St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th...

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-8508 We invite you to stay for coffee following services today; a good chance to meet someone new. Remember: there are no strangers at St. Andrew's, only friends we haven't met! TODAY: October 25—Reformation Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion 8:20 am Sunday School and Youth Forum classes 9:30 am Adult Forum class 4:00-6:00 pm Fall Family Fun Festival 6:00 pm October 18 worship service aired on ICTV Mon 8:30 am Preschool 5:00-7:30 pm Middle School Youth Halloween Party 6:00 pm Bible Study Tues 8:30 am Preschool Wed 7:00 am Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Forest Lake Restaurant 8:30 am Preschool 9:30 am Quilting Group meets 4:30-6:20 pm Youth Night for grades 9-12 5:15 pm Handbell Choir rehearsal 5:30 & 6:30 pm Men’s & Mixed Choir rehearsals 6:30 pm Guide Huddle Thurs 8:30 am Preschool 6:30 pm Finance Team meeting with Peterson Account and all account signers 7:00 pm Al Anon Fri 8:30 am Preschool 9:00 am Lefse preparation 4:30-6:00 pm Haunted Hayride at Valhalla Farm hosted by 8th Grade Confirmation Sat 5:00 pm Lefse baking Sunday, November 1—All Saints Day 8:00 & 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion 9:20 am Sunday School & Youth Forum classes 9:30 am Adult Forum class 6:00 pm October 25 worship service aired on ICTV In our prayers: Mike Andruzak, Laurel Borreson, Carolyn Brown, Brian Busby, Lori (Busby) Edlund, Judy Johnson, Jennifer Kasal, Don Kilcher, Jean McCowen, Cheryl Pauli, Leila Weller, Marcia Wendt, Anita Williams and our many shut-ins If the pastors can be of assistance to you in any way, please don't hesitate to call. They can be reached at the church office at 326-8508. If after hours and an emergency, please call Pastor David Anderson at 218-838-8202 or Pastor Megan Crouch at 218-327-3049. October 25, 2015 Reformaon Sunday

Transcript of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th...

Page 1: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-8508 We invite you to stay for coffee following

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church

501 Northwest 16th Street

Grand Rapids, MN 55744


We invite you to stay for coffee following services today; a good chance to meet someone

new. Remember: there are no strangers at St. Andrew's, only friends we haven't met!

TODAY: October 25—Reformation Sunday

8:00 & 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion

8:20 am Sunday School and Youth Forum classes

9:30 am Adult Forum class

4:00-6:00 pm Fall Family Fun Festival

6:00 pm October 18 worship service aired on ICTV

Mon 8:30 am Preschool

5:00-7:30 pm Middle School Youth Halloween Party

6:00 pm Bible Study

Tues 8:30 am Preschool

Wed 7:00 am Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Forest Lake Restaurant

8:30 am Preschool

9:30 am Quilting Group meets

4:30-6:20 pm Youth Night for grades 9-12

5:15 pm Handbell Choir rehearsal

5:30 & 6:30 pm Men’s & Mixed Choir rehearsals

6:30 pm Guide Huddle

Thurs 8:30 am Preschool

6:30 pm Finance Team meeting with Peterson Account and all account signers

7:00 pm Al Anon

Fri 8:30 am Preschool

9:00 am Lefse preparation

4:30-6:00 pm Haunted Hayride at Valhalla Farm hosted by 8th Grade Confirmation

Sat 5:00 pm Lefse baking

Sunday, November 1—All Saints Day

8:00 & 10:30 am Worship with Holy Communion

9:20 am Sunday School & Youth Forum classes

9:30 am Adult Forum class

6:00 pm October 25 worship service aired on ICTV

In our prayers: Mike Andruzak, Laurel Borreson, Carolyn Brown, Br ian Busby, Lor i

(Busby) Edlund, Judy Johnson, Jennifer Kasal, Don Kilcher, Jean McCowen, Cheryl Pauli,

Leila Weller, Marcia Wendt, Anita Williams and our many shut-ins

If the pastors can be of assistance to you in any way, please don't hesitate to call. They

can be reached at the church office at 326-8508. If after hours and an emergency, please

call Pastor David Anderson at 218-838-8202 or Pastor Megan Crouch at 218-327-3049.

October 25, 2015

Reformation Sunday

Page 2: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-8508 We invite you to stay for coffee following


501 NW 16th Street, Grand Rapids, MN 55744, 326-8508

October 25, 2015


Welcome and Announcements

Presentation of Holy Bibles


* Confession and Forgiveness p. 94

* Gathering Song #526 “God is Here!”

* Greeting p. 147

* Prayer of the Day

Almighty God, gracious Lord, we thank you that your Holy Spirit renews the church in

every age. Pour out your Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep them steadfast in

your word, protect and comfort them in times of trial, defend them against all enemies of

the gospel, and bestow on the church your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our

Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and

forever. Amen


Children's Sermon

Anthem Mixed Choir

First Reading Jeremiah 31:31-34 Holy Bible p. 721

Second Reading Romans 3:19-28 Holy Bible p. 1026

* Hymn #517 “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word”

* Response after Gospel is announced: "Glory to you, O Lord."

* Gospel John 8:31-36 Holy Bible p. 975

* Response after Gospel: "Praise to you, O Christ."

Sermon Pastor David N. Anderson

Hymn of the Day #508 “As Rain from the Clouds”

* Apostles’ Creed p. 105

* Prayers of Intercession

* Exchange of Peace


Offering Please exchange Friendship Pads at this time.

Discipleship Offering Eddie Cease and Veronica Jackson

* Offertory #686 vs.1 "We Give Thee but Thine Own"

* Offering Prayer

* Words of Institution

* The Lord’s Prayer p. 154

Distribution of Holy Communion and Collection of Estimate of Giving cards

SENDING * Benediction

* Sending Song #504 “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”



* please stand as you are able


Welcome all people

Celebrate God's presence

Grow in God's grace

Reach out with God's love

Today's Worship Assistants: Acolytes…………………………….…8:00—Caleb Christianson & Noah Grotjohn

10:30—Zach Bolton & Noah Swanson

Altar Guild………………………….………….…….………..8:00—Mona Petersen

10:30—Cathy Snowden

Communion Assistants.……………………………...8:00—Jeff Miels, Barry Olson

10:30—Tia Halvorson, Jack Rajala

Greeters......................................................................................8:00—Lori Schneider

10:30—Harry & Jean Gardner

Lectors..........................................................................................8:00—Cindy Busby

10:30—Patrick Rajala

Ushers.................................................8:00—Ron & Diane Hannah, Martie Jacobson

10:30—Marn Flicker, Ethan Rajala, John Rajala, Patrick Rajala

Videographer………………..………………...……………………….Grant Janssen

ST. ANDREW’S MINISTRY STAFF Senior Pastor David N. Anderson Associate Pastor Megan C. Crouch Parish Secretary Angela Olson Handbell Choir Director Anissa Grotjohn Men’s Choir Director Tom Grosland Mixed Choir Director Eileen Grosland Nursery Attendant Lauren Brophy Organist Jan Bilden Preschool Staff Kelly Olsen-Director, Colleen Casey, Dixie Limanen Custodians Keyna Childs, Alvina Mathiason

Page 3: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-8508 We invite you to stay for coffee following

WELCOME TO WORSHIP TODAY! A special welcome to our visitors and

guests. If you don’t have a church home in Grand Rapids, we invite you to consider St.

Andrew's. If our pastors can be of assistance to you in any way, please don't hesitate to


All are welcome to Holy Communion. We extend a special invitation to visitors.

Please let an usher know if you prefer to have the pastors bring Holy Communion to

you in the pew.

Our deepest sympathy to Carolyn Brown and family on the death of her husband,

Bruce Brown, who died Saturday, October 17, 2015. His memorial service will be held

Tuesday, November 3 at St. Andrew’s. Visitation will begin at 12:00 noon with service

following at 1:00 pm. Blessed be his memory.

Our deepest sympathy to the family of Jean McCowen who died Wednesday,

October 21, 2015. Blessed be her memory.

Thank you to the Mixed Choir and Rick Linner for providing special music at our

worship services this morning.

Adult Forums are as follows:

October 25—Bible study “In Heaven’s Name, Why on Earth? Part 2: Priorities?

No! Options? Yes!“ led by Pastor David

November 1—Bible study “In Heaven’s Name, Why on Earth? Part 3: Managing

Me, Managing Money” led by Pastor David

November 8—Conley Janssen presents on Service and Faith

November 15—Kathleen Salaem, Salvation Army on the Bell Ringing Ministry

November 22—Jan Bilden presents on Music and the Liturgy

November 29—NO Adult Forum - Thanksgiving weekend

Our Sunday school students in grade 3 receive Holy Bibles today, October 25 at the

10:30 am worship service. Those receiving Holy Bibles today are: Braden Bothma,

McKenzie Briggs, Preston Buescher, Ryan Bymark, Taylor Carrigan, Nina Hofstad,

Kayla Jenkins, Bryce Madsen, Kaitlyn Olson, Alyvea Raymond, Jackson Rettig, Connor

Swanson, Alexis Waisanen and Matthew Whirley

St. Andrew’s has a Staffed Nursery for parents with young children during Sunday

School hour and the 10:30 am worship service on Sunday mornings. The Nursery is

available to children 3 years and younger and is located in the Education Wing.

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:33

THANK YOU! for the gifts given for the ongoing ministry at St. Andrew's.

General Fund $4,891.98 Amount needed weekly to meet 2015 budget - $7,242.40

transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account. As you

contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. ‘Simply Giving’ is easy

and convenient. If you would like to set up a convenient process for consistent giving to St.

Andrew’s, please contact the church office at 326-8508. “Simply Giving’ participants can find

laminated cards in the pews to place in the offering plate as an indication of your giving.

St. Andrew’s Preschool still has one opening in the 3-year-olds class, which meets Tuesday

and Thursday mornings from 8:30-11:30 am. Child must be 3 years old by September 1, 2015

and toilet trained. Please contact Kelly Olsen, Preschool Director, at 327-0338 for more


Release Time Program continues. Are you looking for a great oppor tunity to help kids

learn and grow in their faith? St. Andrew’s and Zion Lutheran Churches are again hosting the

joint Release Time Program and we invite you to consider being part of it. Release Time is

offered to children in grades 3-5 and is an opportunity for students to gather for 60 minutes of

instruction throughout the school year. Songs, skits, Bible stories, projects and snacks are just

a part of what the children experience. We meet every other Wednesday at Zion Lutheran

from 12:30-2:00 pm October—March. Guides help provide supervision and support during

large group time (lots of fun songs and Bible Stories) and then lead a short small group time

where you reflect on the days theme with the students. Many of the students that participate in

this program have limited or even no other church exposure. This is an important community

outreach, and it only takes an hour and half every other week. Please contact Pastor Megan or

Pastor David for more information.

St. Andrew’s is a member of ICTV which entitles us to share our Sunday worship services on

public TV. Sunday worship from the previous week is aired each Sunday at 6:00 pm. Please

check your subscriber for channel listing.

Page 4: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-8508 We invite you to stay for coffee following

Our 7th annual Fall Family Fun Festival is today, October 25th from 4:00-6:00 pm. Families and

kids ages 0-13 are invited to join us for some Halloween fun in the Sunday school wing as we

having an evening of games, prizes, crafts, treats and lots more. Come in your costumes and be

prepared for a good time! Dinner will be served as part of this event and there is no cost to

participate so please feel free to bring your family and friends. We will once again have a piñata

and cake walk. If you would like to donate piñata treats (small candy or prizes) or cupcakes for

the cake walk, please contact Pastor Megan Crouch.

Middle School Youth event - Youth in grades 5th-8th are invited to join us from 5:30-7:00 pm

on Monday, October 26th for a Haunted Halloween Party! Activities will include a costume

contest, dinner, games, treats (and a few tricks)! Everyone is welcome!!! Parents if you can

help us by volunteering, please contact Pastor Megan.

The Monday Night Bible Study Group, led by Jack Rajala, will be starting a new series titled

“Meeting The Spirit.” Series begins Monday, October 26 at 6:00 pm. The study is Bible based

and meets the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Fireside Room. Please join us.

Men's Breakfast Bible Study meets every Wednesday morning at 7:00 am at the Forest

Lake Restaurant. Each week, they discuss the scripture for the next Sunday's worship service.

It's a nice way to start the day. All men are welcome to attend.

Quilting Ministry—Come join us on Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the Fireside Room as we

continue providing quilts for those in need in our own community and overseas. NO

EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. If you can’t join us on Wednesdays, pick up a quilt kit from the

green bin under the office window to sew together at home.

High School Youth Nights continue on Wednesdays! Youth Nights begin at 4:30 pm and

go until 6:20 pm and include dinner, games and activities. High school youth are welcome to

come to the church after school and do homework or have quiet social time in the youth room

until 4:30 pm if they want. Parents, we can always use help on youth nights either cooking

dinner (arrive at the church by 5:15 pm and have dinner ready by 5:30 pm) or with activities

(arrive at the church around 4:30 pm or asap and help out). Please see Pastor Megan for more


St. Andrew’s 8th Grade Confirmation Class presents A Haunted Hayride Friday, October 30

from 4:30-6:00 pm at Valhalla Farm (on Highway 169 between Grand Rapids and Hill City).

$5.00 per person benefits the Second Harvest Food Bank. For $5 you get: one hot dog w/

trimmings and one juice box or warm apple cider. Haunted Hayride will go on “light” rain or

shine. For more information, please call Melanie Jacobson at 244-8428.

St. Andrew’s Preschool Wreath Fundraiser is back!! Please watch for more details in the

coming weeks.

Grand Rapids High School Choir, under the direction of Scott Shr impton, will present a

concert at St. Andrew’s on Monday, November 2 at 7:30 pm. Everyone welcome!

Remember to protect yourself against the flu. Thrifty White Pharmacy will be administering flu

shots at St. Andrew’s on Sunday, November 8th in between worship services. Please bring your

insurance information with you.

St. Andrew’s Rascals will meet at 5:00 pm Thursday, November 12 at St. Andrew’s. Guest

speaker Harold Goetzman will share on a recent trip to Moroco. A delicious catered dinner

prepared by Deb Cleven will follow at 6:00 pm. The cost is $8.00 (payable in advance). Please

call Jean Gardner at 999-9890 by Monday, November 9 if you plan to attend.

St. Andrew’s Youth are collecting books, games, music, movies and puzzles to sell at the

WELCA Bazaar. All donations can be dropped off in the youth room and profits from the sale

will go to support St. Andrew’s Youth Ministry. Thanks for all your support!

St. Andrew’s Preschool still has one opening in the 3-year-olds class, which meets Tuesday

and Thursday mornings. Child must be 3 years old by September 1, 2015 and toilet trained.

Please contact Kelly Olsen, Preschool Director, at 327-0338 for more information.

St. Andrew’s has established a special fund to upgrade our current sound system. If you would

like to contribute to this fund, please make checks payable to St. Andrew’s and indicate “Sound

System Upgrade” in the memo. Thank you to those who have already contributed.

Itasca County Habitat for Humanity- "Building community one house at a time." Habitat

is in need of volunteers from St. Andrew’s on their designated build day which is Thursday,

November 19th. St. Andrew’s has committed to the 3rd Thursday of each month so please sign

up today to volunteer! There is a lot of work to do on the six bedroom Thrivent Builds home in

Deer River. By November 19th, we are hoping the work would be finishing the interior. We

need you! A sign up sheet will be posted on the kiosk (watch for it) or email Jim Willford at

[email protected] . If you have questions, shoot him a note or call at 218-244-8990.

The members of the PRAYER CHAIN are ready to offer confidential help and support through

prayer. Please call Jean Gardner 999-9890 or Gail Olijnek 326-2431 with your prayer requests.

St. Andrew’s reminds you we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly

offering. Electronic giving is convenient for our congregation members and provides much-

needed donation consistency for our congregation. ‘Simply Giving’ is used to automatically

Page 5: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church - · St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 501 Northwest 16th Street Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-8508 We invite you to stay for coffee following