a ∆ABC in which AB=5.5cm, BC=5.2cm and AC=4.3cm. Also write down the steps of construction. 31. A fruit seller bought 75kg apples at Rs 30/kg . He sold one –third apples at a loss of 5%. At what rate should he sell the remaining so that his overall gain is 10%?

  • 32. Draw a line of symmetry in each of the following figure:- 1. 2. 3. 33. Find the mean, median and mode of the given data: 28,33,33,40,41,43,47,48,50. 34. ABCD is a field having 30cm long 40cm wide. It has two roads 3cm wide one is parallel to length and other is parallel to breadth. Find the area of roads and remaining field.

    SECTION-D 35. A chair costs Rs.250 and a table costs Rs 400. If housewife purchased a certain number of chairs and two tables for Rs 2800, find the numbers of chairs she purchased. 36. Find the value of:

    2/3÷(4/15÷1/-3) 37. By selling a steel almirah for Rs. 3906, a manufacturer suffers aloss of Rs 294. Find the cost price of the almirah and his loss percentage.

    38.Construct a triangle ABC such that AB=4.1 cm, < 𝐵 =90° and hypotenuse AC= 5.2 cm. 39. The area of a parallelogram ABCD with AB=40cm and the corresponding altitude DE=18cm is equal to that of another parallelogram PQRS with side QR=36cm. Find the altitude of this parallelogram to the side QR.

    OR The diameter of a circular park is 84 m. On its outside, there a 3.5 m wide road. Find the cost of constructing the road at Rs. 240 per m2. 40. For each of the following data, draw frequency table and then the bar graph:- Month March April May June July Highest temp(oC)

    350 380 400 440 430

    Answer the following questions: a. In which month temperature was high. b. In which month temperature was low.


    NOTE : 1. All questions are compulsory.

    2. Question 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each.

    3. Question 11 to 20 carry 3 marks each.

    4. Question 21 to 26 carry 5 marks each.

    1. What are the products of anaerobic respiration?

    2. Name the artery that carries carbon dioxide rich blood.

    3. What is transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma called?

    4. When is an object said to be at rest?

    5. Which mirror is used as side view mirror in cars?

    6. What is continuous circulation of water in universe called?

    7. Where are ventilators provided in room? Why?

    8. Why is calamine solution applied on the skin when an ant bites?

    9. What is the path of flow of electricity through various electrical component

    connected to a source of electricity called?

    10. Can you use electromagnets to separate plastic bags from garbage? Give reason.

    11. Why do muscles develop cramps when we run fast?

    12. With the help of an activity how can you prove that exhaled air contains carbon


    13. What type of reproduction takes place in Spirogyra? Explain with diagram.

    14. A car covers 100 km in 5 hours .calculate its speed.


    A simple pendulum takes 32 sec to complete 20 oscillations. What is the Time

    period of pendulum?

    15. On what effect of the current , an electric bell works? Explain its working.


    How can you make an electromagnet?

    16. Write three point of difference between Concave mirror and Convex mirror.


    What is the dispersion of light? How can you show that light consists of seven


    17. Level of ground water is decreasing day by day. List three major causes of its


    18. Why do you take ENO during acidity?

    19. What type of clothes you should wear during summer & winter? Give reason.

    20. As a responsible citizen, suggest three ways that can help in saving water.

    21. Differentiate between breathing and respiration.


  • Explain mechanism of breathing.

    22. a How does blood circulate in our body?

    b Write the functions of blood.

    23. Explain the process of fertilization in flower with diagram.


    Draw a labelled diagram showing male and female part of flower.

    24. Identify the type of motion in the following case :

    a. Moon moving around the Earth.

    b. Movement of an Ant.

    c. Child on a swing.

    d. Motion of string of guitar.

    e. Car moving on straight road.

    25 a . Under what conditions bulb in a circuit does not glow?

    b. Draw the symbol of :

    i Switch ON

    ii Battery

    26 a. Which type of mirror is used in the following cases :

    i. Barber‟s mirror.

    ii. Reflectors in sharp turns.

    iii. Dentist‟s mirror.

    b. What is the nature of image formed by concave mirror?


    1.S.I unit of temperature is

    (a) Kelvin (b) joule (c) calorie (d) kilocalorie

    2.Which of the following is an indicator

    (a)Vinegar (b)lime water (c) turmeric (d) baking Soda

    3. Spiracles are respiratory organs of

    (a)grasshopper (b)fish (c) tadpole (d)earth worm

    4. Our body requires more energy when we

    (a)walk (b) run (c) sleep (d) eat

    5.The muscular tube through which stored urine is passed out of body

    (a) kidney (B) ureter (c) urethra (d) urinary bladder

    .6. Which part of the plant takes part in sexual reproduction.

    (a)Flower (b)seed (c) Fruit (d) leaves

    7.A unit that does not represent the speed is

    (a)m\s (b) km\h (c) km\m (d) m\s 2

    8.An iron core,screw,hammer and gong are components of

    (a) electric bell ( b) geyser (c) electric iron (d)toaster

    9.The accumulation of water between the layers of hard rocks is called

    (a) water table (b)aquifer (c)infiltration (d) rainwatrer


  • Which of the following inhibits the seepage of rainwater into ground?

    (a) A pukka floor (b) Playground (c) Grass lawn (d) Forest land

    10.An erect and enlarged image can be formed by

    (a) convex mirror (b)concave mirror (c) plane mirror (d) both convex and

    concave mirror


    A rainbow can be seen in the sky

    (a)When the sun is in front of you (b)when the sun is behind you (c) when the sun is

    overhead (d) only at the time of sun rise.

    S.SC Time 3 hrs. Max. Marks 80.


    All questions are compulsory.

    Attempt each question carefully and neatly.

    Q1 to 5 of SECTION A carry 1mark each.

    SECTION B carry 3 marks each.

    SECTION C carry 5 marks each.


    Q1 Multiple choice questions Q1. Aurangzeb ruled for about................ years.

    60 years

    40 years

    50 years Q2.Vasco da Gama was a.............. sailor.



    Portuguese Q3. Amazon basin is located in ______.

    South America

    South Africa

    Europe Q4.Where was Ahoms inhabited?


    Madhya Pradesh


  • Q5. The sufis stresses on selfless love and ....................... .


    One god

    Purity of soul OR

    There were .......... Nayanars



    42 Q2) fill in the blanks:

    1. Akbar Nama was authored by ________ 2. Sahara desert is a _____desert. 3. _______is the most expensive means of transport. 4. Advertising is all about building ______ 5. _________is an Indian classical dance form .

    Q3 State true or false 1. Advertisement is not important for brands.----- 2. Impact of media in democracy is very least.______ 3. Weekly market is held once in a week.______ 4. Radio is a mean of mass communication.____ 5. Yogis believe in meditation.________

    Q4 Match the following: 1. Market Rainforest 2. Velds gate of the west 3. Ganga wholesaler 4. Surat grassland 5. Evergreen forest glacier


    1 Describe briefly Todarmal‟s „ bandobast‟. 2. Describe the significance of port town.

    OR Why people visit Surat from distant places? 3. Why does the press need to be honest?

    OR Explore the relationship between advertising and democracy. 4. Describe the main features of classical dances of India. 5. Why it is necessary to advertise a product? Write three points. 6. Distinguish between rural and urban settlement. 7. Write the merits and demerits of railways.

    OR Write the merits and demerits of airways. 8. Write the features of coniferous forest.

    SECTION C 1. Compare and contrast the benefits of neighbourhood shop with online shopping.


  • a) Describe the functions of wholesaler b) How are the exporter and the importer able to make a big profit? c) In what ways were the Alvars different from the Nayanars?.

    OR Name three bhakti saints and explain their philosophy or beliefs. Q4. Why transport is important for trading? Q5. Write a note on the climate of Ganga Brahamputra Basin.

    OR Describe the climate of Amazon basin. Q6. Give the broad comparison between Ladakh and Sahara.

    SECTION D Q7. On an outline map of India mark and label the following: a.Ladakh b. Karakoram Range c.leh d. Hyderabad e.Awadh f. Surat

    GERMAN Q:1 unseen passage ( 10 marks )

    Eine Einladung Am 22 Mai habe ich Geburstag. Ich werde 14. Ich gebe eine Party und möchte dich Einladen Brigitte, Thomas und Christian Kommen auch. Die Party beginnt um 15.00 uhr. Komm aber bitte ein bisschen früher, so kannst du mir helfen. Bring etwas zum Trinken mit. ( z.b. eine Flasche, Cola oder Apfelsaft) True or false ?

    1. Tina wird am 22 Mai 14 . 2. Tina geht mit ihren Freunden in die Disko. 3. Tina gibt eine Party . 4. Thomas kommt nicht zur Party . 5. Karin soll etwas zum Essen Mitbringen.

    Q:2 Können/ wollen ? ( 5 marks)

    1. Tina ----- Ich mal dein Rad haben ? 2. Ich ------ eine Radtour machen . 3. Lea ----- gut Schwimmen . 4. Maria ----- Schwimmen lernen.

    Also geht Sie ins Schwimmbad. 5. Wir ----- heute Abend ins kino gehen. 6. Florian ------ nicht Tisch Tennis Spielen.

  • Q:3. Ihr/ Sein ? Write the Possessive Artikel ( 5 marks ) 1. Lea findet ----- Rock nicht.. 2. Markus sucht ---- uhr . 3. Sarika hat neue Strümpfe .

    -----Strümpfe sind sehr warm 4. Maria bringt ----- USB- stick mit 5. Frau weigel hat ein Smart- phone

    -----Smart- phone ist super! 6. Thomas hat einen Pullover.

    -----Pulli ist sehr elegant. 7. Stephanie hat ein schönes Fahrrad. 8. Lukas findet ----- Jeans nicht.

    Q:4 : Write Präpositionen und Artikel ( 5 marks ) 1. Stephan will Italienisch lernen. Er fährt ------- Italien und Rom. 2. Im August fährt Familie Stein ----- d ----- Alpen. Die kinder

    Wollen ski fahren lernen. 3. Ich möchte New york sehen. Also fliege ich ----- d ---- USA 4. Markus und Andreas fahren ------- d ----- Bodensee. Dort

    Kann man baden. 5. Mia fährt heute ---- Gebirge. Sie will Wandern.

    Q: 5. Frame sentences. ( 5 marks ) 1. Wir Ladakh im nach Juni fahren. 2. Ich im aus Meer im Mai fahre . 3. Im schneit es Winter. 4. Du fährst Urlaub wohin in . 5. Spanisch lernen will und ich Spanien nach fahre .

    Q: 6. Fill the correct form of werden. ( 5 marks ) 1. Morgen hat Stephanie Geburstag. Sie ---- 15 2. Im Mai ----- ich 12 3. Wie alt ----- du, Thomas ? 4. Mein Freund Felix ----- im Juni 16 5. Dieses Jahr ------ wir 50 und 58

    Q7 : Frame questions ( 5 marks ) 1. Ja, bring eine Flasche Mineralwasser mit! 2. Ich werde 12 .. 3. Lea und Felix Kommen. 4. Am 2 April habe icg Geburstag. 5. Die Uhr ist für Max .

    Q8 : Wen/ Wer ? ( 4 marks ) 1. ---- Kommst zur Schule ? 2. --- Soll ich einladen ? 3. ---Hat Morgen Geburstag? 4. ----Für ist dieses Buch ?

    Q:9 Write the imperative form for the following ? ( 6 marks ) 1. Kommen: ----- Felix, wir gehen in den Tennisclub. 2. Nehmen:-----Du, Maria, hier ist die Flasche. 3. Kommen: ------ Herr Stein, wir gehen zum Restaurant.

  • 4. Essen. ------ ! ! 5. Gehen: ------- nach Haus, Kinder! 6. Bleiben: Simone, bitten. ------ hier! 7. Fahren: Herr Weigel, ------- bitte langsam 8. Gehen: -------- nicht nach Haus! 9. Fahren: Tilak, ------- bitte nicht so schnell. 10. Helfen: Bliebt hier! ----- uns! 11. Fragen: ----- nicht so viel, Monika! 12. Machen: ------ es schnell, Max.

    Q:10. Answer the following questions. ( 10 marks ).

    1. Wann ist Ostern ? 2. Wann ist Sommer anfang ? 3. Wann ist Weihnachten ? 4. Wann ist Silvester ? 5. Wann ist Neujahr ?

    Q: 11 Write the konjugation of : ( 10 marks )

    1. Gehören 2. Werden 3. Fahren 4. Wollen 5. Können

    Q:12. Write the names of 5 sport activities ( 5 marks) Q:13 : Ergänze Im oder am ? ( 5 marks )

    1. Wann fahren wir aus Meer ? ---- Juni oder August ? 2. Wann fahren wir ins Gebirge? ---- Sommer oder Winter? 3. Wann fahren wir nach Japan? ---- Juni oder August? 4. Wann fährst du in die Schweiz? ----- Mittwock oder Freitag ? 5. Wann fahren wir an den Bodensee? ----- Samstag oder Sonntag ?

    FRENCH Q1. Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

    Le dimanche, Sam fait des activités en famille. Le matin, il fait des crêpes avec son père.

    Sam joue avec son grand frère tout l' apres - midi. Lili les regarde jouer avec joie. Lili

    est la sœur de Sam . Elle est trop petite pour jouer avec eux.

    1. Qu' est ce que Sam fait à dimanche.? (2)

    2. Qu' est ce qu' il fait avec son père ? (2)

    3. Qu' est ce qu' il fait tout l' après midi? (2)

    4. Qui est la sœur de Sam ? (2)

    5. Pourquoi Lili ne jouer pas avec eux ? (2)

  • Q2. Dites vrai ou faux. (5)

    1. Sam dormit à dimanche. ..,.......

    2. Lili est la sœur de Sam. ……..

    3. Il fait du gâteaux . …………

    4. Lili est grande…….

    5. Sam joue avec son grand frère. ……….

    Section B

    Q1. Repondez : (5)

    1. La capitale de la France.

    2. La fête Nationale.

    3. L' hyme Nationale.

    4. Un pays francophone.

    5. La camembert est un ……..

    Q2. Trouvez les contraires : (5)

    1. Derrière × ………

    2. à gauche × ……..

    3. Sous. × ……….

    4. Blanc × ………

    5. au dessus × ……….

    Q3. Write the ordinal numbers from 1- 10 in French. (10)

    Q4. Conjuguez les verbes . (10)

    1. Nous ……… pour le train ( attendre).

    2. Manuel ……….des poèmes ( écrire ).

    3. Vous …….. bonjour au professeur ( dire).

    4. Tu ………. le poème (lire).

    5. Nous ………..les cahiers Sur le pupitre.( Mettre)

    6. Vous ……… conjugaison du verbe.(écrire)

    7. Je ……….du Sucre dans le thé.( Mettre)

    8. Sophie ………...un roman.(rendre).

    9. J' …………..une lettre( attendre).

    10. Je ne ………. pas l' Italien.( Comprendre).

    Q5. Donnez l' addition : (5)

    1. Quatorze + six = ………….

    2. Soixante + douze = ………

    3. Cinquante + Dix = ……….

    4. Dix - huit + deux = ……….

    5. Cent + zéro = ………….

    Q6. Complétez avec : du,de la, de l',des,de,d'. (5)

    1. La mère ……….. Anne est médecin.

    2. Voilà la maison ………..grand- mère.

    3. C' est le livre ……….. Sophie.

  • 4. Voici la chemise ………..élève

    5. Regardez l' image ………. livre.

    Q7. Complétez avec : au,à la,aux,à. (5)

    1. Vous donnez des chocolats ……...garçons.

    2. Je montre ma robe ………..amies.

    3. Les enfants disent bonjour ……….. professeur.

    4. Je vais ………...école.

    5. Sophie va ………...piscine.

    Q8. Transformez les questions using, " est- ce que " ou " est - ce qu' ". (5)

    1. Sophie a un chien ?

    2. Ils aiment le théatre ?

    3. Vous allez à l' école?

    4. Manuel apprend le français?

    5. Vous mangez les prunes ?

    Q9. Decrivez le repas français. (5)

    Q10. Complétez avec l' adjectif possessif: (5)

    1. J' habite avec ………..parents.

    2. ……….lunettes sont trop petits.

    3. Gerand regarde ……….image.

    4. Nous fermons la porte de ……….. maison.

    5. Vous parlez à ………...enfants.

    Q11. Complétez avec article partitif ou l' article défini . (5)

    1. Shikha prépare ……….. salade.

    2. Paul boit……….. thé.

    3. Il ne veut pas …….eau.

    4. Il y a ……….œufs ? Non, il n' y a pas…….. œufs?

    5. Sophie boit ……….café parcequ' elle déteste …….thé.

    COMPUTER M.M – 25 Q1. Answer the following questions: (4X1=4)

    (i) What is TRACON?

    (ii) Name any two search engines.

    (iii) Name any two people finder websites.

    (iv) What is Adobe Flash Professional CS6?

    Q2. Define the terms : (4X1=4)

    (i) Cloud computing (iii) FOSS software

    (ii) Hacking (iv) Plagiarism

  • Q3. Fill in the blanks : (4X0.5=2)

    (i) All air space is divided into ______with the help of technology.

    (ii) ________are notes & guidelines provided for installing & using the features

    of an application.

    (iii) ________means all rights reserved.

    (iv) _______ is a free and open source operating system.

    Q4. Answer the following questions : (3X2=6)

    (i) Explain any two safety measures that one should follow while using internet.

    (ii) Write short note on virtual lab

    (iii) How do you group & ungroup objects?

    Q5. Explain the use of computers in air traffic control system. (3)

    Q6. Explain different systems that work together to control a driverless car. (3)

    Q7. Explain any three types of clouds. (3)
