SSP Spelling Clouds - $57 plus 30 minutes per day to improve spelling

Children using SSP in Prep and Year 1 have it so easy as they don't need to 'unlearn' the complicated things many have had to go through in other schools. It's the same for teachers. How much easier for all when they are able to teach reading and spelling in a logical, simple way from the start. A speech sound is a speech sound. It’s when your mouth changes. Simple. All start there, and it means students also receive speech therapy as there is this focus on articulation. The duck hands, lines and numbers, and playing the word as a speech sound piano - tracking left to right overcome phonemic awareness issues.

Transcript of SSP Spelling Clouds - $57 plus 30 minutes per day to improve spelling

Children using SSP in Prep and Year 1 have it so easy as they don't need to 'unlearn' the complicated things many have had to go through in other schools. It's the same for teachers. How much easier for all when they are able to teach reading and spelling in a logical, simple way from the start.

A speech sound is a speech sound. It’s when your mouth changes. Simple. All start there, and it means students also receive speech therapy as there is this focus on articulation. The duck hands, lines and numbers, and playing the word as a speech sound piano - tracking left to right overcome phonemic awareness issues.

There are 42 speech sounds that are represented by 42 spelling clouds. Simple.

The King and Prince, when creating 'talking on paper' also chose a few clouds, which represent 2 speech sounds. That sound pic can have 1 or more letter.

Think of the word 'box' - if you duck hand it before knowing how to spell it, you would use 3 duck hands (d/u/k/s) - because your mouth changes 4 times. Then look at the word- so /x/ is a speech sound pic for the two speech sounds k/s.

Say the word 'usual' - y/oo/je/oo/u/l The first two speech sounds are again represented by one sound pic (in this case /u/)

We also put in other (double speech sound) clouds as so common when translating speech to print - the k/w/ - qu/ee/n and the ea/r - d/ear and the y/or - c/ure

However two can be further simplified, which the children love to discover. q/u/ee/n - the q is in the cloud with k and the u is in the cloud with w. d/ea/r - the ea is in the cloud with ee and the r is in the cloud with 'u'

That is the whole spelling code. 42 single speech sounds and a few double speech sounds, shown in the spelling clouds.. The key phrase here being that children discover how the King and Prince 'code mapped' speech sounds with speech sound pictures when sending messages back and forth to each other. (The Story)

Say the word 'stew' and listen to the speech sounds, and think of when your mouth moved...

s/t/y/oo - but think of the letters in the word - and that every speech sound maps with every letter. Otherwise you will confuse kids - eg by talking about silent letters or a 'non phonological sound' which a teacher mentioned the other day (can you imagine saying that to a 4 year old, or explaining it lol) So the /y/oo must be represented by /ew/ s/t/ew Simple ! A 4 year old gets that. Simple, logical 'mapping'

Please, no rules, just the kids working it all out within the activities and using the spelling clouds. Real learning.

I work with the supposed 'unteachables' - many are very intelligent kids who do not have the interest in sitting down for long period of time to do rote learning of rules - they want to 'get in and get out'...until they start SSP and realise it’s fun and their intelligent minds are finally stimulated.

SSP is new, and it's simple. Simple for kids. Not so much for teachers who have had a million things thrown at them, and have to try to get their heads around each one. This is simple, fast paced and fun, fully inclusive (dyslexic learners included from day 1) and brings about incredible results for all.

It is a new way, and here to stay !

Miss Emma The Reading Whisperer