SRI SIDDHARTHA (A constituent College Computer Science & Engineeri SRI SIDDHARTHA I (A Constituent College of DEPARTMENT PROPOSED 2 VII SEMESTE Sl. No Sub. Code Nam 1 CS7T01 Inter 2 CS7T02 Web Appl 3 CS7T03 Mach 4 CS7PE4YY/ IS7PE4YY Profe 5 CS7PE5YY/ IS7PE5YY Profe 6 CS7L01 Netw 7 CS7L02 Web 8 CS7PW01 Proje Tot Profession Elective Sub. Cod CS7PE411 CS7PE412 CS7PE413 CS7PE414 Profession Elective Sub. Cod CS7PE521 CS7PE522 CS7PE523 CS7PE524 A INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMA of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tum ing INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, f Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Educa OF COMPUTER SCIENCE& ENGINE D CURRICULUM OF VII -VIII SEMES 2016-Scheme ( 2017 Batch ) R 2020 - 2021 Academ me of the subject L T P rnet Of Things 4 0 0 Technology and Its lications 3 2 0 hine Learning 3 0 0 essional Elective - II 3 0 0 essional Elective – III 3 0 0 work Laboratory 0 0 3 Technology Laboratory 0 0 3 ect Work Phase 1 0 8 0 tal 16 10 6 nal II Credits: 3-0-0-0-3 de Subject Title Software Testing Information Storage and Management Cryptography and Network Secur Wireless Sensor Network nal III Credits: 3-0-0-0-3 de Subject Title Cloud Computing Protocol Engineering Agile Technologies Pattern Recognition AKURU makuru) , TUMAKURU ation, Tumakuru) EERING STER mic Year P S C 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 1.5 3 0 1.5 0 0 4 6 1 25 rity


Page 1: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU(A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)




Sub. Code Name of the subject

1 CS7T01 Internet Of Things

2 CS7T02 Web Technology and ItsApplications

3 CS7T03 Machine Learning


Professional Elective


Professional Elective

6 CS7L01 Network Laboratory

7 CS7L02 Web Technology Laboratory

8 CS7PW01 Project Work Phase 1


Professional Elective –

Sub. Code





Professional Elective –

Sub. Code





SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU(A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


2016-Scheme ( 2017 Batch )

SEMESTER 2020 - 2021 Academic Year

Name of the subject L T P

Internet Of Things 4 0 0

Web Technology and Its Applications

3 2 0

Machine Learning 3 0 0

Professional Elective - II 3 0 0

Professional Elective – III 3 0 0

Network Laboratory 0 0 3

Web Technology Laboratory 0 0 3

Project Work Phase 1 0 8 0

Total 16 10 6

Professional – II

Credits: 3-0-0-0-3

Sub. Code Subject Title

Software Testing

Information Storage and Management

Cryptography and Network Security

Wireless Sensor Network

Professional – III

Credits: 3-0-0-0-3

Sub. Code Subject Title

Cloud Computing

Protocol Engineering

Agile Technologies

Pattern Recognition

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU (A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


2021 Academic Year


0 0 4

0 0 4

0 1 4

0 0 3

0 0 3

3 0 1.5

3 0 1.5

0 0 4

6 1 25

Cryptography and Network Security

Page 2: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Internet of Things

Subject Code: CS7T01

Course Objectives:



M2M to IoT - The Visionbackground, M2M communication, IoT, M2M towards IoTcontext - Game changers, General Trends in information and communications technologies, , A use case example, Differing Characteristics.


M2M toIoT- A Market Perspective: marketplaces, Some Definitions value chains, Industrial structure, M2M Value Chains, IoT Value Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT driven global value chain.


M2M and IoT Technology FundamentalsIntroduction, Basic devices, Gateways, Data management Introduction, Managing M2M data, Considerations for M2M data, Business processes in IoT enterprise systems, Distributed business processeManagement - Data, information, and knowledge, A knowledge management reference architecture.


Architecture Reference Modelarchitecture, IoT Reference Model model, Functional model, Communication model, Safety, privacy, trust, security model.


IoT Reference Architecture and RealConstraints:Introductionfunctional group, Communication functional group, IoT Service functional group, Virtual Entity functional group, IoT process management functional group, Service Organization functional group, Security functional group, Management functional group

Sl no Course Objectives

1 To understand the vision and introduction of IoT.

2 To learn the concepts of IOT in market perspective

3 To Learn Data and Knowledge Management and use of Devices in IoT Technology

4 To Understand the IoTConstraints

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Internet of Things

CS7T01 L-T-P-S


The Vision :Introduction, From M2M to IoT background, M2M communication, IoT, M2M towards IoT

Game changers, General technology and scientific trends, Trends in information and communications technologies, , A use case example, Differing Characteristics.

A Market Perspective: Introduction - Information marketplaces, Some Definitions - Global value chains, Ecosystems vs. value chains, Industrial structure, M2M Value Chains, IoT Value Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT - The informationdriven global value chain.

M2M and IoT Technology Fundamentals : Devices and gateways Introduction, Basic devices, Gateways, Data management Introduction, Managing M2M data, Considerations for M2M data, Business processes in IoT - Introduction, IoT integration with enterprise systems, Distributed business processes in IoT, Knowledge

Data, information, and knowledge, A knowledge management reference architecture.Retrieval Layer

Architecture Reference Model: Introduction, Reference Model and architecture, IoT Reference Model - IoT domain model, Imodel, Functional model, Communication model, Safety, privacy, trust,

IoT Reference Architecture and Real-World Design Introduction, Functional View - Device and Application

functional group, Communication functional group, IoT Service functional group, Virtual Entity functional group, IoT process management functional group, Service Organization functional group,

group, Management functional group

To understand the vision and introduction of IoT.

To learn the concepts of IOT in market perspective

To Learn Data and Knowledge Management and use of Devices in IoT

To Understand the IoT Reference Architecture and Real World Design

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

S-C: 4-0-0-0-4


Introduction, From M2M to IoT - A brief background, M2M communication, IoT, M2M towards IoT-the global

technology and scientific trends, Trends in information and communications technologies, , A use case


Information ins, Ecosystems vs.

value chains, Industrial structure, M2M Value Chains, IoT Value The information-


: Devices and gateways - Introduction, Basic devices, Gateways, Data management - Introduction, Managing M2M data, Considerations for M2M data,

Introduction, IoT integration with s in IoT, Knowledge

Data, information, and knowledge, A knowledge


: Introduction, Reference Model and IoT domain model, Information

model, Functional model, Communication model, Safety, privacy, trust,


World Design Device and Application

functional group, Communication functional group, IoT Service functional group, Virtual Entity functional group, IoT process management functional group, Service Organization functional group,


To Learn Data and Knowledge Management and use of Devices in IoT

Reference Architecture and Real World Design

Page 3: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Real-World Design Constraintsconstraints hardware is popular again representation and visualization, Interaction and remote control.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence

Reference Book:

Sl No

Reference Book title

1 Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)

2 Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything

Course Outcomes

Course outcome

CO1 Interpret the vision of IoT from a global context and determine the market perspective of IoT.

CO2 Analyze usage of device, data and knowledge management in m2M and IoT technologies. .

CO3 Develop the Reference models for designing IoT

CO4 Illustrate the applications of IoT and m2m technologies and identify real world design constraints.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


World Design Constraints: Introduction, Technical Design constraints hardware is popular again - Devices and networks, Data representation and visualization, Interaction and remote control.


Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence

Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle

Book title Author(s)

Internet of Things (A


Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting

Francis daCosta


Interpret the vision of IoT from a global context and determine the market perspective of IoT.

Analyze usage of device, data and knowledge management in m2M and IoT

Develop the Reference models for designing IoT and m2m technologies.

Illustrate the applications of IoT and m2m technologies and identify real world design constraints.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

: Introduction, Technical Design Devices and networks, Data

representation and visualization, Interaction and remote control.

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

1st Edition, Academic Press, 2014. (ISBN-13: 978-0124076846)

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Bahga 1st Edition, VPT, 2014, ISBN-13: 978-8173719547

1stEdition, Apress Publications, 2013, ISBN-13:

Interpret the vision of IoT from a global context and determine the market

Analyze usage of device, data and knowledge management in m2M and IoT

and m2m technologies.

Illustrate the applications of IoT and m2m technologies and identify real

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Subject Name: Web Technologies

Subject Code: CS7T02

Course Objectives:



Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML, Basic Syntax, Standard HTML Document Structure, Basic Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, The audio Element, The video Element, Organization Elements, The time Element, Syntactic Differences between HTML and XHTML.


Introduction, Uses of XML, The Syntax of XML, XML Document Structure, Namespaces, XML Schemas, Displaying Raw XML Documents, Displaying XML Documents with CSS, XSLT Style Sheets, XML Processors, Web Services.


Overview of JavaScript, Object Orientation and JavaScript, General Syntactic Characteristics, Screen Output and Keyboard Input, Control Statements, Object Creation and Modification, Arrays, Functions , An Example , Constructors , Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions, Another Example, Errors in Scripts.


The JavaScript Execution Environment, The Document Object Model, Element Access in JavaScript, Events and Event Handling, Handling Events from Body Elements, Handling Events from Button Elements, Handling Events from Text Box and Password The DOM 2 Event Model, The canvas Element, The navigator Object, DOM Tree Traversal and Modification.


Origins and Uses of PHP, Overview of PHP, General Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives, Operations, and Expressions, Output, Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern Matching, Form Handling, Cookies, Session Tracking, Database Access with PHP and MySQL.

Sl no Course Objectives

1 To provide the knowledge on markup languages

2 To provide knowledge on web architecture, client and server side scripting technologies

3 To provide skills to design interactive and dynamic web sites.

4 To provide knowledge for implementing web applications using PHP

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Web Technologies



Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML, Basic Syntax, Standard HTML Document Structure, Basic Text Markup, Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, The audio Element, The video Element, Organization Elements, The time Element, Syntactic Differences between HTML and XHTML.

Introduction, Uses of XML, The Syntax of XML, XML Document Structure, Namespaces, XML Schemas, Displaying Raw XML Documents, Displaying XML Documents with CSS, XSLT Style Sheets, XML Processors, Web Services.

Overview of JavaScript, Object Orientation and JavaScript, General Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives, Operations, and Expressions, Screen Output and Keyboard Input, Control Statements, Object Creation and Modification, Arrays, Functions , An Example , Constructors , Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions, Another Example, Errors in Scripts.

The JavaScript Execution Environment, The Document Object Model, Element Access in JavaScript, Events and Event Handling, Handling Events from Body Elements, Handling Events from Button Elements, Handling Events from Text Box and Password Elements, The DOM 2 Event Model, The canvas Element, The navigator Object, DOM Tree Traversal and Modification.

Origins and Uses of PHP, Overview of PHP, General Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives, Operations, and Expressions, Output,

Statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern Matching, Form Handling, Cookies, Session Tracking, Database Access with PHP

To provide the knowledge on markup languages

To provide knowledge on web architecture, client and server side scripting

provide skills to design interactive and dynamic web sites.

To provide knowledge for implementing web applications using PHP

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7



Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML, Basic Syntax, Text Markup, Images,

Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, The audio Element, The video Element, Organization Elements, The time Element, Syntactic


Introduction, Uses of XML, The Syntax of XML, XML Document Structure, Namespaces, XML Schemas, Displaying Raw XML Documents, Displaying XML Documents with CSS, XSLT Style


Overview of JavaScript, Object Orientation and JavaScript, General Primitives, Operations, and Expressions,

Screen Output and Keyboard Input, Control Statements, Object Creation and Modification, Arrays, Functions , An Example , Constructors , Pattern Matching Using Regular Expressions,


The JavaScript Execution Environment, The Document Object Model, Element Access in JavaScript, Events and Event Handling, Handling Events from Body Elements, Handling Events from Button

Elements, The DOM 2 Event Model, The canvas Element, The navigator


Origins and Uses of PHP, Overview of PHP, General Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives, Operations, and Expressions, Output,

Statements, Arrays, Functions, Pattern Matching, Form Handling, Cookies, Session Tracking, Database Access with PHP


To provide knowledge on web architecture, client and server side scripting

provide skills to design interactive and dynamic web sites.

To provide knowledge for implementing web applications using PHP

Page 5: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Programming the World Wide Web

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Professional JavaScript for Web Developers

2 Fundamentals of Web Development

3 Open Source Web Development with LAMP

Course Outcomes

Course outcome

CO1 Develop Web Pages, Host web site and Deploy web based applications using various web technologies.

CO2 Design topic –

CO3 Implement, Invoke and develop server side objects using PHP to generate and display the content dynamically.

CO4 Understand, Implement and develop client side objects using JavaScript and to achieve an interactive web page.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Programming the World Wide Web Robert W. Sebesta, 8Pearson Education.ISBN0133775983.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Professional JavaScript for Web Nicholas C Zakas, 3Wiley India, 2012.ISBN1118026694

Fundamentals of Web Development Randy Connolly, Ricardo Hoar,

Global Edition,Education, Inc., 2005.ISBN9332575271

Open Source Web Development with James Lee and Brent Ware,

5Pearson Education, 2009.ISBN0201770612


Develop Web Pages, Host web site and Deploy web based applications using various web technologies.

– specific markup languages and understand web

Implement, Invoke and develop server side objects using PHP to generate and display the content dynamically.

Understand, Implement and develop client side objects using JavaScript and to achieve an interactive web page.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

8th Edition, Pearson Education. 2015 ISBN-13: 978-0133775983.

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

3rd Edition, Wrox/ Wiley India, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-1118026694

Global Edition,Pearson Education, Inc., 2005. ISBN-13 : 978-9332575271

5th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2009. ISBN-13 : 978-0201770612

Develop Web Pages, Host web site and Deploy web based applications

specific markup languages and understand web services.

Implement, Invoke and develop server side objects using PHP to generate

Understand, Implement and develop client side objects using JavaScript

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science & Engineering

Subject Name: Machine Learning

Subject Code: CS7T03

Course Objectives :



Introduction: Well posed learning problems, Designing a Learning system, Perspective and Issues in Machine Learning.Concept Learning: Find-S algorithm, Version space, Candidate Elimination algorithm, Inductive Bias.


Decision Tree Learningproblems for decision tree learning, Basic decision tree learning algorithm, hypothesis space search in decision tree learning, Inductive bias in decision tree learning, Issues in decision tree learning.

III Artificial Neural Networks: representation, Appropriate problems, Perceptrons, Backpropagalgorithm.


Bayesian Learning: concept learning, ML and LS error hypothesis, ML for predicting probabilities, MDL principle, Naive Bayes classifier, Bayesian belief networks, EM algorithm


Instance Based Learning: locally weighted regression, radial basis function, casedreasoning, Reinforcement Learning:

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 To introduce the

2 Illustrate ML algorithm and their use in appropriate applications.

3 To develop skills of using recent machine learning software for solving practical problems

4 To become familiar with regression clustering methods.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science & Engineering

Subject Name: Machine Learning



Well posed learning problems, Designing a Learning system, Perspective and Issues in Machine Learning. Concept Learning: Concept learning task, Concept learning as search,

S algorithm, Version space, Candidate Elimination algorithm,

Decision Tree Learning: Decision tree representation, Appropriate problems for decision tree learning, Basic decision tree learning

hypothesis space search in decision tree learning, Inductive bias in decision tree learning, Issues in decision tree learning.

Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction, Neural Network representation, Appropriate problems, Perceptrons, Backpropag

Bayesian Learning: Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning, ML and LS error hypothesis, ML for predicting probabilities, MDL principle, Naive Bayes classifier, Bayesian belief networks, EM algorithm

Instance Based Learning: Introduction, k-nearest neighbor learning, locally weighted regression, radial basis function, cased-based

Reinforcement Learning: Introduction, Learning Task, Q Learning

Course Objectives

basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning.

algorithm and their use in appropriate applications.

To develop skills of using recent machine learning software for solving practical problems

To become familiar with regression methods, classification methods, clustering methods.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7



Well posed learning problems, Designing a Learning

learning as search, S algorithm, Version space, Candidate Elimination algorithm,


: Decision tree representation, Appropriate problems for decision tree learning, Basic decision tree learning

hypothesis space search in decision tree learning, Inductive bias in decision tree learning, Issues in decision tree learning.


representation, Appropriate problems, Perceptrons, Backpropagation


Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning, ML and LS error hypothesis, ML for predicting probabilities, MDL principle, Naive Bayes classifier, Bayesian belief


nearest neighbor learning, based

Introduction, Learning Task, Q Learning


basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning.

algorithm and their use in appropriate applications.

To develop skills of using recent machine learning software for solving

methods, classification methods,

Page 7: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Text Books:

Sl No

Title Author(s)

1 Machine Learning Tom M. Mitchell

Reference Book:

Sl No

Title Author(s)

1 The Elements of Statistical Learning

Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman,

2 Introduction to machine learning


Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Understand the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning: data, model selection, model complexity, etc.

CO2 Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine learning approaches.

CO3 Appreciate theacross Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised and un-supervised learning.

CO4 Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real-world applications.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Tom M. Mitchell 1stEdition, McGraw Hill Education,2013,13:9780070428072

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman,

2nd Edition, Springerstatistics,2016, 10:0387848576

EthemAlpaydın 2nd Edition, The MIT Press, 2009, ISBN: 9780262012430


Understand the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning: data, model selection, model complexity, etc.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine learning approaches.

Appreciate the underlying mathematical relationships within and across Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised

supervised learning.

Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range world applications.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

McGraw Hill 2013,ISBN:


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Springer series in 2016, ISBN:


The MIT Press, 2009, ISBN: 9780262012430

Understand the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning: data, model selection, model complexity, etc.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine

underlying mathematical relationships within and across Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised

Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range

Page 8: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science & Engineering Subject Name:Software Testing Subject Code: CS7PE411 Course Objectives:



A Perspective on Testing: a Venn diagram, Identifying test cases, Error taxonomies,Levels of testing.triangle problem,TheNextDate function, The commission problem, The SATM (Simple Automatic Teller Machine) problem, The currency converter, Saturn windshield wiper


Boundary Value Testingtesting, Worst-casetesting, Special value testing, Examples, Random testing Equivalence Class Testingproblem, NextDatefunction,and the commission problem, Guideliand observations Decision Table-Based Testingtriangle problem, NextDate function, and the commissionproblem, Guidelines and observations


Path Testing: DD paths, Test coverage metrics, guidelines and observations Data Flow Testing: DefinitionLife Cycle - Based Testing:Iterative Life Cycles, Agile Testing, Agile Model


Integration Testing:Based Integration, PathintegrationNextDate System Testing: Specification, Modelversus Short Use Cases


1 Finding defects which may get created by the programmer while developing

the software.

2 To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.

3 To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification and SRS that is System

4 To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science & Engineering

Software Testing



A Perspective on Testing: Basic definitions, Test cases, Insights from a Venn diagram, Identifying test cases, Error taxonomies,Levels of testing.Examples: Generalized pseudocode, The triangle problem,TheNextDate function, The commission problem, The SATM (Simple Automatic Teller Machine) problem, The currency converter, Saturn windshield wiper

Value Testing: Boundary value analysis, Robustness casetesting, Special value testing, Examples, Random

Equivalence Class Testing: Equivalence test cases for the triangle problem, NextDatefunction,and the commission problem, Guideli

Based Testing: Decision tables,Test cases for the triangle problem, NextDate function, and the commissionproblem, Guidelines and observations

: DD paths, Test coverage metrics, Basis pathelines and observations

: Definition-Use testing, Slice-basedtesting Based Testing:Traditional Waterfall Testing, Testing in

Iterative Life Cycles, Agile Testing, Agile Model–Driven Development

Integration Testing: Decomposition-Based Integration, Call GraphBased Integration, Path-Based Integration, Example:

Threads, Basis Concepts for Requirements

Specification, Model-Based Threads, Use Case–Based Threads, Long Cases

Course Objectives

which may get created by the programmer while developing

To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.

To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification and SRS that is System Requirement Specifications.

To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Basic definitions, Test cases, Insights from a Venn diagram, Identifying test cases, Error and fault

Generalized pseudocode, The triangle problem,TheNextDate function, The commission problem, The SATM (Simple Automatic Teller Machine) problem, The currency


: Boundary value analysis, Robustness casetesting, Special value testing, Examples, Random

: Equivalence test cases for the triangle problem, NextDatefunction,and the commission problem, Guidelines

: Decision tables,Test cases for the triangle problem, NextDate function, and the commissionproblem,


Basis path testing,

basedtesting Traditional Waterfall Testing, Testing in

Driven Development


Based Integration, Call Graph–Based Integration, Example:

Threads, Basis Concepts for Requirements Based Threads, Long


which may get created by the programmer while developing

To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.

To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification

To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product.

Page 9: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Test and Analysis Activities within a Software Processprocess, Planning and monitoring,Quality goals, Dependability properties, Analysis, Testing, Improving theprocess, Organizational factors Fault-Based Testing:Mutation analysis, Faultonmutation analysisTest Execution: Overview, From test case specifications totest cases, Scaffolding, Generic versus specific scaffolding, Test oracles,Selfchecks as oracles, Capture and replay

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach

2 Software Testing and Analysis : process, Principles and Techniques

Reference Book:




1 Foundations of Software Testing

2 Software testing Principles and Practices

3 The Craft of Software Testing

Course Outcomes

Course outcome


CO1 Clear understanding and knowledge of the foundations, techniques in the area of software testing and its practice in the industry.

CO2 Compare and pick out the right type of software testinggiven real world problem.

CO3 Able to plan a test project, design test cases, conduct testing operations, manage software problems and defects.

CO4 Implement various test processes for quality improvement.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Test and Analysis Activities within a Software Process: The quality process, Planning and monitoring,Quality goals, Dependability properties, Analysis, Testing, Improving theprocess, Organizational

Based Testing:Overview, Assumptions in fault-basedtesting, Mutation analysis, Fault-based adequacy criteria, Variations onmutation analysis

Overview, From test case specifications totest cases, Scaffolding, Generic versus specific scaffolding, Test oracles,Self

ecks as oracles, Capture and replay

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Craftsman’s Approach Paul C. Jorgensen

4th Edition,Auerbach2013, ISBN-10: 1466560681

Principles and Techniques

Mauro Pezze, Michal Young

1st Edition, Wiley India, 2008ISBN-13: 9788126517732ISBN-10: 8126517735

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Foundations of Software Aditya P Mathur 1st Edition, Pearson

Education, 2012, ISBN: 8131707954, 9788131707951

Software testing Principles SrinivasanDesikan, GopalaswamyRamesh

2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 20079788177581218

Brian Marrick 1st Edition, MARICKISBN: 813171571X, 9788131715710

Clear understanding and knowledge of the foundations, techniques in the area of software testing and its practice in the industry.

Compare and pick out the right type of software testinggiven real world problem.

Able to plan a test project, design test cases, conduct testing operations, manage software problems and defects.

Implement various test processes for quality improvement.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

: The quality process, Planning and monitoring,Quality goals, Dependability properties, Analysis, Testing, Improving theprocess, Organizational

basedtesting, based adequacy criteria, Variations

Overview, From test case specifications totest cases, Scaffolding, Generic versus specific scaffolding, Test oracles,Self-


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

AuerbachPublications, 10: 1466560681

Wiley India, 2008, 9788126517732 8126517735

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson Education, 2012, ISBN: 8131707954, 9788131707951

Edition, Pearson Education, 2007, ISBN: 9788177581218

Edition, MARICK, 1995 ISBN: 813171571X, 9788131715710

Clear understanding and knowledge of the foundations, techniques in the

Compare and pick out the right type of software testing process for any

Able to plan a test project, design test cases, conduct testing operations,

Implement various test processes for quality improvement.

Page 10: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science & Engineering

Subject Name: Information Storage and Management

Subject Code: CS7PE412

Course Objectives:



Introduction to information storageInformation Storage:Data, Types of Data, Big Data, Information, Storage.Evolution of Storage Architecture, Data Center Infrastructure: Core elements of a data Center, Key Characteristics of a Data Managing a Data Center, Virtualization and Cloud Computing.


Data center environmentApplication, Database Management System(DBMS), Host(Compute): OS Memory Virtualization, Device driver, Volume Manager, File System, Compute Virtualization, Connectivity, Interface Protocols, Storage, Host access to data, Direct attached storage, Storage design based on application, Disk native command queuing, Introduction to Flash drives.


Data protection: RaidRAID implementation methods: Hardware RAID, Software RAID, RAID array components, RAID techniques: Striping, Mirroring, Parity, RAID levels: RAID0, RAID1, Nested RAID, RAID3, RAID4, RAID5, RAID6, RAID impact on Disk performance: Application IOPS and RAIS configurations, RAID comparison, Hot spares


Intelligent storage systemsComponents of an intelligent storage system: Front end, Cache: Structure of the cache, Read and write operation with cache, Cache implementation, Cache management, Cache data protection, Back end, Physical disk, Storage provisioning: Traditional storage prVirtual storage provisioning, LUN masking, Types of Intelligent storage systems: High end storage systems, Mid

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Identify components of managing and monitoring the data center

2 Define information security and identify different storage virtualization technologies

3 Understand logical and physical componentsExamine emerging technologies including IP

4 Evaluate storage architectures, including storage subsystems, DAS, SAN, NAS, CAS and Define backup, recovery, disaster recovery, business continuity, and replication

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Computer Science & Engineering

Subject Name: Information Storage and Management

Subject Code: CS7PE412 L


Introduction to information storage Information Storage:Data, Types of Data, Big Data, Information, Storage.Evolution of Storage Architecture, Data Center Infrastructure: Core elements of a data Center, Key Characteristics of a Data Managing a Data Center, Virtualization and Cloud Computing.

Data center environment Application, Database Management System(DBMS), Host(Compute): OS Memory Virtualization, Device driver, Volume Manager, File System, Compute Virtualization, Connectivity: Physical Components of Connectivity, Interface Protocols, Storage, Host access to data, Direct attached storage, Storage design based on application, Disk native command queuing, Introduction to Flash drives.

aid RAID implementation methods: Hardware RAID, Software RAID, RAID array components, RAID techniques: Striping, Mirroring, Parity, RAID levels: RAID0, RAID1, Nested RAID, RAID3, RAID4, RAID5, RAID6, RAID impact on Disk performance: Application IOPS and RAIS onfigurations, RAID comparison, Hot spares.

Intelligent storage systems Components of an intelligent storage system: Front end, Cache: Structure of the cache, Read and write operation with cache, Cache implementation, Cache management, Cache data protection, Back end, Physical disk, Storage provisioning: Traditional storage prVirtual storage provisioning, LUN masking, Types of Intelligent storage systems: High end storage systems, Mid-range storage systems.

Course Objectives

Identify components of managing and monitoring the data center

Define information security and identify different storage virtualization

Understand logical and physical components of a storage infrastructure and Examine emerging technologies including IP-SAN

Evaluate storage architectures, including storage subsystems, DAS, SAN, NAS, CAS and Define backup, recovery, disaster recovery, business continuity, and replication

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

L-T-P-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Information Storage:Data, Types of Data, Big Data, Information, Storage.Evolution of Storage Architecture, Data Center Infrastructure: Core elements of a data Center, Key Characteristics of a Data Center, Managing a Data Center, Virtualization and Cloud Computing.


Application, Database Management System(DBMS), Host(Compute): OS Memory Virtualization, Device driver, Volume Manager, File System,

Connectivity: Physical Components of Connectivity, Interface Protocols, Storage, Host access to data, Direct attached storage, Storage design based on application, Disk native


RAID implementation methods: Hardware RAID, Software RAID, RAID array components, RAID techniques: Striping, Mirroring, Parity, RAID levels: RAID0, RAID1, Nested RAID, RAID3, RAID4, RAID5, RAID6, RAID impact on Disk performance: Application IOPS and RAIS


Components of an intelligent storage system: Front end, Cache: Structure of the cache, Read and write operation with cache, Cache implementation, Cache management, Cache data protection, Back end, Physical disk, Storage provisioning: Traditional storage provisioning, Virtual storage provisioning, LUN masking, Types of Intelligent storage

range storage systems.


Identify components of managing and monitoring the data center

Define information security and identify different storage virtualization

of a storage infrastructure and

Evaluate storage architectures, including storage subsystems, DAS, SAN, NAS, CAS and Define backup, recovery, disaster recovery, business

Page 11: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Fibre Channel Storage Area NetworksFibre channel: Overview, The SAN and its evolution, Components of FC SAN: Node ports, Cables and Connectors, Interconnect devices, SAN management software, FC connectivity: PointArbitrated Loop, Fibre channel switched fabric, Switched fFibre channel architecture, Fibre channel protocol stack, Fibre channel addressing, WorldwideFC data, Flow control, Classes of Services, Fabric services, Switched fabric Login types, Zoning, FC S

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Information Storage and Management

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Storage Networks Explained

2 Storage Networks, The Complete Reference

Course Outcomes

Course outcome

CO1 Understand the basics of storage concepts, Devices and its evolution, in handling the storage necessities and aggregating the storage resources.

CO2 Understand the data center environment, RAID levels, and intelligent storage systems.

CO3 Understand the advantages of the SAN concepts over common storage concepts and apply to change

CO4 Identify and Understand differentbusiness continuity, and replication

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks channel: Overview, The SAN and its evolution, Components of FC

SAN: Node ports, Cables and Connectors, Interconnect devices, SAN management software, FC connectivity: Point-to-point, Fibre channel Arbitrated Loop, Fibre channel switched fabric, Switched fabric ports, Fibre channel architecture, Fibre channel protocol stack, Fibre channel

Worldwide names, FC frame, Structure and organization of FC data, Flow control, Classes of Services, Fabric services, Switched fabric Login types, Zoning, FC SAN topologies, Virtualization in SAN.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year,

ormation Storage and G. Somasundaram, AlokShrivastava

2ndEditionServices, WileyISBN: 978

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year,

Ulf Troppens, Rainer Erkens and Wolfgang Muller

2nd Edition2011, ISBN: 3

etworks, The

Robert Spalding 2ndEdition, 2009, ISBN-13:978


Understand the basics of storage concepts, Devices and its evolution, in handling the storage necessities and necessity of Virtualization in aggregating the storage resources.

Understand the data center environment, RAID levels, and intelligent storage systems.

Understand the advantages of the SAN concepts over common storage concepts and apply to change the way of IT companies working.

Identify and Understand different backup, recovery, disaster recovery, business continuity, and replication mechanisms.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

channel: Overview, The SAN and its evolution, Components of FC SAN: Node ports, Cables and Connectors, Interconnect devices, SAN

point, Fibre channel Arbitrated Loop, Fibre channel switched fabric, Switched fabric ports, Fibre channel architecture, Fibre channel protocol stack, Fibre channel

names, FC frame, Structure and organization of FC data, Flow control, Classes of Services, Fabric services, Switched

AN topologies, Virtualization in SAN.


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition,EMC Education Services, Wiley- India, 2013.


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

dition,Wiley India, ISBN: 3-89864-135-X

dition, Tata McGraw Hill,


Understand the basics of storage concepts, Devices and its evolution, in necessity of Virtualization in

Understand the data center environment, RAID levels, and intelligent

Understand the advantages of the SAN concepts over common storage the way of IT companies working.

backup, recovery, disaster recovery,

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science &

Subject Name: Cryptography and Network Security

Subject Code: CS7PE413

Course Objectives:



Introduction, Symmetric ciphers Introduction: The OSI Security Architecture, Security Services, Mechanisms and Attacks, A Model of Network Security. Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques, Steganography. Block Cipher and the Data Encryption Standard: Block Cipher principles, The Data Encryption Standard, DES Example, Strength of DES.


Symmetric ciphers (Contd...) Block Cipher Operation: Multiple Electronic Code Book, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Cipher Feedback Mode, Output Feedback Mode, Counter Mode.Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Format’s and Euler’s Theorems, Testing for Primality. Public-Key Cryptography and RSA: PriCryptosystems, The RSA Algorithm. Diffie


Cryptographic data integrity algorithms Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications of Cryptographic hash functions, Two simple hash Functions, Secure Hash Algorithm. Message Authentication: Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Security of MACs, MAbased on Hash Functions: HMAC.Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Standard.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Understand the fundamentals of cryptography

2 Acquire knowledge on integrity and authenticity

3 Describe how to deploy encryption techniques and various key distribution schemes to secure data in transit across data networks

4 Design security applications in the fiel

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2019 2019 2019 2019 –––– 2020202020202020

Computer Science & Engineering

Cryptography and Network Security



Introduction, Symmetric ciphers Introduction: The OSI Security Architecture, Security Services, Mechanisms and Attacks, A Model of Network Security. Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques, Steganography.

d the Data Encryption Standard: Block Cipher principles, The Data Encryption Standard, DES Example, Strength of

Symmetric ciphers (Contd...) Block Cipher Operation: Multiple Encryption and triple DES, Electronic Code Book, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Cipher Feedback Mode, Output Feedback Mode, Counter Mode. Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Format’s and Euler’s Theorems, Testing for Primality.

Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of PublicCryptosystems, The RSA Algorithm. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.

Cryptographic data integrity algorithms Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications of Cryptographic hash functions, Two simple hash Functions, Secure Hash Algorithm. Message Authentication: Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Security of MACs, MAbased on Hash Functions: HMAC. Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Standard.

Course Objectives

Understand the fundamentals of cryptography

Acquire knowledge on standard algorithms used to provide confidentiality, integrity and authenticity

Describe how to deploy encryption techniques and various key distribution schemes to secure data in transit across data networks

Design security applications in the field of information technology

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Introduction, Symmetric ciphers Introduction: The OSI Security Architecture, Security Services,

Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques, Steganography.

d the Data Encryption Standard: Block Cipher principles, The Data Encryption Standard, DES Example, Strength of


Symmetric ciphers (Contd...) Encryption and triple DES,

Electronic Code Book, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Cipher Feedback

Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Format’s and Euler’s Theorems,

nciples of Public-Key Hellman Key Exchange.


Cryptographic data integrity algorithms Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications of Cryptographic hash functions, Two simple hash Functions, Secure Hash Algorithm. Message Authentication: Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Security of MACs, MACs

Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Standard.


standard algorithms used to provide confidentiality,

Describe how to deploy encryption techniques and various key distribution

d of information technology

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Key management, TransportKey Management and Distribution: Symmetric Key distribution symmetric encryption, Symmetric Key distribution using Asymmetric encryption, Distribution of public keys, X.509 certificates, Kerberos.Transport level security: Web Security considerations, Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security.


UNIT V: Internet security, Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy.IP Security: Overview, IP Security Policy.Intruders: Intruders, Intrusion detection. Malicious Software: Types of Malicious Software Viruses.Firewalls: The need for Firewalls, Firewall Characteristics, Types of Firewalls.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Cryptography and Network Security

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 NetworkSecurity:Private communication in a Public World

2 Cryptography and Network Security

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome

CO1 Explain the basic issues addressed by network security

CO2 Differentiate between working ofciphers.

CO3 Apply effective cryptographic techniques to provide security services in different applications and computer network.

CO4 Identify and describe vulnerabilities , attacks and IP security protocols in Internet domain

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Key management, Transport-level security Key Management and Distribution: Symmetric Key distribution symmetric encryption, Symmetric Key distribution using Asymmetric encryption, Distribution of public keys, X.509 certificates, Kerberos.Transport level security: Web Security considerations, Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security.

UNIT V: Internet security, System security Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy.IP Security: Overview, IP Security Policy.Intruders: Intruders, Intrusion detection. Malicious

f Malicious Software Viruses.Firewalls: The need for Firewalls, Firewall Characteristics, Types of Firewalls.


Cryptography and Network Security William Stallings


NetworkSecurity:Private communication in a Public World

Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner

Cryptography and Network Security AtulKahate


Explain the basic issues addressed by network security

Differentiate between working of typical symmetric and asymmetric

Apply effective cryptographic techniques to provide security services in different applications and computer network.

Identify and describe vulnerabilities , attacks and IP security protocols in Internet domain

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

level security Key Management and Distribution: Symmetric Key distribution using symmetric encryption, Symmetric Key distribution using Asymmetric encryption, Distribution of public keys, X.509 certificates, Kerberos. Transport level security: Web Security considerations, Secure Sockets


System security Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy.IP Security: Overview, IP Security Policy.Intruders: Intruders, Intrusion detection. Malicious

f Malicious Software Viruses.Firewalls: The need for 7

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

6thEdition, Pearson Education,2014, 978-93-325-1877-3

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

2ndEdition, Pearson Education Asia, 2002 0-13-046019-2

Tata McGraw Hill, 2003, ISBN: 0-07-049483-5

Explain the basic issues addressed by network security

typical symmetric and asymmetric

Apply effective cryptographic techniques to provide security services in

Identify and describe vulnerabilities , attacks and IP security protocols in

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department:Computerscience and Engineering Semester: 7

Subject Name: Wireless Sensor Network Subject Code: CS7PE414L Course Objectives



Introduction: Unique Constraints and Challenges, Advantages of Sensor Networks - Energy advantage and Detection advantage, Sensor Network Applications - Habitat monitoring, Wildlife conservation through autonomous, non-intrusive sensing, Tracking chemical plumes, Ad hoc, just-in-time deployment mitigating disasters, Smart Transportation: networked sensors making roads safer and less congested, Key Defin


Canonical Problem: Localization and Tracking Tracking Scenario, Problem Formulation Collaborative localization, Bayesian state estimation, Distributed Representation and Inference of States, Impact representation, Design in Distributed Tracking, Tracking Multiple Objects, State Space Decomposition, Data association, Sensor Models


Networking Sensors Key Assumptions, Medium Access Control 802.15.4 Standard and ZigBee, General Issues,GeographicAware Routing, Unicast Geographic Routing, Routing on a Curve, Energy-Minimizing Broadcast, EnergyAttribute-Based Routing


Infrastructure EstablishmentTopology Control, Clustering, Time Synchronization Communication Delays, Interval Methods, Reference Broadcasts, Localization and LocalizatiBased Localization Algorithms, Other Localization Algorithms.


1 Understand the comprehensive knowledge about wireless sensor networks.

2 Learn key routing protocols for sensor networks and main design issues

3 Understand the medium access control protocols and address physical layer issues.

4 Understand the Sensor management ,sensor network middleware, operating systems

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2019 2019 2019 2019 –––– 2020202020202020

Computerscience and Engineering Semester: 7

Wireless Sensor Network


Unique Constraints and Challenges, Advantages of Sensor Networks

Energy advantage and Detection advantage, Sensor Network Habitat monitoring, Wildlife conservation through

intrusive sensing, Tracking chemical plumes, Ad time deployment mitigating disasters, Smart

Transportation: networked sensors making roads safer and less congested, Key Definitions of Sensor Networks.

Canonical Problem: Localization and Tracking Tracking Scenario, Problem Formulation - Sensing model, Collaborative localization, Bayesian state estimation, Distributed Representation and Inference of States, Impact of choice of representation, Design in Distributed Tracking, Tracking Multiple Objects, State Space Decomposition, Data association, Sensor Models

Networking Sensors Key Assumptions, Medium Access Control - The SMAC Protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 Standard and ZigBee, General Issues,GeographicAware Routing, Unicast Geographic Routing, Routing on a Curve,

Minimizing Broadcast, Energy- Aware Routing to a Region, Based Routing - Directed Diffusion, Rumor Routing.

Infrastructure Establishment Topology Control, Clustering, Time Synchronization - Clocks and Communication Delays, Interval Methods, Reference Broadcasts, Localization and Localization Services - Ranging Techniques, RangeBased Localization Algorithms, Other Localization Algorithms.

Course Objectives

Understand the comprehensive knowledge about wireless sensor networks.

Learn key routing protocols for sensor networks and main design issues

Understand the medium access control protocols and address physical layer

Understand the Sensor management ,sensor network middleware, operating

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computerscience and Engineering Semester: 7


Unique Constraints and Challenges, Advantages of Sensor Networks

Energy advantage and Detection advantage, Sensor Network Habitat monitoring, Wildlife conservation through

intrusive sensing, Tracking chemical plumes, Ad time deployment mitigating disasters, Smart

Transportation: networked sensors making roads safer and less


Sensing model,

Collaborative localization, Bayesian state estimation, Distributed of choice of

representation, Design in Distributed Tracking, Tracking Multiple Objects, State Space Decomposition, Data association, Sensor Models


The SMAC Protocol, IEEE

802.15.4 Standard and ZigBee, General Issues,Geographic-Energy-Aware Routing, Unicast Geographic Routing, Routing on a Curve,

Aware Routing to a Region, Directed Diffusion, Rumor Routing.


Clocks and

Communication Delays, Interval Methods, Reference Broadcasts, Ranging Techniques, Range-

Based Localization Algorithms, Other Localization Algorithms.


Understand the comprehensive knowledge about wireless sensor networks.

Learn key routing protocols for sensor networks and main design issues

Understand the medium access control protocols and address physical layer

Understand the Sensor management ,sensor network middleware, operating

Page 15: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Sensor Tasking and Control: Nodes and Utilities, Information Based Sensor Tasking Selection, IDSQ: InformaBased Protocol, Sensor Tasking in Tracking Relations.


Sensor Tasking and Control Contd... Joint Routing and Information Aggregation Aggregation, Multistep InformationManagement. Sensor Network Platforms and Tools: Sensor Node Hardware Berkeley Motes, Sensor Network Programming Challenges, NodeSoftware Platforms, Operating system: Tiny OS, Imperative language: nesC, Dataflow style languageThe NS-2 Simulator and its Sensor Network Extensions.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Wireless Sensor Networks An Information Processing Approach

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks

2 Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome

CO1 Able to identify different issues in wireless sensor networks and it's applications.

CO2 Capable of analyzing the protocols developed for sensor networks.

CO3 Able to design sensor networks using sensor tasking and controls.

CO4 Understand about various

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Sensor Tasking and Control: - Task-Driven Sensing, Roles of Sensor Nodes and Utilities, Information Based Sensor Tasking Selection, IDSQ: Information-Driven Sensor Querying, Cluster Leader Based Protocol, Sensor Tasking in Tracking Relations.

Sensor Tasking and Control Contd... Joint Routing and Information Aggregation – Moving Centre of Aggregation, Multistep Information-Directed Routing, Sensor Group

Sensor Network Platforms and Tools: Sensor Node Hardware Berkeley Motes, Sensor Network Programming Challenges, NodeSoftware Platforms, Operating system: Tiny OS, Imperative language: nesC, Dataflow style language: Tiny GALS, Node-Level Simulators,

2 Simulator and its Sensor Network Extensions.

Title Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Wireless Sensor Networks – Information Processing

Feng Zhao, Leonidas Guibas:

1stEdition,ISBN: 9780080521725

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year,

Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks

Holger Karl, Andreas Willig

1stEdition,Sons, Inc., 2014, ISBN: 04700951052005.

Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Subir Kumar Sarkar, T G Basavaraju, C Puttamadappa,

1st Edition, Publications, 2008ISBN:9781420062229


Able to identify different issues in wireless sensor networks and it's

Capable of analyzing the protocols developed for sensor networks.

Able to design sensor networks using sensor tasking and controls.

Understand about various tools used for simulating sensor networks.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Driven Sensing, Roles of Sensor Nodes and Utilities, Information Based Sensor Tasking - Sensor

Driven Sensor Querying, Cluster Leader

Moving Centre of

Routing, Sensor Group

Sensor Network Platforms and Tools: Sensor Node Hardware – Berkeley Motes, Sensor Network Programming Challenges, Node-Level Software Platforms, Operating system: Tiny OS, Imperative language:

Level Simulators,


Edition, Publisher, Year,

Edition,Elsevier, 2004, ISBN: 9780080521725

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition,John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014, ISBN: 04700951052005.

Edition, Auerbach Publications, 2008, ISBN:9781420062229

Able to identify different issues in wireless sensor networks and it's

Capable of analyzing the protocols developed for sensor networks.

Able to design sensor networks using sensor tasking and controls.

tools used for simulating sensor networks.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Department: Computer Science and

Subject Name:Cloud Computing

Subject Code: CS7PE521

Course Objectives:



Defining Cloud ComputingThe NIST Model, The Cloud Cube model, Deployment models, Service Models. Examining the characteristics of Cloud computing: Paradigm shift, Benefits of Cloud Computing, Disadvantages of Cloud computing. Assessing the value proposition:capital expenditures, Computing Total cost of ownership, Specifying Service Level Agreements, Defining Licensing Models.


Understanding Cloud Architecture, Services and Applications Exploring the Cloud computing stack: Composability, Infrastructure, Platforms, Virtual Appliances, Communication Protocols, Applications, Defining IaaS: IaaS workloads, Pods, Aggregation and Silos, Defining PaaS, Defining SaaS: SaaS characteristics, Open SDefining IDaaS: What is an Identity?, Networked identity service classes, Identity system codes of conduct, IDaaS interoperability, Defining CaaS.


Understanding Abstraction and Virtualization:Using Virtualization technologies, Advanced Load balancing, Understanding Hypervisors: Virtual machine types, Understanding machine imaging, Porting applications, Capacity planning, Defining Baseline and Metrics: Baseline measurements, System metrics, Loadand Instance types, Network capacity, Scaling.


Understanding Cloud Security and SOA Securing the Cloud: The Security Boundary, Security service boundary, Security Mapping. Securing data: access, Storage location and Tenancy, Encryption, Auditing and Compliance. Establishing Identity and Presence: Identity protocol standards, Presence. Introducing Service Oriented Architecture: Eventdriven SOA or SOA 2.0, The EnterprDefining SOA communications: Business process execution language, Business process modeling. Managing and Monitoring SOA: SOA


1 To learn Cloud Computing concepts, technologies architecture and applications

2 To Explore how to use Cloud Services.

3 To implement Virtualization and SOA.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

cience and Engineering

Cloud Computing

Subject Code: CS7PE521 L-T


Defining Cloud Computing Defining Cloud computing, Cloud Types: The NIST Model, The Cloud Cube model, Deployment models, Service Models. Examining the characteristics of Cloud computing: Paradigm shift, Benefits of Cloud Computing, Disadvantages of Cloud computing.

value proposition: Measuring Cloud’s value, Avoiding capital expenditures, Computing Total cost of ownership, Specifying Service Level Agreements, Defining Licensing Models.

Understanding Cloud Architecture, Services and Applications Exploring the Cloud computing stack: Composability, Infrastructure, Platforms, Virtual Appliances, Communication Protocols, Applications, Defining IaaS: IaaS workloads, Pods, Aggregation and Silos, Defining PaaS, Defining SaaS: SaaS characteristics, Open SaaS and SOA, Defining IDaaS: What is an Identity?, Networked identity service classes, Identity system codes of conduct, IDaaS interoperability,

Abstraction and Virtualization: Using Virtualization technologies, Load balancing and Virtualization: Advanced Load balancing, Understanding Hypervisors: Virtual machine types, Understanding machine imaging, Porting applications, Capacity planning, Defining Baseline and Metrics: Baseline measurements, System metrics, Load testing, Resource ceilings, Server and Instance types, Network capacity, Scaling.

Understanding Cloud Security and SOA Securing the Cloud: The Security Boundary, Security service boundary, Security Mapping. Securing data: Brokered cloud storage access, Storage location and Tenancy, Encryption, Auditing and Compliance. Establishing Identity and Presence: Identity protocol standards, Presence. Introducing Service Oriented Architecture: Eventdriven SOA or SOA 2.0, The Enterprise service Bus, Service catalogs. Defining SOA communications: Business process execution language, Business process modeling. Managing and Monitoring SOA: SOA

Course Objectives

To learn Cloud Computing concepts, technologies architecture and applications

how to use Cloud Services.

To implement Virtualization and SOA.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

T-P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Defining Cloud computing, Cloud Types: The NIST Model, The Cloud Cube model, Deployment models, Service Models. Examining the characteristics of Cloud computing: Paradigm shift, Benefits of Cloud Computing, Disadvantages of Cloud computing.

Measuring Cloud’s value, Avoiding capital expenditures, Computing Total cost of ownership, Specifying


Understanding Cloud Architecture, Services and Applications Exploring the Cloud computing stack: Composability, Infrastructure, Platforms, Virtual Appliances, Communication Protocols, Applications, Defining IaaS: IaaS workloads, Pods, Aggregation and Silos, Defining

aaS and SOA, Defining IDaaS: What is an Identity?, Networked identity service classes, Identity system codes of conduct, IDaaS interoperability,


Load balancing and Virtualization: Advanced Load balancing, Understanding Hypervisors: Virtual machine types, Understanding machine imaging, Porting applications, Capacity planning, Defining Baseline and Metrics: Baseline

testing, Resource ceilings, Server


Understanding Cloud Security and SOA Securing the Cloud: The Security Boundary, Security service

Brokered cloud storage access, Storage location and Tenancy, Encryption, Auditing and Compliance. Establishing Identity and Presence: Identity protocol standards, Presence. Introducing Service Oriented Architecture: Event-

ise service Bus, Service catalogs. Defining SOA communications: Business process execution language, Business process modeling. Managing and Monitoring SOA: SOA


To learn Cloud Computing concepts, technologies architecture and applications

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

management tools, SOA security, The open cloud consortium, Relating SOA and Cloud computing.


Moving Applications to the Cloud and Cloud StorageApplications in the Cloud: Functionality mapping, Application attributes, Cloud service attributes, System abstraction, Cloud Bursting. Applications and Cloud APIs.MeasuringCloud storage in the Digital universe, Cloud storage definition. Provisioning Cloud storage: Unmanaged and Managed cloud storage, Creating cloud storage systems, Virtual storage containers.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Cloud Computing - Bible

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Cloud computing – A practical approach

2 Cloud Computing

Course Outcomes

Course outcome


CO1 Ability to understand the basics, need of Cloud computingVirtualization in improving utilization of resources.

CO2 Ability to measurecloud suitable for it.

CO3 Ability to explicatedifferent types of service and deployment models, Architecture and its applications.

CO4 Able to explain Capacity Planning and Security issues of Cloud Computing in managing the Business.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


management tools, SOA security, The open cloud consortium, Relating SOA and Cloud computing.

Moving Applications to the Cloud and Cloud Storage Applications in the Cloud: Functionality mapping, Application attributes, Cloud service attributes, System abstraction, Cloud Bursting. Applications and Cloud APIs.Measuring the Digital universe: Cloud storage in the Digital universe, Cloud storage definition. Provisioning Cloud storage: Unmanaged and Managed cloud storage, Creating cloud storage systems, Virtual storage containers.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Bible Barrie Sosinsky 1st

Publishing, 2011, ISBN:97890356

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

A practical Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte, Ph.D., Robert Elsenpeter



Dr.KumarSaurabh 2nd

India publications, 2012,ISBN8126536030

Ability to understand the basics, need of Cloud computingVirtualization in improving utilization of resources.

to measure our daily life computing needsand decide the type of cloud suitable for it.

to explicatedifferent types of service and deployment models, Architecture and its applications.

Able to explain Capacity Planning and Security issues of Cloud Computing in managing the Business.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

management tools, SOA security, The open cloud consortium, Relating

Applications in the Cloud: Functionality mapping, Application attributes, Cloud service attributes, System abstraction, Cloud

the Digital universe: Cloud storage in the Digital universe, Cloud storage definition. Provisioning Cloud storage: Unmanaged and Managed cloud storage,


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

st Edition, Wiley Publishing, 2011, ISBN:978-0-470-90356-8

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

nd Edition McGraw Hill, 2017, ISBN-13: 978-00706833518

nd Edition,Wiley India publications, 2012,ISBN-13:978-8126536030

Ability to understand the basics, need of Cloud computing, and role of

our daily life computing needsand decide the type of

to explicatedifferent types of service and deployment models,

Able to explain Capacity Planning and Security issues of Cloud

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Protocol Engineering

Subject Code: CS7PE522 L

Course Objectives:



Communication model, Communication Software, Communication Subsystems, Communication Protocol Protocol, Communication Informal Methods, Protocol Engineering Process Engineering, Phases.


Layered Architecture, Network Services and Interfaces, Protocol Functions: Encapsulation, Segmentation, Reassembly, Flow Control and Multiplexing, Addressing, OSI Model Layers in OSI Model, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Wireless Protocol Challenges, Application Protocols.


Components of Protocol to be Specified, Communication Service Specification:- Service Specification, Specification of Behaviour Aspects of a Protocol, Protocol Entity Specification: Entity and Channel Specification, Interface Specifications, Interactions, Multimedia Protocol Specifications:Systems, FSM Specifications, Internet Protocol Specifications: Alternating Bit Window Protocol, RSVP.


Protocol Verification: Verification of a Protocol using Finite State Machines: ABP, Protocol Validation, Protocol Design Errors: Unspecified Reception, NonProtocol Validation ApproacheAnalysis, Fair Reachability Graphs, Process Algebra based Validation, SDL Based Protocol Verification: Verification of the ABP, Liveness Properties, SDL Based Protocol Validation: Validation of ABP.

Sl. No Course Objectives

1 Learn the basics of communication protocol engineering.

2 Understand the concepts of protocol specification

3 Formulation of desirable properties of protocols using formal and structural description language.

4 Test generation and protocol engineering.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Protocol Engineering

Subject Code: CS7PE522 L-T-P


Communication model, Communication Software, Communication Subsystems, Communication Protocol - Definition, Representation of Protocol, Communication Protocol Development Methods – Formal and Informal Methods, Protocol Engineering Process – Need for Protocol Engineering, Phases.

Layered Architecture, Network Services and Interfaces, Protocol Functions: Encapsulation, Segmentation, Reassembly, Error Control, Flow Control and Multiplexing, Addressing, OSI Model - Functions of Layers in OSI Model, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Wireless Protocol Challenges, Application Protocols.

Components of Protocol to be Specified, Communication Service Service Specification, Specification of Behaviour Aspects

of a Protocol, Protocol Entity Specification: - Sender Entity, Receiver Entity and Channel Specification, Interface Specifications, Interactions, Multimedia Protocol Specifications:- Characteristics of Multimedia Systems, FSM Specifications, Internet Protocol Specifications: Alternating Bit Window Protocol, RSVP.

Protocol Verification: - Safety Properties, Liveness Verification of a Protocol using Finite State Machines: - Verification of ABP, Protocol Validation, Protocol Design Errors: - State Deadlocks, Unspecified Reception, Non-executable Interactions, State Ambiguities, Protocol Validation Approaches: Perturbation Technique: Reachability Analysis, Fair Reachability Graphs, Process Algebra based Validation, SDL Based Protocol Verification: Verification of the ABP, Liveness Properties, SDL Based Protocol Validation: Validation of ABP.

Course Objectives

the basics of communication protocol engineering.

Understand the concepts of protocol specification, design

Formulation of desirable properties of protocols using formal and structural description language.

Test generation and validation using computer aided design tools for protocol engineering.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Communication model, Communication Software, Communication Definition, Representation of

Formal and Need for Protocol


Layered Architecture, Network Services and Interfaces, Protocol Error Control,

Functions of Layers in OSI Model, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Wireless Protocol


Components of Protocol to be Specified, Communication Service Service Specification, Specification of Behaviour Aspects

Sender Entity, Receiver Entity and Channel Specification, Interface Specifications, Interactions,

aracteristics of Multimedia Systems, FSM Specifications, Internet Protocol Specifications: -


Properties, Verification of

State Deadlocks, executable Interactions, State Ambiguities,

s: Perturbation Technique: Reachability Analysis, Fair Reachability Graphs, Process Algebra based Validation, SDL Based Protocol Verification: Verification of the ABP, Liveness Properties, SDL Based Protocol Validation: Validation of ABP.


, design and modeling.

Formulation of desirable properties of protocols using formal and structural

validation using computer aided design tools for

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework, Conformance Test Architectures: - Architectures, Test Sequence Generation Methods: T, U, D and W methods, Performance Testing: Methods, SDL Based Performance Testing of TCP and OSPF, Interoperability Testing, Scalability Testing.

Text Book:

Sl No


1 Communication Protocol Engineering

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Elements of Protocol Design

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Have a concrete view on the theoretical aspects of Communication Protocols.

CO2 Able to apply ideas and techniques discussed to various Protocol Designs.

CO3 Able to recognize the different Protocol Specifications.

CO4 Understand the Verification/Validation and Testing methodologies

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework, Conformance Test Local and Distributed Conformance Testing

Architectures, Test Sequence Generation Methods: T, U, D and W methods, Performance Testing: - what to Measure, Performance Test

ods, SDL Based Performance Testing of TCP and OSPF, Interoperability Testing, Scalability Testing.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher,

Communication Protocol PallapaVenkataram, Sunilkumar S. Manvi and B SathishBabu

2ndEdition, PHI, 2014ISBN:9788120349032

Author(s) Edition, Publisher,

Elements of Protocol Mohammed G. Gouda 1stEdition,2004, ISBN:9788126516476

Have a concrete view on the theoretical aspects of Communication

Able to apply ideas and techniques discussed to various Protocol Designs.

Able to recognize the different Protocol Specifications.

Understand the Verification/Validation and Testing methodologies

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework, Conformance Test Local and Distributed Conformance Testing

Architectures, Test Sequence Generation Methods: T, U, D and W what to Measure, Performance Test

ods, SDL Based Performance Testing of TCP and OSPF,


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, PHI, 2014 9788120349032

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition,Wiley Student, , 9788126516476

Have a concrete view on the theoretical aspects of Communication

Able to apply ideas and techniques discussed to various Protocol Designs.

Understand the Verification/Validation and Testing methodologies

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer science & Engineering

Subject Name: Agile Technologies

Subject Code: CS7PE523

Course Objectives:



Fundamentals of Agile: background, Agile Manifesto and Principles, Overview of Scrum, Extreme Programming, Feature Driven development, Lean Development, Agile project management, Design and development practices in Agile projects, Continuous Integration, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Simple Design.


Agile Scrum Framework: Estimation, Planning game, Product backlog, Sprint backlog, Iteration planning, User Stories, Characteristics and content of user stories, Project velocity, Burn down chart, Sprint planning and retrospective, Daily scrum, Scrum roles Team, Key challenges to implementing Agile Development and Project management Frameworks


Agile Software Design and Development:Difference between Agile and Traditional Approach, Role of design Principles including Single Responsibility Principle, Open Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Dependency Inversion Principle in Agile Design, Interface Techniques, Automated build tools, Version control.


Agile Testing:Agile Testing, How is Agile Testing Different,Ten Principles for Agile Testers, Agile Testing Quadrants, TestDevelopment(TDD), TDD cycle, Exploratory testing, Risk based testing, Regression tests, Why Automation, Tools to support the Agile tester.

Sl. No Course Objectives

1 Understand the background and driving forces for taking an Agile approach to software development

2 Understand the business value of adopting Agile approaches development practices

3 Learn design principles, and continuous integration

4 Understand testing activities within an Agile project

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Computer science & Engineering

Subject Name: Agile Technologies



Fundamentals of Agile: The Genesis of Agile, Introduction and background, Agile Manifesto and Principles, Overview of Scrum, Extreme Programming, Feature Driven development, Lean Development, Agile project management, Design and development practices in Agile projects, Continuous Integration, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Simple Design.

Agile Scrum Framework: Introduction to Scrum, Project phases, Agile Estimation, Planning game, Product backlog, Sprint backlog, Iteration planning, User Stories, Characteristics and content of user stories, Project velocity, Burn down chart, Sprint planning and retrospective, Daily scrum, Scrum roles – Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum Team, Key challenges to implementing Agile Development and Project management Frameworks

Agile Software Design and Development:Agile design practices, Difference between Agile and Traditional Approach, Role of design Principles including Single Responsibility Principle, Open Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Dependency Inversion Principle in Agile Design, Interface Segregation Principles,Refactoring Techniques, Automated build tools, Version control.

Agile Testing, How is Agile Testing Different,Ten Principles for Agile Testers, Agile Testing Quadrants, TestDevelopment(TDD), TDD Lifecycle, Acceptance tests, Managing testing cycle, Exploratory testing, Risk based testing, Regression tests, Why Automation, Tools to support the Agile tester.

Course Objectives

Understand the background and driving forces for taking an Agile approach to software development.

Understand the business value of adopting Agile approaches development practices.

Learn design principles, refactoring, automated build tools, version control and continuous integration.

testing activities within an Agile project.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7

T-P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


The Genesis of Agile, Introduction and background, Agile Manifesto and Principles, Overview of Scrum, Extreme Programming, Feature Driven development, Lean Software Development, Agile project management, Design and development practices in Agile projects, Continuous Integration, Refactoring, Pair


Introduction to Scrum, Project phases, Agile Estimation, Planning game, Product backlog, Sprint backlog, Iteration planning, User Stories, Characteristics and content of user stories, Project velocity, Burn down chart, Sprint planning and retrospective,

Master, Scrum Team, Key challenges to implementing Agile Development and Project


Agile design practices, Difference between Agile and Traditional Approach, Role of design Principles including Single Responsibility Principle, Open Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Dependency Inversion

Segregation Principles,Refactoring


Agile Testing, How is Agile Testing Different,Ten Principles for Agile Testers, Agile Testing Quadrants, Test-Driven

Lifecycle, Acceptance tests, Managing testing cycle, Exploratory testing, Risk based testing, Regression tests, Why


Understand the background and driving forces for taking an Agile approach

Understand the business value of adopting Agile approaches and the Agile

refactoring, automated build tools, version control

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Industry Trends:AgileMarketing,Challenges in Enterprise adoption of Agile methods, Agile ALM, Roles in an Agile project, Agile applicability framework, Agile in Distributed teams, Challenges in Agile, Agile methodology with cloud computing, Balancing Agility with Discipline, Agile rapid application development technologies.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Agile Software Development with Scrum.

2 Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams.

3 Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices.

Reference Books:

Sl No


1 Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game

2 User Stories Applied: For Agile Software

Course Outcomes

Course outcome


CO1 Interpret the business values of adopting Agile approaches to Software Development.

CO2 Apply agile development practices, design principles and refactoring to achieve agility.

CO3 Deploy automated build tools, version control and continuous integration

CO4 Perform various testing activities within an Agile project.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


AgileMarketing,Challenges in Enterprise adoption of Agile ALM, Roles in an Agile project, Agile applicability

framework, Agile in Distributed teams, Challenges in Agile, Agile methodology with cloud computing, Balancing Agility with Discipline, Agile rapid application development technologies.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Agile Software Development with KenSchawber, Mike Beedle

1st Hall, 20010130676349, 9780130676344

Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams.

Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory

1st EducationISBN:

Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices.

Robert C. Martin 1st PearsonISBN:0132760584

Author(s) Edition, Publisher,

Agile Software Development: The Alistair Cockburn 2nd Wesley,2006,0321630070, 0321630076

User Stories Applied: For Agile Mike Cohn 1st EditionWesleyISBN:0321205685

the business values of adopting Agile approaches to Software

pply agile development practices, design principles and refactoring to achieve agility.

eploy automated build tools, version control and continuous integration

erform various testing activities within an Agile project.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

AgileMarketing,Challenges in Enterprise adoption of Agile ALM, Roles in an Agile project, Agile applicability

framework, Agile in Distributed teams, Challenges in Agile, Agile methodology with cloud computing, Balancing Agility with Discipline,


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001,ISBN: 0130676349, 9780130676344

Edition, Pearson Education,2010, ISBN: 9788131730683

Edition, Pearson,2011, ISBN:9780132760584, 0132760584

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition,Addison Wesley,2006,ISBN:9780321630070, 0321630076

Edition,Addison Wesley,2004, ISBN:9780321205681, 0321205685

the business values of adopting Agile approaches to Software

pply agile development practices, design principles and refactoring to

eploy automated build tools, version control and continuous integration.

erform various testing activities within an Agile project.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Pattern Recognition

Subject Code: CS7PE524 L

Course Objectives:


I Introduction: Machine perception, an example; Pattern Recognition System; The Design Cycle; Learning and Adaptation.


Bayesian Decision Theory: Continuous Features, Minimum error rate, classification, classifiers, discriminant functions, and decision surfaces; The normal density; Discriminant functions for the normal density.Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation:Introduction; MaximumBayesian parameter estimation: GMarkov Models.


Non-parametric Techniques: windows; kn– NearestRule; Metrics and NearestLinear Discriminant Functions:Functions and Decision Surfaces; Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions; The TwoPerception Criterion Functions; Relaxation Procedures; NonBehavior; Minimum Squaredprocedures.


Stochastic Methods: Learning; Boltzmann Networks and Graphical Models; Evolutionary Methods. Non-Metric Methods:Methods; Recognition with Strings; Grammatical Methods.


1 Learn the fundamentals of pattern recognition and its relevance to classical and modernproblems

2 Identify where, when and how pattern recognition can beapplied

3 Understand and apply both supervised and unsupervised classification methods to detect and

4 Learn the sufficient background necessary to read more advance texts as well asjournal articles

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Pattern Recognition

Subject Code: CS7PE524 L-T-P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Machine perception, an example; Pattern Recognition System; The Design Cycle; Learning and Adaptation.

Bayesian Decision Theory: Introduction, Bayesian Decision Theory; Continuous Features, Minimum error rate, classification, classifiers,

nt functions, and decision surfaces; The normal density; Discriminant functions for the normal density.

likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation:Introduction; Maximum-likelihood estimation; Bayesian Estimation; Bayesian parameter estimation: Gaussian Case, general theory; Hidden

parametric Techniques: Introduction; Density Estimation; Parzen Nearest- Neighbor Estimation; The Nearest

Rule; Metrics and Nearest-Neighbor Classification. Discriminant Functions: Introduction; Linear Discriminant

Functions and Decision Surfaces; Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions; The Two-Category Linearly Separable case; Minimizing the Perception Criterion Functions; Relaxation Procedures; NonBehavior; Minimum Squared-Error procedures; The Ho

Stochastic Methods: Introduction; Stochastic Search; Boltzmann Learning; Boltzmann Networks and Graphical Models; Evolutionary

Metric Methods: Introduction; Decision Trees; CART; Other Tree Methods; Recognition with Strings; Grammatical Methods.

Course Objectives

earn the fundamentals of pattern recognition and its relevance to classical and modernproblems.

dentify where, when and how pattern recognition can beapplied

Understand and apply both supervised and unsupervised classification methods to detect and characterize patterns in real-world data

earn the sufficient background necessary to read more advance texts as well asjournal articles in the field of Pattern Recognition.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 7


Machine perception, an example; Pattern Recognition 8

Introduction, Bayesian Decision Theory; Continuous Features, Minimum error rate, classification, classifiers,

nt functions, and decision surfaces; The normal density;

likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation: likelihood estimation; Bayesian Estimation;

aussian Case, general theory; Hidden


Introduction; Density Estimation; Parzen Neighbor Estimation; The Nearest- Neighbor

Introduction; Linear Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces; Generalized Linear Discriminant

Category Linearly Separable case; Minimizing the Perception Criterion Functions; Relaxation Procedures; Non-separable

Error procedures; The Ho-Kashyap


Introduction; Stochastic Search; Boltzmann Learning; Boltzmann Networks and Graphical Models; Evolutionary

ion Trees; CART; Other Tree 8

earn the fundamentals of pattern recognition and its relevance to classical

dentify where, when and how pattern recognition can beapplied

Understand and apply both supervised and unsupervised classification world data.

earn the sufficient background necessary to read more advance texts as of Pattern Recognition.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Unsupervised Learning and Clustering:Densities and Identifiability; MaximumApplication to Normal Mixtures; Unsupervised Description and Clustering; Criterion Functions for Clustering.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Pattern Classification

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis.

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome

CO1 Know the basic structure of pattern recognition systems and statistical bases of the classification theory (the Bayes classifier).

CO2 Distinguish supervised learning methods from the unsupervised ones.

CO3 Apply supervised learning methods (modelnearest neighbors) to the

CO4 Apply k-means clustering algorithm

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Unsupervised Learning and Clustering: Introduction; Mixture Densities and Identifiability; Maximum-Likelihood Estimates; Application to Normal Mixtures; Unsupervised Bayesian Learning; Data Description and Clustering; Criterion Functions for Clustering.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Pattern Classification Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G.Stork

2ndEdition, Wiley2001, ISBN-13:ISBN-10: 0471056693

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh and Steve Jost:

1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2015, ISBN-10:ISBN-13: 9789332549791


Know the basic structure of pattern recognition systems and statistical bases of the classification theory (the Bayes classifier).

Distinguish supervised learning methods from the unsupervised ones.

pply supervised learning methods (model-based maximum likelihood, knearest neighbors) to the classifier design.

means clustering algorithm to solve the problems.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Introduction; Mixture Likelihood Estimates; Bayesian Learning; Data

Description and Clustering; Criterion Functions for Clustering.


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Wiley-Interscience, 13: 9780471056690


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson Education, 10: 9332549796


Know the basic structure of pattern recognition systems and the statistical bases of the classification theory (the Bayes classifier).

Distinguish supervised learning methods from the unsupervised ones.

based maximum likelihood, k-

to solve the problems.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Subject Name: Network Laboratory

Subject Code: CS7L01

Course Objectives:



1. Simulate an Ethernetand determine collision across different nodes.2. Simulate and Ethernet LAN using N nodes (6data rate and compare throughput.3. Simulate an Ethernet network of 6 to 15 nodes, for 1number of transmitting nodes and compare collision count, throughput, delay and response time.

1. Write a program for Error Detecting code using CRC codes.2. Write a program3.Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to Encrypt and Decrypt the Data


1. Simulate the different types of Internet traffic such as FTP and TELNET over a network and analyze the throughput.2. Simulate a three nodes pointthem. Set the queue size and vary the bandwidth and find the number of packets dropped. 3. Simulate a four node pointfollows: n1-n3, n2n2-n4. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing the parameter and determine the number of packets sent by TCP/UDP.

1. Write a program for distance vector algortransmission. 2. Using TCP/IP sockets, write a client

Sl.No Description

1 Be able to understand the working of different concepts of networking.

2 Understand the different routing algorithms.

3 Simulate and demonstrate the performance of the TCP, UDP, FTP, TELNET AND ESS.

4 Be able to implement the data link layer and transport layer protocols.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2019201920192019---- 2020202020202020

Computer Science and Engineering




PART-A 1. Simulate an Ethernet LAN using N nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and determine collision across different nodes. 2. Simulate and Ethernet LAN using N nodes (6-10) change error rate and data rate and compare throughput.

Simulate an Ethernet network of 6 to 15 nodes, for 1number of transmitting nodes and compare collision count, throughput, delay and response time.

PART-B 1. Write a program for Error Detecting code using CRC codes.2. Write a program for Frame Sorting Technique used in buffers.3.Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to Encrypt and Decrypt the Data

PART-A Simulate the different types of Internet traffic such as FTP and TELNET

over a network and analyze the throughput. ulate a three nodes point-to-point network with duplex links between

them. Set the queue size and vary the bandwidth and find the number of

3. Simulate a four node point-to-point network, and connect the links as -n3 and n3-n4. Apply TCP agent between n1

n4. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing the parameter and determine the number of packets sent by TCP/UDP.

PART-B 1. Write a program for distance vector algorithm to find suitable pat

Using TCP/IP sockets, write a client - server program to make the client

Be able to understand the working of different concepts of networking.

Understand the different routing strategies and congestion control

Simulate and demonstrate the performance of the TCP, UDP, FTP, TELNET

Be able to implement the data link layer and transport layer protocols.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 7

P-S-C: 0-0-3-0-1.5

LAN using N nodes and set multiple traffic nodes

10) change error rate and

Simulate an Ethernet network of 6 to 15 nodes, for 1-persistent, vary number of transmitting nodes and compare collision count, throughput, mean

1. Write a program for Error Detecting code using CRC codes. for Frame Sorting Technique used in buffers.

3.Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to Encrypt and Decrypt the Data

Simulate the different types of Internet traffic such as FTP and TELNET

point network with duplex links between them. Set the queue size and vary the bandwidth and find the number of

point network, and connect the links as n4. Apply TCP agent between n1-n4 and UDP

n4. Apply relevant applications over TCP and UDP agents changing the parameter and determine the number of packets sent by TCP/UDP.

ithm to find suitable path for

server program to make the client

Be able to understand the working of different concepts of networking.

strategies and congestion control

Simulate and demonstrate the performance of the TCP, UDP, FTP, TELNET

Be able to implement the data link layer and transport layer protocols.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

send the file name and to make the server send back the contents of the requested file if present

3. Implement the above program using as message queues or FIF


1. Simulate simple BSS and with transmitting nodes in wiresimulation and determine the performance with respect to transmission of packets. 2.Simulate X.25 and Frame Relay, and compare advantages/disadvantages and demonstrate improved performance of Frame Relay over X.253. Simulate a wireless network of 15 nodes and compare performance with Ethernet and Token ring4. Simulate the transmission of ping messages over a network topology consisting of 6 nodes and congestion

1. Write a program for Hamming code generation for error detection and correction. 2. Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Implement the basic Routing and Congestion control Algorithms.

CO2 Implement Error Detection, Correction, Encryption and Decryption Techniques.

CO3 Establish Communication between Computers using Client Server approach.

CO4 Design and Simulate different types of networks and benchmark the performance

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


send the file name and to make the server send back the contents of the requested file if present.

3. Implement the above program using as message queues or FIFchannels.

PART-A 1. Simulate simple BSS and with transmitting nodes in wiresimulation and determine the performance with respect to transmission of

2.Simulate X.25 and Frame Relay, and compare advantages/disadvantages and demonstrate improved performance of Frame Relay over X.253. Simulate a wireless network of 15 nodes and compare performance with Ethernet and Token ring 4. Simulate the transmission of ping messages over a network topology consisting of 6 nodes and find the number of packets dropped due to

PART-B a program for Hamming code generation for error detection and

Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.

Implement the basic Routing and Congestion control Algorithms.

Implement Error Detection, Correction, Encryption and Decryption

Establish Communication between Computers using Client Server

and Simulate different types of networks and benchmark the

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

send the file name and to make the server send back the contents of the

3. Implement the above program using as message queues or FIFO as IPC

1. Simulate simple BSS and with transmitting nodes in wire-less LAN by simulation and determine the performance with respect to transmission of

2.Simulate X.25 and Frame Relay, and compare advantages/disadvantages and demonstrate improved performance of Frame Relay over X.25 3. Simulate a wireless network of 15 nodes and compare performance with

4. Simulate the transmission of ping messages over a network topology find the number of packets dropped due to

a program for Hamming code generation for error detection and

Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.

Implement the basic Routing and Congestion control Algorithms.

Implement Error Detection, Correction, Encryption and Decryption

Establish Communication between Computers using Client Server

and Simulate different types of networks and benchmark the

Page 26: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 7

Subject Name: Web Technology Lab

Subject Code: CS7L02

Course Objectives:

Lab cycles


1. Develop and demonstrate a HTML document that illustrates the use of external style sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the tag.

2. Write a JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the following operations: sum, product, difference and quotient.

3. Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 to 10 and outputs XHTML text that displays the resulting valan XHTML table format.

4. Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXTincreasing font size in the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when the font size reaches 50pt it displays “TEXTfont size decrease

5. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes JavaScript script that uses functions for the following problems:

a. Parameter: A stringleft-most vowel c. Parameter: A numberreverse order

6. Create a XHTML form with Name, Address Line2 and ESubmitting, store the values in MYSQL table. Retrieve and display the data based on Name.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Design and develop static and dynamic web pages.

2 Know different Framework like PHP and JavaScript.

3 Familiarize with Client

4 Learn Database Connectivity to web applications.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 7

Web Technology Laboratory



Develop and demonstrate a HTML document that illustrates the use of external style sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the

JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the following operations: sum, product, difference and quotient. Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 to 10 and outputs XHTML text that displays the resulting valan XHTML table format. Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXTincreasing font size in the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when the font size reaches 50pt it displays “TEXT-SHRINKING” in BLUE color. Then the font size decreases to 5pt. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes JavaScript script that uses functions for the following problems:

a. Parameter: A string b. Output: The position in the string of the

c. Parameter: A number d. Output: The number with its digits in the

Create a XHTML form with Name, Address Line2 and ESubmitting, store the values in MYSQL table. Retrieve and display the data based on Name.

Course Objectives

Design and develop static and dynamic web pages.

Know different Framework like PHP and JavaScript.

Familiarize with Client-Side Programming, Server-Side Programming.

Learn Database Connectivity to web applications.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 7

S-C: 0-0-3-0-1.5

Develop and demonstrate a HTML document that illustrates the use of external style sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the

JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the following

Write a JavaScript that calculates the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 to 10 and outputs XHTML text that displays the resulting values in

Write a JavaScript code that displays text “TEXT-GROWING” with increasing font size in the interval of 100ms in RED COLOR, when the font

SHRINKING” in BLUE color. Then the

Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes JavaScript script

b. Output: The position in the string of the

with its digits in the

Create a XHTML form with Name, Address Line2 and E-mail text fields. On Submitting, store the values in MYSQL table. Retrieve and display the data


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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


7. Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of web page and to display this count of visitors, with proper headings.

8. Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the server.

9. Write the PHP programs to do the following:a. Find the transpose of aof two matrices (Note: Students have to execute either a & c or b & c).

10. Write a PHP program to sort the student records based on USN which are stored in the database.


Practice Programs:1. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate the usage of: hover and:

focus pseudo classes.2. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate the usage of Font and Color

properties and Text Decoration Elements.3. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to test External Style Sheets. 4. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate usage of borders, margin,

padding and Background images.5. Design an XML document to store information about a student in an

engineering college SSIT. The information must include USN, Name, and Name of the Collegesample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document.

Course Outcomes

Course outcome


CO1 Design and develop dynamic web pages with good aesthetic sense of designing and latest technical know

CO2 Embed JavaScript and PHP into XHTML.

CO3 Apply Web Application Terminologies, Internet Tools and other web services.

CO4 Developing the Website and storing and retrieving the data dynamically.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of web page and to display this count of visitors, with proper headings.Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the current time of the server. Write the PHP programs to do the following:

Find the transpose of a matrix b. Multiplication of two matrices (Note: Students have to execute either a & c or b & c).

Write a PHP program to sort the student records based on USN which are stored in the database.

Practice Programs: XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate the usage of: hover and:

focus pseudo classes. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate the usage of Font and Color properties and Text Decoration Elements. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to test External Style Sheets. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate usage of borders, margin, padding and Background images. Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering college SSIT. The information must include USN, Name, and Name of the College, Branch, Year of Joining, and email id. Make up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display

Design and develop dynamic web pages with good aesthetic sense of designing and latest technical know-how's.

Embed JavaScript and PHP into XHTML.

Apply Web Application Terminologies, Internet Tools and other web

Developing the Website and storing and retrieving the data dynamically.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Write a PHP program to keep track of the number of visitors visiting the web page and to display this count of visitors, with proper headings. Write a PHP program to display a digital clock which displays the current

Multiplication of two matrices c. Addition (Note: Students have to execute either a & c or b & c).

Write a PHP program to sort the student records based on USN which are

XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate the usage of: hover and:

Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate the usage of Font and Color

Design an XHTML that uses CSS to test External Style Sheets. Design an XHTML that uses CSS to illustrate usage of borders, margin,

Design an XML document to store information about a student in an engineering college SSIT. The information must include USN, Name, and

, Branch, Year of Joining, and email id. Make up sample data for 3 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display

Design and develop dynamic web pages with good aesthetic sense of

Apply Web Application Terminologies, Internet Tools and other web

Developing the Website and storing and retrieving the data dynamically.

Page 28: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Project Work Phase

Subject Code: CS7PW01

1. Students shall carry out a detailed survey on the Area and the Topic on which they are interested to do the Project work. Students are expected to prepare documentation and submit three different Synopses to the

2. Evaluation Committee will review the synopsis and suggest suitable area for project. If project proposals are not to the expected standards or outdates then recommend the students resubmit the refined synopsis.

3. Students are expected to give a detailed presentation on the Topic approved and justify the panel members to start their project work.

4. Presentation consists of Basic Overview of the Project which includes Introduction, Literature Survey, Problem Statement, Motivation, and Specification, Features of Existing and Proposed System and Algorithms Selected.

Evaluation Scheme-I (50% percent of CIE):Continuous evaluation will be done by respective Project Guides based on the Regularity, Technical Knowledge and Competence, Programming Skills, Communication Skills, Demonstration skills, Collaborative Learning and Documentation Skills of the students.Evaluation Scheme – II (50% percent of CIE):Students are evaluated by the team of faculty membersTechnical Competence, Slides Preparation, Team Working Abilities, Questionnaires and overall Performance in the Seminar

Course Outcomes

Course outcome


CO1 Identify the problem

CO2 Analyze the problem and identify the different modules/algorithms to solve the problems.

CO3 Choose the platform to solve the selected problem.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020202020202020----2021202120212021

Computer Science and Engineering

Project Work Phase – I



Scheme of Evaluation Students shall carry out a detailed survey on the Area and the Topic on which they are interested to do the Project work. Students are expected to prepare documentation and submit three different Synopses to the Evaluation Committee.Evaluation Committee will review the synopsis and suggest suitable area for project. If project proposals are not to the expected standards or outdates then recommend the students resubmit the refined synopsis.

to give a detailed presentation on the Topic approved and justify the panel members to start their project work. Presentation consists of Basic Overview of the Project which includes Introduction, Literature Survey, Problem Statement, Motivation, Objectives, Requirement Analysis and Specification, Features of Existing and Proposed System and Algorithms

I (50% percent of CIE): Continuous evaluation will be done by respective Project Guides based on the

al Knowledge and Competence, Programming Skills, Communication Skills, Demonstration skills, Collaborative Learning and Documentation Skills of the students.

II (50% percent of CIE): Students are evaluated by the team of faculty members based on the Presentation, Technical Competence, Slides Preparation, Team Working Abilities, Questionnaires and overall Performance in the Seminar-1 and Seminar-2 of Project Phase

Identify the problem in the specified area by a literature survey.

Analyze the problem and identify the different modules/algorithms to solve the problems.

Choose the platform to solve the selected problem.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 7

T-P-S-C: 0-8-0-0-4

Students shall carry out a detailed survey on the Area and the Topic on which they are interested to do the Project work. Students are expected to prepare

Evaluation Committee. Evaluation Committee will review the synopsis and suggest suitable area for project. If project proposals are not to the expected standards or outdates then recommend

to give a detailed presentation on the Topic approved and

Presentation consists of Basic Overview of the Project which includes Introduction, Objectives, Requirement Analysis

and Specification, Features of Existing and Proposed System and Algorithms

Continuous evaluation will be done by respective Project Guides based on the al Knowledge and Competence, Programming Skills,

Communication Skills, Demonstration skills, Collaborative Learning and

based on the Presentation, Technical Competence, Slides Preparation, Team Working Abilities, Questionnaires and

2 of Project Phase-I.

in the specified area by a literature survey.

Analyze the problem and identify the different modules/algorithms to

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUM(A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tum





No Sub. Code Name of the subject

1 CS8T01 Advanced Computer Architecture

2 CS8T02 Big Data a

3 CS8PE3Y/



4 CS8PE4Y/



5 CS8PW02 Project Work Phase 2

6 CS8TS01 Technical Seminar


Professional Elective – IV

Sub. Code





Professional Elective – V

Sub. Code





SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUM(A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tum



2016- Scheme ( 2017 Batch )

I SEMESTER 2020 - 2021 Academic Year

Name of the subject L T

Advanced Computer Architecture 4 0

Big Data and Analytics 3 0

Professional Elective -IV 3 0

Professional Elective - V 3 0

Project Work Phase 2 2 4

Technical Seminar 0 0

Total 15 4

Credits: 3-0-0-0-3

Subject Title

Mobile Computing

System Simulation and Modelling

Service Oriented Architecture

Android Programming

Credits: 3-0-0-0-3

Subject Title

Business Intelligence And Its Applications

Advanced DBMS

Software Architecture

Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU (A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)



2021 Academic Year



0 0 0 4

0 0 1 4

0 0 0 3

0 0 0 3

4 12 0 10

0 0 1 1

4 12 2 25

Business Intelligence And Its Applications

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Advanced Computer Architecture

Subject Code: CS8T01

Course Objectives:



Fundamentals of Computer Designcomputers, Defining computer architecture, Trends in Technology,Trends in power in Integrated CircuitsMeasuring, reporting and summarizing Principles of computer design,


Parallel Program: dependencies, Hardware & software parallelism, the role of compilers, Program partitioning and scheduling, grain size &latency, Grain packaging and scheduling, Problems on grain packaging, Program flow mechanisms, control flow &dataflow, demand driven mechanisms, Comparison of flow mechanisms


System Interconnect architectures Network properties and routing, Data routing functions, Network performance, Static connection networksarrays, Dynamic connection networksOmega network, Baseline recursive network.Memory Hierarchy DesignAdvanced cache optimizations, Memo


Linear Pipeline Linear pipeline processors synchronous &asynchroCocking & timing control, speedup ,efficiency, Reservation &latency analysis, Collision free scheduling, Instruction execution phases, mechanisms for IP, Dynamic instruction scheduling, Computer stages, arithmetic principles, fixed point and floating point numbers, static arithmetic pipelipipeline Design (up to Wallace tree)

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 To understand the advanced concepts of computer architecture and it discusses the trends in technology, quantitative principles, measure performan

2 To explore advanced concepts and statecomputer architecture such as parallel program, Interconnection networks and Memory optimizations

3 To understand the linear scheduling processes in pipelining and different architectural and organizational design issues that can affect the performance of a computer.

4 To learn the basic Concepts of Multicore and multi

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Advanced Computer Architecture

Subject Code: CS8T01 L-T


Fundamentals of Computer Design: Introduction, Classes computers, Defining computer architecture, Trends in Technology,Trends in power in Integrated Circuits, Trends in cost, Dependability, Measuring, reporting and summarizing Performance, QuantitativPrinciples of computer design, Performance and Price-Performance

: Conditions for parallelism, data& resource dependencies, Hardware & software parallelism, the role of compilers, Program partitioning and scheduling, grain size &latency, Grain

scheduling, Problems on grain packaging, Program flow mechanisms, control flow &dataflow, demand driven mechanisms, Comparison of flow mechanisms.

System Interconnect architectures Network properties and routing, Data routing functions, Network performance, Static connection networks- linear array to Systolic arrays, Dynamic connection networks-digital buses, switch modules, Omega network, Baseline recursive network.

y Design: Introduction, Basic cache Optimizations, Advanced cache optimizations, Memory technology and optimizations.

Linear pipeline processors synchronous &asynchronous Processors, Cocking & timing control, speedup ,efficiency, throughput, Reservation &latency analysis, Collision free scheduling, Instruction execution phases, mechanisms for IP, Dynamic instruction scheduling, Computer stages, arithmetic principles, fixed point and floating point numbers, static arithmetic pipeline and multiply pipeline Design (up to Wallace tree)

Course Objectives

nderstand the advanced concepts of computer architecture and it discusses the trends in technology, quantitative principles, measure performance of computers

xplore advanced concepts and state-of-the-art developments in computer architecture such as parallel program, Interconnection networks and Memory optimizations

nderstand the linear scheduling processes in pipelining and different architectural and organizational design issues that can affect the performance of a computer.

earn the basic Concepts of Multicore and multi-threading Architecture

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

T-P-S-C: 4-0-0-0-4


Introduction, Classes computers, Defining computer architecture, Trends in Technology,

Dependability, Quantitative



Conditions for parallelism, data& resource dependencies, Hardware & software parallelism, the role of compilers, Program partitioning and scheduling, grain size &latency, Grain

scheduling, Problems on grain packaging, Program flow mechanisms, control flow &dataflow, demand driven


Network properties and routing, Data routing functions, Network linear array to Systolic

digital buses, switch modules,

: Introduction, Basic cache Optimizations, ry technology and optimizations.


us Processors, throughput,

Reservation &latency analysis, Collision free scheduling, Instruction execution phases, mechanisms for IP, Dynamic instruction scheduling, Computer stages, arithmetic principles, fixed point and

ne and multiply


nderstand the advanced concepts of computer architecture and it discusses the trends in technology, quantitative principles, compute and

art developments in computer architecture such as parallel program, Interconnection networks

nderstand the linear scheduling processes in pipelining and identify the different architectural and organizational design issues that can affect the

threading Architecture

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Introduction to Multi Motivation for Concurrency in Software. Parallel Computing Platforms, Parallel Computing in Microprocessors. Differentiating Multi-Core Architectures from Hyperthreading on Single-Performance Growing Returns: Gustafson’s Law.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach


Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability


Multi core programming increasing performance through software multithreading

Reference Books:

Sl No


1 Computer Architecture&organization

2 Parallel computer architecture

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Interpret the basic concepts of sequential and advanced computer architecture techniques.

CO2 Analyze parallelism types, Memory optimizations, network architecture and multicore architectures.

CO3 Design different type of parallel processors and network architecture.

CO4 Evaluate the performance of basic and advanced computer architecture.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Introduction to Multi-Core Architecture Motivation for Concurrency in Software. Parallel Computing Platforms, Parallel Computing in Microprocessors. Differentiating

Core Architectures from Hyper-Threading Technology, Multi-Core versus Multi-Core Platforms Understanding

rowing Returns: Gustafson’s Law.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach

Hennessey and Patterson

4th Edition, Elsevier, 2007ISBN – 978

Architecture Parallelism, Kai Hwang and Nareshjotwani

2ndEdition Tata McGraw2010, ISBN 070210-3

Multi core programming increasing performance

Shameem Akhter, Jason Robets

1st Edition, 2006, Intel Corporation, ISBN-13: 9780976483243ISBN-10: 0976483246

Author(s) Edition, ISBN

organization John P Hayes Ist Edition

Hill, 2007. 9780070273665

Parallel computer David culler, J.P.singh, Anoopgupta

Ist EditionKauffman978-1558603431

Interpret the basic concepts of sequential and advanced computer architecture techniques. Analyze parallelism types, Memory optimizations, network architecture and multicore architectures.

Design different type of parallel processors and network architecture.

Evaluate the performance of basic and advanced computer architecture.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Motivation for Concurrency in Software. Parallel Computing Platforms, Parallel Computing in Microprocessors. Differentiating

Threading Technology, Multi-Core Platforms Understanding


Edition, Publisher, Year,

Edition, Elsevier, 2007, 978-81-312-0726-0

Edition Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN – 987-0-07-

Edition, 2006, Intel Corporation,

9780976483243 0976483246

Edition, Publisher, Year,

Edition, Tata McGraw-, 2007. ISBN-


Edition, Margon Kauffman, 2011, ISBN-


Interpret the basic concepts of sequential and advanced computer

Analyze parallelism types, Memory optimizations, network architecture and

Design different type of parallel processors and network architecture.

Evaluate the performance of basic and advanced computer architecture..

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Subject Name: Big Data and Analytics

Subject Code: CS8T02 L

Course Objectives:



Getting an Overview of Big DataWhat is Big Data? History of Data ManagementStructuring Big DataBig Data Analytics Introducing Distributed and Parallel Computing for Big Data, Introducing Hadoop, Cloud Computing and Big Data: Cloud Delivery Models, Cloud Services for Big Data, Cloud Providers in Big Data Market, InComputing TechnologyforB


Big Data Analytics and Technology LandscapeWhere do we Begin? What is Big Data Analytics? What Big Data Analytics Isn’t? Why this Sudden Hype Around Big Data Analytics? Classification of Analytics, Greatest Challenges that Prevent Businesses from Capitalizing on Big Data, Top Challenges Facing Big Data, why is Big Data Analytics Important? What Kind of Technologies are we looking Toward to Help Meet the Challenges Posed by Big Data? Data Science, Data Scientist...Your New Best FrienTerminologies Used in Big Data Environments. NoSQL (Not Only SQL), Hadoop.


Introduction to Hadoop andMongoDBIntroducingHadoop, Why Hadoop? Why not RDBMS? RDBMS versus Hadoop, Distributed Computing Challenges, History of Hadoop,Hadoop Overview, Use Case of Hadoop, HadoopDistributors, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System),Processing Data with Hadoop, Managing Resources and Applications with Hadoop YARN (Yet another Resource Negotiator),Interacting with Hadoopto MongoDB: What is and Why MongoDB? Terms used in RDBMS and MongoDB, Data types in MongoDB,MongoDB Query language.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 To optimize business decisions and create competitive advantage with Big Data analytics.

2 To explore the fundamental concepts of big data analytics.

3 To understand the applications using Map Reduce Concepts

4 To introduce programming tools PIG & HIVE

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Big Data and Analytics

Subject Code: CS8T02 L-T-


Getting an Overview of Big Data What is Big Data? History of Data Management-Evolution of Big Data, Structuring Big Data-Types of Data, Elements of Data, Advantages of Big Data Analytics Introducing Technologies for Handling Big Data Distributed and Parallel Computing for Big Data, Introducing Hadoop, Cloud Computing and Big Data: Cloud Delivery Models, Cloud Services for Big Data, Cloud Providers in Big Data Market, InComputing TechnologyforBig Data

Big Data Analytics and Technology Landscape Where do we Begin? What is Big Data Analytics? What Big Data Analytics Isn’t? Why this Sudden Hype Around Big Data Analytics? Classification of Analytics, Greatest Challenges that Prevent Businesses from Capitalizing on Big Data, Top Challenges Facing Big Data, why is Big Data Analytics Important? What Kind of Technologies are we looking Toward to Help Meet the Challenges Posed by Big Data? Data Science, Data Scientist...Your New Best FrienTerminologies Used in Big Data Environments. NoSQL (Not Only SQL),

Introduction to Hadoop andMongoDB IntroducingHadoop, Why Hadoop? Why not RDBMS? RDBMS versus Hadoop, Distributed Computing Challenges, History of

Overview, Use Case of Hadoop, HadoopDistributors, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System),Processing Data with Hadoop, Managing Resources and Applications with Hadoop YARN (Yet another Resource Negotiator),Interacting with Hadoop Ecosystem. Introduction

MongoDB: What is and Why MongoDB? Terms used in RDBMS and MongoDB, Data types in MongoDB,MongoDB Query language.

Course Objectives

To optimize business decisions and create competitive advantage with Big

To explore the fundamental concepts of big data analytics.

To understand the applications using Map Reduce Concepts

To introduce programming tools PIG & HIVE in Hadoop echo system

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Semester: 8

-P-S-C: 3-0-0-1-4


Evolution of Big Data, Types of Data, Elements of Data, Advantages of

Technologies for Handling Big Data Distributed and Parallel Computing for Big Data, Introducing Hadoop, Cloud Computing and Big Data: Cloud Delivery Models, Cloud Services for Big Data, Cloud Providers in Big Data Market, In-Memory


Where do we Begin? What is Big Data Analytics? What Big Data Analytics Isn’t? Why this Sudden Hype Around Big Data Analytics? Classification of Analytics, Greatest Challenges that Prevent Businesses from Capitalizing on Big Data, Top Challenges Facing Big Data, why is Big Data Analytics Important? What Kind of Technologies are we looking Toward to Help Meet the Challenges Posed by Big Data? Data Science, Data Scientist...Your New Best Friend!!!, Terminologies Used in Big Data Environments. NoSQL (Not Only SQL),


IntroducingHadoop, Why Hadoop? Why not RDBMS? RDBMS versus Hadoop, Distributed Computing Challenges, History of

Overview, Use Case of Hadoop, HadoopDistributors, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System),Processing Data with Hadoop, Managing Resources and Applications with Hadoop YARN (Yet another

Introduction MongoDB: What is and Why MongoDB? Terms used in RDBMS and

MongoDB, Data types in MongoDB,MongoDB Query language.


To optimize business decisions and create competitive advantage with Big

To explore the fundamental concepts of big data analytics.

To understand the applications using Map Reduce Concepts

in Hadoop echo system

Page 33: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Introduction to cassandra and MAPREDUCEApache Cassandra, features, CQL data types, CQLSH, key spaces, CRUD, collections, TTL, using a and export, query system tables. Reducer, Combiner, Partitioner, Searching, Sorting, Compression.


Introduction to Hive and Pigwhat is Hive?, Hive Architecture, Hive Data Types, Hive File Format, Hive Query Language (HQL), UserWhat is Pig? The Anatomy of Pig, Pig on Hadoop , Pig Philosophy, Use Case for Pig: ETL Processing, Pig Latin Overview , Data Types i,Running Pig , Execution Modes of Pig ,HDFS Commands ,Relational Operators, Eval Function, Complex Data Types ,Piggy Bank, UserDefined Functions (UDF) ,Parameter Substitution , Diagnostic Operator , Word Count Example using Pig ,When to use Pig? Whnot to use Pig? Pig at Yahoo!, Pig versus Hive .

Text Books:

Sl No

Title Author(s)

1 Big Data: Black Book

Dt Editorial Services

2 Big Data and Analytics

SeemaAcharya, SubhashiniChellappan

Reference Books:

Sl No


1 Hadoop in Practice

2 Programming Pig

3 Programming Hive

Course Outcomes:

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Course outcome


CO1 Identify the characteristics of datasets and compare the trivial data and big data for various applications.

CO2 Demonstrate the concept to interact with Big data using open source software called Hadoop and

CO3 Comparative study of traditional tools with Big data programming tools.

CO4 Outline the concepts of analytics in Big data.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Introduction to cassandra and MAPREDUCE Apache Cassandra, features, CQL data types, CQLSH, key spaces, CRUD, collections, TTL, using a counter, ALTER commands, import

d export, query system tables. MAPREDUCE Programming: Mapper, Reducer, Combiner, Partitioner, Searching, Sorting, Compression.

Introduction to Hive and Pig is Hive?, Hive Architecture, Hive Data Types, Hive File Format,

Hive Query Language (HQL), User-defined Function(UDF). What is Pig? The Anatomy of Pig, Pig on Hadoop , Pig Philosophy, Use Case for Pig: ETL Processing, Pig Latin Overview , Data Types i,Running Pig , Execution Modes of Pig ,HDFS Commands ,Relational Operators, Eval Function, Complex Data Types ,Piggy Bank, UserDefined Functions (UDF) ,Parameter Substitution , Diagnostic Operator , Word Count Example using Pig ,When to use Pig? Whnot to use Pig? Pig at Yahoo!, Pig versus Hive .

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Dt Editorial Services 1stEdition, Dreamtech PressISBN -13:9789351197577

SeemaAcharya, SubhashiniChellappan

1st Edition, Wiley India ISBN:978-81-265

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Alex Holmes 2nd Edition, Manning Publications Co., January 2015, ISBN-13:978

Alan Gates 2ndEdition, O'Reilly Media, 978-1-491-93709-9

Dean Wampler 1st Edition, O'Reilly Media,ISBN:978-1-449-31933

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Identify the characteristics of datasets and compare the trivial data and big data for various applications.

Demonstrate the concept to interact with Big data using open source software called Hadoop and supporting tools.

Comparative study of traditional tools with Big data programming tools.

Outline the concepts of analytics in Big data.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Apache Cassandra, features, CQL data types, CQLSH, key spaces, counter, ALTER commands, import

MAPREDUCE Programming: Mapper, Reducer, Combiner, Partitioner, Searching, Sorting, Compression.


is Hive?, Hive Architecture, Hive Data Types, Hive File Format,

What is Pig? The Anatomy of Pig, Pig on Hadoop , Pig Philosophy, Use Case for Pig: ETL Processing, Pig Latin Overview , Data Types in Pig ,Running Pig , Execution Modes of Pig ,HDFS Commands ,Relational Operators, Eval Function, Complex Data Types ,Piggy Bank, User- Defined Functions (UDF) ,Parameter Substitution , Diagnostic Operator , Word Count Example using Pig ,When to use Pig? When


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Dreamtech Press, 2016, 13:9789351197577

Wiley India 2015, 265-5478-2

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Manning Publications Co., 13:978-9351197423

O'Reilly Media, 2017, ISBN-

O'Reilly Media,2012, 31933-5

Semester: 8

Identify the characteristics of datasets and compare the trivial data and

Demonstrate the concept to interact with Big data using open source

Comparative study of traditional tools with Big data programming tools.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Subject Name: Mobile Computing

Subject Code: CS8PE311

Course Objectives:



Mobile computing ArchitectureInternet-The Ubiquitous Network, Architecture for Mobile Computing, Three-tier Architecture, Design Considerations for Mobile Computing, Mobile Computing through Internet, Making Existing Applications Mobile-Enabled.


Emerging TechnologiesIntroduction, BluetoothBluetooth Security, Bluetooth Application Models, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Broadband (WIMAX), Mobile IPDiscovery, Registration, Tunneling, Cellular IP, Internet PVersion 6(IPV6)-IPV6 Security, Migrating from IPV4 to IPV6, Mobile IP with IPV6.


Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM Architecture, GSM Entities, Call Routing in GSM, PLMN Interfaces, GSM Addresses and Identifiers, Network Aspects in GSM, Mobility Management, Personal Communication Service.


Short Message Service (SMS) (WAP) Short Message Service (SMS)Value Added Service through SMS, Introduction to WAP, WAP, WAE, MMS, GPRS Applications.


General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Introduction, GPRS and Packet Data Network, GPRS Network Architecture, GPRS Network Operations, Data Services in GPRS, Applications for GPRS, Limitations of GPRS, Billing and Charging in GPRS.

Text Books:

Sl Title

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Understand the basic concepts and principles of mobile computing.

2 Discuss the various

3 Compare the different architectures and techniques of mobile Communication Networks.

4 Understand the concepts of SMS and WAP Applications.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Subject Name: Mobile Computing



Mobile computing Architecture The Ubiquitous Network, Architecture for Mobile Computing,

tier Architecture, Design Considerations for Mobile Computing, Mobile Computing through Internet, Making Existing Applications

Emerging Technologies Introduction, Bluetooth-Bluetooth Protocol, Bluetooth Protocol Stack, Bluetooth Security, Bluetooth Application Models, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Broadband (WIMAX), Mobile IPDiscovery, Registration, Tunneling, Cellular IP, Internet P

IPV6 Security, Migrating from IPV4 to IPV6, Mobile IP

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM Architecture, GSM Entities, Call Routing in GSM, PLMN Interfaces, GSM Addresses and Identifiers, Network Aspects in GSM, Mobility Management, Personal Communication Service.

Short Message Service (SMS) and Wireless Application Protocol

Short Message Service (SMS)-Strength of SMS, SMS Architecture, Value Added Service through SMS, Introduction to WAP, WAP, WAE, MMS, GPRS Applications.

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Introduction, GPRS and Packet Data Network, GPRS Network Architecture, GPRS Network Operations, Data Services in GPRS, Applications for GPRS, Limitations of GPRS, Billing and Charging in

Author(s) Edition, Publisher,

Course Objectives

Understand the basic concepts and principles of mobile computing.

Discuss the various Emerging Technologies of mobile computing.

Compare the different architectures and techniques of mobile Communication Networks.

Understand the concepts of SMS and WAP Applications.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


The Ubiquitous Network, Architecture for Mobile Computing, tier Architecture, Design Considerations for Mobile Computing,

Mobile Computing through Internet, Making Existing Applications


Bluetooth Protocol, Bluetooth Protocol Stack, Bluetooth Security, Bluetooth Application Models, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Broadband (WIMAX), Mobile IP-Discovery, Registration, Tunneling, Cellular IP, Internet Protocol

IPV6 Security, Migrating from IPV4 to IPV6, Mobile IP


Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM Architecture, GSM Entities, Call Routing in GSM, PLMN Interfaces, GSM Addresses and Identifiers, Network Aspects in GSM, Mobility Management, Personal


and Wireless Application Protocol

Strength of SMS, SMS Architecture, Value Added Service through SMS, Introduction to WAP, WAP, WAE,


Introduction, GPRS and Packet Data Network, GPRS Network Architecture, GPRS Network Operations, Data Services in GPRS, Applications for GPRS, Limitations of GPRS, Billing and Charging in


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Understand the basic concepts and principles of mobile computing.

Emerging Technologies of mobile computing.

Compare the different architectures and techniques of mobile

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering



Mobile Computing,Technology,Applications and Service Creation

Reference Books:

Sl No


1 MobileComputing

2 WirelessCommunications and Networks,3G and Beyond

Course Outcomes:

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Course outcome


CO1 Explain the various design Considerations for Mobile Computing.

CO2 Analyze the principles and theories of mobile computing technologies.

CO3 Compare the different aspects of mobile Communication Networks.

CO4 Outline the concept of SMS and WAP Applications.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Computing,Technology, Applications and Service

Dr.AshokTalukder, MsRoopaYavagal, Mr.HasanAhmed

2nd Edition,McGraw Hill Education,2017ISBN-13:978-

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year,

Raj kamal 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press,2018, ISBN:978-0198068914

WirelessCommunications and Networks,3G

ITI SahaMisra 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017,ISBN-13: 978-

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Explain the various design Considerations for Mobile Computing.

Analyze the principles and theories of mobile computing technologies.

Compare the different aspects of mobile Communication Networks.

concept of SMS and WAP Applications.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Edition,McGraw Hill Education,2017,


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Oxford University


McGraw Hill 2017,



Explain the various design Considerations for Mobile Computing. Analyze the principles and theories of mobile computing technologies.

Compare the different aspects of mobile Communication Networks.

Page 36: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8 Subject Name: System Simulation and Modelling

Subject Code: CS8PE312

Course Objectives:



Introduction When simulation is the appropriate tool and when it is not appropriate, Advantages and disadvantages of Simulation; Areas of application, Systems and system environment; Components of a system; Discrete and continuous systems, Model of a system; Types of MEvent System Simulation examples: Simulation of queuing systems. General Principles, Simulation Software:Simulation. The Eventsimulation Using Event Scheduling


Statistical Models in SimulationReview of terminology and concepts, Useful statistical models,Discrete distributions. Continuous distributions,Poisson process, Empirical distributions. QueuingModels: Characteristics of systems,Queuingnotation,Longqueuing systems,Longsystems cont…,Steadyqueues.


Random-Number GenerationProperties of random numbers; Generation of pseudonumbers, Techniques for generating random numbers,Tests for Random Numbers,technique Acceptance

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Develop mathematical formulation for linear programming and transportation problem

2 Define Queuing system and their characteristics.

3 Construct the required activities in an efficient manner so as to complete it on or before a specified time limit and at the minimum cost.

4 Develop mathematical model for interactive decision

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

System Simulation and Modelling



When simulation is the appropriate tool and when it is not appropriate, Advantages and disadvantages of Simulation; Areas of application, Systems and system environment; Components of a system; Discrete and continuous systems, Model of a system; Types of Models, DiscreteEvent System Simulation examples: Simulation of queuing systems.

Principles, Simulation Software:Concepts in DiscreteSimulation. The Event-Scheduling / Time-Advance Algorithm, Manual simulation Using Event Scheduling.

Statistical Models in Simulation

Review of terminology and concepts, Useful statistical models,Discrete distributions. Continuous distributions,Poisson process, Empirical

Characteristics of queuing systems,Queuingnotation,Long-run measures of performance of queuing systems,Long-run measures of performance of queuing systems cont…,Steady-state behavior of M/G/1 queue, Networks of

Number Generation Properties of random numbers; Generation of pseudonumbers, Techniques for generating random numbers,Tests for Random Numbers,Random-VariateGeneration:Inverse transform technique Acceptance-Rejection technique.

Course Objectives

Develop mathematical formulation for linear programming and transportation problem

Define Queuing system and their characteristics.

Construct the required activities in an efficient manner so as to complete it on or before a specified time limit and at the minimum cost.

Develop mathematical model for interactive decision

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


When simulation is the appropriate tool and when it is not appropriate, Advantages and disadvantages of Simulation; Areas of application, Systems and system environment; Components of a system; Discrete

odels, Discrete-Event System Simulation examples: Simulation of queuing systems.

Concepts in Discrete-Event Advance Algorithm, Manual


Review of terminology and concepts, Useful statistical models,Discrete distributions. Continuous distributions,Poisson process, Empirical

run measures of performance of run measures of performance of queuing state behavior of M/G/1 queue, Networks of


Properties of random numbers; Generation of pseudo-random numbers, Techniques for generating random numbers,Tests for

Inverse transform


Develop mathematical formulation for linear programming and

Construct the required activities in an efficient manner so as to complete it on or before a specified time limit and at the minimum cost.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Input Modeling Data Collection; Identifying the distribution with data, Parameter estimation, Goodness of Fit Tests, Fitting a nonprocess, Selecting input models without data, Multivariate and TimeSeries input models.simulations with respect to output analysis, stochasticoutput data, Measures of performance and their estimation.


Measures of performance and their estimation Output analysis for terminating simulations Continued.., Output analysis for steadyValidation: Optimization: Model building, verification and validation, Verification of simulation models, Verification of simulation models,Calibration and validation of models, Optimization via Simulation

Text Books:

Sl No



Discrete Event system Simulation

Reference Books:

Sl No


1 System Simulation


Simulation Modelling& Analysis

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Describe the role of important elements of discrete event simulation and modeling paradigm.

CO2 Conceptualize real world situations related to systems development decisions, originating from source requirements and goals.

CO3 Develop skills to apply simulation software to construct and execute goaldriven system models.

CO4 Interpret the model anworld environment

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Data Collection; Identifying the distribution with data, Parameter estimation, Goodness of Fit Tests, Fitting a non-stationary Poisson process, Selecting input models without data, Multivariate and TimeSeries input models.Estimation of Absolute Performance:simulations with respect to output analysis, stochasticoutput data, Measures of performance and their estimation.

Measures of performance and their estimation Output analysis for terminating simulations Continued.., Output analysis for steady-state simulations.Verification, Calibration And

: Optimization: Model building, verification and validation, Verification of simulation models, Verification of simulation models,Calibration and validation of models, Optimization via

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Discrete Event system Jerry Banks, John S Carson, Berry L Nelson, David M Nicol

5th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia, 2013, ISBN: 81

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Geoffrey Gordon 2ndEdition,Prentice Hall publication, 1978, ISBN: 810140-4.

Simulation Modelling& Averill M Law, W David Kelton

4thEdition, McGraw Hill International Editions –Industrial Engineering series, ISBN: 0

Describe the role of important elements of discrete event simulation and modeling paradigm. Conceptualize real world situations related to systems development decisions, originating from source requirements and goals.

Develop skills to apply simulation software to construct and execute goaldriven system models.

Interpret the model and apply the results to resolve critical issues in a real world environment

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Data Collection; Identifying the distribution with data, Parameter stationary Poisson

process, Selecting input models without data, Multivariate and Time-Estimation of Absolute Performance: Types of

simulations with respect to output analysis, stochastic nature of


Output analysis for terminating simulations Continued.., Output Verification, Calibration And

: Optimization: Model building, verification and validation, Verification of simulation models, Verification of simulation models,Calibration and validation of models, Optimization via


Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson Education, Asia, 2013, ISBN: 81-203-2832-9

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

dition,Prentice Hall publication, 1978, ISBN: 81-203-

McGraw Hill International Industrial Engineering


Describe the role of important elements of discrete event simulation and

Conceptualize real world situations related to systems development decisions, originating from source requirements and goals.

Develop skills to apply simulation software to construct and execute goal-

d apply the results to resolve critical issues in a real

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8 Subject Name: Service Oriented Architecture

Subject Code: CS8PE313

Course Objectives:



Introduction to SOA, Evolution, web services and primitive SOACommon Characteristics of contemporary SOA; Common benefits of SOA;An SOA timeline (from XML to Web services to SOA); The continuing evolution of SOA (Standards organizations and Contributing vendors); The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past architectures).Web Services and Primitive SOA: framework; Services (as Web services); Service descriptions (with WSDL); Messaging (with SOAP).


Web Services and Contemporary SOA Message exchange patterns; Service activity; Coordination; Atomic Transactions; Business activities; Orchestration; Choreography. Services and Contemporary SOA Correlation; Polices; Metadata exchange; Security; Notieventing.


Principles of Service Services-orientation and the enterprise; Anatomy of a servicearchitecture; Common Principles of Serviceorientation principles interorientation; Native Web service support for serviceprinciples.


Service Layers Service-orientation and contemporary SOA; Service layer abstraction; Application service layer, Business service layer; Agnostic services; Service layer configuration scenarios.


Business Process Design and SOA PlatformsWS-BPEL language basics; WSbusiness process design; WSMessaging language in J2EE; SOA support in .NET; Integration cons

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Design and architect a modern SOA

2 Apply SOA design patterns to improve flexibility and maintainability

3 Model service operations and messages from business use cases

4 Facilities integration and empower consumers

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Service Oriented Architecture



Introduction to SOA, Evolution, web services and primitive SOACommon Characteristics of contemporary SOA; Common benefits of SOA;An SOA timeline (from XML to Web services to SOA); The continuing evolution of SOA (Standards organizations and Contributing vendors); The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past

Web Services and Primitive SOA: The Web sframework; Services (as Web services); Service descriptions (with WSDL); Messaging (with SOAP).

Web Services and Contemporary SOA – 1 and SOA-2 Message exchange patterns; Service activity; Coordination; Atomic Transactions; Business activities; Orchestration; Choreography. Services and Contemporary SOA – 2: Addressing; Reliable messaging; Correlation; Polices; Metadata exchange; Security; Notification and

Principles of Service – Orientation orientation and the enterprise; Anatomy of a service

architecture; Common Principles of Service-orientation; How service orientation principles inter-relate; Service-orientation and objectorientation; Native Web service support for service-

orientation and contemporary SOA; Service layer abstraction;

Application service layer, Business service layer, Orchestration service layer; Agnostic services; Service layer configuration scenarios.

Business Process Design and SOA Platforms BPEL language basics; WS-Coordination overview; Service

business process design; WS-addressing language basics; WSMessaging language basics.SOA Platforms: SOA platform basics; SOA support in J2EE; SOA support in .NET; Integration considerations

Course Objectives

Design and architect a modern SOA

Apply SOA design patterns to improve flexibility and maintainability

Model service operations and messages from business use cases

Facilities integration and empower consumers

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

-P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Introduction to SOA, Evolution, web services and primitive SOA Common Characteristics of contemporary SOA; Common tangible benefits of SOA;An SOA timeline (from XML to Web services to SOA); The continuing evolution of SOA (Standards organizations and Contributing vendors); The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past

The Web services framework; Services (as Web services); Service descriptions (with


Message exchange patterns; Service activity; Coordination; Atomic Transactions; Business activities; Orchestration; Choreography. Web

Addressing; Reliable messaging; fication and


orientation and the enterprise; Anatomy of a service-oriented

orientation; How service orientation and object-



orientation and contemporary SOA; Service layer abstraction;

layer, Orchestration service layer; Agnostic services; Service layer configuration scenarios.


Coordination overview; Service-oriented

addressing language basics; WS-Reliable SOA platform basics; SOA



Apply SOA design patterns to improve flexibility and maintainability

Model service operations and messages from business use cases

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Text Book:

Sl No


1 Service-Oriented Architecture Concepts, Technology, and Design

Reference Book:

Sl No


1 Understanding SOA with Web Services

Course Outcomes:




CO1 Ability to understand fundamentals of SOA and

CO2 Understanding and appreciating the features of SOA.

CO3 Ability to understand the anatomy of service orientation and service layers.

CO4 Ability to apply the SOA principle in business design process.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Architecture Concepts, Technology, and Design

Thomas Erl 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005, ISBN 978-

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Understanding SOA with Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow

3rdEdition, Pearson education, 2005, ISBN-13: 976

Ability to understand fundamentals of SOA and Web services.

Understanding and appreciating the features of SOA.

Ability to understand the anatomy of service orientation and service layers.

Ability to apply the SOA principle in business design process.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Pearson Education, -81-265-1611

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson education, 13: 976-1118026694

Web services.

Ability to understand the anatomy of service orientation and service layers.

Ability to apply the SOA principle in business design process.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for Syllabus for Syllabus for Syllabus for

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8 Subject Name: Android Programming


Course Objectives:



Mobility and AndroidIntroduction, Mobility Panorama, Mobile Platforms, App Development Approaches, Android Overview. Getting Started with Android Introduction, Setting up Development Environment, Saying Hello to Android, Traversing an Android App Project Structure, Logical Components of an Android App, Android Tool Repository, Installing and Running App Devices.Learning with an Application Introduction, 3CheersCable App, Mobile App Development CTenets of a Winning App.


App User Interface Introduction, Activity, UI Resources, UI Elements and Events, Interaction among Activities, Fragments, Action Bar.App Functionality -Introduction, Threads, AsyncTask, Service, Notifications, Intents and Intent Resolution, Broadcast Receivers, Telephony and SMS.


App Data - Persistence and AccessIntroduction, Flat Files, Shared Preferences, Sharing Across Apps, Enterprise Data.Graphics and AnimationIntroduction, Android Graphics, Android Animation.


Multimedia Introduction, Audio, Video and Images, Playback 185, Capture and Storage. Location Services andIntroduction, Google Play Services, Location Services, Maps.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 To introduce Android platform and its architecture.

2 To learn activity creation

3 To be familiarized

4 To integratemultimedia, cameraand Location basedservices in Android Application.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for Syllabus for Syllabus for Syllabus for the Academic Year the Academic Year the Academic Year the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Android Programming



Mobility and Android Introduction, Mobility Panorama, Mobile Platforms, App Development Approaches, Android Overview. Getting Started with Android Introduction, Setting up Development Environment, Saying Hello to Android, Traversing an Android App Project Structure, Logical

nts of an Android App, Android Tool Repository, Installing and Running App Devices. Learning with an Application - 3CheersCable Introduction, 3CheersCable App, Mobile App Development CTenets of a Winning App.

App User Interface Introduction, Activity, UI Resources, UI Elements and Events, Interaction among Activities, Fragments, Action Bar.

- Beyond UI Introduction, Threads, AsyncTask, Service, Notifications, Intents and Intent Resolution, Broadcast Receivers, Telephony and SMS.

Persistence and Access Introduction, Flat Files, Shared Preferences, Relational Data, Data Sharing Across Apps, Enterprise Data. Graphics and Animation Introduction, Android Graphics, Android Animation.

Introduction, Audio, Video and Images, Playback 185, Capture and

Location Services and Maps Introduction, Google Play Services, Location Services, Maps.

Course Objectives

introduce Android platform and its architecture.

creation and Android UI designing.

familiarized with Intent, Broadcast receivers and Internet services.

To integratemultimedia, cameraand Location basedservices in Android

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8



Introduction, Mobility Panorama, Mobile Platforms, App Development

Getting Started with Android Introduction, Setting up Development Environment, Saying Hello to Android, Traversing an Android App Project Structure, Logical

nts of an Android App, Android Tool Repository, Installing

3CheersCable Introduction, 3CheersCable App, Mobile App Development Challenges,


App User Interface Introduction, Activity, UI Resources, UI Elements and Events,

Introduction, Threads, AsyncTask, Service, Notifications, Intents and Intent Resolution, Broadcast Receivers, Telephony and SMS.


Relational Data, Data


Introduction, Audio, Video and Images, Playback 185, Capture and


Internet services.

To integratemultimedia, cameraand Location basedservices in Android

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Sensors: Introduction, Sensors in Android, Android Sensor Framework, Motion Sensors, Position Sensors, Environment Sensors.Testing Android Apps Introduction, Testing Android App Components, App Testing Landscape Overview.

Publishing Apps Introduction, Groundwork, Configuring, Packaging, Distributing.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Composing Mobile Apps: Learn, Explore and Apply using Android

Reference Books:

Sl No


1 Android Application Development All in one for Dummies


Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24Hours

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Able to understand various approaches and technologies for app development.

CO2 Capable of understanding, app functionalities.

CO3 Able to develop location services using device sensors while building android apps.

CO4 Capable of validating, packaging and moving apps to market.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Introduction, Sensors in Android, Android Sensor Framework, Motion Sensors, Position Sensors, Environment Sensors.Testing Android Apps Introduction, Testing Android App Components, App Testing Landscape Overview.

Publishing Apps Introduction, Groundwork, Configuring, Packaging, Distributing.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Composing Mobile Apps:

AnubhavPradhan, Anil V. Deshpande

Ist Edition, Wiley978-81-265-

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Android Application Development All in one

Michael Burton, DonnFelker

2nd Edition, WileyISBN: 978-1-118ISBN 978-1-118

Teach Yourself Android

Development in

Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder

IstEdition , SAMS2010, ISBN-13: 978032167335ISBN-10: 0-321

Able to understand various approaches and technologies for app

Capable of understanding, designing user interface app and implementing app functionalities.

Able to develop location services using device sensors while building

Capable of validating, packaging and moving apps to market.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Framework, Motion Sensors, Position Sensors, Environment Sensors.

Introduction, Testing Android App Components, App Testing

Publishing Apps Introduction, Groundwork, Configuring, Packaging, Distributing.


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Wiley, 2014, ISBN -4660-2

Publisher, Year, ISBN

Wiley, 2012, 118-38710-8,


SAMS Publishing, 13: 9780321673350 321-67335-2

Able to understand various approaches and technologies for app

designing user interface app and implementing

Able to develop location services using device sensors while building

Capable of validating, packaging and moving apps to market.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Syllabus for the Academic Syllabus for the Academic Syllabus for the Academic

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8 Subject Name: Business Intelligence and its Applications

Subject Code: CS8PE421

Course Objectives:



Introduction to Business IntelligenceIntroduction to OLAP and OLAP, BI Definitions & Concepts, Business Applications of BI, BIO Framework, Role of Data Warehousing in BI, BI Infrastructure Components BIResponsibilities.


Basics of Data Integration (Extraction Transformation Loading) Concepts of data integration need and advantages of using data integration, introduction to common data integration approaches, introduction to ETL using SSIS, Introduction to data quality, data profiling

III Introduction to MultiIntroduction to data and dimension modeling, multidimensional data model, ER Modeling VS.Multi


Introduction to MultiConcepts of dimensions, facts, cubes, attributes, hierarchies, star and snowflake schema, introduction to business metrics and KPIs, Creating cubes using SSAS.


Basics of Enterprise ReportingIntroduction to enterprise reporting, concepts of dashboards, balanced scorecards, introduction toSSRS architecture, enterprise reporting using SSRS

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Assess Advanced

2 Explain predictive

3 Facilitate advanced problem

4 Critique problems, issues, and trends using

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Syllabus for the Academic Syllabus for the Academic Syllabus for the Academic Year Year Year Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Business Intelligence and its Applications



Introduction to Business Intelligence Introduction to OLAP and OLAP, BI Definitions & Concepts, Business Applications of BI, BIO Framework, Role of Data Warehousing in BI, BI Infrastructure Components BI Process, BI Technology, BI Roles &

Basics of Data Integration (Extraction Transformation Loading) Concepts of data integration need and advantages of using data integration, introduction to common data integration approaches, introduction to ETL using SSIS, Introduction to data quality, data

Introduction to Multi-Dimensional Data Modeling Introduction to data and dimension modeling, multidimensional data model, ER Modeling VS.Multi-dimensional modeling

Introduction to Multi-Dimensional Data Modeling Concepts of dimensions, facts, cubes, attributes, hierarchies, star and snowflake schema, introduction to business metrics and KPIs, Creating cubes using SSAS.

Basics of Enterprise Reporting Introduction to enterprise reporting, concepts of dashboards, balanced scorecards, introduction toSSRS architecture, enterprise reporting

Course Objectives

Assess Advanced BI concepts and core IT concepts

Explain predictive analytics fundamentals

Facilitate advanced problem-solving using data mining

Critique problems, issues, and trends using predictive analysis

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

T-P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Introduction to OLAP and OLAP, BI Definitions & Concepts, Business Applications of BI, BIO Framework, Role of Data Warehousing in BI,

Process, BI Technology, BI Roles &


Basics of Data Integration (Extraction Transformation Loading) Concepts of data integration need and advantages of using data integration, introduction to common data integration approaches, introduction to ETL using SSIS, Introduction to data quality, data


Introduction to data and dimension modeling, multidimensional data 8

Concepts of dimensions, facts, cubes, attributes, hierarchies, star and snowflake schema, introduction to business metrics and KPIs,


Introduction to enterprise reporting, concepts of dashboards, balanced scorecards, introduction toSSRS architecture, enterprise reporting


predictive analysis

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Fundamentals of Business Analytics

Reference Books:

Sl No



Delivering business intelligence with Microsoft SQL server

2 Business Intelligence

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Able to understand how intelligently data is

CO2 Able to understand the guidelines to utilize various modern tools for data handling.

CO3 Able to understand the recent applications to make report in enterprise.

CO4 Able to understand the multiapplications.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

R N Prasad, SeemaAcharya

IstEdition, Wiley India, 2011, ISBN:9788126532032

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Microsoft SQL server

Brain Larson 2nd Edition, Professional, ISBN: 0071549455, 9780071549455

David Loshin 1st Edition, 2010 ISBN: 9781558609167

Able to understand how intelligently data is used in industry.

Able to understand the guidelines to utilize various modern tools for data

Able to understand the recent applications to make report in enterprise.

Able to understand the multi-dimensional data modeling for BI

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Wiley India, 2011, ISBN:9788126532032

Edition, Publisher, Year,

Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2008 ISBN: 0071549455, 9780071549455

Edition, Morgan Kaufmann,

ISBN: 9781558609167

used in industry. Able to understand the guidelines to utilize various modern tools for data

Able to understand the recent applications to make report in enterprise.

dimensional data modeling for BI

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Advanced DBMS

Subject Code: CS8PE422

Course Objectives:



Overview of Storage and Indexing, Disks and Files:storage; File organizations and Comparison of file organizations; Indexes and performance tuning. Memory hierarchy; RAID; Disk space management; Buffer manager; Files of records; Page formats and record formats.


Overview Of Query Evaluation, External Sorting:catalog; Introduction to operator evaluation; Algorithms for relational operations; Introduction to query optimization; Alternative plans: A motivating example; what a typical optimizer does. When does a DBMS sort data? A simple two

III Evaluating Relational Operators:selection conditions; The Projection operation; The Join operation; The Set operations; Aggregate operations; The impact


Typical Relational Query Optimizer:Relational Algebra; Estimating the cost of a plan; Relational algebra equivalences; Enumeration of alternative plans; Nested subother approaches to query


Physical Database Design And Tuning:index selection, examples; Clustering and indexing; Indexes that enable index-only plans; Tools to assist in index selection; Overview of database tuning; Choices in tuning the conceptual schema; Choices in tuning queries and vbenchmarking More Recent Applications:Mobile databases; Multimedia databases; Geographical Information Systems; Genome data management.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Learn the concepts and techniques for data storage and query evaluation.

2 Understand the different sorting techniques for database.

3 Learn the guidelines for index selection and tuning techniques.

4 Understand the recent applications in

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Advanced DBMS



Overview of Storage and Indexing, Disks and Files:Data on external storage; File organizations and indexing; Index data structures; Comparison of file organizations; Indexes and performance tuning. Memory hierarchy; RAID; Disk space management; Buffer manager; Files of records; Page formats and record formats.

Query Evaluation, External Sorting:The system catalog; Introduction to operator evaluation; Algorithms for relational operations; Introduction to query optimization; Alternative plans: A motivating example; what a typical optimizer does. When does a

sort data? A simple two-way merge sort; External merge sort.

Evaluating Relational Operators:The Selection operation; General selection conditions; The Projection operation; The Join operation; The Set operations; Aggregate operations; The impact of buffering

Typical Relational Query Optimizer:Translating SQL queries in to Relational Algebra; Estimating the cost of a plan; Relational algebra equivalences; Enumeration of alternative plans; Nested subother approaches to query optimization.

Physical Database Design And Tuning:Introduction; Guidelines for index selection, examples; Clustering and indexing; Indexes that

only plans; Tools to assist in index selection; Overview of database tuning; Choices in tuning the conceptual schema; Choices in tuning queries and views; Impact of concurrency; DBMS

More Recent Applications: Mobile databases; Multimedia databases; Geographical Information Systems; Genome data management.

Course Objectives

Learn the concepts and techniques for data storage and query evaluation.

Understand the different sorting techniques for database.

Learn the guidelines for index selection and tuning techniques.

recent applications in different databases.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Data on external indexing; Index data structures;

Comparison of file organizations; Indexes and performance tuning. Memory hierarchy; RAID; Disk space management; Buffer manager;


The system catalog; Introduction to operator evaluation; Algorithms for relational operations; Introduction to query optimization; Alternative plans: A motivating example; what a typical optimizer does. When does a

way merge sort; External merge sort.


The Selection operation; General selection conditions; The Projection operation; The Join operation; The

of buffering.


Translating SQL queries in to Relational Algebra; Estimating the cost of a plan; Relational algebra equivalences; Enumeration of alternative plans; Nested sub-queries;


Introduction; Guidelines for index selection, examples; Clustering and indexing; Indexes that

only plans; Tools to assist in index selection; Overview of database tuning; Choices in tuning the conceptual schema; Choices in

iews; Impact of concurrency; DBMS

Mobile databases; Multimedia databases; Geographical Information


Learn the concepts and techniques for data storage and query evaluation.

Understand the different sorting techniques for database.

Learn the guidelines for index selection and tuning techniques.

different databases.

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Text Books:

Sl No



Database Management Systems


Fundamentals of Database Systems

Reference Books:

Sl No



Database Systems

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Able to understand how data is store in file organization, indexing and query optimization

CO2 Apply the different sorting techniques;estimate the cost of different and different guidelines for index selection.

CO3 Able to understand the choices of database tuning techniques.

CO4 Understand the recent applications like mobile databases, multimedia databases, GIS and Genome data mining.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Raghu Ramakrishna, Johannes Gherkin

3rdEdition, McGraw2014, ISBN-10: 9339213114ISBN-13: 978

Fundamentals of Elmasri and Nava the 7th Edition, Edition2016ISBN-10:ISBN-13: 978

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Thomas M. Connolly, Carolyn E. Begg

6th Edition, Pearson Education,2015ISBN-10:0321210255 ISBN-13:9780321210258

Able to understand how data is store in file organization, indexing and query optimization Apply the different sorting techniques;estimate the cost of different and different guidelines for index selection.

Able to understand the choices of database tuning techniques.

Understand the recent applications like mobile databases, multimedia databases, GIS and Genome data mining.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, McGraw-Hill,

10: 9339213114 13: 978-9339213114

Edition, Edition- Wesley, 10: 0133970779


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson Education,2015,

10:0321210255 13:9780321210258

Able to understand how data is store in file organization, indexing and

Apply the different sorting techniques;estimate the cost of different queries

Able to understand the choices of database tuning techniques.

Understand the recent applications like mobile databases, multimedia

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus Syllabus Syllabus Syllabus

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8 Subject Name: Software Architecture

Subject Code: CS8PE423

Course Objectives:



Introduction: The Architecture Business Cycle: Where do architectures come from? Software processes and the architecture business cycle; What makes a “good” architecture? What software architecture is and what it is not; Other points of view; Architectural patterns, reference models and reference architectures; Importance of software architecture; Architectural structures and views.


Architectural Styles and Case Studies:Architectural styles; Pipes and filters; Data abstraction and objectoriented organization;systems; Repositories; Interpreters; Process control; Other familiar architectures; Heterogeneous architectures. Case Studies: Keyword in Context; Instrumentation software; Mobile robotics; Cruise control;


Quality: Functionality and architecture; Architecture and quality attributes; System quality attributes; Quality attribute scenarios in practice; Other system quality attributes; Business qualities; Architecture qualities. Achieving Quality: IntroducinAvailability tactics; Modifiability tactics; Performance tactics; Security tactics; Testability tactics; Usability tactics; Relationship of tactics to architectural patterns; Architectural patterns and styles.


Architectural PatternsIntroduction; From mud to structure: Layers, Pipes and Filters, Blackboard. Distributed Systems: Broker; Interactive Systems: MVC, Presentation-AbstractionReflection. Structural decomposition: Whole work: Master – Slave; Access Control: Proxy.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 To introduce architectural design and to discuss its importance.

2 To explain why multiple models are required to document a software architecture.

3 To describe types of architectural model that may be used.

4 To discuss how domainproduct-lines and to specific architectures.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus Syllabus Syllabus Syllabus for the Academic Year for the Academic Year for the Academic Year for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Software Architecture



The Architecture Business Cycle: Where do architectures come from? Software processes and the architecture business cycle; What makes a “good” architecture? What software architecture is and what it is not; Other points of view; Architectural

erence models and reference architectures; Importance of software architecture; Architectural structures and views.

Architectural Styles and Case Studies: Architectural styles; Pipes and filters; Data abstraction and objectoriented organization; Event-based,implicit invocation; Layered systems; Repositories; Interpreters; Process control; Other familiar architectures; Heterogeneous architectures. Case Studies: Keyword in Context; Instrumentation software; Mobile robotics; Cruise control;

Functionality and architecture; Architecture and quality attributes; System quality attributes; Quality attribute scenarios in practice; Other system quality attributes; Business qualities; Architecture qualities. Achieving Quality: IntroducinAvailability tactics; Modifiability tactics; Performance tactics; Security tactics; Testability tactics; Usability tactics; Relationship of tactics to architectural patterns; Architectural patterns and styles.

Architectural Patterns: Introduction; From mud to structure: Layers, Pipes and Filters, Blackboard. Distributed Systems: Broker; Interactive Systems: MVC,

Abstraction-Control. Adaptable Systems: Microkernel; Reflection. Structural decomposition: Whole – Part; Organiz

Slave; Access Control: Proxy.

Course Objectives

To introduce architectural design and to discuss its importance.

To explain why multiple models are required to document a software

To describe types of architectural model that may be used.

To discuss how domain-specific reference models may be used as a basis for lines and to specific architectures.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


The Architecture Business Cycle: Where do architectures come from? Software processes and the architecture business cycle; What makes a “good” architecture? What software architecture is and what it is not; Other points of view; Architectural

erence models and reference architectures; Importance of


Architectural styles; Pipes and filters; Data abstraction and object-based,implicit invocation; Layered

systems; Repositories; Interpreters; Process control; Other familiar architectures; Heterogeneous architectures. Case Studies: Keyword in Context; Instrumentation software; Mobile robotics; Cruise control;


Functionality and architecture; Architecture and quality attributes; System quality attributes; Quality attribute scenarios in practice; Other system quality attributes; Business qualities; Architecture qualities. Achieving Quality: Introducing tactics; Availability tactics; Modifiability tactics; Performance tactics; Security tactics; Testability tactics; Usability tactics; Relationship of tactics to


Introduction; From mud to structure: Layers, Pipes and Filters, Blackboard. Distributed Systems: Broker; Interactive Systems: MVC,

Control. Adaptable Systems: Microkernel; Part; Organization of


To introduce architectural design and to discuss its importance.

To explain why multiple models are required to document a software

To describe types of architectural model that may be used.

models may be used as a basis for

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SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


Designing and Documenting Software ArchitectureArchitecture in the life cycle; Designing the architecture; Forming the team structure; Creating a skeletal system. Uses of architectural documentation; Views; choosing the relevant views; documenting a view; Documentation across views.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Software Architecture in Practice


Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1, A System of Patterns

3 Software ArchitecturePerspectives on an Emerging Discipline

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Able to cite knowledge of various approaches to document a software system.

CO2 Able to categorize different compone

CO3 Students will be able to choose from different architectural styles

CO4 Students will be able to improve quality of software barchitecture.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Designing and Documenting Software Architecture: Architecture in the life cycle; Designing the architecture; Forming the team structure; Creating a skeletal system. Uses of architectural documentation; Views; choosing the relevant views; documenting a view; Documentation across views.

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Software Architecture Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman,

2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003, ISBN:0321154959

Software Architecture, Volume 1, A System of

Frank Buschmann, RegineMeunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal,

1st Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2009, ISBN:978

Software Architecture-Perspectives on an

Mary Shaw and David Garlan

PHI Learning Pvt., Ltd., 2009, ISBN:978

Able to cite knowledge of various approaches to document a software

Able to categorize different components used in the software system

Students will be able to choose from different architectural styles

Students will be able to improve quality of software b

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Architecture in the life cycle; Designing the architecture; Forming the team structure; Creating a skeletal system. Uses of architectural documentation; Views; choosing the relevant views; documenting a


Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson Education, 2003, ISBN:0321154959

Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2009, ISBN:978-81-265-1611-7

PHI Learning Pvt., Ltd., 2009, ISBN:978-81-203-1470-2

Able to cite knowledge of various approaches to document a software

nts used in the software system.

Students will be able to choose from different architectural styles

Students will be able to improve quality of software by selecting proper

Page 48: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

Subject Code: CS8PE424 L

Course Objectives:



Introduction to Wireless Communication Technology Fundamentals, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Radio Propagation Mechanisms, Characteristics of the Wireless Channel. Wireless LANs: Fundamentals of WLANs, IEEE 802.11 standard. Wireless WANs: The Cellular Concept, Cellular Architecture, the FirstSystems, The SecondGeneration cellular Systems.Internet? Mobile IP.


Ad hoc Networks Introduction, Issues in Ad hoc wireless networks, Ad hoc wireless internet. MAC – 1: MAC Protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks:Introduction, Issues in designing a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireleNetworks, Classification of MAC protocols, Contention based protocols, Contention based protocols with reservation mechanisms.


Routing protocols for Ad hoc wireless NetworksIntroduction, Issues in designing a routing protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of routing protocols, Table driven routing protocols, Onprotocols.


Transport layer protocols for Ad hoc Introduction, Issues in designing a transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of transport layer solutions, TCP over Ad hoc wireless NetwSecurity: Security in wireless Ad hoc wireless Networks, Network security requirements, Issues & challenges in security provisioning, Network security attacks, Key management.

Sl.No Course Objectives

1 Explain the constraints of physical layer that affect the design and performance of ad hoc network.

2 Understand why protocols required for wired network may not work for wired network at MAC, Network and Transport Layer.

3 Explain the operations and performance of various MAC layer protocols, unicast routing protocols and transport layer protocols proposed for ad hoc networks.

4 Understand security issues and QoS requirements

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Hoc Wireless Networks

Subject Code: CS8PE424 L-T-P


Introduction to Wireless Communication Technology Fundamentals, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Radio Propagation Mechanisms, Characteristics of the Wireless Channel. Wireless LANs: Fundamentals of WLANs, IEEE 802.11 standard. Wireless WANs: The

Concept, Cellular Architecture, the First- Generation cellular Systems, The Second-Generation cellular Systems, The ThirdGeneration cellular Systems. Wireless Internet: What is Wireless

Ad hoc Networks Introduction, Issues in Ad hoc wireless networks, Ad hoc wireless

1: MAC Protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks:Introduction, Issues in designing a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireleNetworks, Classification of MAC protocols, Contention based protocols, Contention based protocols with reservation mechanisms.

Routing protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks Introduction, Issues in designing a routing protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of routing protocols, Table driven routing protocols, On- demand routing protocols, Hybrid routing

Transport layer protocols for Ad hoc wireless NetworksIntroduction, Issues in designing a transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of transport layer solutions, TCP over Ad hoc wireless Networks. Security: Security in wireless Ad hoc wireless Networks, Network security requirements, Issues & challenges in security provisioning, Network security attacks, Key management.

Course Objectives

the constraints of physical layer that affect the design and performance of ad hoc network.

Understand why protocols required for wired network may not work for wired network at MAC, Network and Transport Layer.

Explain the operations and performance of various MAC layer protocols, unicast routing protocols and transport layer protocols proposed for ad hoc

Understand security issues and QoS requirements

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Science and Engineering Semester: 8

P-S-C: 3-0-0-0-3


Fundamentals, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Radio Propagation Mechanisms, Characteristics of the Wireless Channel. Wireless LANs: Fundamentals of WLANs, IEEE 802.11 standard. Wireless WANs: The

Generation cellular Generation cellular Systems, The Third-

What is Wireless


Introduction, Issues in Ad hoc wireless networks, Ad hoc wireless

1: MAC Protocols for Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in designing a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a MAC protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of MAC protocols, Contention based protocols, Contention based protocols with reservation mechanisms.


Introduction, Issues in designing a routing protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of routing protocols, Table driven

demand routing protocols, Hybrid routing


wireless Networks-Introduction, Issues in designing a transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Design goals of a transport layer protocol for Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of transport layer solutions, TCP

Security: Security in wireless Ad hoc wireless Networks, Network security requirements, Issues & challenges in security provisioning,


the constraints of physical layer that affect the design and

Understand why protocols required for wired network may not work for

Explain the operations and performance of various MAC layer protocols, unicast routing protocols and transport layer protocols proposed for ad hoc

Page 49: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering


QoS: Quality of service in Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues and challenges in providing QoS in Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of QoS solutions, MAC layer solutions, network layer solutions.

Text Books:

Sl No


1 Ad hoc Wireless Networks:Architectures and Protocols

Reference Books:

Sl No



Ad hoc Wireless Networks


Ad hoc Wireless Networking


Ad-hoc Mobile Wireless Networks- Protocols and System

Course Outcomes:

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Course outcome


CO1 Explain the fundamentals of wireless communication

CO2 Describe the unique issues in ad

CO3 Discuss the challenges in designing MAC, routing, transport layer protocols and Quality of Service for ad

CO4 Compare various MAC, routing, transport

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Quality of service in Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues and challenges in providing QoS in Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of QoS solutions, MAC layer solutions, network layer

Author(s) Edition, Pub lisher, Year, ISBN

Networks:Architectures and C. Siva Ram Murthy, B. S. Manoj

5th Edition,Education, ISBN 0147023

Author(s) Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Wireless Networks Ozan K. Tonguz and Gianguigi Ferrari

1st Edition, 2007, ISBN:9780470091104 ISBN:9780470091128

Ad hoc Wireless Networking Xiuzhen Cheng, Xiao Hung, Ding-Zhu Du

2nd Edition, Academic Publishers, 2004,

ISBN 978

hoc Mobile Wireless

Protocols and C.K. Toh 3rd Edition,

Education, 2002ISBN-10: 0130078174

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Explain the fundamentals of wireless communication technology.

Describe the unique issues in ad-hoc wireless networks.

Discuss the challenges in designing MAC, routing, transport layer protocols and Quality of Service for ad-hoc wireless networks.

Compare various MAC, routing, transport layer protocols.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Quality of service in Ad hoc wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues and challenges in providing QoS in Ad hoc wireless Networks, Classification of QoS solutions, MAC layer solutions, network layer


Edition, Pub lisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 0-13-147023-X

Edition, Publisher, Year, ISBN

Edition, John Wiley, 9780470091104 9780470091128

Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers,



Edition, Pearson Education, 2002,

10: 0130078174 .


hoc wireless networks.

Discuss the challenges in designing MAC, routing, transport layer protocols

layer protocols.

Page 50: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Project Work Phase

Subject Code: CS8PW02

1. Students shall present on the System Design Phase which includes System

Architecture, High Level Design, Low Level Design, System Models, System

Modules, Implementation Tools used and Algorithms used and implemented.

2. Final seminar on the complete project is presented by the students.

Project Phase - II Demonstration

model of the Project to their respective

Evaluation Scheme-I (50% percent of CIE):

Continuous evaluation will be done by

Regularity, Technical Knowledge and Competence, Programming Skills,

Communication Skills, Demonstration skills, Collaborative Learning and

Documentation Skills of the students.

Evaluation Scheme II (50% percent of CIE):

Students are evaluated by the team of faculty members based on the Presentation,

Technical Competence, Slides Preparation, Team Working Abilities, Questionnaires

and overall Performance in the Seminar

Students are required to meet their respeonce in a week and update their progress and get signature from the guides without fail.

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Design a suitable system according to the problem stated in project work phase – I.

CO2 Implement the design using necessary algorithms and tools.

CO3 Test the performance of the system with suitable data.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Subject Name: Project Work Phase – II



Scheme of Evaluation

Students shall present on the System Design Phase which includes System

Architecture, High Level Design, Low Level Design, System Models, System

Modules, Implementation Tools used and Algorithms used and implemented.

Final seminar on the complete project is presented by the students.

II Demonstration: Students have to demonstrate the working

model of the Project to their respective guides.

I (50% percent of CIE):

Continuous evaluation will be done by respective Project Guides

Regularity, Technical Knowledge and Competence, Programming Skills,

Communication Skills, Demonstration skills, Collaborative Learning and

Documentation Skills of the students.

Evaluation Scheme II (50% percent of CIE):

by the team of faculty members based on the Presentation,

Technical Competence, Slides Preparation, Team Working Abilities, Questionnaires

and overall Performance in the Seminar-1 and Seminar-2 of Project Phase

Students are required to meet their respective project guides on a stipulated day once in a week and update their progress and get signature from the guides

Design a suitable system according to the problem stated in project work

Implement the design using necessary algorithms and tools.

Test the performance of the system with suitable data.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

-C: 2-4-12-0-10

Students shall present on the System Design Phase which includes System

Architecture, High Level Design, Low Level Design, System Models, System

Modules, Implementation Tools used and Algorithms used and implemented.

Final seminar on the complete project is presented by the students.

Students have to demonstrate the working

respective Project Guides based on the

Regularity, Technical Knowledge and Competence, Programming Skills,

Communication Skills, Demonstration skills, Collaborative Learning and

by the team of faculty members based on the Presentation,

Technical Competence, Slides Preparation, Team Working Abilities, Questionnaires

2 of Project Phase-I.

ctive project guides on a stipulated day once in a week and update their progress and get signature from the guides

Design a suitable system according to the problem stated in project work

Implement the design using necessary algorithms and tools.

Page 51: SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMAKURU and 8th Sem BE Syallabus 2020-21.pdfSRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education,

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Computer Science & Engineering

Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Subject Name: Technical Seminar

Subject Code: CS8TS01 L

Guidelines for preparing Technical Seminar

1. Selection of topic/area:

Select a paper according to the specialization of students. Papers from any other approved journals can also be selected.

2. Approval to the selected topic:

After selecting the paper, get approval from the concerned faculty in charge.

3. Study of topic:

Students are requested to acquire a thorough knowledge on the subject by referring back papers and reference books (These may be included as references at the end of the paper) on the corresponding area.

4. Seminar:

Final seminar is presented by the students through slides.

Course Outcomes:

Course outcome


CO1 Survey the changes in the technologies relevant to the topic selected.

CO2 Discuss the technology and interpret the impact on the society, environment and domain.

CO3 Compile report of the study and present to the audience.

SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- TUMAKURU(A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)


Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year Syllabus for the Academic Year –––– 2020 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021202120212021

Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Technical Seminar

L-T-P-S-C: 0-0-0-1-1


Guidelines for preparing Technical Seminar

Selection of topic/area:

Select a paper according to the specialization of students. Papers from any other approved journals can also be selected.

Approval to the selected topic:

After selecting the paper, get approval from the concerned faculty in charge.

Students are requested to acquire a thorough knowledge on the subject by referring pers and reference books (These may be included as references at the end of

the paper) on the corresponding area.

Final seminar is presented by the students through slides.

Survey the changes in the technologies relevant to the topic selected.

Discuss the technology and interpret the impact on the society, environment and domain.

Compile report of the study and present to the audience.

TUMAKURU (A constituent College of Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru)

Department: Computer Science and Engineering Semester: 8

Select a paper according to the specialization of students. Papers from any other

After selecting the paper, get approval from the concerned faculty in charge.

Students are requested to acquire a thorough knowledge on the subject by referring pers and reference books (These may be included as references at the end of

Survey the changes in the technologies relevant to the topic selected. Discuss the technology and interpret the impact on the society,

Compile report of the study and present to the audience.