SSUSH14B & C American Imperialism - Mr....

SSUSH14B & C American Imperialism

Transcript of SSUSH14B & C American Imperialism - Mr....

  • SSUSH14B & C

    American Imperialism,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGzAR_xzbEnEztSc1N4MfQ9M9qdlg&ust=1373143668980039,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGWLb9C876wNwC8vmBgEgvL3fseuA&ust=1373149322769730,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGR3g8rKygnnE_yfsYwTqnQxNw1wQ&ust=1373163667680408,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEE7dHFYs16VMx7q08XFmVedKe9tg&ust=1373119221808459,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNGY5ev2fc2KczonvwEksGB1duQEUA&ust=1373129083542760,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEM4k8WHy9kvzYxhyQftZm6h_VFWw&ust=1373148938532996

  • American Imperialism

    Dawn of U.S. Imperialism

    • Why Imperialism?

    Raw materials for Industrialization

    High Tariffs causing Reduced Trade

    Decreasing Investment Opportunities in Europe

    • Why the United States?

    Extension of Manifest Destiny (focused in the Pacific)

    Joint Anglo-Saxonism with Britain (English speaking dominance)

    Expansion of Christian Missionary Ideals to Uncivilized People

    Growing European Imperialism threatened America’s Security,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEE7dHFYs16VMx7q08XFmVedKe9tg&ust=1373119221808459,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNFP68DwDL8rQ0A9PKmljBKR8uDqxw&ust=1373119469062863

  • American Imperialism

    Dawn of “Gunboat Diplomacy”

    • 1852: Congress pressured President Millard

    Fillmore to expand global trade with Japan

    • 1853: Commodore Matthew Perry was sent to

    Japan with a squadron of 4 Naval ships.

    He presented Japanese Officials with a

    letter promising Peace and Friendship in

    exchange for Trade with the U.S.

    • 1854: Commodore Matthew Perry returned to

    Japan to negotiate a peace treaty during

    the Convention of Kanagawa.

    • 1858: U.S. Envoy, Townsend Harris, negotiated the final trade agreement

    with Japan commonly known as the “Harris Treaty.”


  • American Imperialism

    U.S. Interests in the Pacific

    • 1875: Trade Treaty between Hawaii and the

    United States was established.

    • 1887: Hawaiian Anti-Monarchists supported

    by American Plantation owners forced

    the King to accept a new Constitution.

    Reducing his Monarchal Authority

    • 1890: McKinley Tariff caused decline of Hawaiian

    exports of sugar.

    • 1891: Queen Liliuokalani ascended the throne.

    • 1893: Planters supported an attempted overthrow of

    the Queen and Annexation by the United States.

    • U.S. President Grover Cleveland opposed Annexation.


  • American Imperialism

    U.S. Interests in Latin America

    • U.S. bought Raw Materials from Latin America.

    • Latin America bought most Manufactured Goods

    from Europe.

    • Secretary of State James G. Blaine supported

    Increased Trade Alliances with Latin America.

    • 1889: 17 Nations attended the first Pan-American Conference in

    Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. goals.

    • Customs Union to Reduce Tariffs on Trade

    • U.S. Aid to work out disputes peacefully

    • Latin American leaders rejected the U.S. Proposals.

    • However, they agreed to form the Pan-American Union.,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNGVSXKclKcaCldmaFc_uiqu6HLywQ&ust=1373124535132672

  • American Imperialism

    • 1883 – 1885: Congress authorized to building of

    five modern Cruisers to become

    known as the “White Squadron.”

    U.S. Naval Expansion

    • 1889: German Naval attack on American Samoa almost resulted in War.

    A Typhoon damaged both fleets and forced an armistice.

    • 1891: USS Baltimore Crisis occurred when a mob in Chile attacked sailors.

    War was averted when Chile apologized and paid $75,000 in gold.

    • 1890 – 1895: Congress authorized the building

    of three modern Battleships that

    became part of the Navy’s new

    “Flying Squadron.”

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and Cuba

    • Cuba: One of Spain’s oldest colonies

    Produced 1/3 of world’s sugar

    1/3 of Population was enslaved

    • Cuba struggled for Independence in two failed conflicts:

    1868 – 1878: Ten Years War

    1879 – 1880: The Little War

    • By 1890’s: Economic link between Cuba and the U.S. increased.

    • 1890 – 1894: McKinley Tariff caused crisis in Cuba’s Sugar Trade.

    • 1895: New Cuban Rebellion began.

    Led to Declaration of Independence

    Led to Establishment of Cuban Republic

    • President Grover Cleveland declared America’s Neutrality in the war.,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNGs67ZgCiyqyxBoVjscQA3ydvT4uw&ust=1373128991158483,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNGY5ev2fc2KczonvwEksGB1duQEUA&ust=1373129083542760,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEqLUvNXB_HKgBQyQTCYu9ocZFxVA&ust=1373129265016763

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and Spain

    • 1897: President William McKinley took office.

    Avoided war by negotiating with Spain.

    Spanish Loyalists rioted and attacked Americans.

    U.S.S. Maine sent to evacuate U.S. Citizens.

    • 15 Feb 1898: U.S.S. Maine Exploded killing

    266 out of 354 crewmen.

    Accidental Fire?

    Enemy Sabotage?

    Spanish Mine?

    Motivation for War!


    Rally Cry

    for War!

    • Apr 1898: Political Pressure and Aggressive Nationalism, called Jingoism,

    pushed Congress and the President to Declare War on Spain.,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGQMvQVbYVtSRQEj9Wfm0iVFOiErQ&ust=1373129990157267

  • American Imperialism

    Yellow Journalism

    News stories based on half-truths,

    exaggerations, and sensationalism.

    Promoted by two Newspaper Publishers

    to increase sales and circulation.

    William R. Hearst

    of the NY Journal

    Joseph Pulitzer

    of the NY World

    “You Furnish the

    Pictures, and I’ll

    Furnish the War.”

    “Our Republic and

    its Press will Rise

    or Fall Together.”

    Stories about the cruelties committed by the Spanish Troops under General

    Valeriano Weyer (known as “The Butcher”) angered American Readers.


  • American Imperialism

    War with Spain

    • The United States Navy was ready for war, while

    the Spanish were not.

    1 May 1898: Commodore George Dewey’s Naval

    Squadron destroyed the Spanish

    Fleet in Manila Bay.

    31 May – 18 Jun 1898: Commodore Winfield S. Schley’s Flying Squadron

    conducted a blockade of Cuba’s Santiago Bay.

    22 – 24 Jun 1898: 17,000 U.S. Troops landed in Cuba and prepared to

    advanced toward the well defended City of Santiago.

    1 July 1898: A Combined U.S. Force won the Battle of San Juan Hill.

    3 July 1898: The Naval Battle of Santiago Bay ended in the destruction

    of the Spanish Caribbean Fleet.

  • American Imperialism

    Battle of San Juan Hill

    • 1 July 1898: Advanced Troops of the U.S. Cavalry Division led the attack.

    Former Confederate

    Gen. Joseph Wheeler

    commanded all the

    Cavalry Troops.

    Future President

    Theodore Roosevelt

    commanded the First

    Volunteer Cavalry.

    Including the 9th & 10th Cavalry,

    known as the “Buffalo Soldiers.”

    Made up of Volunteers known

    as the “Rough Riders”,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEM4k8WHy9kvzYxhyQftZm6h_VFWw&ust=1373148938532996,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEM4k8WHy9kvzYxhyQftZm6h_VFWw&ust=1373148938532996,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNHK_TYdGV1jEo_xUnB2ZygZWBeRqw&ust=1373149146172833,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGWLb9C876wNwC8vmBgEgvL3fseuA&ust=1373149322769730,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGqXgHDtTwituQ48gU-XqeEHeyu1A&ust=1373150929838349

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. Global Expansion

    • 1898 - 1900: Various agreements created a new

    American Empire.

    1898: Treaty of Paris (After Spanish-American War)

    U.S. Obtained Control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

    1898: The Newlands’ Resolution (Congressional Act of Annexation)

    U.S. Obtained control of the Hawaiian Islands.

    1899: The Anglo-German Agreement (Formal Agreement of Partition)

    U.S. Obtained control of American Samoa.

    1900: The Foraker Act (Territorial Incorporation)

    U.S. Made Puerto Rico a formal U.S. Territory.

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and China

    • 1890’s: Britain, France, and Germany gained

    Economic Spheres of Influence in China.

    • 1894: Sino-Japanese War between China and

    Japan over control of Manchuria.

    • 1899: President William McKinley and Secretary of

    State John Hay promoted the Open Door Policy.

    Allowing Trade Interests in China by all nations.

    Accepted conditionally by Europeans and Japan.

    • 1900: Secret Chinese Society known as Boxers led

    attacks on Foreigners in China.

    • 1900 - 1901: U.S. Troops joined International Force of 11 Nations to put

    down the Boxer Rebellion.,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNFGcn3yikjf4pHdR_c9orWgqOSXGQ&ust=1373156587767902

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and the Philippines

    • Philippine Rebels expected Freedom after the Spanish-American War.

    • U.S. Politicians and Businessmen supported formal Annexation due to:

    The need for Naval Bases in the Pacific.

    A Large Market for American Goods in the Pacific.

    An Obligation to Civilize the Native Filipino People.

    • 1899 – 1902: President William McKinley’s decision to formally Annex the

    Philippines sparked the Philippine Insurrection.

    General Arthur MacArthur led military

    actions against Filipino Guerillas.

    Territorial Governor William H. Taft led

    reform efforts to win over the Filipino


  • American Imperialism

    Presidential Changes

    • 6 Sep 1901: President William McKinley was

    Assassinated by an Anarchist.

    Strong proponent of U.S. Global Expansion.

    • 14 Sep 1901: Vice President Theodore Roosevelt

    was inaugurated as the 26th President.

    Accepted key ideals of Global Anglo-Saxonism.

    Energetic, Enthusiastic, Charismatic.

    Supported foundations of the Open Door Policy.

    • Roosevelt kept President McKinley’s Cabinet and Continued his Policies.

    • As former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, President Theodore Roosevelt

    supported the expansion of the U.S. Navy to the 2nd largest in the world.,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNEQWV5zA-9TvFGcluwNEPRbUZo1cA&ust=1373159727087216,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNFjtavR5Dk3kWiqB3GReP9CnkbIPw&ust=1373160547605930,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGQMvQVbYVtSRQEj9Wfm0iVFOiErQ&ust=1373129990157267

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and Central America

    • 1901: U.S. and Great Britain signed the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty giving the

    United States the rights to Build a Canal through Central America.

    • 1903: Secretary of State John Hay offered

    $10 Million to Columbia to Build a Canal.

    Columbia Refused the Offer

    Panamanian Rebels Revolted

    against their Columbian Rulers

    President Theodore Roosevelt

    sent U.S. Fleet to support the


    • Columbia granted the U.S. a 100 year lease to the Isthmus of Panama.

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and the World

    • 1904: President Theodore Roosevelt presented the Roosevelt Corollary

    to the Monroe Doctrine during his Inaugural Address to Congress.

    Establishing the United States as an International Police Power

    “ Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which

    results in a general loosening of the ties of

    civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere,

    ultimately require intervention by some civilized

    nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the

    adherence of the United States to the Monroe

    Doctrine may force the United States, however

    reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing

    or impotence, to the exercise of an international

    police power. ”

    • 1905: The President Negotiated the Treaty of Portsmouth bringing an

    end to the Russo-Japanese War.

    • 1906: The President received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNGR3g8rKygnnE_yfsYwTqnQxNw1wQ&ust=1373163667680408

  • American Imperialism

    U.S. and the World

    • 1904 - 1907: President Theodore Roosevelt capitalized on the Building of

    the Panama Canal to promote his Foreign Policy.

    "I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on, the

    canal does too.”

    • 1907 - 1910: President Roosevelt appointed

    Gen. George W. Goethals to

    supervise Canal’s Completion.

    • 1907 - 1909: President Roosevelt sent 16 Battleships,

    known as the “Great White Fleet,” around the world to

    demonstrate U.S. Naval Power

    • President Roosevelt’s Foreign Policies known as the

    “Big Stick” Policies. (“Speak Softly and Carry of Big Stick”)