SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15...

SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?

Transcript of SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15...

Page 1: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

SQL Server Extended Events

What, Why, How, Who?

Page 2: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

Stuart Moore• Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working

with it, but newer versions as well.• Worked as DBA and Developer in that period.• Also work with Oracle, MySQL and Linux

• In spare time I’m most likely to be found studying a Mathematics degree with the OU, or sat on a bike saddle somewhere remote.

• Email: [email protected]• Twitter: @napalmgram

Page 3: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

What we’ve had

• SQL Trace – Server side tracing mechanism• SQL Profiler – Client side tool to use SQL Trace

Page 4: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

What was wrong with that?

• Performance hit– All event data captured, and then filtered– Especially bad if run through Profiler

Page 5: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• Not the most user friendly of syntax:

Page 6: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

So, Extended Events

• Introduced in SQL Server 2008.• ‘Extended’ in SQL Server 2008R2 – Unofficial GUI from Codeplex

• And again in SQL Server 2012– Now includes all SQL Trace functionality– Official GUI tool in SSMS

Page 7: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008R2 SQL Server 2012

action 35 35 48

Event 253 257 616

Map 57 60 240

Pred_compare 111 111 77

Pred_source 29 29 44

Target 7 7 6

Type 29 29 28

Changes across SQL Server versions

Page 8: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• Extendable– New packages can be loaded, for instance for

Microsoft Support calls• Better performance– Filtering done as early as possible to avoid

overheads– You already have a session running and probably

not noticed: • System_health

Page 9: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• Sessions can be told to ‘lose’ events if performance degraded:– Allow_single_event_loss (Default)– Allow_multiple_event_loss– No_event_loss

• Can persist server restarts

Page 10: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

Basic Example

• Demo

Page 11: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• All events, actions, types, etc belong to a Package.

• Registered packages can be seen in– sys.dm_xe_packages

• SQL 2012 ships with 8 packages. Others can be installed, usually by MS support for debugging faults

Page 12: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• Packages loaded by corresponding module during startup.

• All events, objects, targets, etc are owned by a package

• But, all can be used interchangably– Ie; a sqlos event can capture sqlserver actions and

record in a package0 target• Anything marked ‘private’ is system access only:– SecAudit being the prime example

Page 13: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• All defined event sessions recorded in– sys.server_event_sessions

• If session is running, it’s recorded in– Sys.dm_xe_sessions

Page 14: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

Events• The events which can be monitored.– 616 in SQL Server 2012• Select * from sys.dm_xe_objects where

object_type=‘event’ and isnull(capability,’’)<>’private’

– Each event is ‘owned’ by a package:select b.name, a.* from sys.dm_xe_objects a inner join sys.dm_xe_packages b

on a.package_guid=b.guid where a.object_type='event' and isnull(a.capabilities_desc,'')<>'private'

Page 15: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• A session can capture more than one event:

Create event session ex1 on serveradd event sqlserver.sql_statement_startingadd event sqlserver.sql_statement_completedadd target ring_buffer

Page 16: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• Each event ‘drops’ a payload to the ‘target’:

select b.name, a.name, a.type_name, a.description, a.column_type, a.column_value From sys.dm_xe_object_columns a join sys.dm_xe_objects b on a.object_package_guid=b.package_guid and a.object_name=b.nameand isnull(b.capability,’’)<>’private’

Page 17: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• 3 column_type values:– readonly – internal value– data – values returned by default– Customizable – these can be changed, options

described in the description field, and default value in the column_value field.

Page 18: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• Actions are extra data/payload that can be collected when an event fires:

select b.name, b.description, a.* from sys.dm_xe_objects a join sys.dm_xe_packages b on a.package_guid=b.guid where a.object_type='action' and isnull(a.capabilities_desc,'')<>'private';

Page 19: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• Used to filter the events captured:select b.name, a.* From sys.dm_xe_objects a join sys.dm_xe_packages b on a.package_guid=b.guid where a.object_type='pred_source' and isnull(a.capabilities_desc,'')<>'private';

Page 20: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• Means of mapping names to values for predicates– For example Wait types to an ID

select b.name, a.name, a.map_key, a.map_value, b.description from sys.dm_xe_map_values ainner join sys.dm_xe_objects b on a.object_package_guid=b.package_guid and a.name=b.nameorder by b.name, a.map_key

Page 21: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• Where the data ends up.– A number of different types, main differences:• Synchronous• Asynchronous• Memory resident• Persisted storage (disk)

Page 22: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

• Etw_classic_sync_target– Used for ETW, useful for devs for tracing through large

systems but out of scope here• Histogram & event_counter– Memory resident tally targets. Histogram used to group

data asynchronosyly, counter is a synchronous counter• Pair_matching– Memory resident and asynchronous. Used to pair up

events, eg; beginning and end of transaction• Event_file– Disk based asynchronous target, for bulk or long term

retention• Ring_Buffer– Memory based asynchronous FIFO target.

Page 23: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• 1 – Deadlocks• 2 – Possible parameter sniffing• 3 – Capture Data file growth• 4 – Statement counting• 5 – Perfmon stats via GUI

Page 24: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.

All Good?

• Not quite:– Can still drag performance down,– Viewing results in GUI still a resource hog

• But it’s the way forward

Page 25: SQL Server Extended Events What, Why, How, Who?. Stuart Moore Started with SQL Server 7 in 1998, 15 years later still working with it, but newer versions.


• Jonathan Kehayias:– on the load impact of Extended Event sessions:

• http://bit.ly/XLeMWF

– 31 days of Xevents:• http://bit.ly/153GfZU

• MSDN– Overview

• http://bit.ly/13eCnCx

– Dynamic Management View• http://bit.ly/WWg4T1