SS Role of Government PPT

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  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


     C hap ter  3:  Ho w can  we 

     wor k  for  t he  Good o f 

     Soc ie t y ? Ro le o f  Go ve

    rnmen t &  C i t i zen s  in 

     Soc ie t y

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    The Good ofSociety

    Role of Government Role of Citizens




    #ns!rin %!stice

    rovidinGoods &Services

    Safe!ardin interestsof citizens



    (ormal "nformal

    "n)!encin Gov*t


    Strenthenin sense of


    MH, M(, M"-.#(

    !+lic /ransportati



    C( -G' 10'




  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Role of the Government

    (or this week*s lesson2 we will +e e$plorin the(or this week*s lesson2 we will +e e$plorin thefo!r roles of overnment in society:fo!r roles of overnment in society:

    Maintainin internal order and e$ternal sec!rityMaintainin internal order and e$ternal sec!rity

    #ns!rin !stice#ns!rin !stice

    rovidin oods and services for the p!+licrovidin oods and services for the p!+lic

    Safe!ardin the interests of citizensSafe!ardin the interests of citizens

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Maintainin internalorder

     /o facilitate maintanin internal order2 the /o facilitate maintanin internal order2 theMinistry of Home ,4airs was set !p5 "tMinistry of Home ,4airs was set !p5 "t

    comprises of 6 departments5comprises of 6 departments5

    #ach e55 police2 civil defence etc5 has a#ach e55 police2 civil defence etc5 has a

    speci7c role and responsi+ility +!t all share aspeci7c role and responsi+ility +!t all share a

    common mission and vision to protect citizens2common mission and vision to protect citizens2

    property and maintain peace within theproperty and maintain peace within the


  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Maintainin internalorder

     /he MH, has 6 /he MH, has 6departments5departments5

    Can yo! reconizeCan yo! reconize

    the followinthe followinsym+ols? 0hatsym+ols? 0hatoranizations dooranizations dothey represent?they represent?9See p5 6 & 6;

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Case St!dy: =ittle "ndiaRiot

    See p5 6>See p5 6>

    0hat are the e4orts to maintain internal sec!rity?0hat are the e4orts to maintain internal sec!rity?

    0hy are they important?0hy are they important?

    How s!ccessf!l have these e4orts +een?How s!ccessf!l have these e4orts +een?

    ,re there any s!estions to improve the e$istin,re there any s!estions to improve the e$istine4orts?e4orts?

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Maintain e$ternalsec!rityTo maintain external security, Singapore adopts a 2-To maintain external security, Singapore adopts a 2-

    pronged policy of deterrence and diplomacy.pronged policy of deterrence and diplomacy.



  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Example of deterrence:Military defence

    Singapore’s defence industrySingapore’s defence industry

    Chartered Industries of Singapore (CIS) in 1!". It is no# aChartered Industries of Singapore (CIS) in 1!". It is no# asuccessful defence company.successful defence company. 

    The $efence Science and Technology %gency ($ST%) #as formed inThe $efence Science and Technology %gency ($ST%) #as formed in2&&& to pro'ide cost-effecti'e and modern technology to the S%s2&&& to pro'ide cost-effecti'e and modern technology to the S%suse.use. ocuses on *uying and upgrading #eapons and also conducts defence-relatedocuses on *uying and upgrading #eapons and also conducts defence-related


    $efence industry impro'es the capa*ility and effecti'eness of the$efence industry impro'es the capa*ility and effecti'eness of the

    S%.S%. This helps Singapore to o'ercome its constraints *y self-This helps Singapore to o'ercome its constraints *y self-sufficiency and its o#n inno'ations.sufficiency and its o#n inno'ations.

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Example of deterrence:

    Military defence

    Singapore’s defence industrySingapore’s defence industry

    This ena*les S% to *e self-reliant in importantThis ena*les S% to *e self-reliant in importantdefence #eapons and e+uipment.defence #eapons and e+uipment.

    Singapore can o'ercome its constraints through itsSingapore can o'ercome its constraints through itso#n inno'ations.o#n inno'ations.

    S% can *ecome an effecti'e fighting force #ith theS% can *ecome an effecti'e fighting force #ith thelatest technology and e+uipment.latest technology and e+uipment.

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    easons for diplomacy in Singaporeeasons for diplomacy in Singapore

    ethods of diplomacy in Singaporeethods of diplomacy in Singapore




  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Countries are interconnected through trade, political,Countries are interconnected through trade, political,historical and cultural relations.historical and cultural relations.


    $iplomacy pro'ides an opportunity for countries to$iplomacy pro'ides an opportunity for countries topursue mutual interestspursue mutual interests,, cooperate to sol'e commoncooperate to sol'e commonpro*lemspro*lems andand resol'e conflicts, differences andresol'e conflicts, differences anddisagreements peacefullydisagreements peacefully..

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    1.1. Bilateral relationsBilateral relations

    - Bilateral relations:Bilateral relations: #hen a country forms#hen a country formsdiplomatic relations #ith another countrydiplomatic relations #ith another country

    -ilateral relations has allo#ed Singapore toilateral relations has allo#ed Singapore toac+uire ad'anced technological s/ills fromac+uire ad'anced technological s/ills fromde'eloped countries such as 0S% and apande'eloped countries such as 0S% and apanpromote political, economic and cultural tiespromote political, economic and cultural ties#ith neigh*ouring countries.#ith neigh*ouring countries.

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    2. Regional relations2. Regional relations 


    - 3ro'ided Singapore #ith opportunities to strengthen3ro'ided Singapore #ith opportunities to strengthenrelations #ith her neigh*ours. 4ence, lo#er chances ofrelations #ith her neigh*ours. 4ence, lo#er chances of

    getting into a conflict #ith other countries 5 peace in S6getting into a conflict #ith other countries 5 peace in S6

    - 3ro'ided Singapore a role to play in maintaining regional3ro'ided Singapore a role to play in maintaining regionalpeace and promoting economic de'elopment.peace and promoting economic de'elopment.

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    3. nternational relations3. nternational relations

    - International relations7 in'ol'es ties among manyInternational relations7 in'ol'es ties among manycountries and grouping throughout the #orld.countries and grouping throughout the #orld.

    - 0nited 8ations is an international organisation that0nited 8ations is an international organisation thatrepresents all countries in the #orld.represents all countries in the #orld.

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    ,ctivity: =et*s disc!ss

    "n yo!r ro!ps2 disc!ss the followin @!estions 9See p 6AB63

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Case St!dy: SG /ransportation

    (rom =/,*s we+site: Sinapore*s rail system moves more than one million(rom =/,*s we+site: Sinapore*s rail system moves more than one millioncomm!ters every day2 +!t that*s only part of the story5 '!r p!+lic transportcomm!ters every day2 +!t that*s only part of the story5 '!r p!+lic transport+!ses also serve a total ridership of 35> million daily5+!ses also serve a total ridership of 35> million daily5

    '!r )e$i+le p!+lic transport system makes it convenient to et to any point in'!r )e$i+le p!+lic transport system makes it convenient to et to any point inthe city5 /he interation of +!s and rail services in o!r h!+BandBspoke modelthe city5 /he interation of +!s and rail services in o!r h!+BandBspoke modelmeans comm!ters can reach transport h!+s @!ickly and seamlessly makemeans comm!ters can reach transport h!+s @!ickly and seamlessly maketransfers to reach their destination5transfers to reach their destination5

    0ith over >2 +!s stops and ;>A train stations across the island and more0ith over >2 +!s stops and ;>A train stations across the island and moreto come when theto come when the .owntown =ine.owntown =ine is completed in A;62 it means a +!s stopis completed in A;62 it means a +!s stopor train station is never far away5 Dy AA2 there will +e an MR/ station everyor train station is never far away5 Dy AA2 there will +e an MR/ station every>m in the city centre5>m in the city centre5

    ,nd that*s what it really comes down to hereE o!r commitment to providin a,nd that*s what it really comes down to hereE o!r commitment to providin aseamless2 eFcient and peopleBcentred p!+lic transport system5seamless2 eFcient and peopleBcentred p!+lic transport system5

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Case St!dy: SG /ransportation

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Case St!dy ,ctivity: =et*s.isc!ss

    DiscussDiscuss activity on an area in which overnmentactivity on an area in which overnmentactions have +ene7tted society 9pae ;

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Role of Govt in Society

    "n concl!sion2"n concl!sion2

    there are strenths and areas of improvement forthere are strenths and areas of improvement for

    policies introd!ced +y the overnmentpolicies introd!ced +y the overnment

    as individ!als2 we can contri+!te towards theas individ!als2 we can contri+!te towards theimprovement of policies2 for e$ample thro!himprovement of policies2 for e$ample thro!h

    providin s!estions to the relevant a!thorities2providin s!estions to the relevant a!thorities2

    in order to ens!re that they are +ene7cial for allin order to ens!re that they are +ene7cial for all

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Role of Citizens inSociety

    Citizens can contri+!te individ!ally or inCitizens can contri+!te individ!ally or inoranised ro!psoranised ro!ps

    Citizens contri+!te to society +y:Citizens contri+!te to society +y:

    -  "n)!encin overnment decisions"n)!encin overnment decisions

    - Strenthenin citizens* sense of +eloninStrenthenin citizens* sense of +elonin

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    The Good ofSociety

    Role of Government Role of Citizens




    #ns!rin %!stice

    rovidinGoods &Services

    Safe!ardin interestsof citizens



    (ormal "nformal

    "n)!encin Gov*t


    Strenthenin sense of+elonin

    MH, M(, M"-.#(

    !+lic /ransportati



    C( -G' 10'




  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Role of Citizens:"ndivid!als

    "ndivid!als vol!nteer may vol!nteer their"ndivid!als vol!nteer may vol!nteer theirtime2 e4ort or money5 /heir actions cantime2 e4ort or money5 /heir actions can

    directly +ene7t others5directly +ene7t others5

    #55: #lisha - who started the , litter at a#55: #lisha - who started the , litter at a

    time* proramme 9see p ><

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Role of Citizens: (ormalro!ps

    Have clear o+ectivesHave clear o+ectives

    (ormally reistered with the overnment(ormally reistered with the overnment

    ,ddress a wide rane of interests,ddress a wide rane of interests

    #55 -G's 9,ware< and 10's 9SC,

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    Role of Citizen: "nformalro!ps

    'ranisations with a speci7c2 short term'ranisations with a speci7c2 short termo+ective related to iss!es that arise s!ddenly5o+ective related to iss!es that arise s!ddenly5

    #55 SG Haze Resc!e 9#55 SG Haze Resc!e 9



  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    ,ctivity time

    Refer to art ; of 0S on Role of Citizen5Refer to art ; of 0S on Role of Citizen5Research on yo!r assined cateory5 .isc!ssResearch on yo!r assined cateory5 .isc!ss

    how these contri+!tions wo!ld +ene7t thehow these contri+!tions wo!ld +ene7t the

    individ!alsIro!ps as well as society5individ!alsIro!ps as well as society5

    H0: art A of 0S on Role of CitizenH0: art A of 0S on Role of Citizen

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    "n concl!sion2

    .i4erent ro!ps play di4erent roles in workin for.i4erent ro!ps play di4erent roles in workin forthe ood of society5the ood of society5

    #ach contri+!tes towards di4erent aspects of#ach contri+!tes towards di4erent aspects ofsociety and complements the role of thesociety and complements the role of theovernment in workin for the ood of society55overnment in workin for the ood of society55

    Generally2 the o!tcomes of citizen contri+!tionGenerally2 the o!tcomes of citizen contri+!tionco!ld +e cateorised into the followin:co!ld +e cateorised into the followin:contri+!tin to the needs of society2 in)!encincontri+!tin to the needs of society2 in)!encinovernment decisions2 strenthenin citizens*overnment decisions2 strenthenin citizens*sense of +elonin5sense of +elonin5

  • 8/18/2019 SS Role of Government PPT


    "n concl!sion2

     /he opinions of citizens* provides the /he opinions of citizens* provides theovernment with an alternative perspective5overnment with an alternative perspective5

     /his helps improve decision and policy makin /his helps improve decision and policy makin

    +y the overnment5+y the overnment5

    "f citizens* feed+ack is considered2 they wo!ld"f citizens* feed+ack is considered2 they wo!ld

    feel that Sinapore has improved5 /heir sensefeel that Sinapore has improved5 /heir sense

    of +elonin to the co!ntry co!ld increase5of +elonin to the co!ntry co!ld increase5