SRK Guidelines

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Transcript of SRK Guidelines

guidelines regarding intern ppt as per kale's suggestions:1. 1 slide about the company: history, employee, ranking, turnover.2. raw material, processes, output. observation training3. project : problem, solution to be looked, methods, results.4. professional practices :(late policy, dress code, safety issues, confidentiality of information etc.)5. ethical points of company: good/bad6. 10-15 slides.title font size - 32, bold, Arialcontent font 24-26-28 any.No sentences, animation.1 slide about company-history, emlpoyees, ranking, turnoverObservational training- new things (10 min)Clear problem statementProffesional practices- like 2nd last slide: late coming rule, uniform, safety issues, confidentiality10-15 slidesFont 18-28 20+ Every slide has title : font size -32, bold, Arial, normal font 24+Pictures 80% of ppt.( PracticeGoogel how to make good pptTedx ppt)