SSwB: Session 2

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  • 8/9/2019 SSwB: Session 2


    01[17:32] FADE...

    01[17:32] .TO....

    01[17:32] ..BLACK

    01[17:32] ...

    01[17:32] After meeting your legendary jounin-sensei,

    you careers as ninja were put in jeopardy before they even began!Putting your tracking and logic skills to the test, you

    inevitably found Sasori atop the Council Chambers, the core

    building of Sunagakures ninja operations.

    01[17:32] With a brief speech, he sent you on your

    way to rest and prepare for the next day and your very first

    mission. And what a mission it is! For perhaps the first time,

    you leave the village that has been your home for so many years

    to go out into the wild desert.

    01[17:32] What lays in wait on this journey? What

    awaits you at the SEKINAKA MINES? All might be answered in SANDS

    STAINED WITH BLOOD session 2!!!

    01[17:33] As the group reaches the end of the long

    tunnel the light of the blinding sun malevolently greets you withall its fury. The pale sands of the desert are a sharp contrast

    to the bleak black walls of the tunnel.

    01[17:33] Want to talk at all while you travel? Or do

    you want to skip ahead? Youve got about 7 more hours of walking


    [17:33] hmm what do you want to do mai?

    [17:33] (I'm ok with either, if someone has

    something they want to say. Otherwise lets move on)

    [17:34] I'm good

    01[17:34] and so we move on.

    [17:34] forward!

    01[17:34] and the dice-gods favor you, you encounter

    nothing as night slowly falls across the desert.

    01[17:35] Though nothing but the moon lights your way

    and your legs begin to tire, Sasori urges you onward and it's

    only a short while later you discover why.

    [17:35] (no albino giant scorpions?)

    01[17:35] (not this time)

    [17:35] (no acid spitting sand worms?)

    01[17:36] At first they appear to be small dots of

    light, but you cover the distance quickly. In no time come upon a

    small group of buildings.

    01[17:36] The cluster of buildings is centered on a

    medium-sized Inn, the entrance of which sits right up against the

    side of the road. Three other buildings are situated around theInn. One you can easily tell is a restaurant, but the purpose of

    the other two is not readily apparent.

    01[17:36] Across front of the Inn is painted:

    "Gakumotos Oasis".

    01[17:37] Without concern for the rest of you or

    saying much of anything, Sasori enters the building.

    01[17:37] Going in, or do you feel like roughing it?

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    [17:37] "Hey Sensei, are we staying here, or just

    looking for information?" She tries to keep the note of hope out

    of her voice concerning the first option

    01[17:38] Considering how dark it is and the fact

    your feet feel ready to fall off, you can easily assume it is the


    01[17:38] : SASORI -> "Yea..."01[17:38] : SASORI -> "I totally feel like sleeping

    on the hard floor, hurry up and get in here."

    [17:39] "Hai haiiii" she agrees readily, a small

    measure of energy returning at the prospect of a nice room

    01[17:39] Going through the door, you enter a

    circular room. To either side of you are staircases leading up to

    a second connected by a catwalk suspended over a sitting area

    filled chairs and small tables. On the far end of the room is a

    counter upon which leans a thin young woman who looks bored out

    of her mind.

    [17:40] "You think we'll find anything useful

    here?" taking in the surroundings

    01[17:40] : YOUNG WOMAN -> *sigh* "Welcome toGakumotos Oasis, the place where the weary traveler can rest

    their head for a reasonable price." *sigh* "How may I help you?"

    01[17:40] Sasori moves over to the counter and slides

    the large bundle he carries off his back. The floor shakes with

    the impact.

    01[17:41] : SASORI -> "Yes, Id like three rooms for

    one night. Two singles and one double. "

    01[17:41] : YOUNG WOMAN -> "Yes. Of course. Were so

    happy to have you here."

    01[17:41] She doesnt seem that happy.

    [17:41] "Must not be much competition" Mai observes

    with a shrug

    01[17:41] : YOUNG WOMAN -> "In a sign of appreciation

    for your business, we offer you these coupons--good for a

    discount at the restaurant conveniently located next door.

    Remember *sigh* at Gakumotos Oasis your pleasure is our


    01[17:42] From beneath the counter she pulls five

    coupons and slides them across the counter toward Sasori. She

    then turns and unlocks a cabinet behind her. Within, you see a

    plethora of hooks from which keys hang. Several are missing, and

    after some consideration she pulls off three and hands them to


    01[17:42] Sasori nods and accepts the keys before

    turning to the rest of you.[17:43] "I don't know about you but I'm

    starving" Tanaka muttered patting his stomach

    [17:43] "lets get settled then we can go get

    something to eat together."

    01[17:43] : SASORI -> "Here..." he passes out keys to

    Mai and Junichi and keeps one for himself. He also hands Mai four

    of the five coupons. "You guys can go get something, I'll be in

    my room."

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    01[17:44] With that, he leave the group and heads up

    the stairs, presumably to his room.

    01[17:44] Actions?

    [17:45] " I wonder what's wrong with sensei?"

    [17:45] Mai heads upstairs to the single and drops

    her backpack off, stretching a bit to work the kinks and sores

    out before heading out to the hallway and locking the door again.01[17:45] Junichi and Yori go to the double room and

    drop off their things as well.

    [17:45] Sliding the Puppet's bundle and his

    cloak onto the bed Tanaka does so as well

    01[17:46] And so you do.

    [17:46] "He's probably happy with his field rations.

    Lets head down!"

    01[17:47] Junichi and Yori nod noncommittally.

    [17:48] "Givin how enthusiatic that lady was

    about this place,I'm betting the food will taste like field


    [17:48] "Heh! Maybe her sister is the cook."

    [17:49] "maybe,just as long as I can force itdown I'll eat it"

    01[17:50] And I assume you guys head to the


    [17:50] (yep)

    [17:50] yep!

    01[17:50] The cool night air is a sharp contrast to

    the warmth of the inn, but nothing notable happens on your way to

    the restaurant next door.

    01[17:51] The restaurant is a quaint establishment. A

    large circular room is cut off on one side by a wall with a wide

    window to the other side where a kitchen is located. Several

    round tables fill the empty space of the room with a bar located

    right against with window and several booths around the


    01[17:51] Several other customers are already

    sitting, eating or waiting for their orders.

    01[17:52] A large man is cooking(?) on the other side

    of the window and two women carry trays loaded with food through

    a small opening to the right.

    [17:52] "Nobody better head for the bar." She says

    jokingly as she heads for one of the empty tables.

    01[17:53] Junichi grins but Yori doesn't seem to

    notice the joke. They follow you to the table.

    [17:53] "I'm teatoling tonight thanks" He

    chuckled01[17:54] In a short while a waitress comes to the

    table to take your order. She seems like she's in a hurry.

    [17:55] Mai checks the coupons to see if they have

    any special requirements. "So what do you recommend?" she asks

    the waitress.

    01[17:57] : WAITRESS -> "The egg drop soup is

    edible... the spiced rice isn't bad either."

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    [17:59] "... I'll try the rice" she decides, while

    making a mental note to suggest her family come out and set up

    their own resturaunt/inn. These guys are doing a bad job of

    selling water in the desert.

    [18:00] "I'll take the soup"

    [18:00] (sorry I'm late guys. there was a huge

    accident so I ahd one hell of a time getting home)01[18:00] (Guys, go to channel #narutod20ooc to catch

    him up)

    01[18:01] Junichi thinks for a while before ordering

    the rice as well.

    01[18:04] * Tanshin_Yori orders rice and umeboshi.

    01[18:04] The waitress smiles and heads off to the


    01[18:05] in a few seconds the other waitress comes

    by and places clay glasses of water in front of each of you.

    01[18:07] Any actions? Conversation? Staring

    awkwardly at each other?

    [18:07] "so tell more about your selves"

    Tanaka said siping at his water[18:08] "You first! that's the rule" she says


    [18:08] "well what do you want to know?"

    [18:09] "Hmm... good question"

    [18:11] "I guess I'll think of something. How are

    you guys holding up after that trip? I'm kinda sore myself"

    01[18:11] Junichi shrugs and sips on his water.

    [18:11] "Eh. Alright."

    [18:13] "Those straps kept cutting into my

    shoulders,but other than that I'm fine"

    [18:15] "Yeah, I might see about getting some wider

    shoulder-straps for mine when we get back."

    [18:15] "Or maybe just get some storage seals, if I

    can scrounge the money"

    [18:16] "once I learn how to make them I'll

    make you one free of charge"

    01[18:17] The waitress rushes by with a very large

    tray, in front of Junichi and Mai she places a bowl of rice mixed

    with a brown sauce and a small plate of beef. Tanaka gets a bowl

    of thick soup and a smaller bowl of small round fruit(?). Yori

    get his umeboshi and a bowl of rice. Without a word she dashes


    [18:17] "Awesome, you're the best!"

    [18:17] "I feel like we should leave a tip"

    [18:18] "Well, lets get this over with..." Maybethose field rations wern't such a bad idea after all... she pokes

    the food experimentally before making good on her own words

    01[18:19] * Tanshin_Yori wordlessly digs in.

    01[18:19] The rice is a strange mix of sour and

    sweet. It's at just the right tempurature and practically melts

    as it hits your tongue.

    01[18:19] The umeboshi is extremely salty and the

    rice is a tad bland, but it's rice.

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    01[18:20] Junichi follow Yori's lead and digs in

    without much fuss or discussion.

    [18:21] "Oh, not bad!" She says, covering her mouth

    as she was taught

    [18:22] "Jugding from your face I probably

    should have gotten the rice, well here goes.."

    [18:22] "Its a little odd, but done well"01[18:22] * Tanshin_Yori shrugs as he continues eating. Food is

    supposed to keep you from starving. The taste is just a bonus.

    01[18:23] The egg drop soup is thick. It's a little

    bland but has a salty aftertaste, and seems to be rather filling.

    01[18:23] at least it's warm.

    [18:23] "It's not too bad...a bit saltier

    than what I'm used to but it's filling"

    01[18:25] And so you eat; the food is eaten, thus

    preserving your life for tomorrow.

    [18:25] "So figured out a question for me

    yet?" he said picking at the last fruit left

    [18:26] "Hmm, how about... 'you know its not right

    to make a lady pay for the meal, right?'" she gives him a grin[18:28] "that's not a question I was


    [18:28] "I'm sneaky like that" she agrees

    01[18:29] Junichi snickers

    [18:29] "anything else? cuase afterwards I

    get to question you" he said grinning

    [18:30] "Nah, I'm good." She relents, passing

    around the coupons she was given earlier

    01[18:33] : WAITRESS -> "Are you guys finished with

    your meals?" She once again appears in a rush carrying a tray

    filled with empty plates.

    01[18:34] * Tanshin_Yori nods.

    [18:34] "Yeah, thanks"

    [18:34] "same here"

    01[18:34] She quickly collects the empty plates and

    whisks them back to the kitchen.

    01[18:35] Mysteriously there are four bills on the

    table already figuring in your coupons.

    01[18:35] All of you can easily pay for it

    01[18:36] sooo...?

    [18:36] "so how long have you been sword

    training Mai?"

    [18:37] Mai lays down a little change to cover the

    tab along with the coupon and stands. "Hmm? Oh, lemmie see...

    about six years now." she thinks back with a nod01[18:38] * Tanshin_Yori pulls out enough cash to pay for

    whatever isn't covered by the coupon.

    [18:39] " I've had at least three years

    training from my dad,before he realized it was a waste of his

    time and thatI'd rather play with dolls and wear make up all day"

    [18:40] "Well, as long as it works it isn't stupid I


    [18:41] "Try telling him that"

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    [18:42] "Wonder if Sensei went to bed


    [18:43] "Dunno, but I think I'm going to. I doubt

    we'll be sleeping in late tomorrow morning."

    01[18:43] (( somewhere in the distance, Sasori laughs

    at the very thought of sleepign in ))

    [18:43] "Probably"01[18:44] Did you all pull out cash? or is the creepy

    kid the only one paying for his meal?

    [18:46] Tanaka pulls out his wallet and

    counts out enough for the meal and a tip.

    01[18:46] * Tanshin_Yori yawns. "Looks like I need some shut-eye

    as well." He turns to Jun and Tanaka. "If I start screaming, just

    ignore it."

    01[18:46] Junichi does so as well, and in a few short

    seconds your waitress appears and collects the money and coupons.

    01[18:47] She thanks you for your business and the

    tip before disappearing again.

    [18:47] Nervous smile

    [18:48] "I'll try to". He said nodding toYori

    [18:50] Mai takes the opportunity of Chikamatsu

    distracting Yori with his reply to slip away. She out the door

    and headed to her room in the blink of an eye

    01[18:50] And so she does.

    01[18:51] * Tanshin_Yori stretches. "'bout that time." He plods

    upstairs and prepares for another war inside his head.

    01[18:51] Junichi heads to bead as well.

    [18:52] Tanaka follows suit

    01[18:52] Junichi unlocks the door and quickly claims

    a bed.

    [18:52] Seeing only two beds, Yori shapes his sand

    into a comfortable-looking pile and lays down before blanketing

    himself with another layer. He's out cold within moments.

    01[18:53] yori, give me a d% roll.

    [18:54] d100

    [18:54] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d100 and gets 8

    [18:54] bad?

    01[18:54] offf

    01[18:54] give me a will save

    [18:54] d20+2 Will

    [18:54] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Will and gets =


    [18:54] not so bad.

    01[18:55] you wanna AP that?[18:55] eh, why not?

    [18:55] 1d6 AP

    [18:55] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 1

    [18:55] -_-;

    01[19:00] Alright, besides Junichi and Tanaka being

    woken a few times due to blood-curling screams coming from the

    darkness near Yori's bed, everyone has a relatively peaceful

    night of sleep (except Yori).

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    [19:01] (so me and Sasori-sensei)

    01[19:01] (pretty much)

    01[19:02] Early in the morning (probably around 5:30)

    Sasori knocks on all your doors and tells you to get up.

    01[19:02] * Tanshin_Yori wakes up and sits bolt upright, pale and

    drenched in cold sweat.

    01[19:03] ( You know better than to sleep :P it'syour own fault )

    01[19:03] * ~ShadowDM :Sasori -> "Meet me at the restaurant after

    you get your things. But first give your keys to the Inn-keeper."

    [19:04] "Haaii" She says, sleepy at first but

    rapidly getting more alert

    [19:05] Groaning out an affirmative Tanaka

    forced himself out of bed

    01[19:05] Junichi slowly rises and rather rapidly

    packs his things.

    01[19:06] * Tanshin_Yori collects his sand and dons his

    sunglasses before heading downstairs, seemingly in a daze. He

    turns in his keys and heads over to the restaurant.

    [19:06] Mai goes through her morning rituals andgets packed, then brings her backpack downstairs and drops the

    key off with the bored girl before heading over to meet up with


    01[19:07] Junichi heads to the restaurant.

    [19:07] Packing and strapping his puppet to

    his back, Tanaka dropped of the keys and headed to restaurant

    01[19:10] Sasori is sitting in a booth by a window to

    the right one you're inside. He doesn't call you over or anything

    but he does look at you as you come.

    01[19:10] * Tanshin_Yori shuffles over and has a seat.

    01[19:10] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Did you sleep well?"

    01[19:11] * Tanshin_Yori 's eye twitches.

    [19:11] "Pretty much, yeah. You sensei?"

    [19:12] "yeah, I slept relitively well, all

    things considered"

    01[19:12] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Mmmm, yea I slept well enough."

    He does not notice the eyetwitch, probably because Yori is

    wearing sunglasses.

    01[19:13] You notice that Sasori is already halfway

    through a meal of eggs and fruit, and in a short amount of time,

    a waitress shows up at the table.

    01[19:13] * ~ShadowDM :WAITRESS -> "Would you kids like to order


    01[19:14] Junichi orders eggs.

    [19:14] "Scrambled Eggs and toast please"01[19:14] * Tanshin_Yori orders a bowl of rice, and a big cup of

    coffee if they have it. A strong tea if not.

    01[19:15] They have coffee, the waitress rights

    everything down and looks at Mai expectantly.

    [19:15] "You might not... er... never mind" She

    beings to say something and thinks better of it. "That is, I'll

    have some rice"

    [19:15] "orange juice too, two glasses"

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    01[19:15] writes even

    01[19:16] With a smile she nods and heads toward the


    01[19:16] Considering you're the only ones in the

    restaurant, you shouldn't have to wait long.

    01[19:16] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "We should reach the mines

    shortly after noon."01[19:16] * Tanshin_Yori looks at Mai. "Might not what?"

    [19:18] she fidgets nervously for a moment before

    answering without meeting his gaze. "er, might not want to drink

    too much caffene. It can dehydrate you."

    [19:19] "Better that than falling asleep again."

    [19:19] "he's got a point"

    01[19:19] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Oh, you actually slept last


    01[19:20] * Tanshin_Yori nods. "I don't like it, but a guy can

    only stay awake for so long. This makes the first time in... two


    01[19:20] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Sorry, if I had known I would

    have gotten you a bed."01[19:20] * Tanshin_Yori shrugs.

    01[19:21] The waitress arrives and dishes out the

    food and grabs Sasori's empty plates before zipping away.

    [19:22] (brb guys, dinnertime)

    [19:23] Draining his first orange juice in

    one pull, Tanaka starts on his toast "can someone pass me the

    butter and pepper?"

    01[19:24] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Once we get to mines, we can

    take a few hours to rest but I'd like get on the job as soon as

    possible." He passes the condiments to Tanaka.

    [19:25] "Are you going to be helping, sensei? I'm

    not sure if we should include you in our plans, or if we'll just

    be following you in the first place"

    01[19:26] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "No, I'll be merely observing

    and giving some direction."

    [19:27] "hmm... ok" she nods quietly while

    continuing her meal

    01[19:29] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Try to eat quickly, I hate to

    keep people waiting."

    [19:30] Tanaka having finished both juices

    and his meal pushes his plate away.

    [19:30] "so how much farther until we arrive

    there Sensei?"

    01[19:30] The waitress comes by shortly and grabs all

    empty plates.01[19:31] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "It should only take about six

    hours walking time, it's not too far, but some of the distance is


    [19:35] "Well that's good"

    [19:36] "Ok. looking forward to it"

    01[19:36] When everyone's finished, Sasori pays for

    the meal and get up.

    01[19:37] Everyone follows?

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    [19:37] yep

    [19:37] yep!

    01[19:37] alright, once again off into the desert.

    [19:38] (back)

    01[19:39] The journey is a peaceful one through

    mostly flatland as you approach a mountain until you find

    yourself walking up the incline01[19:41] A few hours of this later, you see

    buildings appear above a crest and find yourself at the SEKINAKA

    mine village.

    01[19:41] It consists mostly of low huts and seems

    more like a campsite than a village.

    [19:41] "Wonder who's in charge around here"

    [19:42] "Yeah, do we report in, or just go about our


    01[19:42] A few people are milling about but a man

    with a helmet carrying a pickax is quickly approaching.

    01[19:43] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD -> MINER "Are you the ninja? Of

    course, that's a stupid question..." He eyes your headbands. "The

    situation has gotten much worse than we reported!"01[19:44] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "..." Your sensei seems

    unaffected by the man's claims but raises an eyebrow at him.

    [19:44] Stays quiet for now, let the man talk

    [19:45] same here

    [19:45] ditto.

    01[19:46] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "It's terrible, please

    hurry!" The man quickly leads you on a trail up the mountain that

    quickly plateaus. In the face of the mountain in front of you is

    a wide steel-rimmed opening to what you assume is the mine.

    01[19:47] Much of the entrance is barricaded and men

    weilding pickaxes and shovels stand as if prepared for a fight.

    01[19:48] He hurries over and stops beside the


    01[19:48] Awareness checks please.

    [19:48] d20+2

    [19:48] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 15

    [19:49] d20+5

    [19:50] 1d20+2

    [19:50] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets =


    01[19:50] Mai can see for a ways into the dark

    entrance of the mine. Along the floor at the edge of the

    darkness, she can make out humanoid bodies lying in the dirt.

    01[19:52] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "We're inundated with

    undead!" The men beside him wince at the word. This close, youcan see that they're badly shaking and quite pale.

    01[19:52] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Un... dead? The report said

    wild animals..."

    [19:53] "are they dead animals?" She asks

    distantly. 'this can't be happening!' she thinks to herself

    01[19:54] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Yes. Well... we were just

    finding bodies of our men badly mangled... we assumed it was

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    animals but yesterday a mob of these... these... things! Just

    came waltzing up out of the desert, our dead along with them!"

    01[19:54] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> *sigh* He rubs his brow. "This

    complicates things... this is at least a B-Rank mission."

    01[19:55] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "W-w-we can't afford that!"

    01[19:56] Before any more words can be had, a deep

    resonating moan issues from the tunnel. With a crunching shufflea single human runs from the tunnel.

    01[19:57] It's eyes are white and its mouth is open

    wide as though trying to find air. Though its pale lips you can

    see black gums.

    01[19:58] With a flick of the wrist, Sasori's bundle

    explodes and a flailing mass of clicking limbs flies at the


    01[19:59] In seconds the creature is snared and

    Sasori pulls his puppet close to inspect with writhing creature.

    [19:59] Mai unsheathes her unusual blade hurriedly

    and takes a defensive stance.

    01[20:00] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Hmm..."

    [20:00] Tanaka unwraps Inubasta and places itinfront of him

    01[20:01] * Tanshin_Yori lookes unfazed. or dead tired. It's hard

    to tell.

    01[20:01] A shadow passes over Sasori's face and he

    frowns deeply.

    [20:03] "What's is it?"

    01[20:03] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Ninja, stay here and make sure

    nothing exits the mine." Clenching his fist, the puppet happily

    acquiesces and reduces the zombie to paste. Pulling out a scroll

    with his left hand, Sasori dives into the darkness of the mine.

    01[20:04] * Tanshin_Yori watches, a blank expression on his face.

    "Straightforward enough." He takes up a position near the

    entrance and readies an action to attack whatever comes out.

    [20:06] Tanaka steps back a few feet making

    sure to keep his eyes on the mouth of the mine

    01[20:06] * Tanshin_Yori thinks for a moment.

    [20:06] Mai takes up a position above the mouth of

    the mine where she can jump down unseen on someone exiting. She

    also creates a simple Bunshin that stands right at the front in a

    basic guard stance.

    01[20:07] roll initiative

    [20:07] d20 Init

    [20:07] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20 Init and gets 6

    [20:07] -_-;

    [20:08] d20 Init[20:08] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20 Init and gets 1

    [20:08] -_-

    [20:08] d20+2

    [20:08] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 13

    01[20:13] Tanaka, are you going to use Kugutsu

    [20:13] yeah

    01[20:13] alright

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    01[20:13] * Tanshin_Yori shapes his sand into a set of prison-

    like bars over the opening. Wide enough to permit a weapon

    through, but not a human body.

    01[20:13] remember, it can't move more than 30 ft

    from you.

    [20:14] ok

    01[20:15] The miners are a little shocked at the sandbars, but are more thankful than scared.

    01[20:17] From within the darkness you hear grunts

    and moans. Soon enough humanish creatures are making their way

    into the half-light of the entrance

    [20:18] Pressing his palms together as if

    praying Tanaka muttered "Kugutsu no Jutsu"

    01[20:18] A B C D E F G H I J

    01[20:18] 1 . | . . . . z . | .

    01[20:18] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:18] 3 . | z . . . z . | .

    01[20:18] 4 . | . . . z . . | .

    01[20:18] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:18] 6 . | . . . . . . | .01[20:18] 7 . | . z . . . z | .

    01[20:18] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:18] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:18] 10 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:18] 11 . | *(M)* * * * | .

    01[20:18] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _

    01[20:18] 13 . # # Y . i . # # .

    01[20:18] 14 . m # # M T # # m .

    01[20:18] 15 . . m . . . . m . .

    01[20:18] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[20:18] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    01[20:18] A miner behind you screams, but none of

    them leave, a testament to their questionable bravery.

    01[20:18] Actions Mai?

    [20:19] ready an action to charge the second one to

    come out of the mine

    [20:20] (hopefully that won't prove necessary for a


    01[20:20] Recall, there are bars made of sand in the

    way and you are 15 feet off the ground over the entrance.

    01[20:22] zombies move!

    01[20:25] The three closest charge the bars made of

    sand and try to break through. Surprisingly, they hold for now

    but look weakened.01[20:25] A B C D E F G H I J

    01[20:25] 1 . | . . . . z . | .

    01[20:25] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:25] 3 . | . z . . . . | .

    01[20:25] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:25] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:25] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:25] 7 . | . . . . z . | .

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    01[20:25] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:25] 9 . | z . . . z . | .

    01[20:25] 10 . | . z . z . z | .

    01[20:25] 11 . | *(M)* * * * | .

    01[20:25] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _

    01[20:25] 13 . # # Y . i . # # .

    01[20:25] 14 . m # # M T # # m .01[20:25] 15 . . m . . . . m . .

    01[20:25] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[20:25] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    01[20:25] The miners stand there and look scared,

    they aren't getting any closer and don't have anything to throw

    at them.

    01[20:26] Jun pulls a kunai out of his pouch and

    tosses it at the zombie furthest to the right.

    01[20:27] It sinks deep into its flesh, but it's hard

    to tell how much damage it actually did.

    01[20:27] Yori!

    [20:29] Yori uses his sand to bludgeon the zombiethat Jun just attacked.

    [20:29] d20+2

    [20:29] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 15

    01[20:29] it hits

    [20:29] d4+2 SAND!

    [20:29] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 SAND! and gets =


    [20:30] he also reinforces the sand bars, if


    [20:30] and that's my turn.

    01[20:31] The torrent of sand shaves rotten flesh

    from bone, leaving most of it's mid-section skeleton exposed. It

    dies (again).

    01[20:31] Tanaka!

    [20:34] Tananka fingers twitched as he sent

    Inubatsa hurtling forward to slam into a Zombie that's near Mai's


    [20:34] 1d20+2

    [20:34] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets =


    01[20:35] miss

    01[20:36] Mai's go!

    01[20:39] The two zombies remaining by the entrance

    break through.

    01[20:39] Another zombie comes stumbling through thegrap created right underneath mai

    [20:39] d20+6

    [20:39] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets = 9

    01[20:40] >_< miss

    [20:40] Mai leaps down as movement is seen below

    her, but mis-times the strike and hits the ground behind the

    zombie instead.

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    01[20:40] um... behind? like into the cave? between

    it and the other zombie?

    01[20:43] The zombies pass through the other hole

    toward Jun, they don't seem interested in Tanaka's puppet,

    probably because it's not made of meat.

    01[20:45] two zombies swipe at Jun, and he grunts as

    one makes contact. The one Mai jumped in front of blinks beforeswinging at her and missing.

    01[20:45] The miners scream as they come pouring

    through the gap, but don't do anything.

    01[20:46] Jun frowns as he misses a jab at one of the

    zombies beside him.

    01[20:46] A B C D E F G H I J

    01[20:46] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 7 . | . . . . z . | .01[20:46] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 9 . | . z . . . . | .

    01[20:46] 10 . | . z . z . . | .

    01[20:46] 11 . | * z i . * * | .

    01[20:46] 12 _ | . M . z z . | _

    01[20:46] 13 . # # Y . . J # # .

    01[20:46] 14 . m # # M T # # m .

    01[20:46] 15 . . m . . . . m . .

    01[20:46] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[20:46] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    01[20:47] Yori's turn!

    [20:48] Yori slams his sand into the zombie in

    front of Mai, softening it up for the kill!

    [20:48] d20+2

    [20:48] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 16

    01[20:48] hit

    [20:48] d4+2 SAND!!!

    [20:48] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 SAND!!! and gets

    = 6

    01[20:48] A torrent of sand flies harmlessly past Mai

    and disintegrates the zombie.

    [20:48] aaaand reinforcing the sand bars if


    01[20:48] A B C D E F G H I J01[20:48] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 7 . | . . . . z . | .

    01[20:48] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

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    01[20:48] 9 . | . z . . . . | .

    01[20:48] 10 . | . z . z . . | .

    01[20:48] 11 . | * . i . * * | .

    01[20:48] 12 _ | . M . z z . | _

    01[20:48] 13 . # # Y . . J # # .

    01[20:48] 14 . m # # M T # # m .

    01[20:48] 15 . . m . . . . m . .01[20:48] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[20:48] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    01[20:50] Tanaka!

    [20:51] Tanaka recalls inubasta and sends it

    towards the zombies near Jun

    [20:51] 1d20+2

    [20:51] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets =


    01[20:51] roll it

    01[20:52] hit!

    [20:52] 1d4+2

    [20:52] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+2 and gets = 301[20:53] Wouldn't it only be +1? Regardless, the

    zombie rocks backwards as the dog puppet slams into it, but

    doesn't seem disuaded.

    01[20:54] A B C D E F G H I J

    01[20:54] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 7 . | . . . . z . | .

    01[20:54] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 9 . | . z . . . . | .

    01[20:54] 10 . | . z . z . . | .

    01[20:54] 11 . | * . * . * * | .

    01[20:54] 12 _ | . M . z z . | _

    01[20:54] 13 . # # Y . i J # # .

    01[20:54] 14 . m # # M T # # m .

    01[20:54] 15 . . m . . . . m . .

    01[20:54] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[20:54] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    01[20:54] Mai! Your go!

    [20:55] d20+6

    [20:55] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets = 1501[20:55] which one are you attacking?

    [20:56] D10

    [20:56] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10 and gets 10

    [20:56] d10+5

    [20:56] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 15

    01[20:56] Mai easily slices the unfortunate zombie in


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    [20:57] Mai channels her Chakra through trembling

    muscles and her double-bladed weapon powers through the zombie.

    01[20:58] Yori! Mai! AoO!

    [20:58] d20+2 AoO tiems

    [20:58] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 AoO tiems and gets = 16

    01[20:58] Hit![20:58] d4+2 SAND!!!

    [20:58] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 SAND!!! and gets

    = 4

    01[20:59] A blast of sand leaves the zombie's skin

    hanging off its bones, but it still stands.

    01[20:59] Mai!

    [21:00] again?

    01[21:00] you get an AoO

    [21:00] d20+6

    [21:00] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets = 20

    01[21:00] hit!

    [21:00] d10+5

    [21:00] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 1001[21:00] It falls in two equal halves before

    realizing what had happened.

    01[21:02] The remaining zombies run wildly around

    seeking to devour whatever they can reach. Jun deftly strikes one

    with a shattering punch as it nears him, but is unable to fell


    01[21:03] As Mai turns from her fresh kill, she finds

    another zombie learing at her swinging both hands to strike her.

    She takes 1 damage.

    01[21:03] One tries in vain to reach Yori's juicy

    flesh, but an arm of sand rises of its own volition to protect


    01[21:04] Jun deftly evades the two menacing him.

    01[21:04] The miners cheer you on, clearly seeing you

    nearing victory.

    01[21:05] Jun knocks the head off the zombie he

    struck earlier with a well-placed kick.

    01[21:05] Yori!

    01[21:05] * Tanshin_Yori snarls as he retaliates against the

    zombie having the audacity to attack him!

    [21:05] d20+2

    [21:05] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 6

    [21:05] -_-;

    01[21:05] miss...

    [21:06] aaaand nothing else.01[21:06] Tanaka!

    01[21:06] A B C D E F G H I J

    01[21:06] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

  • 8/9/2019 SSwB: Session 2


    01[21:06] 7 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:06] 10 . | . . z . . . | .

    01[21:06] 11 . | * M * . * * | .

    01[21:06] 12 _ | . . z z . . | _

    01[21:06] 13 . # # Y . i J # # .01[21:06] 14 . m # # M T # # m .

    01[21:06] 15 . . m . . . . m . .

    01[21:06] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[21:06] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    [21:06] Inubatsu slams into the Zombie in

    front it.

    [21:07] 1d20+2

    [21:07] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets =


    01[21:08] hit!

    [21:08] 1d4+1

    [21:08] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+1 and gets = 301[21:08] the already wounded creature succumbs to

    Inubatsu's relentles assault and falls as it's supporting muscles

    and bones stretch and splinter.

    01[21:09] A B C D E F G H I J

    01[21:09] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 7 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    01[21:09] 10 . | . . z . . . | .

    01[21:09] 11 . | * M * . * * | .

    01[21:09] 12 _ | . . z . . . | _

    01[21:09] 13 . # # Y . i J # # .

    01[21:09] 14 . m # # M T # # m .

    01[21:09] 15 . . m . . . . m . .

    01[21:09] m = Miner, z = Zombies # = Barricades, * =

    Sand Bars

    01[21:09] Mai, Zombies, Miners, Junichi, Yori, Tanaka

    01[21:09] Mai! Your go!

    [21:09] d20+6 vs 12e

    [21:09] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 vs 12e and gets =18

    [21:09] d10+5

    [21:09] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 9

    01[21:10] it falls!

    01[21:10] The final zombie makes the best of it's

    assuredly final chance to eat and swings at Mai, dealing 1


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    01[21:13] Jun throws a kunai at the last zombie and


    01[21:13] Yori!

    01[21:13] Care to do the honors?

    [21:14] indeed.

    01[21:14] * Tanshin_Yori assaults the last zombie with... well,

    you know.[21:14] d20+2

    [21:14] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 20

    01[21:14] hit!

    [21:14] d4+2 SAND!!!

    [21:14] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 SAND!!! and gets

    = 4

    01[21:14] so close

    01[21:15] it barely manages to survive the blast, but

    it does.

    01[21:15] * Tanshin_Yori glares at the zombie. "I'm in no mood

    for your shenanigans!"

    [21:15] and that's my turn.

    01[21:16] Tanaka! Can you finish the last zombieoff???

    [21:16] sure

    [21:16] 1d20+2

    01[21:16] prove it!

    [21:16] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets =


    01[21:16] oof! Miss.

    01[21:17] Mai! Can you finish the last zombie off???

    [21:17] d20+6

    [21:17] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets = 21

    01[21:17] hit!

    [21:17] d10+5

    [21:17] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 15

    01[21:17] regardless of what you roll, it's dead!

    [21:17] with style and flourish!

    01[21:17] the last zombie in the pack falls with a

    moan in several pieces.

    01[21:18] The miners cheer and congratulate you but

    remain at their posts, apparently, they think there's more.

    01[21:18] * Tanshin_Yori takes this opportunity to reinforce the

    sand bars.

    01[21:18] Leaving Mai inside? great idea.

    [21:18] ... or not.

    01[21:19] anyone else have anything to do?

    01[21:19] *you want to do[21:20] Mai resumes her station, nervously checking

    over her injuries for signs of infection

    01[21:20] they don't seem infected, in fact they're

    more like really ugly bruises.

    01[21:20] considering how hard the thing hit you...

    [21:20] Tanaka checks his puppet for signs of

    damage and then rewraps it

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    01[21:21] * Tanshin_Yori takes this opportunity to reinforce the

    sand bars once MAi is out of the tunnel.

    01[21:21] Anybody have anything else to do?

    [21:22] nope

    [21:23] nope

    [21:23] narp.

    01[21:23] alright, time passes... nothing comesout... not zombies... or jackalopes... or Sasori...

    01[21:24] Nor can anything be heard within the mine.

    After five hours pass the miners are both worried and somewhat

    excited. This is the most time that's passed between waves since

    the zombies took over mine.

    [21:25] "... you think this might be another


    [21:26] "hey, miner-san. is this where they have

    been coming from, or have there been other places too?"

    01[21:27] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Well, we've just been

    finding half-eaten bodies and people have gone missing. But

    yesterday, an entire pack rushed out of the desert and stormed

    the mine! Since then, they've been coming out of the mine inwaves. We hadn't been attacked until then."

    [21:28] "But originally they came from the desert?

    Which direction?"

    01[21:30] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Well... they came from the

    road when they rushed to the mine. They ran right through the

    village and didn't actually harm us til they had the mine under

    control. We've posted sentries in case any more show up, but they

    haven't and nobody has gone missing since."

    [21:31] "Ok. Well we've got to watch this till

    sensei gets back anyway, but we'll keep an eye out elsewhere just

    in case..."

    [21:32] "You guys think he's alright?

    [21:33] "we didn't do that bad, and he's a lot

    better than we are"

    01[21:33] * Tanshin_Yori nods in agreement.

    [21:34] "besides, if he dies he'll probably stagger

    out as a zombie eventually"

    [21:35] "... you don't suppose this is some sort

    of test, do you?

    [21:36] "you don't think he'd still be able

    to use puppets if he became a zombie?"

    [21:37] "I think we should stop panicing


    [21:37] "Sensei will be fine. He didn't get to be

    a Jounin for no reason."01[21:37] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "I think this is the perfect

    time to panic!"

    01[21:38] * Tanshin_Yori turns around. "And why's that?"

    01[21:38] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "THERE ARE DEAD THINGS THAT


    01[21:39] * Tanshin_Yori ponders this for a moment.

    [21:40] "He's got a point. How did these...

    things get out here? Who made them?"

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    [21:40] "Sensei probably knows"

    [21:43] she seems to trust him more than most

    01[21:44] anybody have any actions?

    [21:44] just shifting around slowly

    [21:45] nope

    [21:45] "It's pretty quiet up here. Maybe we

    ought to have a look around inside."[21:47] "I think if we did, we'd be leaving the area

    unsecure and any of these people that died would be our fault."

    [21:47] "We don't have to. Unless the tunnel

    forks off, anything trying to come out will still have to pass


    [21:47] "unless more come from the desert..."

    [21:48] "mmmm."

    01[21:48] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "The tunnel is fairly

    straightforward, it's a deep mine, it only really branches off

    near the end."

    [21:49] "Hmmm. Do you have radios or somesuch?"

    01[21:49] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Oh yea, we got radios!"

    [21:50] "we'll need at least four"01[21:51] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Sure, but once you're in

    deep, the signal probably won't reach outside..."

    [21:52] "Alright, the four of us will have a look

    in the mine. You can post sentries near the desert. If any more

    of those undead show up, give us a call. We can leave someone

    behind at the maximum range of the radios to maintain contact."

    01[21:53] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "We've already got sentries

    watching the desert."

    [21:53] "Good. One step ahead, then."

    [21:53] "Look... I'm not going down"

    01[21:55] Will our heroes enter the mine after their

    sensei? Will this argument come to a conclusion?

    01[21:55] Your journey and your life ends in the jaws

    of the living impaired as we

    01[21:55] FADE...

    01[21:55] .TO....

    01[21:55] ..BLACK