SRINAGAR | July 13, 2014, Sunday...

12 Greater Kashmir SRINAGAR | July 13, 2014, Sunday NEWS Kashmir remembers... Clamor for unity... Mirwaiz for intra-JK... Omar boasts of... Omar decries... Mehjoor’s documentation... From the front page... “Let all of us join hands to develop a society based on justice and principles of secular democratic temperament. Tolerance and respect for each others’ viewpoints, whether we agree to these or not, is the soul of democracy. The martyrs of July 13 laid their lives to uphold principal of natural justice and democracy,” he said. National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah and vet- eran NC leader Sheikh Nazir Ahmed have paid glorious tributes to the martyrs. “They laid down their lives for the sacrosanct spirit of lib- eration, justice and human rights in Jammu and Kashmir. The historic struggle launched by ordinary people against the Dogra monarchy and its unimaginable atrocities on the people of Jammu and Kashmir is a glorious chapter in the history of J&K's empower- ment and liberation from the clutches of slavery,” Dr Farooq said. "It is because of the sacrifices of these martyrs and thousands of others like them that we have a flag and an identity today. It becomes our sacred duty to protect our flag, to protect our unique political identity and to thwart all attempts to dilute Article 370 and our special status. That would be the best homage to these valiant heroes and martyrs,” he said. He said, “Need of the hour is to emulate the courage of these martyrs by pledging to uphold their sacrifices and understand that the cause of our political identity and that of our political autonomy stands threatened by external as well as internal foes and conspirators.” Sheikh Nazir said National Conference is based on the premise of these sacrifices for the honor and dignity of the common man. “These martyrs laid the base and edifice of Quit Kashmir Move- ment by giving the ultimate sacrifice of their lives,” he said. National Conference General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar said NC observes the Martyrs Day on the same instructions and spirit of pride that was laid down by Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah. “It is the duty of every patriot to augment the sacrifices of these martyrs by standing courageously in the face of all attempts to distort history and trivialize the aspirations and sentiments of the people,” he said. Senior NC leaders Abdul Rahim Rather, Chowdhary Muham- mad Ramzan, Mian Altaf, Mubarak Gul, Nasir Aslam Wani, Sharif-ud-din Shariq, Dr. Mehboob Beg, Muhammad Shafi Uri, Mir Saifullah, Sajjad Kichloo and Khalid Najeeb Suharwardy also paid tributes to the martyrs. Employees Joint Action Committee (Q) president, Abdul Qayoom Wani paid glowing tributes to the martyrs of July 13, describing them as torch bearers. “These martyrs put across a loud and clear message to the world that the people of the state would not tolerate injustice in any circumstances and would always stand against cruelty and injustice,” Wani said in a statement. Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), Muhammad Yasin Malik while paying tributes to these martyrs termed July 13, 1931, as a historic day in resistance history of Kashmir. “It was on this day when Kashmiris with unity and steadfast- ness started their struggle for independence from occupation, one family's rule, dictatorship and all kinds of suppressions. Kashmiris sacrificed their blood and made this day a historic and monumental day but looters in the garb of leaders ruined those sacrifices,” Malik, who is in police custody, said in a statement. “Kashmiris defeated the dictatorial rulers called maharajas but because of our ill fate and misfortune, the defeated maharajas were replaced by new kind of maharajas and maharanis. These new kings and queens wearing the gowns of democracy proved much worse and for the lust of the power these new kings and queens drove this poor nation to another worst kind of slavery,” he said. The statement said a JKLF delegation led by party zonal presi- dent Noor Muhammad Kalwal today visited Mazar-I-Shuhada at Naqashband Sahib (RA) shrine and prayed for peace to the martyrs. “The delegation pledged to take the freedom movement to its desired goal,” it said. Hurriyat (G) in a statement said its several leaders including Altaf Ahmad Shah, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai and Ayaz Akbar have been placed under house arrest. some leaders stressed for unity while decrying role of “collabo- rators.” The Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G), Syed Ali Shah Gee- lani, who is under house arrest, addressed the seminar through video conference. “It is the collective responsibility of pro-free- dom leaders to carry the ongoing movement forward,” he said. Geelani hit out at National Conference for “betraying” the mis- sion of July 13 martyrs. “Conversion of Muslim Conference into National Conference trampled the sacrifices of martyrs of 1931. It was followed by so-called accession in 1947 and Indira-Sheikh Accord in 1975. It is irony that we are not even allowed to pay trib- utes at the graveyard of these martyrs while NC and other parties are at the forefront to lay garlands at their graves,” Geelani said. Senior leader of Hurriyat Conference (G), Ghulam Nabi Sumji, minced no words to accuse some pro-freedom groups of diluting the Kashmir issue. “Some pro-freedom parties created confusion among Kashmiris by terming election boyco as irrelevant. In 2008, I did not sign the charter for unity among separatists as I found some groups disinterested to pursue Kashmir cause,” Sumji said without naming any leader or group. “These groups sail in two boats at a time to appease both India and Pakistan at the cost of Kashmiris. India has been fighting against Kashmiris on various fronts. Government is promotion drug abuse and waywardness to divert aention of Kashmiris particularly youth from ongoing movement. It is high time to forge unity among like-minded groups at least on common minimum programme to take the mission of martyrs to its logical conclu- sion,” he said. Chairman of Democratic Freedom Party and senior leader HCJK, Shabir Ahmad Shah hit out at NC for “damaging” the Kash- mir cause. “Since 1931, over five lakh Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives. NC has been at the forefront of suppressing the aspi- rations and sentiments of Kashmiris since 1931. In the name of religion, senior leaders of NC betrayed Kashmiris,” Shah said. Shah, however, said Congress and Peoples Democratic Party are equally responsible for miseries of Kashmiris. “How can Kash- miris forget tragedies like rape of women in Kunanposhpora, Badrapayeen and Shopian? These mainstream parties in one or the other way inflicted miseries on Kashmiris to pursue New Delhi’s agenda of suppressing Kashmir movement,” Shah said. Shah alleged that New Delhi is making aempts to sele non-locals and West Pakistan refugees in Jammu to change demography of the state. “Over five lakh non-locals have been given state subjects. On this day, lets us resolve to forge unity among like-minded parties for larger interests of Kashmir move- ment,” he said. Chairman of National Front and senior leader of HCJK, Nayeem Ahmad Khan minced no words to accuse New Delhi of using cheap tactics to damage the Kashmir movement. “While India has been controlling Kashmir forcibly, it has found collaborators in Kashmir to dilute the Kashmir cause. With the help of its over seven lakh troops, India has leſt no stone unturned to trample the right to self-determination of Kashmiris,” Khan said. Khan said the disclosure by Gen (retd) VK Singh should serve as an eye-opener for those who vote for mainstream parties. “New Delhi is trying to divide Kashmiris on communal lines. We are not against return of Kashmiri Pandits, but the way New Delhi is planning to sele them in separate colonies is dangerous. We will fight the proposal tooth and nail,” he said. Khan said the martyrs of 1931 laid their lives against autocratic rule. “Kashmiris have rendered unflinching sacrifices. We have no option but to fight for freedom. Kashmir can erupt anytime. We will continue to pursue our cause for freedom,” he said. Chairman of JKLF (R) Farooq Ahmad Dar alias Bita Karatey accused the mainstream parties of “selling sacrifices of mar- tyrs.” “For vote bank politics, pro-India parties in Kashmir sold sacrifices of Kashmiris. India even failed to fulfill promises of its first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, to give plebiscite to Kashmiris. We need to unite and jointly fight for right to self- determination,” Dar said. Among others, senior leader of Hurriyat (G) Altaf Ahmad Shah, Chairman Muslim Conference Shabir Ahmad Dar also spoke on the occasion. He said the resolution calls for holding an intra-State dialogue where people of all five regions would sit and talk about their views on Kashmir issue. “This is must to frame a concrete strategy towards resolving Kashmir issue. This is also must to defeat the forces who want to damage the State’s identity,” Mirwaiz said. The resolution was presented by Hurriyat leader Hakeem Abdur Rashid and passed unanimously on the occasion. Mirwaiz said the inter-state dialogue is must between the people of divided parts of Kashmir. “For that, separatist leadership should be allowed to travel to other side of the fence. This is important so that we can exchange ideas at the political and diplomatic level to create an atmosphere for a sustained dialogue between the two sides,” he said. He said the views of people of other regions are also impor- tant and would be of a great help in formulating a joint strategy vis-à-vis Kashmir issue. Taking a dig at JK’s mainstream parties, Mirwaiz said they assert that the mission of martyrs of 1931 ended after Kashmir acceded to India. “I have a question for all - NC, PDP, Congress and also for the parties in New Delhi- if that is the case, why is Kashmir suffering more than what it faced in 1931?” he said. “In 1931, there was only the then autocratic Dogra Maharaja and his army inflicting oppres- sion on the people of Kashmir. Today we have a democracy for just name. Today Kashmir is witnessed a police raj. Today we have presence of army in lakhs, we have CRPF, BSF and a number of agencies. This wasn’t the case in 1931.” He said under the garb of democracy, Kashmiris at present witness their social, moral, religious and cultural rights crushed under the “boots of military might.” He said Hurriyat believes that the martyrs of 1931 laid their lives for a cause that is still to be fulfilled. ‘UN afraid of US, Israel’ Terming the killing of innocent people in Palestine as worst form of aggression, Mirwaiz stated that instead of doing its duty, the UN feels helpless before the world powers like United States and Israel. He also took a dig at Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) for not raising their voices against the Israeli attacks on Gaza. “The irony is that OIC too seems to be in a deep slumber. They are not even issuing a statement against Israel,” Mirwaiz said. “Though people of Palestine have never talked about Kashmir issue, but we are with them at this juncture. We have always been with them. Sunday’s strike would not only be for remembering the martyrs of July 13, 1931, but also against the massacre of Muslims in Gaza,” Mirwaiz announced. of spine through their complicity in such blatant dis- crimination. One can only dread what could be in store for the people of Kashmir who were misled by PDP through rhetoric, hypocrisy and hollow promises of raising their voice in the Parliament. Where is PDP's voice now?" Omar asked. Omar Abdullah said that National Conference treated all three regions of the State equally without any preju- dices and out-rightly rejects this policy of applying dif- ferent yardsticks to Kashmir Valley and Jammu. He said the interests of all three regions - Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh - were equally dear to National Conference and the party would continue to fight for equitable development and justice in all the regions and sub-regions of the State. “PDP's leadership will have to be born a hundred times over and over again to understand the history of struggle, selfless service and sacrifices rendered by National Con- ference”, he said while asking PDP to introspect for its own good and recollect how its patron, Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, had been a part of every Constitutional machina- tion and erosion against the State since 1953. an immense cost to the system as even the existing employ- ees don’t get salaries for months and casual, seasonal and daily-rated workers are paid, if at all, token amounts once or twice a year,” he said. Baig said projects started by previous government have been almost shelved as a result of delayed execution and cost over-runs. Similarly, centrally sponsored schemes and projects under State plan have been badly affected. Referring to the media reports, Baig said the treasuries across Kashmir are having liabilities of more than Rs 400 crores affecting government employees, pensioners and contractors. “In such a grim financial situation the phony announcements about spending fortunes on people sounds comic,” he added. Baig said Omar Abdullah government has made the State almost bankrupt in last six years. To cope up with emergen- cies like the one prevailing at present when treasuries are unable to honor bills, the J&K Bank would serve the State, but this government by handing over its debt management and overdraft facility to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has deprived the State of its last resort, he said. Baig, who represents North Kashmir in the Lok Sabha, expressed concern over the way the ruling government, for its trivial political gains, has subverted the normal employ- ment process by bypassing the established institutions of recruitment in the state, thus marring the merit to benefit its own people. “It has been the age old policy of the National Conference not to allow the institutions to grow because they fear that they won’t be able to resort to malpractices once the institutions start working transparently,” he said. Baig said the ruling government through its so-called fast-track recruitment process announced few years ago could do nothing with the educated youth except adding to their own coffers. He said the only visible ‘achievement’ of the NC-led government was the appointment of Mush- taq Peer, of BOPEE fame, as ‘consultant’ of the ‘fast-track recruitment process’ despite knowing his murky track record both in Kashmir University and in the Professional Board. “Whopping fees of Rs 400 was taken from four to five lakh aspirants each and in the end it turned out be a cruel joke with the educated unemployed youth of the State,” Baig added. He said now again people are being forced to sell their properties for the phony jobs as the ruling party agents and political brokers are out to mislead the people about so-called government jobs in various departments. Giving details as an eyewitness, Mehjoor has further said that 11 bodies were kept in a masjid for the night and next morning buried in a local graveyard. In his report, Mehjoor has also identified a cop who got injured. He has said a police constable Ahmad Khan was wounded by a bullet, however it was not ascertained who fired at him. “These available details about the Handwara killings in 1931 are also evident of the brutality of Dogra rule and the resistance of suppressed Kashmiris. The map and affidavit by Mehjoor is a resistance heritage,” Muhammad Yusuf Teng, noted scholar and historian told Greater Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits perform puja on Guru Purnima at temple near Dal Lake in Sringar on Saturday. London, July 12: Iraqi secu- rity forces and government affiliated militias appear to have unlawfully executed at least 255 prisoners over the past month in apparent revenge for killings by Islam- ic State fighters, according to a rights group on Saturday. Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the killings had taken place in six Iraqi towns and villages since June 9 and at least eight of the dead were boys under 18. In all but one case, the killings took place while the Iraqi forces were fleeing from Islamic State militants and other armed groups, it said on its website. "The mass extrajudicial killings may be evidence of war crimes or crimes against humanity, and appear to be revenge killings for atroci- ties by (Islamic State)," HRW said. The militants have made no attempt to hide mass exe- cutions of their prisoners. Days after they began sweeping through north- ern cities last month, they released videos show- ing their masked fighters machine-gunning captive government soldiers lying in shallow graves. "VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW" HRW said it had state- ments from witnesses, secu- rity forces and government officials indicating Iraqi soldiers or police, pro-gov- ernment Shi'ite militias, or combinations of the three had extrajudicially executed prisoners, in nearly all cases by shooting them. It said it had documented five massacres of prisoners between June 9 and 21 – in Mosul and Tal Afar in north- ern Nineveh province, in Baaquba and Jumarkhe in eastern Diyala province, and in Rawa in western Anbar province. It said residents and activ- ists those areas believed Iraqi security forces and militias killed prisoners released by Islamic State, to stop them joining the rebellion and in revenge for the killings of government troops. Joe Stork, HRW deputy Middle East director said gunning down prisoners was "an outrageous violation of international law". "While the world rightly denounces the atrocious acts of (Islamic State), it should not turn a blind eye to sectar- ian killing sprees by govern- ment and pro-government forces," he said. Reuters Transfers and postings in Police Telecom Iraq forces executed 255 prisoners in revenge for ISIS killings: HRW PDP has become first choice for youth: Mansoor Shangus, July 12: Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader and MLA Shangus, Peerzada Mansoor Hus- sain today asked the youth to become partners in the movement launched by PDP for establishing a new system of justice and equal- ity in the state. He said the PDP has become the first choice of the state’s young population given its staunch pro-youth agenda. “PDP is the only party in the state that has for- mulated a separate Youth Development Policy for the welfare of the youth,” Man- soor said while addressing a convention of the party workers here. He welcomed Choudhary Abdul Hamid, member of Advisory Board for Gujjars and Bakerwals and Abdul Gani Bhat, local NC leader in the PDP fold, a statement said. Bear mauls man in Bandipora Srinagar, July 12: Panic spread in North Kashmir’s Quilmuqam district Bandi- pora on Saturday as a bear appeared in the locality and mauled one youth who has been hospitalized. “Muhammad Yousnis Gujjar (35) s/o Neak Aalam R/o Reshwari Quilmuqam was at his residence when bear appeared and attacked him. He has received major injuries as the bear mauled him,” said locals. They added that injured has been hospitalized. SKIMS appeals for donations to help poor Srinagar, July 12: Sher-i- Kashmir Institute of Medi- cal Sciences (SKIMS) Soura here has appealed people to contribute their donations in JKB’s account number SB-15060 for the treatment of needy people. “State government facilitate sufficient funds for carrying out smooth patient care services but still there are over 50 per cent population below pov- erty line and are unable to manage specialized treat- ment, SKIMS has created this fund to help poor and needy,” reads SKIMS hand- out. “The poor fund scheme doesn’t exist on other ter- tiary hospitals of the coun- try. The account will be audited from time to time,” it adds. Srinagar, July 12: The government today ordered the following transferees and postings in the Tele- communication Wing of Jammu and Kashmir Police Department with immedi- ate effect. Naseer Ahmad, SSP Telecom, Kashmir is transferred and posted as SO to IGP Technical Ser- vices vice Manzoor Ahmad Shoori. Manzoor Ahmad Shoori, SO to IGP Technical Ser- vices, PHQ is transferred and posted as SSP Tele- com, Kashmir vice Naseer Ahmad. Rafi Ahmad Mir, SO to Director Police Tele- communication, J&K is transferred and posted as SP , Telecom ACS, Kash- mir against an available vacancy. Rakesh Kumar Dhar, Vice Principal PTS, Kathua is transferred and posted as SP Telecom, ACS, Jammu vice Davinder Paul Singh. Davinder Paul Singh, SP, Telecom, ACs, Jammu is transferred and posted klas SP Telecom, Jammu against an available vacancy. Mohammad Shafi, await- ing orders of adjustment is posted as SP Hqrs. Telecom Kashmir against an avail- able vacancy. Mushtaq Ahmad Ganaie, awaiting orders of adjustment is posted as Staff Officer to Director Police Telecommu- nication vice Rafi Ahmad Mir. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq placed under house arrest Nayeem Khan detained Srinagar, July 12: Police on Saturday evening placed Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M), Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, under house arrest. Hurriyat spokesperson said Mirwaiz and media advisor of the conglomerate, advocate Shahid-ul-Islam were placed under house arrest aſter evening prayers. Hurriyat (M) has planned to hold a rally from Jamia Masjid to Mazar-i-Shohada Naqshband Sahib (RA) on Sunday, July 13 to pay tributes to the martyrs. Meanwhile, Chairman of National Front and senior leader of Hurriyat Conference Jammu and Kashmir, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, was detained by police on Saturday evening while he was on way to his Paan residence in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. A spokesperson of NF said Khan has been lodged at police station Sadder. Observe July 13 as Yoom-i- Istiqamat: Aasiya to people Srinagar, July 12: Dukhtaran-e-Millat chief Aasiya Andrabi on Saturday appealed to the people of Kashmir to observe July 13 (Martyrs Day) as Yoom-i-Istiqamat. “Muslims of the world are currently going through a difficult and trying phase. Under these circumstances, they need to demonstrate steadfastness in facing the challenges,” Aasiya said in a statement today, condemning the air aacks on civilians in Gaza in which innocents including children and women are martyred. She expressed serious concern over the criminal silence maintained by the Muslim world over the Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians. Muslim League offers tributes to July 13 martyrs Srinagar, July 12: Muslim League Jammu Kashmir (ML) acting chairman Muhammad Yousuf Mir on Saturday paid tributes to July 13, 1931, martyrs. In a statement, the League has supported the shutdown call given by Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani on July 13. Meanwhile, League has condemned the continued detention of its chairman Masrat Alam Bhat and raid on the residential house of its district secretary Shopian Tariq Ahmad Ganai by the army and police, terming it unjustified. It has also condemned the re-arrest of its incarcerated leader Meraj-ud-Din Nanda soon aſter his release from Kupwara jail. JKLF-R pays tributes to July 13 martyrs Srinagar, July 12: Chief patron JKLF-R Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo while paying rich tributes to the martyrs of 13 July 1931, Saturday said it was the day when the Kashmir stood up against the injustice and oppression. According to a statement issued here, Tramboo said on this day, Kashmiri people made it clear to the world that the they can never be made slaves and that they will resist at any cost, for their honour and dignity. “The martyrs of 13 July, 1931 set up the path, in order to resist and fight the repression, for the generations to come and those generations have a great responsibility on their shoulders. The responsibility of fighting against the oppressor and the unjust and the responsibility of fighting for the cause of freedom,” he said.

Transcript of SRINAGAR | July 13, 2014, Sunday...

Page 1: SRINAGAR | July 13, 2014, Sunday … Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G), Syed Ali Shah Gee - lani, who is under

12 Greater KashmirSRINAGAR | July 13, 2014, Sunday

Kashmir remembers... Clamor for unity... Mirwaiz for intra-JK... Omar boasts of...

Omar decries...Mehjoor’s documentation...

From the front page...

“Let all of us join hands to develop a society based on justice and principles of secular democratic temperament. Tolerance and respect for each others’ viewpoints, whether we agree to these or not, is the soul of democracy. The martyrs of July 13 laid their lives to uphold principal of natural justice and democracy,” he said.

National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah and vet-eran NC leader Sheikh Nazir Ahmed have paid glorious tributes to the martyrs.

“They laid down their lives for the sacrosanct spirit of lib-eration, justice and human rights in Jammu and Kashmir. The historic struggle launched by ordinary people against the Dogra monarchy and its unimaginable atrocities on the people of Jammu and Kashmir is a glorious chapter in the history of J&K's empower-ment and liberation from the clutches of slavery,” Dr Farooq said.

"It is because of the sacrifices of these martyrs and thousands of others like them that we have a flag and an identity today. It becomes our sacred duty to protect our flag, to protect our unique political identity and to thwart all attempts to dilute Article 370 and our special status. That would be the best homage to these valiant heroes and martyrs,” he said.

He said, “Need of the hour is to emulate the courage of these martyrs by pledging to uphold their sacrifices and understand that the cause of our political identity and that of our political autonomy stands threatened by external as well as internal foes and conspirators.”

Sheikh Nazir said National Conference is based on the premise of these sacrifices for the honor and dignity of the common man. “These martyrs laid the base and edifice of Quit Kashmir Move-ment by giving the ultimate sacrifice of their lives,” he said.

National Conference General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar said NC observes the Martyrs Day on the same instructions and spirit of pride that was laid down by Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah.

“It is the duty of every patriot to augment the sacrifices of these martyrs by standing courageously in the face of all attempts to distort history and trivialize the aspirations and sentiments of the people,” he said.

Senior NC leaders Abdul Rahim Rather, Chowdhary Muham-mad Ramzan, Mian Altaf, Mubarak Gul, Nasir Aslam Wani, Sharif-ud-din Shariq, Dr. Mehboob Beg, Muhammad Shafi Uri, Mir Saifullah, Sajjad Kichloo and Khalid Najeeb Suharwardy also paid tributes to the martyrs.

Employees Joint Action Committee (Q) president, Abdul Qayoom Wani paid glowing tributes to the martyrs of July 13, describing them as torch bearers.

“These martyrs put across a loud and clear message to the world that the people of the state would not tolerate injustice in any circumstances and would always stand against cruelty and injustice,” Wani said in a statement.

Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), Muhammad Yasin Malik while paying tributes to these martyrs termed July 13, 1931, as a historic day in resistance history of Kashmir.

“It was on this day when Kashmiris with unity and steadfast-ness started their struggle for independence from occupation, one family's rule, dictatorship and all kinds of suppressions.

Kashmiris sacrificed their blood and made this day a historic and monumental day but looters in the garb of leaders ruined those sacrifices,” Malik, who is in police custody, said in a statement.

“Kashmiris defeated the dictatorial rulers called maharajas but because of our ill fate and misfortune, the defeated maharajas were replaced by new kind of maharajas and maharanis. These new kings and queens wearing the gowns of democracy proved much worse and for the lust of the power these new kings and queens drove this poor nation to another worst kind of slavery,” he said.

The statement said a JKLF delegation led by party zonal presi-dent Noor Muhammad Kalwal today visited Mazar-I-Shuhada at Naqashband Sahib (RA) shrine and prayed for peace to the martyrs. “The delegation pledged to take the freedom movement to its desired goal,” it said.

Hurriyat (G) in a statement said its several leaders including Altaf Ahmad Shah, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai and Ayaz Akbar have been placed under house arrest.

some leaders stressed for unity while decrying role of “collabo-rators.”

The Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G), Syed Ali Shah Gee-lani, who is under house arrest, addressed the seminar through video conference. “It is the collective responsibility of pro-free-dom leaders to carry the ongoing movement forward,” he said.

Geelani hit out at National Conference for “betraying” the mis-sion of July 13 martyrs. “Conversion of Muslim Conference into National Conference trampled the sacrifices of martyrs of 1931. It was followed by so-called accession in 1947 and Indira-Sheikh Accord in 1975. It is irony that we are not even allowed to pay trib-utes at the graveyard of these martyrs while NC and other parties are at the forefront to lay garlands at their graves,” Geelani said.

Senior leader of Hurriyat Conference (G), Ghulam Nabi Sumji, minced no words to accuse some pro-freedom groups of diluting the Kashmir issue. “Some pro-freedom parties created confusion among Kashmiris by terming election boycott as irrelevant. In 2008, I did not sign the charter for unity among separatists as I found some groups disinterested to pursue Kashmir cause,” Sumji said without naming any leader or group.

“These groups sail in two boats at a time to appease both India and Pakistan at the cost of Kashmiris. India has been fighting against Kashmiris on various fronts. Government is promotion drug abuse and waywardness to divert attention of Kashmiris particularly youth from ongoing movement. It is high time to forge unity among like-minded groups at least on common minimum programme to take the mission of martyrs to its logical conclu-sion,” he said.

Chairman of Democratic Freedom Party and senior leader HCJK, Shabir Ahmad Shah hit out at NC for “damaging” the Kash-mir cause. “Since 1931, over five lakh Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives. NC has been at the forefront of suppressing the aspi-rations and sentiments of Kashmiris since 1931. In the name of religion, senior leaders of NC betrayed Kashmiris,” Shah said.

Shah, however, said Congress and Peoples Democratic Party are equally responsible for miseries of Kashmiris. “How can Kash-miris forget tragedies like rape of women in Kunanposhpora, Badrapayeen and Shopian? These mainstream parties in one or the other way inflicted miseries on Kashmiris to pursue New Delhi’s agenda of suppressing Kashmir movement,” Shah said.

Shah alleged that New Delhi is making attempts to settle non-locals and West Pakistan refugees in Jammu to change demography of the state. “Over five lakh non-locals have been given state subjects. On this day, lets us resolve to forge unity among like-minded parties for larger interests of Kashmir move-ment,” he said.

Chairman of National Front and senior leader of HCJK, Nayeem Ahmad Khan minced no words to accuse New Delhi of using cheap tactics to damage the Kashmir movement.

“While India has been controlling Kashmir forcibly, it has found collaborators in Kashmir to dilute the Kashmir cause. With the help of its over seven lakh troops, India has left no stone unturned to trample the right to self-determination of Kashmiris,” Khan said.

Khan said the disclosure by Gen (retd) VK Singh should serve as an eye-opener for those who vote for mainstream parties. “New Delhi is trying to divide Kashmiris on communal lines. We are not against return of Kashmiri Pandits, but the way New Delhi is planning to settle them in separate colonies is dangerous. We will fight the proposal tooth and nail,” he said.

Khan said the martyrs of 1931 laid their lives against autocratic rule. “Kashmiris have rendered unflinching sacrifices. We have no option but to fight for freedom. Kashmir can erupt anytime. We will continue to pursue our cause for freedom,” he said.

Chairman of JKLF (R) Farooq Ahmad Dar alias Bita Karatey accused the mainstream parties of “selling sacrifices of mar-tyrs.” “For vote bank politics, pro-India parties in Kashmir sold sacrifices of Kashmiris. India even failed to fulfill promises of its first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, to give plebiscite to Kashmiris. We need to unite and jointly fight for right to self-determination,” Dar said.

Among others, senior leader of Hurriyat (G) Altaf Ahmad Shah, Chairman Muslim Conference Shabir Ahmad Dar also spoke on the occasion.

He said the resolution calls for holding an intra-State dialogue where people of all five regions would sit and talk about their views on Kashmir issue. “This is must to frame a concrete strategy towards resolving Kashmir issue. This is also must to defeat the forces who want to damage the State’s identity,” Mirwaiz said. The resolution was presented by Hurriyat leader Hakeem Abdur Rashid and passed unanimously on the occasion.

Mirwaiz said the inter-state dialogue is must between the people of divided parts of Kashmir. “For that, separatist leadership should be allowed to travel to other side of the fence. This is important so that we can exchange ideas at the political and diplomatic level to create an atmosphere for a sustained dialogue between the two sides,” he said. He said the views of people of other regions are also impor-tant and would be of a great help in formulating a joint strategy vis-à-vis Kashmir issue.

Taking a dig at JK’s mainstream parties, Mirwaiz said they assert that the mission of martyrs of 1931 ended after Kashmir acceded to India. “I have a question for all - NC, PDP, Congress and also for the parties in New Delhi- if that is the case, why is Kashmir suffering more than what it faced in 1931?” he said. “In 1931, there was only the then autocratic Dogra Maharaja and his army inflicting oppres-sion on the people of Kashmir. Today we have a democracy for just name. Today Kashmir is witnessed a police raj. Today we have presence of army in lakhs, we have CRPF, BSF and a number of agencies. This wasn’t the case in 1931.” He said under the garb of democracy, Kashmiris at present witness their social, moral, religious and cultural rights crushed under the “boots of military might.”

He said Hurriyat believes that the martyrs of 1931 laid their lives for a cause that is still to be fulfilled.

‘UN afraid of US, Israel’Terming the killing of innocent people in Palestine

as worst form of aggression, Mirwaiz stated that instead of doing its duty, the UN feels helpless before the world powers like United States and Israel.

He also took a dig at Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) for not raising their voices against the Israeli attacks on Gaza. “The irony is that OIC too seems to be in a deep slumber. They are not even issuing a statement against Israel,” Mirwaiz said.

“Though people of Palestine have never talked about Kashmir issue, but we are with them at this juncture. We have always been with them. Sunday’s strike would not only be for remembering the martyrs of July 13, 1931, but also against the massacre of Muslims in Gaza,” Mirwaiz announced.

of spine through their complicity in such blatant dis-crimination. One can only dread what could be in store for the people of Kashmir who were misled by PDP through rhetoric, hypocrisy and hollow promises of raising their voice in the Parliament. Where is PDP's voice now?" Omar asked.

Omar Abdullah said that National Conference treated all three regions of the State equally without any preju-dices and out-rightly rejects this policy of applying dif-ferent yardsticks to Kashmir Valley and Jammu. He said the interests of all three regions - Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh - were equally dear to National Conference and the party would continue to fight for equitable development and justice in all the regions and sub-regions of the State.

“PDP's leadership will have to be born a hundred times over and over again to understand the history of struggle, selfless service and sacrifices rendered by National Con-ference”, he said while asking PDP to introspect for its own good and recollect how its patron, Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, had been a part of every Constitutional machina-tion and erosion against the State since 1953.

an immense cost to the system as even the existing employ-ees don’t get salaries for months and casual, seasonal and daily-rated workers are paid, if at all, token amounts once or twice a year,” he said.

Baig said projects started by previous government have been almost shelved as a result of delayed execution and cost over-runs. Similarly, centrally sponsored schemes and projects under State plan have been badly affected.

Referring to the media reports, Baig said the treasuries across Kashmir are having liabilities of more than Rs 400 crores affecting government employees, pensioners and contractors. “In such a grim financial situation the phony announcements about spending fortunes on people sounds comic,” he added.

Baig said Omar Abdullah government has made the State almost bankrupt in last six years. To cope up with emergen-cies like the one prevailing at present when treasuries are unable to honor bills, the J&K Bank would serve the State, but this government by handing over its debt management and overdraft facility to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has deprived the State of its last resort, he said.

Baig, who represents North Kashmir in the Lok Sabha, expressed concern over the way the ruling government, for its trivial political gains, has subverted the normal employ-ment process by bypassing the established institutions of recruitment in the state, thus marring the merit to benefit its own people. “It has been the age old policy of the National Conference not to allow the institutions to grow because they fear that they won’t be able to resort to malpractices once the institutions start working transparently,” he said.

Baig said the ruling government through its so-called fast-track recruitment process announced few years ago could do nothing with the educated youth except adding to their own coffers. He said the only visible ‘achievement’ of the NC-led government was the appointment of Mush-taq Peer, of BOPEE fame, as ‘consultant’ of the ‘fast-track recruitment process’ despite knowing his murky track record both in Kashmir University and in the Professional Board.

“Whopping fees of Rs 400 was taken from four to five lakh aspirants each and in the end it turned out be a cruel joke with the educated unemployed youth of the State,” Baig added.

He said now again people are being forced to sell their properties for the phony jobs as the ruling party agents and political brokers are out to mislead the people about so-called government jobs in various departments.

Giving details as an eyewitness, Mehjoor has further said that 11 bodies were kept in a masjid for the night and next morning buried in a local graveyard. In his report, Mehjoor has also identified a cop who got injured. He has said a police constable Ahmad Khan was wounded by a bullet, however it was not ascertained who fired at him.

“These available details about the Handwara killings in 1931 are also evident of the brutality of Dogra rule and the resistance of suppressed Kashmiris. The map and affidavit by Mehjoor is a resistance heritage,” Muhammad Yusuf Teng, noted scholar and historian told Greater Kashmir.

Kashmiri Pandits perform puja on Guru Purnima at temple near Dal Lake in Sringar on Saturday.

London, July 12: Iraqi secu-rity forces and government affiliated militias appear to have unlawfully executed at least 255 prisoners over the past month in apparent revenge for killings by Islam-ic State fighters, according to a rights group on Saturday.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the killings had taken place in six Iraqi towns and villages since June 9 and at least eight of the dead were boys under 18.

In all but one case, the killings took place while the Iraqi forces were fleeing from Islamic State militants and other armed groups, it said

on its website."The mass extrajudicial

killings may be evidence of war crimes or crimes against humanity, and appear to be revenge killings for atroci-ties by (Islamic State)," HRW said.

The militants have made no attempt to hide mass exe-cutions of their prisoners.

Days after they began sweeping through north-ern cities last month, they released videos show-ing their masked fighters machine-gunning captive government soldiers lying in shallow graves."VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL

LAW"HRW said it had state-

ments from witnesses, secu-rity forces and government officials indicating Iraqi soldiers or police, pro-gov-ernment Shi'ite militias, or combinations of the three had extrajudicially executed prisoners, in nearly all cases by shooting them.

It said it had documented five massacres of prisoners between June 9 and 21 – in Mosul and Tal Afar in north-ern Nineveh province, in Baaquba and Jumarkhe in eastern Diyala province, and in Rawa in western Anbar province.

It said residents and activ-ists those areas believed Iraqi security forces and militias killed prisoners released by Islamic State, to stop them joining the rebellion and in revenge for the killings of government troops.

Joe Stork, HRW deputy Middle East director said gunning down prisoners was "an outrageous violation of international law".

"While the world rightly denounces the atrocious acts of (Islamic State), it should not turn a blind eye to sectar-ian killing sprees by govern-ment and pro-government forces," he said. Reuters

Transfers and postings in Police Telecom

Iraq forces executed 255 prisoners in revenge for ISIS killings: HRW

PDP has become first choice for youth: MansoorShangus, July 12: Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader and MLA Shangus, Peerzada Mansoor Hus-sain today asked the youth to become partners in the movement launched by PDP for establishing a new system of justice and equal-ity in the state. He said the PDP has become the first choice of the state’s young population given its staunch pro-youth agenda.

“PDP is the only party in the state that has for-mulated a separate Youth Development Policy for the welfare of the youth,” Man-soor said while addressing a convention of the party workers here. He welcomed Choudhary Abdul Hamid, member of Advisory Board for Gujjars and Bakerwals and Abdul Gani Bhat, local NC leader in the PDP fold, a statement said.

Bear mauls man in Bandipora Srinagar, July 12: Panic spread in North Kashmir’s Quilmuqam district Bandi-pora on Saturday as a bear appeared in the locality and mauled one youth who has been hospitalized.

“Muhammad Yousnis Gujjar (35) s/o Neak Aalam R/o Reshwari Quilmuqam was at his residence when bear appeared and attacked him. He has received major injuries as the bear mauled him,” said locals. They added that injured has been hospitalized.

SKIMS appeals for donations to help poorSrinagar, July 12: Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medi-cal Sciences (SKIMS) Soura here has appealed people to contribute their donations in JKB’s account number SB-15060 for the treatment of needy people.

“State government facilitate sufficient funds for carrying out smooth patient care services but still there are over 50 per cent population below pov-erty line and are unable to manage specialized treat-ment, SKIMS has created this fund to help poor and needy,” reads SKIMS hand-out.

“The poor fund scheme doesn’t exist on other ter-tiary hospitals of the coun-try. The account will be audited from time to time,” it adds.

Srinagar, July 12: The government today ordered the following transferees and postings in the Tele-communication Wing of Jammu and Kashmir Police Department with immedi-ate effect. Naseer Ahmad, SSP Telecom, Kashmir is transferred and posted as SO to IGP Technical Ser-vices vice Manzoor Ahmad Shoori.

Manzoor Ahmad Shoori, SO to IGP Technical Ser-vices, PHQ is transferred and posted as SSP Tele-com, Kashmir vice Naseer Ahmad. Rafi Ahmad Mir, SO to Director Police Tele-communication, J&K is transferred and posted as SP , Telecom ACS, Kash-

mir against an available vacancy.

Rakesh Kumar Dhar, Vice Principal PTS, Kathua is transferred and posted as SP Telecom, ACS, Jammu vice Davinder Paul Singh. Davinder Paul Singh, SP, Telecom, ACs, Jammu is transferred and posted klas SP Telecom, Jammu against an available vacancy.

Mohammad Shafi, await-ing orders of adjustment is posted as SP Hqrs. Telecom Kashmir against an avail-able vacancy. Mushtaq Ahmad Ganaie, awaiting orders of adjustment is posted as Staff Officer to Director Police Telecommu-nication vice Rafi Ahmad Mir.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq placed under house arrest Nayeem Khan detained Srinagar, July 12: Police on Saturday evening placed Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M), Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, under house arrest.

Hurriyat spokesperson said Mirwaiz and media advisor of the conglomerate, advocate Shahid-ul-Islam were placed under house arrest after evening prayers. Hurriyat (M) has planned to hold a rally from Jamia Masjid to Mazar-i-Shohada Naqshband Sahib (RA) on Sunday, July 13 to pay tributes to the martyrs. Meanwhile, Chairman of National Front and senior leader of Hurriyat Conference Jammu and Kashmir, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, was detained by police on Saturday evening while he was on way to his Pattan residence in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. A spokesperson of NF said Khan has been lodged at police station Sadder.

Observe July 13 as Yoom-i-Istiqamat: Aasiya to people Srinagar, July 12: Dukhtaran-e-Millat chief Aasiya Andrabi on Saturday appealed to the people of Kashmir to observe July 13 (Martyrs Day) as Yoom-i-Istiqamat. “Muslims of the world are currently going through a difficult and trying phase. Under these circumstances, they need to demonstrate steadfastness in facing the challenges,” Aasiya said in a statement today, condemning the air attacks on civilians in Gaza in which innocents including children and women are martyred. She expressed serious concern over the criminal silence maintained by the Muslim world over the Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians.

Muslim League offers tributes to July 13 martyrs Srinagar, July 12: Muslim League Jammu Kashmir (ML) acting chairman Muhammad Yousuf Mir on Saturday paid tributes to July 13, 1931, martyrs. In a statement, the League has supported the shutdown call given by Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani on July 13. Meanwhile, League has condemned the continued detention of its chairman Masrat Alam Bhat and raid on the residential house of its district secretary Shopian Tariq Ahmad Ganai by the army and police, terming it unjustified. It has also condemned the re-arrest of its incarcerated leader Meraj-ud-Din Nanda soon after his release from Kupwara jail.

JKLF-R pays tributes to July 13 martyrsSrinagar, July 12: Chief patron JKLF-R Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo while paying rich tributes to the martyrs of 13 July 1931, Saturday said it was the day when the Kashmir stood up against the injustice and oppression. According to a statement issued here, Tramboo said on this day, Kashmiri people made it clear to the world that the they can never be made slaves and that they will resist at any cost, for their honour and dignity. “The martyrs of 13 July, 1931 set up the path, in order to resist and fight the repression, for the generations to come and those generations have a great responsibility on their shoulders. The responsibility of fighting against the oppressor and the unjust and the responsibility of fighting for the cause of freedom,” he said.